Subido por Noemy Romero


Name: José Camilo Campos Agudelo Program: Tourism and hospitality management
Date: March 12 English teacher: Milton Freddy Rodriguez Sánchez
Brian asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him.
What is the meaning of fortune teller? It means____________________________
1. Tú ganaras bastante dinero.
You will earn a lot of money.
2. Tú viajarás por todo el mundo.
You will travel around the world.
3. Tú conocerás personas interesantes.
You will meet interesting people.
4. Todo mundo te adorará
Everyone will love you
5. Tú no tendrás nada de problemas de dinero.
You won't have any money problems.
6. Muchas personas te ayudarán en diferentes trabajos.
Many people will help you in different jobs.
7. Tú serás contratado en una gran compañía hotelera.
You will be hired in a big hotel company.
8. Tú aplicarás para el puesto de gerente de alimentos y bebidas y serás contratado.
You will apply for the food and beverage manager position and you will be hired.
9. En seis años te casarás con una hermosa mujer.
In six years you will marry a beautiful woman.
10. Tú aprenderás muchos idiomas y podrás visitar al papa en Roma.
You will learn many languages and be able to visit the pope in Rome.
11. Pero, todo no será perfecto para ti.
But, everything will not be perfect for you.
12. El próximo año no serás escogido el mejor estudiante del programa.
The next year you will not be chosen the best student in the program.
13. En 5 años no podrás ayudar a tu mejor amigo en un problema porque estarás
viajando por todo el mundo.
In 5 years you won't be able to help your best friend with a problem because you will
be traveling around the world.
14. Tú no podrás olvidar el día que viste a tu ex novia besándose con su nuevo.
You won't be able to forget the day you saw your ex-girlfriend making out with her
new one.
15. Tú no podrás conocer la persona que compró el cuadro que más te gustó en
You will not be able to meet the person who bought the painting you liked the most
in Italy.
16. Tú no ayudarás a muchas personas necesitadas.
You will not help many people in need.
Put the verbs into the correct form (future I simple). Use will.
Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:
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1. You (earn)
2. You (travel)
3. You (meet)
w ill earn
a lot of money.
w ill travel
around the world.
w ill meet
4. Everybody (adore)
5. You (not / have)
lots of interesting people.
w ill adore
w on't have
6. Many people (serve)
7. They (anticipate)
8. There (not / be)
9. Everything (be)
any problems.
w ill serve
w ill anticipate
w on't be
w ill be
your wishes.
anything left to wish for.
10. But all these things (happen / only)
w ill only
if you marry me.
Translate these short story.
Carlos está visitando a Madame Sofía, la famosa adivina, y madame Sofía le está diciendo a
él qué pasará el próximo año. De acuerdo a madame Sofía, el próximo año será un año
interesante en la vida Carlos.
Carlos is visiting Madame Sofia, the famous fortune teller, and Madame Sofia is telling
him what will happen next year. According to Madame Sofia, next year will be an
interesting year in Carlos' life.________________________________________________
En enero tú conocerás a una mujer muy agradable y te enamorará.
In January you will meet a very nice woman and you will fall in love with her._________
En Febrero tú te casarás con ella.
In February you will marry her.________________________________________________
En marzo tú viajarás a Europa y visitarás lugares interesantes.
In March you will travel to Europe and visit interesting places._____________________
En abril tú tendrás un problema en tu trabajo y serás despedido.
In April you will have a problem at work and you will be fired._____________________
En mayo tú te mudarás a una hermosa ciudad con tu esposa.
In May you will move to a beautiful city with your wife.____________________________
En junio tú aplicarás por un empleo como gerente de alimento y bebidas y serás contratado.
In June you will apply for a job as a food and beverage manager and you will be hired._
En julio tú tendrás una gripa con fiebre y escalofrió, pero mejorarás.
In July you will have a cold with fever and chills, but you will get better._____________
En agosto tu familia y tú estarán en un programa de televisión y ganarán un concurso.
In August you and your family will be on a TV show and win a contest._____________
To be continued…
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