07 Jul 2023 The Mewing Bible There are a lot of myths and misconceptions circulating on the internet about mewing: a technique that changes the face at the bone level. Therefore, as the author of the blog, who has unwittingly become one of the people who understands this and has applied it on himself, in this area in our space, I want to dispel these myths! There are 28 bones in our skull, connected by mobile sutures. The maxillae are two paired central facial bones that form the beauty of our face. As you can see in the image above, the maxilla is our upper jaw, which comes up just below the eye sockets. 07 Jul 2023 If this bone is depressed, the person has an elongated face with rounded eyes, nasolabial folds and a sad expression. When the maxilla is blocked backward, the mandible also blocks in that direction (usually, in this case, there will be crowding of the teeth on both dental arches, as they will not have enough space in the dentition). If the maxillae are raised and widened, it forms a beautiful face, namely: a more relaxed and confident look (since the eyeballs receive bony support from below). The soft tissues of the forehead relax, the face is filled out in its middle part, the cheekbones become higher (since the maxillae are directly close to the cheekbones), the distance between the upper lip and the nose is shortened, the upper lip is nicely fuller, and the smile becomes wide and beautiful. 07 Jul 2023 First, we must decide on the tip of the tongue. It must be located on the palate, 2 to 5 mm behind the front teeth. This is very important! If not, by putting your tongue on your front teeth, you can just pop them out (I saw an example from my brother, it was terrible, but I won't show them here so as not to scare you). And there's this area where the tip of the tongue should be located, in the indentation behind the front teeth - about here (indicated by a red arrow!). We do not press anything. The tip of our tongue at the point "on the papilla in the picture above" is absolutely relaxed. And now, with the tip of the tongue properly installed, we press about 30% of the body of our tongue on the palate 07 Jul 2023 Now comes the moment of swallowing. At the same time, your teeth are closed, but not compressed - that is, they are in very light contact. The second important point is that at the same time, your cheeks, neck muscles and the back of your head are relaxed. So, the tip of the tongue is in the right position on the palate, at the same time you have about 30% of the tongue body, the teeth are closed, but not compressed, they are only in light contact, all the muscles of the face, the muscles of the back of the head and the neck are relaxed. Swallow. Can you feel the powerful contractile movement of the deep throat muscles? That's right! MISTAKE 1 During swallowing with the correct position of the tongue in the palate, we only contract the deep muscles of the tongue, but all the muscles of the face are relaxed! This is especially true for the cheeks. Our buccal muscles are deep, large and powerful, they are attached to the lower and upper jaws, and in the front they are woven into the circular muscle of the mouth: 07 Jul 2023 Lifehack for the cheeks : 1) You can make a "cheese" smile with your lips gently closed - this will help you isolate the cheek muscles during swallowing with the correct position of the tongue on the roof of the mouth and feel the movement of the deep muscles of the tongue. But only say "cheese" for the first few days when you practice the movement, so that it doesn't become a habit for you! And then later on, you can get folds at the bottom of your lips! (my mother, by the way, almost fell for it! well, I saw it in time) 2) The case where it is useful to practice swallowing is with water, collecting the water by the cheeks. This will shut down the cheek muscles perfectly and give you a clear idea of which muscles need to work. 07 Jul 2023 07 Jul 2023 MISTAKE 2. Mewing with a palate too narrow. The case, in this case, can really be dangerous, because due to the overloading of the hyoid bone muscles, the small muscles under the occiput, which are connected to the lower jaw by a complex system of mutually tensioned muscles, are at risk. Important nerves and arteries pass through this area, the compression of which can be very influential on your well-being! But now we are talking about the cheeks. In this case, there is an overstressing of the muscles of the hyoid bone. And when these muscles are overstressed, the lower jaw is pulled backwards according to the domino effect, the masticatory muscles are overstressed - the jawbone moves upwards, and with it the lower jaw is blocked backwards. And here again, we can encounter the phenomenon of sagging cheeks and EXTRA SKIN under the chin! In the case of a narrow palate, I also advise stopping mewing for a while until the palate is widened to normal to avoid tension in the plane of the mandible - back of the head, as well as the neck. Here you have a choice of technique, but I recommend the inter oral faсepulling techniques. You should be aware that a palate that is too narrow can really affect both your well-being and aesthetic results. Maximum relaxation of the muscles of