Probability & Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering Lecture Notes

In civil engineering risk and safety should be considered in design and management. The
probability that systems such as dikes, buildings and other infrastructure fail is small, but these
failures may lead to significant consequences.
For standard applications and frequently constructed systems, building and design codes are
available that define acceptable safety levels. However, for other applications such as special
structures or new applications, no standard codes or guidelines are available and more explicit
reliability and risk analysis of the system is required.
As another example, new safety standards are formulated as a tolerable failure probability of
dike segments and corresponding dike reinforcements must be designed according to these
new standards. Alongside, advanced knowledge of probabilistic design of flood defenses is
Structure of the lecture notes
Figure 1.2: Structure of lecture notes for the course CIE4130.
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Chapter “Probability Calculus”
Author: O. Morales-Nápoles
Axiomatic presentation
Kolmogorov (1956) was the first to formalize probability theory as an axiomatic
Ω = a collection of elementary events ξ, ζ, η… a
ℱ = a set of subsets of Ω; the elements of the set ℱ will be called random events.
Axiom III: To each ℱ a non-negative number is the probability of event A
Axiom IV: (Ω) = 1
Axiom V: If A ∩ B = ∅, then (A ∪ B) = (A) + (B)
∅ = empty set
Interpretations of probability
classical number of favorable/ number of equi-possible cases”.
frequentist interpretation (Von Misses 1936) n/ N
subjective if a subject prefers A to B, assigns greater probability to A than to B.
a) P(∅) = 0
b) P( A) + P( Ac) =1 (where Ac is the complement of A or not A)
c) 0 ≤ P(A) ≤1
d) If A ⊂ B then P(A) ≤ P(B)
e) If A ⊂ B then P(A ∪ B) = P(B)
f) P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(A ∩ B)
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a. Union of event A and B : A ∪ B ;
( A or B)
b. Intersection of A and B : A ∩ B
( A and B)
c. A is a subset of B : A ⊂ B
(A part of B or B contains A)
d. A and B are mutually exclusive: A ∩ B = ∅
e. A ∪ Ac = Ω ,
A ∩ Ac = ∅
f. If A ⊂ B then: A ∪(B − A) = B,
A ∩(B − A) = ∅, A ∪ B = B
g. A ∪(B − A) = A ∪ B,
A ∩(B − A) = ∅
h. (B − A) ∪(A ∩ B) = B,
(B − A) ∩(A ∩ B) = ∅
Figure 2.1. Venn Diagrams to use in the clarification of propositions a to f.
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Example 2.1
A certain dike fails if the water level exceeds its height or there is a partial structural
failure and the dike does not have enough retaining power. Define:
F = failure of the dike
A = event of a higher water level than the height of the dike
B = the dike observes partial structural failure.
Assume: P( A) = 2 ⋅10-4 and P(B) = 3⋅10-4. For the event of dike failure:
Max{P( A); P(B)} ≤ P( A ∪ B) ≤ P( A) + P(B)
3⋅10 ≤ P(F ) ≤ 5 ⋅10
Additional propositions
P(A1 ∪ A2 ∪... ∪ An ) = max{P(Ai )}
P( A1 ∪ A2 ∪... ∪ An ) = ∑ P(Ai )
Figure 2.2: The lower bound occurs when one of the events contains all events, the
upper bound occurs when all events are mutually exclusive.
Example 2.2
Take a six-sided fair die. Let Ai denote the event that a throw of the die yields the result i.
The events Ai are mutually exclusive. Since the die is fair P( Ai ) = P( Aj ) , P(Ai ) =1/6 for
every i .
Example 2.3
The probability of throwing a 4, 5 or a 6 in one throw is bounded by
1/6 ≤ P(A4 ∪ A5 ∪ A6 ) ≤ 3/6 .
Because A4 , A5 and A6 are mutually exclusive:
P(A4 ∪ A5 ∪ A6 ) = 3/6.
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Example 2.4
The probability of throwing a 6 in one throw is 1/6. The probability of throwing at least one 6
in three throws is greater than 1/6 but smaller than 3/6. Why?
