[ Diffuse Lung Disease Special Features ] Integration and Application of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Daniel-Costin Marinescu, MD; Ganesh Raghu, MD; Martine Remy-Jardin, MD; William D. Travis, MD; Ayodeji Adegunsoye, MD; Mary Beth Beasley, MD; Jonathan H. Chung, MD; Andrew Churg, MD; Vincent Cottin, MD; Ryoko Egashira, MD; Evans R. Fernández Pérez, MD; Yoshikazu Inoue, MD; Kerri A. Johannson, MD; Ella A. Kazerooni, MD; Yet H. Khor, MD; David A. Lynch, MD; Nestor L. Müller, MD; Jeffrey L. Myers, MD; Andrew G. Nicholson, MD; Sujeet Rajan, MD; Ryoko Saito-Koyama, MD; Lauren Troy, MD; Simon L. F. Walsh, MD; Athol U. Wells, MD; Marlies S. Wijsenbeek, MD; Joanne L. Wright, MD; and Christopher J. Ryerson, MD Recent clinical practice guidelines have addressed the diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (fHP). These disease-specific guidelines were developed independently, without clear direction on how to apply their respective recommendations concurrently within a single patient, where discrimination between these two fibrotic interstitial lung diseases represents a frequent diagnostic challenge. The objective of this review, created by an international group of experts, was to suggest a pragmatic approach on how to apply existing guidelines to distinguish IPF and fHP. Key clinical, radiologic, and pathologic features described in previous guidelines are integrated in a set of diagnostic algorithms, which then are placed in the broader context of multidisciplinary discussion to guide the generation of a consensus diagnosis. Although these algorithms necessarily reflect some uncertainty wherever strong evidence is lacking, they provide insight into the current approach favored by experts in the field based on currently available knowledge. The authors further identify priorities for future research to clarify ongoing uncertainties in the diagnosis of fibrotic interstitial lung diseases. CHEST 2022; 162(3):614-629 KEY WORDS: clinical practice guidelines; hypersensitivity pneumonitis; idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; multidisciplinary discussion; usual interstitial pneumonia ABBREVIATIONS: ALAT = Latin American Thoracic Association; ATS = American Thoracic Society; CTD-ILD = connective tissue disease-related interstitial lung disease; CPG = clinical practice guideline; fHP = fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis; FPF = familial pulmonary fibrosis; IA = inciting antigen; ILD = interstitial lung disease; IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; JRS = Japanese Respiratory Society; MDD = multidisciplinary discussion; NSIP = nonspecific interstitial pneumonia; UIP = usual interstitial pneumonia AFFILIATIONS: From the Department of Medicine (D.-C. M. and C. J. R.), the Department of Radiology (N. L. M.), University of British Columbia, the Department of Pathology (A. C.), Vancouver General Hospital, University of British Columbia, the Centre for Heart Lung Innovation (D.-C. M. and C. J. R.), St. Paul’s Hospital, the Department of Pathology (J. L. W.), St. Paul’s Hospital and University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, the Department of Medicine (K. A. J.), University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; the Center for Interstitial Lung Diseases (G. R.), Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, the Department of Pathology (W. D. T.), Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the Department of Pathology 614 Special Features (M. B. B.), Molecular and Cell-Based Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, the Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care (A. A.), Department of Medicine, the Department of Radiology (J. H. C.), University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine (E. R. F. P.), Department of Medicine, the Department of Radiology (D. A. L.), National Jewish Health, Denver, CO, the Departments of Radiology & Internal Medicine (E. A. K.), University of Michigan Medical School, the Department of Pathology (J. L. M.), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; the Department of Thoracic Imaging (M. R.-J.), Institut Coeur Poumon, Boulevard Jules Leclercq, Lille, the National Reference Center for Rare Pulmonary Diseases (V. C.), Louis Pradel Hospital, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Claude Bernard University Lyon, Lyon, France; the Department of Radiology (R. E.), Faculty of Medicine, Saga University, Saga, the Clinical Research Center (Y. I.), National Hospital Organization Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center, Osaka, the Department of Pathology (R. S.-K.), Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Miyagi, Japan; the Respiratory Research@Alfred (Y. H. K.), [ 162#3 CHEST SEPTEMBER 2022 ] Fibrotic interstitial lung disease (ILD) includes a variety of entities in which a precise diagnosis informs therapy and prognosis. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (fHP) are common distinct causes of ILD; however, these often have overlapping characteristics that make their separation one of the most challenging diagnostic dilemmas encountered by ILD clinicians.1 Nevertheless, the distinction between these two entities remains critical. In IPF, management centers on antifibrotic therapy, whereas antigen remediation represents a key initial intervention in fHP, commonly followed by immunosuppressive therapy that is harmful and should be avoided in IPF.2-9 Some patients with fHP also benefit from antifibrotic agents, but unlike IPF, this medication is considered secondarily in the setting of progressive disease.10 Although fHP historically has been associated with comparatively better outcomes, increasing evidence suggests that this entity may have similar rates of progression as IPF.11 The recent American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory Society/Japanese Respiratory Society (JRS)/ Latin American Thoracic Association (ALAT) guidelines for IPF and its 2022 update as well as both the ATS/JRS/ ALAT and CHEST guidelines for fHP describe the approach to these two conditions with carefully developed diagnostic algorithms5-8 but do not specify how these multiple algorithms should be applied within a single patient. The objective of this international working group was to develop a pragmatic approach that integrates current IPF and fHP guidelines in a manner that is applicable in a variety of clinical settings. The current work complements the evidence-based guidelines for these two distinct entities and does not replace or supersede them; it is intended to facilitate ILD Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine (Y. H. K.), Austin Health, Heidelberg, VIC, the Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine (L. T.), Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, NSW, Australia; the Department of Histopathology (A. G. N.), Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, the National Heart and Lung Institute (A. G. N. and S. L. F. W.), Imperial College, the Interstitial Lung Disease Unit (A. U. W.), Royal Brompton Hospital, London, England; the Department of Chest Medicine (S. R.), Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhatia Hospital, Mumbai, India; and the Center of Excellence for Interstitial Lung Diseases and Sarcoidosis (M. S. W.), Department of Respiratory Medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. CORRESPONDENCE TO: Daniel-Costin Marinescu, MD; email: daniel. marinescu@vch.ca Copyright Ó 2022 American College of Chest Physicians. