Subido por Christine Perez

Pluscuamperfecto exercise

Nombre: ______________________________ Per: ____ Fecha: miércoles, 11 de enero.
Pluscuamperfecto #3
A. Completa las oraciones siguientes con el pluscuamperfecto del verbo entre paréntesis
1. Uds ya ______ ________________(abrir) abierto la ventana cuando yo llegué. Had opened
2. Yo ya lo ________ ___________ (cubrir) con una manta, cuando me viste. Had covered
3. Creo que ellos ya_____ ________ (descubrir) otro planeta antes de publicarlo. Had discovered
4. Su perrito ya _______ ____________ (morir), cuando mamá regresó. Had died
5. El ya ______ _____________ (hacer) mucho trabajo, cuando papá preguntó. Had done
6. Nosotros ya se lo __________ ________________ (decir) muchas veces. Had said
7. Ella ya me _______ ________________ (escribir) dos cartas antes de mudarse. Had griten
B. Traduce al español. Looks like tomorrow’s quiz – not all are in past perfect.
1. You didn’t tell me that the party had started early.
2. We still hadn’t eaten yet when we saw Luis.
3. When we went to school yesterday, there was a policeman in our class.
4. ¿Had they studied Spanish before coming to PL?
5. She has already cleaned the house.
6. Before getting sick, Pablo and Luisa had eaten at McDonalds.
7. At 5:00 last night, you still hadn’t done your homework.
C. ¡Hubo un robo!
Oh no! Yesterday there was a robbery at the Bank of O.B. You were a witness and saw the person who robbed the bank. Draw the
suspect using at least 5 words from the lists below
Forma de la cara
El cabello
El cuerpo
Características singulares
Cara triangular
Pelo ondulado
Cuerpo gordo
Cara cuadrada
Pelo lacio
Cuerpo delgado
Cara redonda
Pelo rizado
Cuerpo hermoso
Lentes del sol
Cara ovalada
Cuerpo espantoso
Now talk to your partner to see what he/she saw. Take turns with your partner asking questions that you can only answer with “yes”
or “no.” Use the imperfect tense since you’re talking about what they looked like in the past.
Ejemplos: ¿Tenía la cara cuadrada? Llevaba anteojos? Era calvo? Cuando tu compañero dice “sí” a una de las preguntas,
escribe la palabra en uno de los blancos abajo.
1._______________ 2. _______________ 3. ________________ 4. ____________ 5._____________