Example 2.5
A construction will be built for a service life of 100 years. Each year the probability of
failure is estimated at 10−5. For the probability of failure in 100 years it applies:
10−5 ≤ P(failure in 100 years) ≤10−3
Notice that there are two orders of magnitude between these bounds.
Conditional probabilities – dependence and independence
The concept of conditional probability defined as:
P( A | B) = P( A ∩ B)
Conditional probability is only defined if P(B) ≠ 0, thus P(A | B) > 0 . Consider the Venndiagram from Figure 2.3. The mutual exclusive events A1 and A2 and event B are shown. It
can be concluded that:
{(A1 ∪ A2 ) ∩ B} = (A1 ∩ B) ∪ (A2 ∩ B)
A1 and A2 are mutually exclusive, then (A1 ∩ B) and (A2 ∩ B) are also mutually exclusive.
P{(A1 ∪ A2 ) ∩ B} = P(A1 ∩ B) + P(A2 ∩ B)
P{(A1 ∪ A2 ) | B} = P(A1 | B) + P(A2 | B)
Figure 2.3: A1 and A2 are mutually exclusive, (A1 ∩ B) and (A2 ∩ B) are mutually exclusive
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P(A | B) = 0
P(A | B) = 1
P( A | B) = P( A ∩ B)
All propositions for common probabilities can be rewritten for conditional probabilities.
P( A / B) + P( A c/ B) =1
P( A / B) ≤ 1
P(∅ / B) = 0
The sample space Ω is the subarea B.
The interpretation of B as a “given” is that event B must have occurred.
Dependence and independence
In general P(A | B) is not the same as P( A) . In the case that
P( A | B) = P( A)
A is independent of B
The fact that B occurs does not influence the probability of occurrence of A.
The rules for AND (∩) and OR (∪) probabilities in case of independence are:
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P(A ∩ B) = P(A) ⋅ P(B)
P(A ∪ B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(A) ⋅ P(B)
The events Ai are independent if:
P(A1 ∩ A2 ∩... ∩ An ) = P(A1 )P(A2 )...P(An )
Calculating with independent events is mathematically easier. However, assuming
independence when the contrary is true may lead to large inaccuracies.
Example 2.6
A1 , ... , A6 = the events showing a 1, … , 6 in a throw of an even die. E = the throw results
in an even number. Then:
P( A1 | E) = P( A3 | E) = P( A5 | E) = 0
P( A2 | E) = P( A4 | E) = P( A6 | E) = 1/3
Note that, for example, E and A6 are not independent because P(A6 | E) ≠ P(A6).
Example 2.7
Following with the notation from example 2.6, one may verify that the events. E = “throw
is even” and A56 = “throw is a 5 or 6” are independent because:
P(E) = P( A2 ∪ A4 ∪ A6 ) = 1 / 2
P( A56 ) = P( A5 ∪ A6 ) = 1 / 3
P(E∩ A56 ) = P( A6 ) = 1 / 6
P ( E ∩ A56 ) = P ( E ) P( A56 ) .
Example 2.8
In example 2.4 a fair dice is thrown 3 times in one throw is 1/6. The probability of throwing at
least one 6 was required.
B1 = third throw is a 6
B2 = third throw is a 6
B3 = third throw is a 6
B = B1 ∪ B2 ∪ B3
The example can be solved most easily by rephrasing the problem statement: What is the
probability that none of the throws result in a 6? This can be described as:
B = B1 ∩ B2 ∩ B3
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Because of the independency of Bi :
P(B) = P(B1) P(B2 ) P(B3 ) = P(Bi)3
1 − P(B) = {1 − P(B1)} {1 − P(B2) {1 − P(B3 )}
1 − P(B) = {1 − P(Bi )}3
P(B) = 1 − {1 − P(Bi )}3
P(B) = 1 − {1 −1 / 6}3 ≈ 0.42
Example 2.9
Assume that the event of failure of the structure discussed in Example 2.5 is independent over
the years. Let the failure in year i be noted as Fi
P(Failure in any year i, i =1...n) = P(F1 ∪ F2 ∪ ... ∪ Fn )
P(No failure in any year i, i = 1...n) = P(F1 ∩ F 2 ∩... ∩ Fn ) =
P(F1 ) ⋅ P(F 2 ) ⋅...⋅ P(Fn ) = P(Fi )n = {1 − P(F )}n
P(F1 ) ⋅ P(F 2 ) ⋅...⋅ P(Fn ) = P(Fi )n = {1 − P(F )}n
P(failure in any year i, i = 1...n) = 1 −{1 − P(F )}n
With P(F ) = 10−5 and n =100, P(Failure in year 100) = 0.0009995. Notice the similarity
between the result and the upper bound P(Failure in year 100) ≈ 100×10−5.