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chest.2022.06.013 chestjournal.org diagnosis for the common clinical situation in which IPF and fHP are two leading diagnoses being considered. The review is structured around the clinical, radiologic, and pathologic assessment of fibrotic ILD, recognizing that these domains should be evaluated concurrently in a multidisciplinary discussion (MDD) and carefully integrated at multiple steps of the diagnostic process. Throughout this review, radiologic and pathologic patterns of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) and fHP are delineated carefully from corresponding clinical diagnoses of IPF and fHP, emphasizing that these radiologic and pathologic patterns frequently suggest these diseases, but also can occur in a variety of other diagnoses. Clinical Assessment Background Several clinical features are common to both IPF and fHP, whereas some can help to distinguish these two entities (Fig 1).5-7 Commonly shared features include dyspnea, cough, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and inspiratory crackles. Although originally described in IPF,12 it is also recognized increasingly that a family history of ILD and the presence of abnormal genetic biomarkers also occur in fHP.13 Similarly, features of airflow obstruction can occur in fHP because of airways involvement but can also occur in IPF because of concomitant emphysema in patients with an extensive smoking history. Clinical Features of IPF Features that favor a diagnosis of IPF include male sex, age older than 60 years, and a history of cigarette smoking.5 The likelihood of IPF further increases with increasing age and when features are seen in combination (eg, an older male smoker), representing a classic IPF clinical profile.14,15 Multivariate models incorporating key clinical features, often alongside important radiologic findings, may help to estimate the pretest probability of IPF in a more reproducible way and thus inform decisions on whether to pursue invasive investigations.16 Clinical Features of fHP In contrast to IPF, fHP lacks a clear age or sex predilection, and identification of a causative antigen is central to establishing a high pretest probability.6,7,17 Exposure assessment for fHP includes a comprehensive systematic history of both home and occupational exposures, ideally complemented by locally adapted 615 Favors IPF Favors fHP No known sex predominance Any age Smoker, former smoker, or nonsmoker Male predominance Older age (eg, > 60 y) Smoker or former smoker Demographics and smoking history Clinical/laboratory characteristics Seen in both IPF and fHP Family history and genetics Family history of fibrosis and/or predisposing genetic factors (eg, MUC5B, telomere biology disorders) Symptoms Dyspnea and cough Insidious onset (except acute exacerbation) Absence of symptoms to suggest multisystem disease Exposure history No identified antigen No identifiable or indeterminate antigen Potentially worsening with re-exposure Identified antigen May stabilize or improve with antigen avoidance Antigen Assessment Inspiratory squawks IA likelihood increased by: • Strength of association • Consistency of association • Temporality: Exposure parallels disease development/worsening • Dose response Consider: • IA likelihood in epidemiologic context (geography, climate, season) • Longitudinal and iterative IA assessment over time • Use of structured questionnaire Physical exam findings Inspiratory crackles Clubbing (may be more common in IPF) Physiologic features Restrictive ventilatory defect Obstructive or mixed pattern (eg, smoker in IPF, fHP) Laboratory findings Negative or only weakly positive autoimmune serologic findings BAL neutrophilia and absence of lymphocytosis BAL lymphocytosis Disease behavior Typically progressive over months to y May be stable and/or slowly progressive over y Pretest probability of clinical diagnosis of IPF or fHP IPF Classic IPF clinical profile Male, older age Smoker or former smoker Restrictive physiology No identifiable antigen fHP Indeterminate clinical profile, intermediate between IPF and fHP Overlapping and/or indeterminate features Classic fHP clinical profile Male or female of any age Smoker, former smoker or nonsmoker Restrictive physiologic features Inspiratory squawks Identifiable antigen exposure that temporally parallels disease Figure 1 – Diagram showing an approach to assessment of clinical features in patients with IPF, fHP, or both as primary diagnostic considerations in the absence of alternative causes (eg, after exclusion of connective tissue disease-related interstitial lung disease or inorganic exposures). fHP ¼ fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis; IA ¼ inhaled antigen; IPF ¼ idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. questionnaires,7,18 and possibly accompanied by serumspecific IgG testing in patients with an indeterminate exposure.7,19 Any exposure should be considered along a probability spectrum based on the strength of the identified antigen’s association with fHP, the intensity of the exposure, and the timing of exposure in relation to disease activity.7 The strength of an antigen’s association with fHP is driven by the frequency with which the disease actually develops in patients with the exposure. For example, birds and molds are well-established causes of fHP that should be regarded with high suspicion, whereas less robustly established exposures may have minimal impact on the pretest probability of fHP.18,20 The intensity of the exposure can be estimated through detailed history, with greater importance placed on exposures that have a greater likelihood of large amounts of aerosolized antigen (eg, living with a pet bird typically yields a higher-intensity exposure and greater suspicion than using down bedding). The timing of an exposure in relation to disease activity can be considered in terms of disease onset (ie, exposure predates disease), association of disease activity with periods of more intense exposure, and stabilization and occasionally improvement with exposure avoidance, recognizing that fHP can progress even after antigen remediation.7,18 Despite some patients with fHP having a clear exposure history, many patients with