Subido por Thania Arrocha

Course Instructions

Introduction........................................................................................................................................ 3
Navigating the LMS.......................................................................................................................... 5
Commencing Training ..................................................................................................................... 8
Navigating the Course Content .................................................................................................... 10
Issues Progressing the Module .................................................................................................... 11
Progressing Through the Course Content.................................................................................. 13
Navigating the Assessment Activities ......................................................................................... 14
Providing Feedback ....................................................................................................................... 17
Obtaining Your Competency ........................................................................................................ 17
Online Lead Course Instructions
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Welcome to the Safety Wise, Online ICAM Lead Investigator course!
This document will guide you through how to navigate and use the Learning Management
System (LMS), including how to undertake the assessment activities.
It should be noted that the videos within the modules stream from the source where they are
stored, so a good internet connection is required to watch these.
It is important to note that each module is locked until the previous module is complete.
A completed module includes watching the video and completing the assessment activities.
Some modules include assessment activities- once each assessment activity is submitted
for Review, a Safety Wise assessor will review and provide any feedback, and then the next
module will be unlocked.
If you haven’t had a response from us within 48 hours (working days), please contact the
Support team on requesting an urgent review.
Good luck!
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Completing the Enrolment
If this is the first time you have accessed the LMS, you will need to complete your full
registration to continue
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Navigating the LMS
Once you’re in the LMS, you’ll be presented with-
So, let’s navigate aroundClick on Home will bring up a snapshot of your training stats and
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Click on Courses to show the courses that you have been enrolled into
Click on My Profile to see your profile details
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Click on Support to open up a new tab/window with the library of FAQ’s and similar
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Commencing Training
The course has been set up to flow in a logical sequence, and you won’t be able to bypass
this sequence.
There are nine modules to complete for the Online ICAM Lead Investigator Course. As
mentioned previously, each module will open up to access as you work your way through
each of them in order and complete any assessment activities.
There are approximately 7.5 hours of videos to watch across the nine modules, and an
additional 4 hours (approximately) to complete the assigned assessment activities, though
there are no time limitations for the assessment activities.
Simply click on the Launch button to commence the learning process. Initially, you will need
to complete the USI validation for Australian residents.
For international learners, simply click that you’re not an Australian resident, and you
will be able to commence the training immediately.
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It is important that you provide an accurate postal address so as we can send the hardcopy
materials to you.
This includes the Investigation Toolkit, Workbook, and ICAM Poster set.
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Navigating the Course Content
When you launch the module, the video page will display
Use the slider
bar to move
forward or
through the
video content
Click on the
Volume button
to adjust the
volume of the
Click on the
Play button to
play and pause
the video
Click on the Setting button to adjust the video
quality and playback speed
Click on the
button to
enlarge to fill
your screen or
reduce it back
to the default
While the LMS should track where you are at in the video, if you do leave part way through a
module, please take a note of the time on the progress bar so you can fast forward to that point, in
case the LMS doesn’t launch at the frame you left off from.
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Issues Progressing the Module
Occasionally, depending on your browser settings, you may encounter issues where you
cannot see or use the video slider bar at the bottom of the video-
A couple of quick fixes for this include•
Press F11 to maximize the browser screen size to full screen; or
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Right-click on the bottom toolbar and ensure it is set to minimize automatically in the
Taskbar Settings; or
Reduce the size of the browser
Blurry screen? As the training is streamed to your device, this will be as a
result of poor internet connectivity.
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Progressing Through the Course Content
As you work through the course, the completed modules and assessment activities will be
shown with a green tick.
If all the modules are not ticked green, you will not be able to progress.
You can click on Review to go back and view the videos again at any time.
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Navigating the Assessment Activities
Depending on the module and assessment activity, some are simple yes/no or multiplechoice questions. Select your answer and click on Next or Submit. These will be marked
automatically by the LMS, and you will then be able to launch the next module.
For others, you will need to undertake work and then submit it back to us for an assessor to
review and provide feedback.
Choose your preferred tool (Word, PowerPoint, or Excel) and download it to undertake your
first assessment activity.
The template includes the relevant page
for each subsequent assessment activity
Please download the template and save it somewhere you can easily find it and use throughout
the course. Throughout the course, you will use the same template for each task allocated.
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The following modules require you to use the downloaded template and to complete specific
activities. You will then need to upload this document at the end of each of those activities so
as we can review it before proceeding.
Module 3C- PEEPO Mk 1 assessment activity
Module3D- PEEPO Mk2 assessment activity
Module 4A- Timeline assessment activity
Module 5A- ICAM Analysis assessment activity
Module 5B- Recommendations and Key Learnings assessment activity
To upload your assessment, simply click on the Browse link to find where you saved the file
and select Continue.
When it has been added, it will show as File Added
Select Continue, and it will be sent to us to assess.
Then select Send for Approval, and we will be notified
that you have completed the required activities.
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You will not be able to progress to the next module until we have assessed your work. The
module will show as yellow until we assess it.
When we have reviewed your work and approved it, you will receive an email confirming this
and that you can continue with your training.
If you are required to undertake any further work, the assessor will leave a note for you
which will be included as a comment in both the email and the LMS.
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Providing Feedback
As part of our continuous improvement process, we ask that you provide your honest
feedback on the course.
Obtaining Your Competency
For Australian Residents who are working towards a nationally accredited competency, the
very last thing you will be required to do is to choose your competency. Then a Statement of
Attainment will be issued to you.
There is a choice of four competencies- you can select one•
RIIWHS301E - Conduct safety and health investigations (for the Resource &
Construction Industries)
BSBWHS515 - Investigate WHS incidents (for the Business Management industry.)
PMAOHS310 - Investigate incidents (for the Petrochemical Industry)
TLIF5017 - Investigate rail safety incidents (for the Rail Industry)
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