“AÑO DEL BICENTENARIO DEL PERÚ: 200 AÑOS DE INDEPENDENCIA” INGLES TEMA: DIALOGO INTEGRANTES: NORIEGA CHÁVEZ JOSÉ OSWALDO HERNÁNDEZ SERRANO FLOR YONELI PROFESORA: ROSARIO DEL PILAR DE LA CRUZ SECCIÓN: AC3M7 AÑO: 2021 DIALOGO Hello Flor, How are you? Hi Jose, well and you Im fine, thank you. What are you doing now? I'm happy for you, I'm in class and you? Im working, but I can talk for a few minutes. Can you call me now? No, I can’t call you now, but Im calling you on 3 hours. It's fine. Maybe we can go to a restaurant or we can go to ride bycicle after work Sorry, I can't today. I have a lot of pending work. But we can go biking this weekend. Ok, I agree. See you this weekend.