Gram mmar Exam m Study Gu uide Fifth Grrade Third Trim mester Te eacher: Dan niel Guevaara Unit 5 ALIZATION AND PUN NCTUATION N CAPITA PAG GES Lesson 3 Commas in a Series s 184-185 Lesson 4 More Use es for Commas 188-189 Lesson 6 Quotation ns 194-195 Lesson 7 Abbreviations 196-197 Unit 6 PRONO OUNS Lesson 1 Subject Pronouns P 216-2 217 Lesson 2 Object Prronouns 218-2 219 Lesson 4 Possessive Pronoun ns 222-2 223 Lesson 7 Using WE E and US with w Nouns 230-2 231 Unit 7 ONS ADVERBS AND PREPOSITIO Lesson 1 Adverb 246-2 247 e or Adverb? ? Lesson 3 Adjective 252-2 253 ons Lesson 5 Prepositio 256-2 257 onal Phrase es Lesson 6 Prepositio 258-2 259 Math Exam Study G Guide Fifth h Grade Third TTrimester Teacher: LLisandro Ju urado CHAPTE ER 13 1. Add and a Subtrac ct Like Frac ctions Pagess 342 to 343 3 2. Subtra action of Un nlike Fractio ons Pagess 346 to 347 7 3. Sums s and Differe ences Pagess 348 to 349 9 4. Use Common C De enominatorr Pagess 350 to 351 1 5. Chose e a Method Pagess 356 to 357 7 CHAPTE ER14 1. Addition of Mixed d Numbers Pagess 366 to 36 67 action of Mixed Numbers 2. Subtra Pages 368 to 36 69 3. Addition and Sub btraction Pagess 370 to 37 71 action with Renaming 4. Subtra Pagess 372 to 37 73 5. Addition and Sub btraction Pagess 374 to 37 75 ER 15 CHAPTE 1. Multip plication of Fractions F Pagess 388 to 389 2. Multip plication of Fractions F Pagess 390 to 391 3. Multip plication of Fractions F and a Whole Numbers N Pagess 392 to 39 93 4. Multip ply with Mixed Numberrs Pagess 394 to 396 5. Fraction Division n Pagess 398 to 399 6. Divide e Whole Nu umbers by Fractions F Pagess 400 to 402 2 7. Divide e Fractions Pagess 404 to 407 NOTE: N SE EE NOTEBO OOK AND RESPECTI TIVE WORK KBOOK PA AGES Science Exam Study Guide Fifth Grade Third Trimester Teacher: Ricardo Gayle 1. What is the water cycle?......................................................................Pgs. 258‐263 2. What is the ocean?...............................................................................Pgs. 264‐267 3. What is weather?.................................................................................Pgs. 269‐275 4. What are minerals?..............................................................................Pgs. 305‐309 5. What are rocks?....................................................................................Pgs. 314‐310 6. What are some energy resources?.......................................................Pgs. 334‐339 7. What is pollution?.................................................................................Pgs. 341‐343 8. How does the earth move?...................................................................Pgs. 363‐367 IMPORTANT: Remember to study from the Science notebook. Tem mario de Españoll grado Quinto g IIII Trimesttre – 2013 3 Maestrra: Jane eth Uribe e Aragón. TEMAS: 1. Conjugació C ón del verb bo hacer. 136-138. 1 2. Clases C de Pronombre P es .148 y 14 49. Demostrrativos Posesivos. 3. Las L preposiciones. 14 40 y 141. 4. Las L conjunciones. 14 44 y 146. 5. Estructura E de la oraciión. 156, 157,160 1 y1 161. Conc cordancia en ntre el suje eto y el pred dicado. Núcle eo(s) del su ujeto y del predicado. p 6. Actividades A s de repaso o del cuad derno y dell libro.