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Collectanea: Masonic & Quasi-Masonic Rituals Journal

The Official Transactions of the Grand College of Rites of
the United States of America.
Dedicated to the preservation and study of Masonic, quasi-Masonic, and disused ritual.
Volume 1
Part 1: Swedenborgian Rite (193-; Reprinted 1962)
Contents: The Primitive and Original Rite of Symbolic Phremasonry: 4º
Enlightened Phremason [or Green Brother], 5º Sublime Phremason [or Blue
Brother], 6º Perfect Phremason [or Red Brother]; additional Swedenborgian Data
Part 2: Fratres Lucis (193-; Reprinted 1978)
Contents:1º Knight Novice of the Third Year, 2º Knight Novice of the Fifth Year,
3º Knight Novice of the Seventh Year, 4º Knight Levite, 5º Knight Priest; Poem"Is He Dead"
Part 3: Rite of Adoption (1937; Reprinted 1978; Translated by John Yarker)
Contents: 1º Adoptive Apprentice, 2º Companion, 3º Mistress, 4º Perfect
Mistress, 5º Sublime Elect, 6º Dame Ecossais, 7º Grand Elect, or French Dame, 8º
Lady of the Dove, 9º Lady of the Rosy Cross, 10º Adonaite Mistress, 11º Perfect
Venerable Adonaite Mistress, 12º Crowned Princess, or Sovereign Mistress.
Volume 2
Part 1: The Martinist Order (193-; Reprinted 1962)
Contents: The Martinist Order: English Ritual --First Degree; Second Initiate
Martiniste; Third Degree, Superior Inconnue; The American Ritual--Notre Vrai
Maitre; First Degree; Second Degree.
Part 2: The Adoniramite Rite (193-) Series translated by John Black Vrooman
Part 3: The Adoniramite Rite (193-)
Part 4: The Adoniramite Rite (1940)
Contents: 1º Entered Apprentice, 2º Fellowcraft, 3º Master Mason, 4º First Elu or
Elu of the Nine, 5º Second Elu, Called of Perignan, 6º Third Elu, Called of the
Fifteen, 7º Minor Architect, 8º Grand Architect or Scottish Fellowcraft, 9º
Scottish master, 10º Knight of the Sword or Knight of the East or of the Eagle,
11º Knight Rose Croix, 12º Noachite or Prussian Knight.
Volume 3
Part 1: The Rite of Memphis (194-)
Contents: 34º Knight of Scandinavia, 35º Knight of the Temple, 36º Sublime
Negociant, 37º Knight of Shota, or Sage of Truth, 38º Sublime Elect of Truth, or
the Red Eagle, 39º Grand Elect of the Aeons, 40º Sage Savaiste, or Perfect Sage,
41º Knight of the Arch of Seven Colours, 42º Prince of Light, 43º Sublime
Hermetic Sage, or Hermetic Philosopher, 44º Prince of the Zodiac, 45º Sublime
Sage of the Mysteries, 46º Sublime Pastor of the Huts, 47º Knight of the Seven
Stars, 48º Sublime Guardian of the Sacred Mount, 49º Sublime Sage of the
Pyramids, 50º Sublime Philosopher of Samothrace, 51º Sublime Titan of the
Caucasus, 52º Sage of the Labyrinth, 53º Knight or Sage of the Phoenix, 54º
Sublime Scalde, 55º Sublime Orphic Doctor, 56º Pontiff, or Sage of Cadmia, 57º
Sublime Magus, 58º Sage, or Prince Brahmin, 59º Sublime Sage, or Grand Pontiff
of Ogygia, 60º Sublime Guardian of the three Fires, 61º Sublime Unknown
Part 2: The Rite of Memphis (194-)
Contents: 62º Sublime Sage of Eleusis, 63º Sublime Kawi, 64º Sage of Mythras,
65º Guardian of Sanctuary--Grand Installator, 66º Grand Architect of the
Mysterious City--Grand Consecrator, 67º Guardian of the Incommunicable Name-Grand Eulogist, 68º Patriarch of Truth, 69º Knight or Sage of the Golden Branch
of Eleusis, 70º Prince of Light, or Patriarch of the Planispheres, 71º Patriarch of
the Sacred Vedas, 72º Sublime Master of Wisdom, 73º Patriarch, or Doctor of the
Sacred Fire, 74º Sublime Master of the Stoka, 75º Knight Commander of the
Lybic Chain, 76º Interpreter of Hierglyphics, or Patriarch of Isis, 77º Sublime
Knight or Sage Theosopher, 78º Grand Pontiff of the Thebiad, 79º Knight, or
Sage, of the Redoubtable Sada, 80º Sublime Elect of the Sanctuary of Mazias, 81º
Intendent Regulator, or Patriarch of Memphis, 82º Grand Elect of the Temple of
Midgard, 83º Sublime Elect of the Valley of Oddy, 84º Patriarch or Doctor of the
Izeds, 85º Sublime Sage, or Knight of Kneph, 86º Sublime Philosopher of the
Valley of Kab, 87º Sublime Prince of Masonry, 88º Grand Elect of the Sacred
Curtain, 89º Patriarch of the Mystic City, 90º Sublime Master of the Great Work,
91º Grand Defender, 92º Grand Catechist, 93º Regulator General, 94º Prince of
Memphis, or Grand Administrator, 95º Grand Conservator, 96º Grand and
Puissant Sovereign of the Order, 97º Grand Hierophant.
