EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 0400 5 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510004 00 5 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Numerical Solutions of Schõn-Klasens model for luminescence efficiency Erdem Uzuna and Mehmet Emin Korkmaz Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Faculty of Kamil Ozdag Science, Department of Physics, 70100, Karaman, Turkey Abstract. Phosphors exhibit luminescence following irradiation and the absorption of energy depends upon the relative probabilities of the radiative and non-radiative transitions. In general, the luminescence efficiency of a phosphor is related to the probability of a luminescence transitions and probability of a non-radiative transitions. Several experimental measurements of the luminescence efficiency have shown it to be strong temperature dependent over given temperature ranges. In literature, Schõn-Klasens model has been offered to explain the temperature dependence of luminescence efficiency. In this study, theoretical basis and some numerical Solutions of the model was discussed. The brief information about mathematical principies of the model was given and differential equations expressing the charge carrier transitions were derived. Numerical Solutions of the equations were performed by using Mathematica 8.0 Computer code. All the analysed parameters were chosen realistically. According to the simulations, glow curves intensities were decreased by the appropriate pe and qi, ratio. 1 Introduction A number of models are available in the literature for the explanation of the thermoluminescence (TL) event. The theoretical explanation of TL is based on the electron band theory of an insulating or semiconducting solid. It consists of a set of localized energy leveis in the forbidden band, which arises due the presence of impurities and other point defects. The energy leveis act as traps and recombination centres in the TL process [15]. All TL phenomena are govemed by the process of the electron hole recombination. It should be noted that rather complex processes are taking place in the traffic of charge carrier between trapping States and luminescent recombination centres. Almost all of TL models have been based on the consideration of charge release from electron trap only. In this paper, we assumed that not only electrons but also holes are mobile in the same temperature interval. The model introduced originally by Schon and colleagues [6,7] and used by Klasens [8]. According to the model holes also contribute to TL emitting like electrons. Fig. 1 show that energy leveis, charge carrier transitions and related parameters suggested by the Schõn-Klasens model [4]. According to the model charge carrier traffic are given in Eq.1-4. The 4 equations set also describe the simultaneous release of holes during the thermal stimulation of the trapped electrons [1-4]. dn/dt=-se n cxp(-Ee/k T)+Ate nc (N-n)-Arh nv n (1) dnc/dt=sen exp(-Ee/k T)-Ate nc (N-n)-Are nc m (2) dm/dt=-.s,m exp(-Eh/k T)+Ath nv (M-m)-Are nc m (3) dnJdt=s\, m exp(-Eh/k T)-Ath nv (M-m)-Arh nv n a (4) , ValanceBand , „ , Figure 1. Generalized energy leveis scheme and allowed transitions for Schon - Klasens model [4]. In here, the instantaneous concentration of electrons in the conduction band is denoted by nc (m“3) and that of holes in the valence band by nv (m“3) respectively. N (m“3) denotes here the total concentration of electron trapping States which is a constant and n (m“3) the instantaneous concentration of filled electrons trap which is a variable. Ee (eV) and Se (s-1) are the activation energy and frequency factor of the electron trap, respectively, k is the Boltzmann constant (eV K -1) and Ate (m3 s-1) is the trapping (re-trapping during heating) probability of electrons from the conduction band. M (m“3) denotes here the total concentration of hole trapping States which is a constant and m (m“3) the instantaneous concentration of filled holes trap which is a variable. Eh (eV) and Sh (s-1) are the activation energy and frequency factor of the hole trap, respectively. Ath (m3 s-1) is the probability of capturing hole in M, whereas Are (m3 s-1) is the recombination probability of free electrons with captured holes. Arh (m3s-1) is the recombination probability of free holes with captured electrons in electron trap. At the same time, the equations to keep to the right neutralization condition expressed inEq5. Corresponding author: erdemuzun@kmu.edu.tr Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510004005 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences dn/dt+ dnc/dt= dm/dt+ dn/dt (5) curve are the same for the given trap parameters in Table 1. If all recombination events are radiative and produce photons and all photons are detected, TL glow curve is expressed byEq.6. [1-4]. ITL= ^ellLn +^hlTLh (6) For the equations set approximate Solutions were given by Brâunlich and Scharmann [9]. These authors considered four extreme cases, involving the rates of electron and hole retrapping and their comparison with the corresponding recombination rates. The model also solved numerically by Mckeever et.al. [10] without any of the assumptions of the Brâunlich and Scharmann and reached the same conclusions. In addition to these the model was solved numerically by Uzun [11] for various trapping and recombination probabilities. Figure 2. Thermoluminescence intensity comes from only electrons (black line), holes (red line) and glow curve (green line) Table 1. Trap parameters for Fig.2 2 Methodology In this study, we assumed that material irradiated before heating stage and has electrons in electron trap (n.,) and holes in hole trap (mo). In this case it is important assumption that there are not any charge carriers in the conduction and valence bands. This is followed by a heating stage. During this stage M and N are assumed to be rather far from the valence band and conduction band, respectively. Electrons from N may be thermally released into the conduction band and then either retrap in N or recombine with holes in M. At the same time holes from M may be thermally released into the valence band and then either re-trap in M or recombine with electrons in N. For a given set of trapping parameters, differential equations goveming the process during the excitation stage were numerically solved by using a special code in the Mathematica 8.0 [12] Computer program with an explicit Runge-Kutta method [13]. During the Solutions temperature was changing with a constant heating rate (0) and therefore instantaneous temperature is expressed by Eq. 7. T= To + p t (7) Where To is the initial temperature at the beginning of heating stage and t is the time (s). Both recombination into N and M are considered to be radiative, but separable. Thus, the intensity in photons per m3 per second of one spectral component of TL is proportional to the rate of change of N, i.e. Eq. 1 and the second spectral component is assumed to be proportional to the rate of change of M, namely, Eq. 3. The shape, position and intensity of the glow curve are related to a various trapping parameters of the trapping States responsible for the TL emission. 3 Results Thermoluminescence intensities come from only electrons and only holes movement were determined and glow curve was calculated. Results are given in Fig. 2 and parameters used in the simulations were given in Table 1. It can be seen from the Fig. 2 that contributions of the electrons and holes on glow The effect of the radiative recombination ratios of the electrons and holes on glow curves are show in Fig.3-5. Trap parameters used in the simulations were given in Table 2. Parameters Values Ee=Eh (eV) 1.00 Se=Sh (s' 1) 1012 M=N (cm'3) IO10 m=n (cm'3) IO10 Ate=Ath 10'9 Are=Arh 10'7 1.00 Figure 3.rpContributions different values. of the electrons on glow curve for 04005-p.2 TESNAT 2015 Figure 6. The effect ofthe rp on IM. Maximum intensities of the glow curve, electron and hole contributions are shown as black triangle, red and blue circles, respectively. Figure 4. Contributions ofthe holes on glow curve for different rp, values. According to simulations; i. When Ee=Eh and Pe^Ph, glow curve is shaped by both electrons and holes movement. In addition to this, contributions of them to glow curve are the same ratios. ii. When Ee=Eh and ne>Ph, glow curve shaped by both electrons and holes movement. But in this case contribution of electrons is bigger than holes depending on pe/ph ratio. iii. When ph=0, glow curve is shaped by only electrons. iv. When qe=0, glow curve is shaped by only holes. v. When qe=l, it means that all electron-hole (electron is mobile and hole is still) recombination are radiative and vice versa if pe=0. References TfC) Figure 5. Glow curves for different rp values. Table 2. Trap parameters for Fig.3-5. Parameters Values 1 1.00-0 The effect of the radiative recombination ratios of the electrons and holes on maximum thermoluminescence intensities of the glow curves are show in Fig.6. 4Conclusions In this study Schõn-Klasens model has been solved by numerically. In the Solutions and ph parameters were chosen as variables and others were constant. By using these parameters, Eq.l to Eq.6 are solved by numerically but no simplifying assumptions had been made. Simulations show that according to Schõn-Klasens model, in which electron and hole can be released by thermally, thermoluminescence glow curve is shaped by charge carrier movement resulting recombination. This 1. R. Chen, S.W.S. McKeever. Theory of Thermoluminescence and Related Phenomena (Word Scientifíc, Singapore, 1997) 2. R. Chen, D.J. Lockwood, J. Electrochem. Soc., 149 9 (2002) 3. C. Furetta, Handbook of Thermoluminescence (Word Scientifíc, New Jersey, 2003) 4. S.W.S. Mckeever, R.Chen, Rad. Meas., 27 5/6 (1997) 5. S.W.S. McKeever, Thermoluminescence of Solids (CambridgeUniversityPress, London, 1985) 6. N. Riehl, M. Schon, Z. PhysikA, 114, 11-12 (1939) 7. M. Schon, Z. Physik A, 119, 7-8 (1942) 8. H.A. Klasens, Nature, 158 (1946) 9. P. Brâunlich, A. Scharmann, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 18 (1966) 10. S.W.S. Mckeever, et al., Phys. Rev. B, 32 6 (1985) 11. E.Uzun,JCBPSC,5 2 (2015) 12. Wolfram Mathematica 8, Wolfram Research Inc., Version Number, Platform Microsoft Windows(64), Registered Org: Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University. 13. https://reference.wolfram.com/language/tutorial/NDS olveExplicitRungeKutta.html process is different from the other models’ process because, now hole is not a stable charge carrier. 04005-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 04003 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510004003 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Parameters affecting of Akkuyu's safety assessment for severe core damages Yusuf Kavun1'2'a and Muzaffer Karasulu3 1, 2 3 Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Art and Science, Department of Physics, 45030, Manisa, Turkey Akdeniz University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, 07058, Antalya, Turkey Akdeniz University, Faculty of Science, Department of Space Science and Technologies, Antalya, Turkey Abstract. We have looked at all past core meltdowns (Three Mile Island, Chemobyl and Fukushima incidents) and postulated the fourth one might be taking place in the future most probably in a newly built reactors anywhere of the earth in any type of NPP. The probability of this observation is high considering the nature of the machine and human interaction. Operation experience is a very significant parameter as well as the safety culture of the host nation. The concems is notjust a lack of experience with industry with the new comers, but also the infrastructure and established institutions who will be dealing with the Emergencies. Lack of trained and educated Emergency Response Organizations (ERO) is a major concem. The culture on simple fire drills even makes the difference when a severe condition occurs in the industry. The study assumes the fourth event will be taking place at the Akkuyu NGS and works backwards as required by the "what went wrong " scenarios and comes up with interesting results. The differences studied in depth to determine the impact to the severe accidents. The all four design have now core catchers. We have looked at the operator errors(like in TMI); Operator errors combined with design deficiencies(like in Chemobyl) and natural disasters( like in Fukushima) and found operator errors to be more probable event on the Akkuyu's postulated next incident. With respect to experiences of the operators we do not have any data except for long and successful operating history of the Soviet design reactors up until the Chemobyl incident. Since the Akkuyu will be built, own and operated by the Russians we have found no alarming concems at the moment. At the moment, there is no body be able to operate those units in Turkey. Turkey is planning to build the required manpower during the transition period. The resolution of the observed parameters lies to work and educate, train of the host nation and exercise together. 1. Introduction Conceivable accidents in a Light Water Reactor can be classifíed as, a) Abnormal Operational Transients; b) Design Basis Accidents; and c) Severe accidents. It is expected that a substantial core damage occurs if not mitigated, material release into the containment may cause over-pressurization and breach of the containment. The severe accident may result in release of fission products to the environment beyond the acceptable limits of known standards (10CFR100) [1]. When it happens you may have a mess in operational peoples hand and requires special training and cultural behavior to deal with it. This requires long training and behavioral attitudes on adherence to procedures to follow, selection and performing the most appropriate action require long training hours workload share among the peers and safety culture of the organization build over the time with several exercises. Levei of degradation during severe accidents usually refer to operating crew work habits and control room environment during the accident management while trying to put plant under recovery operation with suffícient enough core cooling water to keep core covered, if the mitigating measures are not effective, a severe accident progresses in the following stages. Three Mile Island (TMI) occurred following the loss of 125-V DC bus 32 followed by an operator error causing total loss of Auxiliary Feed Water (AFW) [6]. The initial abnormal event progressed into a severe accident due to lack of design knowledge by the operators which a caused a wrong decision on defeating the AFW as to not fill the pressurizer. At the time the industry believed that a severe accident was not credible. Since then, there have been many improvements to the safety systems, operations, procedures, control room environment, education and fínally On The Job (OTJ) in the nuclear technology. However, severe accidents should not be entirely discounted not just its probability is not zero but it involves a complex technology plus the human factor In other words, does not matter how fast can the machine (Lamborghini) goes but the driver may not be ready. There have been several analysis and many methodologies on severe accidents that based on several well-known phenomena. Such as; Core, RCS (Reactor Coolant System), Steam Generator (SG) phenomena must be mustered [7]. The summary of these phenomena will be provided in section 2 and operators’ safety culture as well as entire organization’s attitude towards safety and the established safety culture plays enormous roll in accident evaluation, operator training must require to be revisited. In this paper we studied all the phenomena but particularly SG phenomenon, because of the design differences among the subject existing PWRs fírst [8]; Then, we combined the human factor to all of these to conclude that the new comers in the technology with a horizontal SG designs may require to be more attendant in increased probabilities of severe accidents. Different cultures have shown different behaviors during severe accident conditions on any operations [5]. Carvalho, and Corresponding author : yusufkavun@gmail.com Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510004003 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences his co-workers claim that human factor is culturally differs under conditions depending of their behavior under the pressured situation [3]. They were investigated cultural and cognitive issues related to the work of nuclear power plant operators during their time on the job, in the control room, and during simulator training (emergency situations), in order to show how these issues impact on plant safety. They have modeled the operators’ behavior, their work deals with the use of operational procedures, the constant changes in the focus of attention and the dynamics of the conflicting activities. They have observed that the safety implications of the control room operators’ cognitive and cultural issues go far beyond the formal organizational structures usually implied. They have found that that the competence required for the operators are concemed with developing the possibility of constructing situation awareness, managing conflicts, gaps and time problems created by ongoing task procedures, and dealing with distractions, developing skills for collaborative work. These are all both developmental, psychological and degree of training and knowledge accumulation by the control room staff. providing small amount of water to the core may only aggravate the oxidation process rather than cool the core. The water flow rate must be high enough to accomplish the compensate for decay power and oxidation, remove stored energy in the reactor core due to elevated temperatures in an uncovered core and refíll the vessel. The require flow rate to cool down an uncovered core and refíll the vessel is shown in the Fig. 1 as three regions. Figure 1: Minimum water injection rate required to recover the water levei after the core is uncovered (SAG-2, CA-1) [9]. 2. Methodology and analysis The reactor core, coolant system and steam generator phenomena were studied to explain to the structure of the durability and strength. Energy sources, core uncover, melting and relocation are important to RC phenomena. As a result of decay power, some físsion products can be gas form after shutdown and thus decreases exponentially as if function of duration. Zr and Stainless Steel (SS) can cause the oxidation when react oxygen in steam at high temperatures so release energy [5]. As the RCS is unspoiled, generated hydrogen may be distinctive for oxidation. If there is vessel breach and core is relocated into the containment so there will be additional generation of H2. If the Hydrogen concentration increase global combustion of H2 is highly probable. Along with combustion deflagration and detonation cause the damage on concentration. During loss of coolant accident, the failures occurred can combine with blackout and loss of turbine auxiliary feed water pump, core damage compose in two hours [5]. The differences between inner and outer surfaces’ maximum temperature of clad can oxidize that molten Zr penetrates the oxide layer and candles the fuel rods, leaving less Zr in the upper hot sections. As a result of breached and LOCA (loss of coolant accident) físsion products may be escaping the RCS following core damage. The next line of defense is to cool and contain the core in the RCS and reduce the rate of físsion product release from RCS. To perform these situations, quenching and coolability of in vessel debris occupies an important place. If the reactor is partially uncovered and temperatures enough for oxidation, in VVER reactors [2]. The horizontal design means that during SG phenomenon dry out will be reached earlier than the vertical design leading the core meltdown earlier. The horizontal steam generators on the other hand, do not face such problems as primary water stress- corrosion cracking, fouling and denting which are the known problems for the vertical design that leads to SGs degradation the horizontal steam generator also uses a “corridor” layout for the heat-exchange tubes in the tube bundle. Horizontal SG design is a proven design with incrementai improvements such as effective sludge removal from the steam generator bottom, the use of secondary side ethanolamine water Region 1: More Flow needed Region 2: Expected success. Suffícient to cool the reactor core and to reflood the vessel in 45 minutes. Region 3: Uncertain. Core may be eventually cooled, but it may take as long as 2 hours, during which time the core may already relocate into the lower plenum, compact and lose coolable geometry, and cause a vessel breach. The required injection flow rate is almost independent of the RCS pressure, whereas the pump flow rates are strongly dependent of the RCS pressure. As the injection is provided, the RCS pressure rises due to evaporation, even if the PORVs (Pilot Operated Relief Valve) are open. The pressure stabilizes at the intersection of the pump curved and PORV curve at the reflood [4]. Also, under thermal attack molten core debris in the lower plenum, two modes of fail will consist of absence of effective cooling [5]. Local Failure may occur through the melting of the instrument guide tubes. If the vessel is pressurized and not submerged, the molten core material may be ejected at a high speed. Creep-rupture failure occurs when a component is subjected for some time interval to high-temperature and highpressure that need to more than one hour after debris is collected in the lower plenum. Lastly SG phenomena is important to our studies which we will be combined design differences (horizontal vs. vertical) with the mentioned cultural differences. At Akkuyu NPP, AES 2006 design utilizes horizontal steam generators which are traditionally used chemistry and elimination of copper-bearing components on the secondary side, enable an expected Service life of 60 years to be achieved. All of the other available 3rd generation PWRs; like Westinghouse's AP1000, Areva's EPR or Ament; Rosatom’s AES 2006, and Mitsubishi's AJP1200 are almost the same designs except for some differences in core-fuel, horizontal steam Generators (SG) designs, and some differences in Emergency Response System (ERS) in AES-2006 [2]. Now with the earlier core meltdown due to horizontal SGs of Akkuyu combined with a less experience crew (assumed the operations has been transferred to the local operators with minimal 04003-p.2 TESNAT 2015 operating experience as well as culture differences). This makes the Akkuyu’s risk of a severe accident scenario is somewhat a little bit higher than the other options. The metrics of culture difference requires to be established by the risk analysis. Therefore, the total risk difference has not been qualifíed in this part of study. The cultural issues focuses on control of Mis (micro incidents) by operators. The operator’s attention tums to information while reading signals on identifying if there are overruns. After this moment, the agent focuses on this situation and here is a strong relationship between reading activity, reading instruments, displays etc. [3]. The reading activities provides to strategies for continuously solving problems. To this strategies, operators move to different location to apply instant strategies in the control room. In almost all MI known behaviors of the system by operators that will increase confídence in nuclear power plants. Therefore, to understand the functioning of the system is to realize and what is happening during the operation are one of the most important safety process for NPP. [6] [7] [8] [9] 3. Conclusion In this study, we focused on the adequacy of operational effíciency with the advanced technology of nuclear power plants. Conceivable accidents in a LWR can be classifíed and mentioned the operational impact for competence of the operator to emphasize just how important. In this process, defíned phenomena and safety culture are important to understand how things are going in NPP. As a result of all of them, with respect to experiences of the operators, we do not have any data except for a long and successful operating history of the Soviet design reactors up until the Chemobyl incident. Since the Akkuyu will be built, own and operated by the Russians we have found no alarming concems at the moment. The plant will be transferred to Turkey when its paid (approximately 15 years), up until that transfer time we cannot make any assumptions as to some serious incidents be taking place, because if it does it will ruin the good reputation of Russians as the best seller of the technology. We assume that Russians will assign their best operators to operate the plant. Turkey is planning to build the required manpower during the transition period. In general, for the host countries the most important issue found was the build up their qualifíed operating personnel. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] J.R. McKinney, A Research Guide to the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations. Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C., Issue of Law Library Lights, Vol.46, No.l, p.10-15 (2002) IAEA, Status of advanced light water reactor designs, Vienna, Áustria, (2004) V.R.P. Carvalho, L.I. dos Santos, M.C.R. Vidal, Safety implications of cultural and cognitive issues in nuclear power plant operation, Applied Ergonomics 37 211-223 (2006) C.A. Kadak, 22.091/22.903, Nuclear Reactor Safety Lectures, MIT Open Course Ware, http://ocw.mit.edu/terms (Spring 2008) IAEA, Safety Report Series No 56, Implementation of accident management, Vienna, Áustria programmes in 04003-p.3 nuclear power plants, Vienna, Áustria (2008) TMI, A Report to the Commissioners and to the Public, Washington, D.C., USA (January 1980) M. Hashim, Y. Ming, A. Saeed, Review of Severe Accident Phenomena in LWR and Related Severe Accident Analysis Codes, ISSN: 2040-7459; e- ISSN: 2040-7467, China (2013) P. Tusheva, N. Reinke, Comparative Analyses of Thermal Hydraulic Behavior of VVER-1000/V-320 for a Station Blackout Accident Scenario with ASTEC Vl.2.1 and ATHLET 1.2a, Proceedings of Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany (2007) IAEA-TECDOC-1440, OverView of training methodology for accident management at nuclar power plants, Vienna, Áustria (April 2005) EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 04004 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000400 4 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Comparison of a designed virtual oscilloscope with a real oscilloscope Gozde Tektasa and Cuneyt Celiktas Ege University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department, 35100, Bornova, Izmir, Turkey Abstract. A virtual oscilloscope based on LabVIEW software was designed. Sinus, square and triangle shaped signals produced by a function generator were analyzed with a real and a virtual oscilloscope. Amplitude, rise time and fali time values of a signal were determined for different time/division values in both type oscilloscopes. Obtained values in the virtual oscilloscope were compared with those of the real oscilloscope. It was deduced from the results that amplitude, rise time and fali time values and signal shapes were compatible with each other. 1 Introduction 2 Material and methods LabVIEW, Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench, is a programming environment in which programs are created by using a graphical notation. It is based on graphical programming. LabVIEW software can command plug-in data acquisition devices to acquire or generate signals. It also facilitates data transfer over a GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus) or a serial port [1]. Its graphical nature makes it ideal for test and measurement, instrument control, data acquisition and data analysis applications [2]. An oscilloscope is a voltage sensitive electronic instrument that is used to visualize certain voltage signals. An oscilloscope can display the variation of a voltage signal in time on the oscilloscope’s screen [3]. Time and amplitude values of the signal can be determined by means of the oscilloscope. A virtual instrument consists of a Computer, a software and a hardware. They are combined and confígured to emulate the function of traditional hardware instrumentation. Virtual instruments are extremely ílexible, powerful and cost-effective [1]. An oscilloscope can be used for amplitude, rise time and fali time measurements of a signal. The amplitude is the height of a pulse in volt unit as measured from its maximum value to its instantaneous baseline. The rise time is the time it takes for the pulse to rise from 10 to 90% of its íull amplitude. The fali time is the time it takes for the pulse to fali from 90 to 10% of its full amplitude [4]. Since a virtual oscilloscope which is a kind of virtual instruments can be developed by LabVIEW software, it was designed through the program in this study. Sinus, square and triangle shaped signals were analyzed with a real and a virtual oscilloscope. Amplitude, rise time and fali time values of the signals obtained from the real and virtual oscilloscopes were compared. According to the obtained results, the virtual oscilloscope was in highly compatible with the real oscilloscope in terms of amplitude and time measurements and the signal shapes. In this study, a GW Instek 2204 type oscilloscope as a real oscilloscope and a Hung Chang sweep function generator (9205C) as a signal source were used. Block diagram for the measurement is shown in Figure 1. a Figure 1. Block diagram for the measurement. (DSO: Digital Storage Oscilloscope, VI: Virtual Instrument, GPIB: General Purpose Interface Bus). As can be seen in the block diagram, after sinus, triangle and square signals which were selected altemately from the function generator were displayed in the real oscilloscope; they were transferred from the real oscilloscope to the virtual oscilloscope by GPIB connection. Time/division values ranged from 1 ps to 250 ps of the real and the virtual oscilloscopes were analyzed. During the measurement, volt/division value of each oscilloscope was kept steady on 2V. Frequency of the function generator was set about 155 kHz for the 1.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10 ps time/division values. Since the signals stayed out of the oscilloscope screen for the 25, 50, 100 and 250 ps time/division values, its frequency was decreased about to 13 kHz. In both oscilloscopes, time/division values were switched separately, and then amplitude, rise time and fali time values of the signals were determined. Corresponding author: gozdetektas90@hotmail.com This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510004004 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org EPJ Web of Conferences For 25 ps time/division value, as an example, signal images obtained from the virtual and the real oscilloscope are shown inFig.2. Sinus signal was fírst selected from the generator. Amplitude, rise time and fali time values of the signal versus different time/division values ranging from 1.0 ps to 250 ps are given in Table 1. Triangle signal was secondly used. Obtained data from the real and the virtual oscilloscopes are presented in Table 2. Finally, the square signal was displayed in the virtual and the real oscilloscopes, and the data from the oscilloscopes can be seen in Table 3. Figure 2. (a) Sinus, (b) triangle and (c) square signal shapes for 25 ps time/division in the virtual oscilloscope and the real oscilloscope. Table 1. Amplitude (Vamp), rise time (TR) and fali time (TF) values for the sinus signal in the real and the virtual oscilloscopes. Real Oscilloscope Virtual Oscilloscope Time/Division(ps) Vamp(V) TR (ps) TF (ps) Vamp (V) TR(ps) TF (ps) 1.0 5.760 1.824 1.772 5.760 1.824 1.772 2.5 5.760 1.883 1.800 5.760 1.883 1.800 5.0 5.760 1.864 1.799 5.759 1.864 10.0 5.760 1.938 1.929 5.760 1.938 1.798 1.929 25.0 5.680 21.750 20.860 5.681 21.750 20.870 50.0 100.0 5.840 5.760 21.810 21.330 21.980 22.300 5.840 5.760 21.820 21.340 21.990 22.300 250.0 5.840 24.240 23.990 5.840 24.250 23.990 Table 2. Amplitude (Vamp), rise time (TR) and fali time (TF) values for the triangle signal in the real and the virtual oscilloscopes. Real Oscilloscope Virtual Oscilloscope Time/Division(ps) Vamp(V) TR(ps) TF (ps) Vamp (V) TR(ps) TF (ps) 1.0 4.960 2.388 2.424 4.960 2.388 2.424 2.5 3.840 1.871 1.927 3.840 1.871 1.927 5.0 5.120 10.0 4.720 25.0 3.440 50.0 100.0 4.320 4.080 250.0 3.760 2.504 2.431 5.120 2.504 2.431 2.255 2.218 4.720 2.255 2.218 20.260 19.800 3.440 20.270 19.800 24.900 22.920 23.940 24.070 4.320 4.080 24.900 22.920 23.940 24.070 21.360 21.980 3.759 21.360 21.980 Table 3. Amplitude (Vamp), rise time (TR) and fali time (TF) values for the square signal in the real and the virtual oscilloscopes. Real Oscilloscope Virtual Oscilloscope Time/Division(ps) Vamp(V) TR(PS) TF (ps) Vamp (V) TR(PS) TF (ps) 1.0 5.20 76.68 86.85 5.20 76.69 86.83 2.5 5.28 143.40 144.20 5.28 143.40 144.20 5.0 5.20 165.00 162.50 5.20 165.10 162.50 10.0 5.20 550.90 550.00 5.20 550.90 549.80 25.0 5.20 787.80 787.80 5.20 787.90 787.90 50.0 100.0 5.28 5.28 1625.00 3200.00 1600.00 3200.00 5.28 5.28 1625.00 3200.00 1600.00 3200.00 04004-p.2 TESNAT 2015 250.0 5.28 8123.00 8123.00 5.28 8124.00 8124.00 3 Results and discussion Sinus, triangle and square signals from a function generator were used to compare the results from both real and virtual oscilloscopes. Amplitude, rise time and fali time values of the signals were determined from both oscilloscopes. According to the results in the Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3, amplitude, rise time and fali time values from the virtual oscilloscope were hig hly accorded with those of the real oscilloscope. Besides, it was observed that signal shapes in both type oscilloscopes were mostly the same as each other. It was concluded that the designed virtual oscilloscope can be used as a real oscilloscope for the determination of amplitude, rise time and fali time values. References 1. J. Travis and J. Kring, LabVIEW for Everyone: Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun (Third Edition, Prentice Hall, U.S.A., 2006) 2. R. Bitter, T. Mohiuddin and M. Nawrocki, LabVIEW Advanced Programming Techniques (Second Edition, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, 2007) 3. NotesonOscilloscope, http://www.eee.metu.edu.tr/~ee214/documents/Note sOnOscilloscopes.pdf 4. R.W. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, 1987) 04004-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 04001 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510004001 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Investigation of temperature dependence of semiconductor detectors used in medicine for radiation measurements Simay Ozleyis Altunkok1, Nina Tuncel2'a and Nazim Ucar1 1 2 Süleyman Demirel University School of Science, Department of Physics, Sparta, Turkey Akdeniz University School of Science, Department of Physics, Antalya, Turkey Abstract. In this study, the temperature dependence of p-type semiconductor diodes that are a part of in-vivo dosimetry system was assessed in Co-60 photon energy. The collimator and gantry angle on zero degree, SSD 100 cm, field size 20x20 cm 2 was selected. The IBA EDP-5, EDP-10 and EDP-20 diode types that included in this study have different thickness of build-up material so the depth of measurements at water equivalent phantom by FC65-p ion chamber was selected at 5, 10 and 20 mm. Along the process the room and phantom temperature was measured and recorded (19°C). The special water fílled PMMA phantom was used for diode set-up on its surface and a thermometer for determine phantom temperature was employed. Each type of diodes irradiated separately for one minute and the signal to dose sensitivity and calibration was performed at room temperature (19°C) by OmniPro- InViDos software with DPD-12 electrometer. Examination was repeated from 33°C to 20°C temperatures. The temperature correction factors were found from slope of the linear drawings for each diode types. The obtained correction factor for EDP-5 and EDP-10 was 0.29 %°C/cGy and 0.30 %°C/cGy respectively, that higher than recommended factor (%0.25°C/cGy). While the more fluctuation for EDP-20 was realized. 