Subido por Lucas González

Coffee Bean Processing Plant Prefeasibility Study

The present project shows an evaluation of the technical, legal, financial, and
environmental aspects of a prefeasibility study of an automated green coffee bean
processing plant for the production of roasted coffee, either ground or in beans. The
roasting process is what produces the characteristic flavor of coffee by causing the
green coffee beans to change in taste. Unroasted beans contain similar if not higher
levels of acids, protein, sugars, and caffeine as those that have been roasted, but lack
the taste of roasted coffee beans due to the chemical reactions that occur during
The information presented in this study was compiled from different sources
depending on both public and private entities, which allowed a market study, where
the product to be processed was defined, its supply and demand, product marketing
channels and purchase prices.
Domestic coffee market in Argentina has varied over time and consumers are always
in search of innovative and environmentally friendly products. This is why we not
only look for quality raw materials, but also implement cutting edge technology to
meet the needs of this growing market.
Regarding the supplier market, it was determined that the raw material we needed
to meet market expectations had to be imported from Brazil to ensure year-round
availability. For the competing market, a register of all coffee processing companies
and a field analysis were carried out to determine the best location for our project.
The automated process is divided into several sectors, all connected by mechanical
transport and conveyor belts. It begins with the roasting of the grains, which are then
ground and packaged for shipment. The selected technology allows to have and
annual production of 1.029.420 kg of roasted coffee beans, working in eight-hour
shifts, with a production line adapted to achieve the best possible performance with
the acquired technology.