DIVISION DE COORDINACIÓN, EVALUACIÓN Y SEGUIMIENTO CIENTÍFICO Y TÉCNICO SUBDIVISIÓN DE PROGRAMAS CIENTIFICO-TÉCNICOS TRANSVERSALES, FORTALECIMIENTO Y EXCELENCIA International programme NORFACE Research Programme Funding organisation Funding programme Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) – through the State Research Agency Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016. Enlace a Plan Estatal http://www.norface.net/programmes/dial/ The instrument for funding the Spanish groups will be the Spanish Call on International Joint Programming Actions (Acciones de Programación Conjunta Internacional) or equivalent. Only as a reference, the beneficiaries are advised to read the call. APCIN 2016 The Spanish legal entities granted are obliged by the regulations established in this APCIN call and by the funding limit specified below. Funding objective Funding commitment National Contact Point Eligibility Call will be managed by the Subdivisión de Programas Científico-Técnicos Transversales, Fortalecimiento y Excelencia. The projects granted by the MINECO must be aligned with the main objectives described in the Programa Estatal. Maximum funding for the ERA-NET NORFACE: 600.000 € PhD. Estrella Fernández García Leonor Gómez (Administrative and technical issues) Telephone: +34 916037269 Contact email: dial@mineco.es Spanish Principal Investigators are only allowed to participate as “Co-operation partners”, therefore it is not allowed that Spanish Principal Investigators are coordinators of the proposals (“Main Applicant”). The eligible entities for MINECO funding are: Non-profit research organisations according to the respective APCIN call (Acciones de Programación Conjunta Internacional). Although private enterprises will not be funded through the APCIN Call, the Spanish industrial sector is welcome to participate in the transnational consortia using their own funds. Final rules on eligibility will be defined in the respective APCIN call, to be published here. DIVISION DE COORDINACIÓN, EVALUACIÓN Y SEGUIMIENTO CIENTÍFICO Y TÉCNICO SUBDIVISIÓN DE PROGRAMAS CIENTIFICO-TÉCNICOS TRANSVERSALES, FORTALECIMIENTO Y EXCELENCIA Additional eligibility criteria Mandatory: Spanish Principal Investigators (Spanish “Co-operation partners”) must be eligible according to the respective APCIN call or equivalent and must have experience as investigators in projects funded by the Plan Nacional I+D+i 20082011, the Plan Estatal I+D+i 2013-2016, ERC Grants, European Framework Programmes or other relevant international programmes. Not allowed: - Principal Investigators (Co-operation partners) are not allowed to apply for funding in more than one proposal of this ERA-NET NORFACE call. - Principal Investigators (Co-operation partners) are not allowed to apply for funding in more than one proposal neither in the same APCIN call nor in two consecutive APCIN calls. - Important: Principal Investigators (Co-operation partners) who obtain funding in the HERA JRP UP call are not allowed to apply for funding in this transnational ERA-NET NORFACE call. MINECO will avoid double funding (overlapping with other EU or National funding), and will not grant projects or parts of projects already funded. Eligible costs - Personnel costs for temporary employment contracts (scholarships are not eligible). - Current costs, small scientific equipment, disposable materials, travelling expenses and other costs that can be justified as necessary to carry out the proposed activities. - Indirect costs (overheads) or clinical assays (proofs of concept, proofs of principle) are not eligible for funding in the APCIN call. Funding limits The following funding limit is considered eligibility criterion by MINECO. Proposals not respecting this limit could be declared non eligible. The maximum amount of funding is 100.000€ per proposal. The final funding will take into account the transnational evaluation of the collaborative proposal, the scientific quality of the Spanish group, the added value of the international collaboration, the participation of the industrial sector and the financial resources available. Mandatory acknowledgement Any publication or dissemination activity resulting from the granted projects must acknowledge MINECO funding: “Project (reference nº XX) funded by MINECO through APCIN (year XX)”.