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Hypertensive Emergencies & Urgencies: Management Review

Management of hypertensive emergencies and
urgencies: narrative review
Hannah Jolly,1 E Marie Freel,2 Chris Isles ‍ ‍1
Medical Units of Dumfries
and Galloway Royal Infirmary,
Dumfries, UK
Medical Unit, Queen Elizabeth
University Hospital, Glasgow, UK
Correspondence to
Professor Chris Isles, Medical
Units of Dumfries and Galloway
Royal Infirmary, Dumfries DG1
4AP, UK;
​christopher.​isles@n​ hs.​scot
Received 26 July 2021
Accepted 29 September 2021
Hypertensive emergencies are distinguished from
hypertensive urgencies by the presence of clinical or
laboratory target organ damage. The most common
forms of target organ damage in developed countries
are pulmonary oedema/heart failure, acute coronary
syndrome, ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke. In
the absence of randomised trials, it is inevitable that
guideline writers differ slightly regarding the speed
and extent to which blood pressure should be lowered
acutely. An appreciation of cerebral autoregulation
is key and should underpin treatment decisions.
Hypertensive emergencies, with the notable exception
of uncomplicated malignant hypertension, require
intravenous antihypertensive medication which is
most safely given in high dependency or intensive care
settings. Patients with hypertensive urgency are often
treated with medications that lower their blood pressure
acutely, although there is no evidence to support this
practice. This article aims to review current guidelines
and recommendations, and to provide user friendly
management strategies for the general physician.
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2021. No
commercial re-­use. See rights
and permissions. Published
by BMJ.
To cite: Jolly H, Freel EM,
Isles C. Postgrad Med J Epub
ahead of print: [please
include Day Month Year].
Hypertensive crisis is a term that is commonly used
to describe patients with severely elevated blood
pressure (BP).1 Others prefer the description acute
severe hypertension.2 There is no threshold BP
above which this always occurs though it is generally
accepted that systolic BP (SBP) will be >180 mm
Hg and/or diastolic BP (DBP) >110 mm Hg
or >120 mm Hg.1 3 The presence or absence of
retinal, neurological, cardiac or renal target organ
damage is then used to distinguish hypertensive
emergency from hypertensive urgency.1–3 Patients
with hypertensive emergencies usually require
immediate intravenous antihypertensive therapy in
high dependency or intensive care units1 4 whereas
those with hypertensive urgencies can generally be
managed in an ambulatory setting with antihypertensive drugs administered orally.5 The purpose
of this article is to review the management of
hypertensive emergencies and urgencies in light
of the latest available evidence. We were particularly interested in the possibility that hypertensive
emergencies might be managed safely and effectively with a smaller number of intravenous antihypertensive drugs than have been recommended
by the latest European and US guidelines1 4 and
we wished also to review best practice for initial
treatment of severely hypertensive patients who do
not have target organ damage. Of note, our review
concerns initial rather than long-­term therapy and
is not intended to guide management of the clinic
patient whose BP is consistently >180/120 mm Hg,
for whom a different approach is required.1 3
The definitions of the clinical syndromes described
in this review are shown in table 1. We give
preferred terms with alternatives in brackets. We
accept that the term hypertensive urgency may have
led and still be leading to over enthusiastic management of many patients with severe uncomplicated
hypertension5 and suspect that it will eventually be
replaced by the more accurate, if slightly clumsier
title, of asymptomatic uncontrolled hypertension.
Diagnosing and monitoring hypertension relies on
accurate assessment of BP in optimal conditions.
National Institute for Health & Care Excellence
advises that devices for measuring BP should be
validated, maintained and recalibrated at intervals according to the manufacturers’ instructions.6
The patient should be quiet and seated, with their
arm outstretched and supported, using an appropriately sized cuff. BP should be measured in both
arms. If there is a difference between the two arms,
then the arm with the higher reading should be
selected for subsequent measurements. BP readings
>180/120 mm Hg should be confirmed by repeated
measurements before initiating antihypertensive
drug therapy. Outwith the ‘hypertensive crisis’
setting, it is worth confirming apparent severe
hypertension or poorly controlled hypertension by
means of an ambulatory BP monitor or home BP
A recent systematic review and meta-­
analysis of
hypertensive emergencies and urgencies presenting
to emergency departments (EDs) included data
on 1970 emergencies and 4983 urgencies in eight
studies published between 1996 and 2018.7 Hypertensive emergencies and urgencies accounted
for 0.3% and 0.9% of all ED visits respectively.