Part 3: Ancient Order of Zuzimites; Queen of the South (1947)
Contents: Ancient Order of Zuzimites: 1º Neophyte, 2º Graduate, 3º Fellow
Zuzimite, Installation Ceremonies, 4º Zer Zuzimite, 5º Mark Master Zuzimite, 6º
First Degree of the Celestine Zuzimite, 7º Second Degree of the Celestine
Zuzimite, 8º First Degree of the Knights of Zered, 9º Second Degree of the
Knights of Zered; Queen of the South.
Volume 4
Part 1: Consecrated Phileclesian Host; Order of the Palm and Shell (1948)
Part 2: Free and Accepted Architects (1948)
Contents: 1º Select Architect, 2º Most Excellent Architect, 3º Royal Architect
Part 3: The Martinist Order (1950)
Contents: 1º Associated--A::, 2º Initiated--I::, 3º Superior Unknown--S::I::, 4º
Volume 5
Part 1. (1952)
Contents: Expert Master; Knight of Constantine; Knights of the Round Table; The
Good Samaritan; The Order of the Sacred Temple.
Part 2. (1954)
Contents: The Order of Christ or Sovereign Commander of the Temple;
Investiture of a Knight of St. John of Jerusalem (from the authorities in the British
Museum); Order of Malta (From Woodhouse, "Military Religious Orders," 1879);
The Brotherhood of the Knights of the Temple (Copy of Ritual officially prepared
for "The Preceptory of the Temple at London" instituted 11th March 1847, by
Charter from The Most Eminent and Reverend His Grace George Duke of Atholl,
K.T.), Novice, Knight; The Roman Catholic and Aristocratic Order of St. John of
Jerusalem; Cagliostro's Egyptian Rite (translated by Herbert Keppicus): 1º
Apprentice, 2º Companion, 3º Master.
Volume 6
Part 1: The Rite of Mizraim (1955)
Contents: 1º Apprentice, 2º Fellowcraft, 3º Master.
Part 2: The Rite of Memphis (1956)
Contents: 1º Apprentice, 2º Fellowcraft, 3º Master.
Part 3: The Hermetic Rite (1957)
Contents: 3º Knight of the Black Eagle, or Rose Croix, 4º Chevalier of the Sun-Prince Adept, the Key to Masonry, 5º Knight of the Phoenix, 6º Sublime
Philosopher--Chevalier Rose-Croix, 7º Chevalier of the Rainbow, 8º True Mason,
9º Chevalier of the Argonauts, 10º Chevalier of the Golden Fleece.
Volume 7
Part 1. (1958)
Contents: Order of Druids (pre-1829); The Supreme Degree of the Grand Elu of
London; Knights of the Lion; Knights of the Three Kings; The Sacerdotal
Mysteries of Egypt, or The Initiation of Antiquity (Copied from John Yarker's
"The Kneph," vol. IV, No. 1, Feb. 1884); Three Degrees from the Rite of Mizraim:
Knights of the Moon and of Truth, First Degree of Wisdom B.B., Sovereign
Princes of the 87th Degree.
Part 2: The Fiery Heart; The Rite of Misraim (1961)
Contents: Le Coeur Enflame (The Fiery Heart); The Rite of Misraim: 45º
Reception of Prince of Jerusalem, Grand Ecossais Historical Discourse, 65º Grand
Elu Knight Kadosh, Sovereign Grand Inspector, Supreme Council of the Supreme
Councils of the Sovereign Princes of the 87th Degree.
