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Geography mayahii - :) de nada
Geografia (Universidad del Valle de México)
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Lesson 6.
1. Which countries are considered the great powers of the 19th century?
France, Russia, Austria, Prussia and Great Britain.
2. Who established a military dictatorship and conquered most of Europe at the
beginning of the century?
Napoleon Bonaparte.
3. The former kingdom of Prussia occupied territory in what today is:
4. During the 19th century, Russia gained vast territor y. However, they also sold this
Alaska to the USA
5. How are Napoleon Bonaparte and Thomas Jefferson linked :
Napoleon sold the French territory of Louisiana to Jefferson in 1803.
6. Which US territories were under Spanish rule or claim in 1819?
Florida and Oregon.
7. Which former Mexican state became an independent republic?
8. When was the Rio Grande co nsidered the border between Mexico and the USA?
In 1848, after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
9. What were the Opium Wars?
Two wars between Great Britain and China in which Great Britain wanted more ports of
trade and began selling opium in China.
10. What is considered to be an important milestone in globalization?
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The setting of the Gold Standard by Great Britain.
Lesson 7.
1. Which is another name for the First World War?
The Great War.
2. Who were the Central Powers?
Germany, the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.
3. What geographical factor played a role in WWI?
The Central Powers had a hard time militarizing all fronts since they were surrounded by Allied
Powers’ territory.
4. The conditions of the _______ led to frostbite, trench -foot, gangrene, lice and more.
5. As a result of war practices, which species was driven to the point of extinction?
The European bison.
6. What played a decisive role in the involvement of the USA in WWI?
The Zimmerman telegram.
7. Why did the end of WWI cause the beginning o f WWII?
Because Germany had to pay for the expenses of the war and this led to social resentment and
paved the way for Hitler to rise to power.
8. What is known as the Holocaust?
The collective actions that led to a genocide of Jews, Slavs, Roma people, and many more, during
the Nazi regime.
9. The Cold War was given this name because:
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There were no military attacks on the Western or Eastern fronts, but the threat of war was always
10. Which other region has had a Cold War?
The Middle East.
Lesson 8.
1. Which theory of development suggests that powerful countries in the 19th and 20th
century are more developed now?
Theory of Modernization.
2. According to the United Nations, countries are divided into these categories:
Developing, transitioning, and developed countries.
3. What was the International Poverty Line set at in 2015?
4. Which is a more real measurement of poverty?
Global Multidimensional Poverty Index.
5. Which country is the farthest from achieving the UN Sustainable Development
6. Who is most affected by the poverty caused by war?
Children and the elderly.
7. Which percent of the world’s population is homeless?
8. Why does violence towards the e lderly and young children rise with poverty?
As they can’t work, they are sometimes seen as a burden.
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9. Most migrations take place:
From rural to urban areas.
10. What percentage of Mexican people live in multidimensional poverty?
Lesson 9.
1. The death of a woman during or directly following pregnancy is called:
Maternal Death.
2. Which areas have the highest incidence o f maternal death?
Sub Saharan Africa and Southern Asia.
3. What is the leading cause of child mortality?
Lower Respiratory Infections.
4. Why are some diseases called poverty -related diseases?
Because they have a higher incidence in low income areas where access to medicine and vaccines
is scarce.
5. Which practice is thought to have led to the mutation of the SIV virus into the HIV
The consumption of wild animals, also called bush meat.
6. Where did the cholera virus first emerge?
7. Why was the Influenza pandemic of 1918 called the Spanish Flu?
Spain was not fighting in WWI so they were the first to report it and print stories about it in their
8. Which virus was involved in the first coronavirus pandemic?
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9. A strain of influenza, H1N1, jumped from pigs to humans in 2009. In which country
did it originate?
10. Which continent has the highest incidence of diseases?
Lesson 10.
1. About one third of human migrations is due to:
Climate Change.
2. Whose writings are thought to be the foundation of environmental science?
Alexander Von Humboldt
3. Which compound has been found to cause significant rise in temperatures on Earth?
4. What was the cause of the Dust Bowl?
The removal of grasses in order to plant vegetables and grains that dried up the topsoil.
5. Which event made people rethink global warming?
The year 1988, which was the hottest in history.
6. What did countries agree to by signing the Paris Agreement?
To keep the effects of CO2 emissions lower than 1.5 degrees C.
7. Which country emits the most CO2 annually?
8. Our oceans have risen an average of:
3 millimeters per year.
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9. Which diseases are among the most sensible to climate?
Malaria, Dengue, Viral Encephalitis.
10. Why is the term Environmental Migrant creating problems for people fleei ng their
homes due to climate change?
Because as migrants, they have fewer protections than refugees, so the term should be Climate
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