Subido por Cristian Brito

Manual of Aesthetic Surgery 2: Torso Procedures

Werner L. Mang · Manual of Aesthetic Surgery 2
Professor Dr. med. Dr. habil. Werner L. Mang was born in Ulm, Germany,
on 9 April 1949. Following his basic surgical training in the 1970s,
he became a specialist in ENT (1980) and plastic operations (1984).
He is the Medical Director of the Bodenseeklinik, Europe’s largest clinic
for aesthetic surgery. Professor Mang is Chairman of the Board of
Directors of Mang-Medical AG, founding President of the German
Society for Aesthetic Surgery, President of the International Society of
Aesthetic Surgery, and an honorary member of numerous specialist
He is also the author of the successful Manual of Aesthetic Surgery,
Volume 1 (Mang School), which has been translated into English,
Portuguese, Russian, and Chinese.
He is the author of more than 200 specialist publications; he has been
a pioneer in his field in Germany and has personally carried out more
than 30,000 cosmetic operations over the last 20 years. Thus, Professor
Mang has significantly influenced the evolution of aesthetic surgery, as
did Professor Pitanguy before him.
Werner L. Mang
Breast Augmentation
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Hair Transplantation
Adjuvant Therapies
Including Spacelift
Klaus Lang · Frank Neidel · Marian Stefan Mackowski
Nico Roßmann · Manuel Stock
120 Medical Illustrations by Hans Jörg Schütze
20 Plates of Surgical Instruments and 66 Photographs
ISBN 3-540-66553-6 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
Library of Congress Control Number: 00061916
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Professor Dr. med. Dr. habil. Werner L. Mang
Ärztlicher Direktor der Bodenseeklinik Lindau
Klinik für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie
Graf-Lennart-Bernadotte-Straße 1
88131 Lindau / Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 83 82 – 26 01 80;
Fax +49 (0) 83 82 – 26 01 87 0
APL-Professor, Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technische Universität München
Ismaninger Straße 22
81675 München / Germany
Dr. med. Klaus Lang
Bodenseeklinik Lindau
Graf-Lennart-Bernadotte-Straße 1
88131 Lindau / Germany
Dr. med. Marian Stefan Mackowski
Bodenseeklinik Lindau
Graf-Lennart-Bernadotte-Straße 1
88131 Lindau / Germany
Dr. med. Frank Neidel
Bodenseeklinik Lindau
Graf-Lennart-Bernadotte-Straße 1
88131 Lindau / Germany
Dr. med. Nico Roßmann
Bodenseeklinik Lindau
Graf-Lennart-Bernadotte-Straße 1
88131 Lindau / Germany
Dr. med. Manuel Stock
Bodenseeklinik Lindau
Graf-Lennart-Bernadotte-Straße 1
88131 Lindau / Germany
In memory of
Dr. Karl Mang
Dominic Blake
Manual of Aesthetic Surgery is dedicated to my wife, Sybille,
and my children, Gloria-Victoria and Thomas-Werner.
Without my wife Sybille I would have been unable to find
the energy to build the new clinic at Lake Constance or
to write this manual. Over the last few years, there has been
no time for holidays or free weekends with my family,
and it thus pleases me even more that, despite this stress,
both my children are interested in the field of medicine.
Naturally, it would be wonderful if my children could one day
continue my life’s work and become capable surgeons.
My idea of writing an audiovisual work about aesthetic surgery has been
crowned by success, for which I am extremely grateful. In Volume 1 of the
Manual of Aesthetic Surgery, for the first time treatments were described
simply, clearly, and concisely using text, pictures, and videos, so that
young doctors who want to learn about this area, either as interested
students and doctors or as young specialists in aesthetic/plastic surgery,
could acquire the basic knowledge and surgical expertise they need without making treatment mistakes.
The manual is intended to be a basic tool and is not for professionals
and doctors who have been practicing in this specialty for a long time.
It is intended to be a textbook for doctors who are starting out in this
field and want to learn about it.
Naturally, it was not possible to mention all the tricks, subtleties,
and latest operation methods, suture materials, implants, etc. in these
volumes. Every aesthetic surgeon must learn these through further
training and conferences. However, for every surgical technique in
trauma or abdominal surgery, the basics of the operation must be
standardized. This was achieved well with Volume I of the manual.
It has been the most successful book of its kind for Springer-Verlag,
Heidelberg, and has been published in Spanish, Russian, and Chinese
because of the enormous interest in it.
I had never thought that this book would be so well accepted. It has
become an interdisciplinary textbook for surgeons, ENT and dental
surgeons, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, gynecologists, orthopedists,
and urologists and has a place in many hospital libraries throughout
the world.
After the first volume was published, I received invitations to give
lectures and surgical courses and take up chairmanships from almost
everywhere in the world. I have been accredited as an honorary
professor at foreign universities and see my life’s task in plastic/aesthetic
surgery as being to bring together all specialties that teach and research
the field of aesthetic surgery in order to ensure excellent quality
assurance in relation to patient care.
As a result of my lectures to the most varied specialist societies on every
continent, I have discovered again and again that there is competition
between ENT surgeons, dental surgeons, and plastic surgeons in almost
every country, even though all three specialties perform extremely
valuable work in the field of aesthetic surgery.
The leading plastic surgeons of the past, Diefenbach, von Gräfe, Joseph,
and Lexer, were either ENT surgeons or general surgeons. We must
never forget our history and the disciplines from which the specialty of
aesthetic/plastic surgery has developed.
Anyone who has had sound surgical training and has an interest in the
field of aesthetic surgery will value this book as a benchmark. It can help
in allowing the specialty of aesthetic surgery to be taught in an interdisciplinary way, so that the specialties concerned can mutually exchange
knowledge and thus contribute to further progress in this field.
Aesthetic surgery can only achieve a serious basis in the long-term
through constant training, the exchange of ideas, attendance at conferences, and the opening up of all specialties that perform valuable work
in this field. Neither plastic surgery nor ENT and dental surgery can
claim this specialty for themselves alone, as there is too much overlap
both historically and in the specialist further-training guidelines.
For this reason, work is carried out in an interdisciplinary way at the
clinic at Lake Constance with the departments ENT and plastic
surgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, maxillofacial surgery,
aesthetic dental surgery, dermatology, and venous, hair and laser
surgery. This is the only way a large clinic can cover the entire spectrum.
The same applies to a well-trained aesthetic surgeon. He will always
have main areas within his field of work and will be unable to cover
all operations professionally alone. This is why the model of the clinic
at Lake Constance will be successful in the long term, as in this clinic
different groups of specialists are unified and offer interdisciplinary
aesthetic surgery. This is the clinic of the future.
Every year approximately 3,000 operations are carried out at the clinic
at Lake Constance, which has five operating theaters and 50 beds.
The Manual of Aesthetic Surgery should be seen as the symbiosis of
my lifetime work with the Bodenseeklinik. It has been published to
coincide with the building of the new clinic (completion 2003). In view
of the great success and enormous demand for Volume 1, Volume 2 has
now been published. The building of the new clinic has resulted in a
delay but Volume 2 uses the same principles as Volume 1 and describes
the most important aesthetic operations in the torso area in a simple,
clear, and concise way, providing a standard basis for novices, not for
professionals. All physicians with an interest in aesthetic surgery can
build on this and refine their surgical techniques during the course of
their life. The basic principles must be standardized, so that dangers and
risks can be reduced. Rhinoplasty should not be performed differently
in London and Rome, and liposuction techniques should be the same in
New York and Tokyo.
Just as in abdominal surgery, there are basic principles that must be
observed so that the operations and results can be reproduced and
serious treatment errors can be avoided.
Naturally, there are variations in the operations, whether the procedure
is rhinoplasty, otoplasty, breast implants, or liposuction. The same
applies to operations on the appendix or tonsils. The basic surgical
technique used, however, is always the same. The anatomy never lies.
It is therefore essential that the basic operations are standardized,
particularly in aesthetic surgery, which I consider to be the most difficult
type of surgery, as the surgeon must not only be well trained, but must
also be a psychologist and artist. Volume 2 of the manual attempts to
do this.
Substantial reconstructive procedures, such as breast reconstruction
(reduction, tightening) and body lifting have been intentionally avoided.
If necessary, this field will be looked at in another volume, as there is
enormous potential for error and only experienced doctors working in
a clinic environment are capable of learning this.
A General Remark
If I may be permitted another remark here:
The author’s philosophy and the philosophy of the Bodenseeklinik is
interdisciplinary cooperation, instruction and further training of young
doctors, cooperation with all professional societies for the promotion
of good patient care, and further development in the field of aesthetic
The Manual of Aesthetic Surgery has thus come about through tireless
work. My clinic at Lake Constance is the largest clinic of its kind in
Europe, a training clinic with interdisciplinary cooperation between all
specialties that provide a stimulus for aesthetic surgery. Doctors from
the disciplines of plastic surgery, ENT and dental surgery, dermatology,
aesthetic dentistry, and anti-aging medicine all work in the clinic at Lake
Constance. There are also dietary assistants, specialist beauticians, hairstylists, color consultants, and psychologists.
Long-term success can only be achieved when aesthetic surgery is seen
to be holistic medicine and the correct indications are available. Many
patients have serious psychological problems that cannot be solved even
by the best cosmetic surgery. These patients are then dissatisfied with
the surgeon and try to find a cure from other surgeons. If these surgeons
do not then cooperate with the surgeon who carried out the previous
operation, the patient will complain. Medicolegal problems have an
important role in aesthetic surgery throughout the world.
The specialty can only have a long-term future if doctors are welltrained, act as good colleagues towards one another, and do not want to
make their name at the cost of others. I would therefore like to pass on
this message to all the surgeons in the world: be considerate and fair to
colleagues, regardless of their specialty. The Hippocratic oath should
apply to cosmetic surgeons, too.
The philosophy of the Mang school is naturalness. Less is more.
Health before beauty. Cosmetic surgery is not “alteration surgery”
but rather “well-being surgery.”
The aim of every operation, whether it is a facelift, rhinoplasty or a
breast implant, should be a natural result. The patient should feel good
and the surgery should not be conspicuous. Faces that are perfectly
smooth, unnaturally augmented lips, and huge breasts are no longer the
trend of the twenty-first century. The two volumes of the manual
therefore present surgical techniques that provide natural and normal
Aesthetic surgery is not beauty surgery. It is instead high-tech surgery
with the highest surgical standards. As with every other surgical procedure, the risks mean that specialist surgical personnel, anesthesia,
recovery rooms, and inpatient monitoring are essential. Surgery on a
day-case basis is only advisable for minor procedures carried out under
local anesthesia, such as eyelid corrections, spacelifts, hair transplantations, and laser operations. Otherwise, an inpatient stay is necessary,
as most complications, e.g., severe bleeding, occur within the first 24 h
after the operation.
The current worldwide problem of medicolegal issues in cosmetic
surgery procedures should be combated with extensive expert activity.
In addition to providing accurate oral and written information in the
presence of witnesses and photographic documentation, use of the
correct surgical techniques and postoperative monitoring are extremely
important in avoiding the possibility of becoming liable for compensation. More and more patients are happy to take legal action and this
means that good training, quality assurance, good relationships between
colleagues, and professional interaction with patients are even more
The Standard Procedures
The other standard procedures are clear and can be easily and safely
learned following good basic surgical training. Similar basic surgical
rules apply to brachioplasty, abdominoplasty, and thigh lift and buttock
lifts. In principle, these procedures entail cleanly lifting a cutaneous/fatty
flap from the fascia and tightening the skin appropriately, using a large
cutaneous resection and positioning the incisions in such a way that they
are preferably not visible. The surgeon’s talent is estimating the correct
cutaneous resection, so that not too much and not too little is removed,
and accurate surgical planning of the incisions so that they will preferably be in a non-visible area. The intracutaneous suturing technique
with Monocryl, a suture which is not removed, is now standard and
provides the best results. In certain cases, the skin may also be adapted
with overcast cutaneous suturing with thin nylon, following subcutaneous, tension-free skin closure. When these continuous sutures are
removed in time, the cosmetic results of the suturing are no different
than for intracutaneous suturing.
For all operations associated with large scars, follow-up treatment is very
important. A compression dressing should be worn for approximately
4 weeks and follow-up treatment for the scar should be carried out with
a silicone plaster. Scars resulting from brachioplasty, abdominoplasty,
and thigh and buttock lifts in particular are often unpredictable and
must be discussed in detail with the patient when the procedure is
explained so that there is no disagreement later.
Volume II of the Manual of Aesthetic Surgery will appeal to doctors in the
field of aesthetic/plastic surgery and provide them with a basic knowledge
of the most important and most frequently requested operations in the
torso area:
Breast Augmentation
This procedure is requested very frequently. The incision line and access
are decisive factors in the success of the operation. In the manual and
video, we present the simplest and safest type of access. This involves
making a small incision in the inframammary fold and, with supramuscular insertion, clean dissection between the fascia and the gland.
With submuscular access, the implant is inserted below the pectoral
muscle, after this has been carefully detached at the medial and caudal
The video shows supramuscular access, as this is the easiest surgical
technique for novices and provides an aesthetically pleasing result if the
skin condition is good.
In a clinical study on our patients, we were able to establish that there is
no significant difference in the rate of fibrosis in submuscular and in
supramuscular access. The rate of fibrosis among our patients was less
than 4% for both these methods.
The choice of implant is also important. Only licensed implants should
be used. We would advise against using cheap implants and implants
that have not undergone long-term testing.
The concept of breast augmentation described in the manual can be
used as a basis. Experience is very important, particularly in breast
surgery, as regards the shape of the implant (round, low profile, high
profile, anatomical, etc.) and the best position.
In addition to an access incision in the inframammary fold, naturally
the incision can also be made above the nipple or via the axilla.
This requires additional experience and practice. The wound is sutured
intracutaneously with 4.0 Monocryl. The sutures are not tightened and
the incision can be treated with a silicone plaster 4 weeks after the
operation for 2 months. Usually, there is no residual visible scar.
The procedure is performed under conventional anesthesia and with
antibiotic cover. The patient should wear a specially fitted sports bra for
4 weeks after the operation.
An important factor in brachioplasty, as with all major tightening
operations on the torso, is that there may be residual scars if the suturing
technique and wound healing are poor. This must be made clear to the
patient before the operation.
An important preoperative stage in the operation is to mark the surplus
skin to be resected precisely on the patient, who should be standing.
The size of the resection is also a decisive factor in the successful outcome. If too little is resected, this will result in folds in the medial area
of the upper arm. If too much is resected, hypertrophic scars may form.
The surgical technique is simple. It basically consists of dissection of
a cutaneous/fatty flap from the fascia of the upper arm, step-by-step
resection and wound closure in three layers. As the patient is often
worried about a large caudal scar extending to the epicondyle of the
upper arm, we have developed a modified technique: the “fish mouth”
technique. With this technique, the tightening is not performed vertically
and primarily on the upper arm, but horizontally and on the skin of the
axilla. With this type of incision, the incision on the inside of the upper
arm does not extend beyond the cranial third. Postoperative scar care is
also important with this type of incision. The patient must be monitored
for 24 h after the operation, and the special compression dressing can be
removed after 8 days.
The art of a good aesthetic surgeon is in choosing the right indication. He
needs many years of experience to do this. It is possible to achieve good
results without making large incisions with the new method of tumescence liposuction, particularly with collections of fat in the abdomen/hip
area. If, however, there is a lot of surplus skin and the patient has lost
more than 30 kg in weight, or pregnancies have severely stretched the
upper abdomen and periumbilical region, abdominoplasty is indicated.
If it is necessary to tighten only the lower abdomen, it may be possible
to avoid moving the navel. However, it is usually necessary to make an
incision around the navel and reimplant this in the correct position.
In the video, the basic abdominoplasty technique is described clearly,
concisely, and simply so that every experienced surgeon will be able to
perform this procedure. As with all tightening operations on the body,
the procedure consists of an operation on the thick cutaneous/fatty flap
along the abdominal fascia. It is essential that the surgeon makes precise
markings on the torso while the patient is standing and carefully plans
the surgery prior to the operation. The level of the incision must be
defined precisely so that it will always be possible to avoid a vertical
incision. The more surplus skin there is, the more caudally the incision
may be placed. During abdominoplasty it must also be taken into
account that the mons pubis is usually included in the tightening.
Dissection is carried out along the abdominal fascia as far as the costal
arch. The entire cutaneous/fatty flap is then pulled downward and
resected in stages, with the upper body slightly flexed, so that later neither
too little skin (bulging) nor too much skin (risk of necrosis) is resected.
A preoperative autologous blood donation is advisable for very obese
patients. Ultrasound investigation for umbilical and abdominal wall
hernias is also recommended. Intraoperative and postoperative thrombosis and infection prophylaxis is given for 10 days after the operation.
The 4.0 Monocryl sutures must not be tight. A silicone plaster is applied
after 4 weeks for 2 months. Care of the scar is essential. This is the mark
of a good abdominoplasty. Similarly, the reconstruction of the navel
must appear natural and there should be no “dog ears” at the sides in the
caudal area of the incision.
The procedure is performed under general anesthesia during an inpatient
stay. A special girdle should be worn for 4 weeks after the operation.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
The technique for a thigh lift is similar to that for brachioplasty.
Deep, subcutaneous dissection of the fascia and step-by-step resection
of the skin, previously marked precisely, are performed.
An operation on the medial side of the thigh is one of the most unsatisfactory operations an aesthetic/plastic surgeon can perform.
The patient’s expectations of the procedure are usually too great and
he/she is then disappointed by the result. The patient should therefore be
given an extremely detailed explanation prior to the thigh and buttock
lift. The indication should be considered carefully and if the patient
expects too much, they should preferably be turned away.
The extent of the resection should be defined carefully the day before the
operation. If the skin on the inner side of the thigh is loose, the buttock
region is usually also loose, so these operations can be combined well.
The incision line in the buttock area should not extend beyond the lateral buttock fold, as otherwise there may be residual aesthetically displeasing scars, which often disturb patients more than hanging skin.
With extremely slack skin in the area of the medial thigh, vertical tightening extending to the medial side of the knee can be performed in
addition to horizontal tightening in the groin and buttock region. This
allows extremely intense tightening of the entire medial thigh, but the
residual scar should be drawn to the patient’s attention and explained.
The video shows the most frequently requested operation for horizontal
thigh and buttock lifting. In contrast to brachioplasty, it is important that
the thick cutaneous/fatty flap be secured at two points to achieve a
longer-lasting result and better scar formation, owing to gravity in the
thigh area. The points for fixation are the periosteum of the pubic bone
and the inguinal ligament. The extent of the resection is defined with key
sutures, and the area is resected in stages so that not too much and not
too little skin is removed. The operation is performed under general
anesthesia on an inpatient basis. Thrombosis and infection prophylaxis
is started. A special girdle must be worn for 3 weeks after the operation,
followed by care of the scar with a silicone plaster.
Because of the many requests, hair transplantation, Prof. Mang’s spacelift,
and a few brief descriptions of adjuvant therapies are included in Volume 2.
Adjuvant therapies are being continually developed and newly
published, mainly within the field of dermatology. For this reason, only
the essential features of the adjuvant therapies are described very briefly
in this manual, with no claim to completeness.
The essential texts on biological implants (collagen), lipotransfer, botulinum toxin, dermabrasion, ultrapulse CO2 laser, erbium-YAG laser,
coblation, and chemical peeling can be found in Volume 1. As only ultrapulse CO2 laser treatment was shown in Volume 1, we have filmed short
videos for Volume 2 on biological implants (collagen, hyaluronic acid),
botulinum toxin, dermabrasion, erbium-YAG laser, and chemical peeling.
For space reasons, these films have been kept very short and should show
that adjuvant therapies should also be included in the repertoire of an
experienced aesthetic surgeon.
Two of these treatments have been described in detail in the video and
the text.
Liposuction – Removal of Fat with the Tumescence Technique
(Mang’s Solution)
Liposuction is one of the most frequently performed operations in
aesthetic/plastic surgery. In men, liposuction is primarily requested for
the abdominal/hip area; in women, it is for the lateral and medial thigh,
buttocks and hips (“saddle area”).
Dry suction under general anesthesia does not merely put a strain on the
cardiovascular system with an increased risk of thrombosis and
embolism, but also causes blood loss, including a drop in hemoglobin to
under 8 g %, as well as destroying the infrastructural supporting tissue
This infrastructural supporting tissue is maintained when the tumescence technique is used, so that there is no “chewing gum effect”
following liposuction, i.e., the skin does not have depressions in it but
instead is tightened.
The tumescence technique was first published at the beginning of the
1990s by Jeff Klein. Lidocaine was used as local anesthesia. In view of the
toxicity, we carried out a large study that showed that the aesthetic/
plastic surgical tumescence technique with lower doses of prilocaine
solution (Mang’s solution) produces the same results with a lower
incidence of complications:
Mang’s solution=0.9 % saline solution (NaCl) 3000 ml
1 % prilocaine 1500 mg (=150 ml)
Epinephrine 3 mg
8.4 % NaHCO3 30 mEq
Triamcinolone acetonide 30 mg
As high doses of prilocaine may cause methemoglobinemia, no more
than 6000 ml of this tumescence solution should be injected per session
either manually or with a pump. The results are very good if the correct
indicationsare given. There is no blood loss, the risk of thrombosis and
embolism is significantly reduced, and there is protection from infection.
The patient is mobile on the first day after the operation.
The patient should be monitored for 24 h after the operation. He/she
may leave the hospital with a special girdle, which must be worn for
3 weeks. The injection sites may be treated with scar ointment for
3 weeks after the operation. Then the region treated by liposuction
should be exercised in a gym under supervision.
In the video, the manual tumescence liposuction technique with Mang’s
solution is presented as a basic technique. Auxiliary devices of whatever
type (MicroAire, ultrasound, reciprocator, etc.) may be useful and reduce
the liposuction time, although the same results can be achieved perfectly
with the manual technique. This technique is simple, can be performed
without any large instruments, and there are no significant risks if it is
carried out by a specialist.
Similarly, the tumescence injection can be given manually or mechanically with a pump. The manual technique, however, is very timeconsuming and it is necessary for the surgeon to have a lot of stamina,
so at our clinic we apply the tumescence solution quickly (without too
much pressure and over at least 45 min) and homogeneously with a
six-cannula pump system. Following local tumescence anesthesia, you
should wait 30 min and then begin liposuction.
If performed by an experienced surgeon, manual liposuction may take
up to 90 min and up to 45 min with the MicroAire system. The patient
must be prepared for the total liposuction procedure with tumescence
to last approximately 2.5 h.
Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation is a procedure frequently performed in men.
We have an experienced transplantation team, managed by Dr. Frank
Neidel. Depending on the indication, we work with both slit and micropunch techniques, manually or with laser assistance. Precise surgical
planning, the correct technique and the schedule of the hair transplantation team, which is made up of the surgeon and three assistants who
prepare the hair roots, are all important factors.
Approximately 3,000 hair roots are transplanted per session. The
procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.
The patient is then given antibiotic cover and hair hygiene is strict.
The hair should be washed on the fourth day after the operation with a
mild chamomile shampoo.
The name spacelift was chosen by Prof. Mang and protected by patent
(German Patent Office, Patent and Logogram No: 303 23891), as threedimensional fat droplets of 0.1–0.3 mm are injected via the purified
autologous fat cells into the space between the cutaneous and adipose
tissue of the face, virtually as if in a honeycomb. As these fat droplets
are not injected in a bolus dose but by using microinjections, they do
not die but retain a vascular association and are transformed into
fibroblasts, or rather connective tissue cells, and thus stabilize the aging
process. Fat cells are thus injected into the space between the cutaneous
and adipose tissue, particularly at those sites where the collagen and
elastin fibers break down with age, i.e., in the nasolabial, mouth,
forehead, lateral eye, and cheek regions.
The spacelift should be seen as a prophylaxis against aging after the
35th year of life. If there is surplus skin in the area of the neck/cheeks or
eyelids, conventional tightening or lifting must be performed.
A spacelift cannot replace a facelift.
The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis under local
anesthesia. Cooling and lymph drainage are then necessary for 3 days,
along with antibiotic cover.
It fills me with pleasure when I receive letters from young colleagues
asking when the second volume of the Manual of Aesthetic Surgery will
finally appear as they have learned so much from the first volume.
Naturally, there has also been constructive criticism, but the overwhelming majority of interested aesthetic/plastic surgeons see the
manual as a standard work for gaining basic knowledge in the field of
aesthetic surgery. If I have achieved this aim, the effort has been worthwhile.
Naturally, there will always be new methods, implants, and surgical
materials. Aesthetic surgery, however, is no different from general
surgery; there are clear guidelines that must be built upon to prevent
errors and complications.
As aesthetic surgeons, we are often unable to define beauty, and we
should not be swayed by fashion. What is said to be beautiful in the
media today may be different again in a few years’ time. The aesthetic
surgeon must therefore impart timeless beauty through his creative
work. The patient must feel good. Less is often more and overly
aggressive aesthetic surgery is not my style.
During the 1980s and 1990s, I spent a lot of time at conferences in the
USA and Brazil, but in the last few years I have been more active in
Russia and China. I often receive invitations from these countries
because of my Manual of Aesthetic Surgery, Volume 1, as aesthetic
surgery is only just being developed there, and any knowledge in this
field is extremely welcome. I have become acquainted with many
competent plastic surgeons who are very interested in the field of
aesthetics, particularly in Russia. The demand is also increasing in
these countries.
I have a close relationship with the University of St. Petersburg through
Prof. Malakhov, whose human qualities I admire just as much as his
surgical skills.
Within Europe, our task is also to share our knowledge in aesthetic
surgery. In doing this, doctors will make a substantial contribution to
international understanding. The same applies to China where there is
a great demand for knowledge in aesthetic surgery. Young doctors from
this country have demonstrated their technical skill in my clinic.
I have already mentioned all of my medical colleagues in Volume 1 with
whom I have been working since 1975 and have had the privilege to learn
from, as well as everyone who has helped me on the way. In addition to
these, I would also like to mention my long friendship with Prof. Ivo
Pitanguy. I first visited Prof. Pitanguy at his clinic in Rio de Janeiro in
1972. Since then, Prof. Ivo Pitanguy has often taken part in conferences in
Lindau and is always a very welcome guest in our home. His professional
competence, his charm, his gentlemanly nature, his warm-heartedness
and his ability to get things done, as well as his pioneering spirit and his
love for aesthetic/plastic surgery have perhaps encouraged me to continue resolutely in this specialty and to pass on my knowledge to young
colleagues. This young team of enthusiastic aesthetic/plastic surgeons at
my clinic has also helped me to complete Volume 2 of the manual.
For this, I would like to give particular thanks to Dr. med. Klaus Lang, Dr.
med. Marian Stefan Mackowski and Dr. Manuel Stock for their assistance
with the chapters on surgery of the abdominal wall and extremities,
Dr. med. Frank Neidel for compiling the hair transplantation chapter,
and Dr. Nico Roßmann for the photographic documentation and his
marvelous care of patients on the ward. Dr. med. Kathrin Ledermann is
responsible for adjuvant therapies at my clinic and helped me to compile
the videos and texts about this area. My sincere thanks for this. I would
like to thank Ms Annemarie Anzenbacher and Ms Karina Engelhardt
for the clerical work and organization and my entire surgical and
inpatient team who likewise gave up much time to compile the films
and photographs.
My particular thanks naturally go to the Springer-Verlag and, in
particular, Ms Gabriele Schröder, who has always been very patient with
me and has not pressed me too much, despite my delays. I would like to
thank Ms Ute Pfaff for the wonderful production of the volume and, last
but not least, Mr Klaus Peter Prieur, who recorded the films in the
operating room and edited and set them in the studio with much
patience, skill, and originality.
The Manual of Aesthetic Surgery is brought to life by the excellent
illustrations. Mr Hans Jörg Schütze created these in an ingenious way.
He was present at the operations and drew every important stage.
The first volume of this manual was only so successful because of his
professional competence and perseverance. I offer him my warmest
thanks for this.
Werner L. Mang
Foreword by M. P. Ceravolo
All plastic surgeons have been waiting for this book. Those who have
read Prof. Mang’s first volume will be surprised to see how the clarity of
the text, the detailed drawings, and the wisdom in the technical advice
now proposed by the author are even more impressive than in the first
volume. Breast surgery, abdominoplasty, and the technical difficulties of
other major operations can easily be tamed through an extremely didactic method and outstanding iconography.
The author, like Virgilius in the Divine Comedy, accompany the reader
through the different circles of Hell, explaining how to do things and
how “avia” become “pervia” if well handled. Professor Mang’s eclectic
personality, his rousing enthusiasm, and his vast experience merge in
this book, making it a “must” for the surgeon training in aesthetic
surgery and a pleasure for the experienced plastic surgeon.
Mario Pelle Ceravolo
Professor of Plastic Surgery
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Medical College, New York, USA
and Rome, Italy
Foreword by D. L. Feinendegen
Aesthetic surgery has experienced exceptionally rapid growth over the
last few years. There has been a continual increase in the number of
people requesting such operations and, alongside specialists in plastic
surgery, more and more doctors from other specialist surgical fields are
now working in this area. Until now, however, it has been possible to
acquire sound training in aesthetic surgery within Europe in only a few
large hospitals. Doctors interested in this field therefore often have to
move abroad to obtain experience in aesthetic surgery.
