3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA 93003 Phone: (805) 642-7966 Fax: (805) 642-7635 www.olaventura.com The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 7, 2016 When Jesus finished speaking , he said to Simon, “put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4 Cuando acabo de hablar, le dijo a Simón: --Lleva la barca hacia aguas mas profundas, y echen allí las redes para pescar. Lucas 5:4 ADMINISTRATOR: REV. LEON HUTTON PAROCHIAL VICAR REV. ADALBERTO BLANCO IN RESIDENCE: REV. DOMINIC PHAM CHAPLIN, CMH DEACONS: REV. MR. DAN BOJORQUEZ REV. MR. MIKE BURNS REV. MR. RAUL GONZALEZ REV. MR. DON HUNTLEY REV. MR. PHIL JOERGER REV. MR. ED MILLS REV. MR. CHARLES WESSLER SENIOR DEACON: REV. MR. RODGER ADAMS SCHEDULE OF MASSES: Monday - Friday: 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM 5:15 PM (1st Friday) * Saturday: 8:00 AM, 5:15 PM Vigil Sunday: 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM 12:30 (Spanish Mass) *5:15 PM Adoration & Benediction for 1hr following 1st Friday Mass CONFESSIONS: Monday: 8:30 AM Tuesday: No Confessions Wednesday: 5:30 PM Friday: No Confessions Saturday: 8:30 AM & 4:00 PM LITURGY OF THE HOURS: Monday - Saturday before 8AM Mass ROSARY: Monday - Saturday after 8AM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: WEDNESDAY 9AM UNTIL SUNDAY 9AM IN ST. JULIE’S CHAPEL OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH SCHOOL: 3169 Telegraph Road Mrs. Patricia Groff, Principal School Office: (805) 642-7198 ST. BONAVENTURE HIGH SCHOOL: 3167 Telegraph Road Mr. Marc Groff, Principal. School Office: (805) 648-6836 Weekly Reflection Reflexión Semanal Opening our hearts Abramos Nuestros Corazones Today’s readings and prayers remind us that God has called each of us to discipleship. An example occurs in the Old Testament, when Isaiah shares a vision where he saw God seated on a throne, attended by mighty seraphim. Isaiah becomes afraid when his house fills with smoke because he knows that he is unworthy. After a seraph touches his mouth with an ember he agrees to answer God’s call saying, “Here I am. Send me.” Saint Paul reminds the Corinthians of his turbulent road to discipleship saying, he is “not fit to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me has not been ineffective.” Peter’s proclamation of faith in the gospel occurs after the miraculous fishing event. He is wonder-filled, on his knees, pleading for Jesus to leave him because he is a sinful man. Jesus calms Peter saying, “Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching men.” All of these episodes are dramatic recordings of God’s interaction in three lives. We too are called, sometimes in a dramatic way, but more often than not, in a more subtle way, to be God’s presence in the world. So we must be able to hear God’s call. This coming Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. This is the time of year when we quiet our lives and seek to open our hearts to God. It is the perfect opportunity to actively seek the Lord through an increase in prayer, meditation, fasting, Reconciliation, attending Mass, and volunteering to help others. God asks us to be his hands and feet in our world today. Lent provides us a time of renewal when we can truly hear his call and answer, “Yes, Lord.” Las lecturas y rezos de hoy nos recuerdan que Dios ha llamado a cada uno de nosotros al discipulado. Un ejemplo ocurre en el Antiguo Testamento, cuando Isaías comparte una visión en la cual mira a Dios sentado sobre su trono, atendido por serafines. A Isaías le da temor cuando el templo se llena de humo porque él sabe que no es digno. Después de que el serafín toca su boca con el ascua, Isaías se decide y responde al llamado de Dios diciendo, “Aquí estoy, mándeme.” San Pablo le recuerda a los Corintios de su camino turbulento en el discipulado, diciendo, “No soy digno de llamarme apóstol, porque he perseguido a la iglesia de Dios. Pero por la gracia de Dios soy lo que soy, y su gracia no se ha frustrado en mí.” La proclamación de fe de Pedro en su Evangelio ocurre después del