600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081 1.815.625.0640 January 24th

600 Avenue B Sterling, IL 61081
January 24th, 2016
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Weekday Masses MonFri 8.30 AMChapel
School Schedule: Wed 8.30 AMChurch Saturday 8.30 AMChurch Sunday Obligation
5.00 PM Sat., 7.00 AM, 8.30 AM, 10.00 AM 11.30 AM In Spanish
Vigil/Holy Day MassesChurch
7.00 PM, 8.30 AM, 5.15 PM
7.00 PM In Spanish
Tuesday 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM Sacraments
Anointing of the Sick
If you or someone you know would like to receive the
anointing of the sick, please notify the parish office.
Following the birth of your child, please contact the
parish office.
Catechetical Instruction (Grades 1 ± 8)
Confirmation Preparation Call Religious Education Office.
Arrangements to be made by calling parish office (9) months in advance.
RCIA (Adult Initiation) If interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith,
please contact Jane Olson at the parish office.
Saturday: 4.00 4.45 PM, also by appointment.
Communal Penance Services during Advent and Lent.
Parish Registration We welcome new parishioners. Please come to the parish office to receive welcome information.
Bulletin Notices
Please submit notices in writing or email larsonlupe@yahoo.com to the parish office by
Friday noon, one week prior to publication.
Rev. James R. Keenan………..……………...Ext.211
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Adalberto Sanchez……………….……..Ext.212
Residence (after 4 PM & weekends) 1.815.625.4768
John Kellen……………………………………..Ext.226
Larry Zitkus……………………………………..Ext.226
Parish Office Hours
MondayFriday……………………9.00 AM 4.00 PM
Parish Administration Offices
600 Avenue B Sterling IL………...….1.815.625.0640
Fax 815.625.1684
Website: …………………..www.stmarysterling.com
Parish Staff…………...………….….1.815.625.0640
Bert Davis, Bookkeeper……………..…...…..Ext.225
Lupe Larson, Secretary……………………....Ext.210
Jane Olson, Pastoral Associate……………..Ext.220
Janie Atilano, Hispanic Ministry……1.815.626.5735
Sister Philomene Reiland, Director of Music Sally Kellen, Shutin Ministry………………...Ext.226
Cemetery Andres Quintana, Cemetery Manager……...Ext.224
Religious Education Office………1.815.625.6688
(located in St. Mary School)
Gerry Williamson, Director……………….….Ext.244
Dianne Williamson, Secretary……………....Ext.214
St. Mary School
6 West 6th Street…………….……...1.815.625.2253
Rebecca Schmitt, Principal………………….Ext.227 Jeannie Ramos, Bookkeeper………………..Ext.221
Robbin Clifton, Secretary…………………….Ext.223
Newman Central Catholic High School
1101 W. 23rd Street………………...1.815.625.0500
Kathleen Howard, Interim Principal
St. Vincent DePaul Society 7 West 6th Street…………………....1.815.625.0311
Office Hours: MondayFriday…..12 Noon 2.30 PM
Mass Intentions
Jan 25 8.30 AM Communion Service Jan 26 8.30 AM Communion Service Jan 27 8.30 AM Communion Service
Jan 28 8.30 AM †Gloria Ybarra
Larry Ybarra
Jan 29 8.30 AM †James W Bruno
Jan 30 8.30 AM †Myron Kliment
Cune Amesquita & Family
$ 7,280.00 $
$ 7,682.93 $ 14,875.42 $ 7,192.49
Debt Reduction Collection Current $ 532.00 Debt Reduction Balance
$24,647.37 Envelopes this week
Jan 30 5.00 PM Dan Johnson
Friends Jan 31 7.00 AM †Richard Frasor
8.30 AM †Peter Caudillo The Caudillo Family
10.00 AM †Rufina Diaz
Randy & Concha Sitter 11.30 AM †Leon & Amada DeAvila
Carmen Juarez
Envelope Collection
Loose Collection
Children's Collection
Total Collection
Collection Report 2016-17
January 16-17
Liturgical Roles
Sat Jan 30 5.00 PM Sharley Bailey
Mark Tschosik
Sun Jan 31 7.00 AM Helen Musyl 8.30 AM Kyle Lancaster Teresa Gingrich
10.00 AM Carolyn Gaziano Darwin Mauch
Fr. Keenan and Fr. Sanchez will be out of the
office for a mandatory clergy conference on
Jan. 25th, 26th and 27th. Mass Schedule
Feb 10th - Ash Wednesday
8:30 AM, 12;30 PM, 5:15 PM in English
7:00 PM in Spanish
Sat Jan 30 5.00 PM Deacon
Gloria Olds & Megan S. Benyo Sun Jan 31
7.00 AM Paul Hess Alice Ports & John Beien 8.30 AM Deacon Derek Green & Beth Sterk 10.00 AM Lupe Larson
Jeannie Ramos & Julie Smith The Sanctuary Candle will burn the
week of
January 16-23
Roberta Dillon
Given by
Deborah Cheshier
“Jesus showed us the self-sacrificial nature of
love when he laid down his life for us, and we
are called to follow in his footsteps. We are
called to be his hands and feet, caring for and
loving others.”