1 Introduction In vivo dosimetry is effective method for fínding several types of common errors, such as errors in data transfer or manual adjustments of the treatment plan in radiation therapy [1-3]. It is therefore, a recommended quality assurance (QA) procedure [4-6]. The use of diodes for in vivo dosimetry is described in several publications [7-9]. Both n-type or p-type Silicon diodes are commercially available, but only the p-Si type is suitable for radiotherapy dosimetry, since it is less affected by radiation damage and has a much smaller dark current. Diodes are used in the short circuit mode with an electrometer, since this mode exhibits a linear relationship between the measured charge and dose. They are relative dosimeters and should be calibrated by applying several correction factors if used as an absolute dosimeter. For instance, the sensitivity of diode on temperature could be calculated by S=M/D equation. M is the total charge collected by diode during the irradiation and D is the absorbed dose. Diodes for entrance and exit dose measurements on patient skin are provided with build-up encapsulation and hence must be appropriately chosen, depending on the type and quality of the clinicai beams [10]. The real-time in-vivo dosimetry by diode allows checking the prescribed dose for dynamic beam immediately and makes it possible to correct the treatment errors interactively [11-13]. Since 1994, Howlett et al. [14] have shown that the entrance dose measurement by a utilizing p-type diodes at photon beams is an effective method of providing an independent verifícation of dose delivery accuracy. Diodes show a variation in dose response with temperature (particularly important for long treatments), dependence of signal on the dose rate (for different source-skin distances), angular (directional) dependence and energy dependence even for small variation in the spectral composition of radiation beams (important for the measurement of entrance and exit doses) [10]. In this study, the temperature dependence of p-type semiconductor diodes that are a part of in-vivo dosimetry system was assessed in Co-60 photon energy. 2 Materials and methods The dose measurements in Theratronix Co-60 treatment unit, model Theratron 1000-E, were performed (Fig. 1). The mean energy of two gamma ray counterpart with two beta decay is evaluated 1.25 MeV as mono energy gamma for this radioisotope. For in-vivo entrance dose measurements, the diode is calibrated under a standard condition before it is used as an absolute dosimeter. The main correction factors which influence the diode response during the entrance dose measurements are temperature, field size, source to skin distance (SSD), Corresponding author: ninatuncel@gmail.com This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510004001 EPJ Web of Conferences gantry angle (beam direction) and presence of other beam modifiers such as wedges and trays. The collimator and gantry angle was set on zero degree, and the field size at 100 cm SSD was 20x20 cm2. So, by using this field the irradiation of diode groups was applicable at the same time for assessing temperature dependence. The IBA 3G- pSi diode detectors that included in this study were EDP- 5, EDP-10 and EDP-20 (Fig. 2). The diode die (chip) usually has inherent build-up material placed around the die. The build-up material type and its thickness are chosen in such a way that the effective depth of the measurements is closer to the depth of the maximum dose of the megavoltage photon energy used. The inherent build-up material is usually made of high Z material so that the physical thickness can be less than that of water- equivalent thickness [9]. The build-up material of EDP-5 is 5mm thickness polystyrene with epoxy encapsulation. For EDP-10 and EDP20 build-up material is stainless steel with epoxy encapsulation that is equivalent to 10 and 20 mm water thickness respectively. So, the depth of measurements at water equivalent phantom was 5, 10 and 20 mm. temperature reached to 33 oC, then the measurements were started. The manufacturer, IBA, recommended the global correction factor as %0.25°C/cGy. The software did not use this factor if the input temperature stood in 19°C. By this way, the dose readings of diodes reflect the dependence to temperature separately. This examination was repeated at 30°C, 26°C, 24°C, 23°C, 22°C, and 20°C temperatures. The dose response of each diode based on temperature was tailored. 3 Results The dose response of each diode types regarding to temperature which irradiated at Co-60 treatment unit was evaluated by a linear function. The equations and their regression parameter were obtained. Then, the temperature correction factor of each diode occurred by calculation of the slope of each line. The linear equations and their regressions for four diodes of EDP-5, two diodes of EDP-10, and four diodes of EDP-20 types have been shown in Fig. 3 (a), (b) and (c), respectively. The average of the slope value was calculated as %0.29, %0.30 and %0.18°C/cGy for EDP-5, EDP-10 and EDP- 20 respectively (Table 1). Table 1. The temperature correction factor for each diode type Diod Types EDP-5 EDP-10 Figure 1. Theratronix Co-60 treatment unit. EDP-20 Serial No. Corr. Factor (%°C/cGy) 4505 4506 4507 4508 4955 4957 5401 5402 5403 5404 0.29 0.29 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.25 0.13 0.19 0.14 Mean 0.29 0.30 0.18 4 Discussion and conclusion Figure 2. The IBA special phantom with thermometer and EDP-5, 10 and 20 type diodes. Along the dose measurement process the room and phantom temperature was measured by external in-touch thermometer and recorded as 19°C. The special water filled PMMA phantom produced by IBA was used for diode set-up on its surface and a thermometer for determine phantom temperature was employed. Each type of diodes was irradiated separately for one minute and the signal to dose sensitivity and calibration was performed at room temperature (19°C) by OmniPro- InViDos software with DPD-12 electrometer. By using IBA FC65-p ion chamber and Dose 1 electrometer the absolute dose was obtained at 5 cm and then the dose at request depths were calculated. For temperature dependence examination the hot water added to special phantom while its The sensitivity variation with temperature of dosimetry diodes is well-known and the temperature-dependence in p-type silicon detectors has also been well described in the literature [15-16]. The diode response variation over time to normal body temperature exposure was evaluated using a 20x20 cm 2 field size at a 100 cm SSD at Co-60 gamma energy. Under normal conditions, the body skin temperature is approximately around 33°C. Therefore, the diodes which were initially at normal room temperature 19°C were placed on the surface of special phantom. The water temperature was raised to a temperature equal to 33°C and was allowed to stay in thermal equilibrium with the surrounding. This experiment simulates clinically the thermal effect on the diode when it comes in contact with patient skin. In these experimental conditions, the temperature of the water bath is different from the temperature of the diode. Even after the equilibrium, the temperatures might differ from each other. In our clinicai setting, the diode does not stay in contact with the patient skin for more than 2 minutes. But in the especial cases such as total body irradiation the test dose delivery was took placed after the diode was placed on the surface over a period duration of 3-5 minutes and then the total dose delivery was performed. For the next 04001-p.2 TESNAT 2015 position the test dose delivery were done when they were yet placed on the surface so the total duration of diodes in touch with skin was more than 30 minutes. Therefore, based on our experimental results we concluded that for these diode series and under the especial experimental and clinical conditions, the temperature correction factors are important. Acknowledgement The Authors would like to thanks all our collaborators from radiation oncology department in Akdeniz University. References 1. 2. 3. 4. G. Leunens, et al., Radiother. Oncol. 23, 4 (1992) A. Noel, et al., Radiother. Oncol. 34, 2 (1995) J.H. Lanson, et al., Radiother. Oncol. 52, 1 (1999) ICRU Report 24., International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Oxford: Universitypress, (1976) 5. NACP, Recommendations by the Nordic Association of Clinicai Physics (NACP). Acta Radiol. Oncol. 19, 1(1980) 6. G.J. Kutcher, et al., Med. Phys. 21, 4 (1994) 7. J. Van Dam and G. Marinello, Booklet no:l, ESTRO, Brussels(1994) 8. D.P. Huyskens, R. Bogaerts, J. Verstraete, et al., Booklet no:5, ESTRO, Brnssels (2001) 9. AAPM Report 87, Medicai Physics Publishing, Madison (2005) 10. J. Izewsk and G. Rajan, Chapter 3: Radiation Dosimeters,quality assurance of externai beam radiotherapy. In: Radiation Oncology Physics: A Handbook for Teachers and Students. (Ed. E.B. Podgorsak) STI/PUB/1196. pp. 71-99. IAEA, Vienna, Áustria (2005) 11. G. Rikner, E. Grusell, Phys. Med. Biol. 28, 11 (1983) 12. G. Rikner, Ph.D. Thesis, Uppsala University, Sweden (1983) 13. G. Rikner and E. Grusell, Phys. Med. Biol. 32, 9 (1987) 14. S. Howlett, L. Duggan, S. Bazley, T. Kron, Medicai Dosimetry 24, 1 (1999) 15. E. Grusell and G. Rikner, Phys. Med. Biol. 31, 5 (1986) 16. J. Van Dam, G. Leunens, and A. Dutreix, Radiother. Oncol. 19,4(1990) Figure 3. The dose temperature dependence curve and the linear function of each diode to temperature for (a) EDP-5, (b) EDP-10, and (c) EDP-20 type. The temperature correction factors were found from slope of the linear drawings for each diode types. These factors for EDP-5 and EDP-10 was 0.29 %°C/cGy and 0.30 %°C/cGy respectively, that higher than recommended factor 0.25 %°C/cGy by OmniProInViDos manufacturer. While the more fluctuation for EDP20 was realized. According to our experience the heat equilibrium that detected indirectly does not reflect the diode temperature based on the variety on design of each diode type. It will be recommended to applying the direct temperature of each diode that electronically measured by system as an input to software. On the other hand it will be preferred to rewrite the software that is able to accept the temperature for each diode type and then separate temperature calibration factor for each diode will be calculated and possessed. 04001-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 04002 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510004 002 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Determination of environmental gamma radiation in Bitlis Sultan Sahin Bala and Sule Karatepe Bitlis Eren University, Physics Department 13000, Bitlis , Turkey Abstract. In this study; the environmental gamma radiation at the various points (16 points) in the districts of and in Bitlis, where it was located in the Turkey Eastem Anatolia region, were measured. The environmental gamma radiation measurement was made from two leveis (the ground and one meter above the surface) by using portable gamma survey meter which consisted of 2"x2" scintillation detector (Nal(Tl)). The obtained data were discussed in considering the geological structure of the region and the other factors. 1 Introduction There are two main contributions determining the levei of exposure to natural radiation. The fírst of these are highenergy cosmic rays reaching to the earth's atmosphere. The other is that there are radioactive elements in the crust of the World (environment, even in the human body) [1]. The contribution of natural radiation of cosmic rays varies with altitude. As one climbs up from sea levei to remain constant in certain latitude [2]. The basic leveis of natural radiation varies depending on the geological and geographical features of area. Soil and rock mineralogical structure with geographical altitude affects the basic radiation leveis in the region [3]. Natural radionuclides as 238U, 232Th and 40K in the soil causes to be radioactive of the soil. Natural radionuclides are mostly found in high concentrations in volcanic rocks (especially in granite), pegmatites and hydrothermal deposits. Water constantly interact with the soil and rocks around it. Therefore, the transfer possibility of interacting waters with them of the natural radionuclides in the soil and rocks is very high [4]. Soils contain an amount of radiation due to radioactive isotopes contained in incurred main material. Radionuclides that are naturally present in the earth's crust formation and their degradation products form the major part of the environmental radiation with spread gamma rays. X, y and z as Long-lived radionuclides as 238U, 232Th and 40K is beginning of source of the radiation of terrestrial origin. The mass activity concentration of these natural radionuclides varies according to the type of soil and rock [5-7]. The mass activity concentration is radiation intensity corresponds to the absorbed dose in the air on 1 m height from the ground [5]. Thus, the measured radiation dose in the air is closely related to concentrations of radionuclides in the soil. In this study Environmental gamma measurements was a conducted in Bitlis. Bitlis was founded as the cities of the valley on that a natural passageway connects the Southeastem Anatolia to Eastem Anatolia on the borders of the up Firat and the up Murat regions of the Eastem Anatolia Region [8]. Figure 1. The map of the Bitlis and its counties 2 Experimental The environmental gamma measurements in the various locations (16 points) in Bitlis was made by Dose Rate Meter that it is containing scintillation counter having to 2"x2" NaI (Tl) crystal at ground and lm high leveis [9]. The city center and its counties were easily screened because used system is portable. 3 Results and Discussion Environmental gamma measurements were taken monthly periods on the ground and lm above the ground leveis. Locations of 16 points on the Bitlis, where environmental gamma measurements were conducted are presented in Table 1. The measurements made 1 m above the soil levei and the ground are presented in Table 2. Corresponding author: sahin.sultan@gmail.com This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510004002 EPJ Web of Conferences Table 1. Location of environmental gamma measurement points. Latitude (North) 38.33451 38.32286 38.33052 38.41749 38.41745 38.41175 38.58592 38.39302 38.39928 38.48519 38.63133 38.84262 38.78785 38.74583 38.66603 38.63527 I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI Longitude (East) 42.00472 42.01657 42.01483 41.91641 41.91586 42.11722 42.00056 42.26883 42.26320 42.32428 42.44054 42.82970 42.69599 42.45415 42.30422 42.24807 According to the data in Table 2; the measurements made in 1 m above the soil levei and the ground from June to November are shown in Figs. 2-4. Figure 2. Environmental gamma variation at ground (n) and lm levei (o) on the 16 points in the June and the July. Table 2. Formatting sections, subsections and subsubsections. I II III IV V Ground 0.250 0.251 0.237 0.242 0.196 lm 0.244 0.237 0.244 0.233 0.186 Ground 0.256 0.284 0.247 0.254 0.204 lm 0.237 0.266 0.238 0.239 0.196 August (pSv/h) Ground lm 0.308 0.302 0.354 0.346 0.269 0.258 0.271 0.271 0.219 0.218 VI VII VIII IX 0.388 0.245 0.251 0.219 0.382 0.225 0.238 0.214 0.399 0.280 0.290 0.291 0.384 0.263 0.274 0.286 0.436 0.295 0.311 0.332 0.448 0.302 0.307 0.312 0.442 0.294 0.268 0.313 0.442 0.286 0.257 0.303 0.382 0.256 0.265 0.292 0.369 0.241 0.247 0.268 0.361 0.245 0.239 0.268 0.352 0.231 0.227 0.246 X XI 0.316 0.313 0.291 0.300 0.352 0.333 0.344 0.323 0.377 0.319 0.359 0.322 0.334 0.403 0.316 0.379 0.316 0.364 0.300 0.347 0.300 0.322 0.264 0.299 XII XIII XIV 0.360 0.196 0.325 0.341 0.187 0.289 0.353 0.156 0.301 0.343 0.139 0.295 0.303 0.156 0.308 0.306 0.151 0.287 0.350 0.147 0.306 0.343 0.143 0.279 0.335 0.144 0.285 0.306 0.128 0.276 0.352 0.139 0.286 0.320 0.132 0.281 XV XVI 0.346 0.404 0.321 0.375 0.324 0.478 0.302 0.453 0.337 0.527 0.307 0.485 0.300 0.435 0.307 0.401 0.291 0.416 0.272 0.397 0.296 0.380 0.256 0.367 June (pSv/h) July (pSv/h) September (pSv/h) October (pSv/h) Ground 0.250 0.260 0.223 0.264 0.197 lm 0.247 0.249 0.219 0.262 0.202 Ground 0.230 0.259 0.198 0.242 0.165 lm 0.216 0.242 0.186 0.225 0.157 04002-p.2 November (pSv/h) Ground lm 0.205 0.205 0.288 0.255 0.195 0.193 0.226 0.207 0.146 0.140 TESNAT 2015 Figure 3. Environmental gamma variation at ground (n) and lm levei (o) on the 16 points in the August and the September. Figure 4. Environmental gamma variation at ground (n) and lm levei (o) on the 16 points in the October and the November. It is understood from Table 2, Figs. 2-4 that the values in ground levei, where gamma radiation is directly emitted from the soil, were higher than the values that were measured atlm levei. It was seen that the measured environmental gamma values on XVI point measurement point in the both ground and 1 m levei were highest and the measured environmental gamma values on XIII point were the lowest. However, it was found that 68.8 % of the measured environmental gamma values on measurement points in the both ground and 1 m levei were highest value in August and their 75 % were the lowest value in November. XVI numbered measuring point is located higher than the other measuring points. The height of this point is 2.935 m and XVI point is determined on a mountain that it is volcanic mountain that stood the latest activity in Turkey. To be this way of results is the expected case because the contribution to natural radiation of cosmic rays varies with height, this contribution remains constant moving up sea levei on certain latitude [2], more elevation locations are exposed to more radiation than less elevation locations [10]. Cosmic radiation is consists of electromagnetic radiation or released particles at different energy and different charges. Their origins are also different. Their density decreases when it reaches the upper layers of the atmosphere to sea levei [2,11]. Being the lowest of environmental gamma values measured at the measurement point XIII may be caused by less effect of electromagnetic waves (this point is further away from the other point of to residential areas) and not intense electromagnetic reflections. According to UNSCEAR (1993, 2000) report, the global average of the measured gamma dose rate ranged from 10 to 200 nGyh'1. In this study, the averages of measurements taken at ground levei are 291.01 nGyh'1 and the averages of measurements taken at 1 m levei are 277.68 nGyh' 1. When the obtained results are compared with gamma dose rate average values world; it is seen that the gamma dose rates in counties of it and Bitlis is at a levei above the world average. The cause of the high leveis of gamma dose rates may be geological features of the region, the absence of fault zones and the residential area of higher altitudes. The radioactivity on the fault zone is generally higher than other places, and radioactivity can be changed with the seismological aspects of activity of the fault [7]. 4 Conclusions Environmental gamma values were measured low progressed towards the winter season due to not to perpendicular and of an angle the sun's rays begin to come to earth. Environmental gamma values measured at 1 m distance gives information about the concentration of radioactivity in the soil of the measurement point [7]. According to this study, the average gamma dose rate values of Bitlis and counties were measured approximately 0.28 pSvh'1. Acknowledgement This work was supported by BEBAP with project number is 2014.06. References 1. 2. 3. S. Kaya, S.M. Karabudak, U. Çevik, GUSTIJ, 5 (1), 2433 (2015) UNSCEAR, Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. Report to General Assembly, with Scientific Annexes (United Nations, 2000) M. Degerlier, V. Peçtemalci, Ç.Ü J. Sei. Eng., 5, 27 (2012) 4. S. §ahin Bal, M. Dogru, IZYEF, 71 (2012) 5. G. Karahan, PhD Thesis (ITU, Nuc. Ener. Ins., 1997) 6. H.L. Beck, II. USERDA Conf.-720805-P2, 101-104 (1982) 7. S. §ahin, Ph.D. Thesis (FU, Ins. of Sei. Tech., 2009) 8. H. Gür, F. Yildirim Sonmez, M. Ay, Bitlis Province Environmental Status Report (2012) 9. LUDLUM Model 44-10 Gamma Scint. (Ludlum Meas.Inc., 2012) 10. S. §ahin, S. Niksarlioglu, M. Yilmaz, FUJS, 22 (2), 101- 04002-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 107 (2010) 11. UNSCEAR, Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. Report to General Assembly, with Scientific Annexes (United Nations, 1993) 04002-p.4 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 0300 5 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000300 5 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 An investigation on some of the tumor treatment cases using x-rays and electron beams Burcu Ucar1, Ibrahim Yigitoglu1’3, IpekArsIan Kabalay2, Duygu Altiparmak1 and Sinem Kilicaslan1 1 2 Gaziosmanpasa University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Physics, 60240 Tokat, Turkey Gaziosmanpasa University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology, 60100 Tokat, Turkey Abstract. In this work, we discussed some of the applications which X-rays and electron beam used in radiotherapy for tumor treatments. This study has been performed at Radiation Oncology Department, Medicine Faculty in Gaziosmanpasa University by using the VARIAN CLINICA DHX linear accelerator which is operated in the range of 6 MeV - 15 MeV. Processes for the treatments that X-rays used for pancreas, bladder and prostate tumors and the processes that the electron beam used for some of the derm tumors are studied. Effects of X-rays and electron beams to treatments process are examined and the obtained results are presented comparatively. 1 Introduction Radiation can be defined as particle radiation and the electromagnetic waves. Alpha, beta, nêutron and heavy ions are particle radiation. The wave radiations (photons) are gamma, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible light, infrared and radio waves [1]. The discovery of X-rays leads to important developments in physics and medicai Science. It is also give rise so called nuclear physics and radiology. X-rays was discovered in 1895 by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen. In order to produce X- rays fírst free electrons must be produced then they must be accelerated and must be collided to a target [2]. It is discovered in 1900 that X- rays are harmful to human tissue but also it is recognized that it can be used to scale down the malignant tumor or even to remove it all from the body [3]. The electrons are also used in radiotherapy for treatment purposes. Radiotherapy is the method used in treating cancerous tissue with electromagnetic waves and particle radiation. The aim of radiotherapy is to apply the maximum dose the cancerous tissue and apply the minimum dose to criticai organs to protect the criticai organ around the cancerous tissue as possible. In order to make a good treatment planning in radiotherapy the concept of tumor volume terms should be known. This volume terms is expressed by the concept ICRU 50 (International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements) and ICRU 62 (1999) protocols [4]. The concept of this volume; Gross Tumor Volume (GTV), Clinicai Target Volume (CTV), Planning Target Volume (PTV), Treated Volume (TV), Irradiated Volume (IV), Organ at Risk (OAR) and Planning Organ at Risk Volume (PRV). a Figure 1. The schematic view ofICRU50 and ICRU62 volume terms. In addition, the determined dose during radiotherapy can be administered to patient accurately and to obtain the planned dose distribution the appropriate position to the patient must be given, patient movements must be minimized and it is required that the patients always must be in the same position during the treatment [5]. 2 Material and methods X-Ray beam with 6 MV and 15 MV energies and electron bundles between 6 MeV and 18 MeV was produced by Varian Clinac DHX model 5576 linear accelerator device in Gaziosmanpasa University Medicai Faculty Oncology Department. Radiotherapy process, used in X-ray treatment for 5 "prostate câncer" patients and 4 "bladder câncer" patients while the electron beam treatment is applied to 4 "derm câncer" patients. The absorbed dose amount was checked and the amount of X-ray that criticai organs were exposed checked and compared. Linear Accelerator devices are used for producing X- ray by increasing the electron energy by using high frequency electromagnetic fíelds through a long tube [6]. ibrahim.yigitoglu@gop.edu.tr This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510003005 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org EPJ Web of Conferences High energy electron bundles can be used for treatments of surface tumors while the X-rays that are reproduced by the electrons hitting to a target are used for the treatment of the tumors that located deeper in the body [7]. In this study two different cases where the X-rays and case where the electron bundles are investigated. 3 Results In this work by obtaining IMRT planning dose-volume histograms for fíve prostate, four bladder and four derm patients, the irradiation of target volume (PTV) and absorbed dose of criticai organs around are compared. In this comparison the mean dose, min. and the max. dose values are investigated. The homogeneity index which is a measure of dose homogeneity is the ratio of the maximum absorbed dose of the whole target volume to the 95 % maximum absorbed dose. PTV HI = max (1) Figure 3. The IMRT planning dose-volume histogram for the fífth patient. The line colors red, orange, brown, and yellow present CTV, PTV66, rectum and bladder, respectively. Table 1. The min, max and mean dose distributions for prostate patients. PTV Patient No PTV95 PTVmm is max. dose values of PTV and PTV-, the iiidx ninety fíve percent ofPTV is the dosage value [4]. VJ 1 2 3 4 5 Y 3.1 The prostate tumor In this treatment a 6 MV photon beam is applied 5 different prostate tumor patients, choosing 7 area locations in order to protect criticai organs by using the IMRT planning technic A daily dose of 2 Gy to all patients has been implemented for 33 days. The iso-dose curves for the fífth prostate patient can be seen in Fig. 2 [8]. Volume (cmA3) Min dose (cGy) 372 6404 390 6323 320 6452 303 6049 379 4730 Max dose (cGy) 6992 6971 7163 7036 7072 Mean dose (cGy) 6829 6902 6911 6745 6690 seen in Fig. 4. Figure 4. The treatment planning using IMRT technic for the fírst bladder patient. The histogram in Fig. 5 for the fírst patient the PVT min dose is 4855 cGy, max dose 5280 cGy and the mean dose 5072 cGy [9], Figure 2. The treatment planning using IMRT technic for the fífth prostate patient. The histogram in Fig. 3 for the fífth prostate patient the PVT min dose is 4730 cGy, max dose 7072 cGy and the mean dose 6690 cGy [9]. The PTV min, max and mean volume dose distributions for the 5 prostate patients can be seen simultaneously in Table 1. 3.2 The bladder tumor In the treatment of 4 different bladder tumor patients, a 6 MV photon beam is applied, choosing 7 area locations in order to protect criticai organs and the IMRT planning technic is used. A daily 2 Gy dose for all patients has been implemented for 25 days. The iso-dose curves for the fírst bladder patient can be 03005-p.2 TESNAT 2015 Figure 5. The IMRT planning dose value histogram for the first patient. The line colors red, brown, orange, pink, and yellow present bladder, rectum, prostate, LN and PTV-rectum respectively. Figure 6. The treatment planning using IMRT technic for the third derm patient. The PTV min, max and mean volume dose distributions for the 4 bladder patients can be seen simultaneously in Table 2. Table 3. The hemogenic index values for PTV obtained ífom prostate and bladder patients. Table 2. The min, max and mean dose distributions for bladder patients. ____________________________________________ HI (PTV) Patient No Prostate Bladder 1 1.02 1.04 2 1.00 1.01 3 1.03 1.06 4 1.04 1.03 Mean 1.02 1.04 PTV Patient No Volume (cm3) Min dose (cGy) Max dose (cGy) 1 2 372 390 6404 6323 6992 6971 Mean dose (cGy) 6829 6902 3 4 320 303 6452 6049 7163 7036 6911 6745 5 379 4730 7072 6690 Figure 7. The IMRT planning dose-value histogram for the third patient. The line colors red present marker. Table 4. Wire dose distributions in derm patients TEL Volume Min dose Max dose Mean dose Patient No (cmA3) (cGy) (cGy) (cGy) 1 4.2 1712 3311 2629 2 5.2 23 3558 1915 Table 5. Marker dose distributions in derm patients MARKER Patient Volume No (cmA3) 1 1.8 2 3.5 Min dose (cGy) 0 Max dose (cGy) 3747 Mean dose (cGy) 2685 2539 3988 3554 3.3 The derm tumor 4 Discussion In the treatment of 4 different derm tumor patients, using the IMRT planning technic, a 6 MV photon beam is applied, and only one area location is selected. A daily 3 Gy dose of electron treatment for 10 days for all patients has been implemented. The data obtained from the third patient can be seen inFig. 6. Thehistogramobtainedfromthemarker points inFig. 7 for the third patient, the min dose is 4855 cGy, max dose 5280 cGy and the mean dose 5072 cGy respectively. The min, max, and the mean absorbed dose distributions with wire belong to the patients who have practice surgery before can be seen in Table 4. The min, max, and the mean absorbed dose distributions with marker belong to the patients who have not practice surgery before can be seen in Table 5. In this work, we discussed some of the applications which Xrays and electron beam used in radiotherapy for tumor treatments. In this respect we apply X-rays on to prostate and bladder tumors and electron beam on to derm tumors. A 6 MV photon beam is applied 5 different prostate tumor patients, choosing 7 area locations in order to protect criticai organs by using the IMRT planning technic. A daily dose of 2 Gy to all patients has been implemented for 33 days. In Table 1 PTV, rectum and bladder min., max. and mean volume dose distributions obtained from 5 prostate patients can be seen simultaneously. In the treatment of 4 different bladder tumor patients we have used the same conditions as in prostate case except this treatment have taken 25 days long. The 03005-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences obtained results belong to bladder tumor treatment can be seen in Table 2. The minimum dose means the maximum dose absorbed by all the target volume (100 %). It is crucial that the maximum dose is very close to the minimum dose to homogenize the PTV. It can be concluded that the maximum dose is so close to the minimum dose which is planned to be irritated to the whole target volume when the Table 1 and Table 2 are compared. The criticai organs absorbed few dose during the applications. The homogeneity index values for all prostate and bladder patients can be seen in Table 3. The mean homogeneity index value for prostate patients is HU1.02 while for bladder patients this quantity takes HU1.04 value. It can be concluded from Table 3 that a hemogenic dose distribution is obtained. These values show good agreement with the reference value HI=1 [4]. In the treatment of derm tumors the electron beam is applied to the patients. The absorbed electron beam doses can be seen in Table 4 and Table 5. The results in Table 4 belongs to the patients who have practiced surgery before while the results in Table 5 belongs to the patients who have not practiced any surgery so far. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. J.E. Martin, Physics for Radiation Protection 2nd ed. ( Wiley- Vch Verlag, 2011) G. Yulek, Radyasyon Fizigi ve Radyasyondan Korunma (SekYaymlan, 1992) R. Uzel, Radyasyon Onkolojisininin Dünyada ve Ülkemizde Geliyme Süresi ve Bugünkü Durumu. Kanser Gündemi (1999) ICRU 62 (International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements). Prescribing, recording and reporting photon beam therapy, ICRU, 4-13, (Washington). H.Z. Kuru, E. Tavlayan, N. Olacak, D. Yalman ve B.A. Aras, Türk Onkoloji Dergisi , 27(3), 119-132 (2012) F.M. Khan, The Physics of Radiation Therapy, 3nd. (Williams and Wilkins, 2003) F.M. Khan, The Physics of Radiation Therapy, 2nd. (USA, 1994) A. Suetens, et. al., Journal of Radiation Research, 56 (1), 11-21 (2015) T. Ohno, et. al., Journal of Radiation Research, 56 (1), 128-133 (2015) 03005-p.4 EPJ Web of Conferences 100,0300 6 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000300 6 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Problems in detection and measurement in nuclear medicine Fatma Aysun Ugur3 Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Department of Physics, Osmaniye, 80000, Turkey Abstract. Nuclear Medicine studies are performed with a variety of types of radiation measurement instruments, depending on the kind of radiation source that is being measured and the type of information sought. For example, some instruments are designed for in vitro measurements on blood samples, urine specimens, and so forth. Others are designed for in vivo measurements of radioactivity in patients. All these instruments have special design characteristics to optimize them for their specific tasks, as described in this study; however, some considerations of design characteristics and performance limitations are common to all of them. An important consideration for any radiation measurement instrument is its detection efficiency. Maximum detection efficiency is desirable because one thus obtains maximum Information with a minimum amount of radioactivity. Also important are instrument’s counting rate limitations. There are finite counting rate limits for all counting and imaging instruments used in nuclear medicine, above which accurate results are obtained because of data losses and other data distortions. Non penetrating radiations, such as B particles, have special detection and measurement problems. In this study, some of these general considerations have been discussed. 1 Introduction Radioisotopes have made their unique contributions to medicine because it is possible to detect the disintegration of individual nuclei and hence to locate submicroscopic quantities of a given material in body tissues or fluids. The physical amount of radioactive tracer required to follow, for example, a metabolic process is so small that it does not alter the process itself[l]. The extreme sensitivity of radiation detection equipment is a cardinal factor in the tracer procedures of nuclear medicine. Hence, the choice and use of nuclear instrumentation plays a vital part in the value and accuracy of the results obtained in radioisotope tests [1]. 