milagroso evento de la pesca. Arrodillado, él está lleno de asombro pidiéndole a Jesús que lo abandone porque es un hombre pecador. Jesús calma a Pedro diciéndole, “No temas; desde ahora serás pescador de hombres.” Todos estos capítulos son recuentos dramáticos de la intercesión de Dios en tres vidas. Nosotros también somos llamados, en veces de formas dramáticas para ser la presencia de Dios en el mundo. Tenemos que estar listos para escuchar su llamado. Este próximo miércoles marca el comienzo de la Cuaresma. Este es el tiempo del año cuando callamos nuestras vidas y buscamos abrir nuestros corazones a Dios. Es la oportunidad perfecta para buscar al Señor activamente a través del incremento de rezos, meditación, vigilia, Reconciliación, asistiendo a misa, y siendo voluntarios para ayudar a otros. Dios nos pide ser sus manos y pies en nuestro mundo de hoy. La Cuaresma nos provee un tiempo de renovación donde verdaderamente podemos escuchar el llamado de Dios y contestar, “Sí Señor.” Our Lady of the Assumption Mission Statement We, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, create, nurture, and maintain a community of love through worship, reconciliation, healing, formation, education and service. Through Word and Eucharist, we seek the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit, embracing the love of our Creator in each thought, word, and action. As humble servants of God, we remain faithful to the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, waiting in joyful hope for our Lord’s coming. Declaración de la Misión Como fieles seguidores de Jesucristo, creamos, fomentamos, y mantenemos una comunidad de amor por medio de la adoración, la reconciliación, la sanación, la formación, la educación y el servicio. Por medio de la Palabra y la Eucaristía, buscamos la sabiduría y la guía del Espíritu Santo, abrazando el amor de nuestro creador en cada pensamiento, palabra y acción. Como humildes servidores de Dios, nos mantenemos fieles a las enseñanzas de la Santa Iglesia Católica Romana, esperando con gran esperanza y alegría la venida de nuestro Señor. -2- Parish Life Baptisms Happy Anniversary Please pray for the recently baptized as they begin their journey in the Body of Christ Victor & Barbara Philipps 61 Years on February 11 —————————————————— In Remembrance Please pray for those who have recently passed away and for their families To list anniversary, please email bulletin@ola-vta.org by 5pm the Friday of the week before you wish it published. Celebrating your 50th Anniversary (or more)? Please submit your wedding picture and a current picture for our bulletin page. Send to bulletin@ola-vta.org or drop it off at the office. Mass Intentions MASS INTENTIONS FOR Feb. 08 — Feb. 14 Monday, February 08 6:30 Marijeanne Farley (D) & Mike Marquez (L) 8:00 Lourdes Edejer (D) & Matilde Gener (D) Tuesday, February 09 6:30 Phillip Sanchez (D) 8:00 Edward & Hazel Metry (D) & Rob Soriano (L) Wednesday, February 10 6:30 Mass for the People 8:00 Mass for the People 5:15PM Mas for the People 7:00PM Misa para la Gente Thursday, February 11 6:30 Marijeanne Farley (D) & Frank & Terri Rojo (L) 8:00 Henry Joseph & Ann Julia Wibbelmann (D) 5:15PM Misa para la Gente Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church Celebrates Married Couples Friday, February 12 6:30 Bianconi-McGill Family (L) 8:00 Julie Peterson (L) 5:15 Linda Rieder Posakony (D) All couples celebrating a significant January – March anniversary, 5 year increments ,are invited to a mass to receive a blessing for continual grace in their journey together. Saturday, February 13 8:00 Jeff Tarrant (D) 5:15 John P. Higgins Jr. (D) & Arlene A. Hein (D) Please join us: at 9:30am, 11:00am or 12:30pm (Spanish) Mass Sunday, February 14, 2016 3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura CA 93004 Please RSVP to Andrea Rooney (805) 642-7966 Ext. 129 Sunday, February 14 8:00 Diane Arnold (D) 9:30 Mass for the People 11:00 Francisco Mera (D) & Rod Brown Family (D) 12:30 La Familia Alfaro Rocha (L) 5:15 Marguerite Mazurek (D) & Andrew