Descripción Well graded gravel, sandy gravel, with little or no fines Poorly graded gravel, sandy gravel, with little or no fines Sandy gravels - Loose Sandy gravels - Dense Silty gravels, silty sandy gravels Clayey gravels, clayey sandy gravels Well graded sands, gravelly sands, with little or no fines Well-graded clean sand, gravelly sands - Compacted Well-graded sand, angular grains - Loose Well-graded sand, angular grains - Dense Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, with little or no fines Poorly-garded clean sand - Compacted Uniform sand, round grains - Loose Uniform sand, round grains - Dense Sand Loose sand Medium sand Dense sand Silty sands Silty clays, sand-silt mix - Compacted Silty sand - Loose Silty sand - Dense Clayey sands Calyey sands, sandy-clay mix - compacted Loamy sand, sandy clay Loam Inorganic silts, silty or clayey fine sands, with slight plasticity Inorganic silt - Loose Inorganic silt - Dense Inorganic clays, silty clays, sandy clays of low plasticity Clays of low plasticity - compacted Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity Inorganic silts of high plasticity Clayey silts - compacted Silts and clayey silts - compacted Inorganic clays of high plasticity Clays of high plasticity - compacted Organic clays of high plasticity Loam Silt Loam Clay Loam, Silty Clay Loam Silty clay Clay Peat and other highly organic soils USCS GW GP (GW, GP) (GW, GP) GM GC SW SW (SW) (SW) SP SP (SP) (SP) SW, SP (SW, SP) (SW, SP) (SW, SP) SM SM SM SM SC SC SM, SC ML ML ML CL CL OL MH MH ML CH CH OH ML, OL, MH, OH ML, OL, MH, OH ML, OL, CL, MH, OH, CH OL, CL, OH, CH CL, CH, OH, OL Pt Soil friction angle [°] min max Specific value 33 40 32 44 35 50 30 40 28 35 33 43 38 33 45 30 39 37 27 34 37 38 29 30 30 36 36 41 32 35 34 27 33 30 34 30 40 31 31 34 27 41 27 30 30 35 27 35 28 22 32 23 33 25 32 17 31 19 17 35 28 32 25 32 18 32 18 32 18 28 0 10 Reference [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [5 [5 [5 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [3 [1],[2], [1], cited in cited in [1], [1], [1], cited in cited in cited in [1], [2], cited in cited in cited in [7], cited in cited in cited in [1], cited in cited in cited in [1], cited in [7], [1], cited in cited in [1], cited in [1], [1], cited in cited in [1], cited in [1], [7], [7], [7], [7], [7], [2], 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 6] 1. Swiss Standard SN 670 010b, Characteristic Coefficients of soils, Association of Swiss Road and Traffic Engineers 2. JON W. KOLOSKI, SIGMUND D. SCHWARZ, and DONALD W. TUBBS, Geotechnical Properties of Geologic Materials, Engineering Geology in Washington, Volume 1, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 78, 1989. 3. Carter, M. and Bentley, S. (1991). Correlations of soil properties. Penetech Press Publishers, London. 4. Meyerhof, G. (1956). Penetration tests and bearing capacity of cohesionless soils. J Soils Mechanics and Foundation Division ASCE, 82(SM1). 5. Peck, R., Hanson,W., and Thornburn, T. (1974). Foundation Engineering Handbook. Wiley, London. 6. Obrzud R. & Truty, A.THE HARDENING SOIL MODEL - A PRACTICAL GUIDEBOOK Z Soil.PC 100701 report, revised 31.01.2012 7. Minnesota Department of Transportation, Pavement Design, 2007 Estimación del ángulo de fricción interna Cohesion [kPa] Specific value min max Well graded gravel, sandy gravel, with little or no fines GW 0 Poorly graded gravel, sandy gravel, with little or no fines GP 0 Silty gravels, silty sandy gravels GM 0 Clayey gravels, clayey sandy gravels GC 20 Well graded sands, gravelly sands, with little or no fines SW 0 Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, with little or no fines SP 0 Silty sands SM 22 Silty sands - Saturated compacted SM 50 Silty sands - Compacted SM 20 Clayey sands SC 5 Clayey sands - Compacted SC 74 Clayey sands -Saturated compacted SC 11 Loamy sand, sandy clay Loam - compacted SM, SC 50 75 Loamy sand, sandy clay Loam - saturated SM, SC 10 20 Sand silt clay with slightly plastic fines - compacted SM, SC 50 Sand silt clay with slightly plastic fines - saturated compacted SM, SC 14 Inorganic silts, silty or clayey fine sands, with slight plasticity ML 7 Inorganic silts and clayey silts - compacted ML 67 Inorganic silts and clayey silts - saturated compacted ML 9 Inorganic clays, silty clays, sandy clays of low plasticity CL 4 Inorganic clays, silty clays, sandy clays of low plasticity - compacted CL 86 Inorganic clays, silty clays, sandy clays of low plasticity - saturated compacted CL 13 Mixture if inorganic silt and clay - compacted ML-CL 65 Mixture if inorganic silt and clay - saturated compacted ML-CL 22 Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity OL 5 Inorganic silts of high plasticity - compactd MH 10 Inorganic silts of high plasticity - saturated compacted MH 72 Inorganic silts of high plasticity MH 20 Inorganic clays of high plasticity CH 25 Inorganic clays of high plasticity - compacted CH 103 Inorganic clays of high plasticity - satrated compacted CH 11 Organic clays of high plasticity OH 10 Loam - Compacted ML, OL, MH, OH 60 90 Loam - Saturated ML, OL, MH, OH 10 20 Silt Loam - Compacted ML, OL, MH, OH 60 90 Silt Loam - Saturated ML, OL, MH, OH 10 20 Clay Loam, Silty Clay Loam - Compaced ML, OL, CL, MH, OH, CH 60 105 Clay Loam, Silty Clay Loam - Saturated ML, OL, CL, MH, OH, CH 10 20 Silty clay, clay - compacted OL, CL, OH, CH 90 105 Silty clay, clay - saturated OL, CL, OH, CH 10 20 Peat and other highly organic soils Pt Description USCS Reference [1],[2],[3], [1],[2], [3], [1], [1], [1],[2], [3], [1],[2], [3], [1], [3], [3], [1], [3], [3], [2], [2], [3], [3], [1], [3], [3], [1], [3], [3], [3], [3], [1], [1], [3], [3], [1], [3], [3], [1], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], [2], Estimación de la cohesión 1. Swiss Standard SN 670 010b, Characteristic Coefficients of soils, Association of Swiss Road and Traffic Engineers 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation, Pavement Design, 2007 3. NAVFAC Design Manual 7.2 Foundations and Earth Structures, SN 0525-LP-300-7071, REVALIDATED BY CHANGE 1 SEPTEMBER 1986