Subido por Raquel Martín Domínguez

raquel martín Formal email

Have a look at the email of complaint below. Would it be suitable to send it to the
manager of the sports centre? Re-write it in an appropriate formal register.
Subject: the disgusting appereance of toilets
Dear Sir
I am writing about a repetitive incident with your toilets, which are located in the sports centre
changing rooms. The incident I refer to is about the state of the toilet area which is unacceptable.
Needless to say, this is an extremely abominable situation for me.
Firstly, I have found specially disgusting the wet paper towels on the floor, which look disagreeable.
Furthermore, there is a danger that people might misstep on them. Secondly, the shower plug holes
are always obstructed with hair, which prevent the water from going down the drain.
I have told workers several times about this problem. The first time in person and the second one I
talked with them through the mobile phone. In both they told me that they would repair it and
ensure the place was cleaned regularly. However, the deal has not been executed yet.
Which brings me back to why I am writing; it may be a good idea to make the staff members assure
that the area has been cleaned. They could sign somewhere to be sure that they are doing it.
Moreover, I was thinking that if they workers find the place unclean, they can contact the cleaner to
repeat it. This would be a benefit for the sport centre since it would attract more people.
I look forward to hearing from you at the very earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,