Jaymes Hernandez (D) Our next Anniversary Mass will take place on May 1, 2016 Announcements Bulletin Deadline February 21 bulletin-due by 5pm February 11th Pulpit Announcement –February 14 MassesDue by February 10th at noon. Please see directory on pg 9 for where to send information. -3- Calendar of Upcoming Events Date Event See Page February 9 Men’s Ministry Fat Tuesday BBQ 6 February 10 Ash Wednesday 5 February 12 Mass, soup suppers & stations of the cross 5 February 14 Anniversary Masses 3 February 29-March 2 Parish Mission 5 Parish News WELCOME! BIENVENIDO! If you are visiting or are joining us for the first time, we are glad you came! All are welcome at OLA and received with love. If you are ready to join our parish, we encourage you to fill out the Registration Form and bring it to the Parish Office. Registration forms are available at the Parish Office or on the church website www.olaventura.com If you have any questions, please come by the Parish Office, the Welcome Table at Friendship Sunday, or call us at 642-7966 Si nos visita o nos acompaña por primera vez, ¡nos da gusto que este aquí! Todos son bienvenidos a OLA y recibidos con amor. Si desea ser parte de nuestra parroquia, le recomendamos que llene el Formulario de Registración y lo traiga a la Oficina Parroquial. Los formularios están disponibles en la Oficina Parroquial o en la página web de la parroquia, www.olaventura.com Para cualquier pregunta por favor pase por la Oficina Parroquial o llámenos al 642-7966 Our Lady of the Assumption Church Parish Office Hours Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Horario de la Oficina Parroquial Monday through Thursday 8:30am to 7:00pm Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm, Saturday 8:30am to 12:00pm Sunday 9:00am to 2:00pm Wednesdays & Fridays closed from noon - 1pm Lunes a Jueves ~ 8:30am. a 7:00pm Viernes ~ 8:30am a 5:00pm Sábado ~ 8:30am a 12:00pm Domingo ~ 9:00am a 2:00pm Miércoles y viernes cerrados desde el mediodía - 13:00 Weekly Offerings Ofrenda Semanal Thank you for your continuing support of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish. For the month of January 2016 our parish budget calls for $21,212.61 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collection. The collection for Sunday, January 24, 2016 was $19,202.30. This collection is not only used for operating expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. There are many ways to contribute; credit card and automatic debit are available. Please visit www.olaventura.com and click on Online Giving or contact Lauren Burns, business manager for more information at 642-7966 ext. 101. Gracias por su continuo apoyo a la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción. Para el mes de enero 2016 nuestro presupuesto parroquial pide que cada semana sean donados $ 21,212.61 en la colecta dominical. La colecta para el domingo, 24 de enero 2016 fue de $19,202.30. Esta colecta no sólo se utiliza para los gastos de funcionamiento de cada semana, sino también para cualquier trabajo en curso de reparación, mejoras, etc. A las instalaciones de la parroquia. Hay muchas maneras de contribuir; tarjeta de crédito y débito automático están disponibles. Por favor, visite www.olaventura.com y haga clic en Online Giving o póngase en contacto con Lauren Burns, gerente de negocios para obtener más información al 642 a 7966 ext. 101. TIM Update Goal: $122,100.00 Amount Pledged: $ 26,627.00 Amount Paid: $ 16,157.00 Difference: $105,943.00 Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Together In Mission campaign. TIM actualización Meta: $ 122,100.00 Total Prometido: $ 26,627.00 Cantidad pagada: $ 16,157.00 Diferencia: $ 105,943.00 ¡Gracias a todos los que contribuyeron a la campaña - 4- Juntos en la misión. Parish News Lenten and Easter Schedule Ash Wednesday Distribution of ashes after all the Masses 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. 