other ILDs also report 616 Special Features exposures without these identified as likely causative antigens,21 emphasizing that a potential exposure does not necessarily equate to a diagnosis of fHP and must be integrated with other features that can increase or decrease the likelihood of fHP. Conversely, a lack of exposure does not rule out fHP, with no clear identified antigen in approximately half of all patients.6,7 Lymphocytosis (especially > 30%) in BAL fluid increases the likelihood of fHP compared with IPF, but this finding may lack sensitivity in patients with more established fibrosis and may be less able to distinguish fHP from other non-IPF causes.22 Inspiratory squeaks on chest auscultation also are more suggestive of fHP.23 Similar to IPF, multivariate models predicting the likelihood of fHP have been developed, but these rely heavily on radiologic findings and generally include few clinical features apart from the presence or absence of a causative antigen, again highlighting the importance of exposure assessment.24-26 Proposed Integrated Approach Existing guidelines do not emphasize specific clinical phenotypes5-7; however, this is a common approach used by experienced clinicians. We propose approaching the clinical pretest probability of disease as described in Figure 1 when both IPF and fHP are prominent diagnostic considerations, using all available features to [ 162#3 CHEST SEPTEMBER 2022 ] form a clinical gestalt and ideally categorizing patients into a more distinct clinical phenotype that favors IPF, favors fHP, or is indeterminate. An indeterminate profile, where IPF and fHP are approximately equally likely, may emerge under a variety of conditions. This most commonly includes patients with overlapping features (eg, an older male smoker with a possible exposure) or features that are relatively indeterminate (eg, lacking distinguishing clinical findings of either IPF or fHP). Regardless of the clinical phenotype, it is critical that all features are contextualized and integrated with radiologic findings, which is especially helpful in the setting of an indeterminate clinical profile. Radiologic Assessment Background High-resolution CT imaging is a central and essential component of ILD classification. Although a radiologic UIP pattern frequently is associated with IPF, this pattern also may occur in other clinical diagnoses such as connective tissue disease and fHP, making distinction between these entities difficult on the basis of imaging alone.8 Conversely, although the presence of fibrosis and small airways abnormality is suggestive of fHP, these features can also be seen concurrently in other ILDs. This includes IPF, in which concomitant asthma, smoking, or gastroesophageal reflux disease can cause mosaic attenuation in a significant minority of patients,27-29 as well as connective tissue disease-related ILD (CTD-ILD) and particularly rheumatoid arthritis.30 This lack of specificity of both UIP and fHP radiologic patterns indicates the importance of considering these patterns within the clinical context. Radiologic Features of a UIP Pattern UIP is typified by basal-predominant subpleural reticulation, traction bronchiectasis, and honeycombing and is associated with a UIP pattern on histologic analysis in > 95% of patients (Fig 2A, 2B).5,8,31,32 Probable UIP shares the same features, but without the presence of honeycombing, and is also highly likely to be Figure 2 – High-resolution CT scan images showing examples of radiologic features relevant to identification of a usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern of fibrosis. A, B, Axial and coronal images of a typical UIP pattern showing basal and subpleural reticulation with honeycombing (arrows), defined by as few as two adjacent honeycomb cysts along the pleural surface or stacked on one another.31 C, D, Axial and coronal images of a probable UIP pattern showing basal and subpleural reticulation with traction bronchiectasis, but without honeycombing or considerable ground-glass opacity. Although honeycombing occasionally is challenging to identify and has some interreader variation,32 the impact of this difference on diagnosis is mitigated by both definite and probable UIP patterns being sufficient for a presumptive diagnosis of IPF without pathologic confirmation. chestjournal.org 617 associated with UIP on histologic analysis in patients with a high clinical likelihood of IPF (Fig 2C, 2D).8,33-35 Although UIP characteristically is basal and subpleural predominant,35,36 the distribution occasionally is nearly uniform from apex to base,8,36,37 which still may otherwise be consistent with UIP or probable UIP. Distributions that argue against UIP include the presence of peribronchovascular disease and sparing of the costophrenic angles; however, current IPF guidelines do not explicitly discuss how to consider these features, given the limited available evidence. An indeterminate pattern for UIP describes difficult cases in which substantial uncertainty exists, either because features are mild and not suggestive of a specific cause or because a mixture of features, distribution, or both exists that raises significant suspicion for another pattern (Fig 3A, 3B). For example, although predominantly peribronchovascular involvement suggests a pattern alternative to UIP, it is unclear whether minor peribronchovascular extension of subpleural fibrosis could still represent UIP, and some experts may categorize this as indeterminate for UIP (Fig 3C, 3D). Similarly, complete sparing of the extreme costophrenic angles is unlikely to represent UIP and favors fHP, but the interpretation of relative sparing of the costophrenic angles is more challenging and also might be categorized as indeterminate for UIP (Fig 3E, 3F). The alternative category for UIP encompasses two radiologic phenotypes. The first is characterized by the presence of features suggesting a different pattern from UIP (Fig 4A), such as nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP; eg, significant ground-glass opacity). The second phenotype still meets all criteria for a radiologic pattern of UIP but with additional superimposed features that suggest a clinical diagnosis other than IPF (Fig 4B-F). We propose that such patterns that otherwise still meet criteria for definite or probable UIP be classified as such, a practice that emphasizes the negative prognostic significance of a radiologic UIP pattern in non-IPF ILD. For example, CTD-ILD is suggested by the anterior Figure 3 – A, B, High-resolution CT scan patterns that may be classified as indeterminate for usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) include minimal disease where it is difficult to characterize specific features (A) and cases where ground-glass opacity and reticulation are present in relatively similar amounts (B). In addition, some challenging distributions in the setting of