Conconcreto Joins the Market Makers Program

August 17, 2016
Conconcreto Joins the Market Makers Program
Bogotá, Colombia, August 17, 2016 – From today, the infrastructure and building construction
company, Constructora Conconcreto, is part of the Colombian Securities Exchange's Market
Makers Program. This program aims to provide the best opportunities to investors, with
greater trading and a reduction in the spread (difference between buy and sell prices), which
particularly benefit individual investors.
The stock brokerage firm Credicorp Capital will be the market maker of the construction
company's stock, which since May 2016, is part of the main stock market index in Colombia,
COLCAP. It also has IR Recognition, which the BVC has awarded annually since 2013 to
acknowledge issuers committed to best practices for information disclosure and investor
“Conconcreto is part of the group of companies that find an excellent financing alternative and
a partner to grow and strengthen their companies in the capital market and also lead the
country's mega infrastructure projects. By participating in this initiative, it also shows that it
is an issuer that recognizes the importance for countries to develop the capital market,” states
BVC CEO, Juan Pablo Córdoba.
According to the BVC, with the acquisition of Conconcreto stock, there are now six
shareholdings listed under this category (BVC, EEB, ETB, Tecnoglass and ETF, ICOLCAP) where
a stock brokerage firm commits to provide points of sale and purchase for financial
instruments in order to increase the liquidity and expansion of the market.
The Exchange highlighted the program's success, pointing out recent cases such as that of
ETB, for which the average spread between 2014 and July 2015 oscillated between 1.71%
and 2.36%, and from July 2015 (when it entered the contract with the market maker) until
July 2016, it amounted to 0.76%. EEB presented an average spread between 1.18% in 2014
and 1.24% in 2015, and after the stock was incorporated into the program, it dropped to
“With this BVC initiative in partnership with Credicorp, we aim to improve the stock's liquidity,
gain more investors, and attract more foreign and institutional investors that see Conconcreto
as a company to invest in. Now we are part of COLCAP and we have made important
announcements, which demonstrate that Conconcreto is a good investment mechanism for
those who want exposure throughout the expansion of local and international infrastructure
in which the construction company works,” pointed out Juan Luis Aristizábal, Conconcreto
Acerca de la BVC
La Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC:CB) es el principal foro de negociación del país. Es una compañía privada,
listada en el mercado público de valores. Es una bolsa multiproducto, que ofrece las plataformas de negociación del
mercado de acciones, renta fija y derivados estandarizados. Así mismo, la BVC opera a través de sus filiales los
mercados de Divisas (Set Icap FX S.A.); de renta fija y derivados OTC (Set Icap Securities); de Commodities
Energéticos (Derivex S.A.); servicios habilitadores de tecnología (Sophos Banking Solutions), servicios de Market
Data y de proveeduría de precios para la valoración de títulos (Infovalmer PPV S.A.). Además hace presencia en toda
la cadena de valor de la industria bursátil a través de participaciones accionarias en la Cámara de Riesgo Central de
Contraparte (CRCC), la Cámara de Compensación de Divisas y el Depósito Centralizado de Valores (Deceval).
Contacto de prensa:
Bolsa de Valores de Colombia
Dirección de Medios y Relaciones Públicas
Jaime Sarmiento – Daniel Bernal
Teléfono: 3139800 Ext.1246 / 1126
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