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Biblical Basis for Healing: A Cornerstone Lesson

Cornerstone – Healing Ministry
Lesson 2 – Biblical Basis for Healing
“On Earth . . . .
. . as it is in Heaven”
What the Bible says about healing:
Healing is for not only:
the ___________ part of us…
but also the ___________ part of us, will be found in the following passages below.
The Greek word – SOZO – means ___________ or _______________ and is used some _________ times.
If you were to look at all of the references, you would find that the word is translated to mean:
to save --Salvation – the new birth>to heal or healing>to cure>to preserve>to keep safe and
sound, rescue from danger or destruction>to deliver
God came to save us, not just from our sin, but from the death and curses upon us_______________
________________ and ______________, that affects our__________, __________ and __________.
Exodus 15:22–
The children of Israel had gone three days into the wilderness. They cried out to Moses – "What are
we going to drink”? God told Moses to throw a tree into the water. The water was _______________.
God comes to them and establishes: a statute and an ordinance (NIV), a decree and a law (KJV).
Statute is a permanent rule or law, Ordinance is a decree, order, command or ceremonial law,
Decree is an official ruling or law.
Vs 25 God said – "I'm going to establish a law. It will be in operation as long as my covenant is in
God established a divine law -- which said – "you can be free from all __________ and __________."
Vs 26 God says IF -- you will obey, hear My Word, do what is right, listen to my commandments and
keep my laws, THEN you will be free from the diseases that came upon the Egyptians.
The condition to receive the promise is – _______________ to God's commandments.
This is a conditional promise – _________/__________.
God gave them a ______________- (NIV) – For I AM the Lord who heals you.
Vs 26 Yahweh Rapha is the sacred covenant name for God.
YHWH means_________.
Rapha means __________: Bind Up, Mend, Sew Up, Heal, Make Whole, Cure
He tells them His Name, His very essence, His very nature, His very being is healing..
*This is the first time in the OT that God establishes himself as ________________.
In Numbers 16 and Isaiah 53:
53 Again, we find the concept of _____________________.
The Hebrew word for Atonement is: KAFAR The implication is to cover over or to pardon .
Atonement is used in relation to the _________________ and that blood was used to ________ over the
sin of another.
Leviticus 16 --we find the details of the _________ ______ ____________________________.
As you read the Book of Leviticus, you will see that the word Atonement was used for other things
beside sin. It was also for __________ or ______________.
In Numbers 16:41 a plague broke out because of their sin and people started dying – 14,700.
Aaron made an ______________________ for the people and the plague stopped.
In Vs. 16:48 Aaron stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped."
ÆThe atonement covered both the __________ of those who rebelled and the ___________ that resulted
from that sin.
Isaiah 53: 11- 5. OT Prophecy
NIV says – “Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows”.
The KJV says – "Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows".
Infirmities or griefs is the Hebrew word – CHOLI – and it means sickness or disease, (_________).
Sorrows is the Hebrew word – MAKOB - and it means anguish, pain, or sorrow, (___________).
"Surely He has borne and carried”.
Took up or bore is – the Hebrew word - NASA and it means to lift up, to bear away, to remove and
take to a distance.
Carried - is the Hebrew word - SABAL - and it means to carry a heavy burden.
Verse 12 “he bore the sin of many”.
Surely He has borne and carried our infirmities –
our sorrows –
Nasa – lifted up
Sabal – heavy burden removed to another place
Choli – sickness or disease, physical
Makob – pain or sorrow, emotional
Matthew 8:14–
8:14–17 NT looks back to OT Prophecy
Matthew quotes Isaiah 53:4 when he refers back to what happened in verse 16.
1. The old ____________ was transformed and became better, what God did in the Old Testament
looked forward to the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
2.In the New Testament, Jesus and his disciples were able to minister healing based on what would
happen on the Cross, while Jesus was _________________.
3.Jesus established a new ____________ with His blood (in death), with better promises and better
4.The early Church ministered in power and healing because they could now look back to what Jesus
____________ ____________ on the Cross.
Walking through the Old Testament and New Testament we find healing …………in:
Exodus – God identifies himself, God is our ________, Yahweh (Father God, Lord) is Rapha (Healer).
Numbers – God provides Moses with _______ ______ “the Atonement” pointing to the coming Christ.
Isaiah – Prophesied of the Messiah, Jesus our ________, physically and emotionally.
Matthew – looks at what Jesus was doing (_________) that had been prophesied based upon what
would happen on the cross.
Acts – The disciples performed miracles and ____________ based upon what Jesus did on the cross.
When Jesus sent the 12 Disciples out – two by two – He gave them power and authority over all
demons and to heal sickness and then He told them this: "And as you go…, preach,… saying,.…'The
kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons.’"
“On Earth . . . .