Pulmonary oedema/heart failure was the most
common form of target organ damage in patients
with hypertensive emergencies (32%) followed by
ischaemic stroke (29%), acute coronary syndrome
(18%), haemorrhagic stroke (11%), aortic dissection (2%) and hypertensive encephalopathy (2%).7
Malignant hypertension,8 phaeochromocytoma
crisis9 and eclampsia4 are other important examples
of hypertensive emergencies. Posterior reversible
encephalopathy syndrome is a recently described
Jolly H, et al. Postgrad Med J 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899 on 20 October 2021. Downloaded from on February 28, 2022 at Sami Al-Nassar. Protected by
Table 1
Hypertensive crisis
(acute severe hypertension)
Omnibus terms that include patients with both
hypertensive emergencies and hypertensive
Hypertensive emergency
Severe hypertension with target organ damage
Hypertensive urgency
(asymptomatic uncontrolled
Severe hypertension without target organ damage
Malignant hypertension
(accelerated hypertension)
Severe hypertension with bilateral retinal
haemorrhages and exudate and/or bilateral
neurological disorder, similar to but distinct from hypertensive
encephalopathy, characterised by visual disturbances, headache,
vomiting, seizures and altered consciousness. It is usually associated with severe hypertension which, when present, should be
treated as a hypertensive emergency.10
Malignant hypertension is a hypertensive emergency that occurs
when a sudden and marked increase in BP triggers a form of
thrombotic microangiopathy characterised clinically by severe
retinopathy and histologically by fibrinoid arteriolar necrosis.4
It was first described in 1928 and its association then with a
high likelihood of death within a year from stroke, heart failure
or kidney failure resulted in its name.11 Keith and colleagues12
subsequently distinguished severely hypertensive patients with
bilateral papilloedema (grade 4 hypertensive retinopathy) from
those with bilateral flame-­
shaped haemorrhages and cotton
wool spots (grade 3 hypertensive retinopathy) and used the term
accelerated hypertension to describe this latter group. Clinical
outcomes in an era of effective antihypertensive treatment have
since been shown to be the same in both groups of patients and
because of this we tend to use the terms interchangeably.13 Malignant hypertension can arise in patients with essential hypertension or complicate renovascular and parenchymal renal disease,
and can in turn be complicated by any one of a number of organ
failures including hypertensive encephalopathy (seizures, lethargy, cortical blindness and coma), hypertensive heart failure
and hypertensive renal failure.4 Many of these patients will have
evidence of secondary hyperaldosteronism (hypokalemia with
elevated plasma renin and serum aldosterone) and a microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia (thrombocytopenia with red cell
fragments on blood film).4
Figure 1 Cerebral autoregulatory curve showing the relation between
cerebral blood flow and mean arterial pressure. This is shifted to
the right in patients with chronic hypertension. Cerebral blood flow
becomes pressure dependent for a time after acute stroke. Reproduced
with permission from Manning et al.16
To our knowledge there are no large randomised trials
comparing different rates of BP reduction for patients presenting
with a hypertensive emergency except in acute stroke.14 15 In the
absence of such studies, management strategies are guided by
expert opinion and by our understanding of cerebral autoregulation, the phenomenon by which cerebral blood flow remains
constant across a wide range of mean arterial pressures from
around 50–150 mm Hg16 (figure 1). The autoregulatory curve is
reset upwards in patients who have been hypertensive for some
time, which exposes them to the risk of cerebral hypoperfusion
if BP is lowered too quickly.16 Although less well studied, it is
likely that cardiac and renal blood flow are subject to similar
autoregulatory control. Myocardial infarction and stroke have
both been reported following over rapid reduction in BP, with
sublingual nifedipine identified as particularly hazardous in this
In the absence of randomised trials, it is inevitable that the
guideline writers differ slightly in their advice. Given the likelihood that cardiac and renal blood flow undergo similar autoregulatory control as cerebral perfusion, it is intuitive that,
under most circumstances, BP should be lowered slowly and
cautiously. Accordingly, the European Society of Cardiology
(ESC) Position Document on the Management of Hypertensive Emergencies in 20194 and the American Heart Association
(AHA) Guideline on the Management of High Blood Pressure in
Adults in 20181 advise that BP be decreased by not >25% during
the first hour for patients with malignant hypertension with
or without acute kidney injury; then to 160/100–110 mm Hg
during the following 2–6 hours; and then cautiously to normal
during the following 24–48 hours1 4 (table 2). For patients with
‘compelling’ reasons for more rapid control of BP, namely
those with aortic dissection, hypertensive heart failure, acute
coronary syndrome, phaeochromocytoma crisis or eclampsia,
the guidelines recommend that SBP be lowered to <140 mm
Hg during the first hour and to <120 mm Hg in aortic dissection.1 4 Randomised trials in acute stroke permit a slightly more
evidence-­based approach. A major concern here is that if the
BP is lowered too far or too quickly there may be an increased
risk of cerebral hypoperfusion and worsened stroke outcome.