the face and neck, the absence of tension and the work of only the deep muscles of the tongue are the guarantee that the whole structure of your face evolves in the right direction, and your cheeks become attractively stretched. Mistake 3: Loss of Motivation and Lack of Consistency If you can't stay motivated, stay consistent. Motivation will be fleeting. It never provides the fuel you need to achieve your goals. Whatever the goal, whether it's aesthetic or not. Instead, what I advocate is that it becomes a lifestyle. You need to separate your emotions from your actions, no matter how you feel, you need to focus on the methods I have described. Even if you can't afford it, do it. How badly do you want it? Here are some methods I have used in the past to keep moving forward: 07 Jul 2023 - Edits of good looking people. - Anger towards those who are beautiful (That should be me) (they will will soon see). - Women and fulfilling relationships (of which I have many). - Community (find others who have the same goals as you, you can push each other. The point is, it doesn't matter where you come from, as long as you find ways to keep going when you don't want to, I have no doubt that you will make incredible progress. There were times when I had all the motivation in the world, you will too. Typically from good experiences. For example, every time a girl complimented me, I felt so good and so I tried to do even more. Next, I will describe the habits that you need to pay special attention to. Step 1 : Unlocking the body. Before you can change your face, you must unlock your body. The Most effective way to do this is to breathe. - Stand up and relax. - Breathe in a few times through your nose, slowly and smoothly. - Then breathe as deeply as you can into your chest. This should hurt a little to breathe. You should also feel some resistance/tension. This means that you are stuck. The pain will be sharp, but will lessen as you continue to do it - Repeat 10 times. - Do the same thing, breathe into your belly, as deeply as possible. - Relax your body completely, let the air find its way to the constriction, you will feel it opening. - Repeat 10 times - Do the same by breathing into your lower back and pelvis. - Repeat 10 times. 07 Jul 2023 After doing this often enough, you will reach a point where you can't feel any constrictions. They may come back for a few days, so keep doing this for a week. Understand that what you have just done is to open your body and allow your body to breathe much easier again. From now on, you should breathe with your whole body. Now that you do this, you will be activating the muscles needed to change your face. Breathe in deeply, you should feel your chest expand but also lift, as if the distance between your collarbones and your chin is decreasing. This is a good thing, it means you are activating the SCM muscles. If you activate these muscles correctly, you will get a dramatic result, you will start to feel tension in the back of your head, right on the occipital. This is the SCM pulling on your occipital from your collarbone. Now, to restart the psychic movement that causes your bones to rotate and move counterclockwise, you need to start with the occipital. Once the sutures around your occipital open, the sutures in the rest of your face will soon follow. This will result in pressure sensations in your jawbone, forehead and forehead and various other areas, in fact you may even get a headache. This is normal. In addition to this, you will notice that when you breathe in this way, your tongue will also feel like it's being pulled towards the back of your throat, which is exactly how the back third of the tongue should act. Because not only does the SCM muscle pull down on the occipital, but also the tongue, the combination of the two will bring a lot of pressure on the occipital. I'll talk more about this in a future chapter. FEELINGS: - Chest raising - Tension on the occipital, back of head - Tongue being pulled back into throat - After enough practice, you will begin to hear pops and cracks in your skull This means that it works, your skull opens. When your sutures are open, your tongue will be able to move the bones accordingly, and you will start to realize your genetic potential. 07 Jul 2023 THAT'S HOW MODELS WORK. That's why they are effortlessly beautiful. They breathe correctly, which leads to everything I just mentioned, 24/7/365. If you master this, you will be on autopilot for the rest of your life. Just remember these feelings, with every breath. Your body composition will also change, your body will start to be more symmetrical. It's like blowing up a balloon inside of you and it's taking shape. Focus on the sensations and understand that you are making progress. Always breathe through your nose. Step 2 This is the missing piece of the puzzle. I'm going to explain in detail why, so pay attention and read several times if necessary.To my surprise, I was shocked to find that the air we breathe in and out every day can not only affect our body posture but also completely shape the appearance of our face. It's crazy to think that something as weak and pathetic as air was capable of moving the ridged bones of our skull. Well, it's