5:15 p.m., & 7:00 p.m. Spanish No Confessions at 5:30 pm Weekday Schedule Monday Masses: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m. Confessions 8:30 a.m. Tuesday Masses: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m. Wednesday Masses: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 5:15 p.m. Confession: after the 5:15 p.m. Mass Benediction following Stations: after the 5:15 p.m. Mass Thursday Masses: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 5:15 p.m. (Spanish) Friday Masses: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 5:15 p.m. Soup Suppers: 6:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross: 7:00 p.m. bi-lingual Benediction & Exposition: after Stations Saturday Masses: 8:00 a.m., 5:15 p.m. vigil Confessions 8:30 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. Lenten Soup Suppers Please join us in Mulcahy Center after the 5:15 p.m. Mass on Fridays during Lent for a simple supper and good company. If you have any questions please contact Lauren at (805) 642-7966 ext. 101 Feb. 12th Feb. 19th Feb. 26th Mar. 4th Mar. 11th Mar. 18th Nikki Noonan; Many Meals – Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Mary Kielas; OLA Classics Terri Rojo; 1st Year Confirmation Service Project – Vegetarian Chili Dn. Don Huntley; RCIA Patty Berry; Respect Life Group Ken Lynch; Men’s Ministry Parish Mission February 29th to March 2nd, 2016 Monday: Bishop Barron – Christian Identity, Baptism Tuesday: Fr. Leon Hutton – Forgiveness & Mercy, Reconciliation Wednesday: Dn. Don Huntley – The Eucharist All evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Spanish translation provided In the church Religious Education Our Lady of the Assumption School Thank you to all of the OLA students and parents who participated in Catholic Schools Week, the facility and staff at OLA School appreciate your continued support for a Catholic education. The middle school students did a great job on their science fair projects, thanks to all for helping to make this a great program. On Monday 2/8 the 8th Grade will participate in a Leadership Day at SBHS. Wednesday 2/10 is Ash Wednesday, there will be a school liturgy at 9:30, parents and families are welcome to attend. Thursday 2/11 is a Non-Uniform "Bonus" Free Dress Day for raffle ticket sellers. Friday Feb 12th from 12:00-3:00 the middle schoolers will have their annual Valentines Dance in the Mulcahy Center. Our Lady of the Assumption School’s Annual Auction & Raffle, A Walk in the Vineyards, will be held on Saturday, March 5, 2016, at the Ventura Beach Marriott. The Raffle Grand Prize is a $2,500.00 American Express Gift Card and second prize is a $500 Gift Card. OLA students will be selling raffle tickets after Mass today . Additional raffle tickets are available at the school office or contact Jennifer Bamieh at 805/340-9168 for more information. Thank you and God Bless You. Religious Education Liturgy of the Word - Grades 1 - 5 Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered for children grades 1-5 at the 9:30 AM Mass. During this special time, the children learn about the same Scripture readings as the rest of the assembly, but in a simpler message & are encouraged to share that message with their parents after Mass. Nursery - Ages 1-3 years The Nursery has re-located to the Parish House during the 9:30AM Mass while parents attend Mass. All Children must be signed-in and sign-out at the Parish House. Entrance to the Parish House is located through the gate to the RIGHT of the Rectory office. Youth Ministry Any youth currently enrolled in OLA youth programs that are still in need of Baptism/Holy Communion MUST attend the following Sacramental preparation classes: FAST AND ABSTINENCE DURING LENT February 13, February 20, March 5, March 12, March 19 The classes will be held on Saturday mornings from From the United States Conference of Catholic 10:00am to 11:30am with the location to be announced. Bishops: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are After completion of the classes, Fr. Leon will confer the obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for CathoSacraments on Easter Sunday, March 27th, at lics. In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory the 5:15 youth Liturgy. Please put the dates on your days of abstinence. Fasting is obligatory from age calendar and make plans to have your teen attend. 