features otherwise consistent with UIP include (C-D) the presence of a minor peribronchovascular component of disease (thin arrows) and (E-F) relative sparing of the extreme costophrenic angles, where fibrosis is typically prominent in UIP. Although not explicitly addressed in the idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis guidelines, experts often categorize such cases as indeterminate for UIP. 618 Special Features [ 162#3 CHEST SEPTEMBER 2022 ] upper lobe, straight edge, or exuberant honeycombing signs,38,39 as well as a dilated esophagus and osseous erosions,40 whereas pleural plaques suggest asbestosis.41 Radiologic Features of an fHP Pattern Both guidelines addressing fHP emphasize that a radiologic pattern of fHP requires a combination of fibrosis and small airways abnormality, although minor differences exist between guidelines in the definitions of typical and compatible patterns of fHP.6,7 The most apparent disparity is in the distribution of disease. The ATS/JRS/ALAT guidelines emphasize a mid, mid and lower, or diffuse lung zone involvement in the craniocaudal axis as most typical of fHP, whereas the CHEST guidelines do not consider distribution and assign all forms of mosaic attenuation other than the three-density pattern to the less specific compatible category. Despite this difference, both guidelines agree that mid or upper lung predominance favors fHP compared with IPF,31,42-44 whereas a purely basal distribution does not rule out fHP. Additionally, diffuse involvement in the axial plane, or at least the presence of a distinct peribronchovascular component, is also suggestive of fHP. Given the lack of strong evidence, we propose a simplified approach to distribution comparable with the CHEST guidelines, emphasizing that distribution is less critical in determining a fHP pattern compared with signs of small airways abnormality. Small airways abnormality is the hallmark of fHP and is suggested by centrilobular nodularity or mosaic attenuation, a term that can encompass various combinations of hypoattenuating, preserved, and hyperattenuating lung lobules on inspiratory or expiratory imaging (Fig 5). Different forms of mosaic attenuation suggest fHP with varying degrees of sensitivity and specificity, leading to different levels of confidence in identifying an fHP pattern.45 The threedensity pattern (Fig 6A) is a special case of mosaic attenuation where hypoattenuating, normal, and hyperattenuating lobules are present in close proximity on inspiratory imaging. Both guidelines emphasize that Figure 4 – High-resolution CT scan images showing examples of patterns alternative to usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). A, This may be because of excessive ground-glass opacity exceeding reticulation, present outside areas of fibrosis, or both, recognizing that this also can represent a superimposed process such as infection or acute exacerbation on any other pattern. Although ancillary radiologic features suggestive of a non-idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis cause of disease also were categorized previously as an alternative to UIP, we suggest that such patterns that otherwise still meet criteria for definite or probable UIP are classified as such (eg, UIP with features suggesting connective tissue disease-related interstitial lung disease [CTD-ILD]). B-F, This includes instances of a dilated esophagus (arrow) (B) and exuberant honeycombing suggestive of CTD-ILD (C, D), as well as bilateral calcified pleural plaques (arrows) suggestive of asbestosis (E, F). chestjournal.org 619 Hypoattenuating Lobules Well-demarcated lobules of low-density lung surrounded by normal lung Normal (preserved) Lobules Hyperattenuating Lobules Well-demarcated lobules of normal density surrounded by low- or high-attenuation lobules Well-demarcated lobules of patchy GGO surrounded by normal lung Pathophysiology: Low-density due to hypoperfusion, airway disease, or both Constricted vessels Increase in attenuation on expiratory views or Pathophysiologic Findings: GGO suggesting infiltrative disease Airway disease Lack of normal increase in attenuation on expiratory views “Mosaic perfusion” “Air trapping” Hypoattenuating Lobules + Normal Mosaic attenuation Normal + Hyperattenuating Lobules Three-Density Sign = Hypoattenuating Lobules + Normal + Hyperattenuating Lobules Figure 5 – Diagram showing definitions of forms of mosaic attenuation, an umbrella term indicating a combination of hypoattenuating, normal, and/ or hyperattenuating lobules on high-resolution CT imaging. GGO ¼ ground-glass opacity. the three-density pattern and diffuse centrilobular nodularity are highly specific features of fHP when associated with fibrosis. Other forms of mosaic attenuation involve pairings of hypoattenuating, preserved, and hyperattenuating lung (Fig 6B-D), with these being less specific and not clearly standardized. The presence of hypoattenuating lobules on inspiratory imaging is often indeterminate as a sign of airways disease, and expiratory imaging is suggested to confirm air trapping. An increasing number of lobules involved in these patterns across three or more lobes increases the specificity for fHP at the expense of sensitivity, although this finding is based on a single study and requires validation.46 In the absence of a three-density pattern, the presence of mosaic attenuation in three lobules or more and five lobules or more in at least three lobes Figure 6 – High-resolution CT scan images showing examples of radiologic features relevant to identification of a fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis pattern of fibrosis. A, Three-density pattern showing ground-glass opacification (thin white arrows), lobules of low attenuation (thick black arrows), and normal-density lung parenchyma (thin black arrows) all coexisting within the same lobe. B, Lobules of hyperattenuating ground-glass opacification surrounded by normal lung (arrows). C, D, Hypoattenuating lobules suggestive of underlying air trapping alongside normal lung on inspiratory imaging (C), with subsequent lack of increased attenuation on expiration (arrows) (D), confirming the presence of air trapping. 