quite true in my experience. You see, as I keep mentioning, I always question these hair removal methods because it's a tinker in the grand scheme of things. In theory, we shouldn't have to do them. Why do we have to think about mewing? Why do we have to improve our body posture? When I know for a fact that the models in our world certainly don't do any of that. They simply exist and have flawless faces without even realizing it. Their habits are perfect and the results speak for themselves. Not only do they have unfathomable forward growth, but they also have amazing body posture and overall health. We should know, health and beauty are synonymous. WHY ? Why the F*CK are they naturally like this? We know HOW : it is due to the posture of the tongue, science seems very positive in this regard (although not proven). But how is it that they naturally live this way and the rest of us have to deal with it daily? It's all about breathing. 07 Jul 2023 You see, if you relax your whole body and breathe through your nose naturally your tongue will rise to the roof of your mouth. In addition to this, you will be working the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles in your neck, as well as many other muscles. Try taking a deep breath through your nose while relaxing. Try taking a deep breath through your nose while relaxing completely and see how your whole body seems to move. This is perfectly normal. This is how you are supposed to breathe. Your muscles are all supposed to breathe with you. The notation of diaphragmatic breathing is true in some cases, but not when it is our natural state. Each breath should be slow, deep and engage many muscles throughout the neck, chest, diaphragm and back... AND the tongue. This is the natural state natural, which is also why some people (models) are naturally beautiful. They are more able to function than we are. As DR. Mike Mew stated: “A good looking face is a better functioning face” And vice versa. To say that when you breathe correctly, mewing comes naturally. Your tongue will automatically rise to the roof of your mouth. Since breathing is a subconscious movement, this is the key to subconscious mewing. No tongue chewing, no habit, no memory, but the breath. Now, I know what you are thinking, "how can I get this breathing method naturally ?". In doing extensive research on the subject, I discovered that how we look has a lot more to do with our emotional state than we care to admit. Believe me. I'm the last person to believe all this crap, but it piqued my interest. There is no point in our emotions having a direct effect on our moods and our bodies, when you are genuinely sad, you feel it in your body. It's the same thing when you're nervous or when you're excited. If you can't make the connection, then you're probably a psychopath anyway. The point is that throughout your life, you will have events in your life that trigger an intense emotion in you, and then these will have a transactional effect on your body. If you have experienced something very traumatic or sad, you will show it in your body language. These emotions are trapped in your muscles, which makes you curl up and look still. You know it's true, sad people look sad, it's not a secret. 07 Jul 2023 When you are happy, you look good. The problem is that people never fully process these emotions/ What's going on? The constriction caused by that sad emotion will stay with them, locking them in and prevents them from breathing properly. You know what I mean when I say that your body posture and your face have a direct influence on each other. You can see now how mewing and chewing for years will have little or no effect if you are all locked up. Why? Because even if you make progress, your body is locked in, it will revert back to its original position, which means you will never be able to make and maintain good progress. All the decent transformations you've seen are either as a result of a lot of broken bones or the person was not seriously locked in. If your chest is locked, your SCM muscles will never fire properly when you breathe, which means they won't pull on your occipital properly. properly, which means you won't initiate the cyclic movement needed to change your face. Now that you also know that proper breathing involves the entire body, you can imagine that if you are blocked in many areas of your body, you are less likely to engage those muscles and therefore less likely to breathe properly. Imagine that if you are blocked in many areas of your body, you are less likely to engage those muscles and therefore less likely to breathe properly. So this affects the growth and appearance of your face. And how does this affect the structure of the face? As you probably know, the skull is full of sutures. These sutures are not fused, they must remain open to protect the skull in case of blunt trauma, which allows for some malleability. For the face to change, it must move, and for it to move, the sutures must open. How do the sutures open? By breathing properly. Step:3 The last mistake is the lack of load on our chewing muscles, because thanks to these muscles we can survive on food to live. And you will soon see how you can fix that... 07 Jul 2023