18 until age 59 [i.e. the year which will be completIf you have any further questions, feel free to call the Ofed on a person's 60th birthday]. When fasting, a person is permitted to fice of Youth Ministry/Confirmation at 805-642-7966 eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but not to x121.please contact Gabe Rivera at 642-7966 ext 121 or equal a full meal. Abstinence from meat is binding from age 14 onwards - 5- email grivera@ola-vta.org ASAP! Religious Education Adult Ministries RCIA – Right of Christian Initiation of Adults We meet Tuesdays at 7pm in the Santa Cruz Room. For more information contact Deacon Don & Diana Huntley via email at RCIA@ola-vta.org or by phone at (805) 642-7966 x123. Check it out - RCIA is now on Facebook! www.facebook.com/ OLAVenturaRCIA Safe Environment VIRTUS Training The following VIRTUS Sessions have been scheduled for February 2016 at OLA Protecting God’s Children Our Lady of Assumption (Ventura) Thursday, February 11, 2016, 6:00 PM - 9:00PM You must pre-register online to reserve a place Keeping the Promise Alive (Virtus recertification) St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church (Newbury Park) Saturday, February 20, 2016 , 9:00 AM Please call (805) 498-3602 to reserve a place To register for a session or for questions, call Dea Boehme at (805) 390-1260. Participants must be on time in order to be admitted to a session. February 2016 Fingerprint Schedule Santa Barbara Region Saturday, February 6th - ST. ROSE OF LIMA 1305 ROYAL AVE., SIMI VALLEY, CA 93056 10 am -2 & 3 -5p (805) 526-5513 Email: sandy@strosesv.com For additional fingerprint information please visit: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/hr/Pages/ fingerprinting.aspx Adult Confirmation Are you interested in completing your baptism? Do you want a deeper, fuller, richer life? Are you curious to see what the gift of the Holy Spirit will do in and through you? If yes, you just might be ready to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. If you want to learn more, contact Dn Dan at 642-7966, ext. 146. Our 1st meeting will be Wednesday, January 20th at 7pm in the Parish House. The University Series During the Lenten season, The University Series offers more than 100 seminars, in English and Spanish, at Catholic churches from Simi Valley to Newbury Park and Ventura. Course subjects are about how our faith intersects current events, science, marriage, family, history, scripture, and prayer, to name a few. Each class is a multi-media presentation, led by people who have extensive knowledge in their topics and love to share it. They include international authorities, priests, religious, professors, authors, lay people, and local favorites who are all passionate about helping people grow in knowledge and faith. You can pick-up a course catalogue at Friendship Sunday or at the Church Office. If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Dan, 642-7966 ext 146. Women’s Ministry OLA Women’s Ministry continues Thursday night Bible Study in Mulcahy Center through 3/17/16 at 6:30pm, for 8 weeks. We will be using a new book in the series, "Courageous Generosity" by Stacey Mitch. For questions please call Kati at 805-642-7966 ext 142. Men’s Ministry Upcoming Events O Dark Thirty continues, Wednesday mornings at OLA, Mulcahy Center from 5:45 Did you Know? 7:10 am. Join us for fellowship, hot breakHelp children through challenges by offering fast, faith based video presentation and support instead of solutions small group sharing. We are studying Bishop Robert Barron's series: PRIEST Whether it’s a toddler being mean-spirited to a PROPHET KING. Learn about how, through our bapsibling or a teenager being self-involved and tisms, we share in the Priesthood, Prophecy and Kingrefusing to see the bigger picture, it can be ship of Jesus Christ, Next Men's BBQ: February tempting to