Subido por matias.salgado.martinez26

Freedom of Expression: Rights, Examples, and Limitations

Freedom of expression
Hello. Today we will talk about freedom of expression
Freedom of expression is a right that each and every human being possesses at
the moment of our birth, regardless of the region of origin or any regulation within
society, they are rights established within a fully regulated country or region. This right
gives us the free will to think and present our ideas, as long as the integrity of others
is not compromised.
Human rights are those instrumental conditions that allow the person to realize
them, these are defined as the conditions that allow creating an integrated relationship
between people and society. The right to freedom of expression is one of the most
fundamental since it is essential to the fight for the respect and promotion of all human
rights, since, without the ability to express opinions freely, denounce injustices and
demand changes, man is condemned. to oppression. Freedom of expression
encompasses all kinds of ideas, including those that may be considered deeply
offensive. International law protects freedom of expression, although there are cases
in which, in accordance with that same law, it is legitimate to limit it when it violates
the rights of other people or promotes hatred and incites discrimination and violence.
Examples of freedom of expression
• When I express my political ideas: When we express our political opinions
publicly, we are exercising our right to freedom of expression, as long as we have a
concrete basis for what we are saying. That is, we can express opinions, but without
violating the right of others to the same freedom of expression.
• Journalistic information: The information provided by journalists is also an
example of freedom of expression since they keep us informed based on facts that
they express based on reliable questions and true sources. The work of these
professionals, especially those of investigation, is also related to the term known as
freedom of the press.
• Debates: When a debate occurs or takes place, whether between two or more
people, an act of freedom of expression also occurs, which will have to do with the fact
that both parties, or those who participate, express their opinions with full right to
express themselves and of course, to receive a reply.
Freedom is the possibility that people have for our own decisions
By not allowing a person to express themselves, their right to freedom is being
violated, causing isolation and causing them to suffer from psychological disorders or
also causing the person to threaten their life as a result of not allowing the person to
be part of a community.
Without the right to freedom of expression, it is impossible for citizens to inform
themselves or demand changes or arrangements from the authorities, and it would
notoriously affect relationships between people, thus generating conflicts, so that their
own perception and vision of the world would be narrowly limited.The free
communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious rights of man. Each
citizen can in consequence speak, write and print freely, but will be responsible for the
abuses of this freedom that are defined by law.
Since the beginning of the social outbreak, numerous cases of attacks on
freedom of expression have been known, both in the work carried out by media and
independent communicators and in the publications of private individuals. The work,
promoted by academics from the University of Chile and researchers from other
institutions, continued to collect information on violations of the right to freedom of
expression and attacks against communicators, journalists and photographers. The
report gives an account of violations of freedom of expression referred to obstructions
in access to public information; blocking of accounts in social networks, such as
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube; pressures on the media; professionals and
audiences questioning the informative treatment of the national media; threats to
journalists, communicators and the media, among other violations in the online and
offline sphere.
The constitution establishes as a right the freedom to express an opinion and to
-inform, without prior censorship, in any form and by any means. The exercise of the
freedom to express an opinion and to inform without prior censorship includes not
being persecuted or discriminated against because of one's own opinions.
I know that all human rights are very important, but at this time we will focus
on the right to "Freedom of expression", which is that everyone has the right to
freedom of opinion and expression, this right includes the freedom of hold opinions
without interference. For this reason, it is very important to respect the rights of
people, since all people interpret things differently, feel differently and express
themselves differently, which is why, in order to establish a good socio-emotional
relationship, it is very important that freedom of expression be respected. In addition
to that, violence and suicides can be somewhat curbed, since people respecting and
listening to each other should not because they have greater problems with different
opinions without reaching violence.