. . as it is in Heaven”
Cornerstone – Healing Ministry
Biblical Basis For Healing
Two Notes
– Final Answers
Lesson 2– Biblical
For Healing
What the Bible says about healing:
Healing is for not only: the physical part of us… but also the emotional part of us, will be found in the
following passages.
The Greek word – SOZO – means save or salvation and is used some 120 times.
If you were to look at all of the references, you would find that the word is translated to mean:
>to save --Salvation – the new birth>to heal or healing>to cure>to preserve>to keep safe and sound,
rescue from danger or destruction>to deliver
God came to save us, not just from our sin, but from the death and curses upon us spiritually,
physically, and emotionally, that affects our body, soul, and spirit.
Exodus 15:22–26
The children of Israel had gone three days into the wilderness. They cried out to Moses – "What are we
going to drink”? God told Moses to throw a tree into the water. The water was healed.
God comes to them and establishes: a statute and an ordinance (NIV), a decree and a law (KJV).
Statute is a permanent rule or law, Ordinance is a decree, order, command or ceremonial law, Decree is
an official ruling or law.
Vs 25 God said – "I'm going to establish a law. It will be in operation as long as my covenant is in
God established a divine law -- which said – "you can be free from all sickness and disease."
Vs 26 God says IF -- you will obey, hear My Word, do what is right, listen to my commandments and
keep my laws, THEN you will be free from the diseases that came upon the Egyptians.
The condition to receive the promise is – obedience to God's commandments.
This is a conditional promise – _if__/__then_.
Vs 26 God gave them a promise - (NIV) – For I AM the Lord who heals you.
Vs 26 Yahweh Rapha is the sacred covenant name for God.
YHWH means Lord.
Rapha means Healer: Bind Up, Mend, Sew Up, Heal, Make Whole, Cure
He tells them His Name, His very essence, His very nature, His very being is healing.
*This is the first time in the OT that God establishes himself as healer.
In Numbers 16 and Isaiah 53: we find the concept of atonement.
The Hebrew word for Atonement is: KAFAR The implication is to cover over or to pardon.
Atonement is used in relation to the shedding of blood and that blood was used to cover over the sin of
Leviticus 16 --we find the details of the Day of Atonement.
As you read the Book of Leviticus, you will see that the word Atonement was used for other things
beside sin. It was also for sickness or disease.
In Numbers 16:41 a plague broke out because of their sin and people started dying – 14,700.
Aaron made an atonement for the people and the plague stopped.
In Vs. 16:48 Aaron stood between the living and the dead, and the plague stopped."
ÆThe atonement covered both the sins of those who rebelled and the sickness that resulted from that
Isaiah 53: 1- 5. OT Prophecy
Vs 4b NIV says – “Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows”.
Vs 4b KJV says – "Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows".
Infirmities or griefs is the Hebrew word – CHOLI – and it means sickness or disease, (physical).
Sorrows is the Hebrew word – MAKOB - and it means anguish, pain, or sorrow, (emotional).
Vs 4a "Surely He has borne and carried”.
Took up or bore is – the Hebrew word - NASA and it means to lift up, to bear away, to remove and take
to a distance.
Carried - is the Hebrew word - SABAL - and it means to carry a heavy burden.
Verse 12 “he bore the sin of many”.
Surely He has borne – Nasa – lifted up
and carried – Sabal – heavy burden removed to another place
our infirmities – Choli – sickness or disease, physical
our sorrows – Makob – pain or sorrow, emotional
Matthew 8:14–17 NT looks back to OT Prophecy
Matthew quotes Isaiah 53:4 when he refers back to what happened in verse 16.
1. The old covenant was transformed and became better, what God did in the Old Testament
looked forward to the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross.
2. In the New Testament, Jesus and his disciples were able to minister healing based on what would
happen on the Cross, while Jesus was alive.
3. Jesus established a New covenant with His blood (in death), with better promises and better
4. The early Church ministered in power and healing because they could now look back to what
Jesus had done on the Cross.
Walking through the Old Testament and New Testament we find healing …………in:
Exodus – God identifies himself, God is our healer, Yahweh (Father God, Lord) is Rapha (Healer).
Numbers – God provides Moses with healing agent “the Atonement” pointing to the coming Christ.
Isaiah – Prophesied of the Messiah, Jesus our healer, physically and emotionally.
Matthew – looks at what Jesus was doing (healing) that had been prophesied based upon what would
happen on the cross.
Acts – The disciples performed miracles and healing based upon what Jesus did on the cross.
When Jesus sent the 12 Disciples out – two by two – He gave them power and authority over all demons
and to heal sickness and then He told them this: "And as you go…, preach,… saying,.…'The kingdom
of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons.’"
Cornerstone – Healing Ministry
“On Earth . . . .