try to fix their challenges. Under 9, 2016 Please come to our Fat Tuesday's BBQ as we many circumstances, the attitude of trying to fix someone prepare to start the Lenten Season. Doors open at 6:00 is often counter-productive. Instead of offering a solution p.m. Speaker to be announced. Beer, BBQ, 50/50 Rafto child facing a dilemma, do your best to listen, ask quesfle and King Cake. Guaranteed Loads of Fun. For more tions, encourage, empathize and pray. For a copy of the information on either event contact Ray Krakowski at 805 VIRTUS® article “Communication Tip No. 10: You Can’t 701 3123 or Ken Lynch at 310 720 9943 or Fix Them, But You Can «” email jvienna@laSean McGavock at 805 861 4993 . 6archdiocese.org. Adult Ministries OLA Classics and The Vatican Splendors Join us Tuesday, March 8th as we travel to Reagan Library to view The Vatican Splendors. We will depart OLA at 9:00 am returning between 3:00 and: 4:00 pm. Lunch will be on your own at the Library, and we will have wine and snacks on the bus as we return. The tickets are $45/person and are available on the OLA website. This includes both the bus and special admission to the Vatican Splendors. For further info contact Mary Kielas 805561-9425/ Space is limited, reserve your seat today! Spirituality & Fellowship OLA Book Discussion Group The OLA Book Discussion Group meets every second Monday of the month in the Santa Cruz room. The discussion starts at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome. The next 2 selections are as follows: 2/8/16 - Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand 3/14/16 - A Still and Quiet Conscience by John A. McCoy For more information, please call Mary Ann Bognar at 805-647-0462, or email at mbognar880@aol.com Prayer Shawl Ministry Explore knitting or crocheting as a prayer experience! All skill levels are welcome. Donations of yarn, knitting and crochet supplies appreciated. Our next meeting is on Saturday, 2/13/16. For more info call Jan Parrone at 658-1904 or visit www.shawlministry.com. To request a shawl for someone in need of prayers, comfort, or in celebration of a birth, please call the parish office at 642-7966. Hermits of Saint Giles The Hermits of St. Giles is a Contemplative Association for those who are permanently physically disabled and have become “homebound” to the parish. The Association of the Hermits of St. Giles is set-up in such a way that those of us who are home-bound can participate in the parish from our own home by praying for our parish, our pastor and all who belong to the parish. If you are homebound and would like to assist the parish as a Hermit of St. Giles please call Mark Dextraze at 6479089 or email him at: hermitsofstgiles@outlook.com Service & Outreach Grief Support Group This group is open to any adult who has lost a loved one through death, whether recent or many years old. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month in the Parish House (21 N, Dunning St.) from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Go down the driveway, through the gate, in the backdoor and through the kitchen. Our next meeting is February 2nd. For more information please call Ken's cell at 310 720 9943 or send an email to kenlynch123@aol.com Many Meals Many Meals serves our parish family and the community as a whole. Guests come each Wednesday for a hot meal and fellowship free of charge. We serve at College United Methodist Church, 4300 Telegraph Road from 6-7pm. The program is selfsupporting and thus relies on our dedicated volunteers and donations by our generous parishioners. On behalf of the Many Meals Ministry and our guests, we would like to extend a big thank you for the monthly contribution of a delicious Italian meal from Milano’s & The Spaghetti Company. When you frequent either of these establishments, please extend your thanks from all of us at OLA There will be a 2nd collection today, with all proceeds going to benefit our ministry. For more information or if you would like to volunteer, please call (805) 642-7966 . “As missionary disciples, the Many