2 Materials and Methods Nuclear medicine studies are performed with a variety of radiation measurement instruments, depending on the kind of radiation source that is being measured and the type of information sought. The practice of in vivo counting now frequently faces the problem of the detection and the quantitative assessment of low energy photon emitting radionuclides in the body. In general, it is desirable to have as large a detection efficiency as possible, so that a maximum counting rate can be obtained from a minimum amount of activity. Detection efficiency is affected by several factors, including the following: a) The geometric efficiency, which is the efficiency with which the detector intercepts radiation emitted from the source. This is determined mostly by detector size and the distance from the source to the detector. b) The intrinsic efficiency of the detector, which refers to the efficiency with which the detector absorbs incident radiation a events and converts them into potentially usable detector output signals. This is primarily a function of detector thickness and composition and of the type and energy of the radiation to be detected. c) The fraction of output signals produced by the detector that are recorded by the counting system. This is an important factor in energy-selective counting, in which a pulse-height analyzer is used to select for counting only those detector output signals within a desired amplitude (energy) range. d) Absorption and scatter of radiation within the source itself, or by material between the source and the radiation detector. This is especially important for in vivo studies, in which the source activity generally is at some depth within the patient [2]. It has been shown in a previous study [3] that currently used concepts such as efficiency and background have to be employed in a more precise way when the measurement of low energy photons is considered. The counting efficiency associated with a counting geometry and the point efficiency is preferably used instead of intrinsic efficiency, which does not consider the anisotropy of the detectors in use. Too often, the efficiency is considered as the key parameter to describe a counting device so that the detector with the highest volume is often selected in several applications. This is not correct in lower energy photon Corresponding author: aysunugur@osmaniye.edu.tr Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510003006 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences range: a volume increase or an increased number of detectors in an array always leads to an increase of the continuum. This is proportional to the total volume of the detector, but the effíciency is only increased when the added volume is effectively active in detection of the photons exiting the body. If the added volume only increases the continuum, the detection limits are increased. In other words, a detection volume that does not collect the examined photons, increases the continuum without bringing information from the investigated sources. It is better to look for a low detection limit in the examined region than for a high effíciency in full energy range. This means that the detector's size can advantageously be tailored in accordance with the applications [4]. intrinsic effíciency (that is, the fraction of the incident rays detected) and the effíciency for total absorption, called the photofraction (Fig. 3). For a scintillation detector using a sodium iodide crystal, both the total and the photofraction effíciency are determined by the energy of the radiation and the size of the crystal [1]. Figure 1. Intrinsic effíciency versus y-ray energy for Nal(Tl) detectors of different thicknesses. The size of the detector can be tailored to each application in order to improve the response in terms of the ratio "Effíciency/ detection limit": the thickness can be adapted to the energy range in order to decrease the detection limits (Fig. 1). Extra thickness increases the continuum without bringing information conceming the examined photopeak. A detector thickness can be considered adapted to the energy when 50 to 90% of the incident photons are absorbed in the detector. The same effect can be considered when the diameter is increased in the measurement of a local deposition. The use of small detector arrays instead of a large single one will provide an opportunity to examine the spectrum from each detector separately, to localize the deposition, to correct calibration factor according to the burden geometry and to repeat the burden calculation procedure with a better detection limit. (Fig2) Figure 2. Examples of detector profiles with different complications for the computations of total detection effíciency. Radiation striking the sensitive portion of a detector may be wholly or partially absorbed or it may pass right through the detector. If a Geiger tube is used, the signal from the detector is independent of the energy of the radiation, so that partial or total absorption produce the same results. In a scintillation detector the size of the detector output pulse is a function of the energy lost by the gamma ray in the crystal. Therefore, for scintillation detectors it is necessary to know both the total Images of the distribution of radioactive material in organs of patients are formed by looking at many small areas, either one after the other (scanning), or simultaneously (a camera technique). The quality, and hence the diagnostic value of the resulting image or scan depends to a large extent on the size and sharpness of outline of each of the areas or picture elements and on the statistical accuracy of the data obtained from each picture element. Obviously, the spatial defínition, often called resolution, is improved if the size of each picture element is reduced, just as a printed picture looks better if a fíner screen is used on the printing plate. Making the picture element smaller means that fewer counts will be recorded for that area in a given time unless the dose to the patient is increased. Thus, a compromise must be reached between spatial defínition and Figure 3. Photofraction versus y-ray energy for cylindrical Nal(Tl) detectors of different sizes. the statistical validity of the information. Determining the absolute effíciency (percentage of disintegrations detected) of a radiation detector in a given physical setup is a complex problem because of the many factors of geometry and detector performance that must be considered. For this reason, most radiation measurements are relative rather than absolute; that is, they involve obtaining count-rate data on an unknown sample (or patient) and on a standard of the same radioisotope under as nearly identical conditions as possible [2]. For example, a dose is measured before administration to a patient, a subsequent blood sample is counted later at the same position relative to the detector, and the ratio of the two net count- rates represent the clinicai data. In order to be able to make both the standard and the unknown measurements as similar as possible, one must understand and control all factors affecting the counting effíciency. The fírst factor that must be considered is the portion of the radiation produced in the sample or organ which interacts with other atoms in the source and never gets outside. This process 03006-p.2 TESNAT 2015 is called self- absorption. Obviously, the standard and the unknown should have similar self- absorption properties. The attenuation by the tissues is indeed so important that the measurement is affected by a serious lack of accuracy; this can vary between 100 and 700% [1]. A heterogeneous deposition can be difficult to quantify or can even be undetectable [2,3]. This diffículty leads to reconsideration of the counting strategy and also to defíning precisely the concepts that are used. This is necessary if radionuclides such as 1251, 241Am and 67Ga are to be assessed in vivo with a reasonable sensitivity. Background radiation is present at all times in all places. It comes in part from cosmic radiation and in part from naturally occurring radioactive material incorporated in the building. For example, granite contains detectable amounts of uranium daughter products. In addition, background radiation may also come from nearby sources of radioactive material such as a cobalt-60 therapy installation, a radium safe, a supply of therapeutic or multiple diagnostic doses of radiopharmaceuticals, or patients who have received radioisotope therapy doses [1]. For this reason the detector should be well shielded on all sides except the one facing the patient or the sample being measured. For clinicai work the shielding should be at least the equivalent of 3/4 inch of lead for 1-inch diameter scintillation detectors and should go up from there to 2 inches of lead or more for 3-inch diameter scintillation detectors. It is very important that this shielding against the general background extend to the back of the sensitive portion of the detector, since background radiation can come from all directions and can be scattered back even if one principal component, such as cosmic radiation, comes mainly from one direction [1]. The background count-rate of an unshielded scintillation detector varies with the volume of the crystal while its counting effíciency of radiation of a given energy coming from a point source varies with the frontal area of the crystal. Thus, there is no point in choosing a crystal which is thicker than required for the almost total absorption of the radiation being measured. A 1-inch thick crystal is adequate for measuring 131I if all detected rays are counted, while a 2-inch thick crystal are used (2-inch diameter or more) better rations of effíciency to limit the counted rays to those falling in the photopeak (total absorption) [1]. Detectors must be shielded not only against background radiation, but also against radiation coming from parts of the patient's body other than the one under study at the moment. If a whole organ, such as a thyroid or kidney is being measured, then the front opening should be conical and subtend a solid angle just large enough to enablethedetectorrequiresa36°collimatorto "see" alarge thyroid at a distance of 20cm. At a distance of 35 cm the same detector needs a 20° collimator. This type of collimator is called a Hat fíeld collimator because it has rather uniform sensitivity across its opening. The background is an important parameter: it depends on the energy range of the measured photons. In the measurement of low energy photon emitters, consideration of background is crucial because any shielding produces, by fluorescence, a shift of the continuum towards the low energy region. For this reason, shielding can be avoided and the counting can be carried out in many places without shielding when the background is fírst controlled. This technique allows much longer counting periods, but depends on the required detection limits and on the examined energies. The environment has an effect on the continuum and then on the detection limits of a counting system. If the source is covered by inactive material, as for example the thyroid is covered by neck tissue, then absorbed in the covering material must also be taken into account. It is possible that a gamma ray may be only partially absorbed in the source or its covering matters and that it may emerge with reduced energy and a change in direction as a scattered ray. For this reason, the standard must be arranged to have scattering conditions similar to those of the unknown, or all scattered radiation must be eliminated from the measurement by using an energy discriminator. Of all of the radiation emerging from the source only a fraction will be directed toward the detector. This fraction is determined by the solid angle subtended by the detector with respect to the source. It is ruled by the “inverse square law,” since doubling the distance between a point source and detector reduces the solid angle by a factor of 4[1]. Not all of the radiation within the subtended solid angle reaches the sensitive portion of the detector because of absorption in the air and in the detector cover. This is important primarily in the case of beta and low energy gamma and x radiation. Because of their relatively short ranges in solid materiais, beta particles create special detection and measurement problems. These problems are especially severe with lowenergy beta particle emitters, such as 3H and 14C. The preferred method for assay of these radionuclides is by liquid scintillation counting techniques; however, these techniques are not applicable in all situations, such as when surveying a bench top with a survey meter to detect 14C contamination. A survey meter can be used to detect surface contamination by beta particle emitters provided it has an entrance window suffíciently thin to permit the beta particles to enter the sensitive volume of the detector. Effícient detection of low energy beta emitters requires a very thin entrance window, preferably fabricated from a low-density material. A typical entrance window for a survey meter designed for 3H and 14C detection is 0.03 mm thick Mylar (~1.3 mg/cm 2 thick). Mica and beryllium also are used. Such thin Windows are very fragile, and usually they are protected by an overlying wire screen. Beta particles that are more energetic (e.g., from 32P) can be detected with much thicker and more rugged entrance Windows; for example, 0.2 mm-thick aluminum (~50mg/cm2) provides approximately 50% detection effíciency for 32P. GM and proportional counters sometimes are used to assay the activities of beta emitting radionuclides in small trays (planchets) or similar sample holders. Two serious problems arising in these measurements are self- absorption and backscattering. Self-absorption depends on the sample thickness and the beta particle energy. For 14C and similar low energy beta emitters, self-absorption in a sample thickness of only a few mg/cm2 is suffícient to cause a signifícant reduction of counting rate. Backscattering of beta particles from the sample and sample holder tends to increase the sample counting rate and can amount to 20% to 30% of the total sample counting rate in some circumstances. Accurate assay of beta emitting radioactive samples by externai particle counting techniques requires careful attention to sample preparation. If only relative counting rates are important, then it is necessary to have sample volumes and sample holders as nearly identical 03006-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences as possible. Bremsstrahlung counting can be employed as an indirect method for detecting beta particles using detectors that normally are sensitive only to more penetrating radiations such as x-rays and gammarays. Bremsstrahlung counting also was employed in some early studies using 32P for the detection of brain tumors and still used occasionally to map the distribution of 32P labeled materiais administered for therapeutic purposes. Bremsstrahlung counting is effective only for relatively energetic beta particles and requires perhaps 1000 times greater activity than a gamma ray emitter because of the very low effíciency of bremsstrahlung production. Detection effíciencies can be determined experimentally using calibration sources. A calibration source is one for which the activity or emission rate is known accurately. This determination is made by the commercial supplier of the source. 3 Conclusions Radiation measurement systems are subject to various types of malfunctions that can lead to sudden or gradual changes in their performance characteristics. For example, electronic components and detectors can fail or experience a progressive deterioration of function, leading to changes in detection effíciency, increased background, and so forth. To ensure consistently accurate results, quality assurance procedures should be employed on a regular basis for all radiation measurement systems. These would include (1) daily measurement of the system’s response to a standard radiation source (e.g., a calibration “rod standard” for a well counter or a “check source” for a survey meter) (2) daily measurement of background leveis; and (3) for systems with pulse-height analysis capabilities, a periodic (e.g., monthly) measurement of system energy resolution. Acknowledgements The study was supported by Osmaniye Korkut Ata University with (OKÜBAP-2014-PT3-046) and (OKÜBAP-2014-PT3047) project. References 1. 2. 3. 4. G. J. Hine, Instrumentation in Nuclear Medicine, 2013 (Page, 30-38). S. R. Cherry, J. A. Sorenson, M. E. Phelps, Physics in Nuclear Medicine, 155-160 (2012) G. H. Kramer, L. C. Bums “ Effect of Radionuclide Distributions on Lung Counting Effíciency". Radiation Prot. Dosim. 61 (1-3), 145-147 (1995) J. L. Genicot, Radiation Protection Dosimetry ,Vol. 89, Nos 3-4, pp. 339-342 (2000) Nuclear Technology Publishing. 03006-p.4 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 03003 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510003003 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Comparison of dose distributions calculated by the cyberknife Monte Cario and ray tracing algorithms for lung tumors: a phantom study Canan Koksal1'a, UgurAkbas1, Murat Okutan1, Bayram Demir2, Ismail Hakki Sarpun3 1 Istanbul University, Oncology Institute, Department of Medical Physics, Istanbul, Turkey lstanbul University, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Istanbul, Turkey 3Afyon Kocatepe University, Science and Art Faculty, Department of Physics, Afyon, Turkey 2 Abstract: Commercial treatment planning Systems with have different dose calculation algorithms have been developed for radiotherapy plans. The Ray Tracing and the Monte Cario dose calculation algorithms are available for MultiPlan treatment planning system. Many studies indicated that the Monte Cario algorithm enables the more accurate dose distributions in heterogeneous regions such a lung than the Ray Tracing algorithm. The purpose of this study was to compare the Ray Tracing algorithm with the Monte Cario algorithm for lung tumors in CyberKnife System. An Alderson Rando anthropomorphic phantom was used for creating CyberKnife treatment plans. The treatment plan was developed using the Ray Tracing algorithm. Then, this plan was recalculated with the Monte Cario algorithm. EBT3 radiochromic films were put in the phantom to obtain measured dose distributions. The calculated doses were compared with the measured doses. The Monte Cario algorithm is the more accurate dose calculation method than the Ray Tracing algorithm in nonhomogeneous structures. 1 Introduction CyberKnife (Accuray Inc, Sunnyvale, CA, USA) is a frameless stereotactic radiosurgery system which provides to deliver the high doses to the target using a 6 MV linac mounted on a robotic arm in a single or a small number of fractions. In this system, the uncertainties of the target location are reduced by getting X-ray images during treatment. The system automatically tracks, detects, and corrects for tumor and patient movement. For tracking tumor, there are some methods such as bony structure tracking, fíducial tracking, and soft tissue tracking. There are 12 fíxed circular collimators (5 mm to 60 mm in diameter) and IRIS variable collimator to shape the beams. IRIS collimator automatically changes the size ofthe variable aperture [1]. In clinic implementations, the Computer based treatment planning systems (TPS) are used to obtain planned dose distributions on patient. Commercial TPS with have different dose calculation algorithms have been developed for ideal treatment plans. The Ray Tracing (RT) and the Monte Cario (MC) dose calculation algorithms are available for MultiPlan TPS (Accuray Inc, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). The RT algorithm, which is a correction-based algorithm, calculates doses using measured beam data such as the off-center ratio, tissuephantom ratio, and collimator output factor at reference conditions and uses an effective path length for heterogeneity corrections. This calculation method does not compute electron transport. The MC algorithm uses a virtual source which is similar a linac head to simulate each treatment beam interaction with médium. The MC algorithm takes into account the electronic disequilibrium. Many studies indicated that the MC algorithm yields the more accurate dose distributions in heterogeneous regions such a lung than the other dose calculation algorithms. In MultiPlan TPS, the MC algorithm is a used with uncertainty leveis and its range leveis are from 0.1% to 4%. The less number of photon simulation is performed if the higher uncertainty levei is assigned [2,3]. The dose prediction which is generated by dose calculation algorithms is very important for a successful treatment. AAPM recommends that the dose calculation should be kept within %3 [4]. In this study, it was investigated which algorithm provides the more accurate dose predication using fílm dosimetry for lung tumor. 2 Materials and Methods 2.1 Treatment Planning An Alderson Rando anthropomorphic phantom was used for creating Cyberknife treatment plans. The phantom’s computed tomography (CT) images were acquired with 1 mm slice thickness and transferred to the MultiPlan TPS. The gross tumor volume (GTV) and criticai structures were contoured. The planning target volume (PTV) was generated with 5 mm margin beyond the GTV. The Corresponding author: author@email.org Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510003003 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences treatment plan was developed using the RT algorithm through the sequential optimization process (Fig. 1). The fíxed circular collimators were used. Then, the high resolution plan was recalculated using the MC algorithm with same beam parameters (Fig. 2) and the Gaussian smoothing algorithm was used (o=0.6). In addition, 2% uncertainty levei was applied for a reasonable optimization time. The prescription dose was 600 cGy for GTV. The plans were normalized to the isodose line which covers 100% of the GTV. calibration curve was obtained for measurements (Fig. 3). 2.3 Measurements and Plan Evaluation The EBT3 films were put into the phantom to obtain measured dose distributions. The phantom was irradiated using spine tracking method. The reference point doses calculated by TPS and measured point doses with films were compared. There were 4 reference points and their locations were shown in Fig 4. In addition, the treatment plans calculated by the RT and the MC algorithms were evaluated in terms of the target coverage, dose conformity, and dose homogeneity by analyzing the dosevolume histograms. The conformity index (Cl) is the ratio of prescription isodose line (PIV) to the tumor volume (TV). Cl equal to 1 corresponds to ideal conformation. CI= PIV/TV (1) The new conformity index (nCI) formulated by Paddick and expressed as following equation: nCI= (TV*PIV)/(TVpiv)2 Figure 1. Calculated dose distributions with the RT algorithm (2) where TVpiv is the target volume covered by the prescription isodose line. Conforming of the prescribed isodose volume to the target shape takes into account in this equation. The homogeneity describes the uniformity of dose within the target volume. The HI formula is: HI= Dmax/Dpx (3) where Dmax is the maximum dose in the treatment volume and DRX is the prescription dose [5]. Figure 2. Calculated dose distributions with the MC algorithm 2.2 Film Dosimetry In this study, the calibration curve was created for film dosimetry. Gafchromic EBT3 (ISP, International Specialty Products, ABD) fílms were cut in 2x2 cm 2 size Figure 4. The locations of the reference points in PTV Figure 3. Calibration curve with 6 MV and placed at depth of 5 cm, in a solid water phantom. The source to film distance was 100 cm. Films were oriented perpendicular to the central axis of beam and irradiated with a dose range of 10 - 800 cGy using a 6 MV photon energy. The field size was 10x10 cm2 at the isocenter. Films were scanned using a flatbed scanner (Epson 10000XL America Inc., Long Beach, CA) on following day. The optical densities of exposed films were converted to the doses using the Mephysto mee software program (PTW-New York Corp., Hicksville, NY) and the 3 Results The values of reference point doses calculated by the RT and the MC algorithms and measured with EBT3 films 03003-p.2 TESNAT 2015 were shown in Table 1. The differences between the reference point doses calculated by the MC algorithm and measured with fílms were within 3%. The reference point doses calculated by the RT algorithm were found higher than the MC algorithm. For point 1, point 2, point 3, point 4, the RT algorithm computed doses values of 10.05%, 12.35%, 11.59%, and 8.26% greater than the MC algorithm, respectively. In addition, dose conformity index, homogeneity index, and new conformity index were shown in Table 2. The RT algorithm produced lower Cl and HI than the MC algorithm. In this study, the prescription isodose line dropped from 69% for the RT algorithm to 62% for the MC algorithm. Table 1. Point doses were calculated by RT and MC algorithms and measured with EBT3 fílms. Reference RT(TPS) RT(Film) MC(TPS) MC(Film) Points Point 1 (cGy) 810 746 736 758 Point 2 (cGy) 837 754 745 766 Point 3 (cGy) 828 762 742 764 Point 4 (cGy) 799 741 738 756 Table 2. Dosimetric parameters PTV RT MC Cl 1.12 1.21 HI 1.15 1.23 nCI 1.45 1.61 the MC algorithm using the same patient data and treatment parameters. They indicated that the MC algorithm predicts the more accurate dose distributions than the RT algorithm. The results in this investigation are consistent with literature. In conclusion, the RT algorithm is overestimated the target doses in heterogeneous médium such a lung. The MC algorithm predicts the more accurate dose than the RT algorithm because the MC algorithm computes overall photon and electron scatter, particularly heterogeneous médium. However, the MC optimization time is a restrictive parameter in clinics. References 1. W. Kilby, J.R Dooley, G. Kuduvalli, S. Sayeh, C.R. Maurer, Technol Câncer Res Treat, 9, 433-452 (2010) 2. F. Crop, Ghent University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine, PhD Thesis (2008) 3. S.C. Sharma, J.T. Ott, J.B. Williams, D. DiCKow, J Appl Clin Med Phys, 11, 170-175 (2010) 4. AAPM ReportNo 54, Woodbury, 22-25 (1995) 5. F. Alejandro, S.O. Iciar, S.R. Alberto, Med Dosim, 39, 1-6 (2014) 6. E. Wilcox, G.M. Daskalov, H. Lincoln, R.C. Shumway, B.M. Kaplan, J.M. Colasanto, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 77, 277-84 (2010). 7. W.C. Vincent, T.W. Kwok-wah, T. Shun-ming, J Appl Clin Med Phys,14, 68-78 (2013) 4 Conclusion CyberKnife is a stereotactic radiosurgery, which achieves sparing of criticai structures adjacent to the tumors using small fíelds. This system enables steep dose gradients at the target-normal tissue boundary while delivering the high doses to the target. Therefore, the accurate dose calculation is very crucial in stereotactic radiosurgery. The dose calculation algorithms are used to predict dose distributions in TPS. In MultiPlan TPS, there are the RT and the MC algorithms. In this study, the calculated doses by the RT and the MC algorithms were compared with the measured doses using fílm dosimetry for lung tumor. For this investigation, 4 reference points were specifíed in the target and these point doses were evaluated. The RT algorithm fíndings were average 10% higher than the MC algorithm fíndings. Wilcox et al. [6] found that the RT algorithm over predicts dose to the PTV and recommended using the MC algorithm for stereotactic radiosurgery of pulmonary targets. A retrospective study on 33 patients was performed by Vincent et al [7]. The treatment plans were generated using the RT algorithm. Then the plan recalculated with 03003-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 03004 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000300 4 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 A systematic quality assurance study in bone densitometry devices Duygu Tuncman1'a, Hatice Kovan2, Bilal Kovan3, Bayram Demir1 , CuneytTurkmen3 Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, 34134, Istanbul, Turkey Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital, Nuclear Medicine Department, 34400, Istanbul, Turkey 3Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Nuclear Medicine Department, 34093, Istanbul, Turkey 1 2 Abstract. Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease and can result in devastating physical, psychosocial, and economic consequences. It occurs in women after menopause and affects most elderly. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is currently the most widely used method for the measurement of areai Bone Mineral Density (BMD) (g/cm2) .DXA is based on the variable absorption of X-ray by the different body components and uses high and low energy X-ray photons. There are two important values in the assessment of the DXA. These values are T-score and Z-score. The T-score is calculated by taking the difference between a patient’s measured BMD with the mean BMD of the young normal population, matched for gender and ethnicity, and then by dividing the difference with the standard deviation (SD) of the BMD of the young normal population. T-score and also Z-score are directly depends on the Bone Mineral Density (BMD). BMD measurements should be made periodically in a patient life. But mostly, it is not possible with the same device. Therefore, in this study, for the quality assurance ofbone densitometry devices, we evaluated the BMD results measured in the different Bone Densitometry (DXA) devices using a spine phantom. following procedure of the patient, but mostly it is not possible with the same devices. Therefore, in this study, for the quality Osteoporosis is the most common metabolic bone disease and can assurance of bone densitometry devices, we evaluated the BMD result in devastating physical, psychosocial, and economic of spine phantom which are measured in the several Bone consequences. It occurs in women after menopause and affects Densitometry (DXA). most elderly but may also be found in men and rarely in children. Osteoporosis is an insidious illness [1]. Therefore a patient should be periodically measured bone mineral density (BMD). Dual- 2 Material and Method energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is currently the most widely In this study, we totally evaluated 23 DXA devices manufactured used method for the measurement of areai bone mineral density three different corporations .These DXA devices were in 23 (g/cm2) because of its low cost, minimal radiation exposure, different hospitals located Istanbul, Turkey. accessibility, and ease of use. DXA uses two X-ray beams which Before the measurements, daily calibrations were made for all are different energy leveis. These leveis contain low and high devices and measurements were then performed in each hospital. energy X-rays. Each X-rays pass through specific tissues. If bone, A spine phantom anthropomorphic was used in the fat or lean tissue components exist, DXA cannot directly estimate measurements. For the phantom, total Area is 52.39 cm3, total the relative proportion of all three components. DXA can directly BMC is 52.24 gr and phantom’s BMD is then calculated as 0.997 estimate the proportion of fat and lean tissue without bone. gr/cm3. After choosing the spine phantom imaging protocol, the Besides, DXA determines the proportion of bone and soft tissue phantom values were entered to the device computer as a patient for structure that contain bone. There are two important values in with 20 years old, women patient (some devices accepts as white the assessment ofthe DXA. These values are T- score and Z-score. women, some other devices accepts as Asian women), 50 kg T score is used to evaluate bone density on young people weight and 160 cm height. The phantom was placed in the device moreover Z score is used to evaluate bone density based on age bed according to the patient's position and imaging procedures and gender. T-score and also Z-score are directly depends on the were then performed. Bone Mineral Density (BMD) [2]. In a patient life, BMD measurements have been made several times because of the 1 Introduction a e-mail : duygutuncman@gmail.com This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510003004 EPJ Web of Conferences 3 Results and Discussion Osteoporosis is often occurring silently and patients don’t know that they have osteoporosis till their bones suddenly strain or bump. There are certain risk factors linked to development of osteoporosis. It develops quickly therefore BMD values should be measured periodically. World Health Organization (WHO) defines low bone mass and osteoporosis as follows: 1. In case the T-score is in the range of 0 to -1 SD, the subject is healthy; 2. In case the T-score is in the range of -1 to -2.5 SD, the subject is osteopenic (low bone mass); 3. In case the T-score is less than -2.5 SD, the subject is an osteoporotic patient; 4. In case the T-score is less than - 2.5 SD with fragility fracture, the subject is severely osteoporotic. [3] In this study, we evaluated the BMD results measured in the different Bone Densitometry (DXA) devices using a spine phantom. Two values (Area and BMC) were directly measured by means of the device computer and the values of BMD were calculated by using these measurements values [4-5]. Also Zscore and T-score values of phantom were calculated using BMD values by the device computers using the above formulas; T-score = (patient’s measured BMD - mean BMD of young normal population) / (Standard Deviation of BMD of young normal population). Tablel. Area, BMC, BMD, T-score and Z-score of the first group DXA devices. Device 1.Device 2.Device 3.Device 4.Device 5.Device 6.Device 7.Device 8.Device 9.Device 10.Device Area (cm2) 52.75 52.78 52.52 52.19 51.86 52.04 51.99 51.04 51.57 50.79 BMC (g) 52.99 52.82 52.23 52.27 51.52 52.04 51.76 51.68 51.65 51.57 BMD (g/cm2) 1.005 1.001 0.994 1.010 0.994 1.000 0.996 1.013 1.001 1.015 T Score -0.40 -0.40 -0.50 -0.30 -0.50 -0.40 -0.50 -0.30 -0.20 -0.30 Z Score -0.20 -0.40 -0.50 -0.10 -0.48 -0.20 -0.20 -0.10 -0.20 -0.10 there are 0.6 value difference between third device of the first group DXA devices (-0.5) and third device of the third group DXA devices (0.10). When Z-score is analyzed among the each group DXA devices, similar differences are seen. For example, there are 0.7 value difference between seventh device of first group DXA devices (-0.20) and seventh device of third group DXA devices (0.50). Table 2. Area, BMC, BMD, T-score and Z-score of the second group DXA devices. Device Area (cm2) 1.Device 51.70 2.Device 51.02 BMC (g) 57.32 55.21 BMD (g/cm2) 1.109 1.082 T Score -0.42 -0.45 Z Score -0.37 -0.42 Table 3. Area, BMC, BMD, T-score and Z-score of the third group DXA devices. Device Area (cm2) l.Device 48.74 2.Device 48.09 3.Device 48.70 4.Device 48.77 5.Device 48.47 6.Device 49.21 7. Device 48.66 8.Device 48.94 9.Device 49.26 lO.Device 48.74 ll.Device 49.70 BMC (g) 56.28 55.47 56.20 56.01 55.59 56.10 55.81 56.19 56.16 56.43 56.15 BMD (g/cm2) 1.154 1.153 1.154 1.148 1.146 1.138 1.146 1.148 1.140 1.157 1.129 T Score 0.00 0.00 0.10 -0.30 0.00 -0.10 -0.10 0.00 -0.10 -0.30 -0.10 Z Score 0.00 0.00 0.10 -0.30 0.00 0.40 0.50 0.00 0.40 0.20 -0.10 4 Conclusion Osteoporosis has become a chronic disease of our time. This disease should be kept under control. These studies showed that BMD, T-score and Z-score values point out important changes from device to device even using the same phantom. These changes can affect the type of treatment (as osteopenic, osteoporotic, severely osteoporotic) [6]. Therefore, using the same device for the treatment accuracy is extremely important. The Z-score is similarly calculated, comparing a patient to age matched group; Z-score = (patient’s measured BMD - mean BMD of agematched group) / (Standard Deviation of BMD of age-matched group). Each trademark group DXA devices values (T-score, Zscore and BMC, BMD) for 23 different DXA devices were given Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3. When tables are analyzed it is seen that given values have important different variation for each group DXA devices. In generally, while BMD values of first group DXA devices are close to (0.997 g / cm 3), BMD values of second group DXA devices have higher value than physical BMD value of the spine phantom. On the other hand, BMD values of third group DXA devices have higher value than physical BMD value of spine phantom. When T- scores of the spine phantom are analyzed, T-scores of first group DXA devices are close to each other and the other two groups show the same trend with the first group DXA devices. But when the comparisons are made among the groups, it is seen that there are some alteration among the T-score values. For example, References 1. J.A. Kanis, et al., Bone 42, 467-475 (2008) 2. M.G. Blake, I. Fogelman, Postgrad Med J. 83 (982): 509517 (2007) 3. http://www.iofbonehealth.org/sites/default/files/WHO Technical_Report-2007.pdf 4. M.R Salamat, et al., Adv Biomed Res. 30; 4: 34 (2015) 5. B. Heidari, et al., Med J Islam Repub Iran. 28 (2014) 6. B.V. Halldorsson, et al., Comput Math Methods Med, (2015) 03004-p.2 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 03001 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510003 0 01 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Dosimetric comparison oftools for intensity modulated radiation therapy with gamma analysis: a phantom study UgurAkbas1'a,MuratOkutan1, BayramDemir2, CananKoksal1 1 2 Istanbul University, Oncology Institute, Department of Medical Physics, Istanbul, Turkey Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract: Dosimetry of the Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is very important because of the complex dose distributions. Diode arrays are the most common and practical measurement tools for clinicai usage for IMRT. Phantom selection is criticai for QA process. IMRT treatment plans are recalculated for the phantom irradiation in QA. Phantoms are made in different geometrical shapes to measure the doses of different types of irradiation techniques. Comparison of measured and calculated dose distributions for IMRT can be made by using gamma analysis. In this study, 10 head-and-neck IMRT QA plans were created with Varian Eclipse 8.9 treatment planning system. Water equivalent RW3-slab phantoms, Octavius-2 phantom and PTW Seven29 2D-array were used for QA measurements. Gantry, collimator and couch positions set to 0o and QA plans were delivered to RW3 and Octavius phantoms. Then the positions set to original angles and QA plans irradiated again. Measured and calculated fluence maps were evaluated with gamma analysis for different DD and DTA criteria. The effect of different set-up conditions for RW3 and Octavius phantoms in QA plan delivery evaluated by gamma analysis. Results of gamma analysis show that using RW3-slab phantoms with setting parameters to 0o is more appropriate for IMRT QA. 1 Introduction disagreement. Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) technique poses such challenges for measuring quality assurance (QA) of the complex dose distributions. Treatment plans that modulated by multi-leaf collimation lead to numerous regions containing steep dose gradients. For a proper IMRT implementation, comprehending the use of dosimetric tools to measure the doses is important. Point dosimetry may allow validating the IMRT dose distributions at individual points, but quality assessment of modulated dose distributions requires two dimensional (2D) dosimetry at least. Diode arrays are the most common and practical measurement tools for clinicai usage. Phantom selection is criticai for QA process. The appropriate phantom should be determined by the purpose of measurement. Treatment planning systems calculate dose to patients in regard to constrains defined at optimization page. These plans are recalculated for the phantom irradiation in QA. For an accurate calculation, phantoms should be made of water-equivalent or known electron-density material. Phantoms are made in different geometrical shapes to measure the doses of different types of irradiation techniques [1]. Irradiation of tumor and simultaneous protection of the organs at risk is the main point of IMRT. Comparison of measured and calculated dose distributions for IMRT can be made by using gamma analysis. After creating dose fluence maps by measuring with dosimetric tool and by calculating with treatment planning system, the gamma method measures the closest distance between each reference point and evaluated dose distribution after scaling by DD (Dosedifference-criteria) and DTA (distance-to-agreement). The method provides an evaluation of either dosimetric or spatial 2 Materials and Methods a 2.1 Treatment Planning Computed tomography (CT) images of 10 nasopharynx câncer patients were acquired in head gantry and supine position. Thickness of the CT images is 3 mm. Gross tumor volume (GTV), clinicai target volume (CTV), planning target volume (PTV) and organs at risk (OARs) were defined and contoured by radiation oncologist. Then images were sent to Varian Eclipse treatment planning system (TPS). 7 field IMRT plans were created for each patient. 6MV energy was used for each of 7 fíelds in Varian Trilogy linear accelerator (LINAC). Analytical anisotropic algorithm (AAA) was used for calculation. Calculation grid size was chosen 2.5 mm. QA plans were created in some conditions. Gantry, collimator and couch positions set to 0 o and QA plans were created for RW3 and Octavius phantoms. Then the positions set to original angles and QA plans were created for RW3 and Octavius phantoms. Created QA plans were irradiated under these conditions. Corresponding author: u.akbas@yahoo.com Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510003001 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences 2.2 Measurements and Gamma Evaluation 5% of maximum dose of measured data set was suppressed. Gamma results of both phantoms were compared each other. Irradiations for each condition were measured by using PTW Seven29 2D-array, which is an ion chamber array with 729 ion chambers for precise IMRT plan verifícation and LINAC QA. In Seven29, the vented plane-parallel ion chambers are 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm in size, and the center-to-center spacing is 10 mm. In total there are located 729 chambers in a matrix of 27 x 27, providing a maximum field size of 27 cm x 27 cm. The array is only 22 mm Hat and 3.2 kg light. The surrounding material is acrylic (PMMA) [2], The gamma method provides an evaluation of either dosimetric or spatial disagreement with measuring the closest distance between each reference point and evaluated dose distribution after scaling by Dose- difference-criteria and distance-to-agreement. The concept of gamma verifícation is shown in Fig. 1 [3]. Figure 1. The principie of gamma verifícation: x, y, D - spatial and dose dimensions; DTA; Dmax; Ar, AD - local spatial and dose divergence of the analyzed point 3 Results The results of 3 mm DTA - 3% DD and 5 mm DTA - 5% DD gamma analysis for RW3 slab phantom with all set-up parameters set to original angles and with all Setup parameters set to 0o are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Also, the results of 3 mm DTA - 3% DD and 5 mm DTA - 5% DD gamma analysis for Octavius phantom with all set-up parameters set to original angles and with all set-up parameters set to 0o are shown in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively. Table 1. RW3 Slab Phantom: 3 mm DTA - 3% DD and 5 mm DTA 5% DD Gamma Analysis: Parameters are set to original angles Table 2. RW3 Slab Phantom: 3 mm DTA - 3% DD and 5 mm DTA 5% DD Gamma Analysis: Parameters are set to 0o Figure 2. PTW VeriSoft 4.1 For gamma evaluation, dose fluence maps measured by 2D-array and calculated by treatment planning system are required to compare. This comparison can be made with software. In our clinic, PTW VeriSoft 4.1 (PTW, Freiburg, Germany) used (Fig. 2). VeriSoft is software to load, evaluate and compare dose matrices. VeriSoft is used to compare measured dose matrices (e.g. 2D- ARRAY matrices or fílms) and corresponding calculated matrices (from treatment planning systems). The software can also be used for dose verifícation in IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy). The gamma evaluation was made under the criteria of 3 mm DTA - 3% DD and 5 mm DTA - 5% DD. The dose below 03001-p.2 TESNAT 2015 89.09%; min and max values were found 86.3% and 96.7%, respectively. Mean value of 5mm DTA-5% DD analysis for Octavius phantom with set- up parameters were set to 0o was found 96.55%; min and max values were found 95.7% and 99.2%, respectively. Table 3. Octavius Phantom: 3 mm DTA - 3% DD and 5 mm DTA - 5% DD Gamma Analysis: Parameters are set to originalOctavius angles Phantom - Gantry, Collimator, Couch set to 0° 4 Conclusion ■ 3mtnDTA-3%DD ■ 5mtn DTA • 5%DD Table 4. Octavius Phantom: 3 mm DTA - 3% DD and 5 mm DTA 5% DD Gamma Analysis: Parameters are set to 0o Octavius Phantom - Gantry, Collimator, Couch set to original angles 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 g 30 ’ < ! 20 ■ 3mmDTA-3%DD 10 ■ 5mmDTA-5%DD =0 23456789 10 Number ofPatient Mean value of 3mm DTA - 3% DD analysis for RW3 phantom with original set-up parameters was found 77.63%; minimum and maximum values were found 74.3% and 83.4%, respectively. Mean value of 5mm DTA - 5% DD analysis for RW3 phantom with original set-up parameters was found 92.03%; minimum and maximum values were found 90.2% and 95.6%, respectively. Mean value of 3mm DTA-3% DD analysis for RW3 phantom with set-up parameters were set to 0o was found 98.95%; min and max values were found 97.9% and 99.7%, respectively. Mean value of 5mm DTA-5% DD analysis for RW3 phantom with set-up parameters were set to 0o was found 99.85%; min and max values were found 99.6% and 100.0%, respectively. Mean value of 3mm DTA-3% DD analysis for Octavius phantom with original set-up parameters was found 84.25%; min and max values were found 80.4% and 86.4%, respectively. Mean value of 5mm DTA - 5% DD analysis for Octavius phantom with original set- up parameters was found 92.97%; min and max values were found 90.2% and 97.2%, respectively. Mean value of 3mm DTA-3% DD analysis for Octavius phantom with set-up parameters were set to 0o was found Radiation therapy is the main treatment modality for most of the head and neck câncer. Intensity modulated techniques have advantage of delivering maximum dose to target while protecting the normal tissues. Computed tomography scanning, immobilization, contouring the volumes of interest, treatment planning, set-up and dose delivery are the parts of treatment and every step of them extremely important. In IMRT technique, a successful dose delivery is strongly related to treatment planning. Treatment plans must be verifíed by QA plans before irradiation of the patient. In this study, 10 nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients’ treatment plans were used to create QA plans. 52°, 104°, 156°, 208°, 260° and 312° angles were chosen for 7 fíelds. Dynamic leaf shaped fíelds make the study more meaningful, because the dose fluence verifícation becomes more important. For the gamma analysis, normalization of calculated and recorded dose matrixes was performed inside regions of homogeneous dose. Commercially different types of QA tools are available. In our clinic, we use RW3 slab phantoms and Octavius phantom for QA. In all conditions of phantom set-up and gamma analysis criteria, 5mm DTA-5% DD gave the highest values as expected. As we seen in tables above, setting set-up parameters to 0o gave better results compare to original set-up parameters for both RW3 and Octavius phantoms. The best results were obtained from RW3 slab phantom by setting gantry, collimator and couch to 0o. Spezi et al. [4], compared output factors with 2D- array and pinpoint chamber measurements and the results were coherent. Also, output factors agreed with reference dataset for field sizes ranging from 2x2 cm2 to 27x27 cm2. This can be considered a very good achievement since it is not trivial to obtain good output factor response for small radiation fíelds when using matrices of detectors. Studies reported the diodes of the 2D array used in IMRT verifícation have angular dependence which would lower the verifícation accuracy when the 2D array is used in measuring the actual beams of the treatment plan. Thus, all the beam gantry angles should be modifíed to 0 o for the verifícation of the IMRT treatment plan [5,6]. Li et al. [7], suggested that the 2D array can be used in the verifícation of the composite dose distribution of IMRT treatment plan if enough solid water slabs are attached 03001-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences around the 2D array and the beam incidence angles are not in the range of 90° or 270° ±5°. Chandraraj et al. [8], reported th at when stricter gamma index criteria were used, some of the measured planar doses failed to pass the tolerance of 90%. IMRT is a modem accurate irradiation technology characterized by the highly conformai radiation dose to the planning target volume and great steep dose gradients [99]. We consider gamma evaluation method as a reliable and effective instrument for IMRT treatment plan verifícation. The method should be performed by 0 o angles of gantry, collimator and couch in RW3 slab phantoms with considering angular dependence of 2D-array detectors. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D.A. Low, J.M. Moran, J.F. Dempsey, L. Dong, M. Oldham. Med. Phys. 38,1313 - 1338 (2011) PTWFreiburg; http://www.ptw.de/imrt_imat_octavius.html?&cld=4 160 D.A. Low, W.B. Harms, S. Mutic, J.A. Purdy. Med. Phys. 25, 656-661 (1998) E. Spezi, A.L. Angellini, F.Romani, A. Ferri. Phys. Med. Biol. 50, 3361 - 3373 (2005) D. Letoumeau, M. Guiam, D. Yan, M. Oldham, J.W. Wong. Radiother. Oncol. 70, 199 - 206 (2004) B. Fraass, K. Doppke, M. Hunt, G. Kutcher, G. Starkschall, R. Stem, J.V. Dyke. Med. Phys. 25, 1773 - 1829 (1998) Q.L. Li, X.W. Deng, L.X. Chen, X.Y. Huang, S.M. Huang. Chin. J. Câncer 29, 617 - 620 (2010) V. Chandraraj, S. Stathakis, R. Manickam, C. Esquivei, S. Supe, N. Papanikolaou. J. Appl. Clin. Med.Phys. 12,338 -349 (2011) Y.M. Hu. Radiation Oncology Physics. Beijing: Atomic Press, 538-541 (1999) 03001-p.4 EPJ Web of Conferences 100,03002 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510003002 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Gamma radiation exposure of accompanying persons due to Lu-177 patients Bilal Kovan1'a, Bayram Demir2, Duygu Tuncman2, Veli Capali3, CuneytTurkmen1 1 2 3 Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Nuclear Medicine Department, 34093,Istanbul,Turkey Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, 34134, Istanbul,Turkey Süleyman Demirel University, Arts and Sciences Faculty, 32260, Isparta, Turkey Abstract. Neuroendocrine tumours (NET) are cancers usually observed and arisen in the stomach, intestine, pancreas and breathing system. Recently, radionuclide therapy applications with Lu-177 peptide compound are rapidly growing; especially effective clinicai results are obtained in the treatment of well-differentiated and metastatic NET. In this treatment, Lu-177-DOTA, a beta emitter radioisotope in the radiopharmaceutical form, is given to the patient by intravenous way. Lu-177 has also gamma rays apart from beta rays. Gamma rays have 175 keV average energy and these gamma rays should be under the control in terms of radiation protection. In this study, we measured the exposure dose from the Lu-177 patient. 1 Introduction follow-up during one day. Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are cancers usually observed and arisen in the stomach, intestine, pancreas and breathing system. Recently, radionuclide therapy applications with Lu177 peptide compound are rapidly growing; especially effective clinicai results are obtained in the treatment of welldifferentiated and metastatic NET. In this treatment, Lu-177DOTA, a beta emitter radioisotope in the radiopharmaceutical form, is given to the patient by intravenous way. This targeting radio- peptide is intensely accumulated in the tumor site containing somatostatin receptor and the tumor is intemally treated by means of beta rays emitted from Lu- 177. The treatment is sequentially repeated 4 or 5 times in the 6-8 weekly periods [1]. Lu-177 is a beta emitter with a maximum energy of 0.5 MeV and it’s a maximal tissue penetration of 2 mm. Lu- 177 halflife is 6.7 days. A part from beta rays, Lu-177 has also emits two low-energy y-rays at 208 and 113 keV with 10% and 6% abundance. These gamma rays allow scintigraphy and subsequent dosimetry with the same therapeutic compound. Because of the gamma rays of the Lu-177, radiation protection issue can be became a problem. We measure the dose exposure resulted from Lu-177 patient to accompanying person [2]. Radiation exposure measurements were performed by using a portable Ludlum trademark Geiger Muller device. Geiger Muller was calibrated by Turkish Atomic Energy Authority. After injection, measurements were performed at 4. hours, 24. hours, 48. hours, 96. hours and 120. hours. Measurement distances were 0.2, 0.5 and 1 meter from the patients’ abdominal regions. Measurement results were given in Table 1. 2 Material and Method In this study, we measured the radiation exposure of four Lu177 patients. Each patient was injected with average 200 mCi Lu-177 with 500 cc serum during 30 minutes. After the injection, patient’s stayed in an isolated room for the clinicai a 3 Results Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) develop in the cells of the neuroendocrine system. There are several types of neuroendocrine tumors. These types are Gastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumours, Pulmonary neuroendocrine tumours and other NETs, known as functioning tumors. One of the treatment model of the NETs tumours is radiation therapy with radionuclides. Lu-177 is known to be effective in neuroendocrine tumours, paragangliomas, neuroblastomas and certain types of thyroid câncer. Lu- 177 is a radioactive substance that we can add to a carrier called DOTATATE. Once in your body, the Lu-177 DOTATATE attaches to specifíc tumour cells and destroys these cancerous cells. [3] Lu-177 emits beta rays, besides gamma radiation. It has gamma rays which can be considered as dangerous in terms of radiation protection. Injected doses are 200 mCi in the Lu-177 treatment. On the other hand, NETs are advanced câncer type and these patients need close patient care [4,5]. Therefore, these people are at risk of exposure to radiation. In this study, we measured the dose e-mail: bkovan@istanbul.edu.tr This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510003002 EPJ Web of Conferences exposure resulted from Lu-177 patient to accompanying person. Therefore, measurement distance was selected 0.2, 0.5 and 1 m. Especially 0.2 m measurements are important because of gamma rays energies of Lu-177. Its energies are 113 and 208 keV. These energies affects to the accompanying person in the case of close contact. Various values for six patients are shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 3. Signifícant degradation is observed from the frrst 24 hours for each distances (0.2 m, 0.5 m and 1 m) when the figures were analysed. After 24 hours, Lu-177 activity keeps in organs. Then, this activity decreases slowly. Thus first 24 hours very criticai for accompanying persons. Because of radiation exposure for accompanying persons, they should refrain from close contact with their patients. Moreover patients should be kept in isolated rooms after the injection. 25 Time aftertreatment (hours ) for each distance from accompanying persons to patients. Periodical measurements should be made after Lu-177 injection. If measurement results allow, patient will discharged 1 meter 0,2 meter Time after treatment ( hours ) 1 Patient 20 2.Patient Figure 3. Dose rate measurements results at 1 m. 15 10 References 5 from isolated rooms. [6-8] 0 4 24 48 96 Time after treatment (hours ) 120 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Figure 1. Dose rate measurements results at 0.2 m. 6. 7. 8. J. Fitschen, et al., Z Med Phys. 21 (4) 266-73 (2011) G.S. Limouris,Front Oncol. 28 2 20 (2012) S. Banerjee, et al., Nucl. Med. Biol., 31 753-759 (2004) B.L.R. Kam, et al., Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 39 103-11 (2012) S. Walrand, et al., Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2011;38(Suppl 1):S57-S68. doi: 10.1007/s00259- 0111771-7. G.A. Kaltsas, D. Papadogias, P. Makras, A.B. Grossman, Endocr Relat Cancer. 12 683-99 (2005) E.J. Rolleman, et al., Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 37(5):1018—1031 (2010) N. Singh, et al., Indian J Nucl Med. 26(3): 135-138 (2011) Figure 2. Dose rate measurements results at 0.5 m. 4 Conclusion Lu-177 treatment is sequentially repeated 4 or 5 times in the 6-8 weekly periods, each fraction has 200mCi activity. Totally 8001000 mCi Lu-177 activity was injected to the patient’s body. Gamma rays energies of Lu-177 are considered as important. So it is important to keep in an isolated room for at least one day after the injection. First 24 hours close contact should be avoided Mass attenuation coefficient calculations of different detector crystals by means of FLUKA Monte Cario method Elif Ebru Ermisa, Cuneyt Celiktas Ege University, Faculty of Science, Physics Department, 35100, Bornova, Izmir/Turkey 03002-p.2 EPJ Web of Conferences 100,02003 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510002003 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Abstract. Calculations of gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients of various detector materiais (crystals) were carried out by means of FLUKA Monte Cario (MC) method at different gamma-ray energies. NaI, PVT, GSO, GaAs and CdWÜ4 detector materiais were chosen in the calculations. Calculated coefficients were also compared with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) values. Obtained results through this method were highly in accordance with those of the NIST values. It was concluded from the study that FLUKA MC method can be an altemative way to calculate the gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients of the detector materiais. demonstrated in MC method. A simple diagram of a MC code is shown in Fig. 1 [3]. 1 Introduction If gamma-rays are allowed to pass through an absorber, the result should be simple exponential attenuation of the gammarays. Each of the interaction processes removes the gamma-ray from the beam either by absorption or by scattering. It can be characterized by a fíxed probability of an occurrence per unit path length in the absorber and is called linear attenuation coefficient [1], i.e.; I(x>be(1) with Io: incident beam intensity or photon numbers, t: thickness of absorber, p: linear attenuation coefficient, I(x): the intensity transmitting through t thickness [2]. Linear attenuation coefficient varies with the density of the absorber, even though the absorber material is the same. For this reason, use of the linear attenuation coefficient is limited by the fact that it varies with density of the absorber. Therefore, the mass attenuation coefficient is much more widely used and is defmed as; (2) where p is the density of the absorber [1]. The interaction of radiation with matter can be simulated by Monte Cario (MC) method. Some input data such as details of geometry of radiation source, target and médium, type of radiation, energy and direction of radiation flight, etc. are a Figure 1. A simple diagram of a MC Code [3], FLUKA is one of the well-known MC codes which is based on FORTRAN language. These are particle transport and interactions with matter, covering and extended range of applications spanning from proton and electron accelerator shielding to target design, dosimetry, detectordesign, etc. [4,5]. ROOT is an object-oriented framework aimed at solving the data analysis challenges of high-energy physics. It works by depending on C++. It is additionally used for advanced data analysis such as MC simulations in the field of subjects [6]. Sidhu et al. investigated the effect of collimator size and the absorber thickness on gamma-ray attenuation measurement by using a Nal(Tl) detector [7]. The gamma-ray attenuation coefficient of various absorber materiais were experimentally determined by Abdel- Rahman et al. [8]. Singh et al. obtained gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients of bismuth borate glasses by experimental and XCOM methods [9]. The gamma attenuation coefficients of the materiais were investigated through an experimental method by Ermis and Celiktas [10]. Corresponding author: elermis@hotmail.com This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510002003 EPJ Web of Conferences The gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients of NaI, PVT, GSO, GaAs and CdWO4 were theoretically determined at 60, 150, 500, 600, 1000 and 1250 keV energies by means of FLUKA. Obtained attenuation coefficients were compared to the NIST values. It can be concluded that the results were highly compatible with each other. 2 Simulation Configuration In the calculation procedure, FLUKA (ver. 2011.2c) program which was installed on an Ubuntu (ver. 13.10) operating system was used to obtain the gamma-ray attenuation coefficients of sodium iodide (NaI), polvinyltoluene (PVT), gadolinium silicate (GSO, Gd2SiOs), gallium arsenide (GaAs), and cadmium tungstate (CdWO4) detector materiais in this work. 60, 150, 500, 600, 1000 and 1250 keV energy gamma photons were sent to each detector material, respectively. In the calculations, the materiais were first formed in lem thicknesses. Mono-energetic gamma rays of 60, 150, 500, 600, 1000 and 1250 keV were secondly sent to each detector material surface. The transmitted photon numbers from the materiais were then detected. Built-in PRECISIO physics list was utilized for FLUKA program. The program was run ten cycles for each material, and the mass attenuation coefficient values were calculated by means of ROOT (ver. 5.34.18) which was used to analyze the output files of the program. The attenuation coefficients of the materiais via FLUKA were finally compared to the NIST ones. Figure 2. Gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients vs. photon energies for NaI, PVT, GaAs, GSO and CdWO4. 3 Results Calculated and the NIST mass attenuation coefficients of the used materiais for 60, 150, 500, 600, 1,000 and 1,250 keVenergy gamma photons are listed in Table 1. In Fig. 2, the calculated mass attenuation coefficients versus the photon energies of each detector material are shown. The graphs of calculated mass attenuation coefficients versus each gamma-ray energy and absorber densities are given in Fig. 3, respectively. Table 1. Calculated mass attenuation coefficients according to different photon energies. PVT ÍW) G$O IX-4) 0| CdWO, (p-'.9lW t <■*) •«ordi pX.10» i1.KK MS FLVKA MO FLVKA MSI FLVKA MSI FLVKA MSI .UV, •0 0.1*024» >0 0.18810 00:00' 150 500 400 2*42*0 1*0 4*0 J.704M •-144)22 «0*01 a 24 0.14580 0.4093'5 «•♦•3038 0*1120 •.252102 «0*00012 0-25*00 0*2)503 «•*•?! 20 0*5410 1*32802 «0*2*124 0*045'0 >0.0001'1 0*0)081 0*04*? 4*400412 •*81234 >•*♦0*10 0.10*005 >•*♦•504 0.10210 •.114)20 >•*♦0425 0.1142* 0 00032 •*042)8 >•*♦•314 0.09523 0*41*4 0*43032 >o*oo::.t 0.0432' 0*0443 0*84142 >0.00043: uri: !*•• U50 4.45OO0 0**2444 >•*♦0401 0*0223 4««»IS >* *001)4 >OOOO'* I 0.04*04 0OJM1 •♦50494 <0.000352 0*4104 0.051154 >0*0040' 0*3142 0*24*2* >•*♦0405 •**2114 >•*•010* 0.03241 •*''404 0*5251 0.050452 >••00314 0.0*122 0*00)12 >•*♦0)9' 0*41012 •0*00)15 0*5)243 >0*00202 0.0*322 1 00400 •*5301* >0*00239 0*54*3 Figure 3. Gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients vs. photon energies of60, 150, 500, 600, 1,000 and 1,250 keV and absorber densities. six different gamma-ray (photon) energies. Calculated mass attenuation coefficients of the absorber materiais through the theoretical method were listed in Table 1. The NIST values for these detector materiais were also indicated in the same table. NIST values and the gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients calculated by FLUKA were highly compatible with each other for each detector material (Table 1). But the mass attenuation coefficients could not be calculated in lower energy region (60 keV) and higher material density (Table 1) because no gamma-ray photons could transmit through the materiais. The mass attenuation coefficients of the used detector materiais were also calculated by means of XCOM program (ver. 3.1) [11]. This program uses the NIST database. For this reason, obtained mass attenuation coefficients from this program were the same with those 4 Conclusion and Discussion In this work, gamma-ray mass attenuation coefficients of PVT, NaI, GaAs, GSO, and CdWO4 detector materiais were theoretically calculated by means of FLUKA MC program at 02003-p.2 TESNAT 2015 of the NIST values. Therefore, XCOM results were not given in the table. Consequently, the compatibility of the attenuation coeffícient results from FLUKA program with the NIST values leads us that FLUKA can be used as an altemative way to determine gamma-ray mass attenuation coeffícients of the detector materiais. Acknowledgement The Authors thank to Dr. Pilicer for his help in the calculation procedure. References 1. 2. G.F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, John Wiley & Sons. Inc, New York, (2000). R.W. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, (1987). 3. J.J.P. De Lima, Nuclear Medicine Physics, Taylor & Francis, USA, (2011). 4. A. Ferrari, P.R. Sala, A. Fasso, J. Ranft, INFN/TC- 05/11, SLAC-R-773, (2005). 5. G. Battistoni, F. Cerutti, A. Fasso, A. Ferrari, S. Muraro, J. Ranft, S. Roesler, P.R. Sala, AIP Conference Proceeding 896, 31 (2007). 6. ROOT: An Object-Oriented Data Analysis Framework Users Guide 5.26, (2009). 7. G.S. Sidhu, K. Singh, P.S. Singh, G.S. Mudahar, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 56, 535 (1999). 8. M.A. Abdel-Rahman, E.A. Badawi, Y.L. Abdel- Hady, N. Kamel, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 447, 432 (2000). 9. K. Singh, H. Singh, V. Sharma, R. Nathuram, A. Khanna, J. Kumar, S.S. Bhatti, H.A. Sahota, . Instrum. Meth. B 194, 1 (2002). 10. E.E. Ermis, C. Celiktas, Int. J. Instrum. Sei. 1, 41 (2012). 11. M.J. Berger, J.H. Hubbell, ‘NBSIR 87-3597’, (1987). 02003-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100,02004 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510002004 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Combined backscatter and transmission method for nuclear density gauge Seyed Mohammad Golgoun1'a, Dariush Sardari1, Mahdi Sadeghi2, Mohammad Ebrahimi3, Mojtaba Aminipour4 and Mohammad Reza Davarpanah5 1 Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Department of Medical Radiation, P.O. Box 14515-775, Tehran, Iran Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Radiation Application Research School, Tehran, Iran 3Sharif University of Technology, Department of Energy Engineering, P.O. Box 11365-8639, Tehran, Iran 4 Amirkabir University of Technology, Department of Energy Engineering and Physics, P.O. Box 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran 5 Pars Isotope Co., P.O. Box 14376-63181, Tehran, Iran 2 Abstract. Nowadays, the use of nuclear density gauges, due to the ability to work in harsh industrial environments, is very common. In this study, to reduce error related to the p of continuous measuring density, the combination of backscatter and transmission are used simultaneously. For this reason, a 137Cs source for Compton scattering dominance and two detectors are simulated by MCNP4C code for measuring the density of 3 materiais. Important advantages of this combined radiometric gauge are diminished influence of p and therefore improving linear regression. 1 Introduction These days, practically every industry uses radiation in some way. Science and industry use radioisotopes in a variety of ways to improve productivity and, in some cases, to gain information that cannot be obtained in any other way. Nuclear techniques are increasingly used in Science, industry and environmental management. The continuous analysis and rapid response of nuclear techniques, many involving radioisotopes, mean that reliable ílow and analytic data can be constantly available. This results in reduced costs with increased product quality. Although scientists have only known about radiation since the 1890s, they have developed a wide variety of uses for this natural phenomenon. Today, to benefít humankind, radiation is used in veterinary, medicine, academics, and industry, as well as for generating electricity. In addition, radiation has useful applications in such areas as agriculture, archaeology (carbon dating), geology (mining and aggregates) and many others. 2 Theoretical Principies The radiometric density gauge is designed for continuous measurement of the density of liquids, suspensions, slurries of materiais. Measurement is made without physical contact and is unaffected by changes of pressure, flow rate and viscosity. A nuclear gauge is a tool that consists of a radioactive source a and a detector. The source emits a directed beam of particles and a detector would receive this beam. The radiation that comes from a radioisotope has its intensity reduced by matter between the radioactive source and a detector which is used to measure this reduction. This principie can be used to gauge the presence or the absence, or even to measure the quantity, density, thickness and moisture of material. The beam of Gamma rays emitted by a radioactive source, generally 137Cs or 60Co (depending on application), passes through the testing material to NaI detector, which converts it into output in the form of pulse rate. The strength of the pulse rate, in counts per minute (cpm) depends upon the activity of the source, on a geometric layout and on the quantity of material through which the rays have passed. It will be a function of the density of the Processing material so long as the volume and geometric disposition of the material remains constant. In this study we used collimated point 137Cs because it emits gamma photons of initial energy of 662 keV. In simulation we considered isotropic radiations and for the 137Cs source energy, Compton scattering is the dominant interaction [1,8]. Both photoelectric effect and pair production have mass attenuation coeffícients that are heavily dependent on elemental composition that is why only those source energies within the “Compton window” are useful for densitometry. In the MCNP4C simulation that will be discussed later, we selected transmission confíguration and simulated pipe with three different materiais individually [2]. e-mail: Saygoldens@gmail.com This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510002004 EPJ Web of Conferences Calcium Sodium Potassium Magnesium Hydrogen Water Ca Na K Mg H H2O 20 11 19 12 1 10 40.08 22.99 39.10 24.31 1.008 18.016 0.4990 0.4785 0.4895 0.4936 0.9921 0.5551 The density of a material is dependent upon its atomic mass (A), but the count rate in the nuclear density gauge is dependent on the number of electrons (atomic number (Z)). As above table, for the most materiais A=2Z [1]. Because the source to detector distance is fixed, ‘X’ in eq. 1 is constant. If the experiment source is 137Cs with energy of 662keV then for variant materiais the mass absorption coefficient relationship is: f A Y z,' Figure 1. Principie of transmission method [7]. ^2 = Hil - II — A A zi, by considering A=2Z then l Figure 2. Backscatter method [7]. The nuclear density gauge operates on the principie that gamma ray is absorbed as a function of density expressed mathematically (without buildup factor consideration) as [1, 4, 8]: It = =1 (3) Pi It means that mass absorption coefficient ‘p’ is constant for a given process material. Therefore, the resultant radiation, ‘It’ is only a function ofprocess density ‘p’. By transforming equation (1) to the (2) logarithmic form, we can write the equation (l)in terms of p: Ln (It ) = Ln (Ioppx (4) Ln(I.)-Ln(Io) p= - --- LY (5) px (1) Ln (' px Where It transmitted radiation intensity, Io intensity measured when no material is present, p total mass absorption coefficient of material, p density of material, x px Due to constant consideration of p, equation (6) means that there is a linear relationship between p and Ln (It) and therefore the equation (7) will be written: p = Cx Ln (It) + C2 (7) that Ci and C2 are constants. 3 The Method All relations above are for density gauge with both source and detector collimated. In this configuration the buildup will be reduced by both source and detector shielding that we consider this as externai buildup reduction. Table 1. Material characteristics. Atomic Atomic element symbol Oxygen O Silicon Si Aluminum Al Iron Fe Atomic No(Z) 8 14 13 26 Mass No(A) 16.00 28.09 26.98 55.85 Z/A 0.500 0.4984 0.4818 0.4655 02004-p.2 TESNAT 2015 Detector numberl would receive transmission intensity plus buildup and the detector number 2 could receivejust buildup resulting from gamma interactions with matter. Buildup factor is described as [3,8]: B = total () 1 I 8 unscattered So the transmission equation considering buildup would be: It =BI0 e (9) similar to equation (1) we transformed equation (9) to logarithmic form and then we get: Ln (It)-Ln (B ) = Ln (Io)-ppx (10) B in above equation is a function of p, so there is no linear relationship between Ln (It) and p. Therefore we estimate B from backscattered radiation by adding another detector to the source side (detector No. 2). If we consider to Fig. 6 again, it is clear that, this configuration is combination of backscatter and transmission methods for measuring the density. Thereupon, the buildup factor formula would change to: B =——— (11) I Dl ~ ID2 where IDI transmitted radiation intensity to the detector number 1 and ID2 backscattered radiation to the detector number 2. In the equation (10) B was one of variables. So we can put equation (11) instead ofB in equation (10): Ln (IDl - ID^ ) = Ln (Io)- ppx (12) above equation can be arranged on the basis of p: 1 , , Ln (A) z , p=— Ln (IDl - ID2 )------------- (13) px pL Now equation (13) is a linear relationship between p and Ln (ID1 Figure 5. Simulated density gauge without internai buildup reduction. “ But in our research we used new configuration for buildup reduction that is coincidence method buildup reduction. We mentioned this method as an online internai buildup reduction. As shown in Fig. 6 we used 2 detectors that could work in coincidence mode for online simultaneous I D2 ) • 4 MCNP4C simulation There are two main procedures of calculating density of the matter with known density materiais. First method is point calibration that uses one, two or more calibration points. Second method is curve fit that calculates calibration equation for calibration points. In this study we used point calibration and MCNP4C code for simulation of counting system for three arbitrary testing materiais. The materiais are gasoline, gas oil and pure water with the known density of 0.71 gr/cm 3, 0.83 gr/cm3 and 1 gr/cm3, respectively. The radioactive point source is 137Cs and the emitted beam to the detector is narrow [5, 6]. The detectors are 2 inch NaI detector that could receive both scattered and transmitted radiations. The source to detector number 2 distance is 10 cm and the simulated iron pipe has 14 cm inner diameter and 14.5 cm outer diameter. We calculated linear regression for both combined method and transmission method, and then made a comparison at these 2 methods. Figure 6. Simulated density gauge with internai buildup reduction. 02004-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 5 Conclusions In some special industries those their productions have close density ranges, it is very important to calculate density in reliable manner. For example in oil industry the density of gasoline ranges from 0.71-0.77 g/cm3. It is important to note that in transmission method without buildup reduction that simulated by MCNP4C tool, we supposed that the radiation beam is in optimistic condition (directed beam), so in fact, the regression in Fig. 5 is not reachable and the regression without buildup correction wo uldbe worse than 0.9736 inreal configuration. With the simulation of combined backscatter and transmission density meter, linear regressi on of the density of three testing materiais has improved by 2.4%. Figure 7. Diagram between density and logarithmic intensity (without internai reduction). Figure 8. Influence of internai buildup correction. Acknowledgment We appreciate and acknowledge support for work on this article by Pars Isotope Co. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. S.A. Tan and T.F. Fwa. Ndt&E Int. 24 (1991) A. Vidal, G. Viesti, F. Pino, H. Barros, L. Sajo- Bohus. EPJ Web of Conferences. 66 (2014) Y. Haiuma. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 41 (1993) 631 B.D. Sowerby, C.A. Rogers. Appl. Radiat. Isotopes 63 (2005) 789 E.R Christensen. Nucl. Eng. Des. 24 (1973) 431 D. Sardari, S. Saudi, M. Tajik. Ann. Nucl. Energy 38 (2011)628 IAEA-TECDOC-1459. (2005) ISBN 92-0-107805-6 G.F. Knoll. Radiation Detection and Measurement 3rd ed. (1989) ISBN 0-471-07338-5. Wiley, NewYork 02004-p.4 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 02002 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510002002 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Geant4 calculations forspace radiation shielding material AI2O3 Veli Capali1'a, Tolga AcarYesil2, Gokhan Kaya2, Abdullah Kaplan1, Mustafa Yavuz2 and Tahir Tilki2 1 Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics, 32260 Isparta, Turkey 2Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Chemistry, 32260 Isparta, Turkey Abstract. Aluminium Oxide, AI2O3 is the most widely used material in the engineering applications. It is signií icant aluminium metal, because of its hardness and as a refractory material owing to its high melting point. This material has several engineering applications in diverse fields such as, ballistic armour Systems, wear components, electrical and electronic substrates, automotive parts, components for electric industry and aero-engine. As well, it is used as a dosimeter for radiation protection and therapy applications for its optically stimulated luminescence properties. In this study, stopping powers and penetrating distances have been calculated for the alpha, proton, electron and gamma particles in space radiation shielding material AI2O3 for inc ident energies 1 keV - 1 GeV using GEANT4 calculation code. 1 Introduction Aluminium Oxide, AI2O3 is the most widely used material in the engineering applications. It is signifícant aluminium metal, because of its hardness and as a refractory material owing to its high melting point. It is one of the most important materiais due to its interesting characteristics such as easy availability, low cost, low environmental impact, ease of synthesis, good optical transparency, high refractive index, high melting point, hydrophobicity, mechanical strength, dielectric behaviour, electrical insulating property, thermal, and Chemical stability [1]. NASA has always had a major emphasis on developing technologies that can be used for manned space flight, space station and satellite. Clearly, any sort of manned space requires extraordinary design considerations and extremely effective technology, because there are innumerable hazards associated with manned space flight [2]. Among these, radiation damage and heat and cold thermal effrcient are very major concem. Currently, NASA uses aluminium for radiation shielding [3]. This material is marginally effective at radiation shielding, since it has a low electron density. Therefore, researchers have been looking for other materiais, which have higher hydrogen content than aluminium, to use as radiation shielding material. It would then re-enter the atmosphere of the Earth and glide back down to the ground. In order to withstand the high temperatures associated with re-entry, NASA created the Space Shuttle Orbiter Thermal Protection System (TPS) [4]. However the energy gained by the orbiting electron is often more than the binding energy of the atom and is therefore removed from the atom. The interacting atom is said to be ionized due to this a-particle electron collision. The physical quantity that describes the slowing down of charged particles in mater is the stopping power dE/dx where dE is the energy lost in the distance dx. The Bohr relation for stopping power of heavy particle is given by 4, zz2 k2 e4 1 ( 2mv2 mv2 I n = number of electrons per unit volume, m = electron rest mass, v = velocity of the particle, Z= charge of the particle, e = electron charge dE ko = l/4n£o, (1) dx I = mean excitation energy of the médium [6]. This was modified by taking into account the quantum effects by Bethe, and the relativistic effects by Bloch, and frnally the well-known Bethe-Bloch expression for the stopping power was given as [7]: , ( 2mv2 ] ( v2 ] v 2 ln I -----I - In I 1 —- I —- l I I l c2 I c2 2 Methods GEANT4 is a free simulation and calculation code that can be used to investigation of high-energy physics, medicai physics, space, and radiation physics. GEANT4 is an abundant set of physics models to handle the interactions of particles with matter across a large energy range. Data and expertise have been drawn from many sources around the world and in this respect, GEANT4 acts as a repository that incorporates a large part of all that is known about particle interactions [5]. Energy lost by a-particle in a single collision is very small. a dE 4~z 2k2e4 dx mv2 Corresponding author: velicapali@sdu.edu.tr Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510002002 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, (2) EPJ Web of Conferences The stopping power given in the above equation takes into account only collisions with electrons. Events with nuclei are not considered in this formula. There is one important drawback of this formula. It was derived using the perturbation theory and the fírst Bom approximation [8]. and alpha particles in the incident energy range of 1 keV - 1 GeV for AI2O3. In the incident gamma energy range of 1 keV - 0,9 MeV, required stopping thickness of AI2O3 could be approximately 1,7 cm. 3 Results The penetrating distance and stopping power calculations of alpha, electron, proton and gamma particles for AI2O3 shielding material have been given in Figs. 1 and 2. The calculated stopping power values of alpha, proton and electron projectile particles in AI2O3 target for incident energies of 1 keV - 1 GeV have been exhibited in Fig. 1. Based on an approximate theory i.e. the Thomas Fermi model of atom, Bohr suggested that for high energies above 100 keV region, the stopping power decreases as the particle velocity approaches the velocity of light. When the velocity of the particle is comparable with speed of light, the normal spherical field becomes distorted in the direction of motion of the particle expanding laterally and in the perpendicular direction shrinking. Bethe Bloch suggested that for high energies above approximately 1 MeV region, the stopping power decreases as the incident particle’s energy. Figure 3. The penetrating distance calculations of gamma in the incident energy range of 1 keV - 100 keV for AI2O3. All calculated stopping power and penetrating distance results used by GEANT4 have been given in Tables 1, 2 and 3. Table 1. The Geant4 penetrating calculations results ofproton, electron and alpha particles for AI2O3. Incident Energy (MeV) Figure 1. The stopping power calculations of proton, electron and alpha particles in the incident energy range of 1 keV - 1 GeV for AI2O3. The penetrating distance calculations of alpha, electron, proton and gamma particles for AI2O3 shielding material have been given in Figs. 2 and 3. According to calculated penetrating results, the penetrating distance of alpha particles are the poorest. So this particles cannot be managed to enter into AI2O3. On the contrary alpha particles, gamma has the most penetrating in the AI2O3 target. Figure 2. The penetrating distance calculations of proton, electron 02002-p.2 Electron Penetrating Distance (cm) Energy (MeV) Alpha Penetrating Distance (cm) Proton Penetrating Distance (cm) 0.001 1.76E-05 2.29E-05 6.85E-05 0.01 2.30E-04 4.98E-04 2.17E-04 0.1 4.30E-04 0.00453 7.84E-04 0.2 0.3 6.80E-04 8.42E-04 0.01409 0.02632 0.00135 0.00201 0.4 9.81E-04 0.04012 0.00277 0.5 0.00111 0.0549 0.00363 0.6 0.00168 0.07033 0.00459 0.7 0.00193 0.08622 0.00565 0.8 0.0021 0.10246 0.0068 0.9 0.00234 0.11895 0.00805 1 0.0024 0.13561 0.00938 10 0.05271 1.68422 0.40925 100 0.20755 16.8012 2.42436 200 0.71304 33.4877 8.0816 300 1.46686 50.159 15.9504 400 2.43978 66.8267 25.4686 500 3.60954 83.4936 36.2854 600 4.95783 100.16 48.1289 700 6.46885 116.27 60.7857 800 8.12877 133.494 74.0742 900 1000 9.92531 11.8485 150.16 166.827 87.8831 102.132 TESNAT 2015 thickness of AI2O3 could be approximately 12, 167, 103 cm. respectively. The obtained AI2O3 stopping power results for the projectile charged particles can be used in several applications such as space engineering, radiation therapy and protection. Table 2. The Geant4 stopping power calculations results of próton, electron and alpha particles for AI2O3. Energy (MeV) Alpha Stopping Power (MeV*cm2/g) Electron Stopping Power (MeV*cm2/g) Proton Stopping Power (MeV*cm2/g) 0.001 91.7138 80.3267 73.51 References 0.01 260.744 17.3191 232.5 1. 0.1 828.899 3.30542 470 0.2 1083.77 2.26224 412.7 0.3 1222.91 1.91587 345.5 0.4 1306.44 1.7528 310.6 0.5 1355.2 1.66384 276.5 0.6 1379.95 1.60608 249.4 0.7 1386.82 1.56534 227.9 0.8 1382.69 1.53815 210.2 0.9 1 1371.6 1353.52 1.519 1.50706 195.7 183.2 10 394.568 1.47181 35.309 100 68.2801 1.507 5.895 200 39.6243 1.51054 3.659 300 400 29.0284 23.4376 1.51115 1.5113 2.877 2.464 500 19.9658 1.51133 2.214 600 17.5955 1.51133 2.051 700 800 15.8731 14.565 1.51133 1.51133 1.938 1.855 900 13.5382 1.51133 1.793 1000 12.7116 1.51133 1.745 R.K. Sharma, P. Jeevanandam, Ceramics International, 39,3337 (2013) 2. J.W. Wilson, J. Miller, A. Konradi, F.A. Cucinotta, NASA Conference Publication vii, 3360 (1997) 3. http://www.nasa.gov/vision/space/travelinginspace/ra diation_shielding.html. 4. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/research/humanin space/humansinspace-thermalprotectionsystem.html 5. S. Agostinelli, et al., Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A. 506, 250 (2003) 6. M. Inokuti, Rev. Mod. Phys. 43, 297 (1971) 7. H.Bethe,Ann.Phys. 5, 325 (1930) 8. A. Getachew, “Stopping power and range of Protons of various energies in Different materiais”, Depart. of Physics, Addis Ababa University (2007) Table 3. The Geant4 stopping power calculations results of gamma particles for AI2O3. Energy (MeV) Gamma Penetrating Distance (cm) 0.001 8.92E-04 0.01 0.00158 0.1 0.12273 0.2 0.36485 0.3 0.67607 0.4 0.96181 0.5 1.18423 0.6 1.34936 0.7 1.4734 0.8 0.9 1.57004 1.64883 Composite materiais that contain the highest hydrogen and oxygen are very good shielding materiais whereas aluminium and same materiais are not a good shielding material due to its low electron density [5]. Therefore, AI2O3 is better than aluminium for radiation shielding. In the incident alpha, electron and proton energy range of 1 keV-1 GeV, required stopping 02002-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 02001 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510002001 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Comparison of RPL GD-301 and TLD-100 detectors responses by Monte Cario simulation A-H. Benali1'2, G. Medkour Ishak-Boushaki2, A. Nourreddine 3, M. Allab 2 1 2 3 Faculty of Science of Nature and Life, Univ. Echahid Hamma Lakhdar, El-oued Algeria. Laboratory SNIRM-Faculty of Phys., Univ. of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediène, Algiers Algeria. Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien de Strasbourg, France. Abstract: (LiF:Mg,Ti) Thermo Luminescent Detectors are widely used for monitoring patient dose in radiotherapy treatments whereas Radio-Photoluminescent Dosimeters (RPL) are increasingly devoted to radiological protection purposes. A study, aiming at extending the use of RPL glasses to clinicai applications, is conducted by comparing the dosimetric characteristics of a RPL glass dosimeter, commercially known as GD-301 to those of a TLD -100 detector. In this paper, preliminary Monte Cario simulation results describing these dosimeters responses in terms of absorbed dose, source- detector distance and characteristics of the incident gamma field are presented. 1 Introduction A radiation dosimeter is a detector used to measure or evaluate, either directly or indirectly, quantities required for radiation protection purposes as the exposition rate, kerma, absorbed dose or equivalent dose. For radiation protection applications, two kinds of dosimeters are used: active or operational dosimeter and passive one. The fírst device measures absorbed dose in real time. The second gives integrated absorbed dose over a period of time [1]. Some materiais, known as luminescent detectors, when irradiated emit a quantity of light proportional to the absorbed ionizing radiation. Three groups of luminescence detectors are applied in personal dosimetry: thermoluminescence detectors (TLDs), detectors based on optically stimulated luminescence (OSLDs) and radiophotoluminescence (RPL) glasses [2, 3]. Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) are frequently used for monitoring ambient and personnel doses. The readout process of these devices needs a heat treatment. The great disadvantage of these dosimeters is the fact that their readout cannot be repeated: luminescents centers, created by ionizing radiation, disappear after heating [4]. Radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeters (RPLGDs) have the advantage to be read repeatedly, because the readout process does not eliminate the luminescent centers [5]. Actually, RPLGD are increasingly used for monitoring ambient dose and personnel dose but are not yet regularized for monitoring patients dose in radiotherapy treatments. In view to evaluate the use of RPLGD in vivo dosimetry [6], we have undertaken a comparative study, by Monte Cario simulation, between the dosimetric characteristics of a RPL glass dosimeter, commercially known as GD-301 and those of a TLD -100 detector. We give here the preliminary results. of the glass dosimeter was as follows: 31.55% P, 51.16% O, 6.12% Al, 11.00% Na, and 0.17% Ag. Effective atomic number and density of the glass dosimeter were 12.039 and 2.61 g/cm3, respectively [6]. The TLD-100 dosimeter is made of lithium fluoride (LiF) crystals in the form of chips (3x3*lmm3 in dimensions) with density of 2.635 g/cm3. Because its effective atomic number of 8.3 close to that of water or tissue, LiF-TLD is used routinely for dose measurements in radiotherapy. The used TLD-100 contains 26.7% Lithium, 73.2% Fluorine, 200 ppm Magnesium, and approximately 10 ppm of Titanium. This type of TLD- 100 is denoted as TLD-A [4, 7]. The dosimeters are irradiated in a depth of 10 cm of a solid water phantom. The phantom is a parallelepiped with dimensions of 30x30x30 cm3 and weight composition as follows: 8.09% H, 67.17% C, 2.42% N, 19.87% O, 0.13% Cl, 2.32% Ca and 0.17% Ag. Effective atomic number and density of the solid water phantom were 3.57 and 1.015 g/cm3, respectively [4]. 3 Monte Cario simulation Monte Cario N-Particle Transport Code System [8] was 2 Dosimetry system For our study, a model GD-301 glass dosimeter (AGC Techno Glass Corp., Shizuoka, Japan) is used. The model GD-301 is 1.5 mm in diameter and 8.5 mm in length. Weight composition Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510002001 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences used to calculate the absorbed radiation dose in each luminescent detector. The experimental set up modeled by MCNP5 code consists in a punctual photon point source collimated in a cone of rectangular extremity surface equal to the X ray fíeld sizes used in radiotherapy treatments. The photon cone irradiates a luminescent dosimeter placed in a depth of 10 cm from the surface of the solid water phantom. Figure 1 gives the modeled experimental set-up used for Monte Cario simulation. The “F6 tally” for photons was used to record the energy deposition in each studied dosimeter. For ensure all statistical checks recommended by MCNP5 code, a total of 700 millions starting photons were considered per simulation run. 0,9- * 0,8 -|---- 1 ----- 1 --- 1 -----1 ---- 1----- 1 --- 1 -----1 --- 1 ----- 1 --- 1 -----1 ---- 1----- 1 ---1 ------1 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 SSD (cm) Figure 2. SSD dependence for glass and TLD dosimeters. 4.2 Field size dependence For the same geometry of Fig. 1, the absorbed energy in each investigated dosimeter, irradiated by a 15 MV X- ray beams at a distance of 100cm, evaluated by Monte Cario simulation and carried out for different fíeld sizes varying from 5x5cm 2 to 20x20 cm2 are reported in Fig. 3. The calculated absorbed energies values are normalized to the value estimated for a reference fíeld size of 10x10 cm2. A negligible discrepancy between the results of the RPL GD301 and TLD-100 dosimeter is noticed. Figure 1. Experimental set-up modeled 4 Dosimetric characteristics Field size (em) Aiming to use RPL detectors in vivo dosimetry, Monte Cario simulation of some dosimetric characteristics, for both TLD100 and RPL GD 301 detectors, have been carried out. We give here preliminary simulation results. 4.1 SSD dependence The effect of the distance source-detector (SSD) on dose measurements was investigated by considering the experimental set-up of Fig. 1. For Monte Cario simulation, we have considered a punctual source emitting photons of 3.6 MeV energy (corresponding to the mean energy of 15 MV Xray beams) in a cone of 10x10 cm2 area at the solid water phantom superfícies (corresponding to a fíxed fíeld size of 10x10 cm2). The dose absorbed, at 10 cm depth in the solid water phantom, was calculated when increasing the SSD from 85 to 115 cm. The results of simulation, for both dosimeters RPL GD-301 and TLD-100 are reported in Fig. 2. The calculated doses are normalized to the dose value evaluated at SSD of 100 cm. A good agreement is achieved between the two dosimeters responses except at 115 cm where a discrepancy of about 1% is noticed. Figure 3. Field size dependence of the absorbed energy in RPLGD-301 and TLD-100 dosimeter. 5 Conclusion This paper is a preliminary comparative study, by Monte Cario simulation using MCNP5 code, of dosimetry characteristics between a Radio photoluminescent and a thermoluminescent dosimeter. The aim of this work is to evaluate the use of an RPL dosimeter known commercially as RPLGD-301, instead of a TLD-100 dosimeter, to monitor patient’s doses in radiotherapy treatments. The fírst Monte Cario simulation results show a very similar behavior of the variation of the absorbed dose in 02001-p.2 TESNAT 2015 either RPL or TLD dosimeter versus the source detector distance and the irradiated fíeld size. This work is in progress. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E.B. Podgorsak. Externai Photon Beams: Physical Aspects. In: E.B. Podgorsak, Radiation oncology physics'. A Handbook for teachers and students, Vienna, Áustria: IAEA 2005, 71-100. ISBN 92-0107304-6. Pawe Olko, Radiation Measurements 45 (2010) 506511. Z. Knezevi, et al., Radiation Measurements 57 (2013) 918. D Baltas, L Sakelliou, N Zamboglou, The Physics of Modern Brachytherapy for Oncology, New York, USA: Taylor & Francis Group, 2007. S.-M. Hsu, et al., Radiation Measurements 43 (2008) 538 -541. J.-E. Rah, U.-J. Hwang, H. Jeong, S.Y. Park, Radiation Measurements 2011; 46: 40-45. H. Asni, et al., Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, 2011; Vol. 20, No. 3: 329-333. MCNP-A General Monte Cario N-Particle Transport Code, Version 5 Los Alamos National Laboratory 2003. 02001-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 0100 9 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000100 9 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Calculation of pre-equilibrium effects in neutron-induced cross section on 32-34S isotopes using the EMPIRE 3.2 code Leila Yettoua, Mohamed Belgaid University of Bab Ezzouar, Faculty of Physics, Laboratory SNIRM, Algiers, Algeria Abstract. In this study, a new version EMPIRE 3.2 code was used in the cross section calculations of (n,p) reactions and in the calculation of proton emission spectra produced by (n,xp) reactions. Exciton model predictions combined with the Kalbach angular distribution systematics were used and some parameters such as those of mean free path, cluster emission in terms of Iwamoto-Harada model, optical model potentials of Morillon for nêutrons and protons in the energy range up to 20 MeV, levei density for spherical nuclei of Gilbert-Cameron model and width fluctuation correction in terms of compound nucleus have been investigated our calculations. The excitation functions and the proton emission spectra for 32>34S nuclei were calculated, discussed and found in good agreement with available experimental data. 1 Introduction Nêutron induced reactions on 32>34S isotopes and double differential cross sections calculations for proton emission are important not only for many materiais as requested by the accelerator driven systems (ADS) and waste transmutation problems but also for applications of radioactivity in both diagnostics and therapy [1,2]. According to Gupta et al., [3], pre-equilibrium processes play an important role in nuclear reactions induced of few MeV (< 50 MeV) where their iníluences at 14.8 MeV have been studied. Experimental nêutrons induced cross section data accessed by the EXFOR database [4] are necessary to develop the theoretical models. These models are frequently needed when the experimental data are not obtained because of the experimental diffículties. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the sensitivity to input parameters in neutron-induced reactions in the energy range up to 20 MeVby using the EMPIRE 3.2 code [5]. (2) x XWb (E,n,eb )r(n) n where crrab (Einc) is the cross section of the reaction (a,b) , Wb - (E,n,eb) is the probability of emission of a particle of type b (or gamma ray) with energy eb from a State with n excitons and excitation energy E of the CN, and D (E ) is the depletion ab inc factor. The PCROSS code uses the Williams formula [10], with Kalbach's method [11]. The module PCROSS included in the EMPIRE 3.2 code [5] describes the classical exciton model [6] which includes nucleon, cluster and gamma emissions. This model is based on the solution of the master equation [7] in the form proposed by Cline [8, 9] as: -qt=o (n) = A- (E,n + 2)T(n + 2) (1) (E,n) + T_ (E,n) + L(E,nn) where qt(n) is a inc d where the Pauli correction A (P,h ) is calculated in accordance 2 Exciton model formulae +À_(E,n - 2)r{n-2) the initial occupation probability of the composite nucleus in the State with the exciton number n, A+(E,n) and Z.(E, n) are the transition rates for decay to neighboring States, and L(E,n) is the total emission rate integrated over emission energy for particles (protons n, nêutrons v and clusters) and y -rays. The preequilibrium spectra can be calculated as: dd ab ^ (f, ) = ar.(E }D AE- ) b a,b inc a,b ( g ( E - D)-A (p,h))P' p !h!( p + h-1)! ®(P,h,E )=g (3) Using the parameterization of transition rate proposed by Blann and Mignerey [12] and the particlehole State densities from the Williams formula, we obtain the expressions for the internai transition rates found by Machner [13]. Corresponding author: yettouleila@yahoo.fr This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001009 EPJ Web of Conferences 1 ? À+( E,n )= ------ 1.4xl021 E' -----— 6xWls E ’ Kmp L n +1 16-S-32(N,X),DAE EÍ1.41E+7 An21 (4) A where Kmfp is the mean free path parameter which set to a value of 1.5 (by default) in our calculations. Kalbach's method [7,8,13] was implemented for the calculation of the nucleon emission rate. The probability of emission Wb (E, n, eb) of a nucleon b with spin sb, reduced mass pb and energy eb from a State with n excitons is given by, 16-S-32(N,X),DAE An40 EÍ1.41E+7 Wb ( E,n,eb) (5) ESSU Qb (P’h) where E(U) is the excitation energy of the CN (residual nucleus), p,h,U) istheparticle-holestatedensity,and CT“V is the inverse channel reaction cross section. The factor Qb (p.h) takes into account the fraction of b nucleons in the n-th stage of the reaction and is calculated as discussed by Gupta [14]. In the framework of statistical model (compound nucleus model), the Hauser-Feshbach model was used. The decay probability (Eq.6) is defined in terms of transmission coefficients associated to the reaction channels which might be particles emission, photon emission or fission. Pb (E,Jn) = T (Ex, Jx) Z T (Ex, Jx) (6) 1.40E-008 - 7.00E-009 - O.OOE+ 0 OOO 5 10 Energy (MeV) 16-S-32(N,X),DAE An59 Energy (MeV) 16-S-32(N,X),DAE An79 In the EMPIRE 3.2 code [5], the levei densities are described by several models with the corresponding parameterizations. The phenomenological Gilbert- Cameron Model [15], which is included in RIPL-3 library [16] is used in this work and the spin cut-off factor a (Ex) is given by: a2( Ex ) = 0.146 A™4ãU (7) 16-S-32(N,X),DAE EÍ1.41E+7 Arn7 01009-p.2 EÍ1.41E+7 Energy (MeV) EÍ1.41E+7 15 TESNAT 2015 16-S-32(N,X),DAE EÍ1.41E+7 Anl20 4 Conclusion Energy (MeV) Fig. 1 Calculated double differential cross sections at various angles for 32S(n, x)32P reactions at 14.1 MeV incident nêutron energy using Morillon and Romain potential [19,20] (continuous lines) compared to the Koning-Delaroche potential standard [21] (dashed lines) and to the experimental data (open squares) [1], 3 Results and discussions In this work, the theoretical calculations have been made in the framework of exciton model [6] combined with Kalbach angular distributions systematics [17]. Probability of cluster emission is calculated in terms of the Iwamoto- Harada model [18]. The mean free path parameter of the nucleon in the nuclear matter [12] set to 1.5 (by default) in PCROSS module. Hauser-Feshbach calculations require transmission coefficients for particle emission, for energies spanning from zero to the maximum emission energy. The sulíur dispersive global spherical optical model potential of Morillon [19, 20] was used both for nêutrons and protons. The dispersive potentials with different geometry of the imaginary and real parts are used with the ECIS module of the EMPIRE 3.2 code [5]. The Gilbert-Cameron model [15] nuclear levei densities were used which include the levei density a-parameter of Arthur systematics [22] in order to perform the calculations. Theoretical predictions based on the exciton model combined with the Kalbach angular distribution systematics [17] are shown as continuous lines for all the figures. The calculated double differential emission spectra at various angles for 32 S(n,x)32P reactions at 14.1 MeV incident nêutron energy using the Morillon and Romain potential [19, 20] (continuous lines) compared to the Koning-Delaroche potential standard [21] (dashed lines) and to the experimental data [1] (open squares) are shown in Fig. 1. The different free parameters used by default in PCROSS module of the EMPIRE 3.2 code [5] and the dispersive global spherical optical model potential of Morillon for both nêutrons [19] and protons [20] and the Gilbert-Cameron model [15] nuclear levei densities were sufficient to fit the proton emission at 14 MeV incident energy in Figs.l and 2 respectively. Also, the Morillon and Romain potential for nêutrons [19] and protons [20] give the lower value of when compared to the Koning- Delaroche potential standard for nêutrons and protons [21] and when compared to the experimental data [1] at all emission angles. The calculated excitation functions and the experimental data [24-33] for 32 S(n,p)32P and 34S(n,p)34P reactions are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 respectively as a function of nêutron induced energy in the range of 12-20 MeV. The sensitivities of the levei density aparameter of Arthur systematics [22] of Gilbert- Cameron [15] and the dispersive global spherical optical model potential of Morillon and Romain [20] for both nêutrons and protons give a good agreement between the calculations and the experimental data. In this study, the results of the calculated double differential cross sections for 32S(n,x)32P at 14 MeV incident energy agree well with the experimental data [1, 23] by using the Morillon and Romain potential of the EMPIRE 3.2 code [5]. Also, the excitation curves for 32S(n,p)32P and 34S(n,p)34P reactions exhibit better agreement with the levei density a-parameter according to Arthur systematics [22] of Gilbert-Cameron [15]. Finally, our calculations using both classical exciton model [6] and Hauser-Feshbach theory describe the experimental data well. The reasons can be that the light nucleus of sulfur and/or the energy range up to 20 MeV are sufficient to fit the curves. We hope others data above 20 MeV from the EXFOR database [4] in order to show the pre-equilibrium effect of exciton model [6] in neutron-induced cross section on 32,34S isotopes using the EMPIRE 3.2 code [5]. Fig.2 The comparison of the calculated proton emission cross section (continuous lines) with the Morillon and Romain potential [19, 20] (continuous lines), the Koning-Delaroche potential standard [21] (dashed lines) and the experimental data at 14.1 MeV and 14.6 MeV nêutron incident energies for 32S(n, x)32P reaction. The experimental data (open square and open lozenge) are taken from the references [1] and [23], Fig.3 The comparison of the excitation function for 32S(n, p)32P reaction using Morillon and Romain potential [20] (continuous lines) compared to the Koning-Delaroche potential standard [21] (dashed lines) and to the experimental data [24-27]. Incident Energy (MeV) Fig.4 The comparison of the excitation function for 34S(n, p)34P reaction using Morillon and Romain potential [20] (continuous lines) compared to the Koning-Delaroche potential standard [21] (dashed 01009-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences lines) and to the experimental data [28], [3], [29-33], Acknowledgments We thank the organizers of the workshop (IAEA) 2-6 dec2013 for this opportunity to offer us view of the EMPIRE 3.2 code. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. K.R. Alvar, Proton energy and angular distributions from (n,p) and (n, np) reactions. Nuclear Physics A 195, 1,289301, (1972). S.M. 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Soc. 60, 271, (1989). 01009-p.4 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 01010 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510001010 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Calculation of cross-sections and astrophysical s-factors for the 63 Cu(a,n) and 63Cu(a,y) reactions Ercan Yildiz1’a, Abdullah Aydin1, Ismail Hakki Sarpun2, Eyyup Tel3 1 Kirikkale University, Department of Physics, Kirikkale, Turkey Afyon Kocatepe University, Department of Physics, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey 3Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Department of Physics, Osmaniye, Turkey 2 Abstract: The cross sections and astrophysical S-factors of the 63Cu(a,y) and 63Cu(a,n) reactions have been calculated. The radiative alpha capture reaction cross sections was calculated in the incident energy range of 3 to 10 MeV and the (a,n) reaction cross sections was calculated in the incident energy range of 7 and 16 MeV. In these theoretical calculations, the TALYS 1.6 and NON-SMOKER codes were used. Also for these reactions, it was calculated the astrophysical S-factors which describe the possibility of reaction in low energies. Obtained results were compared to the experimental data taken from EXFOR database. 1 Introduction In light charged particle induced reactions, the total reaction cross sections drop swiftly (using of an exponential scale) at low energy region where Coulomb barrier is more effective, and measurement of the relevant cross-sections becomes more diffícult [1]. But the nuclear astrophysical S-factors change slowly with energy. Therefore extrapolation of the experimental cross section measurements in the energy range of the low energy of the s-factor is not possible, it is much more convenient. Cross-section measurements and calculations for light charged particle capture sections reactions on heavy nuclei are important for nucleosynthesis applications [2] and for statistical model tests. The temperatures exceed 109K at inner part of the supemovae. This inner region have proton and a-particle sections on médium and may be important in determining the mix of elements and isotopes which have been released from such stellar explosions. Investigation of the capture crosssections for different mass regions is very important in testing of theoretical models. In this study we calculated the cross sections and astrophysical S-factors of the 63Cu(a,y) and 63Cu(a,n) reactions. Obtained results were compared to the experimental data taken from EXFOR database [3]. 2 Cross-section, astrophysical s-factor Nuclear reactions are very important in astrophysics [4] due to conceiving of evolution, nucleosynthesis, stars, giants and etc. Depending on some physical parameters, stellar buming may involve many reactions of various nuclei. The reaction rates can be calculated using the cross-sections o(E) of reactions, or related astrophysical S-factor defíned as o(E)=E-1exp(-2n^)S(E) S(E) = o(E) E exp(2n^) a (1) (2) where, i] is the Sommerfeld parameter, (ZiZ2e2)/hv. S(E) is function of energy with slow variation than exp(-2^q) and o(E) (Fig.l). In astrophysical applications, S(E) should be known for many reactions at low energies, E < a few MeV. Experimental measurements of o(E) at lower energy are mainly not available (because of the Coulomb barrier exponentially suppresses low-energy cross sections). Theoretical evaluation of S(E) is model dependent, so that nuclear physics uncertainties of evaluated S-factor can be substantial [4]. Figure 1. Dependence on cross-section and S(E) for the reaction3He(a, y)7Be [5] 3 Calculations and results In this study, the total reaction cross-sections and by using this cross-sections astrophysical S-factors of the 63Cu(a,y) and 63 Cu(a,n) reactions were calculated according to Eq. 2. The radiative alpha capture reaction cross-sections and the (a,n) reaction cross sections were calculated in the incident energy range of 3 to 10 MeV and 7 to 16 MeV, respectively. In these calculations, the TALYS 1.6 [6] and NON-SMOKER [7] codes were used. Also for these reactions, we calculated the astrophysical S-factors which describe the possibility of reaction in low energies. Obtained results were compared to the available experimental data of EXFOR database in Figs. 2 and 3. One can see that the agreement between the Corresponding author: ercan7306@hotmail.com This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001010 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org EPJ Web of Conferences experimental and evaluated data is reasonable good at the higher energy but poor at the lower energy for these reactions. 66 Ga and 67Ga produced in these reactions are radioactive isotopes. Fig. 4 shows schematically the production and decay of the two produced isotopes. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that these nuclei decay to stable 66Zn and 67Zn nuclei than heavier 56 Fe. Figure 3. Comparison of experimental and evaluated crosssections and astrophysical S-factors of 63Cu(a,n)67Ga as a function a energy. Figure 4.63Cu(a,y) and 63Cu(a,n) reactions and the decay of the reaction products. Figure 2. Comparison of experimental and evaluated crosssections and astrophysical S-factors of 63Cu(a,y)67Ga as a function a energy. 4 Conclusion The cross-sections and astrophysical S- factors of the 63Cu(a,y) and 63Cu(a,n) reactions have been analyzed up to 16 MeV alpha energy. The reaction products, 66Ga and 01010-p.2 TESNAT 2015 67 Ga, decay to stable 66Zn and 67Zn isotopes than heavier 56Fe. It appears that the agreement between the experimental and evaluated data is reasonable good at the higher energy but poor at the lower energy for these reactions. Therefore, theoretical calculations could be repeated with the new nuclear parameters to obtain the best fit with the experimental data. Also more low-energy experiments are clearly needed for both alpha induced reactions in the mass range of nuclei above iron. References 1. E.R. Claus and S.R. William, Cauldrons in the Cosmos, The University of Chicago (1988). 2. M.S. Basunia et al., Jour. Phys. Rev. C 71, 035801, (2005). 3. https://www-nds.iaea.org/exfor/exfor.htm 4. D.G. Yakovlev et al., Phys. Rev. C82, 044609, (2010). 5. H. Krâwinkel, et al., Zs. Phys., A,304, 307, (1982). 6. http://www.talvs.eu 7. http://nucastro.org/nonsmoker.html 8. M.S. Basunia et al., Phys. Rev. C 75, 015802 (2007) 9. I. Cata-danil et al., Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 60, p 555.(2008). 10. V.N. Levkovskij, Act.Cs.by Moscow, (1991). 11. J. Zweit et al., J.R. App. Part A Vol. 38, p 499-501, (1987) 12. O.A. Zhukova et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk KazSSSR, Ser, Fi,-Mat Vol (1970) Issue 4 P, 1, (1970). 13. P.H. Stelson et al., Phys. Rev. 133, B911 (1964). 14. E.A. Bryant, Phys. Rev. 130, 1512, (1963). 15. H.D. Bhardwaj et al., Pramana 31 (2), 109-123, (1988). 01010-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 01008 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000100 8 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Quantum algorithms for computational nuclear physics Jakub Visnák1'2'3'a Dep. of Nuclear Chemistry, FNSPE, Czech Technical University, Brehová 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Rep. Dep. of Chemical Phys. and Optics, Faculty of Mathematics and Phys., Charles University, Ke Karlovu 3, 121 16 Prague 2, Czech Rep. 3J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Dolejskova 2155/3, 182 23 Prague 8, Czech Rep. 1 2 Abstract. While quantum algorithms have been studied as an efficient tool for the stationary State energy determination in the case of molecular quantum Systems, no similar study for analogical problems in computational nuclear physics (computation of energy leveis of nuclei from empirical nucleon-nucleon or quark-quark potentials) have been realized yet. Although the difference between the above mentioned studies might seem negligible, it will be examined. First steps towards a particular simulation (on classical Computer) of the Iterative Phase Estimation Algorithm for deuterium and tritium nuclei energy levei computation will be carried out with the aim to prove algorithm feasibility (and extensibility to heavier nuclei) for its possible practical realization on a real quantum Computer. 1 Introduction The Quantum Computer as a model of information Processing device exploiting directly the exclusively quantum resources superpositioning, parallelism, entanglement and destructive interference [1-3] is a promissive tool for breaking the limits of asymptotical computational costs derived for classical algorithms for classical computers. Arguably there could be quantum algorithms (qA, i.e., algorithm tailored for quantum Computer) with asymptotic complexity (in practical words the time cost as a function of problem size) scaling signifícantly slower (most important case is polynomial scaling vs. exponential scaling) than the best possibly existing classical algorithm (for the same problem). The latter prediction is widely believed [1] (for opposing view see [4]), but still unproven [3]. However, there does exist a class of tasks which should prefer quantum Computer over the classical one by their very nature - tasks of modelling quantum systems [5]. The other interesting problems for which are known qAs outperforming the best currently known classical algorithms are, e.g. Deutsch-Jozsa [6,7], Grover’s [8] and the famous Shor’s Algorithm [9] for integer prime- faetorizationa. This study aims to prepare the fírst step towards the first simulation of a quantum algorithm for nuclear structure computation on a classical Computer. Abrams and Lloyd Algorithm [12-16], its applieation to the H2 dissoeiation curve by Full-CI (Full Configuration Interaetion method) in minimal basis [17] (ineluding practical realization on photonie quantum Computer), to slightly larger systems like LiH, H2O [13] and CH2 [16], generalization for explieitly relativistie all electron 4- eomponent ealeulations via DiraeCoulomb(-Breit) Hamiltonian for SbH model molecule [18] (the latter two were just simulations of algorithms on a classical Computer) or another interesting algorithms, among them, the Quantum Variational Hamiltonian Estimation [56] applied on HeH+ molecule electronic energy (for practical realization of HeH+ energy ealeulation, please see [60]) should be eited as an example. The nuclear structure problems, unlike the electronic structure ones, are complieated not only by computational complexity of many-body stationary Sehroedinger equation but by uneertainty in ehoosing the correct Hamiltonian b too. However, with the phenomenologieal b (in the case of mechanieal model - the correct deseription of either nucleonnucleon or quark-quark potentials (“quark potential” in this artiele refers always to the effeetive phenomenologieal formulae based on the a Which, if successfully implemented on a large-scale quantum Computer would make the current encrypting system RSA obsolete (on the other hand, quantum teleportation ean provide us by fundamentally unintereeptable eryptographie method [1, 10, 11]) Simulations of this kind provide us answers on questions such as - “Which algorithm with which parameters is best for the class of computational problems in question? How many qubits will be needed to perform the algorithm? And how many quantum logieal gates will be needed? (and therefore for how long will one computation take? Wouldn’t be computation affeeted by decoherenee after that time?)”. The inspiration was taken from sueeessful simulation studies done for the ab initio structure theory computational problems, i.e. a Corresponding author:jvisnak@gmail.eom Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001008 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences nucleon-nucleon potentials derived from the scattering experiments together with three-body (or eventually four- or more- body forces) carefully fítted to few model nuclei bonding energies do produce in principie numerically accurate Hamiltonian for small and médium nuclei and (sooner or later) the main bottleneck for nuclear structure modeling will tum out to be the diagonalization of Hamiltonian in Hilbert space of large dimension (scaling roughly as nA, where n is the oneparticle basis set cardinality and A is number of nucleons, therefore exponentially in A). Therefore, the same class of qAs as in the electronic structure may be applied. Similarly as for the many-body nucleon model above, we can think about phenomenological mechanical model of nuclei as bounded State of 3A (constituent, valence) quarks with given quark-quark effective potentials (the correspondence with the nucleonic model can be derived through Composite Particle Representation Theory [19], the feasible example of quark-quark potentials were derived by Wu [19]). Diagonalization of second quantized Hamiltonians c nonconserving the number of particles or their generalizations built from creation and annihilation operators for more then one kind of particles and containing terms corresponding for creation of multiple (anti)quarks or composite particles, etc. is probably completely intractabled on classical Computer. However, the Abrams-Lloyd algorithm via the direct-mapping vector space and algebra isomorphism can solve this problem in time polynomial in n (the exact computational time cost is of form O(na logb n), where I will discuss the a and b values for different algorithms below) and the qubit cost is of form O(n)). Compact mapping [20] and expectation value averaging quantum algorithms provide similar speed up with respect to classical Computer algorithm design - the number of quantum gates required and therefore the computational time scales as the number of terms in second quantized Hamiltonian or with overhead at most polynomial in n. outcomes. The computational model is stochastic and will produce the correct result with some probability (“the success probability”, p). In case p > one can always increase the correct result probability as close to 1 as needed by repeating the computation enough times and by majority voting on the result. In the whole article, the ideal digital quantum Computer is addressed. Real quantum computers suffer from quantum noise and decoherence. In most cases the resulting negative effects on quantum computation can be mitigated by quantum error correcting codes [1, 22, 23]. 2 Theoretical background The qFT may be defíned by unitary transform on n-qubit register 2.1 Quantum Computer, qubits, gates 2.2 Quantum Fouriertransform (qFT) (1) Rz (®) = | 0^0| + é For the sake of this article, we can think about quantum Computer (here only the digital quantum Computer will be presented) as an theoretical device composed of quantum very simplified model of particles build just from the “constituent” quarks), however, since the kinetic energies of constituent particles are much higher than in the electronic case, the feasibility of any mechanical approach is in question) c Through the Dirac picture and second quantized Hamiltonian (for qA simulation for electronic structure problem please note [18]) we can arrive into formulation similar to fíeld-theory (going beyond the no-pair approximation [21]) with second quantized Hamiltonian consisting of terms creating particleanti-particle pairs. d For realistically short computational time. Except for the smallest possible systems. core from m distinguishable 2-level quantum systems (qubits), universal sets of gates (acting on the quantum core State as unitary operators) and measurement operators (measuring the State of defíned subsets of qubits (quantum registers)) and classical control unit which realizes which gate or measurement should be applied according to program corresponding to particular algorithm. The computation result is decided upon the measurement 1)(1|). Editedpicturefrom [1], some authors defíne it with the opposite sign in the exponential above. Straightforward implementation costs O(n2) Hadamard gates and controlled phase shifts, effícient O(n log n) approximations exist [57]. 2.3 The phase estimation algorithm (PEA) The algorithm gives fírst m bits estimation of the phase $ by parameterizing given 11 x 21 unitary operator U (matrix, implemented as a quantum logical gate) Figure 1. Quantum circuit for exact qFT, H e C'2-2' is the Hadamard gate (Hü = 2‘1/2 (-l)j, ij e {0;l}) and Rp is the zrotation gate with angle ep=2rc/2p( 01008-p.2 TESNAT 2015 eigenvalue 2 = exp(2 (/)). The algorithm works with m- qubit phase read-out register „a“ and /-qubit eigenvector (wave function) register „b“ and requires initialization of the latter one to the initial guess |i//0^ e C'A(2/) of the corresponding U eigenvector | . In applications for bounded States energy estimation (problem of fínding Hermitian Hham Hamiltonian eigenvalues) U is then of the form U = exp (i Aí {Hham - Emin I21)) and then lower (Emin) and upper (Emax) bounds6 for the Hham eigenvalue E are also needed as an input for the algorithm (Emin <E< Emax) and Aí parameter choice of the form Aí = 2n/(Emax - Emin) is used. Figure 2. PEA quantum circuit. After Hadamard gates are applied, the equally weighted superposition is created in the register a, the suhsequent m application of the conditioned U- gate leads to entangled State (2). Due to the Fourier orthogonality relations it is clear that qFT will amplify amplitude for States of a corresponding to the closest mhit approximations to (see (3)) Also | (//, ^ would he close to the (U and) Hham eigenvector (this Information is not accessihle directly hut can he approximately revealed hy repeated measurements in different hasis sets) [24, 25, 1], 1 2" -1 \core)^U kX = 2 x=o 1 2 -1 -i=Z x)exp|2v/xH') m m j2m x = o b y where H' = (//_, - Emin) / (Emax - EmiJ is original Hamiltonian (2) rescaled so that its eigenvalue in question lies witliin^O; 1) interval and is therefore represented by the phase of the form 0=O.ff2...fm+&2-m, e While the upper bound Emax for the ground State is easy to compute due to the variational theorem (in case we use PEA in connection with Full Confíguration Interaction (FCI) computation, we can use the Hartree-Fock energy EHF as the upper-bound), the lower bound Emin is less attainable, the Frobenius Theorem or similar algebraic bounds may be used, unfortunately this would mean O((2 /)A2) (3) costly classical precalculation [26, 27]. It would be interesting to note some works dedicated to lower bounds, e.g. [28-30]. For lower esíimaíe, the EHF - aíEHF-EMBPi) for some a > 1 (MBPT stands for the Many Body Perturbation Theory) might be used [61]. is to be|(i//„ |^| > 0.62 2.4 Iterative PEA (IPEA) Pm * |(^0 H|2 • Sm , (4) Through the idea of „measurement conditioned operations“ [31] we can „decouple“ individual ^’s bits estimation measurement and lower the qubit requirements on read-out register from m qubits to 1 qubit at the cost of repeated operation of quantum circuit in Fig.? in the next paragraph where angle (Ok parameterizing z-rotation gate depends on previous bit measurements (starting from the least signifícant bit ^m). Figure 3: Iterative PEA quantum circuit. The algorithm starts for k I. the angle wk depends on the previously measured bits so Ok = 2K0.0/m-k+2/m-k+3..^fm. In case we maintain the b register for all iterations (| y/^1^ = | y/^k'^) the term “IPEA A” will be used. Another possibility (favourable in case the coherence time is too short) is to prepare the same State at the beginning of each iteration (| y/ok= | l//n b) in this case the term “IPEA B” will be used. Unlike IPEA A, the IPEA B is not fully equivalent to original PEA and the success probability formula (4) doesn’t hold for this case. Instead, lower and upper estimates |(^o |^| O pm/Sm(â) O |(^01^| can be derived [32], This would lead to practical uselessness since even for a high overlap, the pm would decrease with m quickly under 0.5. However, if each iteration in IPEA B is r-times repeated and bits are decided by the majority vote, for r > 3, the IPEA B pm usually surpass the IPEA A value. IPEA B is likely to work even when overlap is lower than 0.62 or even 0.5 as long as the eigenvector | keeps to have highest overlap with the initial eigenvector guess from the 2z-tuple set of all Hham eigenvectors. 2.5 Abrams-Lloyd algorithm The idea is to simply exploit the (I)PEA for physical Hamiltonians. First introduced by Abrams and Lloyd into quantum chemistry in the second quantized formulation [1216], Since the U operator is usually exponential of the sum of non-commuting simple operators, the Trotter-Suzuki The algorithm is based on quantum circuit above and (usually very tight) lower bound to the success probability pm defíned as the sum of probabilities of the two closest approximations to the correct phase y> equals where Sm(A) range is ^8 /^2;1^ = { 0.81;^, exact form can be found e.g. in [3]. Therefore for algorithm to be useful, the sufficient condition on eigenvector initial guess is that its overlap with the eigenvector exact within given fmite computational basis 01008-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences formulae of various orders [33] are used for its implementation (the exponentials of the simple operators are easily decomposed into single qubit gates and CNOTs). The total gate count for (I)PEA algorithm scales as O(-X.ln(AEòE)/òE). where X is the asymptotical cost for U operator implementation (usually in form O(Na logbN), where N is the size of system studied, or size of the one-particle basis set and a and b are small and positive), AE = Emax - Emin and SE = 2~™AE is the precision in energy (should be chosen as slightly higher than expected magnitude of error due to the fíniteness of basis used). The particular mapping between algebra of operators acting on the Hilbert space of physical system we are studying and Hilbert space of qubits and corresponding mapping of Hilbert spaces is matter of the next paragraphs. 2.5.1 First quantized formulation Let us consider a simple fully non-relativistic Hamiltonian of interacting A-body system (without the center-of-mass (CM) movement separation, interactions are pair-wise, momentum and spin independent and local in position basis). The fírst quantized quantum algorithm was fírst introduced by Weisner and Zalka [34,35]. .P. H + 2 ;kjk), V (5) Ti 2 mj j j The wave íunction of this system is stored „on (cartesian) grid“ in 3A-(b+z)-qubit register, where B = 2b is number of points of the grid per each cartesian coordinate (chosen as some power of two) and z corresponds to spin variable and is usually a small number compared to b (for spin-1/2 fermions z = 1). It can be shown that when the initial guess wave-function is properly (anti)symmetrized with respect to variables of indistinguishable particles of given statistics (Fermi, Bose), the (anti)symmetry is kept within the scope of quantum diagonalization algorithm [36]. The partitioning of H in the exponent in U for Trotterization is then U = exp (6) lim exp m acting on wave-function register. It can be shown, that best up to now known algorithms use at most O(b) one- and two-qubit gates for its decomposition. The T and therefore exp(i(At/m) Ê) are diagonal within momentum basis and are similar to diagonal operators Tj (j pP indicates coordinate not particle) and exp(i(At/m) Tj )) p respectively via qFT (UQFT j in formula (8) below) exp f i — fLfí UUQFT j exp íi —Tf ^U^ j, Q m j=j Q m (8) The gate costs are O(b) for each exponential and either O(b2) (for „exact“ qFT) or O(b log b) (for approximate qFT) on the right side of (8). Therefore the total gate cost for implementing one timestep of Trotter-Suzuki formula [33] (simple product of the two exponentials in (6) or three exponentials in (7)) is either O(A2 b) + O(A b2) or O(A2 b) + O(A b log b) depending on our qFT implementation. The cost of the algorithm also depends on the scaling of the time-steps number m needed in (6) with A and b for a constant error in eigenvalue due to Trotter formula error. Rough examination based on the (15) formula from [37] gives m = O(A3/2) (at least for a large b, m would not depend on b) implying the total gate cost of algorithm to scale as O(A3-5 b) + O(A2-5 b2) or O(A3-5 b) + O(A2-5 b log b) depending on our qFT implementation. This result shows quantum algorithm to be effícient when compared to classical FCI exponential scaling with A. Even for the lowest values of A, the quantum algorithm poses an advantage over its classical counter-parts due to the cost scaling with respect to b = log2 B (diagonalization of a sparse matrix of dimension O(B) has O(B2) time-cost which is exponentially larger than at most quadratic scaling in log B). The cartesian grid is assumed here to be equidistant running from -B-dr/2. to +B-dr/2. in each coordinate axis with elementary step equal to dr. The eventual non- equidistant grid computation probably would not need large overhead. First quantization is also addressed in the works [38] and [39]. The separation of CM movement might be done by coordinate system choice explicitly (e.g. Jacobi coordinates, typical for small A) or by subtracting the total kinetic energy of the system. The subtraction leads to masses mj being replaced by reduced masses = mj^ - M~l (M = Tj mj) and Vjk now containing term (- 1/M)( pj ■ pk). The latter should be for the purpose of Trotter formula [33], however contained in the Ê' operator (the prime distinguish the operator from the case where CM movement is not separated) since it commutes with other momentum-dependent operators. Now or for second order Trotter-Suzuki [33] formula U = exp (i At (T +V lim m (7) | . Al T> I I • Al rf. | | . At y || exp | i----- V | exp | i — T | exp | i ------ V | | l 2 m ) V m ) l 2m )) where T stands for the sum of kinetic energy operators and V for the sum of potential energy operators, the latter being dependent on position only, the former on momentum only. The V and therefore exp(i(At/m) V) are diagonal within position basis and corresponds to 6 b qubit gate 01008-p.4 \ - At ~,) (.At ~ exp I i — T | = exp I i — T (m) (m TTU r7+ U r7+ . J • At n QFT,k QFT,j 6XP I i PjPk \ QFT ,jU QFT ,k k j( mM J U (9) TESNAT 2015 meaning O(A2b2) gate cost for this part of Trotter-Suzuki expansion [33] and also for one Trotter time-step. Rough estimate for m in Trotter formula gives now m = O(A2) implying the total gate cost O(A4b2). Similar gate counts would be expected for Hamiltonian (5) in form of sum of Dirac-like Hamiltonians (Dirac-Coulomb or Dirac- Coulomb-Breit Hamiltonian). In case of three-body forces V (r ,rk,rn), or more generally for the Hamiltonian containing N-body forces V. . , (r, ,r, ,--,r, ) the gate count would be jl j2 JN JN increased up to O(ANb) + O(A2b2) for a single Trotter time-step and m = O(AN), therefore the total cost would be O(A2Nb) + O(AN+2b2). However, the nuclear structure theory works with momentum dependent interaction potential, like HamadaJohnson [40] or Argonne [41]. In this case, since the potential depends solely on the angular-momentum (but non-linearly) spherical coordinates are natural and we can think about discretizing only the radial coordinate, so the single-particle wave-function has a form jkn 2 k) = R j ^ \ ’ j’ ’ k) ’ j.m1 J.j j m (10) 1 S j,mj ,l,s,T then the wave-function register would be divided into fewqubits parts storing angular momentum information, isospin and similar information and b-qubit radial part for R(r) stored for discrete values of r from dr to 2b dr. While implementation is straightforward for the two-nucleon problem, in case of three- and more nucleon problems, íurther formulae would need to be derived (e.g. multipole expansion of r-dependent part of potential into radial and angular coordinates of interacting nucleons). For this case, the non-relativistic kinetic energy operator should be written in spherical coordinates as (11) where p2 = - r 1 52 r (note: õr is the derivative with respect to r operator). From [42] we can conclude that similar trick as with linear momentum could be done with the radial momentum operator only with quantum discrete sine transformation used instead of the qFT with the same gate cost of O(b2) for the quantum sine transform [43]. In [38] rigorous description of different algorithm using 3A.(B+z)-qubit wave-function register with easier implementation, but with scaling at least O(B log B) with the respect to grid point number for a single Trotter step is presented. However, the [38] version allows simple adaptation of the algorithm to irregular space-sampling (i.e.no rectangular grid at al). 2.5.2 Second quantized formulation Let us consider the simplest second quantized Hamiltonian TT = t hj a+ja + k V^jía at , (12) k j,k m j <k ,l <m where hjk = hkj* and Vjkim = Vkjmi = Vmijk* are complex numbers and 0j+ (or aj) are creation (or annihilation) operators for the single particle basis States fulfilling the (anti-)commutation relations for bosons (for the bosonic case, they will be marked as b,') (14) (fermions (13)). {a*, ak } = 8jk, [a+j, ak^ = {aj, ak }= 0, [bj, bk ] = djk, [b], b+k~] = [bj, bk ]= 0, (13) (14) The Hamiltonian can be further generalized by adding three((1 / (v) ) V W,^ jta a a am ), or more jklmpq q p particle terms and/or by adding another kind of particles with corresponding different set of creation and annihilation operators (including the interaction terms between those two kinds of particles). 2.5.2.I. The direct mapping For the fermionic case, we can thing about either compact or direct mapping of the Hilbert space of interacting system described by (12) onto quantum register and corresponding mapping of algebras preserving the anticommutation relations (13). In the case of direct mapping, the Jordan-Wigner transformation (JWT) [44] where qubits store occupation numbers for spin-orbitals can be used - in this case, the creation operator is realized by O(N) sequence of Pauli matrices acting on the quantum register (15)f. JWT a+ p = -1 Z,Z2...Zp_^+ . (15) Later, a more effective, Bravyi-Kitaev transformation (BKT) (16) was developed [45-46] - in this case qubits store rather specific partial sums of occupation numbers and creation (and annihilation) operators are realized by just O(log N) sequence ofPauli matrices. BKT a p~ X u(pyr, + ZR(p-)’ (16) here, U(p) and R(p) are sets with O(log N) elements - for closer description see [45-46]. For the case of distinguishable particles, ap+ is represented by OÍ alone. For the bosonic particles, transformations preserving the commutation relations (14) (respectively their projection onto Imite dimensional Fock subspace - note: we can store only States with maximum Vp bosonic particles in the p-th spin-orbital when p is finite) have been developed too - Somma et al [47] presents simple and powerful transformation with gate cost O(V4N4) for the two-particle term in (12) where V = maxp Vp, the qubit cost for representingp-th spin-orbital occupation number is, however Vp+1. Different transformation for bosonic particles, using only |~log 2 (Vp +1)"| qubits with O(U*Nj gate cost for the two-particle term in (12) will be presented in article [48]. Through the Trotter-Suzuki formula [33], the evolution operator U for (12) Hamiltonian is decomposed into the products of exponentials of i(At/m) multiples of individual terms in (12) and each of them is realized by O(log4 N) gates. This means O(N4 log4 N) gates for applying U in total (I will address the three-particle force generalization briefly at the end of the next paragraph). In the case of local basis (and N denoting size of the system when using always the same ratio of one-particle basis set dimension to number of f Zk,Xk, 0k,+ are k-th qubit Pauli 01008-p.5 EPJ Web of Conferences centers/particles) we can even thing aboutjust O( N log4 N) cost since only O( N2) terms will be then non-negligible (or even O(N) in a truly asymptotic region) [49]. Although the scalings cited in the next paragraph came from electronic structure theory, they provide probably rather good estimation and worst scenario bounds [50] for the nuclear structure theory as well. The trotter number m can be estimated to scale at worst as m=O(N6) [50], but fortunately realistic simulations done on electronic structure problems show that the scaling is rather m = O(N4) [50], Poulin et al [51] presented scaling m = ON1'5'2'5) for a different, more realistic set of molecules. By simple multiplication of m with the gate counts for implementing U gate from previous paragraph, the total gate (and therefore time) cost of algorithm will range from O(N10 log4 N) through O(N8 log4 N) [50], O(N5-5-6-5 log4 N) [51] to O(N3-5'4'5 log4 N) [51, 49]. In the case of q-particle (q > 2) force terms in Hamiltonian we have to add 2(q-2) (or q-2 with local oneparticle basis set, [49]) to the power of N in the computational costs. The most straightforward choice for the one-particle basis set are the ground State Hartree-Fock spin-orbitals (Mean-field Solutions), however any orthonormal basis set complete enough for appropriate precise description could be used. The Hartree-Fock (HF) many-body wave- íunction solution (Slater determinant for the ground State) is also the most straightforward candidate for the initial eigenvector guess | }, in case it will show to have too small overlap for success probability over 0.5, one can either use some State from classically carried out post-HF method (usually only few Slater determinant are necessary) or use quantum algorithms Adiabatic (quantum) State Preparation (ASP) [13, 52] or the quantum cooling[53]methods forthe p//,^ initialization. It would be interesting to do similar simulations for nuclear structure problems in order to evaluate the success probabilities for HF initial guess and to derive how the Trotter number scales with the one-particle basis size and number of nucleons of the system. Work on this matter is in progress (in the collaboration with P. Vesely from Nuclear Physics Institute of the ASCR). In case of the nucleon-nucleon mechanical approach one can either use isospin formalism or to think about nêutrons and protons as two different kind of particles having their respective sets of spin-orbitals and corresponding creation and annihilation operators (let us say aj+’s and aJ+’s, where j and J are from two non- overlapping sets (so the (12) form holds, just summation indices change their meaning) and [aj+,aK] = [aj+,aK+] = 0 - operators on proton and nêutron space commute with each other). spin-orbitals, A number of particles (= filled spin- orbitals) and C(N,A) the combination number) have been developed too and give rise to U implementation costs of O((N-A)4/3 log log (NA)) in general case [20] and O((N- A)(log(N-A))7/4) using blackbox algorithms [20, 54, 55]. Unfortunately little to no studies were done for the total one- and two-qubit gate cost for this case. 2.5.3 Quantum field theory While in the case of first quantized Abrams-Llyod qA we would think about the Lattice QCD application, the both lattice QCD and non-lattice QCD computation within the second quantized variants are also of possible further interest. Since the direct mapping, the compact mapping and their eventual hybrids might be used also for efficient simulation of quantum field theory Hamiltonians non- conserving number of particles. 2.6 Alternative algorithms From the plethora of alternative algorithms for Hamiltonian eigenvalue estimation on quantum computers, the Quantum expectation estimation (QEE) should be mentioned [56], it is based on the second quantized Hamiltonian (12) with (JWT) or (BKT) this results in Hamiltonian represented as a linear combination of strings of Pauli matrices - each of the strings are applied to quantum register representing the wave-function and the register is O(|h|2/p2) measured to obtain contribution to energy with the precision p. After that, parameters of State preparation are changed in order to lower energy estimated. After minimum with respect to the preparation parameters is achieved, we can conclude we had variationally found ground State energy [56]. The gate cost for this algorithm is O(N2q|hmax|2/p2), where q = 2 for Hamiltonian with at most pair-wise interaction, q = 3 for Hamiltonian with three-body forces, etc. and \hmaX\ is the largest from j Vjkim parameters absolute value. The interesting difference with respect to the (I)PEA is maximal coherence time needed, which here doesn’t scale linearly with number of gates used, but is O(N) for JWT or even O(log N) for BKT. The The compact mapping While the Hamiltonian in the form (12) conservate number of particles, in direct mapping the quantum register still can superposition of States from Fock spaces corresponding to different particle numbers (from the physical vacuum up to system with all (including the virtual) spin-orbitals filled) - this seems we are wasting with, at least, the qubit resources (however the bottleneck for quantum computers and quantum computation will sooner or later show to be rather the number of gates and computational time respectively (which should be always much lesser than the decoherence time)). Fortunately, algorithms storing only A-particle subspace of the Fock space onto O(log2 C(N,A)) qubit register (N is the number ofbasis 01008-p.6 TESNAT 2015 drawback is necessity to proceed probably time costly minimizing procedure. For finding excited State [56] suggests construction à2H = (H - E)2 operator (E is estimate of eigenvalue in question), which increase the computational time to O(N4q|hmax|4/p2). Similar approach might be used for potential optimization (with respect to parameter set p) - <H(fi)> is first minimized with respect to the State preparation and for this States <P2H(fi)> = <(H(fi) - E)2> is minimized with respect to P The computational acceleration is due to inutility to store exponentially large wave-function for each computation and would be exponential. By this process, nucleon-nucleon potentials, three- and four- body forces can be fitted to bonding energies of several nuclei. 3 Deuterium and Tritium simulation From the scaling derived for second quantized approach it is obvious that this framework will favourite quantum computers over the classical ones rather for much higher nucleonic number A (like A > 10). For the simplest Systems in question, first quantized formulation is the only option providing quantum algorithmic speed-up. Unfortunately, only plan of further simulation will be presented - I would start with Jacobi coordinates, isospin formalism and in case of deuterium, the wave function would be written as 1^) = | ) + | ] S D Where (18-22) (17) (r = r|s) = |J = 1, mj = 0, l = 0, s = 1)Lspín (r = r|D) = 3^1 |j = 1, mj = 0, l = 2, s = R S (r) 1) ® Ir = o). r isospin \T = 0 ísospín = (I np -| P^ (18) ) ’ components. The wave function register should be initialized into the sampled wave-function corresponding to the variational solution of the stationary Schroedinger equation corresponding to the Hamada-Johnson or Argonne NN-potentials (with the non-relativistic form of the kinetic energy term p /(2p). where p is the reduced mass) in the form (23) R r r £ rk a a ( ) = P\pl PP -1) “ X cak exp (~^a (r - rc) ‘ ) k=0 where a e {S, D}, l = 0 for a = S and l = 2 for a = D, P represents size of the basis (P = 0 for the first simulations), aa, sa > 0 are variational parameters (this part (((r / r0)CT“ -1)s“) of the radial wave function assures the hard-core behaviour and is applied only for Hamada- Johnson potential - for r > ro, for r < ro we put Ra(r) = 0, eventually leading to reinitialization of the corresponding wave-function register part every p-th Trotter step for some reasonable positive integer p) as well as complex numbers ca k e C, and parameters of the exponential part - rc, rp and cia > 0. For the sake of simplicity cia should be either 1 or 2. The former would be preferable since it corresponds to the correct asymptotic behaviour in infinity (similar to the hydrogen atom, since the dominant part of potential in this region scales as 1/r). The very general formula (23) may be, however, simplified for the preliminary simulations by setting P =0, aa = ua = sa = 1 (or sa =0 and therefore omitting this term in case of the soft-core Argonne potential) and r]$=r]D=r] would be the only parameter for classical precomputation via variational minimization of energy expectation value. There is another way of dealing with the hard-core behaviour of Hamada-Johnson potential or with integral divergence (when radial part (23) is used), in case of the softcore Agronne potential is introducing different form of the radial wave-function containing inverse powers of r inside the exponential, i.e. (20) = 1, j = 0, = 0, = 1)L spn = Y (0,^^= (|T^+|i^) M = 1, mj = 0, = 2, s = 1)^ = (0,ç\J m l s P ® Ir = o) L,spín (19) (21) l ( Y^ (0, <p) | H) + Y (0, <p) 144» (22) for the both Hamada-Johnson and Argonne NN- potentials, the matrix elements between angular, spin and isospin parts of the wave function of the following 2>+1 operators would be of high importance - r, -T2, a (r) = r Z a,k ^P(~0 ,-b ~Ha,c ') C r a r r (24) k = -Q ísospín oo J R ■ c?2, S12, LJ2 , (L ■ s) and (L • s'f (please see the Supplementary Information [59]). The radial part of the non-relativistic kinetic energy operator action on is discussed in detail in “First quantized formulation and its future for Computational Nuclear Physics” section. The wave-function quantum register would consist of b qubits (starting with b = 4 and hopefully extended up to 10 or more) for storing radial part (Rs(r) or RD(T~)) of the wave function and one qubit for distinguishing S (10) and D (11}) where Q is a small positive integer, b, c e {1; 2} (all four combination possible) and r/a-b, ‘Qa.c > 0. This kind of wavefunction should assure convergence of all integrais over negative power of r due to the -r]a_ -b rb term in the exponential. Rough inspection led me to think that all integrais in this case are also analytical and in the case of b = c =1 could be expressed in the form of BesselK functions, in the b = 2, c = 1 case in the form of Gamma and HypergeometricPFQ functions (according to the Mathematica [58] terminology). In case of Hamada- Johnson potential and wave-function of the form (24) the hard-core may be replaced by replacing parts of potential of the ~ ra kind (only for r < r0) into linear combination of two (or eventually more) functions (A r~b + B r'c) fulfilling equality of íunction values and first derivatives with respect to r in the r = r0 point, b and c should be then chosen to be large enough to emulate the hard-core behaviour. Due to the -pa.-b rb term in the exponential in (24) this would lead to analytical and finite expression for all integrais. And for the quantum simulation this would mean no need for reinitializing of the wave-function 01008-p.7 EPJ Web of Conferences register in order to assure that its r <ro part remains zero (in this case it would be just sufficiently small). I must apologize to the readers that I am stopping here, but computational details and progress in the work on the simulation of quantum algorithm for deuterium energy estimation in the first quantization will be placed on the web [59]. After the simulation (with m fixed to m = 17 and properly chosen Emax and Emi„ (preferably based on lower bounds from [28, 29, 30])) I would like to address this questions: 1. How the correct energy and its m bit estimations scales with the number of grid points 2b and the dr parameter?g 2. What was the IPEA A and IPEA B success probabilities pm for several possible initialization of wave-function register | ij/,^ and values of b and how is this value correlated with the overlap |^01^|2? For this task, oraclelike application of controlled-U gate would be sufficient. 