Maria Castillo Maria Castillo is happily married and has two children; her daughter and husband are a great support on her journey with her son who has special needs. Maria is one of the co-founders of Grupo VIDA organization. For more than 20 years she has been helping and supporting GV with several activities such as support groups, workshops, fundraising and an annual conference which focuses on education, support and information to the Spanish speaking population. Her own experience and working with a Health Care Program for Children with Special Needs gave her the knowledge to help and support other families who have kids with special needs. Her son has been an inspiration for her and to help other families who been through with a lot of challenges in their lives. She enjoys helping and supporting other families by sharing her own experience and learning from them. Maria also has been part of the Family Advisory Council at the Children Hospital of Colorado which is formed by family members and staff hospital that provide feedback and guidance to the hospital staff. Maria Castillo esta casada felizmente y tiene dos hijos; Su hija y esposo han sido un gran apoyo en su jornada con su hijo el cual tiene necesidades especiales. Maria es una de las co-fundadoras de la organizacion. Por mas de 20 años ella a ayudado y apoyado a GV con varias actividades como grupos de apoyo, seminaries, eventos de recaudacion de fondos y conferencias anuales las cuales se enfocan en educacion , apoyo e informacion hacia la poblacion de habla hispana. Su propia experiencia y el trabajar con el Programa de Niños con Neceidades Especiales le ha dado el conocimiento para ayudar y apoyar a otras familias que tienen necesidades especiales. Su hijo ha sido una inspiracion para ayudar a otras familias que han pasado por muchos retos en sus vidas. Ella disfruta ayudando y apoyando a otras familias compartiendo su experiencia y aprendiendo de otras familias. Maria ha sido tambien miembro del concilio de consejo familiar del Childdren Hospital de Colorado el cual esta formado de familias y personal del hospital para proveer consejo y guia al personal del hospital.