Professor Mang has been working to establish training in aesthetic
surgery for many years. His greatest contribution has been to ensure
interdisciplinary cooperation between plastic surgeons, ENT specialists,
oral surgeons, and other surgeons active in the field of aesthetic surgery.
Professor Mang has already made these ideas a reality in his new clinic.
With his two manuals on aesthetic surgery, Professor Mang has created a
foundation for training in aesthetic surgery. The first volume has already
made a strong impression, with its clear structure and excellent, step-bystep diagrams that make even difficult surgical techniques easy to understand. The manuals appeal particularly to young doctors who are having
their first experience with aesthetic surgery. The additional option of
audiovisual learning, provided by the integrated DVDs, underlines Professor Mang’s modern teaching concept.
The two manuals reflect Professor Mang’s tireless dedication to the task
of continuing to establish the field of aesthetic surgery. I myself have
come to value Professor Mang as a teacher and wish him continued
success in making his ideas a reality. I hope that as many doctors as
possible will be able to profit from these ideas, ultimately contributing to
the welfare of patients.
Dr. med. Dominik L. Feinendegen
Spezialarzt FMH für Plastisch-Rekonstruktive
und Ästhetische Chirurgie
Zollikon, Switzerland
Foreword by P. F. Fournier
It is a great pleasure and a great honor for me to write a foreword in the
second book of Professor Werner L. Mang.
Professor Mang and I have been acquainted for many years and have
attended many meetings together. He must be congratulated on having
presented his great experience in aesthetic surgery in his books in a
dynamic way with a video included in a DVD. All aesthetic surgeons with
experience or surgeons learning aesthetic surgery who have not the
privilege to observe Professor Mang in his clinic at Lake Constance can
be informed about the latest and best procedures used by Professor
Mang. The text and illustrations are of exceptional quality and reading
the different chapters is a real pleasure.
All chapters have been written with great care and with the desire to be
of the highest interest for the readers. There is no doubt that this second
book will have the same deserved success as the chapters of the first
We are greatly indebted to Professor Mang for all the time he spent in
offering both seasoned and beginning aesthetic surgeons eager to learn
or refine a surgical procedure a true mine of precious and safe
techniques. He is extending the horizons of our specialty by providing the
readers with his contributions or the improvements that he brought to
conventional techniques. He emphasizes details that continue to make our
specialty creative and very practical at the same time. All such precise
information is an incentive to read and learn more to achieve excellence
in our daily work, in patient selection, in planning, and performing.
Again, we should be very grateful to Professor Mang for sharing his great
knowledge, experience, creative mind, and insight.
I have known Prof. Mang for more than 20 years. Following his surgical
training, he gained an international reputation as a specialist in ENT and
plastic surgery and, through his Manual of Aesthetic Surgery, Volume 1,
he became beyond the boundaries of Europe. In 1987, Prof. Mang
founded the German Society for Aesthetic Medicine and was a pioneer in
this field in Germany. I have frequently attended his wonderful conferences in Lindau on Lake Constance, listened to his excellent lectures, and
become acquainted with interesting aesthetic surgeons from all over the
world. My wife and I have been pleased to accept private invitations
from the Mang family and these have given us the pleasure of meeting
Professor Mang’s enchanting wife, Sibylle, and his children, Gloria and
Prof. Mang’s clinical activity and his services to society are remarkable.
He is a workaholic and pursues his goals in aesthetic surgery determinedly, properly, and with a lot of self-sacrifice. In many discussions with him, we wanted to find out what beauty really is.
Cosmetic surgeons have heavy responsibilities and must be creative.
For Volume 2 of the Manual of Aesthetic Surgery, therefore, I have
attempted to define the term beauty:
Initially we are expected to believe that beauty has something to do with
proportion, balance, and symmetry. I would like to attempt, therefore, to
explain beauty objectively by looking back to the starting point of the
ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans
What is Beauty?
Beauty is a combination of form and proportion that brings us pleasure
and that we can admire. The perception of beauty, however, varies
between different cultures. Beauty is a balance between form and
volume. Beauty produces in us an aesthetic feeling, an admiration, by
pleasing the eye. Some people even claim that beauty is a visual
Beauty is a combination of qualities, such as form, proportion, the color
of the human face (or other objects) that charm the gaze.
Over 200 years ago, David Hume (1711–1776), a Scottish philosopher,
remarked,“Beauty is essentially a private and personal experience.
Beauty is in the eye and mind of the beholder.” He also said,“Beauty is
not a quality of the thing itself but that which exists in the mind of those
who contemplate it.” Beauty is an individual emotion.
A few philosophers have concluded,“Beauty is good, and what is good, is
A long time ago, the philosopher Sapphie said,“That which is beautiful is
good and he who is good will soon become beautiful.”
Our early experiences influence how we judge now. Particularly because
beauty does not captivate through detail but through the whole, which is
greater than the sum of the individual parts, our parents, partners, ex-
partners, wives and friends remind us of experiences. In the same way,
our current experiences will affect our feelings of tomorrow. The happy
and unhappy phases of our lives leave behind traces that shape our inclinations. Faces that we loved during our youth, which gave us warmth and
security, live on in our thoughts.
Beauty does not only have to do with the face, the voice, the body or a
charming appearance. A person is beautiful because of their character,
their personality, their ability to feel joy and give pleasure to others, and
their capacity for love.
If we like a face, we like the mood which that person conveys. A person
can be attractive in many ways.
Beauty and charm are often confused. Cleopatra, George Sand, Louisa
de la Valliere and Theodora were famous for their beauty. In truth, they
were very beautiful but also had a lot of charm. Beauty is more an illusion than a reality.
Beauty exists not only for the eye but also for the mind.
A beautiful personality emphasizes the beauty of the face. There are
numerous ways of defining beauty and it is often associated with charm.
Charm, however, differs from beauty because it is permanent, whereas
beauty fades. The English say,“Charm lasts! Beauty passes!” Ultimately,
we can see that it is not only the eyes which judge whether someone is
beautiful or not but the mind which plays a much greater role and judges
the heart and inner beauty.
According to the American Sociologist Frumkin, a woman is judged in
relation to her sexual charisma. Whether she is judged beautiful or not
beautiful depends not only on the symmetry of her proportions but also
on whether these attributes suggest potential sexual possibilities.
The sensual emotion is then transformed into an aesthetic feeling.
Following these classic explanations, we can conclude that the perception
of beauty differs among cultures and individuals and that it is not only a
question of form and symmetry. A person’s personality, charm and inner
beauty play an important part in giving a person a pleasing image. The
eyes alone do not make a judgment, but the head and the heart as well.
The mind is influenced by our past experiences, which affect our judgment,
just as our current experiences influence the future. One of Buddha’s
teachings tells us,“Today is the son of yesterday and the father of tomorrow.” Beauty is like an iceberg; only one small part is visible.
Konrad Lorenz, Nobel Prize winner for Medicine and Physiology, has
made a special contribution to our understanding of the biology of
behavior. This has helped us to understand human beauty.
When someone feels drawn to a face, this is because the face has childlike features. Everyone instinctively feels attracted to a childlike face.
The sight of a childlike face evokes an emotion that is automatically
linked with a desire to protect. It is the same in both humans and animals. Konrad Lorenz explained this in the following terms: the desire to
protect one’s offspring is prompted by something which the offspring
sends out, a physical peculiarity, a sound, a smell. It is the same in man.
There are signals which provoke protective instincts, sympathy and
tenderness. What are they, asks Konrad Lorenz? In infants, the signals
come from the head. The roundness and fullness, the prominent forehead, the full cheeks, a small snub nose; all these infantile characteristics
provoke a protective instinct. A child’s face is associated with purity,
friendliness, honesty, and vulnerability.
We know that women keep their curves, whereas men lose them. A good
plastic surgeon should therefore ensure that during surgery he optimizes
the characteristics which, as in a baby, provoke affection, tenderness, and
a desire to protect.
Softness and roundness = tenderness.
Once again, to give the impression of beauty, it is of fundamental
importance to be able to recognize childlike features in an adult’s face.
Features, however, are not the sole cause of the protective reflex; expressions are also important. These at least have the advantage that they are
within the reach of everyone. A few people know how helpful expressions
can be in getting someone to do something or in pleasing someone.
The emotions which were elicited by Brigit Bardot’s childlike features
were helped particularly by her famous “spoilt child”-like pouting.
Just as well known are the childlike expressions used, or abused, by
Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn. It has even been rumored that
Marilyn Monroe deliberately made herself up badly to give the impression that she was a small girl who still did not know how to get ready
properly and, even after long sessions at the hairdressers, immediately
rumpled her hair to restore the disheveled appearance of a small girl
who had just come in from playing. Men have no desire to protect
women who do not have a childlike appearance and want to dominate
men, and feel reminded more of their mother than their wife.
Women are more concerned with beauty than men and consciously or
subconsciously display this childlike behavior. They are consciously or
subconsciously shy, fragile, weak, innocent, naïve, ignorant, temperamental, admiring, inquisitive, etc. A few women even emphasize weaknesses
to trigger the protective instinct. Have I already mentioned that apparent
weaknesses in women are also their strengths? All this to strike a man
directly in his heart. Napoleon said,“Women’s two weapons are make-up
(the significance of this will be discussed later) and the tears of a small,
helpless child.”
It is easy to understand why childlike features in an adult can move
someone, in the same way as freckles, full red cheeks, long eyelashes,
blond curls, well-defined and full lips. Among men, as we can see in a few
of the great sex symbols, the side parting (Clark Gable, Gary Cooper),
an untidy mane of hair (Leonardo de Caprio) and daily shaving can only
be explained as the desire for a childlike appearance. It is not necessary,
however, to have all these attributes; one is usually sufficient.
Every individual can display childlike features at any time. As regards
particular features, if someone does not have these, he or she can usually
acquire them with the help of cosmetic surgery. Beauty is not merely
a completely natural phenomenon; instead, it has been a cultural
phenomenon for a long time and this is the case particularly in the
present day. People try to improve themselves and women, to whom
beauty is more important than it is to men (men tend to try to obtain
power), try to improve their beauty and charm with make-up and
accessories like spectacles, false eyelashes, earrings, hair styles,
permanent make-up around the lips, eyelids and eyebrows, hats,
necklaces and the invisible accessory, perfume. A few modern accessories have been developed by beauty professionals to disguise beauty
defects, e.g., wide spectacle side pieces hide crow’s feet, a high frame
emphasizes the length of a nose that is too short and, conversely, a lower
frame disguises a nose that is too long. All these strategies are discussed
discreetly and in detail in women’s magazines. An old proverb describes
this perfectly: “Thirty percent of beauty is natural, seventy percent is
created by vanity.” The disadvantage of this resource is that it is not
possible to look young and beautiful without it.
Make-up has always been around and if a face is to be beautified, it
should be made to look natural and the face should resemble a young
face. Lipstick, for example, creates the intense color of young red lips,
which is a sign of a more rapid metabolism. Blusher is a reminder of
childlike red cheeks and powder gives the face the pale, velvety skin of
youth. Desmond Morris called this over-stimulation. Long false eyelashes
remind us of the long eyelashes of children. If applied badly, however,
make-up can also ruin the beauty of a face. It can be both friend and foe.
In ethnological books, we can read that in former times, witches
improved the appearance of sick people so that the relatives were not
shocked when they saw them.
Childlike features and expressions are therefore important in provoking
the protective instinct, but the voice should also be soft and pleasant, like
a child’s. A hard, metallic voice, such as smokers have, is not reminiscent
of that of a child.
Clothing should be pleasing to the eye and mind and it should have a
good cut. The mini skirt makes us think of the long legs of an adolescent.
Colors remind us of childhood; light colors, like blue or pink, are always
chosen by old women. Naturally, black should be avoided.
In conclusion, all human senses should be stimulated: sight, hearing,
smell (children do not have a smell – thus we use deodorant) and touch.
The firmness of the skin is also important.
Beauty institutes have understood this for a long time and enthusiastically apply it. Do we not read in women’s magazines: ladies have beautiful breasts, a flat stomach and good legs, but are they also firm?
The firmness and elasticity of tissue are fundamental qualities of a
child’s skin and a part of their beauty. Beauty is costly. It is easy for
wealthy people to get jewelry and beauty accessories, but these are more
difficult to acquire without money. This is one explanation of the
popularity of aesthetic medicine and surgery among the less well-off and
among those who cannot please merely with their natural gifts or with
the artificial resources of the wealthy. As they are only able to please with
their body, the less wealthy will more pay readily for an operation to
remove acquired or existing supposed defects so that they can continue
to be admired.
The idea of using the child formula is well known. The heart should be
receptive to generosity, and this is used for reasons other than just noble
ones. Thus, for example, a child’s face next to the product in an advertisement increases sales and turnover. Whether these are medications or
other products, if the consumers are sensitive, sales will increase.
Naturally, a way to the heart is sought but also, and predominantly, a way
to the wallet. The child formula strategy is likewise used to direct public
attention to countries in need, to collect donations, and to fight poverty
and suffering. A begging child will always get more money than an adult.
The Disney films, of which audiences are so fond, use ever smaller and
ever more vulnerable animals; we always see the young mouse, the
puppy or the fawn, never the fully grown animal. This also applies to
toys. Usually, small animals and babies are used as dolls. As Saint Exupery said,“One can only see well with the heart.”
It is also important to know that a physical defect also provokes a
protective reflex. A few celebrated personalities and women involved in
politics keep a slight squint, which could be easily corrected, to provoke
this famous protective mechanism and thus strengthen their influence
and power of persuasion. They do not want an operation. It is just as well
known that if one part of the face is not perfect and other facial features
are consciously highlighted, then the defect is less striking, as the eye is
drawn to the emphasized features. If, for example, the eyes are beautiful
and the nose is not, the eyes should be emphasized even more to disguise
the unattractive nose. Make-up artists advise this even though they are
not familiar with Konrad Lorenz’s theories and nevertheless know how
to beautify a face. A scar can deflect attention from the beauty of a face.
To conceal public embarrassment, Passot says,“Give him a medal and he
will be taken for a hero.”
Similarly, make-up artists do not know about the Muller-Lyer illusion of
two lines of equal length with arrows pointing in different directions at
either end. Nevertheless, they know how to give eyes the appearance of
being closer together, by applying make-up to the inner corner or,
conversely, increasing the distance between the eyes by applying makeup to the outer corner.
The same applies to cheek bones in a face that is either too long or too
short. Blusher is applied either further apart or closer together as
Why be beautiful? The reasons suggested are pride, a desire to be
admired and to be seen positively by others.
The cult of beauty is actually cultural. Humans are the only life form who
do not accept their fate but try to improve it. Preserving beauty means
improving the quality of life to beautify life. The progress of
civilization in all areas has led to increased life expectancy. This does not
seem to be sufficient; the quality of life must also be maintained and a
life must be “beautiful” for longer. Some people say that medicine has
given a few more years to life; aesthetic medicine and surgery have given
life to these years.
Beauty and fashion are external signs of our inner need to express and
redefine ourselves. Fashion is only a stylistic device in the work of art
which is life.
Beauty does not last forever but everyone knows that, at the same time,
beauty does not have an age. It is possible to look good at 20 but it is also
possible to remain irresistible for an entire lifetime, as Coco Chanel has
Madame de Pompadour said,“The first requirement of a woman is to
please.” It is more and more difficult to fulfill this requirement with
increasing age. This reminds me of an old woman who came to me and
asked for a facelift. When I showed that I had little interest in performing
this procedure because of her age, she said, in a quiet voice,“When one
has ceased to please, one doesn’t have to displease for long.”
Ultimately, the desire to be beautiful is not a desire to be admired but a
desire to be loved. In addition, this desire for love is ultimately the only
thing that the followers of the cult of beauty want to communicate.
Konrad Lorenz acknowledges this,“Everyone loves children and wants to
protect them, this is hereditary.” Can you resent someone for wanting to
be like them in order to be loved more? There is no doubting this theory.
We should remember that the plastic surgeon should reconstruct childlike features in his work, if this is possible and wanted, to provoke positive feelings and admiration. We recognize the link between beauty and
admiration and the intense fluctuations of the spirit and the mind.
Theodore Gautier summarized this well,“To admire is to love with the
mind, to love is to admire with the heart.”
Konrad Lorenz’s theory is strengthened with details. To provoke a protective instinct, an adult’s face must resemble that of a child; this is considered to be beautiful. The perception of beauty is subjective; the personality and qualities of the individual play a part. In those who experience this, this perception is influenced by earlier experiences.
Pierre F. Fournier, M.D.
Honorary President of the French Society
of the Aesthetic Surgery (National Society)
Paris, France
Foreword by M. S. Mackowski
After training in the field of plastic surgery for more than 20 years and
holding the position of Consultant at the Department of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery at the Ruhr University, Bochum, I have been the
Leading Consultant and Deputy Clinical Director at the Bodenseeklinik
in Lindau since 2004.
It was at this hospital, where aesthetic surgery is carried out and taught
to the highest standards, that I first became familiar with Professor
Mang’s philosophy. He believes that aesthetic surgery is an interdisciplinary specialty in which mutual cooperation makes it possible to learn
a huge amount.
During my numerous visits to plastic and aesthetic surgeons abroad,
I have not found a hospital specializing in the field of aesthetic surgery
anywhere which is as large, modern and well-organized as the
Bodenseeklinik. It is not only aesthetic operations that are performed
to the highest standards at the Bodenseeklinik; all types of plastic and
reconstructive surgery are also carried out here, with a particular focus
on breast reconstruction.
As Professor Mang’s deputy, I have also got to know his human side
and soon realized that in addition to having many years of surgical
experience, he has a huge sense of responsibility towards his patients,
an impeccable understanding of indications and an impressive desire to
achieve. If Professor Mang can sometimes be impatient and demands
too much from his colleagues, he is most importantly direct, kind and
I am extremely pleased that I will be able to assist Professor Mang in
shaping the hospital over the coming years and foresee that a third volume dealing with breast reductions, breast lifts, body lifts, hints and tips
for aesthetic operations and advanced surgical techniques for the facial,
breast and abdominal areas will follow the successful Volume 1 (head and
neck) and Volume 2 (torso).
Dr. med. M. S. Mackowski
Specialist in Plastic Surgery
Leading Consultant at the Bodenseeklinik
Lindau, Germany
Foreword by S. Malakhov
I first became acquainted with Prof. Mang in 2002 when he performed
surgery at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy at the invitation of
Prof. Zapessotsky. Many plastic surgeons watched him doing this and
were fascinated by his atraumatic operation technique. One of my
assistants went to Prof. Mang’s clinic at Lake Constance for further study
and reported back on the friendly and excellent training received in
Prof. Mang’s clinic.
On the occasion of his visit to St. Petersburg, Prof. Mang presented me
with the first volume of the Manual of Aesthetic Surgery. I was impressed
by the clear and concise way in which cosmetic operations were
explained. This concept of audiovisual teaching was unknown at that
time in Russia. All of my colleagues who have an interest in the subject of
aesthetic and plastic surgery were also impressed with this manual.
The first volume dealt with cosmetic operations in the head/neck area,
and the second volume describes cosmetic operations in the trunk area
in a way that is just as clear and comprehensible. It is an ideal textbook
for learning about aesthetic surgery; this type of operation has not previously been taught in this form, particularly in Russia.
I witnessed Prof. Mang’s hospitality on the occasion of the International
Conference for Aesthetic Surgery in Lindau in July 2003. I was impressed
not only with the scientific part of the conference in which 600 people
participated, but also with the social event on the occasion
of the opening of Prof. Mang’s new clinic.
There are plans to strengthen further and intensify this relationship
between the clinic at Lake Constance and the Medical Academy in St.
Petersburg. I wish Prof. Mang much success for Volume 2 of the Manual
of Aesthetic Surgery.
Finally, I would like to complete my foreword by giving you a little information on the history of plastic surgery in Russia:
Plastic/Aesthetic Surgery in Russia – the Past and the Future
Development of plastic surgery in Russia is closely associated with the
name of the great Russian surgeon, N.I. Pirogov. It was he who first paid
attention to the aesthetic results of surgery on open areas of the human
body. In his famous book, Basis of General War Field Surgery, he touched
on the topics repeatedly. One of his followers wrote the thesis on rhynoplasty. In 1865 another brilliant follower Y.K. Shimanovskii published the
first manual in the world for practical surgeons, Human Body Surface
Surgery, for which he was awarded the I. Bush prize. This unique book
contains more then 150 drafts and schemes of plastic surgery procedures
made with the author’s own hand, many of them still significant.
A little bit later in 1869, the young Russian surgeons (S.M. YanovichChainski, A.S. Yatsenko, P.Ya. Pyasetskii) took up the idea of J. Reverdin
concerning free transplantation of autodermal microflaps for closing
wound defects and implemented the experience in Russia. In 1898,
K.P. Suslov worked out the original method of the elimination of nose
defects by transplantation of free skin–cartilage transplants from the ear.
Unfortunately, during the first decades of the twentieth century, there
were three revolutions and the First World War, which did not favor the
development of plastic surgery in Russia. Nevertheless, in 1916 the worldwide recognized work by V.P. Filatov was published. The work was
dedicated to the results of using of round fat-dermal flaps developed by
V.P. Filatov. This method was the only opportunity of tissue complex
transplantation right up to the second half of the twentieth century when
flaps with axial blood supply came into use. Other famous Russian
surgeons who played an important role in plastic surgery development
are: P.I. Diakonov, N.A. Bogoraz, A.A. Limberg, A.E. Rauer, B.I. Vozchek,
B.S. Preobrazhenskii, I.M. Mikhelson, and many others.
After World War II, a special system was organized for the treatment of
burn patients; this played a particular role in the formation and development of plastic surgery in Russia. During this research and organization work several generations of plastic surgeons grew up, who have a
good knowledge of the most up-to-date methods of free and local skin
plastic surgery procedures, including those using microsurgery.
The methods of skin reconstruction by means of different variants of
combined autoallodermaplastics were developed and implemented.
The most significant names in this field were Y.Y. Dzhanelidze, T.Y. Ariev,
M.I. Shraiber, N.I. Atiasov, B.S. Vihriev, and others.
In 1930, in Moscow increasing interest in plastic surgery led to the
creation of the Institute of Beauty, which is now called the Institute for
Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology. In 1961 a similar clinic was opened in
Leningrad. In the following decades this tendency developed rapidly,
and now in Russia there are hundreds of centers working in the field of
beauty surgery.
At the end of the last century, many specialists understood that plastic
surgery is an independent and complex specialty that requires the longterm education of individual surgeons. That is why at the end of the
1980s and the beginning of the 1990s in Moscow the first structure for
the training and retraining of plastic surgeons was included in the
system of continuous medical education. In 1997 at the Saint Petersburg
Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies, the first special department
and clinic for plastic and aesthetic surgery was created. Specialists in
this department have experience in all methods of plastic surgery and
educational work. The department provides long-term programs for the
basic training of young specialists (3–5 years) and short-term programs
for continuing medical education. The intensive research work of the
departmental staff allows training programs to be refreshed and ongoing
improvement of the surgery procedures.
All of the above means that the education of plastic surgeons is
continuous and that their professional level is constantly renewed.
The following events have favored the development of plastic surgery in
Russia: creation of the All-Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic surgeons; publishing of several periodicals; organization and
holding of scientific conferences, seminars and master-classes in
different regions of Russia; constant contact with international societies
of plastic surgeons.
My colleagues and I believe that aesthetic surgery in Russia has a great
Professor S. Malakhov
Head of the Clinic for Plastic
and Aesthetic Surgery
Saint Petersburg Medical Academy
of Postgraduate Studies, Russia
Foreword by D. Millesi
Aesthetic surgery has developed with enormous velocity over the past
decade. Owing to the growing number of patients undergoing aesthetic
surgery, it is not only more and more accepted in a wider range of our
population, but also has to fulfill the growing expectations of very
critical patients.
Many new techniques are at our disposition and the number is
constantly growing. Apart from basic techniques, detailed technical
points become more and more important for the successful outcome.
It is nearly impossible to provide a complete survey of all techniques
available today in a single textbook, not to mention the variety of
technical details that are frequently not described. It is to W. L. Mang’s
credit that he elected the forum of a manual instead of a large textbook
to present his great personal experience. In the first volume of his manual, W. L. Mang described his personal experience with rhinoplasty,
rhytidectomy, eyelid surgery, and otoplasty. His techniques and his tricks
are presented in the form of very instructive sketches, and any surgeon
who wants to enter the field of aesthetic surgery can do this easily
following the impressive illustrations. Now the second part of the
Manual of Aesthetic Surgery is available. It covers liposuction, breast
implants, hair transplantation, aesthetic surgery of the extremities, and
abdominal plastic surgery. These regional chapters are complemented by
a chapter of adjuvant therapies, including lipotransfer. The new volume
is designed according to the same principles as the first volume. Again,
the main focus is on the illustrations, which are easy to follow and help
the reader to understand the individual surgical steps. In addition to the
excellent optical presentations, a DVD is included, providing audiovisual
presentations. I personally have had enormous profit from the brilliant
images, and I am sure that the second volume will help beginners in this
field in the same way. It would be advantageous if all prominent surgeons
in aesthetic surgery would present their professional experience in way
similar to W.L. Mang.
Prim. Dr. med. Dagmar Millesi
Fachärztin für plastische und ästhetische Chirurgie
Vienna, Austria
Foreword by I. Pitanguy
In his first volume of Manual of Aesthetic Surgery, Professor Mang provided a clearly written and comprehensible book that can be read by all
physicians who may have an interest in the field of aesthetic plastic
surgery. Prof. Mang shared with us his vast experience in aesthetic
surgery and presented the techniques that have proven useful in his
Together with his team of collaborators at the clinic at Lake Constance,
in Volume 2 Prof. Mang describes operations clearly and explicitly.
Especially for the younger surgeon, this part of the book offers the
opportunity to become acquainted with aspects of surgery of the
abdominal and breast regions, as well as the upper and lower limbs.
When Prof. Mang first visited me in Brazil in 1971, he impressed me as a
particularly hard-working colleague, eager for knowledge. Through his
numerous visits to my clinic in Rio, and during my own visits to
Germany, I have grown to know Prof. Mang and his delightful family well
and to value the friendship that we have developed, with that special
charm all the Germans are capable of giving.
With the completion of his new clinic at Lake Constance, Prof. Mang
has fulfilled his life’s dream. I wish both his clinic and this book much
Prof. Ivo Pitanguy, FACS, FICS
Head Professor of the Post-Graduate Courses
in Plastic Surgery of the Pontifical
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
and the Carlos Chagas Post-Graduate Medical Institute.
Member of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery,
the Brazilian National Academy of Medicine,
and the Brazilian Academy of Letters
Foreword by H. U. Steinau
The second volume of Werner L. Mang’s Manual of Aesthetic Surgery
brings together his group of experienced plastic surgeons and specialized ENT and maxillofacial colleagues to share their profound personal
knowledge in treating the most common aesthetic problem areas.
The new chapters “Implantation and Adjuvant Treatment of Wrinkles”,
“Hair Transplantation”,“Liposuction” and “Body Contouring, Including
Aesthetic Breast Surgery and Abdominoplasty” provide basic guidelines
for safe and proper procedures and step-by-step operative details for
different body regions.
Anatomical landmarks and potential pitfalls are clearly depicted and
discussed. The publisher has provided coloured pictures of excellent
quality with concommitant schematic drawings.
The chapters explain the selection of optimal operative strategies and
details are given on their basic instrumental supplementation, surgical
principles and potential problems. Advanced planning and selection of
safe solutions are followed by various anesthetic regimens including
tumescence techniques, which are now used routinely in ambulatory
Taken as a whole, the second volume represents a valuable contribution
that will provide novices during residency with a broad-based training
program. Its interesting case collections and methodologies afford experienced aesthetic surgeons with the opportunity to critically compare
their preferred treatment options with convincing “second opinions”.
Professor Mang and his multidisciplinary team are to be commended for
their continuous educational efforts and outstanding didactic accomplishments.
Professor Dr. med. Hans U. Steinau
Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns
BG-University Hospital “Bergmannsheil”
RU-Bochum, Germany
Breast Augmentation
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Hair Transplantation
Adjuvant Therapies
Including Spacelift 225
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Breast Implants
Anatomical Overview
Duplicate Patient Information
Preliminary Examinations
Photographic Documentation
Surgical Planning
Incision Line in the Case of Submammary Access
Definition of the Subsequent Breast or Implant Size
by Establishing the Distance Between the Lower Margin
of the Nipple and the Subsequent Inframammary Fold 17
Positioning of the Patient, Disinfection of the Operating Area
Submammary Incision
Preparation, Step 1
Preparation, Step 2: Precise Demonstration of the Caudal,
Medial and Lateral Borders of Pectoralis Major 22
Deep, Blunt Dissection
Wound Revision and Hemostasis Using the Illuminated Retractor
and Bipolar Tweezers 24
Determining the Size and Shape of the Implant
Fitting the Final Implant
Exact Positioning of the Implant
The symbol
indicates parts of the procedures shown in the video.
