A Practical Method for Calculation of Over-Excited Region in the Synchronous Generator Capability Curves Davoud Esmaeil Moghadam Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High-Voltage Engineering Technische Universität Dresden Dresden, Germany Davoud.Moghadam@TU-Dresden.de Abbas Shiri Department of Electrical Engineering Islamic Azad University- Hadishahr Branch Hadishahr, Iran abbas_shiri@iust.ac.ir investigation of the effect of some issues such as load variation or transmission line characteristics on the capability curves [1]. Abstract— The capability curves are used for loading the synchronous generators as a useful and essential tool. Moreover, one of the important applications of the capability curves is setting the relays. The main purpose of the proper loading and accurate setting of the relays is stable operating of the synchronous generators in desired margins. Therefore, the accurate calculation of the curves is significant. Although in the papers some methods and formula for calculating and drawing the capability curves have been presented, the obtained results do not coincide with the original capability curves provided by the manufacturers. It could be potentially because of disregarding the real conditions of synchronous generators such as saturation, temperature, mechanical considerations, altitude and etc. Also, there is no complete source about the capability curves which cover all parts of the curve. In this paper, in addition to briefly assess all parts of the capability curve, the latter is precisely calculated by taking into account all parameters and operational conditions of the generator. The results in the armature current limit and the under-excitation limit are in agreement with the original capability curves provided by the manufacturers. In spite of this coincidence, the over-excitation part of the graph drawn on the basis of the above-mentioned considerations and calculations does not follow the manufacturer's curves, although the conditions and limitations of the generator are considered. Accordingly, in this paper, a new simple and applicable procedure is proposed for calculating the over-excitation part of the curve, based on authors' experience in designing the synchronous generators. The results of the calculations are in good agreement with over-excitation limit of the manufacturers' curves. Simplicity, fast calculation time, precision and error minimization main features of this method. Capability curves are provided by manufacturers in standard condition1. They are used for loading the synchronous generators in different operating conditions without exceeding the designed limits. Some of the most important aspects which are presented in the P-Q plan by the capability curves are dynamic stability, steady state stability, stator and rotor current limits and thermal restrictions. Capability curves play important role in setting of the synchronous generators relays such as under-excited controllers, automatic voltage regulators (AVR) and internal functions of protection systems which contain the loss of field (LOF) relay, minimum excitation limiter (MEL) and over excitation limiter [2]. Different parameters affect the regions and limits determined by capability curves. Variations in the structure of the synchronous generator, such as cooling gas pressure or magnetic saturation, directly affects the synchronous generator capability curves [3]. One of the most significant effects of the power plant elements on the capability curves is the variation of the over-excited region based on the type of the used turbines [4]. Although many attempts have been done in calculating and drawing the synchronous generators capability curves, there is no comprehensive reference to calculate and draw these curves. Normally, in literature, one or two regions of the capability curves have been briefly considered. However the obtained results are not completely match with prepared curves by manufacturers. In this paper, theoretical bases of each part of the capability curves and their calculating method will be presented and discussed comprehensively. Moreover, in order to obtain accurate results, all technical and important factors of the capability curves are considered. Keywords—Capability Curve; Over-excited Region; Underexcited Region; Armature Region; Stability I. Sajad Sadr, Davood Arab Khaburi Department of Electrical Engineering Iran University of Science & Technology Tehran, Iran sajadsadr@iust.ac.ir INTRODUCTION Stability of generators and power systems is one of the most important and fundamental topics in the power system studies. Hence, consideration of various parameters which affect the system stability is worthwhile. In the last few years, the stability of the generators has been indirectly evaluated by 978-1-4799-2399-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1 727 Standard condition: − Ambient Temperature: 40°C − Nominal Voltage − Altitude above sea level: 0 m By close scrutiny of generator designn documents and regarding authors’ experiences, a practical annd accurate method based on the exciting current–power curvess of the generators for calculating over-excited region is preseented. Considering mentioned method and technical factors, cappability curve for a sample generator will be calculated and draawn. The modeled synchronous generator is a 160 MW turbbo generator with nominal voltage of 15.75 kV and power factor 0.8. It is shown that the achieved results completely follow thhe factory’s curve. localized heating create. Othher limits for this region of capability curves are rated voltage, v dynamic stability and steady-state stability. The under-excited region of the synchronous generator covers topics related to LOF relay and function of MEL [7]. C. Over-excited Region (Rotor ( Current) The copper losses of thhe rotor winding impose the limitation on the field windinng current. The correspondence between the active and reactivve powers for a specified