¡Buen Viaje! Capítulo 12, Vocabulario el el el la la la la el el el la la la el el la el el el acostarse (ue) afeitarse agua mineral albergue juvenil albergue para jóvenes (juvenil) así bañarse barra (pastilla) de jabón barra de jabón botella de agua mineral cara cepillarse cepillarse los dientes cepillo cepillo de dientes champú crema de afeitar crema dentífrica dar una caminata desayunarse despertarse (ie) divertirse (ie, i) dormirse (ue, u) ducha económico(a) el papel higiénico espejo gira hostal ir en bicicleta jabón jugo de naranja lavarse to go to bed to shave mineral water youth hostel youth hostel so to take a bath lavarse los dientes levantarse llamarse Lo están pasando muy bien. el maquillaje maquillarse bar of soap bar of soap bottle of mineral water face to brush one’s hair to brush one’s teeth brush toothbrush shampoo shaving cream toothpaste to take a hike to eat breakfast to wake up to enjoy oneself to fall asleep shower economical toilet paper mirror tour inexpensive hotel to go by bike soap orange juice to wash oneself la el la la el el la mirarse navaja papel higiénico pasta (crema) dentífrica pastilla de jabón peinarse peine pelo pensión poner el maquillaje ponerse ponerse el maquillaje ponerse la ropa el la el el el rollo de papel higiénico rutina saco de dormir sentarse (ie) temprano tomar el desayuno tomar una ducha tubo de pasta (crema) dentífrica vaso to brush one’s teeth to get up to be named, to call oneself They’re having a good time. makeup to put one’s makeup on to look at oneself razor toilet paper toothpaste bar of soap to comb one’s hair comb hair boarding house to put one’s makeup on to put on to put on makeup to dress oneself, to put on clothes roll of toilet paper routine sleeping bag to sit down early to eat breakfast to take a shower tube of toothpaste (drinking) glass Capítulo 12 – Una gira Verbos reflexivos – Telling what people do for themselves 1. Compare the following pairs of sentences. Mariana bathes the Mariana brushes the Mariana baña al Mariana cepilla al dog. dog. perro. perro. Mariana bathes Maria brushes her Mariana se baña. Mariana se ceiplla. herself. hair. In the first sentences, Mariana performs the action, and the dog receives the action. In the second sentences, Mariana both performs and receives the action of the verb. For this reason, the pronoun se must be used. Se refers back to Mariana in these sentences and is called a “reflexive pronoun.” It indicates that the action of the verb is reflected back to the subject. 2. Study the forms of a reflexive verb. Infinitive lavarse levantarse yo me lavo me levanto tú te lavas te levantas Ud., él, ella se lava se levanta nosotros, nosotras nos lavamos nos levantamos Uds., ellos, ellas se lavan se levantan 3. In the negative form, no is placed before the reflexive pronoun. Aren’t you washing your hands? ¿No te lavas las manos? The Martinez family doesn’t eat breakfast in the La familia Martínez no se desayuna en el dining room. comedor. Verbos reflexives de cambio radical – Telling what people do for themselves 1. The reflexive verbs acostarse (o → ue) and divertirse (e → ie) are stem-changing verbs. Study the following forms. Infinitive acostarse divertirse yo me acuesto me divierto tú te acuestas te diviertes Ud., él, ella se acuesta se divierte nosotros, nosotras nos acostamos nos divertimos Uds., ellos, ellas se acuestan se divierten 2. Many verbs in Spanish can be used with a reflexive pronoun. Often the reflexive pronoun gives a different meaning to the verb. Study the following examples.. María pone la blusa en la mochila. Maria puts the blouse in the backpack. Maria puts on her blouse. María se pone la blusa. Maria sleeps eight hours. María duerme ocho horas. Maria falls asleep immediately. María se duerme enseguida. Maria calls Carlos. María llama a Carlos. She calls herself Maria. (Her name is Maria.) Ella se llama María. Maria amuses her friends. María divierte a sus amigos. Maria amuses herself. (Maria has a good time.) María se divierte. Capítulo 12 – Una gira