620 Special Features [ 162#3 CHEST SEPTEMBER 2022 ] provides reasonable thresholds for compatible and typical patterns, respectively; however, this currently remains largely a research tool, and clinical assessment is typically more qualitative. Both guidelines also describe an indeterminate for fHP category that lacks any signs suggestive of small airways abnormality or other findings to suggest an alternative diagnosis. This category represents a collection of patterns, including UIP and NSIP, that may be associated with a clinical diagnosis of fHP, despite lacking more specific airways features.6,7 Proposed Integrated Approach The integrated approach to assessing the radiologic probability of IPF and fHP is shown in Figure 7, illustrating that imaging of these two diseases exists as a continuum rather than the discrete UIP and fHP patterns described in each of the guidelines. Imaging consistent with definite or probable UIP, in the appropriate clinical context, yields a high enough likelihood of a histopathologic UIP pattern such that further invasive testing is unnecessary. Imaging that is typical of or compatible with an fHP pattern can lead to a diagnosis of fHP but with the need to also consider a differential diagnosis of either CTD-ILD or IPF with obstructive airways disease, depending on the clinical context. The indeterminate radiologic pattern encompasses a variety of possibilities that are more likely to be clarified by histopathologic analysis, particularly when combined with an indeterminate clinical profile. Pathologic Assessment Background Lung biopsy has traditionally been sought to clarify the diagnosis in patients with contradictory or indeterminate clinical and radiologic findings. Surgical lung biopsy is commonly used to obtain lung tissue, although the less invasive transbronchial lung cryobiopsy is increasingly used and represents an acceptable alternative in experienced centers.8 However, high-confidence histologic diagnoses are made more often with surgical lung biopsy than with transbronchial lung cryobiopsy because larger biopsy samples are more likely to show diagnostic abnormalities.46-50 Similarly, the risk of sampling error and discordant histologic patterns from different biopsies indicate the importance of acquiring multiple biopsy samples.51,52 Given that Fibrosis on HRCT imaging Features inconsistent with UIP and fHP OR Features consistent with other fibrosing process Alternative to UIP & Alternative to fHP Favors UIP pattern Indeterminate features Favors fibrotic HP pattern Distribution • Craniocaudal: Basal predominant, occasionally diffuse, includes costophrenic angles • Axial: Subpleural predominant Fibrosis • Reticular pattern and traction bronchiectasis • Ground glass may be present, but is not the dominant feature Subtle reticulation not suggestive of a specific cause or suggestion of UIP pattern but with atypical features, including: • Presence of some peribronchovascular involvement • Relative sparing of extreme costophrenic angles • Extent of ground-glass opacity similar to that of reticulation Distribution • Could be variable, but: - Craniocaudal: Mid or upper lung zone is suggestive - Axial: Peribronchovascular involvement is suggestive Fibrosis • Reticular pattern and traction bronchiectasis • Honeycombing may be present but does not predominate AND Not enough signs of small airways disease to suggest fHP • Hypoattenuating lobules on inspiratory imaging suggestive of gas trapping, but without expiratory imaging to confirm • Few hypoattenuating or preserved lobules • No signs of small airways disease Absence of signs of small airways disease AND Consider non-IPF & non-fHP diagnoses, including: • Sarcoidosis • Silicosis • PPFE • Other AND Presence of signs of small airways disease Small airways signs High confidence Honeycombing present Moderate confidence Honeycombing absent UIP Probable UIP Radiologic pattern Likelihood of clinical diagnosis Additional major diagnostic considerations Moderate confidence High confidence • Hypoattenuating lobules on inspiratory imaging with gas trapping on expiratory imaging • Well-demarcated preserved lobules with intervening diffuse ground glass opacities • Three-density sign • Profuse poorly defined ground glass centrilobular nodules Indeterminate for UIP and fHP Typical of fHP fHP IPF UIP radiologic pattern commonly suggests IPF, but consider UIP radiologic pattern in non-IPF clinical diagnoses including: • CTD-ILD/IPAF: Exuberant honeycombing sign, anterior upper lobe sign, straight-edge sign, dilated esophagus, osseous erosions • fHP • Asbestosis: Bilateral pleural plaques Compatible with fHP Consider clinical diagnoses including: • Idiopathic NSIP, CTD-ILD/IPAF: Subpleural sparing, some peribronchovascular involvement • IPF (potentially with acute exacerbation) • fHP • Drug induced fHP radiologic pattern commonly suggests fHP, but consider fHP radiologic pattern in non-fHP clinical diagnoses including: • CTD-ILD/IPAF • IPF plus obstructive airways disease (eg, asthma, COPD) Figure 7 – Diagram showing an approach to assessment of radiologic features in patients with IPF, fHP, or both as primary diagnostic considerations. Individual imaging features are integrated and the overall pattern is evaluated as favoring UIP, favoring fHP, or indeterminate for both. The presence of specific features further separates high-confidence radiologic patterns as described in recent clinical practice guidelines (eg, UIP and typical of fHP), with the collection of features then informing the likelihood of a diagnosis of IPF and fHP across a diagnostic spectrum. Other features occasionally can suggest additional major diagnostic considerations, as shown at the bottom of the figure. Of note, fHP occasionally can have an imaging appearance of typical UIP on HRCT imaging, just as IPF sometimes can involve small airways signs, especially in the setting of extensive smoking and obstructive lung disease. CTD-ILD ¼ connective tissue disease-related interstitial lung disease; fHP ¼ fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis; HP ¼ hypersensitivity pneumonitis; HRCT ¼ high-resolution CT; NSIP ¼ nonspecific interstitial pneumonia; IPAF ¼ interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features; IPF ¼ idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; PPFE ¼ pleuroparenchymal fibroelastosis; UIP ¼ usual interstitial pneumonia. chestjournal.org 621 patient-specific risks and benefits should be weighed before deciding on proceeding with a biopsy and could guide the choice of biopsy technique, we make no suggestion regarding the method of obtaining lung tissue. Multiple studies suggest that molecular testing may also provide useful information for distinguishing UIP from other histologic patterns53,54; however, such testing has not been shown to distinguish the cause of UIP (eg, UIP resulting from IPF, CTD-ILD, or another diagnosis) and has not yet been endorsed by recent clinical practice guidelines.8 Pathologic Features of a UIP Pattern On histologic examination, UIP transitions sharply from less affected parenchyma to areas with patchy fibrosis consisting of paucicellular dense collagen, fibroblast foci, and architectural distortion, often with honeycombing, in a subpleural and paraseptal distribution (Fig 8A, 8B). Involvement is typically worse in the periphery of the lobule and spares the bronchovascular bundles; however, lobules may be overrun as disease progresses. In contrast to fibrotic NSIP, in which fibrosis predominantly follows the original alveolar walls, the fibrosis of UIP replaces the underlying lung architecture, either