Pre-K – 8 Parent/Teacher Conferences Feed The Teachers

 The Potter’s House provides a Christ-­‐centered education to children of all ethnic heritages and income levels, equipping them to serve God and society to their fullest potential. Around The House 2015-­‐2016 November 13, 2015 | Issue 10 Pre-K – 8
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences play an integral
part in the academic growth of your child.
Conferences are scheduled three times a
year. Fall conferences for grades PreK-8 will
be held November 17-19, 2015. Parents will
receive their scheduled conference time(s)
this week.
School will be in session regular hours on
conference days, and students may not
attend fall conferences.
Conferencias entre Padres y Profesores
Conferencias entre padres y profesores juega
un papel importante en el crecimiento
académico de su niño. Las
conferencias tendrán lugar tres veces al
año. Las conferencias del otoño para grados
PreK-8 están citadas para el 17-19 de
noviembre, 2015. Los padres recibirán su
tiempo conferencia programada esta semana.
La escuela estará en session durante horas
regulares en los días de la conferencia. Los
estudiantes no pueden asistir a las
conferencias de otoño.
Feed The Teachers
The PTF is looking for parents willing to
bring food for the teachers during Parent
Teacher Conferences on Nov. 17-19. Please
sign up
Thank you. This is a great way to serve
parent commitment hours.
Alimentar a los Maestros
El grupo PTF busca a padres generosos que
estén dispuestos a traer comida ligera
durante las conferencias entre Padres y
Profesores el 17-19 de noviembre. Anotese
en la lista en linea al
Gracias. Esta es una buena oportunidad
para cumplir con sus horas de servicio.
Master Calendar
8 Grade Babysitting
Friday, November 13, 2015
• 7:00 p.m. High School Play, “See How
They Run,” high school in the PAW
Here are the upcoming dates, so mark
your calendars and plan for a night out:
November 17 (PTC 6:00-8:30 p.m.)
Saturday, November 14, 2015
• 7:00 p.m. High School Play, “See How
They Run,” high school in the PAW
November 19 (PTC 4:00-7:00 p.m.)
November 20
Monday, November 16, 2015
• 3:45-5:00 p.m. 8th Boys BB Practice
• 4:00-6:00 Pre-K only Parent/Teacher
• 5:00-7:00 p.m. 7th Boys BB Practice
December 18
Time: 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Who: Children potty trained to 11
Cost: $5 per child / max of $20 per
Proceeds support the 8th grade trip to
Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
• 4:15 p.m. 7th/8th Boys Basketball at
Holland Calvary
• 6:00-8:30 p.m. PreK-8 Parent/Teacher
Conferences (8th Grade Babysitting in
the Gym for donation)
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
• 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Mailing, Church
Fellowship Room
• 2:00-5:00 p.m. PreK-8 Parent/Teacher
• 6:30-10:00 p.m. Veldman, Luginbill, and
Colago Field Trip – King Lear at Calvin
Next week during PK-8 Parent/Teacher
Conferences, some 8th grade students will
be selling handmade items that will make
ideal Christmas gifts. There will also
be baked goods for sale. This is part of the
fundraising efforts for the Washington, D.C.
trip. Stop by their table near the elevator and
check out the great deals.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
• Pre-Kindergarten ONLY – No School
• 4:00-7:00 p.m. Young5-8
Parent/Teacher Conferences (8th Grade
Babysitting in the Gym for donation)
Thanks for your support!
La próxima semana durante las
conferencias PK-8 de padres y maestros,
los estudiantes de 8vo grado estarán
vendiendo artículos hechos a mano que
serán ideales para regalos de Navidad.
También habrán productos horneados para
la venta. Esto es parte del esfuerzo que
están haciendo para recaudar fondos para
el viaje a Washington D.C. No olvide pasar
por la mesa de manualidades que estará
cerca del ascensor.
Friday, November 20, 2015
• 8:15 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Kremke Field Trip,
• 12:40-3:15 p.m. 4th/5th Field Trip, Tarry
Hall Roller Rink
• 3:45-5:00 p.m. 8th Boys BB Practice
• 5:00-7:00 p.m. 7th Boys BB Practice
Saturday, November 21, 2015
• High School Apple Pie Fundraiser, Gym
¡Gracias por su apoyo!
2 Apple Pie Fundraiser
The High School Class Trip Fundraising
Committee needs you! We are planning an apple
pie making day on Saturday, November 21, and
there are numerous opportunities for parents and
students to get involved. From picking apples to
making and selling pies, there’s something for
every one.
With Thanksgiving and Christmas just around the
corner, this is the perfect time to sell apple pies.
Each pie will sell for just $12, and the profits will go
directly to the student. Did we mention that all time
devoted to the fundraiser can be recorded as
parent service hours? Bonus!
Parents and Grandparents, would you like to
offer a job shadow experience to one of our
high school juniors? If so, signup with the
guidance office to host a student and share
about the job you love. Simply email your
name, job title, company, and a 250-word (or
less) description of your career to:,,
Parents, here is a link to the forms you will need,
and the list of ways that you can volunteer Please return these forms to
the high school office or to your student's advisory
Apple Pie Para Recaudar Fondos
Juniors who are interested in your job shadow
experience will be required to contact you
directly and schedule a shadow during the
school year.
¡El Comité de Recaudación de Fondos para el
viaje de la clase de la escuela secundaria te
necesita! Estamos planeando un día para la
preparación del pastel de manzana, el sábado 21
de noviembre y hay numerosas oportunidades
para que los padres y estudiantes a participar.
