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The Celts: History, Culture, and Society

History project
Yamileth Soraida N.R
the celtas
Who are the Celtas?
The Celdas are a set of ethnics groups, they used to live in European regioned.
They were considered wild tribes by the roman empire.
Origin of the Celtas
Fierce and warlike tribes that lived
in Central and Western Europe
between the 8th and 1st C.B.C.
The Celts sacked Rome in 390 BC
Where do they live?
At our days they occupy acilates state of Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, England,
Scotland, Wales and Ireland, just to mention a few cases.
celts clothing
Frequently the Celtic dress of the different Indo-European societies was very uniform, in this way, the
colorful outfits designed with pictures or bars, were made with wool or red, yellow and blue threads,
although, The nobles wore silk suits with gold thread and embroidery.
During the Bronze Age, they had
great technological advances for war
toils, in addition to being experts in
what metal work was concerned, this
was characterized by living in tribes,
where the father of the family was
the head of the tribe.
Was the principal activity, it depends of the kind, in general they used to use a
mix of livestock and farming.
Celta women
its important to mention their skills as a fighters. they have legal right to
property after marriage and they can occupate importants places in the war
The fury of the Celts in warfare was
legendary and their bravery and
expert command of horses were
highly admired.
They kept the severed heads of
distinguished enemies and
presented them to visitors, they
were considered horrible
They used a calendary similiar than we
use today. The most important holidays
were on November 1 and marked the
end of the current year and the
beginning of the new year.
the Celtic commercial life
At the same time that they conquered their
lands in Italy, Iberia and Anatolia, the Romans
were creating commercial ties with the Celtic
peoples without conquering Gaul and the center
of Europe. Rome needed raw materials and
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