Breast Augmentation
Insertion of the Redon Drain (size 10)
Deep Wound Closure
Two-Layer, Atraumatic Wound Closure Using 4.0 Monocryl
Breast Augmentation – Submuscular Access
Breast Augmentation
Since the beginning of humanity the female breast has been synonymous with the idea of femininity. The “ideal” size, however, always
depended on whatever was in vogue at the time, and any appropriate
changes were made on illustrations. The first references to surgical interventions to increase the size of the female breast date back to the end of
the nineteenth century. There are reports of treatments ranging from fat
transplants to paraffin injections, from creams and various synthetic
materials to silicone injections, and, as one can imagine, these had disastrous consequences. It was not until the 1960s that it became possible to
develop usable silicone gel implants. The further development of these
has continued until the present day and has given rise to a safe method
of breast augmentation. This is due above all to the viscosity of silicone
gel, which enables the implant to be as natural as possible. There are also
saline-filled implants on the market, but these have inherent disadvantages. The saline can diffuse more easily through the outer silicone layer,
which firstly may produce a loss and unevenness in size, and secondly
may give rise to noises.
The advantages of titanium-coated hydrogel breast implants and others
need to be demonstrated in long-term studies. For decades we have been
using roughened implants with silicone gel (INAMED Aesthetics, Santa
Barbara, CA; Düsseldorf, Germany [formerly McGhan Medical]) without
complications and with a low capsular fibrosis rate.
Breast enlargement is a very frequently desired operation. This book
presents the most simple, clear technique in order to ensure that the
novice has a basic idea of how to introduce breast implants and to avoid
risks. The simplest, safest access is by means of a 3- to 4-cm-long incision
in the inframammary fold which, if it is made precisely, if an atraumatic
suture technique is used and if there is good postoperative treatment, is
hardly visible after 3 months.
The access described in the manual is very clear and easily understandable and also produces good aesthetic results. Of course, a breast implant
may also be introduced via the nipple and via the axilla. This requires
the person carrying out the operation to have appropriate experience.
In some cases it will be indicated. Any breast implant, however, may be
introduced without any problems by means of the access described in
the manual. It is then up to the young aesthetic surgeon to build on this
Breast Augmentation
Once the question of access has been resolved, the second-most-important decision is whether the implant is going to be placed above the pectoralis major or underneath it. Here, too, the manual gives clear and easily
understood instructions, namely, that generally, if there is good skin and
gland coverage, the implant is positioned above the muscle, between
muscle and gland. The operation is carried out macroscopically and the
dissected pocket is monitored by means of an endoscope so that any
bleeding is seen, all strands of connective tissue are cleanly cut through,
and the implant pocket is prepared in an anatomically clean manner.
In a clinical study of 500 patients followed up at the Bodenseeklinik, the
fibrosis rate was not significantly lower with submuscular access than
with supramuscular access (<4 %).
Submuscular access is and must be carried out if, following pregnancy or
dramatic weight loss, only a very thin flap of ptotic skin is present,
meaning that the covering is very weak. Otherwise an impression of the
implant and a rippling phenomenon is unavoidable. In this case the
implant must be placed under the muscle. This intervention is more
laborious and causes more bleeding. The pectoralis major must be separated while in view, including by endoscope, at its lower margin up to the
midline using an electric scalpel, cutting through its points of attachment on the relevant costal arches, directly from the rib. Subsequently,
the muscular pocket can generally be dissected bluntly. A disadvantage
of this method may be that the implant slips and that the muscle contracts and changes, which means that when the implant is in the submuscular position, there may be later cosmetic problems and changes if the
submuscular pocket is not dissected completely cleanly.
Consequently, a novice in the area of aesthetic breast surgery should
send patients who have difficult skin and ptotic breasts to an experienced breast surgeon. As a novice, one does not do oneself any favors
by carrying out complicated breast operations. In this book, therefore,
we have only selected subglandular breast implants with access via the
inframammary fold since this intervention can be easily learned,
is standardized, and is associated with low risk.
When implants are used, these should only be implants that have been
licensed by the health authorities. Similarly, to start with one should not use
implants that are too large (not over 350 g) since these are associated with
significantly more postoperative complications and a significantly greater
desire for subsequent operations than is the case of smaller implants.
Breast Augmentation
Breast Implants
Every day, women in Germany fulfill their dreams of having well-formed
breasts. While the round shapes – which are obviously implants – are
still preferred in the USA, German women want their surgically enlarged
breasts to have a natural appearance: the ‘tear shape’. Yet, it is not only
important to have a natural appearance; the implanted material should
also feel as natural as possible. Tear-shaped implants are made entirely
of silicone – with good reason. Other materials used for breast implants
have proved to be extremely disadvantageous for patients. Sodium
chloride is certainly safe as regards patients’ health but it has drawbacks:
the implants gurgle and the material has nothing in common with the
surrounding breast tissue. For this reason, only McGhan silicone gel
breast implants from Inamed Aesthetics* are used at Professor Mang’s
Bodenseeklinik. As the sole manufacturer, Inamed Aesthetics has
experience with these implants stretching back more than 25 years.
This is an important point as the quality and safety of the implant play
an important role in the result of the breast operation. Publications
throughout the world confirm the fact that these implants have the
lowest complication rate, which is in line with the high quality and safety
requirements at the Bodenseeklinik.
A standardized quality mark for breast implants has been in existence
throughout the entire European Union for three years. This guarantees
that the implants will not harm patients’ health. The silicone implants
used today are filled with cross-linked (cohesive) silicone and therefore
cannot leak. If such an implant is cut open, the contents appear as firm
as a wine gum. The surface has also been made rough which ensures
that the implant meets completely naturally with the tissue. Inamed
Aesthetics guarantees the safety of the implants with the INAMEDPlus
guarantee program.
This program covers every McGhan silicone gel breast implant which
has been explanted due to unexplained damage to the implant shell
and the resultant rupture of the shell. The decisive factor is that it was
implanted after March 31 2004.** Even in such highly unusual cases,
* Inamed Aesthetics GmbH, Hansa-Allee 201, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany.
** Breast implants which were used before 31 March 2004 come under the Inamed
Aesthetics Standard Product Exchange Program. Inamed Plus is offered in addition
to the Inamed Aesthetics Standard Product Exchange Program. This represents
a new era in breast surgery and will make many patients feel safer. From June 2004
the company Inamed issues a life-long guarantee for breast implants.
Breast Augmentation
only a cosmetic correction is required – the patient’s health has not been
put at risk because of this at any time. If the explanted product is no
longer being produced, it will be replaced by a current and equivalent
breast implant. And what is more, patients affected by this will receive
a financial contribution of up to 1,000 Euro for explantation required
as a result of damage to the implant shell, as long as this is carried out
within 10 years after implantation. More detailed information on this
exclusive guarantee program can be obtained directly from the
Bodenseeklinik on request.
Breast Augmentation
Anatomical Overview
Infraclavicular lymph nodes
Cervical plexus
Parasternal lymph nodes
M. pect. major
Pectoral fascia
Submammary lymph nodes
Superior epigastric artery
M. ext. obl.
Intercostal arteries
M. serr. ant.
Thoracodorsal artery
Paramammary lymph nodes
Lateral thoracic artery
Internal mammary artery
Axillary lymph nodes
Breast Augmentation
Pump-syringe [1]
Centimeter rule [2]
Sterile marking pen [3]
Scalpel [4]
Large needle holder [5]
Small needle holder [6]
Adson tweezers with plate [7]
Coarse surgical tweezers [8]
Monopolar electrocoagulation [9]
Insulated anatomical tweezers for hemostasis [10]
Large Metzenbaum dissecting scissors [11]
Cooper scissors [12]
Illuminated retractor [13]
Langenbeck retractor [14]
Sharp 4-pronged retractor [15]
Redon introducer [16]
Curved forceps [17]
Roux retractor [18]
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Duplicate Patient Information
The patient is first given comprehensive information about the objectives and risks of the procedure on the day of the first consultation.
A written record is kept of this.
One day before the surgical procedure, the patient is again given comprehensive information on two separate occasions: once by the surgeon
and once by the surgical resident. All the risks are set down in writing at
this time.
In addition to general operative risks such as wound infection, impairment to wound healing, injuries to blood vessels and nerves, scar formation, subsequent bleeding, thrombosis and embolism, in the case of
breast enlargement it is also necessary to give information to the patient
about circulatory disturbances and sensitivity disturbances relating to
the nipple, impairment of ability to breast-feed, necrosis of the skin,
glands, and adipose tissue, asymmetry (especially if this exists already
before the operation) and specifically about capsular fibrosis, prosthetic
defects, and possible displacement of the prosthesis.
Preliminary Examinations
Current results of preoperative routine laboratory tests
Up-to-date mammogram with findings
Clinical examination, particularly of the nipple and axilla
Photographic Documentation
Upper body, standing:
Half turned to the right and left
Side view right and left
Breast Augmentation
Surgical Planning
The operation is performed under general anesthesia achieved with
endotracheal intubation or laryngeal mask ventilation. The day before
the operation the doctor carrying out the operation discusses with the
patient in detail what changes the latter desires and how these can be
achieved by the surgeon. The patient must be warned about having
unrealistic expectations, and the patient must be informed in detail
about postoperative behavior. There should be intra-operative singleshot infection prophylaxis with 2 g cefaclor.
The surgical planning must incorporate information about the skin
condition, muscle thickness, a mammogram, or ultrasound of the breast.
It must also cover the shape of the chest, the current size of the breast,
circumference of the thorax, and the weight and stature of the patient.
A novice in breast augmentation surgery should start with implants that
are not too large (no larger than 320 g) and begin by using the safest
access. This is access in the inframammary fold (3). This access (approximately 3–4 cm) is free from problems, can be clearly seen, and is easy to
learn. It ensures safe dissection in view and low-risk introduction of the
Wound closure without tension using a 4.0 poliglecaprone 25 (Monocryl)
intracutaneous suture ensures that the scar is as good as invisible if there
is normal wound healing and good care is taken of the scar. Often this
scar is less unsightly than the scar that is produced with axillary axis (1).
With regard to the latter, patients often complain that they have an
unsightly scar when naked. Periareolar access (2) is very rarely indicated.
This may lead, in addition to visible scar formation, to sensitivity disturbances in the nipple area. Both forms of access (1 and 2) should be in the
repertoire of a well-trained aesthetic breast surgeon. Since this manual
is primarily intended to convey basic knowledge, the video and text will
give detailed information about submammary, i.e., supramuscular,
access. As an appendix to this chapter, reference is made to submuscular
access, which is indicated if the skin is poor, in order to ensure better
coverage of the implant and to avoid the phenomenon of rippling.
Submuscular access is more invasive since the pectoralis major has to be
completely separated at its caudal and medial point of attachment.
Detachment of the muscle makes the breast more susceptible to subsequent deformation. The nipple is not lifted upwards to such a large
extent, and on the basis of our studies (comparison of 100 patients)
Breast Augmentation
the fibrosis rate does not differ significantly between the submuscular and supramuscular position (<4 %). In most cases the implant
may be placed above the muscle (in over two-thirds of our patient
Breast Augmentation
Incision Line in the Case of Submammary Access
The incision lines are marked on the evening before surgery or on the
morning of the operation with the patient standing upright. First the
jugulum is marked, then the midline down to the xiphoid and the navel.
Next the cranial boundaries of the mammary glands are marked by
pushing the breast upwards with the palm of the hand. Depending on
the intended degree of augmentation, the incision line is made either at
the level of the inframammary fold or a corresponding 1–3 cm lower. The
medial incision boundary should not extend beyond the medial boundary of the nipple. The incision line is normally 3–4 cm and runs, swinging slightly, precisely in the line that will subsequently be the inframammary fold. It may be positioned slightly higher, but should never be too
low, i.e., underneath the inframammary fold, since the incision could be
seen when wearing a bikini.
From the medial margin of the nipple, a line is drawn in a caudal direction. This vertical marking line may not be exceeded by the incision in a
medial direction, since this scar region may be visible.
Breast Augmentation
Definition of the Subsequent Breast or Implant Size
by Establishing the Distance Between the Lower Margin
of the Nipple and the Subsequent Inframammary Fold
The distance from the nipple to the inframammary fold is measured.
By pushing the breast upwards with the palm of the hand in a medial,
cranial, and lateral direction, the existing boundaries of the mammary
glands are marked. Depending on the findings and on the patient’s
wishes, the surgeon carrying out the operation draws the extension of
the breast boundary in a medial direction (shrinking the intermammary
distance), or in a lateral and caudal direction, according to the desired
enlargement and change in the form of the breast.
It is particularly important to be aware of the inframammary fold, which
with appropriate enlargement of the breast must be moved in a caudal
direction so that it does not, after the operation, come to rest on the
lower breast pole but in the new inframammary fold that is in a lower
The submammary incision is drawn in the submammary fold, or parallel
to this but lower, beginning medially from the vertical extension of the
medial areolar boundary to the intended submammary fold. The length
Breast Augmentation
in the lateral direction is usually approximately 4 cm and therefore
enables the usual types of implants to be introduced easily. The distance
from the lower pole of the nipple to the incision in the subsequent fold
enveloping the breast is dependent on the desired breast size (B, C, D)
and therefore on the size of the implant. The larger the implant, the
greater the distance. A rule of thumb is that:
∑ Size B: approximately 4.5–5.5 cm
∑ Size C: approximately 5.5–6.5 cm
∑ Size D: approximately 6.5–7.5 cm
Positioning of the Patient, Disinfection of the Operating Area
[0.9 % NaCl 500 ml, 1 % prilocaine 250 mg (equivalent to 25 ml),
epinephrine 0.5 mg, 8.4 % NaHCO3 5 mEq]
Following intubation (if the patient wishes, the operation may also be
carried out under general anesthesia with laryngeal mask ventilation or
by means of tumescent local anesthesia), the patient should be positioned on her back with a slightly raised upper body (30 %–40 %). The
arms are approximately 75 % abducted. Attention must be paid here to
any tension or pressure. We recommend using soft silicone cushions
under the entire arm so that there is no nerve damage to the brachial
plexus. Similarly, when operating it must be ensured that neither the
operating surgeon nor the assistant leans on the arms.
Disinfection is carried out carefully using the colored disinfectant solution Cutasept. The sterile draping is applied in such a way that the operating area is protected from the head/neck or anesthesia area.
The advantages of prior tumescence (manually or mechanically using a
pump) are impressive. There is less bleeding. The gland is lifted from the
fascia of pectoralis major. As a result, dissection is simple because the
correct layer is easily located and time is saved. Wound healing is faster.
Initially, the incision area is infiltrated to deep into the muscle fascia.
Then by pulling up the mammary gland with the left hand, tumescence
is continued in the prefascial, parasternal, and lateral regions in the
whole of the dissection area. As an operating surgeon, one detects how
the gland becomes detached from the muscle fascia and can predissect
the subsequent dissection boundaries and layers with the tumescence
needle. As a result, much time is saved in the dissection process since this
Breast Augmentation
dissection can generally be carried out using the finger as a blunt instrument, in the correct layer and completely without bleeding. For this
reason it is important that the surgeon performing the operation carries
out the tumescence him/herself and does not leave it to his assistant.
Approximately 100 ml of tumescence solution is infiltrated on each side,
depending on the size of the breast. In the process, the complete mammary gland is lifted up from the pectoral muscle.
On the basis of a clinical trial, which involved the introduction of breast
implants with and without tumescence (n = 100), we have shown that
postoperative swelling and pain are reduced and that the healing process
is accelerated.
Liberal preoperative tumescence of the operation site may be
confusing for inexperienced surgeons since it results in an increase
in the breast volume.
Breast Augmentation
Submammary Incision
The breast is lifted up by the assistant using his/her right hand, and the
operating surgeon makes an incision precisely at the position previously
marked. It should be ensured here that the incision from the medial to
the lateral level is performed in a slight arch shape that matches the
intended inframammary fold, since this makes the subsequent scar as
inconspicuous as possible. The incision is made fully into the subcutaneous adipose tissue.
Preparation, Step 1
Using his/her right hand, the assistant holds the sharp four-pronged
retractor under traction on the upper incision margin in such a way that
the operating surgeon can carry out the dissection along the mammary
gland in the direction of the pectoralis major fascia cleanly and without
bleeding using surgical tweezers and Metzenbaum dissecting scissors.
Owing to the tumescence this is largely free from bleeding. The excess
tumescence solution flows back out again. If there are small amounts of
bleeding, the sites can be coagulated using bipolar tweezers.
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Preparation, Step 2: Precise Demonstration of the Caudal,
Medial and Lateral Borders of Pectoralis Major
The use of an illuminated retractor or a forehead lamp enables one to get
an overview of the operation site. Strong strands of connective tissue are
dealt with by sharp dissection in the lateral and medial directions. In
view, the entire lower part of the breast muscle can be demonstrated very
well. Tearing of the fascia or muscle should be avoided. Strong strands of
connective tissue generally lie medially in the direction of the sternum.
These must be dissected cleanly and sharply, in view. Bleeding from the
vessels that perforate the fascia should be stopped carefully using bipolar
tweezers since this is often the cause of postoperative bleeding.
In this dissection step, the sharp four-pronged retractor is exchanged for
a Roux retractor. The assistant holds this up under traction so that
despite the small cut, there is a good clear view of the operation site. One
must leave oneself time for this dissection step. When the correct layer
has been found, i.e., when one is exactly on the fascia, further dissection
of the whole implant pocket can generally be carried out using just the
right middle or index finger as a blunt instrument.
Breast Augmentation
Deep, Blunt Dissection
When forming the pocket for the subsequent implant, it is important to
dissect sufficiently in the cranial and medial directions, in order to
obtain a soft, inconspicuous transition of the implant margin. In the
medial direction, one should ensure that there is no connection between
the sites of the left and right implants. There should be a safety margin
of at least 3 cm, since otherwise there will not be a good aesthetic result.
In addition, when carrying out blunt dissection, one should ensure that
the pocket is not taken too far in the lateral direction, since this could
cause the bed of the implant to be too big laterally, producing separation
of the breasts, i.e., they slide to the side and the result is not good. It is
important that the breast “stands” and that in the lower neckline, the
medial, cranial margin is well positioned, without the implant or the
margin of the implant being discernible. The art of implant surgery is to
create an implant site that constitutes an optimum precondition for the
As a result of the prior tumescence, detachment of the gland from the
fascia is trouble-free. The boundaries must be smooth in all directions
and they must be sufficiently extensive so as not to cause later creasing
Breast Augmentation
of the implant. If the dissection using the middle or index finger as a
blunt instrument in the medial and cranial part is not completely successful, this dissection may be completed using Metzenbaum dissecting
scissors with the illuminated retractor. Pushing to the side can easily be
performed bluntly.
The implant compartments must be identical to the marking lines that
were drawn before the operation. It should be ensured that the two implant
pockets are symmetrical and the same size. Consequently, before incorporating implants, both the implant sites should be examined very precisely
and hemostasis should be carried out twice using the bipolar tweezers.
Wound Revision and Hemostasis Using the Illuminated Retractor
and Bipolar Tweezers
Hemostasis is carried out by means of electrocoagulation and with the
assistance of an endoscope or an illuminated retractor. This hemostasis
is carried out twice. One always begins with the right breast. After dissection and hemostasis have been completed, a damp compress is applied.
When the left side has been dissected, a second hemostasis is carried out
before incorporation of the implant. Until now, we have not seen any
postoperative bleeding in patients where this second hemostasis has
been carried out. The patient, however, must not get up for 24 h after the
operation, during which time her blood pressure is monitored, and the
patient is supine with the upper body raised and with a light compression bandage.
Determining the Size and Shape of the Implant
The shape and size of the implant depend on the individual. The operating surgeon must have a stock of implants that comprises all common
sizes and shapes (anatomical, round, etc.). The size is dictated by the skin
and muscle conditions. If, as an operating surgeon, one is faced with the
decision of using a larger or smaller implant, then as a novice one should
choose the smaller implant. At the beginning the selection of the shape
of the implant is not so crucial. This is also something one can talk about
with the patient before the operation using implant samples. It is definitely not wrong to begin with round low-profile implants*. Later one
can then incorporate other shapes into one’s repertoire.
*Inamed Aesthetics GmbH, Hansa-Allee 201, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany
Breast Augmentation
The sizers produced by implant manufacturers are helpful when it comes
to determining the implant to be used. Implants of any size can be simulated. The incorporation of the sizer is trouble-free and involves the
assistant holding open the operative access using a Langenbeck retractor. The sizer is filled up until the agreed breast size is obtained. The
same procedure is repeated on the opposite side. The sizer also enables
one to balance out differences in the size of the breasts very well.
Breast Augmentation
Together with INAMED we are also developing sizers of different shapes,
which means that it is possible, intraoperatively, not only to determine
the size, but also the selection of the shape. As a result one can determine
more easily what shape of implant is best for each type of breast.
Fitting the Final Implant
After removal of the sizer and after hemostasis has been carried out
again, the implant, which has been immersed in betadine (Betaisadona),
can be fitted. To do this the assistant holds the skin and gland tissue
using a medium-sized Langenbeck retractor demonstrating the apex
with strong traction in a cranial direction. The operating surgeon fixes
the implant at the opening with his or her index finger and uses the
other hand to prevent the implant from sliding out. Through alternating
movements of both index fingers, the implant is introduced through the
small opening. In doing this the correct position of the prosthesis must
be checked, and it must not be allowed to unfold. The incorporated
prosthesis is then smoothed out both above and below the implant using
the finger.
In the center of the base, i.e., on the underside of the implant, there is a
small nipple. After incorporation of the implant, this should be positioned approximately at the height of the actual nipple. The implant
must be free over its whole base and without folds and ideally fill out the
entire dissection boundaries, without causing impressions, particularly
in the cranial and medial part (bulging); if this is the case, the dissection
of the implant site has not been sufficient. In these circumstances a
smaller implant must be used or the implant pocket must be enlarged.
This cannot happen if the shape and size of the implant have previously
been correctly determined using the sizer.
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Exact Positioning of the Implant
If the desired implant is in the correct position and has an optimum fit, it
is immersed once more in betadine solution and is implanted in the way
described. In the process it must be possible to feel the small marking in
the central region of the base of the implant using one’s middle finger to
ensure that the positioning of the latter is correct. The implant is
smoothed above and below using the middle and index finger. A check is
carried out to ensure the implant fits the implant pocket exactly.
Insertion of the Redon Drain (size 10)
A size 10 Redon drain is used for wound drainage. It empties laterally
and is fixed using one suture. One should ensure that the implant is not
damaged and that the drain is positioned in such a way that between the
implant and muscle fascia it extends from the edge of the incision to the
medial dissection margin.
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Deep Wound Closure
Three concealed 2.0 Monocryl interrupted sutures are used as deep
fixation sutures, which connect the lower dermis with the fascia. This
suturing is important to achieve a stable, lower boundary to the inframammary fold and to avoid a later sinking or slipping of the implant in a
caudal direction. Consequently, the sutures must be deep and complete,
protecting the implant, so that no dehiscence can occur. The Redon drain
should not lie under the suturing but rather should, prior to this, be
pushed under the implant in the direction of the sternum. For suturing
the assistant should hold the implant away in the cranial direction using
a Langenbeck retractor to ensure that there is no accidental puncturing
of the prosthesis by the sutures.
Two-Layer, Atraumatic Wound Closure Using 4.0 Monocryl
Following subcutaneous closure with 2.0 Monocryl interrupted sutures
there is already good, tension-free wound closure of the skin. Subsequently, the skin is closed continuously, intracutaneously using 4.0
Monocryl. One concealed knot is made at the beginning and the end of
the suture so that this thread does not have to be pulled out later. Since
we have been using only Monocryl sutures in breast surgery, we have not
observed any problems with healing, thread granulomas or poor scar
healing. If good care is taken of the scar, the incision generally heals
without any problems and is virtually invisible.
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
After wound closure, the incisions are closed using Steri-Strips that the
patient may remove herself after 8 days. In addition to the dressing,
small pieces of gauze and 10¥15 cm Cutiplast plasters are applied to the
nipples, and a 10¥10 cm folded pressure dressing and 10¥15 cm Cutiplast
plaster are applied to the submammary incision. Subsequently, a bandage is used for postoperative compression. After 2 days this is changed
to a sports bra of the appropriate size.
After the operation the patient is monitored for 24 h. The blood pressure
is monitored and it ought not to be above 120 mg systolic. During this
time the patient must stay in bed on her back with the upper body raised
by 30°. The first day after the operation the Redon drain is removed and
the bandage is changed. If the course of the recovery is without problems, the patient is given a well-fitting sports bra. This is adjusted in the
clinic and the patient must wear it at home for 4 weeks.
Where the implant is beneath the muscle, we recommend that the
patients wear a ‘Stuttgart belt’. This reduces muscle swelling, produces
a supple connective tissue site (long-term study from the USA)
and accelerates the contouring process.
For the first 8 days after the operation, the patient receives an antibiotic
(cefaclor) and triamcinolone acetonide tablets, 8 mg per day. After 8
days, the patient can remove the Steri-Strips herself. The incisions must
be taken care of for 2 weeks using dexpanthenol ointment, and after
4 weeks silicone gel must be used or a plaster applied for 2 months. Four
weeks after the operation it is possible to do heavy physical work and
sport. Social activities and work do not pose a problem after 8 days.
Patients are requested to go to the breast clinic immediately if there are
any problems. After 12 months there will be a final check with precise
photo documentation.
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Appendix: Breast Augmentation
Submuscular Access
Submuscular access is more difficult, involves more bleeding and is more
time-consuming. This operation technique is indicated when the skin
and glandular tissue are unfavorable and too thin: if the implants were
incorporated above the muscle, the skin covering would be too thin and
rippling and the impression of an implant would be inevitable. In this
case the implant must go underneath the muscle. It cannot be said that
one method is better than the other; the operating surgeon should, based
on his or her experience, decide in each individual case whether the
implant should be placed above or below the muscle.
A submuscular implant is appropriate if the following conditions exist:
∑ Glandular hypoplasia, with thin covering of soft tissue
∑ Postpartum involution atrophy with moderate surplus
of thin soft tissue
Glandular aplasia
Previous subcutaneous mastectomy
Recurrent capsular fibrosis
Pressure atrophy of the breast where an implant is already in place
In over two-thirds of the cases it will be fine to position the implant
above the muscle. This is why there is more detail about this method in
the manual.
If the implant is positioned underneath the muscle, then the points of
attachment of pectoralis major are detached along the rib from the intermediate area medially in the direction of the sternum, where one should
always ensure that there is a distance of 3 cm or two fingers from the
right to the left breast between the two implant pockets. The implant
pockets must not communicate.
The dissection may be carried out using a scalpel or Metzenbaum scissors. It is recommended, however, that the electric scalpel be used since
this produces less bleeding. One should always use the rib for orientation. When carrying out the dissection, one should ensure that no perforations are produced in the intercostal spaces.
A good light source is required for submuscular dissection, so that one
can also stop bleeding in the deeper regions without difficulty.
Breast Augmentation
Like the supramuscular access, the beginning of the dissection is very
important, as this is when the correct layer is demonstrated. Then,
even when carrying out dissection under the muscle, much of the
detachment can be carried out using the middle or index finger as a
blunt instrument. In the medial and caudal part it may be necessary
to cut through the connective tissue and strong muscle fibers using a
sharp instrument, either with Metzenbaum scissors or the electric
scalpel. If the electric scalpel is used, care must be taken to avoid
Breast Augmentation
This diagram illustrates how the pectoralis major is inserted on the
sternum caudally. This part of the insertion, depicted with the dotted
line, is detached up to the height of the nipple using scissors or the electric scalpel. The process of completely cutting through it can be monitored using the adipose tissue behind as a guide, as this will become
visible because the muscle retracts. Meticulous hemostasis must be
carried out twice in order to avoid postoperative bleeding, which always
occurs during the first 24 h.
These two figures show the position of the implant underneath the
muscle and above the muscle, respectively. One can see that as a result
of the traction and fitting of the implant, the muscle retracts after being
detached and this ensures good coverage over two-thirds of the implant.
The three-layer wound closure is the same for both access methods.
The concealed fixation suture of the muscle fascia with 2.0 Monocryl
is important since this ensures that the inframammary fold is defined
and a stable counter-position to the implant is created.
Breast Augmentation
Breast Augmentation
Before the operation – frontal view
Before the operation – semioblique view, right
Patient I: This is a 24-year-old patient whose breasts did not make her
feel like a woman. She wanted her breasts enlarged to a size 75 B.
For this patient, access via the inframammary fold was used to insert a
230-g round, low-profile implant produced by Inamed. The implant was
placed above the muscle.
Breast Augmentation
After the operation – frontal view
After the operation – semioblique view, right
Breast Augmentation
Before the operation – semioblique view, left
Before the operation – view from left
Breast Augmentation
After the operation – semioblique view, left
After the operation – side view, left
Patient I: Twelve Months After the Implant
Normal wound healing, no scar formation, no fibrosis.