Part 3: The Lodge of the Nine Muses (1963)
Contents: NOTE: In the report of the Committee on Publications and General
Purposes, for 1962, the committee reported that they were going to try something
new. This would be the publication of a translation of a rare French book, "The
History of the Lodge of Nine Muses." "The Nine Muses" was the famous Lodge in
Paris of which, among other famous men Benjamin Franklin and Voltaire were
members. The translation was completed in three parts.
Volume 8
Part 1: The Lodge of the Nine Muses (2nd Part) (1964)
Part 2: The Lodge of the Nine Muses (3rd Part) (1965)
Part 3: Concerning the Swedenborgian Rite; Early English Ritual; Old English
Templar Ritual; The Webber Book of Rituals (1966)
Contents: Concerning the Swedenborgian Rite; Early English Ritual: Elect of
Nine, Second Elect or the Elect of Perignan, Third Elect or Elect of Fifteen,
Architect, Grand Architect, Scots Master or Super Intendant, Knights of the
Sword or of the East, Rosycrucians, Prussian Order--Spread Eagle Abyssian or
Sabean, Past Master Ob.; Old English Templar Ritual: Copy of the Old Ritual of
the London Kt. of RX. & Official RT. Of (Novice) Royal Encampment,
Portsmouth, England, A.D.-1791; The White Stone; Key to the Holy Order of Kts
Templar Priests or Holy Wisdom The Webber Book of Rituals: 1--Secret Monitor,
2--Knight of Constantinople, 3--Super Excellent Master, 4--Knight of Three
Kings, 5--Round Table, 6--Christian Mark, 7º Holy and Thrice Illustrious Order
of the Cross, 8--Phi Beta Kappa, 9--Ark and Dove, 10--Heroine of Jericho, 11-The Good Samaritan, 12--The Daughter of Zelophahad or the Sacred Inheritance,
13--The Mason's Daughter, 14--Eastern Star.
Volume 9
Part 1: Pantheisticon; Ne Plus Ultra; Ritual of the Golden Circle; Knights of
Fidelity; Knights of the Royal Arch; The Secrets of the Mopses Disclosed (1968)
Contents: Pantheisticon: Parts 1, 2, 3; Ne Plus Ultra: Sublime Prince of the Royal
Secret or Knight of St. Andrew and Faithful Guardian of the Treasure; Ritual of
the Golden Circle: Ritual; Reception of the Supreme Officers; Knights of Fidelity:
Installation of a Pilgrim; Funeral Services; Knights of the Royal Arch: Installation
of a Pilgrim; Funeral Services; The Secrets of the Mopses Disclosed.
Part 2: Formation of the Grand College of Rites; Constitution; List of Fellows;
Great Secret Order; William Finch; Mark Man and Mark Master; The Baldwyn
Encampment (1970)
Contents: The Great Secret Order; The Mark Man and Mark Master Degrees
(notes by Harold V.B. Voorhis).
Part 3: The Royal Order of Sat B'hai (1972)
Contents: The Royal Order of Sikha and the Sat B'hai: 1º Mute, 2º Auditor, 3º
Scribe, 4º Herald, 5º Minister, 6º Courier, Ceremony of Installing an Arch Censor.
Volume 10
Part 1: Les Fendeurs; John Cleland's "Real Secret of the Free Masons"; John
Cleland and the Druids (1974)
Contents: Les Fendeurs (Translated by Cyril Batham); John Cleland's "Real
Secret of the Free Masons"; John Cleland and the Druids.
Part 2: Order of Barsalians; The Innovators; The Early Grand Rite of Scotland
Contents: Order of Barsalians 1º (Untitled), 2º Familiar, 3º Bishop; The
Innovators. (An outstanding article by J. Ray Shute); The Early Grand Rite of
Scotland (Collected and transcribed by Philip Crossle): 4º Funeral Master, 5º
Fellow Craft Mark, 6º Marked Master.