Both the ESC and AHA offer broadly similar advice, namely
that careful acute BP lowering with intravenous therapy should
be considered in patients with acute intracerebral haemorrhage
whose SBP is >220 mm Hg, avoiding SBP <140 mm Hg1.4 A
more cautious approach is recommended for acute ischaemic
stroke because autoregulation fails and cerebral blood flow
becomes pressure dependent in the area of infarction.16 Here,
both the ESC and AHA advise that patients should have their BP
lowered to <185/110 mm Hg before thrombolysis; and that in
patients with markedly elevated BP who are not thrombolysed,
drug therapy may be considered, based on clinical judgement,
to reduce BP by 15% during the first 24 hours after the stroke
event1 4 (table 2, figure 2).
The management strategies in this table are from the latest
European4 and US1 guidelines, also from a 2019 review of
hypertensive crises.2
Jolly H, et al. Postgrad Med J 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899 on 20 October 2021. Downloaded from on February 28, 2022 at Sami Al-Nassar. Protected by
Table 2
Treatment strategies for hypertensive emergencies
Clinical presentation
Preferred intravenous drugs
Malignant hypertension
Reduce MAP by not >20%–25% during the first hour and then aim for
160/100–110 mm Hg during the following 2–6 hours.
Labetalol or nicardipine (but consider oral therapy if
uncomplicated malignant hyprtension
Hypertensive encephalopathy
Reduce MAP by not >20%–25% during the first hour and then aim for
160/100–110 mm Hg during the following 2–6 hours.
Labetalol or nicardipine
Acute haemorrhagic stroke
If SBP >220 mm Hg, recommend lowering to SBP 140–179 mm Hg; if SBP
180–220 mm Hg, consider lowering to SBP 140–179 mm Hg. Lowering systolic
BP <140 mm Hg may be harmful.
Labetalol or nicardipine
Acute ischaemic stroke
Thrombolysis indicated: target BP <185/110 prior to thrombolysis,
Labetalol or nicardipine
maintain <180/105 for 24 hours.
Thrombolysis not indicated and BP ≥220/120 or target organ damage: lower BP
by 15% in 1 hour.
Thrombolysis not indicated and no target organ damage other than stroke and
BP <220/120: no intervention for 48–72 hours.