USCCB 2015-2016 Respect Life Program Prayer and
Program Guide ( www.goo.gl/2nrphg)
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
Sat Jan 30
5.00 PM Alec Marruffo Breck Tschosik & Carter Mulderink Sun Jan 31
8.30 AM Nate Neubauer
Owen Oetting & Antonio Gassman 10.00 AM Espen Hammes Sam & Spencer Mauch
Religious Education
Class meets on Jan. 27th.
Classes meet on Feb. 17th & 24th.
No class on Feb. 3rd or 10th.
Th_r_ w[s [n _rror in l[st w__ks
\ull_tin. This is th_ ]orr_]t
inform[tion. Th[nk you to [ll
h[v_ r_gist_r_^ th_ir
Extraordinary Ministers
Krog_rs ][r^s to support
Are needed to take communion to the
St. M[ry’s S]hool. If you shop [t
shut-ins. If you are interested in helping
Krog_r this is [ny _[sy w[y to
please call Deacon John Kellen at
h_lp th_ s]hool! R_gist_r your
Krog_r ][r^ [t
815-625-0640, ext. 226.
krog_r]ommunityr_w[r^s.]om. Th_
St. Andrew
s]hool ]o^_ is 10605. Th_n [ll
St. Andrew's Thrift Store had a soft you ^o is shop [s usu[l, th[t’s it!
opening on Jan.18th.The store is
If you n__^ h_lp pl_[s_ stop \y
located at 1100 #B 1st Avenue in
th_ s]hool offi]_ [n^ w_ will \_
Rock Falls (Behind El Tapitio
gl[^ to h_lp you g_t r_gist_r_^!
Th_ s]hool r_]_iv_s [ qu[rt_rly
VOLUNTEER:We can only succeed
]h_]k from Krog_r. Nov_m\_r’s
with YOU! We are hoping to have
]h_]k [mount w[s $1260!
3 full shifts per day: 912 AM,123
PM, and 36 PM. Choose as many
Sweetheart Dance
hours as you wish! Please check
The Knights of Columbus Council
your schedule and see what will
#11874 presents
work for you. Contact Wanda
Sweetheart Dance
Schmitt at 8154382051.
on Fri., Feb. 5th from 5:45-8:30 PM
Piano Lessons
at St. Andrew School Gym in
Rock Falls. Men:$18(Girls & Ladies
Piano lessons in your home
Free with a paid Father figure).
with Sister Philomene are
Refreshments, Raffle, DJ and a
now available. If you are
Keepsake Photo ID. Call
interested please contact
for information.
Lupe at the parish center.
Tickets on sale at the door.
Here are the results from the contest on
January 6th:
Girls: 9 year old-Ellie Rude
11 year old-Ainsley Reed
13 year old-Kylie Sanders.
Boys: 9 year old-Austin VanLanduit
11 year old-Ethan VanLanduit
12 year old-Elias Henkel
14 year old-Cody Britt.
Congratulations! These winners will now
compete at St. Mary’s School in Dixon on
Sun., Feb. 14th. Doors open at 11:30 AM and
the contest begins at noon.
All School’s Mass
Join us to celebrate the All Schools
Mass at Newman High School on
Fri., Feb. 5th at 10:00 AM in the school
Let us Know
Please call the Parish Center Office
with any name, phone or address
St. Anne School
N H: P,
S A S,
D! I#
(P# % K8)
Applications are currently being accepted for
a faith-filled, passionate, and dedicated
educator to serve as Principal of St. Anne
School, located in Dixon, IL beginning on or
before July 1st, 2016. Candidates must
possess an advanced degree in educational
leadership; hold a current Illinois
Professional Educator License ( PEL) with a
General Administrative Endorsement; and
have five years of successful teaching and/
or administrative experience, preferably in a
Catholic school. To apply, please send a
cover letter and resume no later than Friday,
Feb.,19th to: Catholic Education Office,
Principal Applications, 555 Coleman Center
Drive, P.O. Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125
St. James Church
St. James the Greater Knights of
Columbus Council # 15153 in Lee,
IL will be serving an all you can eat
pancake and sausage breakfast on
Sat, Feb. 6th from 7:00-11:30 AM at the
church hall. Menu includes pancakes,
sausage, biscuits and gravy, coffee, milk, and
orange juice. Tickets: $8.00 for adults,
children under the age of 5 are free.
