Tareas de la casa Study online at quizlet.com/_2evvqy 1. Barrer 6. Fregar el suelo To sweep 2. Cocinar To mop the floor 7. Fregar (o lavar) los platos To cook 3. Cortar el césped To wash the dishes 8. Hacer la cama To mow the lawn 4. Coser To make the bed 9. Lavar el coche To sew 5. Doblar la ropa To wash the car To fold the clothes 10. Limpiar el baño 14. Planchar la ropa To clean the bathroom 11. Limpiar los cristales To iron 15. Poner la lavadora To clean the windows 12. Pasar la aspiradora To do the laundry 16. Poner la mesa To vacuum 13. Pasear al perro To set the table To walk the dog 17. Quitar el polvo 21. Tareas de la casa To dust the furniture 18. Recoger la mesa Household chores 22. Tender la ropa To hang the clothes 23. Tirar la basura To clear the table 19. Regar las plantas To water the plants 20. Secar la ropa To dry off the clothes to take out the rubbish