Acute coronary syndrome
Aim to reduce SBP to <140 mm Hg during the first hour while keeping DBP
>60 mm Hg
Nitroglycerin or labetalol
Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
Aim to reduce SBP to <140 mm Hg during the first hour
Nitroglycerin with loop diuretic
Aortic dissection
Aim to reduce SBP to <120 mm Hg and heart rate to <60 beats/min during the Labetalol or esmolol with nicardipine or nitroglycerine
first hour
Phaeochromocytoma crisis
Aim to reduce SBP to <140 mm Hg during the first hour
Aim to reduce SBP to <160 mm Hg and DBP to <105 mm Hg during the first
Labetalol and magnesium sulphate or nicardipine and
magnesium sulphate
BP, blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
The ESC and the AHA provide dosing schedules for 12 intravenous antihypertensive drug choices, namely labetalol, nitroglycerin, nicardipine, esmolol, nitroprusside, fenoldapam,
clevidipine, enalaprilat, urapidil, clonidine, hydralazine and
phentolamine.1 4 It is unlikely that clinicians will have experience
of more than a few of these, given that hypertensive emergencies are uncommon and the indications for their intravenous use
infrequent. It is our belief that it is better for clinicians to familiarise themselves with a smaller number of treatment options and
that all the hypertensive emergencies listed in table 2 except for
phaeochromocytoma crisis can be managed safely and effectively
with just three of these drugs, namely labetalol, nitroglycerin
and nicardipine. We include nicardipine here because it is recommended as a first-­line treatment for hypertensive encephalopathy,
hypertension associated with acute stroke, aortic dissection and
eclampsia1 4 even though it is not available in all UK hospitals,
as judged by a survey we conducted of hospital pharmacists in
25 Scottish district and regional hospitals showing availability
of the intravenous antihypertensives recommended by European
and US guideline writers (figure 3). There may be an occasional
requirement for esmolol, an ultrashort acting beta blocker in the
management of acute aortic dissection.1 4 Hydralazine has both
an unpredictable BP response and often a prolonged duration of
action which makes it an undesirable choice in most patients.1
Nitroprusside, fenoldapam, clevidipine, enalaprilat, urapidil and
clonidine do not appear to offer clear advantages and are not
all stocked routinely in all UK hospitals (figure 3). Magnesium
sulphate is recommended as an adjunct to intravenous antihypertensive therapy in eclampsia, primarily to prevent seizures. The
intravenous drug doses, onset, duration of action and contraindications for the antihypertensive drugs shown in table 2 are
given in table 3.
Figure 2 Management of severe hypertension in acute ischaemic stroke (left panel), and acute haemorraghic stroke (right panel) adapted from
Whelton et al1 and van den Born et al.4 BP, blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HT, hypertensive; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
Jolly H, et al. Postgrad Med J 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899 on 20 October 2021. Downloaded from on February 28, 2022 at Sami Al-Nassar. Protected by
have same day specialist review, though it may be possible to
manage them safely in an ambulatory setting.6
Figure 3 Survey of hospital pharmacists in 25 Scottish district
and regional hospitals showing availability of the intravenous
antihypertensives recommended by European and US guideline writers.
A possible exception to the general rule that all hypertensive
emergencies require intravenous antihypertensive medication is
severe hypertension with bilateral retinal changes as described
above but with no evidence of neurological, cardiac or renal
target organ damage. In the absence of these complications,
intravenous antihypertensive therapy may be unnecessary and
potentially harmful.5 In a small randomised trial of 20 patients
with malignant hypertension a single dose of a slow release
preparation of nifedipine caused BP to fall from 233/142 mm
Hg to 166/100 mm Hg (28% reduction in systolic) at 5 hours
while a single dose of atenolol 100 mg reduced BP from 226/141
mm Hg to 162/100 mm Hg (28% reduction in systolic) at 16
hours. There were no precipitous falls in pressure, no patient
developed focal neurological signs, nor was heart failure precipitated by either form of treatment.17 Slow release nifedipine and
atenolol are used much less widely than before, though alternative dihydropyridines such as amlodipine or betablockers such
as bisoprolol are likely to be as effective. These patients should
Table 3
Phaeochromocytoma may occasionally present as a hypertensive emergency, although this is more often seen during
the perioperative period due to tumour handling/anaesthetic
agents. This can be minimised by use of alpha blockers for
at least 14 days prior to surgery and by titrating the dose in
order to achieve a normal target BP. A postural drop in BP is
further evidence of adequate alpha blockade in this setting.