in the form of honeycombing or simply large areas of dense fibrosis. Fibroblast foci are small tufts of loose fibrosis consisting of myofibroblasts within a myxoid stroma that has few collagen fibers. Despite greater numbers of fibroblast foci per square centimeter in UIP compared with fHP pathologic patterns,55 no threshold is required to diagnose IPF in MDD, and too much overlap exists to support using the number of fibroblast foci as a diagnostic discriminator. In the appropriate clinical context, a pathologic pattern of UIP in the absence of any ancillary findings is suggestive of IPF, but is not specific. UIP suggestive of Figure 8 – Photomicrographs showing lung biopsy samples with examples of pathologic features relevant to identification of a usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern of fibrosis. A, UIP pathologic pattern in a patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) showing patchy paucicellular dense interstitial fibrosis, architectural distortion, honeycombing, and fibroblastic foci. The fibrosis has a subpleural and paraseptal distribution (thin arrows). Honeycombing consists of cystic remodelling of fibrotic lung parenchyma (thick arrows). The insert shows a fibroblastic focus consisting of a nodular collection of myofibroblasts within a myxoid stroma juxtaposed against a dense fibrotic scar. B, Early UIP in a patient with IPF. Fibrosis largely is confined to the periphery of the lobule (arrows). C, UIP pattern in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis showing patchy dense interstitial fibrosis and architectural distortion (arrows). D, Higher power in the same patient showing prominent lymphoid follicles and germinal centers (arrows). The insert shows that numerous plasma cells are present in the interstitial chronic inflammation. The lymphoid follicles and numerous plasma cells are suggestive of connective tissue disease-related interstitial lung disease, which correlates with the patient’s diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. 622 Special Features [ 162#3 CHEST SEPTEMBER 2022 ] IPF is distinct from a background pattern of UIP with superimposed findings that suggest a non-IPF cause. For example, lymphoid follicles with germinal centers, prominent chronic fibrous pleuritis, or both in the presence of UIP suggest underlying CTD-ILD (Fig 8C, 8D), whereas significant peribronchiolar involvement on a background of UIP suggests fHP. Pathologic Features of an fHP Pattern Identification of an fHP pattern on histologic examination is challenging because the background pattern of fibrosis may resemble UIP or fibrosing NSIP, may manifest as airway-centered fibrosis, or may have overlapping or unclassifiable features.56-59 Although some cases of fHP may be indistinguishable histologically from the pathologic UIP pattern of IPF, the presence of peribronchiolar fibrosis, peribronchiolar metaplasia, and granulomas are helpful in suggesting a clinical diagnosis of fHP over IPF (Fig 9A-C). These features, in combination with a background of chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia, are essential in defining typical fHP histologic findings in both hypersensitivity pneumonitis guidelines.6,7 Figure 9 – Photomicrographs showing lung biopsy samples with examples of pathologic features relevant to identification of a fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (fHP) pattern of fibrosis. A, Biopsy sample showing patchy paucicellular fibrosis causing architectural distortion (thin arrows) and in a subpleural and perilobular distribution, potentially in keeping with a usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pathologic pattern. However, one lobule shows prominent centrilobular fibrosis (thick arrow), an ancillary finding superimposed on a background of UIP that should raise suspicion of fHP. Imaging showed predominantly upper zone fibrosis with air trapping and was read as compatible with fHP, and the patient was assigned a clinical diagnosis of fHP. B, Biopsy sample showing bronchiolar fibrosis and a poorly formed granuloma in a patient with fHP. The bronchiole is replaced by a nodular fibrotic scar with moderate interstitial chronic inflammation (thick arrows). The peribronchiolar interstitium shows a small poorly formed nonnecrotizing granuloma (thin arrow). The insert shows a magnified view of the granuloma, which consists of a loose cluster of epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells. C, Peribronchiolar metaplasia (arrows) in a patient with fHP. This lesion consists of proliferation of bronchiolar epithelium along fibrotically thickened alveolar walls in the peribronchiolar lung parenchyma (arrows). When present in > 50% of bronchioles, peribronchiolar metaplasia favors fHP. D, In rare instances, fHP may manifest as pure bronchiolar disease without a background of fibrosis. This biopsy sample demonstrates multiple evenly distributed nodules of fibrosis corresponding to bronchiolar fibrosis (arrows). Mild to moderate chronic inflammation and minimal diffuse interstitial fibrosis are present. chestjournal.org 623 Peribronchiolar disease, with or without peribronchiolar metaplasia, may be the result of airway insults such as smoking or gastroesophageal reflux disease and can also occur in CTD-ILD; however, this finding on a background of fibrosing interstitial pneumonia should raise the possibility of fHP, particularly when > 50% of bronchioles are involved and show peribronchiolar metaplasia.55,60,61 Less frequently, fHP manifests as only peribronchiolar disease without fibrosing interstitial pneumonia (Fig 9D).62,63 Granulomas, which are typically peribronchiolar,64 are a major histologic feature of fHP and are classically described as small and poorly formed, although in some cases, only giant cells or Schaumann bodies may be present.57 The presence or absence of granulomas differentiates typical from compatible categories of fHP. Although helpful when present, giant cells or granulomas are frequently lacking in fHP and are occasionally present when a background UIP pattern is present.65-67 As such, no threshold exists for the number of granulomas required for the diagnosis of fHP in favor of IPF, and the finding of granulomas must be interpreted within the totality of the histologic findings. Bridging fibrosis is described as airway-centered fibrosis that spans bronchioles to the pleura or interlobular septa. Although this is included as a diagnostic feature of fHP in the ATS/JRS/ALAT guidelines,6 additional studies have shown that it also may be present in UIP. For this reason, bridging fibrosis is not included as a feature supporting fHP in the CHEST guidelines.7 Proposed Integrated Approach A key challenge is discriminating UIP suggestive of IPF from cases with a pathologic pattern of UIP with superimposed findings indicative of a non-IPF cause, including fHP. These two entities fall