The breast has an anatomical shape with a round implant.
Breast Augmentation
Before the operation – oblique view, left
Twelve months after the operation. Oblique view, left
Patient II: This is a 45-year-old patient who had given birth twice. She
expressed a desire to have breasts like she had before the births, now that
she had finished having children. A supramuscular implantation with a
260-g round, low-profile implant was carried out using the supramuscular access on this patient.
Twelve months after the operation: The breast shows no scar formation
and has a natural shape. An outsider would not notice that breast augmentation had taken place.
Breast Augmentation
Before the operation
Twelve months after the operation
Patient III: 32-year old patient with breast hypoplasia and thin skin
covering with prominent sternum. Implant 290, submuscular. It is up to
the experienced surgeon to decide whether a submuscular implant is
appropriate. If there is any doubt, then the submuscular implant is the
safe option. There has been no definitive scientific clarification relating
to the incidence of capsular fibrosis.
Breast Augmentation
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Upper-Arm Tightening
Anatomical Overview
Duplicate Patient Information
Preliminary Examinations
Photographic Documentation
Surgical Planning
Preliminary Marking of Incision Lines
Mang’s Fish-Mouth Technique
Positioning, Disinfection
Superficial Preparation
Deep Preparation, Hemostasis
Incision of the Dissected Dermofat Flap in Stages
Fixing of the Skin Flap with 3.0 Monocryl Key Sutures
Resection in Stages
Two-Layer Skin Closure
Cutaneous Sutures: Running or Intracutaneous 4.0 Monocryl
Many patients who wish to improve the shape of their upper arms have a
considerable surplus of skin. The cause can be, for example, massive
weight loss, but the process of skin aging can also leave such signs. In
this case only excision can produce the desired improvement in the
contour. Even the most careful upper-arm tightening, however, will result
in a scar on the medial side of the arm, starting in the armpit and
stretching as far as the elbow. The patient must therefore be informed
accordingly because most patients want this procedure in order to be
able to show their arms in public again.
Upper-Arm Tightening
Upper-arm tightening is requested increasingly by women over the age
of 60. It is often surprising that women of this age do not have a facelift;
instead they are more bothered by their flabby upper arms when they
want to wear a bathing suit or sleeveless clothes. The only way of eliminating the surplus skin and the wrinkles in the long term is cutaneous
excision. The art of the surgeon in doing this is to position the incision
in such a way that it is on the medial side of the upper arm and to ensure
that the resection of the skin is carried out so generously that the entire
upper-arm region is tightened.
Upper-arm tightening is not technically difficult. The thick skin/fat flaps
are dissected off the fascia, protecting the nerves and vessels, following
exact marking of the incision line. The same basic principle applies to all
operations to tighten the skin, namely, that the flap is mobilized and,
following appropriate measurement, is then fixed in place in stages with
key sutures so that neither too much nor too little skin is removed.
Mang’s principle always applies: I can measure ten times but only cut
once. This should always be kept in mind so that each resection border is
measured precisely. The resection border will then be sutured without
tension and no surplus.
As cutting too far towards the olecranon process during upper-arm
tightening often causes problems in patients with poor healing, we
developed the “fish-mouth” incision in our department. This means that
an incision in the shape of a fish mouth is made in the axilla, stretching
to the middle of the medial side of the upper arm. This leads to a scar in
the axilla and in about the upper third of the medial side of the upper
arm, which is not so obvious. Furthermore, the fish-mouth incision also
achieves tangential tightening in the axilla and vertical tightening in the
upper-arm area, so the troublesome surplus skin and the folds of skin in
the axilla and upper third of the upper arm when wearing sleeveless
clothes are eliminated.
Every patient must be informed of the possibility of scarring as a result
of this operation. Aftercare is also very important. Subsequently, the
scars are treated with ointment and silicone dressing.
Anatomical Overview
Basilic vein
Cubital fossa
M. biceps
Sup. lat. brachi. cut. nerve,
axillary nerve
5. Axillary fossa
Brachial plexus
Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
Medial bicipital sulcus
M. triceps
Medial epicondyle
Pump-syringe [1]
Centimeter rule [2]
Marking pen [3]
Scalpel [4]
Adson tweezers with plate [5]
Surgical tweezers [6]
Monopolar electrocoagulation [7]
Backhaus clamps [8]
Four-pronged retractor [9]
Cooper scissors [10]
Insulated anatomical tweezers for hemostasis [11]
Large Metzenbaum dissection scissors [12]
Large needle holder [13]
Small needle holder [14]
Curved forceps [15]
Roux hook [16]
Duplicate Patient Information
The patient is first given comprehensive information about the objectives and risks of the procedure on the day of the first consultation.
A written record is kept of this.
One day before the surgical procedure, the patient is again given comprehensive information on two separate occasions: once by the surgeon
and once by the surgical resident. All the risks are set down in writing at
this time.
Preliminary Examinations
Current preoperative routine laboratory examinations, ECG, chest X-ray,
clinical examination.
Photographic Documentation
Frontal view of the arms with the patient standing.
Arms abducted by 30°–45° at the shoulder joint.
Surgical Planning
The procedure is carried out under tumescent local anesthesia or under
general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation. On the day before the
operation the surgeon discusses in detail with the patient which changes
he or she wants and how the surgeon can achieve this.
The patient must be warned about unrealistic expectations and must be
fully informed about postoperative behavior, in particular about how to
care for the scar.
Intraoperative single-shot injection prophylaxis with cefaclor 2 g.
Compression dressing, patient is monitored for 24 h.
Preliminary Marking of Incision Lines
Before the operation, the areas of surplus skin are marked with the
patient standing with his/her arms slightly abducted and bent at the
elbow joint to 70°. Optimum preoperative marking is extremely important for brachioplasty. The surgeon must take his/her time and position
the incision in such a way that it cannot be seen either from the front or
the back when the patient’s upper arm is hanging down. In order to do
this the surgeon holds the surplus skin together between the thumb and
index finger of his/her left hand and marks the outer resection border
with a pen. In general, markings are made for the upper longitudinal
incision about two finger widths above the sulcus bicipitalis medialis.
The exact course of the lower incision is only defined during the operation. To achieve a symmetrical result, however, the incision is marked
approximately before the operation.
If appropriate, the spindlelike resection in the axilla can be extended in
an axillary direction by Z-plasty or a vertical ellipse.
In all aesthetic resections of cutaneous/fatty flaps in the head, neck, or
body the final resection is carried out in stages in order to ensure that
neither too much nor too little is removed, as in both these cases the
result would be unsatisfactory. The skill of the aesthetic surgeon is to
have a feeling for the tissue, to be able to think in three dimensions, and
to be able to fulfill the patient’s wishes with a rigorous explanation of the
procedure. An aesthetic surgeon can only be successful in the long term
if he or she does this.
Mang’s Fish-Mouth Technique
In appropriate cases, i.e., when the folds of skin do not extend a long way
into the elbow region, a variation of the incision, without extension
beyond the cranial third of the upper arm, can be successful. With this
incision not only vertical tightening in the upper arm area is achieved,
but also tangential tightening in the axilla. The advantage of this incision
is that the scar is barely visible, and skin folds in the axilla and upper
third of the upper arm can be eliminated very effectively. The scar can
hardly be seen at all when sleeveless clothes are worn.
Positioning, Disinfection
The patient’s arms are abducted by 90° before the operation. Care should
be taken to position them correctly so that there is no pressure or traction in order avoid damaging the brachial plexus. Disinfection with
Cutasept is carried out to the edges and to the breast region.
Tumescence is then performed without blurring the marked borders.
Approximately 200 ml of tumescence solution without the addition of
triamcinolone acetonide is injected manually per side (0.9 % NaCl,
500 ml, 1 % prilocaine 250 mg = 25 ml, epinephrine 0.5 mg,
8.4 % NaHCO3 5 mEq).
Tumescence is carried out in the layer where dissection will later be done,
i.e., on the fascia of the upper arm, so that the skin/fat flap is separated
from the fascia by the injection itself. During tumescence the surgeon
can feel the thickness of the flap and can therefore carry out dissection
quickly and with almost no bleeding. The tumescence also predetermines
the level of dissection, so that no deeper vessels or nerves are damaged.
The incision starts at the marked line above the sulcus bicipitalis medialis. The incision made with a size 15 scalpel should be wedge-shaped
(30°), so that when the wound is closed later (equilateral triangle with
the deepest point on the upper arm fascia), an inverted scar is not produced.
Superficial Preparation
After the upper, tangential (30°) incision has been made, the assistant
inserts a sharp retractor and pulls it forward gently so that dissection
can be done more easily with a scalpel. It should be ensured that the
medial brachial cutaneous nerve is not damaged.
Deep Preparation, Hemostasis
The skin flap is best dissected by pulling it upward with two fourpronged retractors. During this procedure the assistant should ensure
that the retractors are pulled forward gently. At the same time the assistant can carry out hemostasis with bipolar tweezers. As a result of the
tumescence infiltration, the surgical area is clearly visible and not covered with blood. This enables dissection from the fascia of the upper arm
to be carried out quickly. The surgeon can do this with either scissors or
a scalpel.
Incision of the Dissected Dermofat Flap in Stages
Once the skin/fat flap along the fascia of the upper arm has been dissected to deep within the marked resection border, Backhaus clamps are
attached to both ends and rotated gently in a cranial direction. Resection
of surplus fatty tissue, in particular at the cranial and caudal incision
borders, is carried out appropriately. Incision of the dermofat flap at
marked sites is then done while monitoring the tension. When doing this
it is important that the incisions are made under slight tension stage by
stage in line with the cranial incision line to prevent too little skin from
being excised, resulting in an unsatisfactory result, or too much skin
being excised, resulting in the scar being placed under too much tension
(risk of hypotrophic scarring).
Fixing of the Skin Flap with 3.0 Monocryl Key Sutures
3.0 Monocryl key sutures are placed at the incisions of the marked
points. In doing this the correctness of the extent of the incision and
later resection can be checked once again. After fixing the skin flap, the
surplus sections of skin and possibly of fatty tissue can be seen; these
must be removed before skin resection.
Resection in Stages
Resection is carried out in stages while keeping an eye on the resulting
skin tension. Following resection, subcutaneous tissue remains on the
fascia without undermining. As a result, no wound cavity is created,
which would promote seroma formation. Redon drains are not required
Resection is carried out in stages with a size 15 scalpel, and the assistant
holds the sections of the flap to be resected upwards under tension with
two Backhaus clamps in order to achieve a clean resection border.
Two-Layer Skin Closure
The skin edges are closed with concealed subcutaneous interrupted 3.0
Monocryl sutures. Each successive suture bisects the wound length; this
prevents “dog ears” at the end of the sutures. It is best if the sutures are
started at the distal end and progress to the middle. Suturing can then be
started at the proximal end (axilla) and continued to the middle.
Complete wound closure is then carried out with two-layer 4.0 Monocryl
interrupted sutures. The wound is closed, therefore, with so little tension
that the cutaneous suturing (running or intracutaneous) then only plays
a minor role.
Cutaneous Sutures: Running or Intracutaneous 4.0 Monocryl
In general, we carry out all cutaneous suturing intracutaneously with 4.0
Monocryl. This suturing method has proved to be the best, as it does not
need to be removed and does not cause granulomas. It produces optimum healing of the suture line.
Running sutures should also be mentioned in this manual. A study
(n = 25) comparing running sutures with intracutaneous sutures showed
that results were similar. Running sutures are removed after 8 days.
Steri-Strips are first applied as a dressing to relieve the tension on the
cutaneous sutures. Afterwards, sterile cotton is wound around the Cutiplast wound dressing. In addition, the arm is then loosely wrapped with
elastic bandages from the wrist to the shoulder.
The operation can be carried out either on an inpatient or outpatient
The dressing is removed on the first postoperative day. The Steri-Strips
are left in place for 8 days and can be removed by the patient. During
this time there should be antibiotic prophylaxis and the arm should be
elevated. The patient should avoid physical exertion for a period of
2–3 weeks in order to permit undisturbed wound healing. To prevent
congestion of the lymphatics, lymph drainage can be carried out from
the 8th postoperative day.
After removing the Steri-Strips, the patient should treat the scar with
dexapanthenol ointment for 2 weeks and then with silicone ointment for
a further 2 months. If after 2 months it can be seen that scarring is disturbed, it can be treated, as with all scars, with intralesional injections of
triamcinolone crystal suspension 40 mg. With any scar this treatment
should be carried out as soon as possible, as these injections improve
erythema and bulging scars considerably in the first few months.
In extreme cases hypertrophic scars must be excised after a period
of 12 months and treated with stimulating radiation in divided doses
for several days immediately after excision. Cooperation with an
experienced radiologist is necessary for this.
It is possible to insert a Redon drain to drain off wound secretions.
In most cases, this may be removed as early as the first day after the
Preoperative – right arm
Preoperative – left arm
Patient I: This is a 64-year-old patient with skin folds owing to her age in
the entire axilla and upper arm region, extending to the elbow. In this
case a longitudinal, spindlelike excision was carried out.
Postoperative – right arm
Postoperative – left arm
Patient I: Twelve Months After the Operation
Twelve months after the operation there is no noticeable scarring,
and the skin folds have been eliminated as far as the elbow area.
Preoperative – right arm
Preoperative – left arm
Patient II: This is a 59-year-old patient with folds of skin in the upper
third of the upper arm, extending to the axilla.
The “fish-mouth technique” was used for this patient, i.e., the incision
was only in the axilla and the upper third of the upper arm. This results
in a shorter operation time and less scarring.
Postoperative – right arm
Postoperative – left arm
Patient II: Twelve Months After the Operation
After eliminating the folds, the volume was also reduced. The incision in
the axilla and the upper medial part of the upper arm is not visible.
Baroudi R (1984) Body sculpturing. Clin Plast Surg 11:419–443
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Lockwood T (1995) Brachioplasty with superficial fascial system suspension. Plast Reconstr Surg 96:912–920
Mang WL (1996) Ästhetische Chirurgie Bd. I. Einhorn Presse Verlag
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Pitanguy J (1981) Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Head and Body. Springer New York Berlin
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Teimourian B, Malekzadeh S (1998) Rejuvenation of the upper arm. Plast Reconstr Surg
102:545–551; discussion 552–543
Introduction 80
Tightening of the Abdominal Wall 80
Anatomical Overview 82
Instruments 84
Duplicate Patient Information 88
Preliminary Examinations 88
Photographic Documentation 88
Surgical Planning 89
Postoperative Treatment 90
Typical Findings: Indications for Tightening the Abdominal Wall 90
Marking the Individual Incision Line 92
Positioning, Disinfection 94
Tumescence 94
Incision 94
Preparation of the Lower Abdomen 96
Incision Around the Navel 96
Mobilization and Dissection of the Navel 98
Vertical Splitting of the Dermofat Flap as Far as the Base of the Navel 98
Complete Mobilization of the Umbilical Stalk 100
Dissection of the Upper Abdomen 100
Doubling of the Rectus Abdominis Fascia 102
Defining the Resection Boundaries with Upper Body Flexed at 30° 104
Repositioning of the Navel Using a V-shaped Incision 105
Pulling the Navel Out of the V-Shaped Incision with Curved Forceps 106
Positioning the Navel 106
Trimming of the Skin of the Navel and Adaptation
to the V-shaped Incision 108
Closure of the Navel in Three Layers 108
Fixation of the Surplus Sections of Skin
with 2.0 Monocryl Key Sutures 110
Resection of the Skin in Stages 111
Insertion of Redon Drains 112
Wound Closure in Three Layers 113
Dressing 114
Fitting the Abdominal Belt 114
Results 116
Literature 118
If the result of liposuction in the abdominal area is inadequate or there is
an excessive overhang of abdominal skin and subcutaneous adipose
tissue, it may be beneficial to perform an abdominoplasty to improve the
functional and aesthetic result. In the abdominoplasty, the surplus section of abdominal skin is removed with the attached subcutaneous adipose tissue. In a few cases, resection of the infraumbilical surplus tissue
will be sufficient, but usually a complete abdominoplasty with umbilical
translocation must be performed to achieve optimal results. In this procedure, tightening of the periumbilical area is also extremely significant,
for example, with extreme fold formation following pregnancies. Rarely,
there is also slackening of the abdominal muscles. This should be treated
prior to tightening of the abdominal wall (e.g., by physiotherapy).
The patient’s skin type and age play an important part in this operation.
In many cases, it is not possible to remove all the folds and striae and
this must be explained to the patient. Furthermore, female patients must
avoid pregnancy in the foreseeable future. It is not necessary to achieve a
specific weight for this procedure, but a few conditions relating to this
should be fulfilled. The body weight should have stabilized several
months before the procedure, and this should be at a level the patient can
maintain after the procedure.
Tightening of the Abdominal Wall
An experienced aesthetic surgeon must look carefully at the indications
for liposuction and for tightening of the abdominal wall. At present,
unfortunately, a decision is taken to carry out liposuction too often, and
the patient is later disappointed if the skin then hangs down loosely.
Frequently, tightening of the abdominal wall is requested by patients
who have increased skin accumulation around the umbilical area and a
slack lower abdominal wall following pregnancies. It is also frequently
requested by patients who have lost a lot of weight (20–40 kg) and by
older patients who have a slack abdominal wall.
If performed correctly, the operation itself will be successful in the longterm and satisfactory for the patient. In relation to the surgical technique, in addition to precise dissection of the abdominal fascia with
immediate hemostasis, the incision line in the bikini area must be
marked carefully and the repositioning and reconstruction of the navel
must be performed well so that the result is satisfactory for the patient. It
must be ensured that there are no umbilical or abdominal wall hernias.
For reconstruction of the navel, we have described the method that we
find the easiest and most comprehensible and has provided the best
results. When making the incision in the bikini area, it should be ensured
that no “dog-ears” are formed at the side and that, following complete
dissection as far as the costal arch with the upper body slightly angled,
resection of the skin is carried out in stages with key sutures in such a
way that the skin flap is resected precisely, section by section, and without any significant tension so that necrosis is avoided. The video shows
that the fat is resected obliquely, also stage by stage, to avoid any postoperative retraction of the flap. Immediate hemostasis is important so that
the Hb value does not fall below 8 mg/dl. It is recommended that obese
patients give an autologous donation of blood 4 weeks before the operation. Patients must also be given thrombosis prophylaxis and infection
prophylaxis intra-operatively and for 10 days after the operation.
Anatomical Overview
M. pectoralis major
Xiphoid process
M. serratus anterior
Costal arch
Linea alba
Tendinous intersections of recti. abd.
M. recti abd.
M. obliquus ext. abd.
Anterior superior iliac spine
Superficial epigastric vein
Inguinal ligament
Subinguinal sulcus
M. sartorius
M. rectus femoris
Mons pubis
Instruments *
Sterile centimeter rule [1]
Sterile marking pen [2]
Scalpel size 10 blade [3]
Scalpel size 11 blade [4]
Adson tweezers with plate [5]
Surgical tweezers [6]
Monopolar electrocoagulation [7]
Insulated anatomical tweezers for hemostasis [8]
Metzenbaum dissection scissors [9]
Rake retractor [10]
Backhaus clamps [11]
Cooper scissors [12]
Langenbeck retractor (large) [13]
Needle holder, large [14]
Needle holder, small [15]
Redon introducer [16]
Curved forceps (for hemostasis) [17]
Delicate, long, single-pronged wound retractor [18]
* Robumed, Postfach 162, 78502 Tuttlingen, Germany
BBD Aesculap GmbH, Am Aesculap-Platz, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany
Duplicate Patient Information
The patient is first given comprehensive information about the objectives and risks of the procedure on the day of the first consultation.
A written record is kept of this.
One day before the surgical procedure, the patient is again given comprehensive information on two separate occasions: once by the surgeon
and once by the surgical resident. All the risks are set down in writing at
this time.
Severe blood loss requiring a transfusion of blood or blood components
occurs rarely. An autologous blood donation may be very sensible for
obese patients and for extensive reconstructions of the abdominal wall.
It is possible to avoid damaging the internal abdominal organs by carrying out an ultrasound examination before the operation and by ruling
out hernias. Otherwise, if there is an umbilical hernia, the abdominal
cavity may be opened up during the dissection of the navel. As the
wound surface is large, the patient must be made aware that postoperative bleeding, hematomas, and wound-healing disturbances may occur
following the operation. Therefore, the operation must be performed in
the hospital, careful postoperative wound checks must be carried out,
and thrombosis and antibiotic prophylaxis must be given.
If the scars are taut, they may enlarge and this may result in thick,
distended, discolored, painful scars.
Preliminary Examinations
Current preoperative routine laboratory tests, ECG, chest X-ray
Clinical examination of the patient with ultrasound findings
to rule out hernias
Possibly two autologous blood donations
Photographic Documentation
Patient in standing position from the front
Patient in standing position from two sides
Patient in standing position from behind
Surgical Planning
Tightening of the abdominal wall is indicated if the skin no longer
shrinks following substantial weight loss, or after a pregnancy that has
overstretched the abdominal skin and, as a result of this, the elastic fibers
of the skin have been destroyed (cellulite) or the abdominal muscles
have been strained and have moved away from one another in the center,
which has resulted in divarification with a midline hernia. Retracted and
painful scars following a gynecological operation (caesarian section) can
also be a reason for tightening the abdominal wall.
If the patient is severely overweight, weight loss before the operation is
necessary. In rare cases, tightening of the abdominal wall may be combined with liposuction.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia. The type of incision depends on the type and amount of surplus skin.
On the day before the operation, the surgeon has a discussion with the
patient about the changes requested by him/her and the performance of
the operation itself.
The incision is marked precisely on the patient, who should be in a
standing position. When doing this, it should be ensured that a median
line runs from the xiphoid process over the navel to the mons pubis and
that there are no differences in the sides when drawing the line. A vertical incision is to be avoided. If there is not too much surplus skin, it is
better to site the incision slightly more cranially.
The incision line is usually to be marked through the layer of fat and the
surplus skin. A good estimation of how high the incision must be to
avoid the necessity of a vertical incision can be made before the operation. This is the surgeon’s art.
Whether the incision line is horizontal or W-shaped is not important.
The important factor is the patient’s individual anatomical characteristics, and the individual incision line should be adapted to these.
Thrombosis prophylaxis with s. c. fractionated heparin given once
daily should be started the day before the operation. This thrombosis
prophylaxis should be continued for 10 days after the operation, as one
of the main risks in tightening of the abdominal wall is the danger
of thrombosis and embolism.
Intraoperative infection prophylaxis with cefaclor 2 g.
Postoperative Treatment
In order to relieve the pressure on the sutures, it is necessary to position
the bed in a specific way for the first 3 days after the operation. The knees
should be at an angle and the upper body slightly raised. The patient
should be mobilized as early as the first day after the operation to prevent blood clots forming. Initially, there should be no extension of the
upper body, so that wound healing is not impaired. Frequent movement
of the legs is good, as this promotes the return blood flow.
On the second day after the operation, the Redon drains are removed, the
dressing is changed, and a special compression girdle is fitted.
Thrombosis prophylaxis (fractionated heparin s.c.) and antibiotic protection (oral cefaclor) should be carried out for 10 days after the operation.
The compression girdle should be worn for 4 weeks; then intensive care
should be taken of the scar with silicone gel and/or silicone plasters.
It is possible to resume sporting activities after 8 weeks.
Typical Findings: Indications for Tightening the Abdominal Wall
The limit of the indications for liposuction in the area of the
abdomen/hips is exceeded if either the skin is slack and cracked (severe
cellulite) following pregnancies or all the skin of the lower abdomen is
slackened as a result of the aging process or extreme weight loss.
The incision line is marked through the surplus skin and should not be
extended beyond this laterally and cranially in the bikini region.
Marking the Individual Incision Line
Before the operation, the midline from the xiphoid process to the mons
pubis and the W-shaped or arched horizontal incision line will be
marked on the patient, who should be standing. The horizontal incision
line should be marked in the pubic hair boundary to approximately
3–4 cm caudal to the anterior superior iliac spine on both sides or
steeper/straighter according to the requirements and the patient’s characteristics. Therefore, the most wide-ranging incision variations are
possible, depending on the individual findings for the patient. It is
important that the incision line is marked in the relaxed skin tension
lines, preferably does not extend beyond the bikini region, and is
selected in such a way that a vertical incision is not required. It may
also be useful to mark the course of the costal arch for orientation.
a: Lower border of the incision edge
b: Lower boundary of the navel
Positioning, Disinfection
The operation is performed with the patient in a supine position. The
upper body is raised by 30° and the hips and knee are slightly flexed. It
should be ensured that the extremities are well padded and positioned.
An indwelling catheter is inserted that should be left in place for 24 h.
Following disinfection and sterile draping, the incision is tumefied
with 500 ml tumescence solution (0.9 % NaCl 500 ml, 1 % prilocaine
250 mg = 25 ml, epinephrine 0.5 mg, 8.4 % NaHCO3 5 mEq). The tumescence solution (500 ml) should not be injected more than twice, and this
will not be necessary. Larger quantities of tumescence solution given
under general anesthesia may increase the danger of thrombosis and
cause hypervolemia and even pulmonary edema.
Following the individually marked incision line, a sharp incision is made
with the size 10 scalpel as far as the rectus fascia. The scalpel should be
introduced at an angle of 30° so that the resection edges can be brought
together later, section by section, without the formation of cavities below
and depressions above. The subsequent scar is a sign of a wellperformed
Preparation of the Lower Abdomen
After the abdominal fascia has been identified, the cutaneous/fatty flap is
dissected cranially along the superficial fascia. The correct layer can be
easily dissected with both sharp and blunt instruments. The perforating
vessels are electrocoagulated.
Dissection must be performed with careful hemostasis, as otherwise
there may be a drop in the Hb value later owing to the large wound surface. The abdominal fascia must be handled carefully and perforations
must be avoided. Purse-string suturing can also be carried out if there is
more severe bleeding. If the fascia is damaged, this must be closed
immediately with 3.0 Vicryl interrupted sutures.
Incision Around the Navel
If dissection is performed in the lower abdomen as far as the level of the
navel, a circular incision should be made around the navel. The assistant
holds the cranial and caudal areas of the region taut with two singlepronged retractors so that the incision can be made easily.
Holding suture
Single-pronged retractor
Mobilization and Dissection of the Navel
Here the dermofat flap is mobilized away from the navel. The assistant
then holds the dissection area taut with the two single-pronged retractors and using surgical tweezers. In the further dissection with the Metzenbaum dissection scissors it must be ensured that the umbilical stalk is
sufficiently thick and that a wide base is created during the dissection to
prevent later perfusion disorders of the navel.
Bleeding should be stopped carefully with the bipolar tweezers.
Vertical Splitting of the Dermofat Flap as Far as the Base of the Navel
To facilitate further cranial dissection, the dermofat flap is incised longitudinally in the median line from the edge of the wound to the navel. The
assistant pulls the edges of the wound upwards with two Backhaus
clamps. A large wound retractor can also be used for obese patients.
The length of the median line between the two points a and b is precisely
such that later, after resection of the skin, the edges of the wound meet
section by section without a vertical incision being necessary. In relation
to this, point a, the border of the incision edge, varies depending on the
surplus skin, i.e., the more surplus skin that is present, the deeper point a
is located. If there is less surplus skin, this point (a) must be correspondingly higher so that later there will be only a horizontal scar.
a: Lower border of the incision edge
b: Lower boundary of the navel
Complete Mobilization of the Umbilical Stalk
By vertically dividing the dermofat flap, it is easy to dissect the umbilical
stalk cleanly and with a broad base while it is in view. The supplying
vessels must be retained at the base. If an umbilical hernia or hernias of
the abdominal wall have been diagnosed before the operation, these
should be treated appropriately during the operation. The wound surfaces and the navel should be covered during the procedure with moist,
warm compresses.
Dissection of the Upper Abdomen
Following mobilization of the cutaneous/fatty flap, dissection is continued in a lateral direction as far as the xiphoid process and the costal arch
(forming the waist).
The lateral dissection can be performed deeply and bluntly. To do this, a
moist compress should be wrapped around the right middle and index
fingers and the entire lateral section, from the lateral costal arch to the
iliac crest, can thus be pushed away bluntly.
The assistant must ensure immediate hemostasis at all times by using
the bipolar or monopolar tweezers. Depending on the surgeon’s preference, sharp dissection can be done with the size 10 scalpel blade or with
large dissection scissors.
It may be useful to use an illuminated retractor in the vicinity of the
xiphoid process and at the base of the ribs. There is an increased possibility of bleeding with dissection of the xiphoid process in the area of the
costal arch using a sharp instrument. The bleeding must be controlled by
immediate and rapid coagulation or purse-string suturing.
Doubling of the Rectus Abdominis Fascia
In patients who have lost a lot of weight after being severely overweight,
there is sometimes overstretching of the abdominal muscles so that
these move away from one another in the center. In extreme cases, a
midline hernia occurs. Appropriate surgical treatment should then be
carried out for these.
