Subido por mayra.m.192011

Verb 'To Be' Interactive Speech Activity Plan

NAME : Daniel Vaca
DATE : 01-20-2024
Develop speech through INTERACTIVE STRATEGIES
Issue: Verb to be
Show a short video or listen to a song that highlights the use of the verb to be .
Analyze together how verbs are applied in the multimedia context.
Use the dynamic spider web
Development of activities
Discuss situations that involve emotions or moods.
Students express their emotions using the verb to be and describe personal traits.
Encourage interaction and exchange of opinions.
Students form pairs and interview each other.
Use questions that require the use of the verb to be.
Exchange results with the rest of the class.
Final step, the evaluation:
Recap of key points learned during class.
Assign homework that includes the application of the verb tobe in simple sentences in a
video indicating their activities in the afternoon after school and their daily life at home.
Share the video with your colleagues.