Subido por Santiago Arias Londoño

Pre-Intermediate English Tasks: Inventions & Technology

Pre-intermediate D
Centro Colombo Americano
Pre-intermediate D
Task #1: “The greatest invention of all times is …”
You will talk about an invention and prove to your group that it is the greatest
invention ever. On the day of the task, you will choose a piece of paper with the
invention written on it. You will have five minutes to prepare your speech, and then
start talking. Please, follow the following structure:
Describe the invention and explain how people use it now.
Give at least three reasons for your invention to be the most important one. For each
reason, you have to provide additional details.
After you present, you need to answer at least three questions from your
classmates. Likewise, after your class mates present, you need to ask them some
questions about their invention.
• You will have 5 minutes to prepare what you will say, but while you speak you
cannot read anything.
• You should follow the structure given.
• You should use complete sentences.
• You should ask your classmates questions about their inventions.
Ask your teacher for the deadline.
Pre-intermediate D
Task #1: “The greatest invention of all times is …”
Evaluation criteria:
Language use 30%
Fluency 25%
Pronunciation 20%
Task completion 10%
Comprehension of questions 15%
Pre-intermediate D
Task #2: “Influence of technology”
You will write an essay on the following topic: Does technology affect our life in a negative or
positive way? You need to follow this structure:
Paragraph 1: introduction. How has our life changed thanks to technology as compared to the past?
Paragraphs 2-5: three arguments about positive and/or negative influence of technology. For every
paragraph, you need to use a topic sentence and details (see page 123 in your Student´s Book).
Paragraph 6: conclusion. What is your personal opinion about the topic?
• You cannot copy anything from the Internet. You cannot use translators. If you do that,
you will get a “0”.
• You should follow the structure given.
• You essay has to be 160 words minimum.
Ask your teacher for the deadline.
Pre-intermediate D
Task #2: “Influence of technology”
Evaluation criteria:
Grammar 25%
Vocabulary 25%
Spelling/Punctuation/Capitalization 20%
Task completion 25%
Punctuality 5%