In order to achieve a good result for the tightening of the abdominal
wall, doubling of the fascia longitudinally is routinely carried out with 0
Vicryl sutures (interrupted mattress sutures) and, depending on the
findings, doubling obliquely. This doubling of the fascia must be based
on the individual findings. This allows a good base to be created for the
later skin/fat tightening.
For body contouring, suction can also be carried out in the area of the
hips during the operation via the open abdominal wall. There are many
variations in aesthetic/plastic surgery for optimizing the result. However,
a basic requirement is good basic knowledge and mastery of standard
Defining the Resection Boundaries with Upper Body Flexed at 30°
Following prior precise wound revision and hemostasis, the entire cutaneous/fatty flap is pulled down under traction with the upper body flexed
(30°) to define the boundaries for later resection. In an ideal case, point b
will meet point a. This ensures that a vertical excision will not be necessary and therefore no troubling scar will occur. If the abdominal wall is
very slack, the distance may be greater. In such cases, it is important that
the later scar is formed section by section, without tension and that it is
not retracted and there is no surplus skin with a distended overhang.
Repositioning of the Navel Using a V-shaped Incision
To ensure the scar is aesthetically pleasing a V-shaped incision is made at
the new insertion site of the navel following prior confirmation of the
correct position. The easiest method of doing this is for the surgeon to
feel the umbilical stalk beneath the dermofat flap with his middle finger,
to determine the position by exerting slight pressure in a cranial direction with the middle finger and by marking a point corresponding to the
tip of the finger with a marking pen using the other hand.
Pulling the Navel Out of the V-Shaped Incision with Curved Forceps
With the aid of long curved forceps the navel is gripped at the holding
sutures and pulled upward.
Positioning the Navel
The navel is positioned outwardly and fits into the correct position in the
external cutaneous incision without tension.
Trimming of the Skin of the Navel and Adaptation to the V-shaped Incision
To interrupt a circular navel scar line the lower third of the navel is
removed to correspond with the V-shaped incision in the abdominal
wall. This simple and effective method of reconstruction of the navel
prevents disturbances to wound healing, necrosis of the navel, and cosmetically unpleasant changes in the area of the navel. The navel thus has
a natural appearance.
Closure of the Navel in Three Layers
In order to avoid later disturbances to healing and necrosis, the navel
must be fixed in place in three layers. At the base, this is with deep fixation with absorbable suture material of strength 3.0. To allow further
perfusion and stabilization of the navel using the peri-umbilical adipose
tissue, 5.0 Monocryl interrupted sutures are then inserted. The skin is
adapted with continuous intracutaneous suturing with 4.0 Monocryl.
This ensures that the navel is well stabilized, has contact with the dermofat flap on all sides and that no serous swellings can form in spaces.
Fixation of the Surplus Sections of Skin with 2.0 Monocryl Key Sutures
The surplus skin is pulled down under slight traction to define the resection boundaries. 2.0 Monocryl key sutures are placed at equal intervals,
and this allows the surgeon to identify as early as this stage of the operation how far the resection must be taken laterally if “dog-ears” are to be
avoided. The incision can be extended in a lateral direction at this stage
of the operation, depending on this. The trick for all tightening operations is that the amount of skin that must be removed can be defined
exactly prior to resection by positioning key sutures. This ensures that
the later result will be good and the scar pleasing.
The individual key sutures are placed one after the other so that individual corrections can be made at any time.
Resection of the Skin in Stages
Resection of the skin is performed with regular checks on the tension of
the remaining skin. The skin/fat resection should be performed at an
angle of 70° so that the lower border of the incision of 30° meets the
upper border of the incision section by section with no retraction or
After the resection has been completed, particles of fat and surplus skin
that spoil the result should be removed. The lateral edges of the incision
should also be checked and any “dog-ears” must be evened out.
Insertion of Redon Drains
Two size-12 Redon drains leading out onto the shaved mons pubis are
inserted into two sections of the lower abdomen before the skin is
closed. The Redon drains are removed after the second postoperative day
and the catheter is removed after 24 h.
Wound Closure in Three Layers
Skin closure is carried out layer by layer, first with concealed
2.0 Monocryl interrupted sutures, then with concealed 3.0 Monocryl
subcutaneous interrupted sutures. Finally, the wound is closed with
running 4.0 Monocryl sutures. For this, it is important that suturing
begins at the lateral ends on both sides so that the two sutures meet
at point a. This prevents the skin being uneven in the lateral area
and produces the desired traction in a medial direction.
The navel is packed with a fine gauze soaked in betadine (Beta-isadona)
ointment and covered with Cutiplast. The other incisions are closed with
adhesive Steri-Strip dressings. These dressings can be removed after
8 days when the wound is checked. The Tensoplast adhesive dressing
remains in place until the Redon drains are removed. A special compression girdle is then fitted that should be worn for 6 weeks. The fresh scars
are treated with dexapanthenol ointment for 14 days after the operation,
then with silicone ointment or silicone plasters for 2 months.
Fitting the Abdominal Belt
In addition to a Tensoplast bandage, an abdominal belt is also used until
the Redon drains are removed. This ensures good compression on the
detached wound surfaces, which prevents serous swellings and bleeding.
During this time, the patient should have bed rest in a slightly angled
supine position with the upper body raised.
The abdominal belt should be fitted with traction. It should be loosened
if the patient has difficulty breathing. Thrombosis and infection prophylaxis must be carried out during the patient’s stay in the hospital.
For safe dissection of the navel, it is important to ensure that the
tissue is fully supplied with blood. However, if too much adipose
tissue is left, this may cause elevated pressure on the repositioned
navel. In addition, the ‘steal phenomenon’ may result, since the
adipose tissue left behind may require part of the blood supply.
Compression of the abdominal wall using the abdominal bandage
should not be too severe, as this may cause necroses of the distal end
of the flap (“most poorly perfused area”).
The distal end of the wound must never be undermined!
Deep fixation of the navel requires precise localisation of the navel
opening. A two-layer wound closure may be used if desired.
Patient I: This is a 46-year-old female patient after three pregnancies
with divarification of the recti and fat flap. Doubling of the fascia was
carried out in addition to the skin/fat resection and repositioning of the
Twelve months after the operation. Normal wound healing,
good contouring of the abdomen and hips.
Patient II: This is a 49-year-old female patient following substantial
weight loss (40 kg).
Twelve months after the operation. Healthy scar.
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Micheau P, Grolleau JL (1999) Incisional hernia. Patient management. Approach to the
future operated patients (in French). Ann Chir Plast Esthet 44:325–338
Nguyen TT, Kim KA, Young RB (1997) Tumescent mini abdominoplasty. Ann Plast Surg
Ohana J, Karcenty B, Mekouar R, et al (1999) “Modern” combined abdominoplasty (in
French). Ann Chir Plast Esthet 44:463–479
Park MC, Lee JH, Chung J, et al (2003) Use of internal mammary vessel perforator as a
recipient vessel for free TRAM breast reconstruction. Ann Plast Surg 50:132–137
Pollock H, Pollock T (2000) Progressive tension sutures: a technique to reduce local complications in abdominoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg 105:2583–2586; discussion 2587–2588
Pravecek EJ, Worland RG (1998) Tumescent abdominoplasty: full abdominoplasty under
local anesthesia with i.v. sedation in an ambulatory surgical facility. Plast Surg Nurs
Schoeller T, Wechselberger G, Otto A, et al (1998) New technique for scarless umbilical
reinsertion in abdominoplasty procedures. Plast Reconstr Surg 102:1720–1723
Schoeller T, Bauer T, Gurunluoglu R, et al (2003) Modified free paraumbilical perforator
flap: the next logical step in breast reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg 111:1093–1098
Sensoz O, Arifoglu K, Kocer U, et al (1997) A new approach for the treatment of recurrent
large abdominal hernias: the overlap flap. Plast Reconstr Surg 99:2074–2078
Shestak KC (2000) Progressive tension sutures: a technique to reduce local complications
in abdominoplasty. Plast Reconstr Surg 105:2587–2588
Zukowski ML, Ash K, Spencer D, et al (1998) Endoscopic intracorporal abdominoplasty: a
review of 85 cases. Plast Reconstr Surg 102:516–527
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Anatomical Overview
Duplicate Patient Information
Preliminary Examinations
Photographic Documentation
Surgical Planning
Positioning, Disinfection
Incision of the Skin
Deep Dissection and Hemostasis
Definition of Resection Boundaries
Skin Resection
Fixation Suture on the Pubic Bone with 2.0 Monocryl
Second Fixation Suture on the Inguinal Ligament
Deep Wound Closure and Insertion of a Redon Drain (no. 10)
Intracutaneous Skin Closure
Buttock Lift: Positioning, Disinfection
Incision Line
Wedge-Shaped Dermolipectomy
Transverse Incision Through the Resected Area
Hemostasis, Deep Wound Closure, Insertion of a Redon Drain
Two-Layer, Tension-Free Wound Closure
Postoperative Treatment: Course of Action After the Operation;
Precautionary Measures 152
Literature to Buttock Lift
Literature to Thigh Lift
124, 125
Thigh and Buttock Lift
This is a delicate and often unsatisfactory area of aesthetic surgery. The
operation is requested by women over 50, and usually the patients expect
too much. In horizontal and inguinal tightening of the thigh, the traction
component is often so high that it later results in an unsightly scar, and
after only a few months the inner side of the thigh develops creases. In
the case of skin that has significant cellulite and slackness of the thighs
as far as the knee area, it may be possible to carry out tightening in a
vertical direction in a similar way to upper arm tightening, and this can
be discussed with the patient. It should be made clear to the patient,
however, that this may produce an unsightly scar.
The technique in an inner thigh lift is similar to that used with the upper
arm, namely, a deep, subcutaneous dissection on the fascia and a stepby-step skin resection that has previously been drawn precisely. The
crucial point when it comes to horizontal, inguinal thigh lifts is the
strong traction forces. It is important in this operation that the thigh
flaps are “hung” at two points in order to reduce the traction forces on
the skin. First, this subcutaneous cutaneous/fatty flap is fixed to the
periosteum of the pubic bone with a nylon suture. Laterally the inguinal
ligament must be visualized. This is where the second anchorage takes
place in order to prevent dehiscence and subsequent descent of the scar.
Yet despite hanging at these two points, long-term results are often
unsatisfactory. Patients should be told this when they are given information about the operation. Nevertheless. the distress of patients is often so
great that they are prepared to put up with these disadvantages and
therefore often still want the operation.
When tightening the inside of the thigh, after fixing the two anchoring
sutures with the upper body slightly flexed, the excess cutaneous/fatty
flap is resected without tension and without steps, so that after the operation a tension-free wound in the bikini area is produced, which must be
treated appropriately postoperatively using ointments and silicone plasters. For an additional 3 weeks, antibiotic protection must also be given
and the patients must wear a specially adapted girdle.
The same applies to the buttock lift. In this operation the problem is the
incision line and the visible scar. With a buttock lift, the incision line
should not be much beyond the buttock crease, since this scar is very
unsightly. Similarly, the resection must be carried out in a wedge shape
in the form of an equilateral triangle, so that the deepest point, the socalled zero point of the fascia corresponds exactly to the changed crease
Thigh and Buttock Lift
and the resulting suture lies in what will be the new buttock fold. Otherwise there is problematic scar formation that is very difficult to correct.
In general, one should not combine liposuction with lifting operations,
since this may impair the healing process and increase the risk of thrombosis and embolism.
When the skin is still young and elastic, it is possible to remove smaller
limited deposits of fat by means of isolated liposuction. If skin has lost
its elasticity through aging or major weight loss, a lifting operation is
recommended to achieve cosmetic improvements. Often, the loose skin
on the inner side of the thigh is operated on together with the loose skin
on the buttock, since this is a cosmetic unit. This operation, which is
frequently requested, is also demonstrated in the video.
Generally, the operation is largely without complications. Nevertheless,
there may be isolated cases of complications during or after the surgical
intervention, despite taking the greatest care. More severe bleeding is
stopped immediately during the operation. Pressure damage on nerves
and soft tissues resulting from incorrect positioning should be avoided.
These injuries recede, however, after a few days in most cases. This also
applies to skin damage resulting from disinfectant.
After the operation there may be pain and tension that can sometimes
last for a lengthy period. There is also sometimes swelling in the area of
the joints, which may last for up to 6 months and can be treated easily by
lymph drainage. The risk of thrombosis is extremely rare since bloodthinning measures are used, surgical stockings are worn, and there is
early mobilization.
The main complication is permanent scar formation as a result of
impaired wound healing. Occasionally, if there is a predisposition to this,
thick, bulging, discolored, and painful scars are produced (scar proliferation; hypertrophic scars). With prompt treatment of the scar changes
using injections of 40 mg triamcinolone, a corrective operation can be
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Anatomical Overview
Anterior superior iliac spine
Pubic bone
Hip bone
Long saphenous vein
Iliotibial tract
Femoral vein
Femoral artery
M. tensor fascia lata
Saphenous opening
Inguinal superficial lymph nodes
Inguinal ligament
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Anatomical Overview
Gluteal fascia
M. gluteus maximus
Gluteal fold
M. adductor magnus
M. biceps femoris
M. semimembranosus
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Pump-syringe [1]
Sterile centimeter rule [2]
Sterile marking pen [3]
Scalpel [4]
Adson tweezers with plate [5]
Surgical tweezers [6]
Monopolar electrocoagulation [7]
Insulated anatomical tweezers for hemostasis [8]
Metzenbaum dissecting scissors [9]
Backhaus clamps [10]
Sharp four-pronged retractor [11]
Large Langenbeck retractor [12]
Large needle holder [13]
Small needle holder [14]
Curved forceps for hemostasis [15]
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Duplicate Patient Information
The patient is first given comprehensive information about the objectives and risks of the procedure on the day of the first consultation. A
written record is kept of this.
One day before the surgical procedure, the patient is again given comprehensive information on two separate occasions: once by the surgeon
and once by the surgical resident. All the risks are set down in writing at
this time.
Although one tries to achieve symmetry before the intervention by precisely drawing the areas of skin that are to be removed, after the operation there may still be small differences between the sides. If this is very
unsightly, it is possible to compensate by making a small extra intervention under local anesthesia without a need to admit the patient. During
the first few weeks after the operation, the scars frequently move caudally.
If the patient is also given a buttock lift, he/she must be made aware that
the shape is primarily determined by the musculature and cannot be
substantially changed by the intervention.
Preliminary Examinations
Current preoperative routine laboratory tests, ECG, chest X-ray if the
patient is over 50.
Clinical examination of the patient.
Photographic Documentation
Frontal view of patient standing, torso and legs
Side view of patient standing
Rear view of patient standing
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Surgical Planning
The operation is performed under general anesthesia with endotracheal
intubation. Before the intervention the affected area is shaved. The day
before the operation the surgeon carrying out the operation discusses
with the patient in detail what he/she wants in terms of changes and how
the surgeon can achieve this, and draws the incision lines and resection
boundaries precisely. The patient must be warned about having unrealistic expectations and be given detailed information about postoperative
measures in order to avoid scar formation as far as possible. Intraoperative single-shot infection prophylaxis with cefaclor 2 g, treatment in the
hospital, Steri-Strip dressing, thrombosis (fractionated heparin 1 ampule
i.m. preoperatively and 3 days postoperatively) and embolism prophylaxis, special girdle.
If the loss of elasticity and slackness of the skin is confined to the upper
third of the thigh, the operation may be carried out in a half-moon
shaped skin/fat resection in this area (a). The scar is then located in the
groin and runs into the buttock crease. There is no scar on the inner side
of the thigh. This is the operation that is wanted most frequently and is
also presented in detail in the video.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
If the overstretched and therefore loose skin stretches over the whole
inner side of the thigh as far as the knee, then it is necessary to carry out
additional vertical removal of skin/fat, depending on the extent of the
skin on the inner side of the thigh (b). The scar is then located in the
groin and on the inner side of the thigh, depending on how far the slackness of the skin extends, to just above the knee.
If there is also pronounced wrinkling of skin on the buttock, then a
skin/fat resection must be carried out here as well. The scar then will be
in the buttock crease and runs forwards into the inguinal region. The
resection lines are drawn before the operation with the patient in a
standing position. It must be kept in mind here that the incision line in
the area of the inguinal fold should be relatively high (two fingerwidths
in the cranial direction) since the scars always descend slightly over time
and then could be visible in the upper leg area.
The incision in the groin, which is at the height of the pubic hair boundary laterally, generally runs above the inguinal fold to the thigh-perineal
crease and finishes at the innermost part of the buttock crease, which is
lengthened accordingly if there is also a buttock lift.
If only a buttock lift is carried out, then only the resection in the area of
the buttocks is drawn according to the extent desired.
Positioning, Disinfection
For the operation, the patient is placed on the operating table in a
supine position with the knees as far apart as the shoulders and the
hips flexed at an angle of 30°. If extensive removal of skin is required,
for example, if there has been extreme weight loss, then it may be
necessary to use a urinary catheter both during and shortly after the
After shaving and careful disinfection of the whole operating area, the
tumescence solution (0.9 % NaCl 500 ml, 1 % prilocaine 250 mg = 25 ml,
epinephrine 0.5 mg, 8.4 % NaHCO3 5 mEq) is infiltrated into the skin area
to be resected along the predrawn incision and dissection boundaries.
For each side, depending on the extent of the flabby skin, one needs
between 250 and 500 ml of tumescence solution. The tumescence solution is pumped in manually, until a taut elastic skin tension and the
typical blanching effect are noted.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
The resection area (a) is, as in all tightening operations, only established
when, following dissection (b), the exact superfluous skin has been fixed
using key sutures. Consequently, the same basic principle always applies
that before the skin flap is resected one makes the incision on the resection line that has been pulled over and only then carries out the whole
Dissection boundary is dependent on how far the loose skin extends.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Incision of the Skin
The incision is made according to the marks made preoperatively. Note
that the incision line runs for approximately two fingerwidths to the
cranial side of the groin, since the scar moves caudally owing to the later
The incision is made using a size 10 scalpel, radically, as far as the subcutaneous adipose tissue and may, without repositioning the patient, be
continued as far as the middle third of the buttock region. If no buttock
lift is indicated, the incision should be as far as possible into the buttock
region so that the posterior part of the thigh is also tightened and modeled.
When dissecting away the cutaneous/fatty flap, the assistant uses two
sharp retractors and holds these under tension so that the dissection
using sharp instruments can be carried out without any problems. It is
rigorously dissected off as low down the thigh as the extent of the slackness demands.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Deep Dissection and Hemostasis
Deep dissection is carried out using the Metzenbaum dissecting scissors
by pulling the cutaneous/fatty flap caudally. Bleeding is stopped using
bipolar or monopolar tweezers. If dissection is carried out in the correct
layer, precisely above the thigh fascia, no vessel ligatures are required.
Deep dissection is taken as far as was drawn on the day before the operation (dissection area) and discussed with the patient.
Only in rare cases do we carry out a vertical incision in addition to the
inguinal incision, since most patients when they are given detailed information about the operation have problems with the prospect of what is
usually a visible scar. If, however, there is very loose skin as far down as
the knee, this incision line cannot be avoided.
Definition of Resection Boundaries
The assistant pushes the area of skin that has been dissected away in a
cranial direction. Similarly, the cutaneous flap is pulled upwards with a
sharp retractor and surgical tweezers in a cranial direction. The thigh is
rotated inwards by the assistant so as to achieve as straight a position as
possible, as is it would be in the standing position. The skin incisions are
made precisely in these positions so that step by step the incision points
(a) correspond with the cranial inguinal incision.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Skin Resection
Skin resection is performed with precise monitoring of the resulting
tension on the cutaneous suture. The resection boundaries are dictated
by the positions of the key sutures, which are taken out again after the
resection, because the cutaneous flap – and this is the most important
part of the operation – needs to be anchored deeply at two points with
permanent sutures in order to achieve a satisfactory long-term result.
After the skin resection residual areas of fat are removed. In the process
it should be noted that subcutaneous fat is removed in the shape of a
wedge, so that later joining can be step by step without any excess material. For all lifts concerning skin and extremities, it is important to have
wedge-shaped joining in the form of an equilateral triangle. This prevents formation of seromas, promotes good wound healing, and therefore scar healing.
Fixation Suture on the Pubic Bone with 2.0 Monocryl
Following skin resection the inguinal ligament is dissected deeply using
dissecting scissors. The same applies to the pubic bone further caudally.
The periosteum of the pubic bone can be felt easily. Suturing to connect
the subcutaneous fascia and adipose tissue of the cutaneous flap with the
periosteum of the pubic bone may be carried out using a 2.0 Monocryl
suture. We have the best experience with Monocryl and there has never
been any impairment to wound healing. Owing to the long absorption
rate, Monocryl has the same life as a monofilament cutaneous suture.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Second Fixation Suture on the Inguinal Ligament
After the deep demonstration of the inguinal ligament has taken place
over its whole length using dissecting scissors, the subcutaneous adipose
sheath with the subcutaneous fascia is anchored to the inguinal ligament
using 2.0 Monocryl interrupted sutures, to distribute the main weight,
avoid secondary descent of the scars and divarification of the labia
Deep Wound Closure and Insertion of a Redon Drain (no. 10)
Before deep wound closure, the flap is trimmed and the excess fatty
tissue is resected. After dissection of the subcutaneous fascia (Scarpa’s
fascia) this is closed by means of deeply concealed 3.0 Monocryl interrupted sutures. This suture and the two fixation sutures on the inguinal
ligament and the periosteum of the pubic bone ensure that little tension
is placed on the final subcutaneous and cutaneous suture. This is important to ensure good healing of the scar later on. Redon drains size 10
are inserted.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Intracutaneous Skin Closure
After subcutaneous adaptation using 3.0 Monocryl interrupted sutures,
the skin is closed without tension with a running intracutaneous 4.0
Monocryl suture. Dog-ears should be avoided and if they are present,
they should be corrected at the caudal end of the incision line running
into the buttock crease.
If, following a thigh lift, a buttock lift is carried out, the patient is turned
onto his/her stomach, but in the same position.
The intervention is completed with a 4.0 running intracutaneous
Monocryl suture.*
Dressing is with Steri-Strips that are removed after 8 days once the
wound has been checked. For the first 2 days after the operation compression dressings and Cutiplast with special girdles are used. The
Redon drain can be removed on the first or second day after the operation, depending on the results. Antibiotics and thrombosis prophylaxis
should be given.
If the fixation shown here appears to be too static, then it is possible
to suture the thigh fascia to the deep pubic fascia for dynamic
anchoring instead of fixation to the periosteum of the pubic bone.
* Ethicon GmbH & Co, Schüsselberg 8, 73453 Abtsgemünd, Germany
Serag-Wiessner, Zum Kugelfang 8–12, 95119 Naila, Germany
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Buttock Lift: Positioning, Disinfection
It is crucial, as with all lifting operations, to ensure that the preoperative
drawing is correct, so that the wedge-shaped resection later produces a
scar that lies exactly in the buttock crease. This means that later on it will
be scarcely visible.
Tumescent pretreatment of the tissue is the norm in aesthetic operations
today. When buttock lifts are carried out, approximately 200 ml of the
tumescence solution (0.9 % NaCl 500 ml, 1 % prilocaine 200 mg = 20 ml,
epinephrine 0.5 mg, 8.4 % NaHCO3 5 mEq) is sufficient.
If the buttock lift is combined with a thigh lift, which is something frequently wanted upwards of a certain age, both the incision lines are
joined in such a way as to achieve a homogeneous radial tightening of
the whole thigh and buttock area. Unfortunately, patients often have too
high expectations and forget that the shape of the buttock is primarily
determined by the shape of the musculature and not by fatty accumulations and loose skin.
Owing to the tumescent infiltration, the operating area is free from
blood, thereby ensuring safe, simple, and quick dissection.
Incision Line
Preoperatively the incision line is drawn precisely with the patient in a
standing position. The intended line of the subsequent buttock crease is
marked, and the distances to the caudal and cranial incision margin are
measured to ensure they are of the same length. By pinching together the
buttock crease with both hands the extent of resection can be determined. It is recommended that one should always be conservative at the
beginning. Over time one must explore the limits as an aesthetic surgeon, but one should always bear in mind that it is easier to correct
excesses than it is to correct deficits.
Using a no. 10 scalpel a wedge shape is cut at an angle of approximately
70° downwards as far as the fascia of gluteus maximus. The deepest point
of the wedge excision on the muscle fascia should be at the level of what
will be the new buttock crease. The resection boundaries should be
equivalent to an equilateral triangle, which later, following buttock lift
and closure, produces the new buttock crease.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Wedge-Shaped Dermolipectomy
After the deep fat layer has been cut through in the shape of a wedge
with a 70° angle using the no. 10 scalpel, the cutaneous/fatty flap
is deeply dissected away in full using dissecting scissors from the fascia
of the gluteus maximus.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
a: Intended line produces subsequent buttock crease
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Transverse Incision Through the Resected Area
The deepest point of the wedge excision must be on the buttock crease
that is to be defined later. The resection boundaries correspond to an
equilateral triangle (a–b = a–c) that after tightening and closure produce
the new buttock crease.
Hemostasis, Deep Wound Closure, Insertion of a Redon Drain
Following precise hemostasis and insertion of a no. 10 Redon drain, the
first deep 3.0 Monocryl sutures are positioned in order to fix the buttock
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Two-Layer, Tension-Free Wound Closure
3.0 Monocryl subcutaneous interrupted sutures are used. This removes
the tension from the final, running, intracutaneous 4.0 Monocryl suture.
This suture material has the major advantage that it heals without irritation, hardly produces any suture granulomas, does not need to be
removed, has a long life, and produces excellent aesthetic results.
A Steri-Strip dressing is applied directly to the wound. Eight days after
the operation, this is removed once the wound has been checked. For
days, Cutiplast and compression bandages are used to prevent edema
and thrombosis. Postoperatively, a special girdle that has been made to
measure prior to the operation should be worn for 4 weeks. Infection
prophylaxis should be 2 g cefaclor.
The method of buttock lift shown here is indicated where there
is surplus skin coverage. If, however, there is little surplus skin and
the redefining of the buttock crease is a priority, then a more timeconsuming surgical technique is required. In this case, the epithelium
is removed from the skin area which has been marked out and the
skin area is separated at the level of the new buttock crease as far as
the gluteal fascia. After thinning out the caudal and cranial dermofat
flaps, these are anchored to the gluteal fascia thus defining the new
buttock crease.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Postoperative Treatment:
Course of Action After the Operation; Precautionary Measures
Correct postoperative treatment after thigh and buttock lifts is very
important to ensure long-term satisfactory results.
For 24 h after the operation there should be bed rest and monitoring on
the ward. Careful mobilization aided by a nurse starts the day after the
operation. Moving the thighs apart should be avoided so as to prevent
unnecessary traction on the wound. So as not to impair wound healing,
any tension on the sutures should be avoided when the patient stands up.
Legs should be moved regularly to promote the return blood flow.
The Redon drains are removed painlessly after 1–2 days. While the
patient is on the ward, lymph drainage and physiotherapy are recommended.
The fresh scars are treated postoperatively for 3 weeks using
dexpenthanol ointment and subsequently treated with silicone plasters
for 2 months. The made-to-measure compression girdle should be worn
for 4 weeks after the operation to prevent swelling and edema. After this
one can resume sport activities.
Antibiotic prophylaxis with cefaclor and embolism prophylaxis using
low-molecular-weight heparin is only indicated during the stay on the
Patient I: This is a 62-year-old female patient with typical wrinkling in
the upper third of the medial thigh. In this case inguinal tightening has
been carried out without a vertical incision. The cutaneous flap was
anchored on the periosteum and the inguinal ligament. Intensive scar
treatment was carried out for 6 months.
Twelve months after the operation. Weight gain of the patient and sports
activities in the gym. Healthy scars owing to good wound healing and
intensive treatment of the scar.
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Before the operation – frontal view
After the operation – frontal view
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Literature to Buttock Lift
Collantes E; Veroz R, Escudero A, et al (2000) Can some cases of ‘possible’ spondyloarthropathy be classified as ‘definite’ or ‘undifferentiated’ spondyloarthropathy?
