Digestive device

Mouth: where the first transformation of the food takes place in her we find:
Teeth, which take charge cutting and crushing the food.
The glands you will salivate that they produce the saliva.
The language that moves the food, mixes them with the saliva and forms the nourishing skittle.
The esophagus: it is an esophagus is a pipe which different length from 20 to 25 centimeters; this one placed
in front of the vertebral column and behind the trachea. It crosses the thoracic box descending from the
pharynx up to the stomach. The orifice where he communicates with the latter calls cardias.
The stomach is one of the principal organs of the digestion; it is a bolaza formed by the ensanchamiento of the
digestive pipe his part mas broad this placed on the left side of the abdomen., under the diafragma and in front
of the left kidney.
The gastric juice this one provided by the gastric glands in the shape of pipes they are understand(include) of
two types of cells that they are:
Principal cells and the cells boedeantes.
The small intestine: conciste of the following parts:
Duodenum: this one reports with the stomach for the hair one, two channels put it in communication with the
hígados with the pancreas.
The yeyuno: part of the intestine that prolongs the duodenum.
The ileon: third part of the thin intestine reports with the thin intestine with the thick intestine for the valve
The thick intestine understands three regions: the blind person, the colon and the rectum. The blind person is
the first part and joins the thin intestine for the valve íleco−cecal. The blind person takes a lateral
prolongation, the appendix vermiform. The colon understands an ascending portion, a transverse portion and a
descending portion that ends in the rectum, which one communicates with the exterior for the anus, where the
excrements are expelled.
The rectum is a great sack located in the later end of the abdomen. When it is totally full, it can be bigger than
the mesentereo and when it is empty, is almost so thin as the íleo.
It is possible to locate opposite to the first two lumbar vertebrae and behind the stomach. It is composed of
lobulillos that joined between yes form the fabric areolar and that are going to form the lobes of there the
gland. Every lobulillo has conduits "Wursing".
It segregates the pancreatic juice.
The liver. It is one of the most voluminous organs. It is located in the top right side of the abdominal cavity,
covering partially to the stomach. It is one of the organs that fulfills more functions in the organism, some of
which are:
− To produce and to secrete the bile, substance that makes the fats soluble, facilitating the digestion. This
process is known by the name of emulsion of fats.
− To store glucose, in the form of glucógeno, one I hydrate of more complex carbon.
− To store iron and vitamins.
The salivary glands produce the saliva, which is a colorless liquid of watery or mucous consistency, a liter
takes place a day, is a solution of proteins, glucoproteínas, hidratos of carbon and electrolytes and contains
cells epiteliales flaked off and leukocytes. The salivary big glands are represented by 3 glands you give birth:
The sublingual glands glands submaxillary parotid glands
The carbohydrates are the most abundant organic compounds of the biosphere and in turn the most diverse.
Normally one finds them in the structural parts of the vegetables and also in the animal(rude) fabrics, as
glucose or glucógeno. These serve as source of energy for all the cellular vital activities.
The fats, also called lípidos, together with the carbohydrates represent the major source of energy for the
Since in case of the proteins, there exist essential and not essential fats.
The essential ones are those that the organism cannot synthesize, and are: the organism since they are
contained in meats, cold cuts, fished, eggs, etc.
The proteins are used by the organism for the structure of the fabrics and as material of supply of the fabrics
that are becoming exhausted in the development of the life. Also they play a paper energetic, but less
important than that of the fats or carbohydrates.
The Minerals are chemical indispensable elements for the normal metabolic functioning. The water circulates
between the different corporal compartments taking electrolytes, which are mineral particles in solution. Both
the internal changes and the watery balance depend on his concentration and distribution.
This group the vitamins enter To, D, And and K. The same ones are soluble in the oily bodies, are slightly
changeable, and the organism(organisation) can store them easily. Provided that the organism(organisation)
can store them as reservation(reserve), his(her,your) lack would be based on bad food habits.