Law of total probability
P( A) = Σ P( A | Bi ) P(Bi )
The Bi are mutually exclusive, they constitute a partition of a sample space
Bi ∩ Bj = ∅ for every i ≠ j
Bi ∪ B2 ∪... ∪ Bn = Ω.
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Figure 2.5 The several events (A ∩ Bi) are mutually exclusive and their union is event A
Example 2.10
A dice is thrown twice. What is the probability that the sum of two outcomes is 9?
Bi = the outcome of the first throw is i
A = the sum of the two outcomes is equal to 9
The first throw is 1 or 2, the probability of A is 0.
P( A | B1 ) = P( A | B2 ) = 0
If the first throw is 3, the second throw must be a 6
P(A | B3 ) = 1/6 = P(B3 ) .
The same reasoning applies with 4, 5 and 6.
P( A | B4 ) = P( A | B5 ) = P( A | B6 ) =1/6
The total probability is results in:
P( A) = ∑P( A | Bi ) P(Bi )
P( A) = ∑P( A | Bi ) ⋅1 / 6
sum from i = 1 to 4
P( A) = 1 / 6 ⋅ ∑ P( A | Bi ) = 4 / 36
Bayes’ Theorem
Thomas Bayes was the first one to formulate the theorem
P( A ∩ Bi ) = P( A) ⋅ P(Bi | A) or
P( A ∩ Bi ) = P(Bi ) ⋅ P( A | Bi )
P( Bi | A) = P( A | Bi) ⋅ P(Bi )
The probability of Bi in the presence of A is equal to
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the “prior” probability of event Bi that is P(Bi ),
times the “likelihood” which is P( A | Bi )
normalized by P( A)
Random Variables
Random variables are subject to variation which may be described by a probability
distribution function. Random variables may be discrete or continuous.
Discrete random variables
These are variables that can take values on a finite outcome space.
Successive throws of a coin may be only heads or tails.
The outcomes of throwing a die may be {1, ... , 6}.
In traffic applications, number of vehicles passing by a point in a given period.
In cyber security, number of possible cyber-attacks.
In Physics the number of electrons emitted by a radioactive source.
f X(x) = function describing this probability = probability density function (pdf).
f X (x) = P(X = x)
FX (x) = cumulative distribution function (cdf) = probability that X is less than or equal to
a particular x
FX (x) = P( X ≤ x) = ∑ x∈{x ≤ X } f X (x)
Other probabilities may be computed from the pdf or cdf. For example the probability that X
lies between two possible outcomes a and b
P(a ≤ X ≤ b ) = ∑x∈{a≤ X ≤ b } f X (x)
Or the probability that X is larger than x:
P(X > x) =1− FX (x)
Expected value and variance for discrete random variables
Expectation or the mean value of a random variable is defined as:
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E( X ) = Σx∈X x f X (x)
Similar to center of gravity
Properties of expectation
Let X and Y be two discrete random variables with finite expectations and let g be a realvalued function of the random variable X and let a and b denote two constants. Then
E(g( X )) = = Σx∈X g(x) f X (x)
E(a) = a
E(aX + bY ) = a E( X ) + b E(Y )
|E( X ) |≤ E(| X |)
variance = measure of dispersion around the mean.