Newman High School
Family: $20.00 donation ( Dad, Mom,
To demonstrate our appreciation and to children 18 & under).
Questions contact Brian Muetze at
preserve your family's legacy,
Newman Central Catholic High School 815-508-6059.
invites you to be a part of Newman's
Religious Education prayer garden. To honor family
Reminder: Cancellation Policy
members and generous donors, you
may purchase an engraved grey granite If an emergency occurs due to weather
paver, red paver or boulder. For more or other circumstances and Sterling
information, please contact Newman at Community Unit 5 dismisses early or
cancels classes, religious education will
815-625-0500 or
also be cancelled for that evening.
fundraising@newmancchs.org. Order
Please check the Religious Education
forms and price information can be
office answering machine,8156256688
found online at http://
for updated information.
prayergarden.cfm Special Thanks To
Thank you
A heartfelt thank you to
those who donated to
the Pro Life newspaper
ad. A special thanks to
the Thursday Pro Life Prayer
group from Jean Tschosik.
Knights of
Our Advertiser of the Week Ministerio Hispano
Janie Atilano
III Domingo
“El Espíritu del Señor está sobre, mi”
Nuestro horario para el Centro Parroquial es de
Lunes a Viernes, 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM
El Espíritu del Señor está sobre mí, porque Él me ha ungido. Me ha
enviado para anunciar el Evangelio a los pobres, para anunciar a los
cautivos la libertad, y a los ciegos, la vista. Para dar libertad a los
oprimidos; para anunciar el año de gracia del Señor.
Ministros para el fin de semana del 31 de Enero
Lectores: Dora Brooks, Cristina Olivas
Ministro de Eucaristía: Rubén Cisneros, Linda Balderas
y Ana Rosa Olivo
Monaguillos: Kasey Estrella, Rosa y Noelia Ibarra
Acomodadores: Raúl Sanchez, José Hernández,
José y Octavio Camacho Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo
Si cambia el número de su teléfono o celular,
por favor de llamar a Janie 8156255735 para
actualizar con los cambios.
Por favor de avisar a la oficina parroquial si usted o un
miembro de su familia se encuentra internado en el hospital
o en su casa.
Miér]ol_s ^_ C_niz[
Las pláticas serán el 6 de Febrero de las
2:004:00 PM, en el Centro Parroquial.
La cuaresma se acerca pronto. La iniciaremos
Por favor no traer niños. Únicamente
el dia 10 de Febrero. El horario de misas para
para los padres y padrinos.
recibir las cenizas sera;
Por favor llamar al Centro Parroquial con Janie
En Ingles: 8:30 AM, 12:15 PM, 5:15 PM. para confirmar su asistencia a las pláticas.
En Español: 7:00 PM.
Presentaciones de niños en la Iglesia
Si usted quiere presentar a su niño o niña en el
Noticias de San Andres
templo. Favor de contactar al Centro Parroquial
18156265735 con Janie.
Mujeres o jovencitas y su padres, vengan
a un baile especial para ustedes el 5 de
Matrimonios y Quinceañeras
Febrero, a las 5:458:30 PM en el
Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos
gimnasio de San Andres Parroquial,
9 meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de no hacer planes Rock Falls. Boletos se vendan solamente
en San Andres. antes de tener la fecha confirmada con el sacerdote.
Cl[s_s D_ Prim[v_r[ y l[\or[torios
Sábados de 4:00 a 4:45 pm, o por cita en
D_ @pr_n^iz[j_ Comunit[rio 2016
la oficina del Sacerdote.
Clases de GED Les recordamos que para el 2016 ya tenemos abierta las Dixon
Sauk Valley Community CollegeMartes, Miercoles y Jueves
fechas si su hija tendrá una quinceañera este año. Para
que su hija aparte su misa para sus quince años, deberá
estar bautizada.
Unemployment Office Martes, Miercoles y Jueves Habrá una junta el Jueves 4 de Febrero a las 5:30 PM en el
9:0011:00 AM
Centro Parroquial. Para todas las jovencitas y su padres que
Rock Falls van a celebrar sus Quince Años este año 2016.
Rock Falls Middle SchoolMartes, Miercoles y Jueves 5:007:00
Clases de Catecismo Clases de Lectura y Matemáticas Habrá clases el 27 de Enero.
Dixon Habrá clases el 17 y 24 de Febrero.
Sauk Valley Community CollegeMartes, Miercoles y Jueves No habrá clases el 3 y 10 de Febrero.
5:007:00 PM
Clases de Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL)
Todos los martes tenemos el Santísimo Sacramento
Sterling YWCAMartes, Miercoles y Jueves presente de 9 AM5 PM en la Iglesia de Santa Maria.
9:0011:00 AM
Jefferson Elementary SchoolMartes, Miercoles y Jueves 5:007:00 PM