Subido por Lorenzo Oglialoro

Encouraging Young People in Science: Essay

Your class has listened to a radio discussion on how more young people can be encouraged to study science.
you have made the notes below:
Ways of encouraging young people to study science:
1.- Advertising
2.- School programs
3.- Government grants
Some opinions expressed in the discussion:
"You never see positive images of young scientists on TV, just pop stars or actors."
"Science lessons should be practical and fun."
Write an essay discussing two of the points in your notes. You should explain which way would be more
effective in encouraging young people to study sciencie, provinding reasons to support your opinion.
You might, if you wish, make use the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own
words as far as possible.
Involving young people in science
Recent discussions brought up the topic of how young people perceive science. Experts stated in that in order
to encourage them to study science to show more positive examples of young scientist, and schools how to
transform their approach to make them understand that science is a valuable career.
Medias, especially the young-targeted ones, tend to display what will bring them money. If a certain topic or
a given public figure is not appealing to an audience, inevitably it is not profitable. Medias need to reassess
their goals, switching from making money to educating a new, strong and cultured generation of scientists.
TV, magazines and social medias have such a tremendous hold on this society, it is time to exploit it for
good causes.
Not only medias can impact youngsters’ vision, but also school lessons, which need to become more
interactive and fun. Governments need to increase the funds they dedicate to education because, otherwise,
they will lack of smart minds to build their future on. The countless cuts they acted on education and
research are a crystal-clear proof that they’re not doing an adequate effort. Schools need more funds and
material for the purpose of performing better, effective activities.
In the final analysis, both governments and medias have a burden of responsibilities when talking about
educating young people. Never has the world needed scientist capable of tackling important matters.