A review of five follow-­
u p studies comparing phenoxybenzamine (non-­selective) and doxazosin (selective) alpha
blockade found that systolic pressure was slightly better
controlled with phenoxybenzamine, although with more
pronounced post operative hypotension and side effects,
namely postural hypotension, oedema and nasal stuffiness. 18
Phenoxybenzamine often had to be prescribed with a beta
blocker to control reflex tachycardia while patients taking
doxazosin received significantly more additional antihypertensive medication including calcium channel blockers and
ACE inhibitors. 18 Beta blockers, when given, should only
be prescribed after establishing adequate alpha blockade to
prevent unopposed alpha vasoconstriction. 4 Phaeochromocytoma crisis, when it occurs, is usually treated with intravenous phentolamine, a short acting non-­
s elective alpha
blocker. The recommended dose for intravenous use is 5 mg
by bolus injection with additional bolus doses every 10 min
as required to lower BP to target. Labetalol, which has more
beta than alpha blocking activity, may be associated with a
hypertensive response in phaeochromocytoma especially if
alpha blockade is insufficient and should not be used as the
initial therapy.9
The absence of target organ damage in patients with
SBP >180 mm Hg and/or DBP >110 mm Hg or <120 mm
Hg 13 defines a hypertensive urgency which is usually
managed by antihypertensive drugs given orally with the aim
Intravenous antihypertensive drugs for hypertensive emergencies
Mode of action
Onset and duration Usual dose range
Combined non-­selective beta-­
Onset 5–10 min
blocker and alpha-­1 blocker
Duration 3–6 hours
(intravenous beta-­to-­alpha blocking
ration 7:1)
10–20 mg intravenous bolus every 10 min or 2–4 mg/min Systolic heart failure
intravenous infusion until goal BP achieved, thereafter
second or third degree atrio-­
5–20 mg/hour, up to maximum 300 mg if required
(insufficient alpha blockade)
Mixed venous and arteriolar dilator Onset 3–5 min
with predominant venous effects
Duration 3–5 min
Initially 5 μg/min increasing by 5 μg/min every 3–5 min to Avoid if volume deplete
a maximum of 200 μg/min
Tolerance can limit usefulness
Vasodilating dihydropyridine
calcium channel blocker
Onset 5–15 min
Duration 1–4 hours
5 mg/hour intravenous for 15 min increasing by 2.5 mg/
hour every 5–15 min to max 15 mg/hour. Reduce
gradually when target BP achieved, usual maintenance
2–4 mg/hour.
Severe aortic stenosis
Acute coronary syndrome
(because of reflex tachycardia)
Ultra short acting cardio selective
betablocker used sometimes in
aortic dissection
Onset 1–2 min
Duration 10–30 min
Initially 0.5-­1 μg/kg/min over
1 min followed by 50 μg/kg/min infusion. Max infusion
rate 200 μg/kg/min
Systolic heart failure
second or third degree AV block
Non selective alpha blocker for
use in phaeochromocytoma
hypertensive crisis
Onset 1–2 min
Duration 10–30 min
Initially 5 mg intravenous bolus with additional bolus
doses every 10 min as required to lower BP to target
No contraindications though adverse
effects include tachycardias and chest
BP, blood pressure.
Jolly H, et al. Postgrad Med J 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899 on 20 October 2021. Downloaded from on February 28, 2022 at Sami Al-Nassar. Protected by
of achieving normotension over a period of days. 5 Hypertensive urgencies are essentially a diagnosis of exclusion in
patients with very elevated BPs who are otherwise well. They
may have headaches and non-­specific symptoms 7 but they
do not, by definition, have clinical or laboratory evidence
of target organ damage. Many will have stopped taking
their antihypertensive therapy and simply require this to be
restarted. 19 Breu and Axon5 then recommend that treatable
causes of hypertension should be assessed. In hospitalised
patients, these include missed or withheld doses of outpatient medications, pain, nausea, alcohol and/or benzodiazepine withdrawal, delirium and obstructive sleep apnoea.
If no immediately treatable cause can be found then
patients should be allowed to rest for 30 min before initiating or resuming antihypertensive medication. Grassi and
colleagues20 have shown in a study of 574 patients presenting
to ED with BP >180/110 mm Hg that 31% responded with
a fall in SBP >20 mmHg and/or a fall in DBP >10 mmHg
during 30 min of rest before receiving antihypertensive
drug therapy. Those whose BP remained >180/110 mm Hg
despite resting were randomly assigned to a single oral dose
of amlodipine 5 mg, perindopril 4 mg or labetalol 200 mg.
