Subido por Carolina Sebastian

Ejercicios de gramática española: Voz pasiva y más

1. La casa fue construida en 1975.
2. El discurso está escrito para el presidente.
3. Me di cuenta de que una ventana se había quedado abierta.
4. Cada año mueren miles de personas en nuestras carreteras.
5. Se han comido todas las galletas.
6. Me han robado el coche.
7. Mañana limpiarán la casa.
8. Tienes que examinarte de gramática inglesa.
9. John podría ser ascendido el año que viene.
10. Quiere que la inviten a la fiesta.
11. Espero que me sorprendan en mi cumpleaños.
12. Puede que te decepcione.
13. Recuerdo que me enseñaron a conducir.
14. Los niños están entusiasmados con que los lleven al zoo.
15. La mayoría de las estrellas de cine odian ser entrevistadas.
16. ¿Dónde has nacido?
17. En este hospital nacen unos 100 bebés a la semana.
18. Se dice que Tim ama a Sarah.
19. Se dice que James canta muy bien.
20. Se sabe que los jugadores de fútbol ganan mucho dinero.
21. Se cree que el Presidente miente.
22. Se dice que nuestro equipo jugó muy bien anoche.
23. Se rumorea que la actriz (va a) casarse pronto.
24. Me pintaron la cocina.
25. Su ayudante (de ella) siempre le reserva sus habitaciones.
26. Nos van a traer las pizzas.
27. Me robaron el coche.
Cada una de las frases siguientes contiene un error. Encuéntralo y corrígelo:
1. He surprised by the loud noise.
2. They were ate dinner at six o’clock.
3. Was your car fix?
4. This photo was take by my uncle.
5. Who was cooked dinner?
6. When did the airplane invented?
7. He was watched his favorite TV show.
8. Robert was bite by a dog.
9. They were interview by a reporter.
10. I’m sorry. You are not allow to go inside.
11. Pluto discovered in 1930.
12. Why did the party cancelled?
13. I was really enjoyed my holiday last summer.
14. My friend wasn’t careful. She was fell off her bicycle.
15. The room cleaned this morning.
16. When was the story write?
1. The house was built in 1975.
2. The speech is written for the president.
3. I noticed that a window had been left open.
4. Every year thousands of people are killed on our roads.
5. All the cookies have been eaten.
6. My car has been stolen!
7. The house will be being cleaned tomorrow.
8. You have to be tested on your English grammar.
9. John might be promoted next year.
10. She wants to be invited to the party.
11. I expect to be surprised on my birthday.
12. You may be disappointed.
13. I remember being taught to drive.
14. The children are excited to be taken to the zoo.
15. Most film stars hate to be interviewed.
16. Where were you born?
17. Around 100 babies are born in this hospital every week.
18. Tim is said to love Sarah
19. It is said that James sings very well.
20. It is known that football players earn a lot of money.
21. The President is believed to be lying.
22. Our team is said to have played very well last night.
23. The actress is rumoured to (be going to) be getting married soon.
24. I had my kitchen painted.
25. She always has her rooms booked by her assistant.
26. We’re having the pizzas delivered.
27. I had my car stolen.
1. He was surprised by the loud noise.
2. They ate dinner at six o’clock.
3. Was you car fixed?
4. This photo was taken by my uncle.
5. Who cooked dinner?
6. When was the airplane invented?
7. He watched his favorite TV show.
8. Robert was bitten by a dog.
9. They were interviewed by a reporter.
10. You are not allowed to go inside.
11. Pluto was discovered in 1930.
12. Why was the party cancelled?
13. I really enjoyed my holiday last summer.
14. She fell off her bicycle.
15. The room was cleaned this morning.
16. When was the story written?