Subido por Valentina Cabrejo

Cyberbullying vs. Traditional Bullying: A Comparison

Universidad Metropolitana
Facultad de Ciencias y Artes
Inglés III – FGPIN03
Departamento de Inglés
Coordinación Prof. Maribel Padilla
Name: Laura V. Cabrejo
Section: 2
Both cyber bullying and traditional bullying have differences and similarities. At
present, some people have been affected because they are the victims of this
behavior more and more common. People do not see the similarities and
differences they have. This phenomenon is so dangerous that the victim can end
his life.
Body Paragraph 1:
Cyberbullying and Traditional Bullying have some different things. First, Cyber
Bullying the victim receives offensive messages, however, in Traditional Bullying
the victim receives physical aggression such as beatings, maltreatment, etc. In
second place, Cyber Bullying happens in social medias like Twitter, Instagram or
Facebook, whereas Traditional Bullying is done usually in school. Finally, it is
necessary to know that in Cyber Bullying the bully needs to know about the victim
before the attack, on the other hand the stalker of the Traditional Bullying usually
knows very well about his victim because is very close to her.