Part 3: The Early Grand Rite of Scotland: Seventh Degree to Twenty-seventh
Degree (1976)
Contents: 7º Architect, 8º Grand Architect, 9º Master of the Blue, 10º Master of
all Symbolic Lodges, 11º Royal Ark Mariner, 12º Fugitive Mark, 13º Link and
Chain, 14º Sublime Master, 15º Order of the Scarlet Cord, 16º Order of Brotherly
Love, 17º Royal Master, 18º Select Master, 19º Most Excellent Master, 20º
Excellent Mason, 21º Super-Excellent Mason, 22º Holy Royal Arch, 23º Red
Cross of Rome and Constantine, 24º Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, 25º Knights
of St. John, 26º Knight of the Christian Mark, 27º Holy and Illustrious Order of
the Cross.
Volume 11
Part 1: The Early Grand Rite of Scotland: Twenty-eighth Degree to Forty-fourth
Degree (1977)
Contents: 28º The Pilgrim, 29º Knight Templar, 30º Knights of St. Paul or
Mediterranean Pass, 31º Knights of Malta, 32º Prince of Babylon, sometimes
called Suspending Cross of Babylon, 33º Prince Mason, 34º Knight of the Black
Cross, 35º Knight of Bethany, 36º Knight of the White Cross, 37º Knight of
Patmos, 38º Knight of Death, 39º Knight of the Rosy cross of St. Andrew,
Heredom of Kilwinning, 40º Knight of the Black and White Eagle, 41º Priestly
Order of the Temple, or White Mason, 42º Priest of the Sun, 43º Priest of Eleusis,
44º The Mother Word, or Royal Secret.
Part 2: John Yarker and the Rite of Mizraim (1980)
Contents: The Rite of Mizraim [Misraim]; John Yarker; Abridged Bibliography
(by William G. Peacher); The Rite of Mizraim (by John Yarker): 1º Apprentice, 2º
Companion, 3º Master, 4º Secret Master, 5º Perfect Master, 6º Master by
Curiosity or Intimate Secretary, 7º Provost and Judge or Irish Master, 8º English
Master, 9º Elect of Nine, 10º Elect of the Unknown, or Perignan, 11º Elect of
Fifteen, 12º Perfect Elect, 13º Illustrious, 14º Scotch Trinitarian, 15º Scotch
Companion, 16º Scotch Master, 17º Scotch Panissière, 18º Scotch Master, 19º
Scotch of the J.J.J., 20º Scotch of the Sacred Vault of James VI, 21º Scotch of St.
Andrew, 22º Little Architect, 23º Grand Architect, 24º Architecture, 25º
Apprentice, Perfect Architect, 26º Companion, Perfect Architect, 27º Master,
Perfect Architect, 28º Perfect Architect, 29º Sublime Scotch, 30º Sublime Scotch
of Heredom, 31º Royal Arch, 32º Grand Axe (Grand Arch, or Interior Temple), or
Grand Ark, 33º Sublime Knight of Choice--Chief of the First Series, 34º Knight
of the Sublime Choice, 35º Prussian Knight, 36º Knight of the Temple, 37º Knight
of the Eagle, 38º Knight of the Black Eagle, 39º Knight of the Red Eagle, 40º
Knight of the White Eagle, 41º Knight of the East, 42º Commander of the East,
43º Grand Commander of the East, 44º Architecture of Sovereign Commanders of
the Temple, 45º Prince of Jerusalem, 46º Sovereign Prince of Rose Croix of
Kilwinning and of Heredom, 47º Knight of the West, 48º Sublime Philosopher,
49º Chaos--First Discreet, 50º Chaos--Second, Wise, 51º Knight of the Sun, 52º
Supreme Commander of the Temple, 53º Sublime Philosopher, 54º Key of
Masonry--First Grade, Miner, 55º Key of Masonry--Second Grade, Washer, 56º
Key of Masonry--Third Grade, Blower, 57º Key of Masonry--Fourth Grade,
Caster, 58º True Mason Adept, 59º Sovereign Elect, 60º Sovereign of Sovereigns,
61º Grand Master of Symbolic Lodges, 62º Very High and Very Powerful, 63º
Knights of Palestine, 64º Knight of the White Eagle, 65º Grand Elected Knight
Kadosch--Sovereign Inspector, 66º Grand Inquisitor Commander--Chief of the
Second Series, 67º Beneficent Knight, 68º Knight of the Rainbow, 69º Knight of
Banuka, or of Ranuka, called Hinaroth, 70º Very Wise Israelite Prince, 71º
Sovereign Master Talmudium, 72º Soverign Prince Zadkim, 73º Grand Haram,
74º Grand Prince Haram, 75º Sovereign Prince Hasid, 76º Sovereign Grand
Prince Hasid, 77º Grand Inspector, Intendant Regulator General of the Order, 78º
Sovereign Prince of the Seventy-eighth Degree, 79º Sovereign Prince of the