Desde recogiendo manzanas, la elaboración, y
La Sombra del Trabajo
venta de empanadas, hay algo para todos.
Padres y abuelos, ¿le gustaría ofrecer una
experiencia de sombra de trabajo a uno de
nuestros jóvenes de la escuela secundaria?
Si es asi, anotese con la oficina de
orientación para acoger a un estudiante y
compartir sobre el trabajo que usted ama.
Simplemente envíe su nombre, cargo,
empresa, y una descripción de su carrera
palabra en 250 (o menos) al:
Con Acción de Gracias y la Navidad a la vuelta de
la esquina, este es el momento perfecto para
vender pasteles de manzana. Cada pastel se
venderá por sólo $12, y los beneficios irán
directamente al estudiante. ¿Mencionamos que
todo el tiempo dedicado a la recaudación de
fondos se puede registrar como horas de servicio
para los padres? ¡Bono !
Padres, aquí esta el enlace de los formularios que
usted necesita, y la lista de maneras en que usted
puede ser voluntario Por
favor devuelva estos formularios a la oficina de la
escuela secundaria o al maestro asesor de su hijo
Se requerirá Juniors que esten interesados
en su experiencia de sombra de trabajo en
contacto con usted directamente y programar
una sombra durante el año escolar.
3 Short-Term Host Families Needed
Connect Explore Achieve
Kent ISD's Career Readiness Programs
Host a Swiss exchange student for a
couple weeks in May! Short-term host
families are needed for 3-5 Swiss students
who will be attending The Potter’s House
High School for about 2 ½ weeks in May
2016. The students will attend school from
Monday to Thursday and take Fridays off
for field trips with their chaperones and
classmates. We are specifically looking for
host families with a teenager or teenagers
in the home of the same gender as the
exchange student.
Students in grades 7th - 12th are provided a
variety of ways to engage with employers
and discover the skills and aptitudes required
for workplace success throughout Kent ISD.
These opportunities also give students
insights into the education and other training
needed to be successful and they can
experience different working environments
and career. Visit our website to learn more
and sign up.
Health Careers Internship
Talk & Tour Career Series
Explorers Program
Groundhog Shadow Day
This is a great opportunity to make a friend
from another country and to form a close
relationship with him or her. If you would
like more information, please contact
PHHS teacher Curtis DePree
Connect Explore Achieve
Kent ISD's Programas de Preparación de Carrera
A los estudiantes de los grados 7 - 12 se les
proporciona una variedad de maneras para
involucrarse a con empleadores y descubrir
las habilidades y aptitudes necesarias para
el éxito en todo el lugar de trabajo atraves de
Kent ISD. Estas oportunidades también dan
a los estudiantes una visión de la educación
y otro tipo de formación necesaria para tener
éxito y que puedan experimentar diferentes
entornos de trabajo y carrera Visit our
website to learn more and sign up.
Puma Gear orders are due Friday, November 20! Check out the Puma Gear order form at: for some great Christmas gift ideas. You can get your Christmas shopping started, support your Puma athletes, and show your school pride. Orders forms with payment are due by the end of the day November 20, to ensure delivery before Christmas break. Please note on your order form if this is a Christmas gift and you do not want your student to pick up the items. Questions? Contact Noelle Gabel at Carreras de Prácticas de Salud
Series Talk & Tour de Carrera
Programa de Exploradores
Groundhog Day Shadow
4 Puma Saturday Basketball
“Work Hard and Have Fun!”
Potter’s House Holiday
Concert Series
Happy November! As holiday schedules
begin to take shape, please put our
upcoming concerts on your calendar. Both
are free, and will be wonderful evenings of
music and worship.
Tuesday, December 1 - H.S. Choir & Jazz
Band Concert - 7 PM in the PAW
Treats will be served after the concert!
Thursday, December 10 - TPH Christmas
concert - 7 PM in the church auditorium (811
Chicago Dr. SW). Elementary, middle
school, and high school choirs and bands
will all be performing!
La serie de conciertos
Festivos de Potter’s House
Feliz noviembre! A medida que los horarios
festivos comienzan a tomar forma, por favor,
anoten nuestros próximos conciertos en su
calendario. Ambos son gratuitos, y habrá
maravillosas noches de música y adoración.
Martes, 01 de diciembre - H.S. Concierto del
Coro y Banda de Jazz - 7:00 PM en el PAW.
¡Se servirá galletitas después del concierto!
Jueves, 10 de diciembre - TPH concierto de
Navidad - 7:00 PM en el auditorio de la
iglesia (811 Chicago Dr. SW). ¡Las bandas y
los coros de ambas escuelas, la elemental y
la secundaria estarán haciendo participación
esa noche!
TPH high school boys varsity coach, Kevin Kuipers,
assistant coaches and players will teach 3rd and 4th
grade boys and girls how to play basketball. The
season will consist of clinics and possible games
dependent on the number of participants.
Program Dates:
Saturdays, January
9,16,23,30 and February 6
(5 weeks).
10:00am - 12:00pm
$25 (includes a T-Shirt)
The Potter’s House
High School Gym
Registration due: December 4, 2015
Please make checks payable to: The Potter’s House
Mail registration form below with payment to:
The Potter’s House High School
Attn: Kevin Kuipers
2500 Newport Dr SW
Wyoming, MI 49519
---------------------------------------------------------------------Participant’s Name:
T-shirt size: ___________________
Parent/Guardian’s Email:
Grade: ___________
Parent/Guardian Name(s):
Phone: ___________________________________