Value of criteria for spondyloarthropathies Spanish Spondyloarthropathy Study
Group. Joint Bone Spine 67:516–520
Ersek RA, Salisbury AV (1995) The saddle lift for tight thighs. Aesthetic Plast Surg
Goddio AS (1991) Skin retraction following suction lipectomy by treatment site: a study of
500 procedures in 458 selected subjects. Plast Reconstr Surg 87:66–75
Greis PE; Kuhn JE, Schultheis J, et al (1996) Validation of the lift-off test and analysis of
subscapularis activity during maximal internal rotation. Am J Sports Med 24:589–593
Heddens CJ (2001) Belt lipectomy: procedure and outcomes. Plast Surg Nurs 21:185–189,
199; quiz 191
Lavigne P, Loriot de Rouvray TH (1994) The superior gluteal nerve. Anatomical study of its
extrapelvic portion and surgical resolution by trans-gluteal approach (in French). Rev
Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot 80:188–195
Lewis JR Jr (1980) Body contouring. South Med J 73:1006–1011
Lockwood TE (1991) Transverse flank-thigh-buttock lift with superficial fascial suspension. Plast Reconstr Surg 87:1019–1027
Lockwood T (1993) Lower body lift with superficial fascial system suspension. Plast
Reconstr Surg 92:1112–1122; discussion 1123–1115
Pascal JF, Le Louarn C (2002) Remodeling bodylift with high lateral tension. Aesthetic
Plast Surg 26:223–230
Pitanguy I (1981) Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Head and Body. Springer Heidelberg New
York Berlin
Pitanguy I, Ceravolo M (1983) Our experience with combined procedures in aesthetic plastic surgery. Plast. Reconst. Surg 71:56–63
Schwetlick G, Weber U, Klingmuller V, et al (1990) The vascularized pedicled flap of superior gluteal artery to hip bone chip – a new concept in the revascularization of hip
necrosis in adults (in German). Unfallchirurgie 16:75–79
Teimourian B, Adham MN (1982) Anterior periosteal dermal suspension with suction
curettage for lateral thigh lipectomy. Aesthetic Plast Surg 6:207–209
Thigh and Buttock Lift
Literature to Thigh Lift
Candiani P, Campiglio GL, Signorini M (1995) Fascio-fascial suspension technique in
medial thigh lifts. Aesthetic Plast Surg 19:137–140
Ersek RA, Salisbury AV (1995) The saddle lift for tight thighs. Aesthetic Plast Surg
Lockwood TE (1988) Fascial anchoring technique in medial thigh lifts. Plast Reconstr Surg
Lockwood T (1993) Lower body lift with superficial fascial system suspension. Plast
Reconstr Surg 92:1112–1122; discussion 1123–1115
Pitanguy I (1981) Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of Head and Body. Springer Heidelberg New
York Berlin
Pratt CA, Buford JA, Smith JL (1996) Adaptive control for backward quadrupedal walking
V. Mutable activation of bifunctional thigh muscles. J Neurophysiol 75:832–842
Schoeller T, Meirer R, Otto-Schoeller A, Wechselberger G, Piza-Katzer H (2002) Medial
thigh lift free flap for autologous breast augmentation after bariatric surgery. Obes
Surg 12:831–834
Schultz RC, Feinberg LA (1979) Medial thigh lift. Ann Plast Surg 2:404–410
Spirito D (1998) Medial thigh lift and DE.C.LI.VE. Aesthetic Plast Surg 22:298–300
Stadelmann WK (2002) Intraoperative lymphatic mapping to treat groin lymphorrhea
complicating an elective medial thigh lift. Ann Plast Surg 48:205–208
Teimourian B, Adham MN (1982) Anterior periosteal dermal suspension with suction
curettage for lateral thigh lipectomy. Aesthetic Plast Surg 6:207–209
Duplicate Patient Information
Preliminary Examination
Surgical Planning
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Abdomen, Hips, Thighs
■ Anatomical Overview
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Hips, Back, Thighs, Buttocks
(Body Contouring) 166
■ Anatomical Overview
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Axilla, Chest, Hips,
Lateral Side of the Thighs 168
■ Anatomical Overview
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Medial/Lateral Side
of the Thighs, Knee 170
■ Anatomical Overview
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Medial Part of the Thights, the Knees,
Calves, Ankles 172
■ Anatomical Overview
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Calf and Ankles
■ Anatomical Overview
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Breast, Axilla, Upper Arms
■ Anatomical Overview
Anatomy of Liposuction of a Double Chin
■ Anatomical Overview
Mechanical and Manual Tumescence
Location of the Incision Sites from the Rear
Location of the Incision Sites from the Front
Schematic Diagram of Mang’s Tumescent Liposuction Technique
Cross-Section of the Skin Before Tumescence
Cross-Section of the Skin Following Tumescence
Cross-Section of the Liposuction Technique
Cross-Section of the Tissue 6 Months After Liposuction
with Preservation of the Infrastructural Connective Tissue (ICT)
■ Technique
■ Disinfection
Manual Liposuction
Mechanical Liposuction
Detailed instructional films on liposuction of double chins,
abdomen/hips and thigh/knee are provided on the DVD.
In 1921, a French surgeon carried out curettage on the knee area of one of
his patients in order to achieve an improvement in the shape. This procedure was later combined with suction, until in the end curettage was
abandoned. Prof. Fournier introduced the cross technique in 1987,
achieving impressive results with regard to the evenness of the skin.
The shape and size of the cannulas used for liposuction have continued
to change and develop. The pioneers of liposuction were Ilouz, Fournier,
and Klein. An ultrasound-assisted method was first introduced in 1982.
Another technique that protects the tissue by using vibrating cannulas
was introduced by an American, W.P. Coleman, in 2000.
As this book is intended to impart basic knowledge, the tumescence
technique demonstrated in the accompanying video is manual liposuction, as this is most suitable for learning the new technique of liposuction from the beginning. Admittedly, this technique is time-consuming,
but it achieves good results and can be learned reliably.
Of all the additional instruments used at the Bodenseeklinik, the best
when it comes to large areas of liposuction has proved to be the
MicroAire (MicroAire Surgical Instruments, Charlottesville, VA, see
figure on p. 162) system (tissue-sparing; suction without much bleeding;
comfortable for the surgeon to operate; almost pain-free suction; timesaving). The size of cannulas varies between 2 and 4 mm; at the beginning of suction 3 mm cannulas should be used (extremities, saddle area).
In very corpulent patients, 4 mm cannulas can be used in the abdominal
area. For delicate modeling in the neck, buttock, knee, and ankle areas,
2 mm cannulas are sufficient.
The protective technique of tumescent liposuction has considerably
reduced the high risks of dry suction under general anesthetic (thrombosis, blood loss, embolism, infection, scarring, skin unevenness,
hematoma). If the tumescence solution containing local anesthetic
as well as vasoconstricters is injected beforehand general anesthesia
is not necessary. The patient receives only sedation and intraoperative
monitoring (IV access, pulse, blood pressure, O2 saturation, and ECG
monitoring). Adding adrenaline to the solution as a vasoconstricter
reduces the risk of the patient losing a large amount of blood
and prevents large hematomas from developing.
In addition, the incidence of complications can be drastically reduced
by perioperative thrombosis and embolism prophylaxis [single-shot
cefaclor 2 g, Mono Embolex IM (low molecular weight heparin) before,
during, and after the operation]. In a study carried out by the American
Society of Dermatologic Surgery there were no cases of embolism,
thrombosis, or infection in 15,336 patients treated with tumescent
Problems can result, however, from the use of too much tumescence
solution, which can place considerable strain on the circulation. The
decisive factor is the tumescence solution used.
The first tumescent local anesthesia with lidocaine was described and
documented by Klein as a local anesthetic solution. Mang’s solution uses
prilocaine as a local anesthetic in an even smaller dose (the smallest
dose allowing almost painless suction was determined in a clinical
study), as it exhibits the least toxicity. The prilocaine plasma levels were
considerably below those for lidocaine.
Mang’s solution used for tumescent local anesthesia
0.9% Na Cl
Prilocaine 1%
NaHCO3 8.4%
Triamcinolone acetonide
3,000 ml
150 ml
3 mg
30 mEq
30 mg
500 ml
25 ml
0.5 mg
5 mEq
5 mg
Tumescence syringe [1]
Liposuction cannulas 2–3.5 mm [2, 3]
Liposuction cannulas for double chins [4, 5]
Handpiece [6]
Handle with tube and cable [7]
Liposuction cannulas 3 mm and 4 mm [8]
MicroAire* reciprocator [9]
Tumescence with pump, see video
* Tap Med, Gutshof 15-17, 34270 Schauenburg-Hoof, Germany
MicroAire Surgical Instruments LLC, 1641 Edlich Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22911, USA
Duplicate Patient Information
The patient is first given comprehensive information about the objectives and risks of the procedure on the day of the first consultation. A
written record is kept of this. All the risks are set down in writing at this
time. It should be made clear that the patient may experience pain during the operation and that occasionally pressure damage may occur to
the nerves and soft tissue. This will subside again in the space of a few
weeks. The loss of a large amount of blood necessitating blood transfusions does not normally occur when the tumescence technique is used.
Bloody effusions and a feeling of numbness in the operation site can
occur after the procedure. Dimpling and the limits of the possibilities of
liposuction must also be explained to the patient, as must the risk of
thrombosis and embolism as well as the small scars that will occur at the
insertion sites. In rare cases allergic reactions can occur in the skin,
mucous membranes, heart, circulation, kidneys, or nerves. For this reason liposuction should be carried out on an inpatient basis with standby and monitoring.
If there are considerable irregularities in contour, the patient should be
advised to have a corrective operation.
Preliminary Examination
Current, preoperative routine laboratory tests with APC resistance and
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. ECG and chest X-ray if the patient
is 49 years old or over. The patient should undergo a clinical examination, in particular to identify hernias in the abdominal region and varicose veins, congestion of the lymphatics, etc. in the lower extremities.
Photographic documentation according to the problem zone: images
taken from the front, side and from behind with the patient standing.
Surgical Planning
The operation enables deposits of fat to be reduced in a defined area of
the body surface that cannot be reduced by dietary measures or sporting
activity alone. Surplus fat is removed by suction in order to reduce the
thickness of the fatty layer of the skin. The amount of fat removed is
limited by the loss of body fluids and blood. For this reason liposuction
is not a procedure for reducing general obesity.
On the day before the operation the surgeon discusses with the patient in
detail which changes he or she wants and how this will be achieved. The
areas to be removed by suction and the tumescence borders are marked
exactly. In order to keep the operation risk as low as possible the patient
should be made aware that he or she should not take any anticoagulants
such as acetylsalicylic acid before the operation. The patient should also
not smoke before the operation as this causes a reduction in perfusion.
The risk of blood clots forming in the body also increases if the patient
is taking contraceptives. In such cases the patient should stop smoking
2 weeks before the procedure and for the duration of the wound-healing
period at the very least.
Intraoperative single-shot infection prophylaxis should be carried out
with 2 g cefaclor and inpatient treatment and thrombosis/embolism
prophylaxis before the operation and for 1 day after the operation with
one ampule of fractionated heparin s.c. A special girdle should be fitted.
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Abdomen, Hips, Thighs
Liposuction of the abdominal/hip region is the most frequently
requested procedure, particularly by men. Only individual zones should
ever be treated with liposuction, i.e., abdomen/hips or outer and inner
thighs and buttock region (saddle area), as first the amount of tumescence that can be injected is limited (maximum 6 l) and second the
procedure would be too stressful for the patient. As the navel region is
particularly sensitive, a lot of tumescence must be used here. Liposuction
of both hips or the upper and lower abdomen is carried out in a fan
shape with the patient frequently changing position. Liposuction should
be carried out carefully in the upper abdominal area, and a thin layer of
fat should be left below the skin, as otherwise dimples will form and
there can be loose skin.
Anatomical Overview
M. obliquus ext. abdominis
M. rectus abdominis
Inguinal ligament
M. tensor fasciae latae
M. iliacus
M. iliopsoas
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes
M. pectineus
M. adductor longus
Long saphenous vein
M. sartorius
Saphenous vein, lateral accessory
M. gracilis
M. rectus femoris
Iliotibial tract
M. vastus lateralis
M. vastus medialis
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Hips, Back, Thighs, Buttocks
(Body Contouring)
Liposuction of the so-called saddle area is the procedure requested most
by women (body contouring of the hips, the lateral and medial sides of
the thighs, buttocks). After the fat deposits have been marked precisely,
an aesthetic result is achieved by carrying out liposuction homogeneously through 360° without the formation of dimples, by changing
the patient’s position on the operating table, and by checking again at the
end of the operation, with the patient standing up, whether the contours
have been suctioned well. The more experienced a surgeon is, the more
he or she can remove. Novices must be very cautious and restrained, as
dimples are more difficult to correct than residual deposits of fat, which
can be removed without any problems after 6 months.
Successful liposuction of the back can only be achieved if tunneling
is carried out cautiously using a low-level vacuum (maximum 0.4 at),
leaving a layer of fat on the subcutaneous tissue, and through a
fibrotic/tightening effect being achieved by the tunneling.
Caution must also be exercised when carrying out liposuction of the
buttock region since if too many fat cells are removed, dimples can form
and there can be loose skin.
Modeling of the hips and the medial and lateral sides of the thighs
can be achieved very successfully using liposuction, as the skin here
generally produces a good tightening effect.
Anatomical Overview
M. obliquus ext. abdominis
Gluteal fascia
M. gluteus maximus
M. adductor magnus
Iliotibial tract
M. semitendinosus
M. biceps femoris
M. semimembranosus
M. gracilis
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Axilla, Chest, Hips, Lateral Side of the Thighs
In principle, liposuction can be carried out in any area of the body where
there are aesthetically intrusive deposits of fat. This is the main advantage of the tumescence technique.
Because of the anatomical situation of the axilla, the surgeon has to be
very careful. It is better to leave out the axillar region to prevent injuries.
Anatomical Overview
M. latissimus dorsi
M. serratus anterior
M. obliquus ext. abdominis
Sheath of rectus abdominis
Superficial circumflex iliac vein
M. gluteus maximus
M. tensor fasciae latae
M. vastus lateralis
Iliotibial tract
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Medial/Lateral Side of the Thighs, Knee
The contours of the lower extremities are very well suited to liposuction,
in particular the deposits of fat on the lateral and medial sides of the
thighs and the knees. Before the operation varicosity of the long and
short saphenous veins and any lymphatic diseases must be taken into
The thighs must not be skeletonized, i.e., all the fat must not be removed,
as this leads to a very poor cosmetic result. A sufficient subcutaneous
layer of fat must be left.
As long as pure fat is appearing; the procedure can be continued without
risk. When the fat becomes mixed with tumescence solution and finally
only tumescence solution appears in the tube; the procedure should be
ended in order to prevent skeletonization and the formation of dimples.
Liposuction in this region is shown in detail on the DVD.
Anatomical Overview
M. pectineus
M. adductor longus
M. gracilis
M. sartorius
M. rectus femoris
Long saphenous vein
M. vastus medialis
Patellar ligament
M. gastrocnemius
M. soleus
M. extensor diditorum longus
M. peronaeus brevis
M. peronaeus longus
M. tibialis anterior
M. vastus lateralis
M. tensor fascia latae
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Medial Part of the Thighs, the Knees,
Calves, Ankles
Liposuction of the lower extremities is usually carried out as two separate procedures: first the lateral and medial sides of the thighs and the
knee area, then the calf and ankle region. If only the medial side is to be
altered, the medial side of the ankle, calf, knee, and thigh can be treated
in one procedure; particular attention must be paid to thrombosis and
embolism prophylaxis during this procedure. The patient should be
mobilized immediately after the operation.
Anatomical Overview
M. adductor magnus
M. gracilis
M. semitendinosus
M. rectus femoris
M. sartorius
M. vastus medialis
Long saphenous vein
M. gastrocnemius
M. soleus
M. flexor digitorum longus
Patellar ligament
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Calf and Ankles
Unfortunately, fat calves often result from muscular hypertrophy. When
performing liposuction of the calves the surgeon must have a lot of
experience and be very careful to avoid causing dimples. For this reason
caution must be exercised during liposuction of the calves and ankles.
A 2-mm cannula with a vacuum that is not too high must be used
(no higher than 0.6 at). After the operation immediate mobilization
and the fitting of a compression girdle are advisable.
Anatomical Overview
M. semimembranosus
Popliteal lymph nodes
M. gastrocnemius
Short saphenous vein
Long saphenous vein
M. soleus
M. flexor hallucis longus
M. flexor digitorum longus
M. peronaeus longus
Achilles tendon
Anatomy of Liposuction of the Breast, Axilla, Upper Arms
Gynecomastia in men can be treated very well by means of tumescent
liposuction. Preoperative investigation of the breast area by means of
mammography or ultrasound is necessary.
The entire breast area can be removed by suction by means of two small
incisions that are not visible. Axillary fat can be removed during the
same operation if required.
Anatomical Overview
Deltoid muscle
M. pect. major
Superficial lymphatic vessels
Lateral thoracic vein
M. serratus anterior
M. obliquus ext.
Anatomy of Liposuction of a Double Chin
Two small submental incisions and a retroauricular incision are made.
With a quantity of tumescence solution of 300–500 ml the entire submental region extending deep into the neck area can be removed by
liposuction. If required, the lateral cheek areas can also be removed.
The procedure is often combined with a facelift.
After the operation a compression dressing is worn for approximately
1 week so that the submental skin that has been detached in the neck
area can adapt after liposuction to the areas where fat has been removed.
Just by tunneling with the 2 mm cannula, scar contractions occur, which
result in a tightening effect.
Anatomical Overview
Parotid gland
Mastoid lymph nodes
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Great auricular nerve
Mandibular margin branch
Lateral superficial cervical lymph nodes
Transverse nerve of the neck
M. platysma
External jugular vein
Cervical branch
Submental lymph nodes
Submandibular lymph nodes
M. depressor anguli oris
M. depressor labii inferioris
M. risorius
Facial vein
M. orbicularis oris
M. masseter
Buccal branch
M. zygomaticus major
Mechanical and Manual Tumescence
Tumescence solution can be applied either manually with an injection
syringe or mechanically with a pump. In the manual technique the injection syringe is connected to the tumescence solution via a one-way cock.
The manual technique requires a lot of time and effort and has the same
results as the mechanical injection of solution via a pump. In this technique the pump is connected with the system via a three-way or six-way
cock so that the tumescence solution can be applied evenly and homogeneously via three or six cannulas, also saving time.
For liposuction in the abdominal/hip area about 6 l of tumescence solution is needed. Manual application of the solution takes 90 min; application using the pump takes 45 min.
After applying all the tumescence solution, it should be given at least
30 min to take effect. During this time disinfection and sterile draping of
the patient are carried out. Mang’s tumescence solution (0.9 % NaCl
3,000 ml, 1 % Prilocaine 1,500 mg = 150 ml, epinephrine 3 mg, Na HCO3
8.4 % 30 mEq, triamcinolone acetonide 30 mg) should still be limited to
6 l for patients weighing up to 80 kg. If the patient weighs more than this
and is in good general condition, the amount of tumescence can be
increased to 7 l.
The best temperature for the solution is 30 °C (warm cabinet).
The prepared tumescence solution should be injected within 1 h of
preparation. The solution must only be prepared (sterile preparation) by
a qualified person supervised by a doctor.
The surgeon must apply the tumescence himself/herself, as in so doing
he/she can see exactly how much tumescence solution flows into each fat
deposit. He/she can therefore already begin to estimate during tumescence from which regions the most fat cells will need to be removed.
Tumescence solution that has been opened must not be reused under
any circumstances.
Location of the Incision Sites from the Rear
Shoulders: Three incisions. At the lateral, medial and caudal ends of the
collection of fat.
Buttocks: Three incisions. One in the upper quadrant and two in the
lateral and medial parts of the gluteal fold.
When treating a problem zone a general rule of thumb is that at least
three incisions are necessary, one of which should be at the lowest point
to allow the tumescence solution to drain. This prevents congestion as
well as prolonged swelling and infection. If it becomes apparent during
liposuction that another incision is necessary, this can be made without
problem, as these are microincisions that will not be visible after
6 months. Instead of sutures, Steri-Strips are applied to the incisions for
8 days.
Location of the Incision Sites from the Front
Submental region: Four incisions – two in the submental area, two on the
Upper arms: Lateral condyle and ventral muscle belly of the biceps muscle.
Breast: At three o’clock laterally, at six o’clock caudally where the collections of fat protrude.
Upper abdomen: Three fingerwidths caudal to the costal margin on each
Hips: Four incisions divided between the individual quadrants.
Lower abdomen: Four incisions, two in the bikini area and two at the
level of the navel half-way between the iliac crest and the navel.
Lateral side of the thighs: Three incisions, one below the trochanter, one
at the lowest point of the collection of fat and one in the gluteal fold.
Medial side of the thighs: Two incisions, one incision midway between
the inguinal region and the knee at the lowest point of the collection of
fat and one dorsally in the gluteal fold.
Knees: Two incisions located cranially and caudally to the fat deposit.
Calves: Four incisions. Two lateral, two medial.
Ankles: Three incisions. Two dorsal (caution: Achilles tendon!), one
ventral at the area of attachment of the tibialis anterior tendon.
Axilla, upper arm
Shoulder, back
Outer thigh
Inner thigh
Upper arms
Submental region
Upper abdomen
Lower abdomen
Inner thigh
Outer thigh
Schematic Diagram of Mang’s Tumescent Liposuction Technique
Cross-Section of the Skin Before Tumescence
The diagram shows normal fat cells, embedded in the infrastructural
connective tissue (ICT). In dry liposuction under anesthesia, these
connective tissue structures are largely destroyed, causing blood loss,
hematomas, and the formation of dimples under the skin. This is
avoided by using the tumescence technique.
Cross-Section of the Skin Following Tumescence
Tumescent local anesthesia (TLA) refers to the infiltration of the skin
and subcutis with a large quantity of very diluted local anesthetic
(below 0.1 %) with adrenalin (less than 1 mg/l) and NaHCO3 until the
tissue swells sufficiently.
TLA results in good anesthesia and hemostasis and means that the
patient is responsive and mobile. Using TLA the procedure can be
carried out without additional anesthesia.
Removing the tissue that is full of tumescence solution during
liposuction does not cause any blood loss and, in particular,
preserves the surrounding tissue.
Infrastructural supporting tissue
Normal fat cells
Tumefied fat cells
Cross-Section of the Liposuction Technique
Liposuction is carried out with 2.0–4.0 mm cannulas. Because the fat
cells are hygroscopic they are softened by tumescence and can therefore
be removed by suction atraumatically and selectively without damaging
the surrounding tissue (infrastructural supporting tissue). With a movement similar to that of a violin bow, moving constantly in a 180° radius
and never stopping in one place, the entire area of fat is removed by
suction, starting at the bottom and working upwards towards the epidermis. The skill is in leaving a thin layer of fat below the epidermis so that
dimples are not formed later and a good tightening effect is achieved.
Cross-Section of the Tissue 6 Months After Liposuction
with Preservation of the Infrastructural Connective Tissue (ICT)
Six months after liposuction using the tumescence technique and cannulas less than 4.0 mm in size you can see that the infrastructural connective tissue has been preserved.
2.0 – 4.0 mm cannula
Tumefied fat cells
Film of fat
Infrastructural supporting tissue (ISM)
The endoscopic image shows the intraoperative findings. The most
important point when carrying out liposuction is that a so-called fat film
is preserved in the upper section and that the connective tissue below it
is preserved. This causes the “chewing gum” effect whereby the undamaged connective tissue septa contract after liposuction, tightening the
You can see from the aspirate, which contains almost entirely fat with no
blood, that only a small amount of tissue has been destroyed.
Fan-shaped suction of regions (>90°)
The full extent of each fat deposit is marked precisely on the standing
patient. The problem zones must be marked with small circles, increasing in size until they reach the edges. By doing this you can start to plan
before the operation where the largest quantities need to be removed.
Disinfection is carried out before tumescence.
Fan-shaped suction of regions (>90°) from several positions
Manual Liposuction
The injection into the adipose tissue can be done by hand, in which case the
quantity of solution used must be constantly checked and attention must be
paid to achieving an even distribution. This method takes about 1.5 h.
Mechanical Liposuction
The injections can also be carried out with an electric pump. When
doing this, you must always ensure that the cannulas are in the correct
position. The pump transfers the tumescence solution via a distribution
system (3–6 connectors); it must always be ensured that the solution is
injected evenly and not too rapidly.
As the patient is responsive and mobile, tumescence/liposuction of any
part of the body is possible. Tumescence can be discontinued when the
areas to be treated show the so-called blanching effect, i.e., are white and
elastic. A maximum of 6 l of solution should be injected in order to avoid
cardiac or neurological irritation. The process lasts approximately
45 min. Tumescence and liposuction should be carried out with anesthesiology monitoring and stand-by.
After thorough disinfection, again an incision is made with a size 11
scalpel. This incision is not sutured later and cannot be seen. This
process is completely free of pain because of tumescence. The liposuction cannulas can be inserted without much pressure, and the openings
should point towards the subcutis. At the beginning of the procedure the
cannula should not be more than 4.0 mm. At the end of the procedure,
after the majority of the fat has been removed, a 2.0–3.0 mm cannula is
used for delicate modeling. The tumescence technique allows the procedure to be carried out with almost no bleeding.
Tumescence allows the tissue to be tunneled without much effort.
Novices should not initially use the assisted system, but should carry out
liposuction manually in order to get a feel for the tissue. In order to
achieve an even result, the same amount must be removed from all sides
at angles of 90, 180 and 360°. The fat should be removed using smooth,
constant, forward and backward movements, similar to the movement of
a violin bow. The fat should always be removed from within the predetermined level and in a fan shape. Several incisions are necessary to reach
the problem zones well, and one of these should always be at the lowest
point of the problem area to allow the tumescence to drain. As long as
pure fat appears the procedure can be continued without risk. When the
fat becomes mixed with tumescence solution and then only tumescence
solution appears, the procedure should be ended in order to avoid skeletonization and the formation of dimples. Ideally, a “fat film” should be
left directly under the skin during liposuction. Liposuction should therefore always be carried out from the deepest layers to the upper ones.
Because the procedure is carried out under local anesthesia it is possible for
the patient to roll over; therefore, all areas can be reached easily and evenly.
This is a particular advantage for achieving homogeneous liposuction, as it
brings about a tightening effect without the formation of dimples.
Because the patient is mobile all problem areas on the face and the body
can be treated. It should be ensured that suction is carried out evenly
and in one plane in order to avoid contour irregularities. This is harder
to even out than residual persistent deposits, which can be corrected
without any problems.
To make sure the wound is well drained, an incision must be positioned
at the lower pole of the area to be removed during liposuction. Contouring can also be carried out from here. If the patient experiences pain,
a strong, fast-acting analgesic can be given via the venous cannula.
Synthetic opioids, e.g., piritramide (Dipidolor®), have proved effective
in these circumstances.
Liposuction should be carried out on an inpatient basis and requires a
lot of experience. An experienced surgeon will preserve a thin layer of fat
below the skin.
When using the aspirator it is important that there is a constant vacuum
of about 0.8 (Atmos Medizintechnik aspirator*).
After liposuction, Steri-Strips are applied to the insertion sites. The
wounds are not closed further because of the desired drainage effect.
The Steri-Strips can be removed by the patient after 8 days. The dressing
is applied with the patient standing up. Absorbent pads take up the fluid
produced in the first few days after the procedure. A compression girdle
is worn for a few weeks after the operation. Antibiotic cover and thrombosis prophylaxis should be given.
* Atmos Medizin Technik GmbH&Co KG, Ludwig-Kegel-Str. 16, 79853 Lenzkirch, Germany
The patient is monitored for 24 h after the operation, during which time
he or she should move about as much as possible (1 h lying down,
20 min walking up and down in the room so that the tumescent fluid
On the 1st postoperative day the entire dressing is changed and a compression girdle is fitted before counteracts swelling and pain and to help
adapt the skin to the changed contours of the body. This compression
girdle also encourages the skin to tighten and should be worn for at least
4 weeks after the operation.
Two weeks after the operation the skin can be treated with moisturizing
body lotion, massaged gently on a daily basis into the areas of skin
treated. Physical exertion, sport, and exposure to direct sunlight are
permitted after 4 weeks.
We recommend training in the gym after liposuction. A “top body” or
“washboard stomach” can normally only be achieved by liposuction in
combination with strenuous physical training, not by liposuction alone.
With the help of liposuction, fat cells are permanently removed. Since the
fat cells do not grow back, liposuction treatment produces a permanent
effect. However, further changes to the shape of the body are possible.
The results of the operation are dependent on the patient’s general
health, the condition of the skin, the patient’s age and weight, and the
hormonal content of the body, among other things. In particular, significant weight gain caused by nutrition will result in the layer of adipose
tissue increasing again even in the treated area, as the remaining fat cells
will fill out. Occasionally, wavelike unevenness or dimples become visible
on the surface of the skin, but these usually reduce again within
6 months.
As with all aesthetic procedures, corrective operations may be necessary
if the results of the treatment do not meet the patient’s expectations or if
an unsatisfactory aesthetic result is produced because of wound-healing
disturbances, infections, postoperative bleeding, etc.
Before treatment
After treatment
Patient I: Liposuction in the submental region of a 38-year old patient.
Side view 12 months later.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
Before treatment
After treatment
Patient II: A major problem for men predominantly aged over 45 is
deposits of fat in the chest area. Good, long-lasting results are obtained
using the tumescence technique presented here.
Side view 12 months later.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
Before treatment
After treatment
Patient III: Saddle area before and 6 months after treatment.
Frontal view before the operation
Posterior view before the operation
Frontal and posterior view 12 months after the operation
Patient IV: A 39-year-old patient with collections of fat in the hip and
abdominal areas, and 12 months after tumescent liposuction of
abdomen, hips and mons pubis.