A favourable BP response (>20/10 mmHg as above) 2 hours
after drug administration was recorded in 71%, 76% and
84% of amlodipine, perindopril and labetalol patients,
respectively (p=NS).20 These findings suggest it does not
matter greatly whether a calcium channel blocker, ACE
inhibitor or beta blocker is given. Patients can usually be
discharged after a brief period of observation. These patients
then require careful follow-­u p either in secondary care or
in the community. A study by Patel and colleagues21 found
no difference in outcomes at 6 months if patients with SBP
≥180 mm Hg and/or DBP ≥110 mm Hg but no target organ
damage were treated in the community rather than referred
to hospital, reinforcing the view that such patients can and
should be managed in an ambulatory setting.
It has recently been suggested that the term ‘hypertensive
urgency’ may no longer be useful and possibly even harmful,
as aggressive dosing with oral agents that rapidly lower BP is
not without risk. 5 Because there is no evidence that treatment
of hypertensive patients without target organ damage should
be any different from those with asymptomatic uncontrolled
hypertension, a ESC position paper considers that it may be
preferable to abandon the term ‘hypertensive urgency’ and
only use hypertensive emergency to refer to those situations
where immediate treatment is required.4
Investigation of hypertension for a secondary cause generally reveals a small number of patients with treatable
disorders, of whom only a few will be cured by specific
intervention, and a moderate number with irreversible
disease who are at high risk of myocardial infarction and
stroke. 22 The more severe the hypertension the more likely
it is that an underlying cause will be identified. 23 Secondary
causes of hypertension, which are found in only 8%
patients with non-­m alignant hypertension attending a BP
clinic, 22 may be present in up to 40% patients with malignant hypertension. 8 24 Most will be due to an underlying
renal abnormality. 8 24 The prevalence of secondary hypertension among hypertensive emergencies other than malignant hypertension has been less studied, although screening
for an underlying cause is likely to be appropriate in most
cases given the severity of the hypertension. 25 Screening for
the conditions described below will generally take place
after antihypertensive treatment has been started. Routine
investigations including haemoglobin, urea and electrolytes
(U&E), urinalysis and ECG, together with examination of
the fundi for the presence of hypertensive retinopathy, are
all that are required before initiating therapy in patients
who present to the ED, primary care or outpatient clinic
with severe hypertension.
Renal vascular, renal parenchymal and endocrine causes
should be considered. U&E, urine dip for blood and protein,
spot urine for albumin or protein creatinine ratio and renal
ultrasound will identify most cases of underlying renal
disease. The presence of kidney injury can occur with the
malignant phase of essential hypertension, bilateral renovascular disease and glomerulonephritis including renal
vasculitis. Renovascular disease may be due to fibromuscular dysplasia, especially in younger women, but is more
commonly atherosclerotic affecting the main renal arteries.
Inequality of renal size on ultrasound suggests a renovascular cause and should lead to further investigation by CT
renal angiography or MR angiography, whereas significant
proteinuria and/or haematuria points to glomerular disease,
which can be confirmed by renal biopsy.25
The three most important endocrine causes of hypertension are phaeochromocytoma, Cushing’s syndrome and
primary aldosteronism (PA). Phaeochromocytoma is a rare
cause of hypertension. It usually presents with paroxysmal
or sustained hypertension and headache, less commonly
with the ‘classic triad’ of episodic headache, palpitations
and sweating. The diagnosis is confirmed or excluded by
measurement of urinary or plasma metanephrines. The clues
to cortisol excess in Cushing’s syndrome are hypertension
with central obesity, livid striae, easy bruising and proximal
myopathy. Cortisol excess can be excluded by suppression
of early morning plasma cortisol after an overnight (1 mg)
or low dose (4 mg over 2 days) dexamethasone suppression test. Appropriate alternative screening tests include
midnight salivary cortisol or 24 hours urinary free cortisol.