Seventy-ninth Degree, 80º Sovereign Prince of the Eightieth Degree, 81º
Sovereign Prince of the Eighty-first Degree, 82º Sovereign Prince of the Eightysecond Degree, 83º Illustrious Sovereign Prince of the Eighty-third Degree, 84º
Sovereign Prince of the Eighty-fourth Degree, 85º Sovereign Prince of the Eightyfifth Degree, 86º Sovereign Prince of the Eighty-sixth Degree, 87º Sovereign
Grand Prince of the Eighty-seventh Degree--Grand Minister Constituant of the
Order, for the First Series, 88º Sovereign Grand Prince of the Eighty-eighth
Degree--G.M.C. of the Order for the Second Series, 89º Sovereign Grand Prince
of the Eighty-ninth Degree--G.M.C. of the Order for the Third Series, 90º
Absolute Grand Sovereign--Supreme Power of the Order, Ninetieth and Last
Part 3: Early Capitular Masonry in South Carolina with Particular Reference to the
Mark Degree; The Ragon Mark Rituals (1981)
Contents: Early Capitular Masonry in South Carolina with Particular Reference
to the Mark Degree (by William G. Peacher); The Ragon Mark Rituals: Past
Master, No. 1; Grade of Mark-Mason, No. 2; Another Mark-Mason [English
Part 4: The Rite of Memphis Mark; The Travelling Mark; A French Mark Ritual;
Two English Mark Rituals; The Black Mark (1982)
Contents: The Rite of Memphis Mark (by J. Ray Shute): 6º Sublime Master; The
Travelling Mark; A French Mark Ritual; Two English Mark Rituals (by William
G. Peacher): Dunkenfield Mark Ritual, Blackburn Mark Ritual; The Black Mark
(by John Yarker).
Volume 12
Part 1: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree (1983)
Contents: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree. Part I--History: England, Scotland,
Ireland, Canada (by William G. Peacher).
Part 2: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree (1985)
Contents: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree. Part II--United States: The Diluvian
Order; The Sovereign College of Allied and Christian Degrees; Henry Van
Arsdale Parsell; half Moon Lode No. 1, R.A.M. (by William G. Peacher).
Part 3: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree (1986)
Contents: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree. Part III-- Maine: Oxford Lodge, No. 1,
Norway, Maine; Kennebec Lodge, No. 2, Readfield, Maine; Freeport Lodge, No.
3, Freeport, Maine (by William G. Peacher).
Part 4: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree (1987)
Contents: The Royal Ark Mariner Degree. Part IV--The United States. (by
William G. Peacher).
Volume 13
Part 1: Order of the Secret Monitor (1988)
Contents: Order of the Secret Monitor (by William G. Peacher).
Part 2: The Order of the Secret Monitor or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan in
the British Isles and in Territories Overseas (1985)
Contents: The Order of the Secret Monitor or Brotherhood of David and Jonathan
in the British Isles and in Territories Overseas. (by William G. Peacher).
Volume 14
Part 1: The Sanctuary of Memphis (1989 & 1990)
Contents: The Sanctuary of Memphis or Hermes: The Development of Masonic
Mysteries (by E.J. Marconis, translated by W.J. Coombes): Translator's note;
Brief History of Masonry; Origin of all the known Masonic Rites; The Ancient
Masonic Mysteries of Memphis; Principal Statutes from the Masonic Order of
Memphis; Complete Ritual of the First Degree of the Masonic Order of Memphis;
Instruction in the Second Degree; Instruction in the Third Degree; Discourse at
the Tomb of a Brother; Decoration of the Lodge; Masonic Calendars; Discourse
on Justice; The Sovereign Chapter of the Rose-Croix; Discourse on Esoteric
Masonry; Note on the Order of the Temple; Information Concerning All the
Known Masonic Rites; Banquets; Masonry of Adoption; Notes on the Alphabets
and Hieroglyphics; Addresses at the Installation of a Lodge; Masonic Baptism;
Note on the Seven Classes of Masonry of the Rite of Memphis; Masonic Maxims;
Lode Rules; Funerals; Translation of terms used on Plates; Notes.
