Spain: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MINECO Initial Funding Committment Funding Programme Eligible entities Additional eligibility criteria Eligible costs 500.000 Euro Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad in the framework of the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016 Universities, Public Research Institutions, Private non-profit Research Institutions, Technological Centres (Centros tecnológicos). Although enterprises cannot be funded through this Call by MINECO, the Spanish private sector is very much welcome to associate with Spanish research institutions in order to participate in this Call, using own funds or funding from other National or Regional calls or associated. Eligible projects: - Mandatory: minimum of four eligible partners from four different participating countries with at least two countries from each region. The consortium may not exceed a maximum of two partners per country (see the list of funding organisations in the call text). - Not allowed: Overlapping funding from other ERA-NET, EU National or Regional Calls. - Not allowed: Applying for funding in more than one proposal. Only excellent projects where international collaboration is a clear added value will be funded. - Personnel costs for temporary contracts (fellowships are not eligible) - Current costs such as those incurred in purchasing small scientific equipment, disposable materials, travelling expenses and other costs that can be properly justified as necessary to carry out the proposed activities. - Overheads are not eligible for funding. - Maximum budgets: 100.000 € per project; 140.000 € if the Spanish institution leads the project. In case two Spanish institutions participate, the budget will be reduced to a maximum of 150.000 € for the two institutions, unless one of them is the project leader. To see general conditions of MINECO calls designed for supporting ERANET participation please see the following link. National funding rates Type of research Fundamental/Basic Research Industrial/Applied Large Medium Enterprises Enterprises Small Enterprises Universities and research organizations N/A N/A N/A 100% N/A N/A N/A 100% Research Experimental development N/A N/A N/A 100% Purpose of funding: ERANet-LAC is a Network of the European Union (EU), Latin America and the Caribbean Countries (CELAC) funded by the European Commission within FP7. The project supports the implementation of joint activities to strengthen the bi-regional partnership in Science, Technology and Innovation, including two joint transnational calls. On the first ERANet-LAC Joint Transnational Call MINECO will be jointly funding with other EU-CELAC funding organisations research proposals on the following topics: - Small-scale self-sustainable biorefineries for multi-feedstock processing of agro-industrial and urban wastes for advanced biofuels, bio-based chemicals and biomaterials. - Towards Zero Carbon Energy Systems for heating and cooling in industrial processes by means of solar technologies including the envelopes of the buildings. MINECO’s participation demonstrates its effort to support research on the Energy field and accomplishes the main objectives described in the Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad in the frame of the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016, that fosters the participation of Spanish research groups in international cooperative projects, particularly those related with the societal challenges of “secure, clean and efficient energy” Eligibility of applicants: MINECO will support research institutions located in Spain and will be responsible for taking the final decision regarding the award of funds to the Spanish partners that apply to MINECO in this joint call. The final decision will take fully into account the transnational evaluation of the cooperative project and the financial resources available. The entities eligible for MINECO funding are universities and other public research institutions (including hospitals and public foundations), as well as private non-profit institutions that carry out R&D activities in Spain, including Technological Centres (Centros Tecnológicos). Although enterprises cannot be funded through this Call by MINECO, the Spanish private sector is very much welcome to associate with Spanish research institutions in order to participate in this Call, using own funds or funding from other National or Regional calls. Eligible consortia must be constituted by a minimum of four eligible partners from four different participating countries with at least two countries from each region. The consortium may not exceed a maximum of two partners per country (see the list of funding organisations in the call text). Important: Only excellent projects where international collaboration is a clear added value will be funded. It is not allowed either to apply for funding in more than one proposal of this call, or to overlap funding in this call with other ERA-NET running projects. In any case, MINECO will avoid double funding and will not finance projects or parts of projects that have been funded through other national, regional or EU calls. Funding policy: Up to 100% of the marginal project costs may be financed within this programme in the following categories: Personnel costs for temporary contracts (neither actual staff, nor fellowships are eligible) Direct costs (consumables, small scientific equipment, travel, other costs) Up to 50% of total costs for those institutions that can apply under total costs scheme, and according to national regulations (Basic regulations: Orden de bases ECC/1780/2013, published in BOE 02.10.2013). Indirect costs (overheads) are not eligible for funding from MINECO. Maximum funding is 100.000 € per partner (140.000 € if the Spanish partner is the collaborative project coordinator). When two Spanish partners participate in the same proposal, the maximum total funding for the Spanish part should not exceed 150.000 €. If one of them is the project leader, this maximum could be higher than 150.000 €, depending on the objectives. Project budgets are expected to be well balanced in relation to the relative weight of Spanish partners in the consortium and, for consortia with industrial partners, to the presence of Spanish industrial associates. Further instructions: As stated in the Call text, the project leader of each consortium must submit the full proposal electronically to the common Call Secretariat. Once the transnational evaluation procedure has been completed and the researchers involved have been notified, the Spanish applicants that are offered funding will be invited to formally apply to the 2015 Call of Acciones de Programación Conjunta Internacional del Programa Estatal de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad implemented by the Subdirección General de Proyectos Internacionales, Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica. The Spanish partners awarded in this call will be obliged by the regulations established in the corresponding national call. National Call Coordination and contact point: Dr. Luis Guasch Pereira Subdirección General de Relaciones Internacionales y con Europa. E-mail: