GOALDIGGER LET'S PLAY MINING! OUR TEAM JOSÉ FELIX Mining Engineer, Peru Team Leader RAUL QUISPE LIZETH QUISPE INGRID BENITO COLE WARNOCK Mining Engineer, Peru Mining Engineer, Peru High School Student, USA High School Student, USA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project is focused on the development of an interactive videogame called “GOALDIGGER”, in order to change the perception of mining, from a simple and ancient activity, to a modern activity that requires health and safety procedures, equipment, and specialized human resources at each stage of the mining activities. The videogame is mainly intended for kids and teenagers (9 years old to 24 years old, and more).Throughout the videogame, the players will be exposed to various stages that requires torun a modern mining operation and the impact on the surrounding communities. The videogame consists of three stages, mining, community, and landscape restoration.The total project timeline to develop the videogame is about 18 months, and will require 2 animation designers, 3 programmers, and 2 testers. The total cost for the development of the videogame is expected to be US$ . PROJECT DESCRIPTION VIDEOGAME RULES AND LOGIC VIDEOGAME GENRE GOALDIGGER is a three Mining Stage dimensional videogame of strategy and simulation. It will be played in a constructive and creative mode The mining stage is sub-divided in exploration (to discover the mineralized deposit), main facilities construction (processing plant, camp site, others), pre-stripping, mining operations (drilling, blasting, loading, and hauling), and ore processing (includes selling). Points and accumulated value panel Resources panel In order to finish the stage, the player must obtain resources to complete tasks such as a drill, a INTERFACE The interface will have three different backgrounds for each stage, and panels with icons where the player can pick resources such as mining equipment, and more to build community infrastructure, among others. More icons will be available as the player progresses through the game. haul truck, a mechanical crew, an electrical crew, etc. Community Stage When the valuable ore is processed (and sold), the player can obtain bonuses and points that he/she will use to support the surrounding community (building schools, hospitals, and others), until it becomes a self-sustaining community. This stage can be played at the same time as the mining stage once the players completes the mining operations stage at least once. To achieve a self-sustaining Infrastructure and community resources panel community, the player must get In addition, GOALDIGGER will also have icons and panels to show the player points and accumulated value that the player obtained, which are used to support the communities. bonus points in order to provide resources and facilities including farm crops, cattle, fish hatchery, dairy processing plants, and hotels. Land Restoration Stage The player will use different roles such as mining engineer, geologist, metallurgist, mechanic, electrician, among others The final stage of the videogame is the land restoration stage, where the player backfills the open pit, re-slope the waste dumps, reforest and restores the land. Additional bonuses are obtained if the player builds a mining museum and other tourist attractions. PROJECT TIMELINE Component design Resources, objects and stages. Sound and audio setup Main interface and menus Making sure the game is ready and functioning to release the game on the day of launch Marketing Plan Sponsorship. Advertising our game on websites like Twitch and YouTube SCHEDULE Testing Two terramovers will be in charge of testing the game to make sure there are no bugs or glitches. Programming Considering the components design, stages, resources, interface, modelling and animation QTR-1 QTR-2 QTR-3 QTR-4 1. Component design 2. Programming 3. Testing 4. Marketing 5. Final validation 6. Launching PRELIMINARY BUDGET The table below summarizes the estimated cost for the development of GOALDIGGER. The total cost estimated is $ Videoage Launching GOALDIGGER launching (live event) QTR-5 QTR-6 MARKETING PLAN MODEL MINES MINING COMPANY BENEFITS SPONSOR The player will know and understand the mining process Players will have a better perspective of how mining companies responsibly mine ADVERTISING IN SOCIAL MEDIAS AND GAMING PLATFORMS Announce the video game on streaming platforms such as YouTube, Twitch and Facebook Gaming Colaborate and sponsor popular gaming streamers Have an official trailer which will be posted on an official social media account Publish in mobile game stores (the Apple store and Google play) PUBLIC OBJECTIVE Preference of Strategy and Simulation Games According to Age STRATEGY SIMULATION According to GlobalWebIndex, 74.9% of people who play video games use their phone as their main way to play games 75% 50% On the graph to the left, it shows the percentage of people who prefer strategy simulation games 25% 0% on the internet according to their age. With the information we found, we conclude that 9-15 YO 16-24 YO 35- 44 YO Source: GlobalWebIndex 45 -54 YO 55-64 YO the majority of our audience will be 9 to 24 years old, compared to older ages.