Volume 15
Part 1: St. Lawrence the Martyr Degree (1991)
Contents: St. Lawrence the Martyr Degree (by William G. Peacher).
REPRINT: Volume 4
Part 3: The Martinist Order (Originally 1950; Reprinted 1992)
Contents: 1º Associated--A::, 2º Initiated--I::, 3º Superior Unknown--S::I::, 4º
REPRINT: Volume 3
Part 1: The Rite of Memphis (Originally 194-; Reprinted 1992)
Contents: 34º Knight of Scandinavia, 35º Knight of the Temple, 36º Sublime
Negociant, 37º Knight of Shota, or Sage of Truth, 38º Sublime Elect of Truth, or
the Red Eagle, 39º Grand Elect of the Aeons, 40º Sage Savaiste, or Perfect Sage,
41º Knight of the Arch of Seven Colours, 42º Prince of Light, 43º Sublime
Hermetic Sage, or Hermetic Philosopher, 44º Prince of the Zodiac, 45º Sublime
Sage of the Mysteries, 46º Sublime Pastor of the Huts, 47º Knight of the Seven
Stars, 48º Sublime Guardian of the Sacred Mount, 49º Sublime Sage of the
Pyramids, 50º Sublime Philosopher of Samothrace, 51º Sublime Titan of the
Caucasus, 52º Sage of the Labyrinth, 53º Knight or Sage of the Phoenix, 54º
Sublime Scalde, 55º Sublime Orphic Doctor, 56º Pontiff, or Sage of Cadmia, 57º
Sublime Magus, 58º Sage, or Prince Brahmin, 59º Sublime Sage, or Grand Pontiff
of Ogygia, 60º Sublime Guardian of the three Fires, 61º Sublime Unknown
Volume 15
Part 2: The Blue Degrees of Atwood's Cerneau Supreme Council; Old Scottish
Craft Ritual Fragments (1994)
Contents: The Blue Degrees of Atwood's Cerneau Supreme Council: Introduction
(by Arturo de Hoyos); 1º Entered Apprentice; 2º Fellow Craft; 3º Master Mason;
Old Scottish Craft Ritual Fragments: Iº, IIº, IIIº
Part 3: The Ritual of Lodge Le Progrés de l'Oceanie (Honolulu, Hawaii): Erik
Palmer's "Working Ritual in English" (1995)
Contents: Preface (by Arturo de Hoyos); Introduction (by Herbert G. Gardiner,
Ron Rosskopf, and James D. Wilson); A Working Ritual in English, translated
and abridged from the French Ritual of the Scottish Rite 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degrees
owned by Lodge Le Progrés de l'Oceanie No. 371 and dated April 8, 1842 (by
Erik Palmer).
Volume 16
Part 1: "Sarsena" and The Ancient Order of Free Gardeners (1996)
Contents: Sarsena Introduction (by Arturo de Hoyos); IVº Scots Apprentice and
Fellow; Vº Scots Master; VIº Scots Past Master and Kt. of St. Andrew, VIIº
Grand Cross of the Knights of St. John; The Ancient Order of Free Gardeners:
Synopsis (by T.W.R. Proctor); The Apprentice Degree with Instructions for the
R.W.M.; Apprentice Lecture; The Second Degree (Journeyman); The Master's
Degree; Master's Lecture; Garden Lecture; Apron Lecture; Travelling Lecture;
Constituting a Lodge; Constitution of the Grand College of Rites.
Part 2: A "Cocktail" from the Schröder Ritualsammlung: The Clermont System
plus Additional Degrees (1997)
(Translated by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: Introduction and A Note on "Sarsena" (by Arturo de Hoyos); 1. The
Clermont System: Elect Master, or Maître Élu; Illustrious Master, or Maître Élu;
Scots Master of St. Andrew of the Thistle; Knight of God and of His Temple;
Elect Master and Knight of the Eagle; Sublime Master and Knight of the Holy
Sepulchre; Sublime Illustrious Master and Knight of God. 2. Plus the Degrees of
Knight of the Eagle or Sun; Knight Rose Croix; Knights of the East.
