Subido por Alexis Andrade

Haunted hotels around the world

By: Alexis Andrade
Platform: MY ON
This book is about the haunted hotels around the world. It take up some
haunted hotels. The first is:
The Stanley hotel: this hotel is ubicated in colorados,USA. The inventor of
the hotel was suffered this hotel some people said that
they heard some sounds in the fourth floor and footsteps. Other said that
they heard some voices of child or see shadows.
Russell hotel: It is ubicated in Sidney, built in 1887. In this
hotel some employees have experience ghostly. They report feeling
sudden drops in temperature throughout.
Skirrid mountain Inn: dating back, in wales doubled as a courthouse.
Convicted .Criminals were hanged from a beam inside the building.
Although their bodies were removed they spirits may have stayed behind.
Simon Curwood had a frightening experience in INN. While eating lunch,
he felt a pain in his stomach. He have some visions, he saw some people
dying. He said he could fell final moments.
The crescent hotel: it might be the most haunted in the United States.
In the late 1800s enjoyed riding through the mountains on one of the
haunted horses provided by the hotel. Norman Becker turned the
crescent into a hospital. He told to the world that we discovered the
cancer. Bake´s treatment didn´t cure the cancer. In 1940 he was arrested
and the hotel seemed to sit empty.