Jesus Christ Superstar Herods Song Moderato, ad lib ]e- sus I colla voce am o- ver- joyed 4 F#m/E al1 a- round the place 7 now I D 10 A/C# Bm you are the christ A you're D A/C# B7 Bm7 so E7 Prove to B7 said A greal je- sus Christ D And rais- ing the dead F#m/E the least that's what you've moderato, Ragtime style A F#m C#m Hea1- ing crip- ples un- der- stand you're God at F#m A D A You've been get- ting quite a name D meet youface to face F#m me that E6(No B) 2 15 di-vine you're E 21 change my wa- ter in- towine That's all youneed do A and A E6(noB) E7 C'm- on King of the E6(no B) E9 B7 Jews I'll know it's all true A Tempo( e=q) Listesso Je- sus you just won't be- lieve the hit you've made round here A You are all we talk a- bout the 26 F#m F#m/E 29 won- der of the year D Oh what a A F#m D pit- y C#m F#m F#m/E if it's all a lie D A 3 32 cyn- ics still I'm sure that you can rock the D mf A/C# 35 Bm A L'istesso Tempo (e = q) you are the Christ you're A Walk a- cross my swim. ming pool lf you B7 do that for me A B7 A C'm- on King of the Jews E6(noB) E7 E6(noB) E9 A Prove to me that you're nofool 41 so A/C# D the great Je- sus Christ try if you 46 E6(noB) then E I'll Iet you go free B7 4 51 Bb f 1. F7 61 C7 F Bb q=e C7 Bb Solo : Razz-a-ma-tazz) 56 I on- ly ask things I'd ask Gm Gm/F 64 puts you where you are? Eb Bb Bb Gm What is Gm it that you have got that Gm/F I'm a cap- tive fan yes Dm I am wait- ing mmm an- y su- per- star Eb F7 2. C7 Bb Eb Bb I'm 5 67 dy- ing to 70 Eb Bb/D you are the Christ Bb the Feed my house- hold F6(noC) C'm on F7 Bb do if you can Why F7 Parlando Cm7 C7 79 so great Je- sus Christ yes with this bread F man Bb Eb Bb an- y Cm not just e=q 75 be shown that you are do it on your head you take so C7 long? Or has some- thing gone wrong? Bb F6(noC) 6 83 king of F6(noC) Jews scared of the the 86 F9 f C Christ? Mis- ter won der- D7 Hey arn't you =128 slowly dramatically ful Christ Parlando 90 you're a joke you're accel poco a poco G Take f C him a- not the Lord way You're got C noth- D7 noth- ing he's 94 ing but a fraud to say G Get out King of the 98 you G 103 King of Ihe G B 108 Get out! G B G7 C Get out D7 Get out you 3 get out of my D7 life! G G7 you king the jews Jews mm 3 G7 (shout) 7