Old Testament Scriptures – Healing and Deliverance
. . as it is in Heaven”
Gen. 20: 17 – 18
Gen. 21: 1 – 2
Gen. 25: 21
Gen. 30: 22 – 23
12: 12 – 13
15: 25 – 26
20: 12
23: 25 – 26
30: 11 – 16
2 Ki. 4: 18 – 37
2 Ki. 5: 1 – 14
2 Ki. 6: 18 – 20
2 Ki. 13: 20 – 21
2 Ki. 20: 1 – 7
1 Chron. 21: 7 – 27
2 Chron. 6: 28 - 30
2 Chron. 7: 14
2 Chron. 30: 18 – 20
Lev. 14: 1 – 32
Lev. 15: 13 – 15
Job 33: 19 – 25
Job 42: 10
Ps. 21: 4
Ps. 30: 2 – 3
Ps. 34: 11 – 14
Ps. 34: 17 – 20
Ps. 41: 1 – 3
Ps. 41: 4
Ps. 61: 6
Ps. 67: 1 – 2
Ps. 90: 10
Ps. 91
Ps. 103: 1 – 5
Ps. 105: 37
Ps. 106: 28 – 30
Ps. 107: 17 – 20
Ps. 113: 9
Ps. 147: 3
8: 19
12: 1 – 15
16: 44 – 50
21: 5 – 9
Dt. 5: 16
Dt. 5: 33
Dt. 6:2
Dt. 7: 12 – 15
Dt. 11: 8 – 9
Dt. 11: 18 – 21
Dt. 30: 19 – 20
1 Sam. 16: 14 – 23
2 Sam. 24: 10 – 25
1 Ki. 3: 14
1 Ki. 8: 37 – 39
1 Ki. 13: 4 – 6
2 Ki. 4:12 - 17
Pr. 3: 1 – 2
Pr. 3: 7 – 8
Pr. 3: 16
Pr. 4: 10
Pr. 4: 20 – 22
Pr. 9: 11
Pr. 10: 27
Pr. 12: 18
Pr. 14: 30
Pr. 16:24
Pr. 17: 22
Pr. 18: 14
Pr. 18:21
Pr. 19: 16
Pr. 19: 23
Isa. 19:22
Isa. 29: 18
Isa. 33: 24
Isa. 35: 3 – 6
Isa. 38: 1 – 39: 1
Isa. 40: 29 – 31
Isa. 53
Isa. 57: 16 – 19
Isa. 58: 6 – 11
Isa. 65: 22
Jer. 8:22
Jer. 17: 14
Jer. 30: 17
Jer. 33: 6 – 8
Hos. 6: 1
Hos. 11: 3 – 4
Mal. 4:2
Cornerstone – Healing Ministry
“On Earth . . . .
New Testament Scriptures – Healing and Deliverance
. . as it is in Heaven”
Mt. 4: 23 - 24
8: 2 – 4
8: 5 –13
8: 14 -15
8: 16
8: 17
8: 28 - 34
9: 2 – 8
9: 18 -19
9: 20 - 22
9: 23 - 26
9: 27 - 30
9: 32 - 33
9: 35
10: 1, 8
11: 4 - 5
12: 10 –13
12: 15
12: 22
13: 58
14: 14
14: 35 – 36
15: 21 – 28
15: 29 – 31
17: 14 – 18
19: 1 – 2
20: 30 – 34
21: 14
27: 52 - 53
Mk.1: 23 – 26
1: 29 – 31
1: 32 – 34
1: 39
1: 40 - 45
2: 3 – 12
3: 1 – 5
3: 7 – 12
3: 14 – 15
5: 1 – 13
5: 22 – 24
5: 25 – 34
6: 5
6: 7 – 13
6: 55 – 56
7: 25 – 30
7: 32 – 35
8: 22 – 25
9:14 – 27
9: 38 - 39
10: 46 – 52
16: 17 – 20
Lk. 4: 18
4: 27
4: 33 – 35
4: 38 – 39
4: 40 – 41
5: 12 – 15
5: 17 – 25
6: 6 – 10
6: 17 – 19
7: 2 – 10
7: 12 – 15
7: 21 – 22
8: 2
8: 27 – 36
8: 41 – 42
8: 43 – 48
8: 49 – 55
9: 1 – 6
9: 11
9: 37 – 42
9: 49 - 50
10: 9
10: 17 - 20
11: 14
13: 11 – 14
14: 2 – 4
17: 11 – 19
18: 35 – 43
22: 50 – 51
Jn. 3: 14
4: 46 – 54
5: 5 – 9
6: 1 – 2
9: 1 – 7
11: 1 – 44
12: 39 - 41
Acts 3: 1 – 11
4: 7 - 10
5: 12 – 16
6: 8
8: 5 – 7
9: 32 – 34
9: 36 – 41
10: 38
14: 3
14: 8 – 10
14: 19 – 20
16: 16 – 18
19: 11 – 12
20: 9 – 12
28: 8 – 9
28: 27
Galatians 3: 13
Hebrews 2: 3 – 4
James 5: 13 – 15
I Peter 2: 24
III John 2
Revelations 22: 1 – 3