PA is now considered the most common cause of secondary
hypertension (approximately 10% of cases) although hypokalaemia, the biochemical clue to diagnosis, is only found in
up to 50% of cases. Screening for PA begins with assessment
of plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations: classically
plasma renin is low (and often undetectable) and plasma
aldosterone is inappropriately normal or high. Both Cushing’s syndrome and PA are more commonly associated with
resistant hypertension than with hypertensive emergency or
Obstructive sleep apnoea is a common cause of hypertension and a recently recognised cause of hypertensive crisis,
but is more commonly associated with hypertensive urgency
than emergency. 26 Medications and chemical substances
remain an under-­
a ppreciated cause of secondary hypertension. The list of drugs that can cause hypertension is
extensive and includes glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids,
non-­s teroidal anti-­inflammatory drugs, some antidepressant
drugs, cyclosporine, recombinant human erythropoietin
and many recreational drugs. 27 Drug-­induced BP increases
are usually small and transient though both hypertensive
urgency and emergency have been reported with cocaine and
amphetamines including methylated amphetamines (ecstasy)
in particular.27
Jolly H, et al. Postgrad Med J 2021;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899
Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/postgradmedj-2021-140899 on 20 October 2021. Downloaded from on February 28, 2022 at Sami Al-Nassar. Protected by
Research questions
Self-­assessment questions
►► Observation for longer periods before starting drug therapy
1. Which of the following are present or can occur in malignant
a. Bilateral retinal haemorrhages and exudates
b. Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
c. Secondary hyperaldosteronism
d. Hypertensive heart failure
e. Kidney injury
2. A patient is found by his general practitioner to have BP
220/116 mm Hg. Which of the following investigations should
form part of his initial assessment?
a. ECG
b. U&E
c. Aldosterone renin ratio
d. Urine PCR
e. Urine catecholamines
3. A patient with paroxysmal hypertension is found to have
raised urinary catecholamines. Which of the following would
you consider as first-­line treatment for her hypertension?
a. Bisoprolol
b. Amlodipine
c. Doxazosin
d. Ramipril
e. Phenoxybenzamine
4. Intravenous labetalol would be an appropriate choice as
initial treatment for which of the following hypertensive
a. Hypertensive encephalopathy
b. Uncomplicated malignant hypertension
c. Phaeochromocytoma crisis
d. Aortic dissection
e. Haemorrhagic stroke with severe hypertension
5. Blood pressure during the first hour of treatment in malignant
hypertension should be lowered by not more than
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 25%
d. 30%
e. 40%
in patients presenting to the Emergency Department with
SBP greater than 180mmHg and no evidence of target organ
►► Randomised trial of oral bisoprolol, ramipril and amlodipine
for patients with no target organ damage whose SBP remains
greater than 180mmHg despite at least 5 BP readings and at
least 60 minutes observation.
►► Randomised trial of oral bisoprolol, ramipril and amlodipine
as initial management of patients with uncomplicated
malignant hypertension.
Main messages
►► Hypertensive emergencies are distinguished from
hypertensive urgencies by the presence of clinical or
laboratory target organ damage.
►► The most common forms of target organ damage in
developed countries are pulmonary oedema/heart failure,
acute coronary syndrome, ischaemic and haemorrhagic
►► Hypertensive emergencies, with the notable exception of
uncomplicated malignant hypertension, require intravenous
antihypertensive medication which is most safely given in a
high dependency or intensive care setting.
►► It is our belief that hypertensive emergencies, except for
phaeochromocytoma crisis, can be managed safely and
effectively with one of intravenous labetalol, nitroglycerin or
►► Patients with hypertensive urgency are often treated with
medications that lower their blood pressure acutely, although
there is no evidence to support this practice.
Key references
1. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, et al. 2017 ACC/AHA/
guideline for the prevention, detection, evaluation, and
management of high blood pressure in adults: a report of the
American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association
Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Hypertension
2. Peixoto AJ. Acute severe hypertension. N Engl J Med
3. Williams B, Mancia G, Spiering W, et al. 2018 Practice
Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of
the European Society of Hypertension and the European
Society of Cardiology: ESH/ESC Task Force for the
Management of Arterial Hypertension. Eur Heart J 2018; 39;
4. Van den Born BH, Lip GYH, Brguljan-­Hitij J, et al. ESC Council
on hypertension position document on the management
of hypertensive emergencies. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc
Pharmacother 2019;5:37–46.
5. Breu AC, Axon RN. Acute treatment of hypertensive urgency. J
Hosp Med 2018;13:860–62.
Contributors CI had the idea and wrote the first draft; HJ conducted the survey of
Scottish hospitals; all three authors contributed to and approved the final version.
The corresponding author attests that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and
that no others meeting the criteria have been omitted.
Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Chris Isles http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0001-​7830-​7561
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True, true, true, true, true.
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True, false, false, true, true.
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