Frontal view before the operation
Posterior view before the operation
Frontal view after the operation
Posterior view after the operation
Patient V: Patient with collections of fat around the hips, lateral and
medial sides of the thighs and the buttock region, and view after modeling of the abdomen, hips and buttocks, 12 months after the operation.
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Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Norwood Classification of Types of Hair Loss
Instruments 206
Basic Instrument Set (Sterilizable) 206
Instruments for Graft/Follicular Unit Preparation
Instruments for Micropunch Technique 210
Instruments for Microslit Technique 210
Preparation of the Patient, Hairline Design
Donor Area
Local Anesthesia, Tumescence
Donor Strip Harvesting
Skin Closure with Continuous Sutures
Follicular Unit Preparation
(Minigrafts, Micrografts, Single Hairs)
Recipient Area, Holes and Slits
Transplantation Channels: Micropunches (a),
Microdrills (b) and Erbium YAG-Laser (c) 218
Postoperative Precautions
Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation has been requested by many men since it is known
that new methods (micropunch technique, slit technique, laser-assisted)
do not leave any visible scars. The hairs that are transplanted from the
back of the head rarely fall out, and the procedure is atraumatic and
virtually painless. A special team is necessary for hair transplantations.
This is made up of a surgeon and at least two trained assistants who
prepare the hair follicles. Besides precise preparation of the hair follicles,
correct insertion of the hair follicles at the correct angle using either the
micropunch or the slit technique is extremely important. This is the only
way to achieve a natural result; it is the art of the hair transplant surgeon.
For this reason we have a dedicated hair transplantation team at the
Bodenseeklinik who carry out only hair transplantations. The only way
to produce good, lasting results is practice, experience, and the precise
preparation and insertion of the hair follicles.
In the hair transplantation chapter a clear overview is given of what
must be done to achieve successful hair transplantation. In addition to
the precise harvesting of an appropriate donor strip from the back of the
head with atraumatic closure, successful hair transplantation involves
microscopic preparation of the hair follicles and insertion of the
implants either by the micropunch technique or the slit technique, using
either one or more follicles in either a manual or a laser technique. The
precise insertion technique is determined individually for each patient
and each area.
Beauty ideals vary a great deal, but thick, shiny hair is desirable in all
cultures because it is a symbol of health and youth. Even the ancient
Egyptians saw it as a catastrophe if someone’s hair became thinner and
thinner. In our society as well, where a youthful appearance plays a very
important role, thick, healthy hair is a great advantage. In the Western
world roughly every second man is affected by hair loss. The most common form of hair loss is so-called androgenetic alopecia, masculine type
hair loss (see Fig. 1 – Norwood classification of types of hair loss).
The hormone dihydrotestosterone plays a key role in androgenetic
alopecia. This hormone is formed from the male sex hormone testosterone under the influence of a particular enzyme. Dihydrotestosterone
causes hair to become thinner and thinner in particular places such as
the brow, temples and the crown and finally to fall out.
Hair Transplantation
The decisive factor when it comes to hair transplantation is that hair on
the back of the head (coronal hair), facial hair and body hair are immune
to the hormone dihydrotestosterone. This explains why hairs taken from
the back of the head and transplanted to bald patches do not then fall
out. They continue growing and produce healthy hair, which can be
washed, blow dried, and dyed normally.
Transplantation of a patient’s own hair is a skillful redistribution of
healthy hair follicles to bald patches and, with the new methods available, results in a natural appearance.
Considerations before hair transplantation: The patient’s hair should be
allowed to grow as long as possible so that the harvest area can be covered with the remaining hair and is not visible. The patient should not
take any anticoagulants.
The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia.
After the operation a loose-fitting hat (e.g., baseball cap) should be
Hair Transplantation
Norwood Classification of Types of Hair Loss
Basic Instrument Set (Sterilizable) *
Scissors, small [1]
Mosquito forceps, small [2]
Needle holder, small [3]
Dissecting forceps [4]
Delicate tissue forceps [5]
Tissue forceps, small [6]
Metal matrix for trichodensitometry (Neidel) [7]
Scalpel handle (blades available: sizes 10, 11, 15) [8]
Metal comb [9]
Syringe, Luer LOK 20 cc, for tumescence with saline 0.9 % [10]
* Robumed, Postfach 162, 78502 Tuttlingen, Germany
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Instruments for Graft/Follicular Unit Preparation
Petri dishes with saline 0.9 % [1]
Scalpel handle (blades available: no. 10) [2]
Delicate tissue forceps [3]
Extremely delicate dissecting forceps [4]
Forceps for micro- and minigrafting (implantation) [5]
Wood for preparation [6]
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Instruments for Micropunch Technique
∑ Micropunch 0.8 mm diameter [1]
∑ Micropunch 1.0 mm diameter [2]
∑ Handpiece for micropunch, autoclavable (hand engine) [3]
Instruments for Microslit Technique
∑ Sharpoint (15°/22.5°/30°/45° pointed tip) [1]
∑ Handle [2]
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Preparation of the Patient, Hairline Design
Donor Area
The donor area should not be more than 2 cm above an imaginary line
connecting the tips of the patient’s ears behind the head. Be careful not
to harvest an overly large skin strip so that you will not have to discard
hair follicles later.
When determining the size of the donor area, keep the preparation
capacity of your transplantation team in mind! Only shorten hairs whose
follicles are to be dissected later. Leave the remaining hairs as long as
possible so that they will cover the donor site after transplantation.
Measure follicle group density, i.e., follicular units per square centimeter.
With this figure, the number of follicular units to be transplanted can be
calculated from the total area of the donor strip.
Local Anesthesia, Tumescence
Local anesthesia with articaine and adrenaline (e.g., B. Ultracain DSforte, Septanest with adrenaline 1/100,000) is administered in the form
of a ring block below the harvest site, using an intradermal injection
This is followed by intradermal infiltration anesthesia using 0.5 % prilocaine with adrenaline.
Injection of a 0.9 % saline solution is employed to achieve tumescence of
the donor area.
Caution: Inject the tumescence solution intradermally and subdermally;
subgaleal injection is contraindicated! This precaution prevents injury to
major nerves and blood vessels during the subsequent skin incision.
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Donor Strip Harvesting
Remove a trapzoidal donor strip with the base of the trapezoid in a
caudal position!
Avoid transection of the hair follicles by making an incision at an angle
of about 45° and cutting exactly parallel to the direction of hair growth.
The upper incision angle can vary. Use a magnifying device with a power
of 2¥. Multiple incisions at the same location cause transection, and thus
destruction, of the hair follicle.
Cautiously excise the strips; pull gently to detach them below the hair
roots in the fatty layer.
Do not injure the vascular-neural bundle. To avoid injuring the galea at
all costs, the best policy is: hands off the galea!
Place the harvested strip into a sterile cooled 0.9 % saline solution
No mobilization. No opening of the galea.
Hemostasis should be carried out on the galea only and not near the hair
Pull the edges of the wound together over the donor site using monofilament absorbable sutures (2¥0 or 0), e.g., Monocryl.
Insert the needle into the skin and out again below the hair roots; use a
concealed knot. With this technique, the wound edges are already optimally adapted; smaller hemorrhages are automatically compressed.
Skin Closure with Continuous Sutures
Perform skin closure with running sutures; use non-absorbable monofilament sutures (e.g., Prolene or Resolon 4¥0).
Make sure that the cutaneous sutures are not under tension and that the
needle is inserted superficially. Inserting the needle too deeply may
result in hair follicle necrosis and ultimately scar-tissue alopecia.
When harvesting, dissecting or transplanting hair follicles, avoid doing
anything that will result in trauma or reduced perfusion.
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Follicular Unit Preparation (Minigrafts, Micrografts, Single Hairs)
The donor strip is placed on a non-slip sterile wooden board and sliced
into small segments. Work with magnifying spectacles or a binocular
Avoid transection. Fix the skin firmly. Avoid multiple incisions.
The segments are divided further into strips; the follicular units are now
arranged in a row on a piece of gauze.
As part of the preparation work, the units are separated and sorted into
single-hair units or units containing 2–4 hairs.
For larger numbers of hair transplants, two to three trained surgical
assistants are required for the preparation work.
Replace scalpel blades frequently. Do not crush the hair follicles!
The dissected follicular units are sorted into rows of 10 units each.
A total of 10 rows per gauze strip and Petri dish equals 100 follicular
units or grafts. Cool the saline solution sufficiently before use. Keep the
transplants moist at all times!
Recipient Area, Holes and Slits
Ring blockade with articaine and adrenaline (e.g., Ultracain DS-forte or
Septanest with adrenaline 1/100,000). Be careful to use an intradermal
injection technique and avoid subgaleal infiltration.
Infiltration with prilocaine 0.5 % with adrenaline in the treatment area.
In addition, inject 0.9 % saline solution to achieve intradermal and subdermal tumescence. Allow 10–15 min for the solution to take effect.
Be careful to work in the direction of hair growth. The use of a magnifying device with a power of 2–4¥ is recommended. Following the hairline
design, punch out 0.8 mm holes for transplants containing 1–2 hairs.
After punching between 5 and 10 holes, make a test transplant to determine whether the transplants can be inserted without any problems. For
example, check whether the size and depth of the holes are sufficient.
Never transplant hair only along the marked line, as this results in an
unsightly “pearl necklace effect”. A feathered hairline is the effect you
want to achieve: “irregular regularity” is the key word here! Use the laser
for bald areas; switch to cold steel methods in areas still covered by
dense hair. Make continual test transplants to check the suitability of the
holes. If necessary, change the laser setting. Use slender angled tweezers.
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Transplantation Channels: Micropunches (a),
Microdrills (b) and Erbium YAG-Laser (c)
Use micropunches with a diameter of 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm or, in rare cases,
1.2 mm to avoid an unaesthetic tufted “doll’s head” effect.
Be sure to select micropunches that permit lateral skin ejection and have
an internal ground surface.
The distance between hairs is increased by tumescence. The microholes
are placed between healthy hair roots.
In patients with very dense remaining hair, employ a slit technique using
chisel blades or 15°, 30° or 45° Sharpoint blades.
Measure the number of holes or slits per square centimeter for the documentation.
The holes or slits must be counted consecutively to guarantee correspondence with the number of prepared follicular units.
Transplantation of follicular units with a sharp angled microtweezers
(e.g., Micro 2000 made by Medicon). Perform non-traumatic implantation with no crushing of hair roots. The follicular units are placed on
moist gauze strips draped over the back of the surgeon’s left hand; they
are picked up individually with the microtweezers and then
Keep the follicular units moist!
Use swabs to keep the transplantation area clean and free of blood.
Crusted dried blood prevents a clear overview of the surgical area.
During hair transplantation, a systematic approach is vital!
When placing transplants in holes, the end of the transplant should be
flush with the skin surface.
When placing transplants in slits, the transplants should project
0.5–1.0 mm above skin level.
Never insert the transplants too deep since cysts are likely to form
in 2–3 months in patients with deep transplants.
Since the effect of adrenaline and tumescence wears off after 2–3 h, stay
within the time limits for the transplantation procedure.
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation
Postoperative Precautions
No bandage is necessary with modern surgical methods. There is no
permanent visible scarring. The same criteria apply, however, after a hair
transplantation as after any other operation in the facial area.
Infection prophylaxis is given for 3 days after the operation. From the 3rd
day the patient can wash his or her hair with a mild chamomile shampoo. The hair can then be washed daily. The hair transplants are fixed
securely and firmly.
After a maximum of 2 weeks all crusts should have disintegrated with
washing; crusts delay wound healing. Rough manipulation should be
avoided, particularly in the 1st postoperative week, as there is a risk of
postoperative bleeding.
The patient can be professionally and socially active again 1 week after
the operation.
After 6 weeks vasodilating hair lotion should be used. The crusts disintegrate quickly with regular washing.
A 50-year-old patient with Norwood type V hair loss, and 12 months
after the operation, following two procedures with a total of 3,120 follicular units.
Hair Transplantation
Before the operation
After the operation
Hair Transplantation
Benett R (1988) Fundamentals of cutaneous surgery. Mosby, St Louis, pp 709–719
Bernstein RM, Rassmann WR, Seager D, Shapiro R, Cooley JE, Norwood OT, Stough DB,
Beehner M, Arnold J, Limmer BL, Avram MR, McClellan RE, Rose PT, Blugerman G,
Gandelman M, Cotterill PC, Haber R, Jones R, Vogel JE, Moy RL, Unger WP (1998)
Standardizing the classification and description of follicular unit transplantation and
mini-micrografting techniques. Dermatol Surg 24:957–963
Devine JW, Howard PS (1985) Classification of donor hair in male pattern baldness and
operations for each type. Facial Plast Surg 2:189–190
Farber GA (1982) The punch scalp graft. Clin Plast Surg 9:207–220
Hill TG (1984) Enhancing and survival of full-thickness grafts. J Dermatol Surg Oncol
Limmer B (1997) The density issue in hair transplantation. Dermatol Surg 23:747–750
Lucas MWG (1988) The use of minigrafts in hair transplantation surgery. J Dermatol Surg
Oncol 14:1389–1392
Lucas MWG (1990) Micro and mini hair grafting. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 16:69–70
Lucas MWG (1991) Large vs small grafts, slits vs holes, vol 2, no 1. Hair Transplant Forum,
pp 1–3
Lucas MWG (1994) Planning a hair transplantation: the artist’s touch. Am J Cosmet Surg
Marritt E (1984) Single-hair transplantation for hairline refinement: a practical solution.
J Dermatol Surg Oncol 10:962–963
Montagna W (1992) Atlas of normal human skin. Springer, New York, p 314
Morrison ID (1981) An improved method of suturing the donor site in hair transplant
surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg 67:378–380
Neidel FG (1995) Zur Technik der Eigenhaarverpflanzung mit Mini- und Mikrografts. Dermatol Bild 10:9–19
Neidel FG (1997) Haartransplantationen. In: Schulz H, Altmeyer P, Stücker M, Hoffmann K
(eds) Ambulante Operationen in der Dermatologie. Hippokrates, Stuttgart, pp 112–113
Neidel FG, El-Gammal S (1994) Non-invasive evaluation of growth rates of mini- and
micrografts in hair transplantation. 5th Congress of the International Society for Aesthetic Surgery, Berlin, April 22–24, 1994
Neidel FG, Altmeyer P, Finkel B (1998) Laser-assistierte autologe Haarfollikeltransplantation – LAAHT. In: Mang WL, Bull HG (eds) Ästhetische Chirurgie. Einhorn, Reinbek,
pp 118–121
Neidel FG, Fuchs M, Krahl D (1999) Laser-assisted autologous hair transplantation with
the Er:YAG laser. J Cutan Laser Ther 1:229–231
Nordström REA (1971) Hair transplantation. The use of hair-bearing compound grafts for
correction of alopecia due to chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, traumatic alopecia
and male pattern baldness [Suppl 1]. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg (Thesis and academic dissertation)
Nordström REA (1980) Hair growth in subcutaneously buried composite hair-bearing
skin grafts. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 16:91–93
Nordström REA (1981) Micrografts” for improvement of the frontal hairline after hair
transplantation. Aesthetic Plast Surg 5:97
Nordstöm REA (1981) Reconstruction of the temporal hairline. Aesthetic Plast Surg
Nordström REA (1985) Punch hair grafting methods. Facial Plast Surg 2:205
Nordström REA (1985) Special techniques in surgical hair replacement. Facial Plast Surg
Hair Transplantation
Norwood OT, Shiell RC (1984) Hair transplant surgery, 2nd edn. Charles C Thomas,
Springfield, Ill
Okuda S (1939) The study of clinical experiments of hair transplantation. Jpn J Dermatol
Urol 46:135
Orentreich N (1959) Autografts in alopecias and other selected dermatological conditions.
Ann NY Acad Sci 83:463
Pinski JB (1984) How to obtain the “perfect” plug. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 10:953–956
Unger WP, Shapiro R (2004) Hair transplantation. Dekker, New York, Basel
Adjuvant Therapies Including Spacelift
Adjuvant Therapies Including Spacelift
Local Anesthesia 228
■ Nerve Exit Points, Supraorbital Nerve,
Infraorbital Nerve, Mental Nerve 228
Biological Implants 229
■ Injection Techniqe
Report – Technique:
■ Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid
■ Crystalline Polylactic Acid (Sculptra®)
■ Contouring Using the Mang Method
■ See also Vol. 1, pp. 226–238
Botulinum Toxin 238
■ Report – Technique
■ See also Vol. 1, pp. 244–250
Mang’s Spacelift 244
■ Introduction
■ Indications
■ Instruments
■ Technique
■ Injection Technique
■ Diagram of the Fat Injection
■ Three-Dimensional Diagram of Fat Injection
into Subcutaneous Tissue 252
■ Increasing the Densitiy of the Connective Tissue
Following Breakdown of Fat Droplets 254
Dermabrasion 256
■ Introduction
■ Report – Technique
■ See also Vol. I, pp. 251–256
Chemical Peeling 259
■ Introduction
■ Report – Technique
■ See also Vol. 1, pp. 274–278
Adjuvant Therapies
Erbium YAG Laser 262
■ Introduction
■ Report – Technique
■ See also Vol. 1, p. 269
Hyal System® 264
■ Introduction
■ Report – Technique
■ Follow-up Treatment
Adjuvant therapies should be included in the repertoire of every aesthetic surgeon. It would exceed the scope of this manual to describe all
adjuvant therapies in detail. Anyone who wishes to undertake further
training in this field can find detailed information primarily in dermatological textbooks.
Therefore, a few important adjuvant therapies will be dealt with only
briefly in this volume. Please refer to the texts in Volume I of the manual
for the basic information.
Dermabrasion, chemical peeling, and erbium-YAG laser treatment are
examined methodically, but only very briefly to provide an understanding of the basic principles. Adjuvant therapies are very often combined
with surgery, and an experienced aesthetic surgeon will choose appropriate treatments, depending on the types of wrinkles and skin type.
We do not use injectable alloplastic materials, as damage may occur that
is extremely difficult to correct and, in a few cases, even irreparable. The
use of autologous fat injections (Mang’s spacelift) and biological
implants, such as collagen and hyaluronic acid, is preferred. The decision
to use botulinum toxin injections must be based on stringent criteria.
The results for forehead wrinkles are good and the treatment can be
repeated at intervals of 6 months.
The euphoria generated by laser therapy in the early 1990s has not
entirely satisfied expectations for the treatment of the “aging face.” The
laser is not a “miracle weapon,” but has now attained an established place
in the field of adjuvant therapies. We primarily use the ultrapulse CO2
laser for skin resurfacing. This has already been described in detail in the
audiovisual aids in Volume I (pp. 258–268).
The surgeon must decide whether to perform dermabrasion, chemical
peeling, or laser therapy for wrinkles in the perioral region on the basis
of his/her experience and his/her own judgment. Dermabrasion with a
diamond cylinder gives good long-term results with no scarring or
abnormal pigmentation for moderately deep lip wrinkles in younger
patients. Chemical peeling (e.g., trichloroacetic acid 35 %) may be useful
for older patients with deeper wrinkles. Erbium-YAG laser provides the
best results for wrinkles in the perioral region and particularly the area
of the lower eyelids.
Adjuvant Therapies
Local Anesthesia
Nerve Exit Points, Supraorbital Nerve, Infraorbital Nerve, Mental Nerve
If adjuvant therapies are not combined with operations (e.g., a facelift),
they are performed under local anesthesia and as day-case treatment.
Nerve block anesthesia with Ultracain 1 % (articaine) and additional
adrenaline have proved to be successful. When treating the entire face by
laser or chemical peeling, light sedation also can be induced with
Dormicum (midazolam) with anesthesiology stand-by. No more than
30 ml 1 % local anesthesia solution should be injected. Particularly sensitive areas (e.g., lips) can be infiltrated separately, in addition to nerve
block anesthesia.
With all operations carried out as day cases, a venous line and, if necessary, antibiotic prophylaxis are recommended.
Biological Implants
Biological Implants *
Only endogenous (bone, cartilage, fascia, connective and adipose tissue,
etc.) and biosynthetic materials (collagen, hyaluronic acid) are used at
our clinic.
We do not use alloplastic materials (e.g., silicone and paraffin oils,
PMMA, etc.) since they can cause unpredictable and sometimes irreparable damage.
The most important principle in aesthetic surgery is health before
beauty. Avoid all new materials that have not undergone long-term testing. This applies not only to injectable materials but also to breast
implants and suture material. Injectable collagen is an ultrapurified
bovine collagen of type I. Depending on the concentration
(35–65 mg/ml), this material is available in various ready-to-use ampules
with a local anesthetic.
The injection of the dermal filler substance has been given correctly if
the aesthetically disturbing area is overcorrected and the skin becomes
white (blanching effect). This technique can be used to treat all wrinkles
in the facial area (glabella, eyes, nasolabial folds, lips), acne and accident
scars, and also to augment cheeks and lips. If collagen is to be used, a test
must be performed with 0.2 ml of collagen on the inside of the forearm
4 weeks prior to treatment to rule out allergies.
This test is not necessary if hyaluronic acid is used. This substance is also
fully biodegradable, but it is a polysaccharide, not a protein compound.
This means there is nearly no allergenic potential and testing in advance
is unnecessary. The indications are the same as for collagen, although
hyaluronic acid is slightly more viscous to inject.
Hyaluronic acid is also available in various concentrations, so fine
creases in the area of the eyes can be treated with material with a lower
concentration and nasolabial folds and lips can be augmented with
material with a higher concentration.
More information can be found in Volume I of the Manual of Aesthetic
Surgery, pp. 226–238.
* Collagen GmbH, Hansa-Allee 201, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany.
Inamed Aesthetics GmbH, Hansa-Allee 201, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany.
Adjuvant Therapies
Untreated skin with loss of collagen and elastin fibers and sagging of the
upper layer of skin.
Injection Technique
The liquid collagen is injected intradermally at an angle of 30°, resulting
in over-correction and the “blanching effect.”
The injection must be strictly intradermal, and it is essential that it is not
subcutaneous, as otherwise it will be ineffective and the material will be
absorbed immediately. If the correct injection technique is used, the
result will last for 6–8 months. Maintenance injections can then be given.
Biological Implants
Report – Technique
Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid
The skin must be thoroughly disinfected prior to the injection. Nerve
block anesthesia with 1 % Ultracain and additional adrenaline can be
used in patients who are particularly sensitive to pain and when treating
large areas. Surface anesthesia with the anesthesia ointment EMLA®
(lidocaine-prilocaine cream) may be given at the patient’s request.
Hyaluronic acid and collagen are injected directly into the wrinkle using
Mang’s serial point-by-point technique with overcorrection. The injection should be made at an angle of 30°. The patient should be lying down
and the doctor carrying out the treatment should be sitting. Overcorrection can be up to 100 %. If the injections are placed correctly, raising of
the skin and a blanching effect will be visible immediately.
The injection should be as close as possible to the surface. The point-bypoint technique is used to remove forehead wrinkles (glabella), nasolabial
folds and lip wrinkles. Fine eye wrinkles are treated with linear injections.
The needle is inserted superficially along the eye wrinkle and pushed forwards; when it is retracted, the material flows like water into a riverbed.
The wrinkle is then massaged immediately to prevent nodules forming. In
principle, all wrinkles in the face and neck area can be treated with these
two techniques. The skin is always pretensioned by applying mild traction.
Fine corrections can be made at the end of the procedure with the aid of
a magnifying glass. All nodules and necklacelike structures should be
smoothed and massaged. The injectable material should spread out,
almost as if in a riverbed, if an optimal result is to be achieved.
A high-concentration collagen is used to enlarge the lips. When carrying
out lip augmentation for the first time, it is advisable to begin filling-in
at the margin of the lip, i.e., at the transition of the lip from red to white.
The needle should be inserted along the edge of the lip at an angle
of 10–20°, starting at the corner of the mouth and working toward the
center. Ideally, the material should be distributed along the vermilion
border, thus redefining the contours. Up to 4 ml of collagen may be
injected per session, depending on the extent of lip augmentation.
After the treatment is completed, dexpanthenol ointment should be
applied evenly to the injection sites and the treated areas should be
compressed under slight pressure for approx. 15 min. Avoid sun and
alcohol for 24 h. Make-up can be worn again 1 day after the operation.
The patient is also able to return to work 1 day after the operation.
Adjuvant Therapies
This is a 38-year-old female patient with a deep nasolabial fold.
Injection of 1 ml collagen on each side.
Follow-up after four months with smoothed nasolabial fold.
Biological Implants
This is a female patient with forehead wrinkles.
Injection of hyaluronic acid.
Findings after 4 months – smoothed forehead wrinkles.
Adjuvant Therapies
Crystalline Polylactic Acid
Polylactic acid is available as a lyophilisate that is dissolved with water
for injections. In addition to microspheres, polylactic acid contains the
products carboxymethylcellulose and mannitol. Poly-L-lactic acid is
biocompatible, immunologically inactive, and biologically absorbable.
Synthetic production is used; therefore skin testing is not necessary*.
Indication: deep folds, to provide contours and to build up volume, e.g.,
nasolabial folds, marionette folds, and cheeks, possibly chin, scars, and
upper lip. Also to build up the cheeks in cases of lipoatrophy.
Mechanism: after Sculptra® has been injected, the wrinkle is mechanically filled with the injected volumes. The water contained in the suspension is, however, absorbed by the body within a few days and the wrinkle
returns. A gradual and natural build-up of volume is achieved only after
this as a result of the formation of new collagen fibers. This provides a
lasting effect which, in a good case, may last for more than 2 years.
Induration may sometimes occur.
Contraindications: allergy to one of the components; acute or chronic
skin diseases: injections in the vermilion of the lips.
Explanation of procedure: a written declaration of consent must be
obtained from the patient regarding possible complications such as
hematomas, swellings, reddening of the skin and formation of nodules.
∑ Injection depth: deep dermis to the border to the subcutis.
∑ Materials required: poly-L-lactic acid (Sculptra®)
Water for injections
Possibly local anesthetic
∑ Storage: at room temperature (not above 30 °C)
* Aventis Pharma Deutschland GmbH, Königsteiner Strasse 10, 65812 Bad Soden, Germany.
Biological Implants
Reconstitute the lyophilisate with 5 ml water for injection (note: it can
also be dissolved with 4 ml water and 1 ml local anesthetic). Add the
water to the bottle slowly and allow to stand for at least 2 h so that the
water can penetrate the lyophilisate
roduce photographic documentation prior to treatment.
Possibly local anesthesia (cream or regional anesthesia).
Disinfect skin.
Shake the bottle well until the suspension is homogeneous, immediately
before use Shake again before opening the bottle in every case!
Use a 26-Ga needle for injection.
Check that the injection needle is unobstructed before every injection is
Linear injection technique: first insert the full length of the cannula, then
inject with a slight punching pressure when withdrawing the needle.
Inject only small quantities (0.1–0.2 ml per injection).
Then massage the area of the face treated (preferably with cream to
reduce the friction) and cool if necessary to reduce the swelling.
Aftercare: cooling until the swelling has reduced. Massage the areas of
the face treated for a few minutes over several days.
Adjuvant Therapies
Contouring Using the Mang Method
This involves combined treatment with NewFill® for the deeper layers of
skin (subcutaneous linear injection technique) and Viscontour® for the
superficial wrinkles (epidermal point-by-point injection technique).
Our experience has shown that combined treatment with the lactic acid
product Sculptra® and the hyaluronic acid product Viscontour®
produces good results in the long term although neither material
is alloplastic.
Biological Implants
Before treatment
After treatment
Before treatment
After treatment
Adjuvant Therapies
Botulinum Toxin
Horizontal lines and glabella wrinkles are often difficult to remove surgically. The forehead is made up of numerous mimicry muscles that cannot be entirely smoothed-out even following a brow lift (endoscopic,
coronal, or hairline cut). Botox is therefore an important resource for
removing wrinkles in the forehead region. Patients are amazed at the
results and even accept that the injections will have to be repeated after
4–6 months if they want to have a smooth forehead.
Botulinum toxin must be injected by an experienced doctor under sterile
conditions in the clinic, with the treatment carried out as day-case
surgery. Otherwise, significant complications may occur, including paralysis of the eyes. The preoperative marking of the injection sites is particularly important if adverse side effects are to be avoided. The patient
should frown so that it is possible to see the area of maximum muscle
activity. Particular care should be taken in the supraorbital region and
lateral to the pupillary boundary (illustrations).
No more than 1.5 ml botulinum toxin, corresponding to 60 U of Botox,
should be injected per session. Treatment should be repeated after
4 months at the earliest. It is safe to give three injections per year.
As the ampules supplied by the company contain 2.5 ml botulinum toxin,
which is dissolved in non-preserved saline solution, it is advisable to
inject 1.2 ml per session. To avoid wasting of the material it is always
advisable to treat two patients at the same time.
