Past Passive. Forma. El verbo “be” indica los diferentes tiempos (presente, pasado y futuro) y el participio del verbo indica el significado. Por ejemplo: My bike was stolen = me robaron la bici. Past Simple. I was taken We were You were They were was She was He was It Ahora haz tú la forma negativa e interrogativa: I We You They She He It I We You They She He It 1 Ahora haz este ejercicio: 1. They built this church in 1677. This church was built in 1677. 2. She cleaned everything in the entire office. 3. They called the police to come to the scene of the murder soon after. 4. You took the food out of the fridge. 5. They gave him a black eye. 6. They spoke English in that hotel. 7. They met some officers at the shore and drove them to the hall.