Var( X ) = σ 2X = σ 2( X ) = E[ X − E( X ) = E( X 2) − {E( X )}2
√Var( X ) = σ X or σ ( X ) = standard deviation
Example 2.11 Binomial distribution
Consider 𝑛𝑛 identical trials with two possible outcomes. The probability of success (let 1
denote success) in one trial is p and is constant across trials. Each trial is independent, and
the variable of interest is x = the number of successful outcomes trials in 𝑛𝑛 trials. x follows
a binomial distribution. The density function is:
f X (x) = P( X = x) = Cx n p x (1 − p)n− x
An example is tossing a coin (perhaps not a fair coin) where the probability of “success”
(observing heads) is given by p. A possible sequence of 5 tosses is 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 that is, all
outcomes are a success. Another one is 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 that is three successes in 5 tosses.
In general, there are Cx n possible sequences of x successes in n trials all with probability p
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Figure 2.6 pdf and cdf for a binomial random variable with 𝑝𝑝 = 0. 5 and n = 20
The mean and variance of a binomial random variable are:
E( X ) = µX = n p
Var( X ) = σ 2X = n p ( 1 – n p )
Example 2.12
Show that the expectation and variance of a binomial random variable are given by
(2.53). In Figure 2.6, the expected number of heads in 20 tosses with a fair coin is 10.
Continuous random variables
There are many situations in which the variables under investigation take values in a
continuous space. In civil engineering this is usually the case, for example for length, time
and mass.
Continuous cumulative distribution function and probability density function
For a continuous random variable, X, a continuous cdf describes the probability of observing
different values, x.
FX (x) = P(X ≤ x)
The cdf is monotonic and non-decreasing from
FX = 0 at X = −∞
FX =1 at X = +∞
The pdf is obtained by differentiating the cdf
f X(x) = dFX (x)
P( X ∈ A) = ∫A f X (x) dx
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Figure 2.7: pdf and cdf for a continuous random variable X
Expected Value and Variance of continuous random variables
If X is a random variable and g(x) is a function of x , then the expected value of g(x) is:
E{g(x)} = ∫ g(x) f X (x)dx
E{g(x)} has the following properties:
E(a) = a
E(a ⋅ g(x)) = a ⋅ E[g(x)]
E{g(x) + h(x)} = E{g(x)} + E{h(x)}
The most important expected values are the expectation or mean [ g(x) = x ]
E( X ) = ∫ x ⋅ f X (x)dx
The variance = the expected value of the “squared deviations” of the x from its mean
Var(X) = E[{X − E( X )}2 ] = {x − E( X )}2 fX (x)dx
standard deviation σ(X ) or σ X = square root of the variance
coefficient of variation V (X ) or VX
V ( X ) = E( X )
σ( X )
Linear Transformations
If X is a random variable, then Y = g(X ) is also random. Given the pdf of X the pdf function
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of Y can be calculated. For a linear function this can be done exactly:
Y = a⋅ X +b
E(Y ) = E(a ⋅ X + b) = a ⋅ E(X ) + b
One may show that:
Var(Y ) = a2Var( X )
Linear transformations of Gaussian random variables are still Gaussian
Linear transformation of Gaussian variable
Linear transformation of exponential random variable
The mean and standard deviation of Y are different because Y becomes a two parameter
exponential distribution (shifted by the intercept term in the linear transformation = 5).
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Non-linear transformations
Figure 2.9 Non-linear transformation of a lognormal random variable.
Y = ln(X) is nor a linear transformation of X
Linear approximation of a non-linear function through two terms of the Taylor-polynomial.
In Figure 2.9 the linearization point x0= E(X) is chosen (mean value approximation)
Y( X ) ≈ ln [ E( X) ] + [( X − E( X) ]
E( X )
E( Y ) ≈ ln [ E( X ) ]= ln (1.1331) = 0.125
Linearizing in the mean value gives a good approximation near the mean.
The approximation is poor at the tail of the distribution.
For the variance the approximation is
For the case of figure 2.9 we have d{ln (X) ]/dx = 1/X, then
The approximation is poor.
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