Subido por giordhy sarmiento


Every day except Sundays, I get up early to start my online classes. I usually prepare my breakfast before to attend my classes
well. I prefer to have them ready so as not to get distracted
Todos los días, excepto los domingos, me levanto temprano para comenzar mis clases en línea. Suelo preparar mi
desayuno antes para asistir bien a mis clases. Prefiero tenerlos listos para no distraerme
I enjoy watching action movies because they
are interesting and have a lot of adrenaline
throughout the duration of the movie. I liked it
a lot and I always remember the Fast and
Furious movies having shocking scenes. The
bad thing about the movie is that it has a lot of
fiction and little realism. I like the performance
of the actor Vin Diesel is one of the important
3 podría salir temprano del trabajo
Subjectt + verb + object
subject + verb (stative verbs-feelings / infinitve verbs -personal purpose) + verb _ing / to verb + object
I want....What do you want? I want to sleep
I like to eat chocolate ( habitual action) I like eating chocolate ( have fun )
what do you like? I like to eat / eating ice cream
what dio you like?
but I like reading technical sites related to my profesión
I hate texting people every minute
my friend likes reading books
I dislike to talk on the phone for a long time.