Volume 17
Part 1: Ritual of the Ancient and Accepted Egyptian Rite of Memphis 96º, also
Constitution and By-Laws of the Sovereign Sanctuary, Valley of Canada (1999)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: 4º, Discreet Master (in full); 5º, Perfect Master (secret work); 6º,
Sublime Master (in full); 7º, Just Master (secret work); 8º, Master of the Temple
(secret work); 9º, Master Elect (secret work); 10º, Grand Master Elect (secret
work); 11º, Sublime Master Elect (secret work); 12º, Master of Geometry (secret
work); 13º, The Royal Arch of Enoch (in full); 14º, The Secret Vault (in full); 15º,
Knight of the Flaming Sword (secret work); 16º, Knight of Memphis (secret
work); 17º, Knight of the Orient (secret work); 18º, Knight of the Rose Croix (in
full); 19º, Adept Installator (in full); 20º, Knight Adept Consecrator (in full); 21º,
Knight Adept Eulogist; 45º, Knight Grand Inspector of the Senate of Hermetic
Philosophers (in full); 90º, Perfect Pontiff, Sovereign Prince of Memphis (in full);
Opening of the Sovereign Sanctuary; Closing of the Sovereign Sanctuary;
Installation of the Officers; Oath of Fealty; Condensed Obligations; Esoteric
Work; Index to the Rituals; Constitution of the Sovereign Sanctuary; By-Laws of
a Rose Croix Chapter.
Part 2: Lectures of a Chapter, Senate & Council: according to the forms of
the Antient and Primitive Rite, but embracing all systems of High Grade
Masonry. Translated from the French by John Yarker, 33-96º (2000)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: Chapter. Lectures of a College-4º to 8-11º; Lectures of a
Chapter-9º to 11-18º; Senate.Lectures of a Senate-12º to 17-29º; Lectures
of a Areopagus-18º to 20-33º; Council. Lectures of a Consistory-21º to 2668º; Lectures of a Council-27º to 30-90º; Grand Book of Maxims.
Part 3: Rituals of Calvin C. Burt’s Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis,
Sovereign Sanctuary (95º) of the Valley of Chicago (2001)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: Chapter. 4º Discreet Master, 5º Sublime Master, 6º The Sacred
Arch, 7º The Secret Vault, 8º Knight of the Sword, 9º Knight of
Jerusalem, 10º Knight of the Orient, 11º Knight of the Rose Croix. Senate.
12º Knight of the Red Eagle, 13º Knight of the Temple, 14º Knight of the
Tabernacle, 15º Knight of the Serpent, 16º Knight Kadosh.
Part 4: Rituals of Calvin C. Burt’s Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis (Part
2), Sovereign Sanctuary (95º) of the Valley of Chicago (2002)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: 17º Knight of the Royal Mystery, 18º Grand Inspector, 19º Sage
of Truth, 20º Hermetic Philosopher, 24º Patriarch of Truth, 25º Patriarch
of the Planispheres, 26ºPatriarch of the Sacred Vedas, 27º Patriarch of Isis,
28º Patriarch of Memphis.Grand Council. 29º Patriarch of the Mystic
City, 30º Perfect Pontiff. Mystic Temple. 32º Sublime Princes of Memphis,
Lecture of 33º.
Volume 18
Part 1: Statutes, Public Ceremonials and History of the Antient & Primitive
Rite of Masonry … for the United Kingdom [by John Yarker] (2003)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: Book I. Constitution, General Statutes, and Ordinances of
Antient and Primitive Masonry. Book II. Public Ceremonials. Book III.
History of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry.
Part 2: Constitution and General Statutes for the Government of the Antient
& Primitive Rite of Masonry …for the Continent of America [by Alexander
B. Mott] (2004)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: General Ordinances and Statutes; Sovereign Sanctuary, Thirtythird Degree; Grand Chancelry; Mystic Temple, Thirty-second Degree;
Grand Defender of the Rite, Thirty-first Degree; Sublime Council,
Thirtieth Degree; Senates of Hermetic Philosophers, Twentieth Degree;
Chapters of Rose Croix, Eleventh Degree.
Volume 19
Part 1: Manual of the Degrees of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry …
for Great Britain and Ireland [by John Yarker], Part 1, 4º–17º (2005)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: College. 4º, Discreet Master; 5º, Sublime Master; 6º, Sacred
Arch; 7º, Secret Vault; Chapter. 8º, Knight of the Sword; 9º, Knight of
Jerusalem; 10º, Knight of the Orient; 11º,Knight Rose Croix; Senate.