3. What was the necessary value of the Trotter number and how it depends on the grid point parameter b? How many elementary gates would be needed on ideal quantum Computer for the computation? Then, similar simulation I plan with tritium ground State energy calculation. 4 Conclusions This work aim is to approach the quantum algorithm design to the Computational Nuclear Physics community, to present gate count estimations for first quantized formulation of the Abrams-Lloyd algorithm for nuclear structure problems (in the “First quantized formulation and its future for Computational Nuclear Physics" section). The preparative steps for the simulations of quantum algorithms for bounded State energy calculation for the smallest two nuclei were presented in the previous g The maximal largest radial coordinate value in the computation is then 2b dr, the smallest dr. 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Rev.C82, 024319 (2010). 01008-p.9 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 01006 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000100 6 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Investigation ofthe effects of nuclear levei density parameters on the cross sections for the 234U(y,f) reaction Hakan Pekdogan1'a, Abdullah Aydin1 and Ismail Hakki Sarpun2 1 2 Kirikkale University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Physics, Kirikkale, Turkey Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Physics, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey Abstract. In this study, we have investigated the effects of nuclear levei density parameters on the cross sections for the 234U(y,f) reaction up to 20 MeV. The cross sections on 234U(y,f) reaction were calculated for different levei density models using the TALYS 1.6 code. First, it was determined the levei density model that was the closest to the experimental data. Secondly, cross sections obtained for different levei density parameters of this model were compared with experimental data from the EXFOR database. Thus it was determined the best levei density parameter fít to experimental data. 1 Introduction The levei density and levei density parameters are very important quantities for describing the structure properties of nuclei. Especially, the levei density parameter is an essential ingredient as input for calculation of reaction cross sections. The calculated cross sections are important for practical applications such as the modeling of nuclear astrophysical processes (e.g. nucleosynthesis in different stellar environments), medicai research, and reactor technology. Also knowledge of nuclear físsion cross sections is very important for understanding of nuclear structure. There are many reliable Computer program to calculate the físsion cross sections. One of them is TALYS 1.6 nuclear code [1]. In the literature, there have been many studies on nuclear data evaluation for físsion cross section and físsion yield using different model approximation theoretically. For better nuclear data calculations, Computer codes are used. TALYS, a software, has been developed to capture all nuclear reaction model calculation, allowing to provide nuclear reaction simulation from 1 keV - 1000 MeV energy range more precisely. Nuclear reaction types that TALYS provided are nuclear reaction that involved nêutron, proton, deuteron, photon, triton, 3He and alpha particles as projectile and element of mass 12 and heavier as target [2]. Calculation result obtained from TALYS are depends on great input parameter tuning based on experimental value using curve fítting. At this point, experimental data play important role in calculation performed by TALYS to achieve better agreement with it [3,4]. Besides that, to achieve even more accurate result, the proper selection of parameter adjustment and reaction mechanism should be implemented. This could be done by using theoretical prediction about the behavior of specifíc nuclear reaction. With proper selection of reaction parameter and mechanism combined with parameter tuning would lead to better approximated calculation result. In this study the cross sections on 234U(y,f) reaction were calculated for different levei density models using the TALYS a 1.6 code [1]. All the calculations were compared with each other and with the experimental data obtained from EXFOR library [5]. 2 Levei Densities Effective levei densities had no explicit dependencies with nuclear collective effect. 2.1 Constant Temperature Model (CTM) This model divides energy range into two parts, low energy part from 0 MeV to the matching energy Em where Constant Temperature Law applied, and high energy part above Em where Fermi Gas Model applied [6]. 2.2 Back-Shifted Fermi Gas Model (BSFGM) In this model, Fermi gas expression is used in all energy range. As a consequence, pairing energy parameter should be adjustable [7]. Corresponding author: hakanpdogan@gmail.com Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001006 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences 2.3 Generalized Superfluid Model (GSM) This Model takes superconductive pairing correlation into account based on Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory [8, 9]. 3 The levei density parameter a A nuclide-specifíc constant value for the levei density parameter a may be proposition for the form of word described and in fact the first levei density analyses spanning an entire range ofnuclides [6, 7, 10] treated a as a parameter independent of energy. After that, Ignatyuk et al. [11] the correlation in the middle the parameter a and the shell correction term of the liquid-drop component of the mass formula was found. These researchers considered that a more reasonable levei density is obtained by assuming Fermi gas formula given above is still valid. However, with energy-dependent expression for a, the inclusion of energy-dependent shell effects is important for the effíciency. The existence of shell effects at low energy and their disappearance at high energy in a phenomenological manner considered for its appearance [12]. It reads rc A ' fi , S5«r1-exp[-YU]>l a = a(Ex) = a I 1 + SW --------^-4—±1- III 4 Methods In this study, comparison have been realized between three levei density models and experimental values taken from the EXFOR in (y,f) reaction for 234U(y,f) [5]. The TALYS 1.6 code used in theoretical calculations created by Koning and his colleagues at NRG Petten, Netherlands and CEA Bruyéres-le-Châtel, France to provide a complete and accurate simulation of nuclear reactions involving nêutrons, y rays, protons, deuterons, tritons, 3 He, and alphas in the 1 keV-1 GeV energy range, through an optimal combination of reliable nuclear models. Nuclear structure and model parameters are implemented through Reference Input Parameter Library (RIPL, 1998) [13], 5 Results In this work (y,f) reaction cross sections of 234U(y,f) were calculated for three levei density models using TALYS 1.6 code in incident energy range of 4-20 MeV. The calculated results and available experimental data are presented in Figs. 14. Table. 1. Levei density parameter values used in CTM model calculations 234 U(y,f) default a-10a% a+10a% a-20a% a+20a% CTM 15.8128 17.3941 14.2315 18.97540 12.6502 Figure 1. Theoretical calculations of 234U(y,f) reaction cross section using levei density models in TALYS. The experimental data are taken from EXFOR. 01006-p.2 EPJ Web of Conferences Table. 2. Levei density parameter values used in BSFGM model calculations 300 2M U(Y,Í) default a-10a% a+10a% a-20a% a+20a% a+25a% BSGFM 14.2466 11.6564 15.5418 10.3612 17.4845 12.9515 200 Table. 3. Levei density parameter values used in GSM model calculations 100 2M default a+10a% a-10a% a+20a% a-20a% a+35a% GSM 13.4189 14.7608 12.0770 16.1027 10.7351 18.1155 U(y,f) 12 10 20 Figure. 2. Theoretical calculations of 234U(y,f) reaction cross section using CTM levei density model. The experimental data are taken from EXFOR. 01006-p.3 TESNAT 2015 400 2 Conclusion W B.L.Bermanat. al, (1986)[14] Talys1.6BSFGM Talys1.6BSFGM(a10a%) In this study, it has been showed that how the levei density parameter effects theoretical calculations of reaction cross sections depend on the levei density models. CTM model calculations show best compatibility with experimental results and when the similar results obtained by changing a parameter in other models, then levei density parameter of that model approaches the value of CTM model parameter. Talys1.6BSFGM(a+10 a%) 300 Talys1.6BSFGM(a20a%) Talys1.6BSFGM(a+20 a%) Talys1.6BSFGM(a+25 a%) 200 References 1. A.J. Koning, S. Hilaire, S. Goriely, TALYS-1.6 (2013) Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group. www.talys.eu 2. Y.S. Perkasa, et al., The 2nd International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Science and Engineering (ICANSE 2009), AIP Conf. Proceedings, Bandung, Indonésia (2010), 288. 3. D. Rochman, M. Herman, P. Oblozinsky, (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Formal Report (BNL-74667) (2005). 4. I. Sirakov, R. Capote, F. Gunsing, P. Schillebeeckx and A. Trkov, Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008), 1223-1231. 5. EXFOR/CSISRS (Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data File) Database, (Brookhaven National Laboratory, National Nuclear Data Center, (2007). http://www.nndc.bnl.gov 6. A. Gilbert, A.G.W. Cameron, Can. J. Phys. 43 (1965) 1446-1496. 7. W. Dilg, et al., Nucl. Phys. A 217(1973)269-298. 8. A.V. Ignatyuk, et al., Phys. Rev. C 47 (4),(1993) 15041513. 9. A.V. Ignatyuk, K.K. Istekov, G.N. Smirenkin, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 29 (4),(1979)875-883. 100 20 8 12 16 Fig. 3. Theoretical calculations of 234U(y,í) reaction cross section using BSFGM levei density model. The experimental data are taken from EXFOR. 2 W) B.L. Berrnana.al1986 [14] Taly 1.6 GSM -------------- Talys1.6ÔSM(a-10a%) 300 200 100 10. H. Baba, Nucl. Phys. A 159 (1970) 625. 11. A.V. Ignatyuk, G.N. Smirenkin, A.S. Tishin, Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 21 (3) (1975) 255. 0 8 12 16 20 400 Figure. 4. Theoretical calculations of 234U(y,f) reaction cross section using GSM levei density model. The experimental data are taken from EXFOR. Experimental cross-section values of234U(y,f) reaction have been compared with theoretically calculated values for three levei density models with TALYS 1.6 code in Fig.l. Experimental cross section values are compared with the theoretically calculated cross section values using CTM, BSFGM and GSM model of TALYS code in Fig. 1. According to Fig. 1, CTM model calculations have similar results with experimental cross section values than other models calculations. Figs. 2-4 have been plotted to show the effects of the levei density model parameter on the theoretical calculations for each levei density model. The aim of these graphs is to obtain best levei density model parameter in each model. 12. A.J. Koning, S. Hilaire, S. Goriely, Nuclear Physics A 810 (2008) 13-76 13. RIPL, 1998. Reference Input Parameter Library for Theoretical Calculations of Nuclear Reactions http://www-nds.iaea.org/ripl/. 14. B.L. Berman, J.T. Caldwell, E.J. Dowdy, S.S. Dietrich, P. Meyer, and R.A. Alvarez, Phys. Rev. C 34, (1986) 2201. 1006-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 1007 (2015) DOI: 10.1051 /epjconf/ 20151000100 7 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 A study on nuclear properties of Zr, Nb, and Ta nuclei used as structural material in fusion reactor Halide Sahan1'a, Eyyup Tel1, Muhittin Sahan1, Abdullah Aydin2, Ismail Hakki Sarpun3, Ayhan Kara4 and Mesut Doner1 1 Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Physics, Osmaniye, Turkey Kirikkale University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Physics, Kirikkale, Turkey 3Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Physics, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey 4Sinop University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Nuclear Energy Engineering, Sinop, Turkey 2 Abstract. Fusion has a practically limitless fuel supply and is attractive as an energy source. The main goal of fusion research is to construct and operate an energy generating system. Fusion researches also contains fusion structural materiais used fusion reactors. Material issues are very important for development of fusion reactors. Therefore, a wide range of fusion structural materiais have been considered for fusion energy applications. Zirconium (Zr), Niobium (Nb) and Tantalum (Ta) containing alloys are important structural materiais for fusion reactors and many nfhpr fu^lrk \Jatiira11v 7r inz-lnz-ke 7r 7r Í%1 1 T) 7r Í%1 7 H 7r í%17 zT) 7r ROT 90 icntnnpc OLUCl llClU-S. lNdXULu.Uy HlvlddCS LI1C y/OAl.Aj, 91 92 94 96 [/O^.oU] ISOLOpOS and 93Nb and 181Ta include the 93Nb (%100) and 181Ta (%99.98), respectively. In this study, the charge, mass, proton and nêutron densities and the root-mean-square (rms) charge radii, rms nuclear mass radii, rms nuclear proton, and nêutron radii have been calculated for 87'102Zr , 93Nb,181Ta target nuclei isotopes by using the Hartree-Fock method with an effective Skyrme force with SKM*. The calculated results have been compared with those of the compiled experimental taken from Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables and theoretical values of other studies. 1 Introduction There are many advantages of the fusion energy system. One of the most important advantages is the abundant fusion fuel availability in the nature, contrary to relatively scarce físsion fuel resources. Fusion-based nuclear power experiments attempt to create similar conditions using less dramatic means, although to date these experiments have failed to maintain conditions needed for ignition long enough for fusion to be a viable commercial power source. The success of fusion power system is dependent on performance of the fírst wall, blanket or divertor systems [1]. In design of a fusion reactor, one of the most important parameters is the selection of the suitable structural material to improve its neutronic performance. The performance of structural materiais for fusion power systems and understanding nuclear properties are important. The Hartree-Fock method with an effective interaction with Skyrme forces is widely used for studying the properties of nuclei [2-5]. This method allows possibility to calculate many aspects of nuclei by means of quantum mechanical methods in microscopic scale [6,7]. Especially, the method is successfully used for a wide range of nuclear characteristics such as binding energy, rms charge radii, nêutron and proton density, electromagnetic multipole moments, etc. In this paper, rms charge, mass, nêutron, proton radii, and charge, mass, nêutron, proton densities were calculated by using the Hartree-Fock method with an effective interaction with Skyrme forces for the 87~102Zr, 93Nb,181Ta nuclei. The proton and nêutron densities, charge densities, mass densities were calculated by using Skyrme interactions with SI, SIII, SIV, T3, SKM and SKM* force parameters. The nuclear ground-state a properties for the 87~102Zr, 93Nb, 181Ta isotopes are calculated. Skyrme force parameters can be found from the literature [8-12]. 2 Results and Discussions We have used the Skyrme interaction parameters for calculations with the program HAFOMN code based on a harmonic oscillator wave function (HOWF) [13]. In these calculations, the pairing equations are solved by Newton’s tangential iteration. For description of the systems consisting of an odd number of particles, we have used the filling approximation. The HartreeFock and pairing equations are coupled, and they are solved by simultaneous iteration of the wave íunctions and the occupation weights [2]. In this study, we have calculated by using the Hartree- Fock method with an effective interaction with Skyrme forces parameters for the 87-102Zr, 93Nb and 181Ta isotopes and compared with experimental data experimental Root- Mean-Square (rms) charge density radii in Table 1. Corresponding author: halidesahan@osmaniye.edu.tr Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001007 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences Experimental values were taken from Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables [14,15]. The nuclear charge density is a most useful observable for analyzing nuclear structure and provides information about the nuclear shape and also can be determined by clear-cut proceed [16]. It can be seen that the experimentally measured charge rms density radii little increases from 87Zr (about 4.2 fm) to 102Zr (about 4.5 fm) except 88Zr (about 4.2 fm), 89 Zr (about 4.2 fm), 90Zr (about 4.2 fm), 91Zr (about 4.2 fm) isotopes’ charge rms density radii as the mass number increases in Table 1. The experimentally measured charge rms density radii for 93Nb and 181Ta are about 4.3 and 5.3 fm respectively as seen in Table 1. Theoretically the calculated charge rms values are quite consistent with the theoretical calculations with all the Skyrme forces parameters. Theoretically calculated charge rms values are also quite consistent with experimental values. Especially, theoretical calculations by using the Skyrme forces parameters with SKM* is closer to experimental values. Also in Table 1, the nuclear charge rms values calculated by using Skyrme forces have been compared with the values of radius r o A1/3 in Liquid-Drop Model in which the number of nucleons per unit volume is roughly constant. The value of ro has been taken as 1.25 fm from electron scattering experiments. Similar to the Hartree-Fock calculations with Skyrme forces, the radius values in Liquid-Drop Model have been little increased from 5.5 fm (for 87 Zr) to 5.8 fm (for 102Zr) depending on the mass number A. The values of radius in Liquid-Drop Model for 93Nb and 181Ta are 4.3 and 5.3 fm, respectively. However theoretical calculations by using the Liquid-Drop Model are very higher than the experimental values. We calculated mass rms radius by using the Hartree- Fock with Skyrme forces parameters for the 87-102Zr, 93Nb and 181Ta isotopes and we summarized the results in Table 2. For the 87Zr, theoretically calculated mass rms values are quite consistent with other calculations values. The calculated neutron and proton rms radius with the Skyrme Hartree-Fock model for the same isotopes were given in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively. The comparison of the calculated values using only the SKM* parameter charge, proton, neutron and mass densities for 90 94 ' Zr, 93Nb, 181Ta isotopes are given in Fig. 1-6. For 90'94Zr isotopes at the center (r=0), the obtained values of the charge density with SKM* have approximately been increased from 0.0715 fm'3 (for 90Zr) to 0.0717, 0.0718, 0.0719 fm'3 (91>92’94Zr) with the increasing of the number of mass. For 90' 94Zr isotopes at the center (r=0), the obtained values of the proton density with SKM* have been decreased from 0.0700 fm'3 to 0.0699, 0.0698, 0.0695 fm'3 with the increasing of the number of mass, respectively. The obtained values of the neutron density with SKM* for 9°-94Zr isotopes at the center (r=0) have approximately been increased from 0.0791 fm'3 (for 90Zr) to 0.0814, 0.828, 0.0861 fm'3 (91,92,94Zr) t|le increasing of fhe number of mass, respectively. The obtained values of the mass density with SKM* for 9°-94Zr isotopes at the center (r=0) have approximately been increased from 0.149 fm'3 (for 90Zr) to 0.151, 0.152, 0.155 fm'3 (91>92>94Zr) with the increasing of the number of mass. Moreover, the obtained values of the charge and proton densities with SKM* for 93Nb isotope at the center (r=0) were found to be approximately 0.717 fm'3 and 0.690 fm'3, respectively. The obtained values of the neutron and mass densities with SKM* for 93Nb isotope at the center (r=0) were also approximately 0.819 fm'3 and 0.151 fm'3, respectively. The obtained values of the charge density with SKM* for 181Ta isotope at the center (r=0) is approximately 0.597 fm'3. The obtained values of the neutron, proton and mass densities with SKM* for 181Ta isotope at the center (r=0) are approximately 0.585 fm' 3, 0.898 fm'3, 0.148 fm'3. In Fig. 1-4, the calculated all densities of 90 91 92 94 > > > Zr isotopes are constant from about to 2 fm radius value than 5-6 fm radius value while they decreases drastically to zero after 5-6 fm for 9o>9h92>94Zr Target nuclei. The calculated densities of 93Nb are constant from about to 2 fm radius value than 5-6 fm radius value while they decreases drastically to zero after 5-6 fm for 93Nb target nuclei in Fig. 5 and Fig.6. Values approximately to zero value are about in the vicinity of 7-8 fm. While the calculated densities of target nuclei 90 94 ' Zr and 93Nb at the center (at r = 0) appear to give maximum with the value near to about 2 fm radius value in Fig. 1-5. The calculated densities of target nuclei 181Ta at the center appear to give maximum with the value near to about 3 fm radius value in Fig 6. 3 Conclusion In this study, the charge, mass, proton, and neutron densities and the rms charge, mass, proton and neutron radii have been calculated for i7~102Zr,93Nb,181Ta isotopes by using the HartreeFock method with an effective Skyrme force with SI, SIII, SVI, T3, SKM, SKM* and compared with experimental data. From Table 1, since the calculated theoretical charge rms values using Skyrme forces parameters are quite consistent with experimental values, we only obtained radii versus densities figures for SKM*. The radius values in Liquid-Drop Model have been little increased depending on the mass number A. These results can be contributed to understanding ground State properties for these structural íusion materiais. . ..... ...... .............................................. .............................. Table 1.fm). ro=1.25 The calculated rms charge density radius (m fm and SI SIII ’Zr Zr 4.191 4.197 4.308 4.313 4.317 4.322 4.254 4.257 4.264 4.267 4.284 4.286 5.538 5.559 4.282 4.281 89 Zr Zr Zr 4.202 4.207 4.217 4.318 4.323 4.333 4.328 4.334 4.344 4.260 4.264 4.272 4.269 4.271 4.280 4.288 4.291 4.299 5.580 5.010 5.622 4.271 4.269 4.284 Zr Zr 4.225 4.242 4.343 4.361 4.353 4.371 4.278 4.291 4.286 4.299 4.305 4.318 5.642 5.683 4.305 4.331 8 88 90 91 92 94 96 98 Zr SVI T3 SKM SKM* roA1'3 Exp [20] 4.260 4.380 4.390 4.305 4.313 4.332 5.723 4.349 /, Zr 4.269 4.279 4.390 4.399 4.400 4.410 4.314 4.322 4.322 4.331 4.340 4.349 5.743 5.763 4.393 4.418 /, Zr Zr 4.288 4.298 4.307 4.409 4.419 4.428 4.420 4.429 4.439 4.331 4.341 4.351 4.340 4.351 4.361 4.358 4.368 4.379 5.782 5.801 5.821 4.434 4.522 4.548 4.317 4.247 5.229 4.438 4.366 5.365 4.449 4.376 5.378 4.361 4.301 5.284 4.372 4.309 5.298 4.389 4.329 5.311 5.840 5.663 7.070 4.569 4.324 5.350 100 101 102 Zr Ab 181 Ta 01007-p.2 TESNAT 2015 Table 2. The calculated rms mass density radius (in fm) 87 Zr 88 Zr 89 Zr "Zr 91 Zr "Zr 94 Zr 96 Zr "Zr 98 Zr 99Zr lOOZr 101Zr 102Zr 93Nb 181Ta SI 4.128 4.139 4.151 4.162 4.180 4.196 4.229 4.262 4.278 4.294 4.310 4.326 4.341 4.358 4.209 5.233 SIII 4.248 4.260 4.273 4.285 4.306 4.324 4.360 4.395 4.412 4.429 4.446 4.463 4.479 4.494 4.337 5.376 SVI 4.251 4.263 4.276 4.288 4.307 4.324 4.357 4.391 4.407 4.424 4.440 4.456 4.472 4.486 4.338 5.379 T3 4.202 4.214 4.226 4.239 4.260 4.276 4.312 4.348 4.367 4.385 4.405 4.424 4.443 4.461 4.288 5.323 SKM 4.209 4.220 4.231 4.242 4.263 4.281 4.316 4.352 4.371 4.391 4.410 4.430 4.449 4.468 4.292 5.334 SKM* 4.228 4.239 4.250 4.261 4.282 4.300 4.334 4.370 4.389 4.408 4.427 4.446 4.465 4.484 4.311 5.347 roA1'3 5.538 5.559 5.580 5.601 5.622 5.642 5.683 5.723 5.743 5.763 5.782 5.801 5.821 5.840 5.663 7.070 Figure 1. The calculated using the SKM* parameter charge, proton, nêutron, mass densities of 90Zr isotope Table 3. The calculated rms nêutron density radius (in fm) 87 Zr 88 Zr 89 Zr "Zr 91 Zr "Zr 94 Zr "Zr 97 Zr 98 Zr 99Zr lOOZr 101Zr 102Zr 93Nb 181Ta SI SIII SVI T3 SKM SKM* 4.135 4.151 4.167 4.182 4.207 4.228 4.271 4.311 4.331 4.351 4.370 4.389 4.408 4.427 4.235 5.270 4.258 4.275 4.293 4.309 4.337 4.361 4.407 4.451 4.472 4.493 4.513 4.533 4.552 4.570 4.368 5.420 4.257 4.274 4.291 4.307 4.333 4.355 4.397 4.439 4.459 4.479 4.498 4.517 4.536 4.553 4.363 5.413 4.219 4.238 4.256 4.273 4.303 4.326 4.374 4.422 4.446 4.470 4.494 4.518 4.541 4.563 4.330 5.386 4.223 4.239 4.256 4.272 4.302 4.327 4.375 4.423 4.447 4.471 4.496 4.520 4.543 4.567 4.331 5.395 4.241 4.258 4.274 4.290 4.320 4.344 4.392 4.439 4.443 4.487 4.511 4.535 4.559 4.582 4.349 5.408 roA1'3 5.538 5.559 5.580 5.601 5.622 5.642 5.683 5.723 5.743 5.763 5.782 5.801 5.821 5.840 5.663 7.070 Zr 88 Zr 89 Zr "Zr 91 Zr "Zr 94 Zr "Zr "Zr "Zr 99Zr lOOZr 101Zr 102Zr 93Nb 181Ta Zr A * .... ...................................... ... * S o •í* ....................... •*»... _____________ I _______ 12.0 Figure 2. The calculated using the SKM* parameter charge, proton, nêutron, mass densities of 91Zr isotope Table 4. The calculated rms proton density radius (in fm) 87 91 • Charge (SKM*) o Proton (SKM*) o Nêutron (SKM*) A Mass(SKM*) * SI SIII SVI T3 SKM SKM* roA1'3 4.119 4.125 4.131 4.137 4.146 4.155 4.173 4.191 4.200 4.210 4.219 4.229 4.238 4.250 4.175 5.179 4.236 4.242 4.248 4.255 4.266 4.275 4.295 4.315 4.325 4.335 4.345 4.355 4.365 4.373 4.298 5.312 4.243 4.250 4.256 4.263 4.274 4.283 4.303 4.323 4.333 4.343 4.353 4.363 4.374 4.381 4.306 5.328 4.182 4.186 4.190 4.195 4.204 4.211 4.226 4.242 4.251 4.260 4.269 4.279 4.289 4.298 4.233 5.230 4.193 4.196 4.200 4.204 4.214 4.221 4.236 4.252 4.261 4.270 4.280 4.291 4.301 4.311 4.243 5.243 4.213 4.216 4.220 4.224 4.234 4.241 4.256 4.271 4.280 4.289 4.299 4.309 4.319 4.329 4.263 5.256 5.538 5.559 5.580 5.601 5.622 5.642 5.683 5.723 5.743 5.763 5.782 5.801 5.821 5.840 5.663 7.070 Figure 3. 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EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 1005 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510001005 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 (n,p), (n,2n), (n,d), and (n,a) cross-section calculations of 16O with 0-40 MeV energy nêutrons Omer Faruk Ozdemir3, Ali Arasoglu Yüzüncü Yil University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, 65080, Van, Turkey Abstract. Oxygen is one of the elements which interacts with emitted nêutrons after fission reactions. Oxygen exists abundantly both in nuclear fuel (UO2) and moderators (H2O). Nuclear reactions of oxygen with nêutrons are important in terms of stability of nuclear fuel and nêutron economy. In this study, equilibrium and pre-equilibrium models have been used to calculate (n,p), (n,d), (n,2n) and (n,a) nuclear reaction cross-sections of 16O. In these calculations, nêutron incident energy has been taken up to 40 MeV. Hybrid and Standard Weisskopf-Ewing Models in ALICE-2011 program, Weisskopf-Ewing and Full Exciton Models in PCROSS program, and Cascade Exciton Model in CEM03.01 program have been utilized. The calculated results have been compared with experimental and theroretical cross-section data which are obtained from libraries of EXFOR and ENDF/B VII.l. 1 Introduction The most important part of nuclear power reactor is reactor core. At core, fission reactions take place and thermal energy was produced. Also at pressurized water reactors, it can reach to high temperatures. Physical stability of nuclear fuel and economy of nêutron are effect to security of core region. Chain fission reactions was constituted by spontaneous nêutrons emitted during the fission and delayed nêutrons emitted after the fission. The stability, security and power of the reactors can be determined by chain fission reactions [1,2]. Generally UO2 is used as a fuel in nuclear power reactor. In addition to UO2, MOX (UO2+PUO2, Mixed Oxide Fuel) and DUPIC (Direct Use of Spent PWR Fuel In CANDU Reactors) can be used as a fuel. Nêutron emitted after fission in nuclear reactor interact different elements in structural materiais and one of these elements is oxygen [3-6]. Oxygen exist both in fuel (UO2 and PUO2) and moderator (H2O). For stability of nuclear fuel and nêutron economy, reactions between nêutron and oxygen are very important [7]. In this study, equilibrium and pre-equilibrium models have been used to calculate (n,p), (n,d), (n,2n) and (n, a) nuclear reaction cross-sections of 16O. In these calculations, nêutron incident energy has been taken up to 40 MeV. Hybrid and Standard Weisskopf-Ewing Models in ALICE-2011 program, Weisskopf-Ewing and Full Exciton Models in PCROSS program and Cascade Exciton Model in CEM03.01 program have been utilized [10-12]. The calculated results have been compared with experimental and theoretical cross-section data which are obtained from libraries of EXFOR and ENDF/B VII.l. explain this case [8]. In this model, reaction cross section is given as following; CT(a, b) = CTa (s)rjb (E) In this formula, E is the incident energy of particle and <r,(v) is the cross section for the formation of a compound State. Particle emitting probability of compound nucleus % is independent from how the compound nucleus was formed and given as [9]; (2) ^b À, b' b' rb is the emission probability per time for the particle b and given as: b nh b rb = b u. f d-n (sys0^ (3) (E) In equilibrium, the probability of emitting particle is given as following: 2 Calculations of nuclear reactions In Weisskopf Ewing Model; projectile particle was absorbed by target nucleus. Without emitting particles, compound nucleus reach the equilibrium State. This model can be used to a (1) Corresponding author: o.f.ozdemir@gmail.com Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001005 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, EPJ Web of Conferences b (s) « (2sb +1) u S(7‘bnv (s) ^-t ®i(E) W (4) where sb is spin, fib is reduced mass, e is energy of emitted particle, tf? is the inverse reaction cross section, rq (U) is the nuclear levei density of the nucleus, rq (E) is the nuclear levei density of the nucleus emitting b particle, U is the excitation energy of residual nucleus and E is the excitation energy of the emitting nucleus [10]. According to the Griffin Exciton Model, nuclear potential is consisted by one particle States with evenly- spaces. System was excited after interaction between nucleus and projected particle. Therefore, system will be unstable due to given energy. One particle one hole (exciton) will occur when projectile particle enters target nucleus. After interactions between projectile and system, there will be more excitons. When system has sufficient excitons, system get stable with pairing effect. Exciton Model suggests that it is possible to emit particle during the any steps of excitation process or any steps of such process that system becomes stable. In this model, preequilibrium and equilibrium emission spectra equation is given below: tf) = tf,E)Dab(Einc)tfw(E,n,8b) r„ (5) <tf Figure 1. Comparison of cross section calculations of 16O(n,p)16N reaction between given nuclear reaction models, experimental data and evaluated data library [13,14], n where, tfb (Enc) is the cross section of reaction (a,b); Wb (E, n,sb) is the probability of emission of b particle with energy sb from a State with n excitons and excitation energy E of the compound nucleus; Tn the solution of the master equation for a State with n excitons; Dab (Ejnc) is a coefficient about particle emission by direct interactions [11]. Another model is named as Cascade Exciton Model. This model occurs in three steps; Intra Nuclear Cascade (INC), Preequilibrium and Equilibrium stages. In general, these three steps contribute values obtained as experimentally. 3 Results and discussions In this study, pre-equilibrium and equilibrium models were used to calculate (n,p), (n,d), (n,2n) and (n,a) nuclear reaction cross-sections of 16O with the incident nêutron energies up to 40 MeV. For the pre-equilibrium effects Full Exciton Model (FEM) and Cascade Exciton Model (CEM), for the equilibrium effects Weisskopf Ewing Model have been used. Equilibrium model calculations have been prepared by using PCROSS and ALICE-2011 Computer codes. FEM and CEM calculations have been performed by PCROSS and CEM03.01 Computer codes, respectively. The results of comparisons between cross section calculations of this study, experimental data and evaluated ones taken from literature are as following: In (n,p) reaction calculations (Fig.l); although reaction models produce smaller results than those of experimental and evaluated data up to 15 MeV, in 15-20 MeV region results are in agreement, while in higher energies calculations of ALICE2011 program and CEM03.01 programs are in good agreement with experimental data and evaluated results. Figurei.Comparison of cross section calculations oí 16O(n,d)15N reaction between given nuclear reaction models, experimental data and evaluated data library [13,14], As in seen in Fig. 2; Standard WE model is in agreement with experimental data and evaluated results up to 15 MeV for (n,d) calculations. Athigh energies, the model calculation results are in agreement with evaluated data but greater than experimental data. Results of calculations of reaction models for (n,2n) reaction are in agreement with experimental data and evaluated results. In (n,a) reaction calculations, results of all models are in agreement with experimental data and evaluated results up to 20 MeV incident energy. Results gathered from CEM03.01 and ALICE-2011, which utilizes standard WE model, are in good agreement with experimental and evaluated data at high energies. 01005-p.2 TESNAT 2015 Figure 4. Comparison of cross section calculations oí 16O(n,a)13C reaction between given nuclear reaction models, experimental data and evaluated data library [13,14], Projects 2013-FBE-D005. The authors would like to thank Dr. Murat Aycibin for contributions. References 1. Figure3.Comparison of cross section calculations oí 16O(n,2n)15O reaction between given nuclear reaction models, experimental data and evaluated data library [13,14], D.G. Cacuci, Handbook of Nuclear Engineering (Springer, 2010). 2. Thermophysical properties database of materiais for light water reactors and heavy water reactors, IAEATECDOC-1496 (2005). 3. https://www.iaea.org/About/Policy/GC/GC51/GC51I nfDocuments/English/gc51inf-3-att5_en.pdf. 4. S.G. Popov, J.J. Carbajo, V.K. Ivanov and G.L. Yoder, Thermophysical Properties of MOX and UO 2 Fuels Including the Effects of Irradiation, ORNL/TM-2000/351. 5. L. Jung-Won, Geun-Il Parkaand Yong Choib, J. Nucl. Sei. Technol. 49.11, 1092-1096 (2012). 6. J.J. Whitlock, The evolution of CANDU fuel cycles and their potential contribution to world peace, (2001). 7. J.K. Fink, J. Nucl. Mater., 279.1, 1-18 (2000). 8. V.F. Weisskopf, D.H. Ewing, Phys. Rev. 57, 472485 (1940). 9. J.J. Griffm, Phys. Rev. Lett. 17, 478-481 (1966). 10. S.G. Mashnik, et ah, Monte-Carlo Code System to Calculate Nuclear Reactions in the Framework of the Improved Cascade-Exciton Model, LA-UR-05- 7321 (2005). 11. C.H.M. Broeders et ah, ALICE/ASH - Precompound and Evaporation Model Code System for Calculation of Excitation Functions, Energy and Angular Distributions of Emitted Particles in Nuclear Reactiopns at Intermediate Energies (2006). 12. R. Capote et al., Final report on research contract 5472/RB., INDC (CUB)-004 (1991). 13. EXFOR, http://www.oecdnea.org/janisweb/search /exfor. 14. Evaluated Data Library, http://www.oecdnea.org/janisweb/ Acknowledgments This work has been supported by Yüzüncü Yil University, Office of Scientific Research 01005-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 01004 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000100 4 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Nuclear structure of particle-hole odd-odd 130ln nucleus in tin-132 mass region Nadjet Laoueta, Fatima Benrachi The Brothers Mentouri University, Exact Sciences Faculty, Department of physics, 25000, Constantine, Algeria Abstract. The spectra of odd-odd nuclides near drip lines, that are close to the path of astrophysical r-process flow, involving a single particle or a single hole in the vicinity of an inert core provide detailed and quantitative information on the N-N interaction. In this work, we have performed shell model calculation using recent experimental single particle and single hole energies, by means of Oxbash nuclear structure code, in order to reproduce the nuclear properties of odd-odd 130In nucleus in the 132Sn mass region. The two-body matrix elements (TBME) of the using effective interaction were deduced from those for 78Ni mass region, using the single hole energies (SHE) of 132Sn mass region. 