along a spectrum where the extent of ancillary features of fHP plays an important role in determining the final histologic pattern. Similar to the clinical and radiologic domains, this continuum may be separated into three categories in which UIP suggestive of IPF is favored, fHP is favored, or the histologic pattern is indeterminate (Fig 10); however, evidence to guide separation of these categories is limited. This is in part related to the absence of clear thresholds used to define any given feature, with the exception that peribronchiolar metaplasia in > 50% of bronchioles more reliably distinguishes fHP from UIP of IPF.55 Although Alternative diagnosis Fibrosis on biopsy Features inconsistent with IPF and fHP OR Features consistent with other fibrosing process Features suggesting IPF or fHP Indeterminate Favors UIP pattern UIP pattern • Dense fibrosis with architectural distortion • Patchy • Fibroblastic foci • Predominantly subpleural/paraseptal distribution Features favoring a pattern other than UIP of IPF or fibrosing process with features suggestive of UIP in setting other than IPF AND Not enough ancillary features of fHP AND Consider non-IPF & non-fHP diagnoses • CTD-ILD (eg, lymphoid follicles ± germinal centers, plasma cells > lymphocytes) • Drug reaction • Aspiration • Sarcoidosis • Other Favors fibrotic HP pattern A background of fibrosis (eg, UIP, fNSlP, difficult to classify) AND Ancillary features of fHP: • Predominantly peribronchiolar fibrosis OR • Peribronchiolar metaplasia > 50% of bronchioles OR • Poorly formed granuloma(s) No significant features of fHP OR Pure peribronchiolar fibrosis High confidence All features of UIP present Moderate confidence Some features of UIP present OR only honeycombing UIP Probable UIP Histopathologic pattern Likelihood of clinical diagnosis Additional major diagnostic considerations Indeterminate for UIP and fHP High confidence Poorly formed, nonnecrotizing granulomas Compatible with fHP Typical of fHP fHP IPF UIP pathologic pattern commonly suggests IPF if there are no ancillary features to suggest an alternative diagnosis, but it is important to consider: • CTD-ILD/IPAF: Associated lymphoid follicles ± germinal centres, plasma cells > lymphocytes • fHP • Asbestosis: Asbestos or ferruginous bodies Moderate confidence No granulomas Consider clinical diagnoses including: • CTD-ILD/IPAF: NSIP pattern, lymphoid follicles ± germinal centres, plasma cells > lymphocytes • IPF • fHP • Drug induced • Aspiration Features of peribronchiolar disease or granulomas commonly suggest fHP, but consider other clinical diagnoses including: • Drug induced • Aspiration • CTD-ILD/IPAF: lymphoid follicles ± germinal centres, plasma cells > lymphocytes Figure 10 – Diagram showing an approach to assessment of histopathologic features in patients with IPF, fHP, or both as primary diagnostic considerations. Individual pathologic features are integrated, and the overall pattern is evaluated as favoring UIP, favoring fHP, or indeterminate for both. The presence of specific features further separates high-confidence pathologic patterns as described in recent clinical practice guidelines (eg, UIP suggestive of IPF, typical of fHP), with the collection of features then informing the likelihood of a diagnosis of IPF and fHP across a diagnostic spectrum. Other features occasionally can suggest additional major diagnostic considerations, as shown at the bottom of the figure. CTD-ILD ¼ connective tissue disease-related interstitial lung disease; fHP ¼ fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis; fNSIP ¼ fibrotic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia; IPAF ¼ interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features; IPF ¼ idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; UIP ¼ usual interstitial pneumonia. 624 Special Features [ 162#3 CHEST SEPTEMBER 2022 ] occasionally clear cases of IPF and fHP can be identified on histologic analysis, many will show a pattern of UIP with a mild amount of peribronchiolar or granulomatous features that are difficult to classify. The indeterminate pathologic category represents a collection of miscellaneous biopsy samples that are difficult to classify. Such biopsy samples may show occasional foci of centrilobular fibrosis, rare granulomas or giant cells, very focal lymphoid hyperplasia, diffuse inflammation, or diffuse homogeneous fibrosis favoring fibrotic NSIP.5,68 Multidisciplinary Integration of Clinical, Radiologic, and Pathologic Features We suggest the integrated approach to the diagnosis of IPF and fHP shown in Figure 11 for patients with these two diagnoses as the primary considerations, highlighting the concept of an IPF-fHP diagnostic continuum based on diagnostic confidence. The initial evaluation involves mandatory clinical and radiologic assessments. Patients with a characteristic and concordant clinical profile and radiologic pattern typically do not require further evaluation to be provided with a confident diagnosis.5,7,8 Patients with discordant clinical and radiologic features or with indeterminate findings in at least one of these domains require careful consideration of all available information by a group of experts.69 Conflicting findings and exceptions are commonly identified during clinical and radiologic evaluation, which emphasizes the need for regular MDD in all but the clearest cases. Of note, familial pulmonary fibrosis often manifests with atypical clinical and radiologic findings (eg, younger age, indeterminate imaging pattern)70 but does not constitute a specific clinical diagnosis and requires special attention and an attempt to classify patients according to defined ILD subtypes. Integration of clinical and radiologic features in MDD frequently involves assigning relative weights to each domain considered, with this process providing a leading diagnosis and confidence level.71 A moderate or high confidence, often defined as $ 70% confidence, is considered a key threshold where a Clinical Assessment IPF clinical profile Indeterminate profile fHP clinical profile Radiological Assessment Favors IPF (UIP or Probable UIP pattern) Indeterminate for IPF and fHP Favors fHP (Typical or Compatible fHP pattern) Multidisciplinary Discussion: Consensus diagnosis and confidence Moderate, or high confidence diagnosis of IPF Moderate, or high confidence diagnosis of fHP Indeterminate Consider other diagnostic testing Pathologic Assessment (if appropriate) Indeterminate for IPF and fHP Favors IPF Favors fHP Multidisciplinary Discussion: Consensus diagnosis and confidence Low, moderate, or high confidence diagnosis of IPF IPF Low, moderate, or high confidence diagnosis of fHP Unclassifiable ILD OR Diagnosis alternative to both IPF and fHP fHP Figure 11 – Diagram showing an integrated multidisciplinary approach to assessment of patients with IPF, fHP, or both as primary diagnostic considerations. The