It is possible to treat periorbital wrinkles, perioral wrinkles, a drooping
corner of the mouth, and wrinkles in the chin and neck (platysma), as
well as forehead wrinkles, with botulinum toxin. The platysma can
extend over the thorax as far as beyond the second rib and is above the
fascia here. Diagonal neck wrinkles can be treated via 6–12 injection
sites. These should be positioned in the shape of an upside-down triangle and 4 U of Botox should be injected at each site, at intervals of 1 cm
with the needle at an angle of 45°. This treatment can also be combined
with a facelift, but we recommend that botulinum toxin is not be given
intraoperatively while the patient is under anesthesia. Botulinum toxin
should not be given until the second day after the operation for
medicolegal reasons.
More information can be found in Volume I, pp. 244–250.
Botulinum Toxin
Report – Technique
Little material is required for botulinum toxin injections. The ampule
contents are dissolved in 2.5 ml of a non-preserved saline solution. The
suction of the syringe plunger is evidence of the vacuum inside the
For the injection, we use a convention insulin syringe with appropriately
fine graduations (4 U of botulinum toxin correspond to 0.1 ml). It is
recommended that the novice use syringes with a volume of 0.3 ml so
that the dosage of the injections can be even more accurate.
The injection is made directly into the center of the muscle with a 30-Ga
cannula. In the forehead and glabella regions, it is recommended that the
injection be made at an angle of 90°, vertical to the periosteum. The
syringe is then pulled back slightly until the center of the muscle is
reached. The material, usually 0.1 ml, is then injected. The injection
quantity is lower/fewer units are injected in the perioral and periorbital
areas, i.e., 2–3 U.
The marking of the injection sites prior to the operation is particularly
important if adverse side effects are to be avoided. The injection must be
made under sterile conditions following prior careful disinfection.
In women with highly arched eyebrows, the muscles of the forehead are
not highly developed. They have a lower mass and therefore only a small
amount of Botox is required for paralysis. The fixed points for the injection in such cases are the midline between the two eyebrows, and on the
vertical line from the inner canthus to the upper margin of the osseous
orbit as well as 1 cm cranial to this.
In women with more horizontal eyebrows, the muscles are more highly
developed, and a slightly larger quantity of botulinum toxin is therefore
required. Additional injections can be made 1 cm above the osseous
margin of the orbit in a line running from the middle of the pupil in a
cranial direction. There is a danger of ptosis if material is injected lower
than this.
In patients with pronounced horizontal wrinkles caused by the activity of
the frontalis muscle, the injections are made along an imaginary horizontal line between the eyebrows and hairline in the vertical line running
from the pupil in a cranial direction. Further injections are made between
these two points. Additional sites can be defined individually depending
on muscle activity and the depth of the wrinkles in the forehead area.
Eyebrows that appear too straight and droop at the sides can be lifted
with injections. In this procedure, botulinum toxin is injected into the
upper lateral section of the orbicularis oculi muscle at a site close to the
orbital margin, 1–2 cm above the lateral corner of the eyelid. Applying a
counterpull to the frontalis muscle causes slight raising of the lateral
Crow’s feet are treated with one injection 1.5 cm lateral to the canthus
and two injections cranial and caudal to this point. The osseous orbit
serves as a point of orientation. Tensioning of the orbicularis muscle can
sometimes create a tense or bitter facial expression. By injecting Botox
into parts of the ring muscle, this can be modified to give the patient a
more friendly facial expression. The injections are made directly below
the edge of the lower eyelid in the mid-pupillary line. During the injections, the patient should have his or her eyes open and be looking
Depending on how vigorously the orbicularis oris muscle is contracted,
2–4 injection sites are distributed in a line along the lip margins, i.e., one
point lateral to the philtrum on the left margin of the lips and one on the
right, and one further point.
Furrows develop over the years as a result of the pull of the depressor
anguli oris muscle and these run from the corner of the mouth in a
caudal direction. The injection is made into the center of the muscle,
which can be identified by palpation, approx. 1 cm lateral and 1 cm caudal to the corner of the mouth.
If the skin is highly elastotic, contraction of the mentalis muscle may
result in the chin having a “cobblestone” appearance. Botulinum toxin
(0.1 ml) is injected at two paramedial injection points, approx. 0.5–1 cm
above the tip of the chin.
The platysma can be inactivated by botulinum toxin so that the neck
appears smooth when tensioned. Treatment should be started with low
doses. The experienced doctor can then extend the injections to the
entire face with the following units:
Diagram of the injection sites in the forehead and peri-orbital region
Please note: No injections should be made lateral to the midpupillary
line owing to the risk of disorders in the eyebrow and upper lid region.
Adjuvant Therapies
Botulinum Toxin
No injection lateral to this line
Adjuvant Therapies
Twenty units of botulinum toxin, injected into the procerus muscle and
the middle of the corrugator supercilii muscle, divided into several individual doses, are sufficient to smooth “anger wrinkles.” To reduce the
activity of the frontalis muscle, treatment should be with a total dose of
around 16 units per session. The treated areas are compressed briefly
after the injection. The patient must then keep his/her head upright.
Three units of botulinum toxin per injection site are used to smooth
crow’s feet in the area of the eyes. In the perioral area, 1–2 U are injected
per injection site with the needle at an oblique angle, inserted only
slightly and pointing in a cranial direction.
To lift the corner of the mouth, 3–5 U are injected into the center of the
depressor anguli oris muscle. The center is identified by palpation.
In the chin region, 3–5 U injected at two injection sites in the area of the
mentalis muscle will be sufficient to achieve a smooth appearance. The
injection should be vertical and in the direction of the periosteum.
When treating the submental region, the platysma should be contracted
and held between the thumb and index finger (platysmal bands). Four
units of botulinum toxin are injected subcutaneously, directly into the
platysma at intervals of 1 cm with the needle at an angle of 45°.
There are many indications for the use of botulinum toxin and the aesthetic surgeon must gradually push the boundaries to be able to achieve
good results without risks.
Botulinum Toxin
A 37-year-old patient with pronounced forehead mimicry.
Injection of 1.0 ml botulinum toxin in the forehead area following prior
marking of the injection site.
Findings 3 months after treatment.
Adjuvant Therapies
Mang’s Spacelift
The name spacelift was chosen by the author and protected by patent
(no. 30323891) as appropriately purified and centrifugated, recycled fat
droplets are injected into the entire face, as in a honeycomb, using
microinjections. The fat particles break down but, as a result of the contact with vessels (because they are not injected in large quantities in a
bolus dose), they are able to form their own fibroblasts and the catabolized fat cells are augmented with fibroblasts and elastin fibers. Virtually
no scars are formed and the face stabilizes as a result of the procedure.
Naturally, injections can be made beneath other wrinkles in the forehead
and nasolabial area using a conventional fat injection technique. Lipotransfer is also recommended for lip augmentation.
(Further information on lipotransfer in Volume I, p 240–243)
As early as 1893, Neuber reported that adipose tissue transplant material
could survive only in the smallest particles. This is the most important
condition for a successful fat transplant.
In 1922, Lexer stated that if the adipose tissue is not damaged by bleeding
either when it is removed or when it is implanted, it can survive for
3 years.
In 1950, Peer announced that up to 50 % of transplanted fat survives if
excessive negative pressure is not exerted on the fat during extraction by
suction and excessive positive pressure is not exerted on the fat during
injection. Vascularization of the fat droplets takes place after 4 days and
until that time survival is guaranteed as a result of diffusion.
In 1986, Coleman reported that fat can only survive as a tissue
compound and not as an individual cell. Oil, blood, and local anesthetics
must be separated from the structural fat by gentle centrifugation. The
individual particles of adipose tissue must be positioned close to the
vessels to be fed to facilitate independent anchoring in the surrounding
tissue. Thus, all the criteria for a stable transplant would be fulfilled.
Mang’s Spacelift
∑ To replace atrophied or wasted structures resulting from aging or the
sequelae of inflammatory skin diseases (e.g., acne)
∑ To strengthen existing structures
∑ To create harmonious and aesthetically pleasing facial features by
replacing wasted tissue with fan-shaped, three-dimensional implantation of autologous fat particles
∑ Congenital or acquired deformities of the osseous and connective
tissue structures (sequelae of burning, blunt soft-tissue injuries, facial
fractures, cleft lips, midfacial hypoplasia, hemifacial atrophies,
The overall appearance of the face and the proportions can be improved
by emphasizing specific facial structures (e.g., the chin appears smaller
when the lips and the margins of the lower jaw are augmented).
The fat must be removed under sterile conditions in the operating room.
Sites for fat removal are those where contours can be achieved without
creating hollows (e.g., double chin, lower abdomen, medial side of the
thigh, knee).
Following tumescent anesthesia, the fat is removed using low-vacuum
liposuction (–0.2 atm; this is approximately 20–30 % of the vacuum used
with normal liposuction) with a blunt 2 ml suction cannula.
The diameter of the cannula openings should correspond to a Luer-Lock
so that the fat particles can pass through the equipment without being
damaged further during the later transplantation = gentle curettage of
the tissue with minimal vacuum.
Adjuvant Therapies
Tumescence pump syringe [1]
Handpiece [2]
Suction cannulas [3]
Sterile holder for centrifuge with syringe [4]
Centrifuge, see video
Syringes 10 ml and 1 ml with adapter Luer-Lock [5]
(Use, see video)
If suction is performed using a conventional liposuction system, the fat
is now transferred to 10 ml syringes under sterile conditions. The
plungers are then removed from the syringes. The syringes are placed in
a centrifuge and spun at 3,000 rpm for 4 min.
This separates the aspirate into three layers:
∑ The top layer consists of oil and ruptured fat cells; this is drained and
carefully dabbed away.
∑ The bottom layer consists of tumescence solution and blood; this is
drained off.
∑ The middle layer is made up of usable subcutaneous adipose tissue;
using an adapter, this is transferred into a 1 ml Luer-Lock syringe
without traumatization.
Injection Technique
The fat should be injected in a fan shape and in two to three layers. The
face is built up and stabilized with fat droplets using a three-dimensional
technique, as if in a honeycomb.
The supraorbital, infraorbital; and mental nerves can be blocked to
provide anesthesia. The individual injection sites may also be treated
with local anesthesia.
The fat removed using the tumescence technique is spun at 3,000 rpm
for 4 min so that only vital, purified fat is used for the fat injection. The
fat is transferred into 1-ml Luer-Lock syringes using a special adapter.
The globules of fat can be positioned, as if they are a string of pearls,
using a 20- or 23-Gg needle. This ensures surface contact with the surrounding capillaries and also allows the fat implants to become firmly
anchored in the surrounding connective tissue.
Mang’s Spacelift
Adjuvant Therapies
Three-dimensional implantation of fat globules is particularly effective.
With this technique, several channels are placed on top of one another in
a fan-shaped pattern at various levels within the subcutaneous tissue. It
is best to begin with the deepest fan-shaped layer and then place the fanshaped layers on top of one another. In addition, particularly pronounced
mimicry wrinkles on the forehead and in the nasolabial area can be
treated separately using the intracutaneous serial point-by-point technique with a fine needle, in a similar way to the point-by-point collagen
It is important that all the areas treated by injection are massaged with
the finger when the treatment is completed so that there is no bulging
and no nodules form. This applies particularly to sites treated by injection in the lip, nasolabial, zygomatic arch, and forehead areas. Lip modeling can be performed easily with this technique, but three injections will
be required (at 0, 6, and 12 months).
The survival of the transplanted fat globules can only be guaranteed if
the maximum distance to well-perfused host tissue is 1.5 mm. Otherwise,
the fat transplant will die, it will be absorbed, or it will become calcified.
First, a tunnel is created at the tip using the cannula and without exerting any pressure. This is filled with purified fat when the cannula is
pulled back, by exerting slight, uniform pressure on the plunger. A row of
channels is then created with the cannula, and these are filled with fat
when the cannula is pulled back.
Compression bandages are only necessary if there is concern about
possible displacement of the implant. Areas with pronounced mimicry,
e.g., the glabella, are immobilized with Steri-Strips. Cooling for 2–3 days
is advisable. Antibiotic cover is given.
Several sessions (up to three) are usually necessary, as the connective
tissue septa of the subcutaneous tissue will only allow in a certain quantity of adipose tissue transplants. Otherwise, the fat globules will be
traumatized. A certain amount of edema also always develops in the host
area as a result of the infiltration.
Mang’s Spacelift
Possible complications:
∑ Edema indicating repair processes in the many small channels
created; possible for up to 4 weeks.
Hematomas (owing to incorrect technique).
Overcorrection, undercorrection.
The formation of palpable and visible nodules, even in the tissue
surrounding the defect, can be avoided if a fan-shaped implantation
technique is used.
Fat necrosis occurs if too much fat has been implanted in a limited
host area.
Please note: the maximum distance permitted from the center of the
fat droplet to the surrounding capillary tissue is 1.5 mm. Otherwise,
fat necrosis and possibly calcification may occur.
Migration of the fat implant is possible if the injection is made into
muscle or firm connective tissue.
Nerve and vascular damage is virtually ruled out if blunt cannulas are
Advantages of lipotransfer:
The fat globules can be obtained easily using liposuction.
The transplant is autologous.
No immunological reactions/complications are to be expected.
Fat can be injected below all wrinkles and depressions if the correct
technique is used.
∑ It is possible to repeat the treatment without any problems.
∑ The costs are comparatively low.
Surplus aspirated fat can be frozen (e.g., 2¥10 ml) and reinjected again
in divided doses (at 0, 6, and 12 months). The fat should be stored at
–18 °C for no longer than 1 year.
Remove the syringes filled with fat from the freezer 3 h before reinjection. Each fat transplant should be marked with the operation date and
the patient’s name and date of birth.
As a result of the divided and repeated injection of fat cells, increased
fibrosis (booster effect) occurs and this ensures a longer-lasting effect.
Adjuvant Therapies
Frontal injection sites
Mang’s Spacelift
Lateral injection sites
Adjuvant Therapies
Diagram of the Fat Injection
Ideally, the fat will be injected in drops into the infrastructural connective tissue (ICT) in a three-dimensional way. This ensures surface contact
with the surrounding capillaries and allows the fat to become anchored
in the surrounding connective tissue. It is transformed into separate scar
and connective tissue as a result of fibroblast activity, which ensures the
facial skin is stabilized and acts as a prophylaxis against aging.
A spacelift is not recommended if there are hanging areas of skin. A
spacelift can postpone the need for a facelift but is not a substitute for
Three-Dimensional Diagram of Fat Injection
into Subcutaneous Tissue
The fat droplets lodge themselves in the subcutaneous tissue. If positioned correctly, and because they are not injected in a bolus dose, they
become associated with the capillaries and consequently, following
appropriate transformation, they help to stabilize the infrastructural
connective tissue (ICT).
Mang’s Spacelift
tissue (ICT)
tissue (ICT)
Injected vital
fat cells
Adjuvant Therapies
Breakdown/transformation of adipose tissue as a result of fibroblast
Increasing the Density of the Connective Tissue
Following Breakdown of Fat Droplets
The loss of elastin and collagen fibers caused by aging can be partly
offset with the breakdown/transformation of adipose tissue as a result of
fibroblast activity. The absorption rate for fat is different for every
patient, so even this procedure must be carefully explained. Even though
this method does not offer eternal youth, the spacelift is a step forward
towards the goal of biological anti-aging.
Mang’s Spacelift
A 39-year-old female patient with drooping eyelids, nasolabial and lip
wrinkles, and a tired facial expression.
Findings 6 months after the operation following two fat injections
(First session 15 ml, second session 8 ml).
Adjuvant Therapies
Dermabrasion demands experience, skill, and concentration from the
doctor carrying out the treatment. If performed well, the results for
dermabrasion are very good, particularly in the perioral region and the
area of the lips. The doctor’s experience will determine whether he/she
chooses to use chemical peeling, laser treatment, or abrasion treatment.
This depends on the patient’s age and skin type.
The abrasion head, which is coated with diamond dust, must be supported and held perpendicular to the plane of rotation. The pressure on
the burr should always be the same to avoid creating grooves. Dermabrasion should not be performed below the level of the dermis. After-care
consists of placing a wound gauze soaked in antibiotic ointment on the
wound. This dressing is removed after 24 h. The face is treated with
dexpanthenol ointment for a further 8 days. Make-up may be applied
after epithelization of the wound surface. It is necessary to protect the
skin from the sun or even avoid the sun for 3 months (pigment abnormalities).
More information can be found in Volume I, pp 244–250
Report – Technique
Protective goggles should be worn during the procedure. The operation
site should be draped and disinfected carefully. The skin should be tightened by an assistant. Level/flat surfaces can be created by stretching the
skin. This facilitates abrasion and permits the application of treatment at
an exact depth. Skin tension must be maintained during the entire abrasion procedure. The abrasion head, which is coated with extremely fine
diamond dust, must always be kept perpendicular to the plane of rotation. It should not be guided in the direction of rotation. Instead, it
should be moved over the surface of the skin against the rotation of the
abrasion head at an angle of 90° and slight pressure should be applied.
Punctiform, superficial bleeding is the most reliable indicator that the
grinding procedure has reached the optimal depth. Abrasion should not
be performed at a deeper level.
Dermabrasion is complete when an even wound surface with fine, punctiform/diffuse bleeding has been created. A wound gauze soaked in
antibiotic ointment is then placed over the wound.
Adjuvant Therapies
A 54-year-old patient with wrinkles in the perioral and upper lip areas.
Findings 12 months after dermabrasion.
Chemical Peeling
Chemical Peeling
Chemical peeling falls into the dermatologist’s sphere and can be studied
in full in textbooks covering this field. The same applies to all types of
laser treatment. These two procedures are therefore discussed only
briefly in this manual.
Chemical peeling includes various types of peeling, which differ in terms
of the intensity (e.g., fruit acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid,
trichloroacetic acid, phenol). The application of the agents appears simple, but experience is vital and an expert assessment of the skin areas is
The key to successful peeling is to apply the solution evenly and homogeneously, to provide accurate information about the risks (scarring and
abnormal pigmentation), and to carry out the correct follow-up treatment.
Further information can be found in Volume I, pp 274–278.
Adjuvant Therapies
Report – Technique
The most practical, most effective, and safest method of chemical peeling for the novice is to use 30 % trichloroacetic acid. This removes the
entire upper layer of skin, down to the reticular dermis. Nerve block
anesthesia of the infraorbital and/or mental nerves can be used in
patients who are particularly sensitive to pain, but local anesthesia using
an occlusive dressing is usually sufficient.
Following disinfection, the skin is treated with acetone to remove superficial skin scales. This allows better penetration of the acid into the skin.
After the acid has been applied, the area to be treated is marked. The
acid is applied homogenously over the entire surface at a consistent
pressure. This is the true art of any type of peeling. The application of
the acid may be repeated several times, depending on the depth of the
wrinkles, using slight pressure. Each area of skin must be treated with
the same intensity so that the skin relief does not vary later. The typical
blanching, which is a sign that the treatment has started to take effect
(frost effect), begins before the treatment has been completed.
Follow-up treatment is with Vaseline as this reduces the sensation of
tautness. Herpes prophylaxis with acyclovir 400 mg three times daily is
recommended for 5 days as well as antibiotic cover.
Chemical Peeling
Female patient with numerous wrinkles in the mouth region.
Findings six months after chemical peeling with trichloroacetic acid.
Adjuvant Therapies
Erbium-YAG Laser
The euphoria generated by laser therapy in the 1990s has dissipated
somewhat, as the long-term results of treatment for the aging face did
not live up to all the expectations. Laser surgery will develop further in
the future and the repertoire of the aesthetic surgeon is unimaginable
without it, but its use must be considered very carefully.
Skin resurfacing with pulsed CO2 laser treatment was explained in detail
in Volume I of the manual, so only pulsed erbium-YAG laser treatment
will be described briefly here. The advantage of using erbium-YAG laser
treatment instead of CO2 laser treatment is that there is less necrosis and
the treated area heals more rapidly because of the lower thermal impact
on deeper tissue layers. The lack of a coagulation effect, however, limits
the treatment of wrinkles as it is presumed that the collagen structure
will not change because the ablation is virtually non-thermal.
In principle, pulsed CO2 laser treatment can be used in all cases where
erbium-YAG laser treatment is recommended, so an aesthetic surgeon
should only purchase an erbium-YAG laser if his work focuses on antiaging surgery of the face.
More information can be found in Volume I, p 269.
Report – Technique
Crow’s feet in the lower-lid area can be treated well with the erbium-YAG
laser. The advantage of this non-invasive procedure, which can be carried out on an outpatient basis, is the rapid healing of the treated sites.
Following disinfection and anesthesia of the operation site (e.g., blocking of the infraorbital nerve), the boundaries of the section to be treated
by laser are first defined. The laser is then guided evenly, section by
section, over the area to be ablated. Slight overlapping will not be harmful. The use of the erbium-YAG laser as an additional resource during
plastic/aesthetic procedures, e.g., facelift or blepharoplasty, is an elegant,
non-invasive way of treating wrinkles and creases in aged and sundamaged facial skin quickly, especially around the mouth and eyes and
on the forehead and cheeks. When used correctly, possible risks such as
abnormal pigmentation and scarring are virtually ruled out. The effect
achieved is good when smoothing superficial and medium-depth skin
wrinkles. When treating deeper skin wrinkles, there is definitely an
improvement in the overall appearance, but the wrinkles cannot be
Erbium-YAG Laser
A 39-year-old female patient with deep lower-lid creases.
Six weeks after erbium-YAG laser treatment.
(First pass: fluence 5.7 J/cm2 at 8 Hz,
Second pass: fluence 4.2 J/cm2 at 8 Hz)
completely removed. In this case, CO2 laser treatment is more effective.
Wound discharge and crust formation are less pronounced following
erbium-YAG laser treatment and do not persist for as long as with CO2
laser treatment. There is also less postoperative skin reddening and this
reduces more quickly.
Use of the erbium-YAG laser for patients who have aesthetically disturbing skin changes in the facial area that are not yet too severe can therefore enhance the spectrum of practical work performed by surgeons
with an interest in skin surgery.
Adjuvant Therapies
Hyal System
The Hyal System makes use of the fact that native hyaluronic acid has a
high level of biointeractivity and can therefore increase fibroblast activity and the neosynthesis of endogenous hyaluronic acid, elastin and
collagen. Unlike highly cross-linked, chemically changed hyaluronic
acids which are used exclusively as dermal fillers, the Hyal System*
injection technique attempts to create attractive tissue by building up
the extracellular matrix of the skin areas in three dimensions using small
droplets, a method similar to that used in a spacelift.
The desired effect is achieved in 6 weeks at the latest. It is intended more
as prophylaxis against aging skin and can also be used in the area of the
neck, chest and hands.
In 1934, Karl Meyer and John Palmer isolated hyaluronic acid (a glucosaminoglycan) from the vitreous body of a cow’s eye. Hyaluronic acid,
a linear polymer, is made up of the disaccharide units D-glucuronic acid
and N-acetyl-glucosamine. It occurs naturally in human eyes, in joint
surfaces, and in the skin. In the skin, it serves as a substrate of the cell
structure and the extracellular matrix. In the dermis, it is associated with
the elasticity and hydration of the skin. It also increases fibroblast activity and the neosynthesis of endogenous hyaluronic acid, elastin and
collagen. Until very recently, hyaluronic acid was considered to be only a
space-filling substance with a purely mechanical function. We now know
that hyaluronic acid specifically modulates biological processes in
humans and animals via endogenous membrane receptors. Depending
on the area of application, we can therefore regard hyaluronic acid both
as a medication with a long-term pharmacological effect and as a medical product when only the viscoelastic properties of this macromolecule
are used. In aesthetic medicine, it is used to reduce skin wrinkles, to
increase regional volume, and to treat scarring, as well as to improve skin
tautness and strength.
* Merz Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Eckenheimer Landstraße 100,
60318 Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
Hyal System
In general, it is possible to distinguish the two products.
1. Dermal filler
∑ Highly cross-linked, chemically modified hyaluronic acid
∑ Molecule inertia
∑ Static skin implant
∑ Mechanical increase in volume
2. Hyal System
∑ Native hyaluronic acid
∑ High level of biointeractivity
∑ Homogeneous distribution in the skin layers/surfaces
∑ Biorevitalization with long-term effect
Hyal System is available in 1.1 ml ready-to-use syringes. This is a natural,
chemically unchanged hyaluronic acid polymer (polysaccharide). The
solution is highly concentrated and has a low viscosity and therefore has
good flow properties in comparison with dermal fillers.
Report – Technique
Following surface or nerve-block anesthesia (supraorbital, infraorbital,
mental) and disinfection, injection of the Hyal System into the papillary
dermis via a 30-guage cannula is started.
The angle of insertion is normally 10–15° and the cannula should then be
advanced parallel to the surface of the skin. Blanching of the skin will be
visible if the injection has been given correctly. A cross-link, tunnel, or
fan injection technique is used depending on the anatomical region.
A serial point-by-point injection technique can also be used with appropriate indications (nasolabial). In the cheek region, a cross-link injection
technique is used, i.e., following an imaginary, diagonal framework;
injections are given either at every or at every second horizontal and
vertical point of intersection, and the entire area to be treated is thus
undermined. The needle is inserted at an angle of 10–15° and then moved
so that it is parallel to the surface of the skin. This ensures the correct
injection level (the papillary dermis) is reached. The injections are first
made in a horizontal direction and the area being treated is then briefly
compressed. The injections are then continued in a vertical direction.
At the sides of the eyes, the tunnel technique is most suitable. Injections
are made into the upper dermis in parallel lines.
The cross-link technique is most suitable for treating the glabella and the
upper area of the forehead because of the large area coverage. In modified form, this technique can be applied laterally.
Adjuvant Therapies
Hyal System
Adjuvant Therapies
To achieve a rejuvenating effect in the upper perioral region, the Hyal
System is injected parallel to the upper lip in droplets. Similar injections
are made parallel to the lower lip to complete this treatment.
The Hyal System can also be used to tighten larger areas of the neck, the
décolleté region and the hands, and a modified cross-link technique
must be used in these areas, i.e., systematic, even, and fan-shaped injections must be given over the entire area to achieve a satisfactory result.
The aim is to establish fibroblast activity and neogenesis of endogenous
hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.
Depending on the size of the areas to be treated, multiple syringes of
1.1 ml may be injected. We use 2 ampules per session.
In young patients who still have firm skin tone, three injections at intervals of 4 weeks will be necessary initially. Subsequent injections should
be repeated every 4–8 months to maintain the result. In older patients
with atonic skin and insufficient elasticity, three injections should be
given at fortnightly intervals and boosters should then be given every
3–6 months.
Follow-up Treatment
Following treatment, the undermined area should be compressed for
approx. 15 min. The Hyal System is an innovative method to restore
better quality to the aging skin. In the future, it is certain that there will
be many useful developments in aesthetic surgery.
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Prospects – What Is the Future of Aesthetic Surgery?
There has been a boom in aesthetic surgery all over the world and the
rate of growth has doubled. The age of patients ranges from 14 to 80
years and every fifth cosmetic operation is now requested by a man.
Research into new materials, implants, instruments and equipment, even
robot-controlled operation modules, is important for the further development of aesthetic surgery, but these can never replace the skill of the
aesthetic surgeon. A first-rate aesthetic surgeon must not only be welltrained; he must also be a psychologist and an artist if he wants good
The fundamental requirement, however, is correct training.
Aesthetic surgery is high-tech surgery. It has a fixed position in society
and must establish itself as an independent, interdisciplinary specialty.
Aesthetic surgery must no longer be taught as an appendage to the specialties of surgery, plastic surgery, ENT surgery or maxillofacial surgery,
but must be taught over a 3-year advanced training period following
high-quality surgical or plastic surgery training and acknowledged as a
specialty with a recognized title. This is my hope for the future, as only
this will make it possible for us to achieve worldwide quality assurance
and make aesthetic surgery a recognized specialist surgical discipline.
Aesthetic surgeons should work together with specialists in all disciplines whom they could learn from, and with whom they should
exchange their knowledge at conferences throughout the world, never
forgetting the Hippocratic oath. Aesthetic surgery should not be “alteration surgery” but rather “well-being surgery.” We have understood our
profession correctly if we are able to make patients feel good.
As president of the International Society of Aesthetic Surgery (ISAS*), in
the future I would like to give all young colleagues with an interest in
this field an opportunity to become members and make the specialty of
aesthetic surgery accessible in a yearly “exchange of ideas.” Only when
the range of treatments is improved and developed further internationally, and there is a spirit of cooperation among surgeons, will we be able
to gain better recognition within society for this field. I hope that this
manual can play a part in this and my dream one day, of standardized
training leading to the title “aesthetic surgeon,” will become a reality.
* International Society of Aesthetic Surgery, Graf Lennart Bernadotte-Straße 1,
88131 Lindau, Germany.
Adjuvant Therapies
Aesthetic surgery is a specialty of the future. Young doctors are
extremely interested in this field. Doctors from all over the world visit
Prof. Mang’s clinic every day. The Manual of Aesthetic Surgery, Volumes I
and II, forms the basis for comprehensive training in the field of aesthetic surgery.
The Bodenseeklinik offers an opportunity for interested doctors to apply
the knowledge described in the two volumes of the manual in practical
aesthetic surgery. A hospitality fee of 250 US dollars per day is charged
for this. This money will be used by the Prof. Mang Foundation charity
to help needy children.