field current is defined by a circle centered c on the negative Q-axis. Circles which determine arm mature and rotor current limits intersect at point B (Fig.1). Point B shows the nominal output s generator [8]. power and power factor of the synchronous III. The armature current regionn of the capability curve refers to the stator current limitations. This T region is defined by a circle centered at the origin with reduuce equal to the nominal power (MVA). The notable point is that in the calculation of the radius, only the voltage and cuurrent have been considered. The first effectual factor which impposes changes on the capability curve is terminal voltages and its i variations (Fig. 2). Moreover, the apparent power depends on the other parameters, such as the inlet air temperature of thhe cooling system. Non-thermal factors such as mechanical limitations l of the turbine, the maximum tension of the coupleed rotor on fault conditions, also maximum field current and coooling system capacity are other factors that limit the capabilityy curve in the armature region. For instance, maximum poower of turbines is limited. Consequently it could be potentially a limitation for output power of generators. Consiidering these conditions, the maximum output power can be determined. It should be notified that a margin has beeen assigned for the temperature difference between the inlet coooling air temperature and inlet cooling water temperature in a synchronous generator. According to the manufacturerrs design documents, it has been approximated between 6ºK and 8 ºK. Fig.1. A typical capability curve II. PRACTICAL DESC CRIPTIONS AND CALCULATIONS FOR ARMAT TURE CURRENT REGION THE CAPABILITY CURVEE REVIEW Synchronous generators are able to provide p maximum designed power at a rated voltage and power factor in which they can work continuously without overheatting. Active power is limited by the prime mover capability. In Fig.1, the vertical line crossing the point B presents the limit off the active power. It should be mentioned that the ability of continuous active power producing in synchronous generatorss is determined by three different indexes which in the below inn the sequel, these different limits are reviewed [5]. • Armature current region (Stator currennt) • Under-excited region • Over-excited region (Rotor current) A. Armature Current Region One of the parameters which can limit a generator rating is the maximum allowable current (Ohmic loosses) that can be carried by the armature winding without exceeeding the thermal limits. In the P-Q plane, it appears as a circcle centered at the origin and radius equal to the MVA rating (BC part in Figure 1) [6]. B. Under-excited Region Heating the stator end core imposes thee limitation on the under-excited region of the synchronous geenerator capability curves (CD part in Figure 1). The magnetic flux f is a radial flux which passes through the stator core in parallel with laminations. However, the leakage flux of thee stator end core is axial flux and crosses in the core laminatioons. Consequently, Fig.2. Effects of the generator voltagee terminal (Et) and armature resistance (Ra) on the armature lim mit of the capability curve 728 Fig.4. Attitude correction factor IV. DESCRIPTIONS AN ND CALCULATIONS FOR UNDEREX XCITED REGION Many factors impose limitss on the under-excited region of capability curve. Limitation off the stator end core heating and the stability aspect are some samples for the limits. After determining each of the aboove limits, whichever is more restrictive will be used in thhe under-excited region of the capability curve (Fig.5). Fig.3. Generator output (MW) vs. inlet cooling airr temperature (°C) If the cooling inlet air temperature and poower factor do not follow designed values (Tkg = 40ºC & P.F. = 0.8), 0 the maximum output power will be determined in accorddance with related curves. Therefore, according to the new pow wer factor and also new inlet cooling air temperature, the maxim mum output power at the rated voltage will be calculated. Figuree 3 demonstrates a sample of these kinds of curves which calculated, simulated and presented by a manufacturer. These currves determine the maximum output power (according to the generator g thermal) based on different inlet cooling air temperatuures and variations of the power factor. It is worthwhile to mention that the curves mitations related to with power factor greater than 0.8, refer to lim stator winding temperature and curves with power factor less than 0.8, refer to rotor winding temperature. s end core heating, some In order to control the stator measures have been taken intoo account. Using non-magnetic retainer rings or step pockets inn the end part of the stator core to increase the air gap are som me of the mentioned preventive measures. These changes can increase reluctance of the flux path in under-excited conditionn. Hence it can be expressed that the stability issues have more effective rules in under-excited region. In references, a circlle centered at (0, E ⁄2 (1⁄X 1⁄X )) with the radius equal to t E ⁄2 (1⁄X 1⁄X ) is used to draw the stability limit. It should be mentioned that the curvves in Fig. 3 are referable only in the sea level. Heat transferr in the air-cooled turbo generators is done by air convection. Thus, T heat transfer ratio will be decreased by reduction in the air density due to t homogenize the installation altitude (Hgeo). Hence in order to temperature of the different parts of the generator in high altitude of installation, maximum output power should be modified by a correction factor (Khgeo). Mannufacturers present curves to determine the correction factor bassed on the altitude of installation (Fig.4). By multiplying modiified output power based on inlet cooling air temperature (Figg.3) in the altitude correction factor (Khgeo), real output power off the generator will be calculated. The obtained output power determines curve radius in the armature current