
Eventos Pasados y Futuros…. En Lengua Extranjera.
Unit 1
Events in the Past
E.T.E. Karim Juárez Cortés
Unit 1
“Events in the Past”
Sequence Connectors
You can use these connectors to join sentences and to talk about the sequence of events.
First, then, next, after that, then, and finally.
“How mint tea is made”
First, some tea is put in a pot,
then, the water is boiled,
next, the mint and the tea are rinsed in hot water,
after that, the sugar is added,
Finally, the pot is filled with boiling water.
Yesterday, Carolina made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,
first she spread peanut butter on one slide of bread, next she
spread jelly in one slice of bread, after spreading jelly on, she
put two slices of bread together. Finally she ate it. It was
NOTE: Los conectores de secuencia los utilizamos para hablar de la secuencia y orden de
los eventos y/o procesos.
REFERENCES (Referencias)
Bibliography (Bibliografía)
Evans Virginia, y Dooley Jenny (2000): Enterprise 1 Grammar Book . USA, Express
Evans Virginia, y Dooley Jenny (1999): Enterprise 3 Grammar Book . USA, Express Publishing
Evans Virginia y Dooley Jenny ( 2005): Upstream Beginner A1+. USA, Express Publishing.
Johannsen, Kristin (2010). World English 3 teacher’s book . USA: HEINLE CENGAGE Learning.
Jones Ceri ( 2000) American Framework elementary. USA, Richmond Publishing.
Redston Chris y Cunningham Gillie (2005) face2face Elementary Student’s book. ITALY, Cambridge
University Press
Redston Chris y Cunningham Gillie (2005) face2face Pre- intermediate Student’s book. ITALY, Cambridge
University Press.
Richards C. Jack y otros ( 1997): New Interchange 1 Student’s book. USA, Cambridge University Press.
Rogers Mickey, Sturtevant Jane, and Williams Libby ( 2004). Style 1. THAILAND, Macmillan.
Rogers Mickey y otros (2010) OpenMind Level 1. THAILAND, Macmillan
Stempleski Susan y Curtis Andy ( 2005): Worldlink 2 Developing English Fluency. USA, Thomson Heinle
Stempleski, Susan. Curtis, Andy. R. Morgan, James. Douglas, Nancy (2005). World Link 3. USA: Thomson