12º,Knight of the Red Eagle; 13º, Knight of the Temple; 14º, Knight of the
Tabernacle; 15º, Knight of the Serpent; 16º, Knight Sage of Truth; 17º,
Knight Hermetic Philosopher; “Manual of the Secret Work of the 4º–17º
of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry” (by de Hoyos).
Part 2: Manual of the Degrees of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry …
for Great Britain and Ireland [by John Yarker], Part 2, 4º–17º (2006)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: Areopagus. 18º, Knight Kadosh; 19º, Knight of the Royal
Mystery; 20º, Knight Grand Inspector; Consistory. 21º, Grand Installator;
22º, Grand Consecrator; 23º, Grand Eulogist; 24º, Patriarch of Truth; 25º,
Patriarch of Planisheres; 26º, Patriarch of the Vedas; “Manual of the
Secret Work of the 18º–26º of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry”
(by de Hoyos)
Part 3: Manual of the Degrees of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry …
for Great Britain and Ireland [by John Yarker], Part 3, 27º–33º (2007)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: Council. 27º, Patriarch of Isis; 28º, Patriarch of Memphis; 29º,
Pontiff of the Mystic City; 30º, Perfect Pontiff–Sublime Master of the
Great Work; Grand Tribunal.31º, Grand Defender; Mystic Temple. 32º,
Prince of Memphis; Ritual of the Sublime Patriarch, Grand Conservator
33º(transcribed from manuscript by de Hoyos); “Manual of the Secret
Work of the 4º–17º of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Masonry” (by de
Volume 20
Part 1: Degrees of the Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis (4º–18º), with the
“Secret Work” (2008)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: Discreet Master; 4°, Perfect Master; 5°, Sublime Master; 6°,
Just Master; 7°, Master of Israel; 8°, Master – Elect; 9°, Grand MasterElect 10°, Sublime Master-Elect; 11°, Master of Geometry; 12°, Royal
Arch; 13°, Secret Vault; 14°, Knight of the Flaming Sword; 15°, Knight of
Jerusalm; 16°, Knight of the Orient; 17°, Knight of the Rose Croix; 18°,
Installation Ceremonies.
Part 2: Degrees of the Egyptian Masonic Rite of Memphis (19° - 45°) Senate
of Knight Philosophers (2009)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: Knight of the Occident; 19°, Knight of the Temple of Wisdom;
20°, Knight of the Key; 21°, Knight of the Delta; 22°, Knight of Libya;
23°, Knight of the Tabernacle; 24°, Knight of the Sacrificial Fire; 25°,
Knight of the Serpent of the Sun; 26°, Knight of the White Eagle; 27°,
Knight of the Black Eagle; 28°, Knight of Time; 29°, Knight of the Circle;
30°, Knight of the Sabean Square; 31°, Knight of the Double-Headed
Eagle; 32°, Knight of the Crown; 33°, Knight of the First Property of
Nature; 34°, Knight of the Second Property of Nature; 35°, Knight of the
Third Property of Nature; 36°, Knight of the Fourth Property of Nature;
37°, Knight of the Fifth Property of Nature; 38°, Knight of the Sixth
Property of Nature; 39°, Knight of the Seventh Property of Nature; 40°,
Knight of Infinite Space; 41°, Knight of the Judgment; 42°, Illustrious
Knight Installator; 43°, Illustrious Knight Consecrator; 44°, Illustrious
Knight Eulogist; 45°, Ceremony for Consecrating an Egyptian Masonic
Temple, Eulogistic Ceremony for Funeral Services.
Volume 21
Part 1: The Rite of Strict Observance and Two High Degree Rituals of the
Eighteenth Century (2010)
(Text selected by Arturo de Hoyos)
Contents: The Rite of Strict Observance, Translated by Alain Bernheim
and Arturo de Hoyos, from the Friedrich Ludwig Schroder
Ritualsammlung (Rudolstadt, 1805-16), vol. 2 parts 4A & 4B, Apprentice;
Fellow; Master Mason; Scots Master; Secular Novice; Knight; Lay
Brother. Two High Degree Rituals of the Eighteenth Century, Translated
by Arturo de Hoyos, from Otto Schaff, “Zwei Hochgrd-Rituale des 18.
Jahrhunderts” in Bernhardt Beyer, Freimaurer-Museum (Leipzig:
Bernhard Sporn, 1928), vol. 4, pp. 209-45, Philosophical Knight of
Hermes; Sage Knight of Hermes.