1 Particle-hole configuration l The spectra of nuclei consisting a single particle or a single hole in addition to an inert core provide detailed and quantitative information on the nuclear independent- particle motion. A closed shell, which contains (2j+l) particles with an angular momentum j for each particle, must have total angular momentum J=0 and a positive parity, since each State of total angular momentum J possesses (2J+1) degenerate substates [1]. Thus, for a configuration of a single particle, in addition to closed shells, one expects a number of low- lying States having angular momentum and parity determined by the quantum numbers of the orbits available to the single particle. Confígurations obtained by removing a particle from closed shells (single-hole confígurations) are expected to have properties related in a simple manner to those of single-particle confígurations. The creation of a hole State with quantum numbers nljm is equivalent to the annihilation of a particle in the State with quantum numbers nlj-m (conjugate State). For the operator creating a single hole [1] b+(jm^ = a('/m)-(-l) ma(j -m) (1) Thus, the single particle State can be obtained using |j Jtn) = b+(jm)|Ô) = a(jm)|Ô, (2) The matrix elements for hole States and those for the single particle are related by a (j2 m2 ^|jl‘mJ = -(jlml \F\jl ml} /1m 1, (n2l2 )j2 m2 ) + ( 0 | |Ô) ^(( 1 F nl (3) ll Here, F is an arbitrary single particle operator. In this work, we carry out some modifícations on the jj45apn interaction [2], basing on the consideration of mass factor effect with the use of the available experimental single hole energies taken from [3-5]. The calculations of some nuclear properties for 130In are developed in the framework of the nuclear shell model by means of Oxbash nuclear structure code, and a new interaction namedjj45pnh is introduced. {jlj2 H 2 A) = {( l 2 HÁ) j,- pna * eff j j j 4S maSS eCt faCtOr ] (4) The space model is composed of {0/5/2, lpd/2, lpl/2 and 0gP/2}z'28 orbitais for hole protons and {0g?/2, lds/2, lds/2, 2si/2, and OAn/2}N'50 orbitais for hole nêutrons. 2 Results and discussion The structures of odd-odd nuclides provide best opportunities to examine and develop the properties ofN- N interaction. The 130 In is one of these nuclei, with one proton hole and one nêutron hole in addition to the tin- 132 core. Their low-lying States, including the ground State which has J"= 1" with a mean-life of 0.29 s and decays by [T. are the result of [f decay of the ground State which has a half-life 162 ms of the rprocess waiting point nucleus 130Cd [6]. The figures Fig.l shows experimental spectrum of 130In. nadjet.laouet@umc.edu.dz This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001004 EPJ Web of Conferences Fig. 1. Experimental spectrum of 130In taken from nndc.bnl.gov [7]. Fig. 2. Calculated spectrum of 130In in comparison with experimental anAjj45apn [2] ones. The microscopic calculations for this nucleus are carried out by means of Oxbash code [3], mjj45pn space model. The Fig.2 shows the calculation results in comparison of the experimental data For the 130In nucleus, the energetic sequence is reproduced by the original interaction but the energy of the fírst excited State, which has an energy of 82 keV, is very far in comparison with the experimental one with an energy of 388.3 keV. Indeed, our new interaction gives 3+ as the ground State, and the 1" State has an energy of 669 keV. The other interaction (snhole) gives 5 + as the ground State and the energy of the T State is 233 keV. In these spectra, the energy of 1+ State, dominated by rn (lg9/2)-1 v (IAH/2)'1 as given by the three interactions, present an energetic maximum value. Note that snhole interaction is obtained by using the snet interaction [2] and taking into account the mass effect. The reduced electromagnetic transition probabilities can be calculated by the form: >:'M : J Jf) = (2J. +1)-* |{Jf ||MffJ| J|2 (5) The Tab.1 shows reduced electric transition probabilities calculated by means of jj45pnh and jj45apn interactions. Table 1. Electromagnetic reduced transition probabilities of 130In in 132Sn mass region obtained using jj45pn and jj45pnh interactions. 2+ Jí^ Jf B(E2) e2fm4 B(M1),«2N 1+ 3+ 1+ 3+ 2+ 4+ -» 2+ 4+ 3+ 5+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 6+ 4+ jj45pnh 0.050 6.978 4.957 12.110 35.340 26.150 0.076 19.120 jj45apn 1.148 5.931 2.232 15.030 14.880 39.120 3.865 24.600 jj45pnh 0.006 / 2.410 / 0.285 / 0.493 / jj45apn 0.040 / 1.262 / 0.045 / 1.104 / Whereas, we calculate the quadrupole electric moment using ep =1.35e and en = 0.35e effective charges [8]: The two interaction give different values of B(E2) and B(M1), using the two interactions. The difference is important for the mixed transitions. Indeed, these calculations give higher values for electric reduced transition probabilities in the case of pure transitions with A.I2, The lowest negative parity States of 130/n have the {^lg9/2, xlhini, J} confíguration withj(p) =9/2 andj(n) = 11/2. The value of the magnetic moment of a State with the spin j=l±1/2, and tz=±1/2 for a proton or a nêutron is [8]: j) J (J +1) . Here, Qjp, jn denote respectively single proton/neutron quadrupole moment Q (pn) = - (2j ~(r2\ep,n (eff .) Á-2 The calculated electric quadrupole and dipole moments, by means oíjj45pnh interaction, are illustrated in Fig.4. (6) ( h ( P ) _ h ( n ) jp j + 1) ~ jn ( Jn + 0 l jp (2 j + 2) (8) 01004-p.2 TESNAT 2015 References 1. Bohr and B. R. Mottelson, Nuclear Structure Volume 1: Single Particle Motion, World Scientifíc Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (1998). 2. B. A. Brown, A. A. Etchegoyen and W. D. H. Rae NS. Godwin, MSU-NSCL Report No. 524 (1985).unpublished). 3. H. Grawe et al., Rep. Prog. Phys. 70 (2007) 4. B.A. Brown et al., Phys. Rev. C 71 044317 (2005). 5. L. Corragio et al., Phys. Rev. C 80 061303(R) (2009). 6. I. Dillmann et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 91N° 16 (2003) 7. http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/chart/ 8. K. Heyde et al., Hyperfíne Interactions 43 (1988) Figure 3. Electromagnetic multipole moment of 130In in I32Sn mass region obtained us\n^jj45pnh wnâjj45apn interactions. For the electric quadrupole moment, Q the State 1" gives the lowest value, then the minimum deformation for both interactions. This State, which represent the experimental ground State, has also the minimum value of the magnetic dipole moment p. Conclusion This study is based on the nuclear properties calculations, for odd-odd 130In nucleus, with hole-hole configuration of its valence space. The calculations are carried out in the framework of the shell model, by means of OXBASH nuclear structure code. Using the original interaction of the code, we carry out some modifícations based on the mass effect to get jj45pnh interaction. Our new interaction cannot reproduce the experimental spectra of the studying nuclei. It is the same case for the original interaction. However, this later reproduce the energetic sequence of the low laying States. To ameliorate these results we have to consider other nuclear effects as the monopole interaction and shell evolution in tin-132 mass region. Acknowledgement The authors of this article thank the organizers of TESNAT 2015 for the organization and the supports providing during this conference. Special thanks are owed to B. A. Brown for his help in providing us the OXBASH code (Windows Version) 01004-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 01002 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510001002 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Nêutron activation analysis of certified samples by the absolute method F. Kadema, N. Belouadah and Z. Idiri Faculté de physique, USTHB BP 32 El-Alia BEZ Alger Algeria Abstract. The nuclear reactions analysis technique is mainly based on the relative method or the use of activation cross sections. In order to validate nuclear data for the calculated cross section evaluated from systematic studies, we used the nêutron activation analysis technique (NAA) to determine the various constituent concentrations of certified samples for animal blood, milk and hay. In this analysis, the absolute method is used. The nêutron activation technique involves irradiating the sample and subsequently performing a measurement of the activity of the sample. The fundamental equation of the activation connects several physical parameters including the cross section that is essential for the quantitative determination of the different elements composing the sample without resorting to the use of standard sample. Called the absolute method, it allows a measurement as accurate as the relative method. The results obtained by the absolute method showed that the values are as precise as the relative method requiring the use of standard sample for each element to be quantified. 1 Introduction In order to validate our data calculated cross sections, we have made an application to the data for the quantitative analysis of certified standard samples using the Nêutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and the absolute method. Once validated this method does not require the use of standard samples and just need to know the cross section for the nuclear reaction induced by fast nêutrons. This approach is complemented by the use of data of the cross section quickly calculated by the semiempirical formulas systematic studies. The nêutron activation analysis of samples certified by the IAEA was carried out using the absolute method based on using our data calculated cross sections. is given is related to the isotopic abundance 0 and the mass m of the element constituting the sample by: (2) mdN n = a M where Na is Avogadro's number and M the atomic mass. To determine the efficiency with gamma ray energy dependence the following expression is used: £(%) = £a + A exp(Er /Bl) + J. exp(Er / B1) The fitting parameters s o, A; and B; were determined by using the least squares method. The difference between the experimental points and the calculated points is generally less than 1%. 2 Treatment data The photopeak area of an intensity IY and effíciency EY, corresponding to the activity of a Y radioisotope with decay constant Á formed in a X (n, b) Y reaction (b = n, 2n, p np, d,t,a, .. .)is given by: Net = n^eMl - exp(-@ ))exp(-2trf )(1 - exp(-@)) Á (1) where G is integrated cross section of the reaction, O is the incident nêutron flux, n is the number of target nuclei X, Á is the radioactive decay constant and ti, td and tc are respectively the time of irradiation , the cooling time and the time counting [1] . The number n of the target nucleus a gamma ray energy (keV) Figure 1. Efficiency curve via gamma ray energy. Corresponding author: kademassia@yahoo.fr This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001002 EPJ Web of Conferences present the results of the counting of gamma spectra of samples of blood, milk and hay. 3 Experimental results The nêutron activation analysis allows to determine the mass of samples constituents using the absolute method [4]: Table 2, Component characteristics of hay sample (V-10), = 56Fe(n,p)56Mn 24Mg(n,p)24Na Mg P K Rb Sr Ca 3.1 Measurement of nêutron flux To measure the flux of incident nêutrons we used pure aluminum sheets. In order to measure the flux to which the sample is exposed we placed the sample between two aluminum sheets so that together form a sandwich. The reference reaction 27 A1 (n, a)24Na was used. The detailed characteristics ofthis reaction are given as follows: 0=114 mb, Ey = 1369 keV, Iy= 100 %, T1/2 = 53900 s. The flux, which is exposed, the sample is calculated using the expression: x2 /2 = 4- -------- 3(5) (2x+dy where d is the thickness of the sample, y are respectively the flux measured by the aluminum sheets 1 and 2, x is the distance from the nêutron source and the aluminum foil measuring the flux and LI is the absorption coeffícient of the nêutrons in the sample. LI is deduced from the following equation: reaction IAEA-V-10 element Fe ---------------- j --------------------------- (4) N. M N Oc>úl _ (1 - exp(T t( ))exp(-T td )(1 - exp(Ttc)) A where N is the net area of the photopeak. m 31P(n,p)28Al 39K(n,2n)38K 85Rb(n,2n)84mRb 88Sr(n,2n)87mSr 44Ca(n,p)44K Table 4. AAN results for Animal blood and powdered milk samples (A-13 & A-ll). AEA-A- 13 element Fe (6) Table 1. Component characteristics of animal blood sample (A13): __________ ________________ _______ ______________ Fe Mg P K Rb “Fe (n,p)56Mn 24 Mg (n,p)24Na 31 P (n,p)28Al 39 K (n,2n)38K 85 Rb(n,2n)84mRb Tl/2 (s) 9290 53900 117 458 1220 ET (keV) ly (%) 847 1369 1779 2168 248 98.9 100 100 99.9 59 100 100 99.9 59 81.8 58.2 Within the error bars the measured concentrations in this study 3.3 Experimental results reaction 1369 1779 2168 248 388 1157 3.4 Discussion The irradiation time was 20 min for each samples of animal blood, milk and hay. The components samples have been identifíed, through the gamma rays characteristic of a radionuclide produced via a nuclear reaction induced by fast nêutron on the sample target. IAEA-A-13 element 53900 117 458 1220 10100 1330 Table 3. Component characteristics of milk powder sample (A111 __________ . ________________ , , , . reaction IAEA-A-11 Tl/2 (s) element Ey (keV) ly (%) 37 37 Cl C1 (n,p) S 303 3103 94.1 24Mg (n,p)24Na Mg 53900 1369 100 31P (n,p)28Al P 117 1779 100 39K (n,2n)38K K 458 2168 99.9 reaction ncai (mb) 107 Experimental massic concentration (mg/Kg) 2410± 250 Certified massic concentration (mg/Kg) 2400 3.2 Analysis of certified samples ,-Ad Tl/2 (s) Ey (keV) ly (%) 9290 847 98.9 “Fe(n,p Mg 24 Mg(n,p) 258 55.4 ± 16.1 99 P 31 P(n,p) 160 1310± 230 940 K 39 K(n,2n) 4 1820± 650 2500 Rb 85 Rb(n,2n) 470 40.5 ± 17.3 23 Cl 37Cl(n,p) IAEA-A-11 36 11.2 ± 1.4 9.08 Mg 24Mg(n,p) 258 0.8 ± 0.2 1.01 P 31P(n,p) 160 11.4 ± 1.6 9.10 K 39K(n,2n) 4 10.6 ± 5.3 17.2 are in agreement with the certified values by the IAEA. A slight disagreement recorded for some items is mainly due to the low sensitivity of the activation method probably because of the small cross section and the inadequacy of the half live radioisotope irradiation with time so chosen to consider short and long half live. The nêutron activation analysis of samples of animal blood, milk and hay were identifíed qualitatively and quantitatively and the components of these samples using an absolute method were carried out. Indeed, this method is based to the fundamental equation of nêutron activation and using the known cross section for the nuclear reaction. The experimental results were compared with data certified by the IAEA. The following tables 01002-p.2 TESNAT 2015 Table 5. AAN results for hay sample (V-10) AEA-V- 10 reaction Ocal Experimental (mb) element massic concentration (mg/Kg) 56Fe(n,p) Fe 107 128 ± 36 Certified massic concentration (mg/Kg) 185 Mg 24Mg(n,p) 258 1530 ± 224 1360 P 31P(n,p) 160 2790 ± 427 2300 Ca 44Ca(n,p) 33.7 20500 ± 2130 21600 K 39K(n,2n) 4 25700 ± 2710 21000 Rb 85Rb(n,2n) 474 23.5 ± 11.6 7.6 Sr 88Sr(n,2n) 262 55.7 ± 13.8 40 4 Conclusion The absolute nêutron activation method is as reliable as the relative method using standards. This approach is complemented by the use of data of the cross section quickly calculated by the semi-empirical formulas systematic studies. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C.M. Lederer, V.S. Shirley, Table of Isotopes, 7th ed., Wiley, New-York (1978) J.K. Tulli, Nuclear Wallet Cards, NNDC-BNL,Upton, NewYork, 11973, USA (1990) L. Wielopolski, The Monte Cario calculation of the average solid angle, Nucl. Instr. And Meth., 143, 577 (1977) M. Belgaid, Thèse de Magister, USTHB, Alger (1991) F. Kadem, M. Belgaid and A. Amokrane, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 266 (2008) 01002-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 0100 3 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 20151000100 3 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Fission cross section calculations for 209Bi target nucleus based on fission reaction models in high energy regions Abdullah Kaplan1'a, Veli Capali1 and Hasan Ozdogan1'2 1 2 Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Physics, 32260 Isparta, Turkey Akdeniz University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biophysics, 07058 Antalya, Turkey Abstract. Implementation of projects of new generation nuclear power plants requires the solving of material Science and technological issues in developing of reactor materiais. Melts of heavy metais (Pb, Bi and Pb-Bi) due to their nuclear and thermophysical properties, are the candidate coolants for fast reactors and accelerator-driven Systems (ADS). In this study, a, y, p, n and 3He induced fission cross section calculations for 209Bi target nucleus at high-energy regions for (a,f), (y,f), (p,f), (n,f) and (3He,f) reactions have been investigated using different fission reaction models. Mamdouh Table, Sierk, Rotating Liquid Drop and Fission Path models of theoretical fission barriers of TALYS 1.6 code have been used for the fission cross section calculations. The calculated results have been compared with the experimental data taken from the EXFOR database. TALYS 1.6 Sierk model calculations exhibit generally good agreement with the experimental measurements for all reactions used in this study. 1 Introduction Melts of heavy metais (Pb, Bi and Pb-Bi), due to their nuclear and thermophysical properties, are candidate coolants for fast reactors and accelerator-driven systems (ADS) [1]. A design methodology for the lead-bismuth eutectic spallation target has been developed and applied for the accelerator-driven test facility target. This methodology includes the target interface with the subcritical multiplier of the ADS and the different engineering aspects of the target design, physics, heattransfer, hydraulics, structural, radiological, and safety analyses. Several design constrains were defíned and utilized for the target design process to satisfy different engineering requirements and to minimize the time and the cost of the design development. Interface requirements with the subcritical multiplier were defíned based on target performance parameters and material damage issues to enhance the lifetime of the target structure [2]. Nucleon-induced fission cross-section data are important for the nuclear reactors. Firstly, fission reactions may have a signifícant effect on spallation target performance. In particular, fission may contribute notably to the production of radioactive materiais in the target. On the other hand, the predictive power of available nuclear reaction models and codes with respect to the description of the fission process should be developed. Fission can be induced not only by nêutrons, but also by protons, light and heavy ions, photons, electrons, n- mesons etc. In this study, a, y, p, n and 3He induced fission cross section calculations for 209Bi target nucleus at high energy regions for (a,f), (y,f), (p,f), (n,f) and (3He,f) reactions have a been investigated using four fission reaction models. TALYS 1.6 Theoretical fission barriers; Mamdouh Table, Sierk, Rotating Liquid Drop and Fission Path models have been used for the fission reactions. The calculated results have been compared with the experimental data taken from the EXFOR [3] database. 2 Methods TALYS [4, 5] is a nuclear reaction simulation code for the estimation and analysis of nuclear reactions that include protons, nêutrons, photons, tritons, deuterons, 3He and alpha particles in the energy range of 1 keV-1 GeV. For this, TALYS integrates the optical model, direct, pre- equilibrium, fission and statistical nuclear reaction models in one calculation scheme and thereby gives a prediction for all the open reaction channels. In TALYS, several options are included for the choice of different parameters such as y-strength functions, nuclear levei densities and nuclear model parameters. The probability that a nucleus físsions can be estimated by TALYS on both phenomenological and microscopic grounds. Cross sections for (multi-chance) fission can be calculated. For this, various nuclear quantities are required. A fission model has been developed by Schmidt- Jurado [6]. It is based on the statistical population of States in the fission valleys at the moment of dynamical freeze- out, which is specifíc to each collective degree of freedom. Three fission channels are considered. The separability principie govems the interplay of macroscopic and microscopic effects. Corresponding author: abdullahkaplan@sdu.edu.tr This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001003 EPJ Web of Conferences In the Sierk físsion barrier model, físsion barrier heights are estimated in MeV with Sierk’s method using the rotating fínite range model. It is dependent upon calculations using exact Coulomb diffuseness corrections, diffuse-matter moments of inertia, and Yukawa-plus- exponential double folded nuclear energy [7]. Additional details on the model parameters and options of TALYS codes can be found in Refs. [5]. Sierk approximates the partial widths Tj for the emission of a partielcj (j = n, p, d, t, 3He) and r, for físsion by the expression r / ■^jj}miLU/f1""(E)p,(Uj -B/ -E)EdE <‘) Pc Uc ) V 1 = 2 L XU ' Pi U - Bj - E) EdE (2) 7 0V where pc, pj, and p/iwc the levei densities ofthe compound nucleus, the residual nucleus produced after the emission of the j-th particle, and of the físsioning nucleus at the físsion saddle point, respectively; mj, sj and Bj are the mass, spin and the binding energy of the j-th particle, respectively, and Bfis the físsion-barrier height. aim,(E) is the inverse cross section for absorption of thej-th particle with kinetic energy E by the residual nucleus. The “thermal” energies Uc are defíned by Uc = E* - ECR - AJ Pc \UC ) Uj =E‘ - ER - A j Figure 1. The comparison of calculated alpha-fission cross sections of 209Bi(a,f) reaction with the experimental values taken from the EXFOR. The 209Bi(y,f) photo-físsion reaction cross section calculations have been compared with the experimental data in Fig. 2. The experimental values are higher than the all model calculations. The TALYS 1.6 Sierk model calculations are in good agreement with the experimental data in the gamma energy range of30 - 175 MeV. (3) Uf =E* - ERR - AJ where E* is the total excitation energy of the compound nucleus. For the físsion cross sections, the approximations proposed by Sierk [8] are ,- ,- L Bj inv geom j E aJ (E) = a-111—— I (4) where = KR]; Rj = r f M (5) and <5. Nin / \ Of = (W ) f >l N.^ where U/ is the total físsion cross section. (6) E Gamma Incident Energy (MeV) Figure 2. The comparison of calculated photo-fission cross sections of 209Bi(y,f) reaction with the experimental values taken from the EXFOR. 3 Results 209 In the present study, físsion reaction cross sections of Bi(a,f), 209 Bi(y,f), 209Bi(3He,f) 209Bi(n,f) and 209Bi(p,f) reactions have been calculated for the energy range of 1 MeV to 1 GeV incident energy using different físsion reactions models of TALYS 1.6 Computer codes. The físsion reaction cross sections exhibited by (*,f) reactions for 209Bi target nuclei have been plotted as a function of different incident particle energy in Figs. 1-5. All the experimental values used in this study have been taken from the EXFOR library. The 209Bi(3He,f) reaction calculations have been compared with the experimental data in Fig. 3. All the calculations show a similar structure with the experimental values but they are lower than the experimental results. The calculated cross sections of 209Bi target nucleus for (a,f) reaction have been compared with the experimental values in Fig. 1. All model calculations are harmony with the experimental data but they are lower than the experimental values. The TALYS 1.6 Sierk model calculations lower than the experimental data of Penionzkevich et al. [9]. 01003-p.2 TESNAT 2015 In general all figures show the fission models give the same geometry with the experimental data but they give lower results than EXFOR data. It can be possible to obtain the better agreement with experimental cross section data using several different adjustments of the available parameters. The obtained 209 Bi cross section results for the projectile charged particles can be used in several applications such as fission reactor design and cooling. References Figure 3. The comparison of calculated helium3-fission cross sections of 209Bi(3He,í) reaction with the experimental values taken ífom the EXFOR. 103 1. 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A.J. Sierk and S.G. Mashnik, Fourth Workshop on Simulating Accelerator Radiation Environments, 9812070vl,(1998) 9. Yu.E., et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 13, 123 (2002) 102i 101 10°-d E nr 10’2 10’3 Bi(n,f) D.Tarrioetal, 2011 A.B.Laptev et al, 2007 P.E.Vcrotnikov et al, 1984 TALYS 1.6 (Theoretical Fission Barriers, Mamdouh Table Model) 104 io-5-! ; 10- i • Vi ----- TALYS 1.6 (Theoretical Fission Barriers, Sierk Model) ....... TALYS 1.6 (Theoretical Fission Barriers, Rotating Liquid Drop Model) ••— TALYS 1.6 (Fission Path Model) 10' 7-- 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Nêutron Incident Energy (MeV) Figure 4. The comparison of calculated neutron-fission cross sections of 209Bi(n,f) reaction with the experimental values taken from the EXFOR. Figure 5. The comparison of calculated proton-fission cross sections of 209Bi(p,f) reaction with the experimental values taken from the EXFOR. The calculated cross sections of 209Bi target nucleus for (n,f) and (p,f) reactions in the nêutron incident energy range of 1 MeV to 1 GeV have been compared with the experimental values in Figs. 5 and 6. All model calculations give similar geometry with the EXFOR data but they are lower than the experimental results. 01003-p.3 EPJ Web of Conferences 100, 01001 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/ 201510001001 © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Calculation of photo-nuclear reaction cross sections for 16O Ali Arasoglua and Omer Faruk Ozdemir Yüzüncü Yil University, Science Faculty, Physics Department, 65080, Van, Turkey Abstract. Because of the high thermal expansion coefficient of uranium, the fuel used in nuclear power plants is usually in the form of UO2 which has ceramic structure and small thermal expansion coefficient. UO2 include one uranium atom and two oxygen atoms. After fission progress, total energy values of emitted gamma are about 14 MeV. This gamma energy may cause transmutation of 16O isotopes. Transmutation of 16O isotopes changes physical properties of nuclear fuel. Due to above explanations, it is very important to calculate photo-nuclear reaction cross sections of 16O. In this study; for (y,p), (y,np), (y,n) and (y,2n) reactions of 16O, photonuclear reaction cross-sections were calculated using different models for pre-equilibrium and equilibrium effects. Taking incident gamma energy values up to 40 MeV, Hybrid and Cascade Exciton Models were used for pre-equilibrium calculations and WeisskopfEwing (Equilibrium) Model was used for equilibrium model calculations. Calculation results were compared with experimental and theoretical data. While experimental results were obtained from EXFOR, TENDL- 2013, JENDL/PD-2004 and ENDF/B VII.l data base were used to get theoretical results. 1 Introduction 2 Calculations of nuclear reactions Nuclear fuel is basic element of reactor core and source of energy produced in nuclear reactor. The fuel used in nuclear reactor has to meet the physical criteria such as linear coefficient of expansion, thermal inductivity, heat capacity etc. [1-3]. Due to high linear thermal expansion coefficient of uranium (a=13.9xl0-6 m/(mK), t=25°C) [4], it can deform fuel sheath (envelope) at high temperature. So we can't use pure uranium at fuel rods. In general, UO2 (a=7.69xl0 -6 m/(mK), t=25°C) [5] having smaller linear thermal expansion coefficient is used as a fuel in Light Water Reactor (LWR), Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) etc...[6] Nuclear transmutations and fission in fuel components change the physical properties of fuel rods. Gamma energies emitted after fission reaction is approximately 14 MeV. Two of three atoms of nuclear fuel are oxygen. Transmutations occur in 16O due to photo-nuclear reactions and it will affect the physical properties of nuclear reactor fuel. Therefore calculations of photo-nuclear reaction cross sections of 16O are very important. In this study; for (y,p), (y,np), (y,n) and (y,2n) reactions of 16 O, photo-nuclear reaction cross-sections were calculated using different models for pre- equilibrium and equilibrium effects. Taking incident gamma energy values up to 40 MeV, Hybrid and Cascade Exciton Models were used for preequilibrium calculations and Weisskopf-Ewing (Equilibrium) Model was used for equilibrium model calculations. Calculation results were compared with experimental and theoretical data. While experimental results were obtained from EXFOR, TENDL-2013, JENDL/PD-2004 and ENDF/B VII.l data base were used to get theoretical results. Statistical models can be applied to solve excitation functions. One of these models describes as above: Projectile particle was absorbed by target nucleus. Without emitting particles, compound nucleus reaches the equilibrium state. WeisskopfEwing (WE) model can be used to explain this case [7]. In this model, reaction cross section is given as following; a r b CT(U, b) = CTa (g) _ b' b' In this formula, £ is the incident energy of particle and <7a (s) is the cross section for the formation of a compound state. F b is the emission probability per time for the particle b and (i) given as [8]: rb = ^-—Ab ídsv™(£)£^^ b V h2 b b ©;(£) In equilibrium, the probability of emitting particle is given as following: W b(C>« (2sb + OM, sG0^7^7 ®i(E) Corresponding author: aliarasoglu@yahoo.com This is anavailable Open Access article distributed under the termsorofhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201510001001 the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, Article at http://www.epj-conferences.org (2) (3) EPJ Web of Conferences where sb is mspin, pb is reduced mass, s is energy of emitted particle, a'b ’ is the inverse reaction cross section, ry (U) is the nuclear levei density of the nucleus, (E) is the nuclear levei density of the nucleus emitting b particle, U is the excitation energy of residual nucleus and E is the excitation energy of the emitting nucleus [9]. One of the other reaction models is Cascade Exciton Model (CEM) which assumed to occur in three steps: I. Intra-nuclear Cascade II. Pre-equilibrium III. Equilibrium In INC stage, secondary particles were created by either incident particle was absorbed by nucleus or projectile particle consumed its total energy. The next stage is the State where compound nuclear reaction model is applied. Cascade particles define in which exciton state compound nucleus has been emitted. In the last stage, nucleus is in equilibrium and particle emission will occur through either evaporation or físsion [10]. In general, these three steps contribute values obtained as experimentally. According to this, particle spectra equation is following as; o (p) dp = {N~ (p) + N™ (p) + V (p )} Photon Energy (MeV) Figure 1. Comparison of cross section calculations of 16O(y,p)15N reaction between given nuclear reaction models, experimental data and evaluated data library [13,14], (4) where _p is the linear momentum and Gln is inelastic cross sections calculated within cascade model [11]. 3 Results and discussions In this study, to calculate (y,p), (y,np), (y,n) and (y,2n) nuclear reaction cross-sections of 16O pre-equilibrium and equilibrium models were used with the incident gamma energies up to 40 MeV. For equilibrium and pre- equilibrium effects, Weisskopf Ewing Model and Cascade Exciton Model (CEM) have been used, respectively. Equilibrium model calculations have been prepared by using PCROSS and ALICE-2011 Computer codes. CEM calculations have been performed by CEM- 03.01 Computer code. The results of comparisons between cross section calculations of this study, experimental data and evaluated ones taken from literature are as following: In Fig. 1 the results of (y,p) reaction calculations are in agreement with experimental data and evaluated results up to 20 MeV. At higher energies, results of CEM and WE models are coherent with ENDF/B VII.l while those of equilibrium model calculations are in agreement with TENDL-2013 data. While equilibrium and CEM calculation results are smaller than experimental and evaluated data in Fig. 2, WE model calculations are in good agreement for (y,np) reaction crosssection calculations. At higher energies, nuclear model calculations are coherent with experimental data. In Fig. 3 for (y,n) reaction cross-section calculations below 25 MeV; all nuclear models are in good agreement with experimental and evaluated data. In 25-40 MeV energy region; equilibrium model results are in agreement with TENDL-2013 and JENDL/PD-2004 although experimental data are greater than them. The other models are in very good agreement with experimental data. The calculation results of (y,2n) reactions in Fig. 4 are below experimental data while they are in agreement with evaluated results. Figurei. Comparison of cross section calculations oí 16O(y,np)14N reaction between given nuclear reaction models, experimental data and evaluated data library [13,14], 01001-p.2 TESNAT 2015 2. Thermophysical properties database of materiais for light water reactors and heavy water reactors, IAEATECDOC-1496 (2005). 3. J.K. Fink, J. Nucl. Mater., 279.1, 1-18 (2000). 4. http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/linear- expansioncoe_cients-d_95.html 5. R.V. Krishnan, G. Panneerselvam, P. Manikandan M.P. Antony, K. Nagarajan, J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sei., 10.1, 1926 (2009). 6. https://www.iaea.org/About/Policy/GC/GC51/GC51I nfDocuments/English/gc51inf-3-att5 en.pdf. 7. M. Blann, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Sei. 25, 123-166 (1975). 8. V.F. Weisskopf, D.H. Ewing, Phys. Rev. 57, 472485 (1940). 9. C.H.M. Broeders et al., ALICE/ASH - Precompound and Evaporation Model Code System for Calculation of Excitation Functions, Energy and Angular Distributions of Emitted Particles in Nuclear Reactions at Intermediate Energies (2006). 10. S.G. Mashnik, et al., Monte-Carlo Code System to Figure3.Comparison of cross section calculations of 16O(y,n)15O Calculate Nuclear Reactions in the Framework of the reaction between given nuclear reaction models, Improved Cascade-Exciton Model, LA-UR-05- 7321 experimental data and evaluated data library [13,14]. (2005). 11. S.G. Mashnik et al., User Manual for the Code CEM95 (JINR, Dubna, 1995). 12. R. Capote et al., Final report on research contract 5472/RB., INDC (CUB)-004 (1991). 13. EXFOR, http://www.oecdnea.org/janisweb/search /exfor. 14. Evaluated Data Library, http://www.oecdnea.org/janisweb/ Acknowledgments This work has been supported by Yüzüncü Yil University, Office of Scientific Research Projects 2013-FBED005. The authors would like to thank Dr. Murat Aycibin for contributions. References 1. D.G. Cacuci, Handbook of Nuclear Engineering (Springer, 2010). Figure4.Comparison of cross section calculations oí 16O(y,2n)14O reaction between given nuclear reaction models, experimental data and evaluated data library [13,14]. 01001-p.3 International Workshop on Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology "TESNAT 2015" aims to discuss and compare all applicable methods as are being applied at present in nuclear physics. The problems faced in these fields at present are focused in the development of new methods and in the improving of existing techniques to achieve an understanding of existing experimental data and in predicting with high reliability new properties and processes. This workshop proposes to bring together all these related communities with the goal of creating an enriching dialog across the disciplines. The program composed of a three-days conference. The workshop had given an overview on the theoretical and experimental challenges in nuclear physics and applications. The main topics of lhe workshops are computational nuclear physics, medicai physics, Monte Cario applications in Nuclear Physics and other applications of nuclear physics. TESNAT 2015 attracted about 170 participants and during the workshop 5 lectures, 38 plenary talks as well as 70 posters were presented. We would like to thank all the participants as well as the members of the International Scientific Committee, the Local Organizing Committee, the sponsors: TAEK (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority), TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), Private Osmaniye Bilim School and Private Osmaniye Doga School, and especially the hosting Osmaniye Korkut Ata University for the extremely warm atmosphere of the workshop. We would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Arjan KONING, Prof. Dr. A. Günes TANIR, Prof. Dr. ísmail BOZTOSUN and Prof. Dr. Emel ALGIN for their supports and leaderships. We would also like to thank Dr. Muhittin Çahan from Osmaniye for his unending supports, Dr. Bayram Demir, Dr. Ahmet Bülbül and Veli Çapali for their helps in organization and the staff of “European Physical Journal Web of Conferences” for their help with publishing the proceedings. Eyyup TEL, Abdullah AYDIN, Abdullah KAPLAN and Ísmail Hakki SARPÜN Editors