region. Fig.5. Under-excited limits 729 The stability limit of the steady-state is obtained by using the active and reactive power of the synchhronous generator. Another kind of the steady-state stability lim mit is a straight line which presents the concept of stability cleaarly. To determine the steady state stability limit, the direct axis of the saturated reactance is used. For a safe margin, the sttability limit angle can be considered less than 90 degree (α2).. It is assumed 80 degrees (α1), approximately. In addition, thhe practical steady state limit is more restrictive than the theoreetical case and it is considered 0.9 of the theoretical value (Fig. 6). where K is the saturation factoor which can be determined by the no-load curve of generatorss. In spite of consideration of the saturation effect, the over-exciited region obtained from these equations does not follow thee curve given by manufacturers (Fig. 7). Therefore, the necessitty for a method which fulfills all condition of the generator is com mpletely obvious. Fig.7. Overr-excited area Obviously, there is no specific relation between the excitation current and generatoor output power. Manufacturers present a graph, which illustraates the relation between these two parameters for various pow wer factors (Fig. 8). This curve can be prepared for different vooltage levels. Fig.6. Stability limits in underexcited area V. PROPOSESD METHOD FOR CALLCULATION AND DRAWING OF THE CAPABILITY CURVES IN THE OVER-EXCITED REG GION According to experiences of the synchronous generator g tests and the curves design and scrutiny of the generator achieved from the different tessts, it can be found out that this curve is necessary to determine the over-excited region of the r current in the full load capability curve. The rated rotor condition is an important facctor for drawing the capability curve. For these purpose, in fiigure 8, we draw a vertical line from the rated current. The inteersection points of this line with the graph lines show the geenerator power at the desired terminal voltage and desired field f current at different power factors. So by using (4)-(6) andd in accordance with Fig. 9, we can draw the capability curve acccurately. The over-excited region of the capabiliity curve refers to constant field current. This area limits excitting current due to temperature limits. The field current restrictioon is applied when the generator operates at the nominal conditioon. In some references, in order to explain ovver-excited region, a synchronous generator connected to a netw work is modeled. It calculates supposed that the over-excited region r is a circle centered at the lead part of the Q-axis at E ⁄X and with the radius EI E ⁄X . The internal voltage, synchhronous reactance and terminal voltage are denoted, respectivelly, by EI, Xd, Et. In calculation internal voltage, the saturationn effect has been considered and defined as below. 2 sin (E cos θ) Sin φ E sin θ E S IX E IX P R. Sin ρ C R (1) C Q (4) Q (5) (6) As shown in Figs. 10 andd 11, the under-excited region curve obtained by using thee field current-power graph is completely matched with the curves presented by manufacturers. where E R. Cos ρ (2) VI. TYPICAL CAPPABILITY CURVE DRAWING Regarding mentioned issuees in the previous sections, the capability curve for a 160 MW W synchronous generator, with rated voltage 15.75 kV and poweer factor 0.8 is calculated. (3) 730 intersection points of the over--excited region of the capability curve with deferent powers inn the obtained curve follow the curve presented by the manuffacturer. The stability region of this curve complies fully with the intended reactance and the intended stability limit. Fig.10. Calculated capability curve for the sample generator Fig.8. relation between output power and excitationn current – 16 kV Fig.11. Presented capability curve for the t sample generator by the manufacture Fig.9. Curve related to equation 4-6 VII. According the previous sections, if the capability c curve is calculated by the current equations, the obttained curves will differ from the manufacturer curves. By usiing the points and correction factors which have been specifiedd in the paper, the capability curve of the synchronous generatoor is calculated and drawn. To do this, it is assumed that the gennerator operates in the rated condition. Also, the synchronous reeactance and angle stability limit are, respectively, equal to 1.9778 per-unit and 80 degrees. Based on the design docum ments, when the synchronous generator operates at the ratedd voltage, the field current is equal to 1417 A. According to this t condition, the capability curve is prepared (Fig. 10). CONCLUSION In literature, several methods have h been proposed to draw the generator capability curve. Theese methods are often based on theoretical formulas and do noot cover special conditions such as the effect of altitude, temperrature, saturation and mechanical conditions of the synchronous generator. In this paper, we considered the capability curvve in three parts. The results of consideration of the armature current region showed that the studied conditions in this papeer completely met the machine operating condition. To draw w the under-excited region, a simple method is used based onn theoretical methods, concept of the stability and the practical operation of the generator. The accuracy of the proposed methhod which have high speed and high accuracy is confirmed byy the calculation results. It was proved that the previous curvee of the over-excited region had differences with the curve pressented by manufacturers. So, by scrutiny of design documentts of several manufacturers, a The capability curve presented by thee manufacturer is shown in Figure 11. As it is shown, tow curves c completely match. The rated power factor in the over-excited region in both curves exactly occurs at the 161 MW. Additionally, the 731 simple method was presented. 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