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Band of Brothers Summary: WWII HBO Series

Band of brothers is a 2001 American HBO series which cuts to the advance of a World
War II American garrison throughout the French hinterlands until the conquest of Berlin
by this troops. Despite it’s not a typical Hollywood blockbuster it has a really outstanding
big names like Tom Hanks (Saving Private Ryan) and Steven Spielberg (Jurassic Park
saga) by which the series director needed to spend a big part of the budget production for
paying them.
The series kicks off with a group of soldiers called ‘Easy Company’ doing military
exercises to be fit and prepared for the launching of troops in the massive and most-everfamous World War II enterprise named D-day operation. When that day arrives the
company will have a lot of complications: the continuously shoots of the German
machineguns, the failure of the parachutes when they are coming down or the random
places that the soldiers of that company fall down.
In that foreign land the Easy company will head out not only all through the enemy lines
until conquering French villages and secure them but also wait for the arriving of the
tanks and supplies. To accomplish this kind of missions the soldiers will need to do their
utmost and straighten their bounds to survive and, sometimes, making irresponsible risktaking actions to save a soldier putting in risk all the engagements.