clinical profile and radiologic pattern are combined in multidisciplinary discussion to generate a leading diagnosis and diagnostic confidence. Patients with clear and concordant clinical profile and radiologic pattern may not require a full multidisciplinary discussion (MDD) to secure a confident diagnosis. In indeterminate cases with a low-confidence diagnosis or unclassifiable disease despite MDD, the need for and safety of additional invasive diagnostic testing such as surgical lung biopsy should be considered. When a pathologic specimen is obtained, MDD is repeated to combine the clinical-radiologic profile with pathologic findings so as to arrive at a final diagnosis, which should be revisited further as long-term information becomes available during subsequent follow-up. Indeterminate cases where pathologic assessment is unsafe or not possible may be assigned a low-confidence diagnosis to guide management or otherwise are labelled as unclassifiable. fHP ¼ fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis; ILD ¼ interstitial lung disease; IPF ¼ idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; UIP ¼ usual interstitial pneumonia. chestjournal.org 625 TABLE 1 ] Areas of Priority for Future Research on the Diagnosis of IPF and fHP Uncertainties in guideline-defined features, phenotypes, and patterns and their outcomes Clinical domain Develop, validate, and disseminate standardized exposure assessment tools Determine usefulness of common clinical features in distinguishing IPF and fHP, with integration of features in validated clinical prediction models Radiologic domain Determine usefulness of nonclassical distributions in predicting histopathologic findings: (a) Diffuse craniocaudal involvement (b) Minor peribronchovascular in addition to predominant subpleural involvement (c) Relative costophrenic angle sparing or tapering of disease Validate specific thresholds of small airways signs that characterize an fHP pattern Re-evaluate how to categorize radiologic UIP in the setting of superimposed features suggesting a non-IPF diagnosis Identify radiologic features most strongly associated with UIP and typical fHP patterns Assess the association of UIP and fHP guideline-defined radiologic patterns with the final clinical diagnosis Identify radiologic features and patterns that predict prognosis and response to therapy in IPF and fHP Pathologic domain Evaluate the clinical usefulness of ancillary findings that distinguish IPF from other causes of UIP Determine the accuracy of TBLC in distinguishing fHP from UIP Evaluate and validate clinical and radiologic factors that predict an informative surgical biopsy Identify pathologic features most associated with UIP and typical fHP patterns Assess the association of UIP and fHP guideline-defined pathologic patterns with final clinical diagnosis Identify pathologic features and patterns that predict prognosis and response to antifibrotic or immunomodulatory therapy, or both Overarching ILD framework and comprehensive diagnostic algorithm Explore novel ways to classify ILD subtypes based on underlying biological features and anticipated response to therapy Develop clear terminology that distinguishes radiologic and histopathologic patterns (eg, UIP) from clinical diagnoses (eg, IPF) Define radiologic and pathologic features typifying an NSIP pattern Integrate other common patterns (eg, NSIP) and fibrotic ILD diagnoses (eg, CTD-ILD) within a pragmatic and comprehensive diagnostic algorithm alongside IPF and fHP Develop and validate comprehensive multivariate models incorporating clinical and radiologic data to classify IPF, fHP, and other fibrotic ILDs accurately and reproducibly Incorporate genetic information in the classification and management of fibrotic ILD Role of advanced diagnostic techniques Further investigate genetic, serum, and bronchoalveolar biomarkers Evaluate the ability of molecular or genetic testing to distinguish clinical diagnoses and potential pharmacotherapies of IPF, fHP, and other fibrotic ILDs Further validate optical coherence tomography for its ability to distinguish various pathologic patterns Evaluate the ability of machine learning algorithms to distinguish radiologic and pathologic patterns, as well as to explore novel informative ways to classify ILD subtypes fHP ¼ fibrotic hypersensitivity pneumonitis; ILD ¼ interstitial lung disease; IPF ¼ idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; NSIP ¼ nonspecific interstitial pneumonia; TBCL ¼ transbronchial lung cryobiopsy; UIP ¼ usual interstitial pneumonia. diagnosis can be secured and pharmacotherapy initiated without need for further testing.72 Additional information may be sought in appropriately selected patients whose disease remains unclassifiable or whose findings have low diagnostic confidence and for whom obtaining a more definite diagnosis will have 626 Special Features therapeutic implications. This has traditionally involved surgical lung biopsy, ideally performed within 73 experienced centers. Repeat MDD then allows incorporation of pathologic data that typically offers important insight into the underlying biology and cause of the fibrotic process, recognizing that this information still must be considered in the context of clinical and [ 162#3 CHEST SEPTEMBER 2022 ] radiologic findings even in highly suggestive pathologic patterns, given the possibility of various patterns existing in multiple disease entities. Even when pathologic analysis is sought, in approximately 10% of all patients with fibrotic ILD, the disease remains unclassifiable,74 and others may receive a diagnosis alternative to both IPF and fHP. In cases of unclassifiable disease, additional findings and longitudinal disease behavior may be incorporated over time to inform the diagnosis, highlighting that multidisciplinary assessment is a longterm and iterative process. Acknowledgments Funding/support: The authors have reported to CHEST that no funding was received for this study. Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: None declared. References 1. Walsh SLF, Wells AU, Desai SR, et al. Multicentre evaluation of multidisciplinary team meeting agreement on diagnosis in diffuse parenchymal lung disease: a case-cohort study. Lancet Respir Med. 2016;4:557-565. 2. Richeldi L, du Bois RM, Raghu G, et al. Efficacy and safety of nintedanib in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. N Engl J Med. 2014;370: 2071-2082. 3. King TE Jr, Bradford WZ, Castro-Bernardini S, et al. A phase 3 trial of pirfenidone in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. N Engl J Med. 2014;370:2083-2092. Future Directions The above algorithms rely on an imperfect diagnostic framework focused on UIP and fHP patterns, where uncertainty and inconsistency may exist in distinguishing specific features and guideline-defined categories. 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