Meals Ministry provides a weekly meal and fosters fellowship to the people in our community.” Respect Life The Catholic Church is a Pro-Life Church from Conception to Natural Death. Resources and contact information can be found in our directory page under “In the Community”. For more information please contact Patty Berry, Respect Life Parish Coordinator at 642-4928 Easter Food Baskets NON-PERISHABLE FOOD items are currently needed for our parish’s Easter food basket ministry. Food items can be placed in the food box in the Eucharistic Adoration church vestibule. When you are doing St. Julie’s Chapel your shopping please pick-up some extra items for the Adorers are always welcome. Would you be able food baskets. All non-perishable food items are always to commit weekly to any of the times listed? accepted, but this week’s featured items are Peanut ButWednesday 1-2pm & 5-6pm, Thursday 1-2 pm ter and Jelly. Please check labels for expiration date. If Saturday 7-8pm you wish for us to do the shopping, you may make a monSunday 2-3am & 4-5am etary donation to OLA Food Baskets. Thank you for your Substitute adorers needed midnight to 6am support. For more details you can contact: Jerry Deal Call Mary Ann at 644-2160 or Elizabeth at 644-8395 - 7 339-0260. Ministerio Hispano Durante la Cuaresma (para el horario completo vea la página 5) Miércoles de Ceniza Misa en español 7:00 pm (Distribución de ceniza después Misa) Misa en Español cada Jueves 5:15 pm Cada Viernes de Cuaresma Cena de Sopa 6:00 p.m. (Centro Mulcahy) Vía Crucis 7:00PM (bilingüe) seguido por la Exposición y Bendición Misión Parroquial Febrero 29 a Marzo 2, 2016 Lunes – Obispo Barron – Identidad Cristiana, el Bautismo Martes - Padre Leon Hutton – Perdón y Misericordia, la Reconciliación Miércoles - Dn. Don Huntley – La Eucaristía Cada noche en la Iglesia de 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (Habrá traducción simultanear en Español) Ayuno y Abstinencia Durante la Cuaresma De la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos: El Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes Santo son para los católicos días obligatorios de ayuno y abstinencia. Además, los viernes durante la Cuaresma obliga la abstinencia. El ayuno obliga desde los 18 años hasta los 59 (i.e. el año en que celebre 60 años de edad). Al ayunar, se le permite a la persona comer una comida completa, puede también comer dos comidas pequeñas, pero no iguales a la comida completa. La abstinencia de carne es obligatoria desde los 14 años en adelante. Primer taller de La Universidad: Viviendo la Cuaresma en Familia: Centro Mulcahy de OLA 7:30 pm Jueves 11 de Febrero. Este taller se enfoca en la familia como Iglesia doméstica y clave para vivir la cuaresma. El ejemplo de los padres es la plataforma de lanzamiento de los Hijos hacia la iglesia parroquial y hacia el mundo, creado Buenos Cristianos y Buenos Ciudadanos. $8 por persona incluye un invitado gratis. Celebrando a los Matrimonios Todos los matrimonios que celebran un aniversario significativo entre enero y marzo de este ano, están invitados a una misa de bendición, pidiéndole a Dios la gracia continua en su jornada junta. Acompáñenos en una de las siguientes misas dominicales 9:30 am, 11:00 am, y 12:30 pm (español) el 14 de Febrero, 2016 -8- ¿SABIA USTED? Ayude a los niños con retos ofreciendo apoyo en lugar de soluciones Ya sea un niño o niña pequeño que se porte malcriado con un hermano o un adolescente egoísta y que rehúse ver la imagen completa de su actuación, puede ser tentador tratar de resolver los desafíos de ellos. Bajo muchas circunstancias, la actitud de tratar de cambiar a alguien es casi siempre contraproducente. En lugar de ofrecer una solución a un niño o niña enfrentando un dilema, haga lo que pueda para escucharlo(la), hacer preguntas, animarlo(a), mostrar empatía y rezar. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® “Communication Tip No. 10: You Can’t Fix Them, But You Can «” (Consejo de Comunicación No. 10: No puede cambiarlo, pero puede «), envíe un correo electrónico a jvienna@la-archdiocese.org. In the Community Weight Watchers Ready to go “BEYOND THE SCALE” to manage your lifestyle and improve your health? Come check out OLA’s very own Weight Watchers group for fun, fellowship, and support in achieving your goals. Visit our open house: Saturday, February 13, 2016, 9 am at the Parish House For information, call Déa at 805-390-1260 or our leader Lillian at 805-279-2973 Partners in Service Awards Dinner Sunday, February 21, 2016 You are cordially invited to help us honor outstanding parishioners from Ventura County at Catholic Charities of Ventura County’s 15th annual Partners in Service Awards Dinner. This year Our Lady of the Assumption Church is honoring Joyce Cantrell and Carol Barone for their dedicated service to our church. Nno host bar at 5pm followed by dinner at 6:30pm. Our honored guest will be Most Reverend Robert E. Barron, Episcopal Vicar, Santa Barbara Pastoral Region. Our event will be held at Serra Center at Padre Serra Church, 5205 Upland Rd, Camarillo. Tickets are $100/person or $1,000/table of ten. Make check payable to "Catholic Charities" and mail to: 35 W. Main St, Suite B, #102, Ventura, CA 93001. RSVP: Call (805) 643-4784 Attire: Dressy St. Patrick’s Day Dance The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a fund raiser event for Catholic Charities of Ventura on Saturday, Mar 5, 2016 from 5 to 10 PM, donation $20/person. Tickets are available after Masses on week-ends of Feb 20 & 27. Event includes Irish dances by Claddagh School of dance, performance on fiddle by Harvey Girls group, Irish Vocalists, silent auction, Irish stew dinner. For info call Pat 650-9492. Parish Directory / Directorío de la Parroquia Parish Phone Number/Numero de Teléfono de la Parroquia (805)642-7966 ADULT MINISTRIES DEPT HEAD: DN DAN BOJORQUEZ, EXT. 146 WOMEN’S MINISTRY: Kati Escallier, ext. 142 or KEscallier@ola-vta.org MEN’S MINISTRY & ADULT CONFIRMATION: DN DAN BOJORQUEZ, EXT.146 LIVING MATRIMONY: Dn Dan Bojorquez ext. 146 GROWING IN FAITH: Terri Rojo, 659-1217 OLA Classics: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 University: Dn Dan Bojorquez ext. 146 HISPANIC MINISTRIES (MINISTERIO HISPANO): DEPT HEAD: DN RAUL GONZALES, EXT.149 or rosejoseca@aol.com Pastoral Council (en Español): Tony Altorre, taltorre@clinicas.org LITURGICAL MINISTRIES DEPT HEAD: DN MIKE BURNS, EXT. 145 ALTAR SERVERS: Deryl & Margaret Franzel, 644-5449 altarservers@ola-vta.org END OF LIFE MINISTRY: GEORGE AND JAN STANDING-ROBERTS, 648-1782 BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY: George and Jan Standing-Roberts, 648-1782 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Charlie Kim, ext. 122 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Diana Huntley, ext. 123 ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY: Ana Miller, 620-0873 LECTORS: Tim Noonan 290-3720, noonantim908@gmail.com MARRIAGES: Please contact Father Leon, ext. 106 SACRISTANS: Nikki Noonan 290-2278, niksown40@gmail.com USHERS: Larry & Barb Gadbois 320-3819 COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: Parish Office PARISH INFORMATION BULLETIN: ext. 128 or bulletin@ola-vta.org BUSINESS MANAGER: Lauren Burns, ext. 101 FINANCE COUNCIL: Tim Noonan, 642-7966 PASTORAL COUNCIL: Dan McGrath, irishdanman@hotmail.com SERVICE & OUTREACH DEPT HEAD: DN CHARLES WESSLER, EXT. 126 CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: Rochida McClure, 746-0727 FOOD BASKETS: Jerry Deal, 339-0260 RESPECT LIFE: Patty Berry, 642-4928 or coastalpatty@gmail.com Dea Boehme, dea.boehme@att.net RIDES TO MASS: John Stebbins, 644-4674 MANY MEALS: 642-7966 OR PARISH@OLA-VTA.ORG GRIEF SUPPORT: KEN LYNCH (310)720-9943 SPIRITUALITY & FELLOWSHIP DEPT HEAD: DN PHIL JOERGER, EXT. 148 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Elizabeth Wurts, 644-8395 Mary Ann Decaen, 644-2160 FRIENDSHIP SUNDAY: Dn Phil Joerger ext. 148 INFANT BAPTISM PREP: English: Deacon Phil Joerger, ext.148 S panish: Deacon Raul Gonzalez, ext. 149 MOM’S GROUP: Jeanine Walker, 648-4244 M.O.M.S. MORNINGS: Jamie Kuske, 510-681-4259, jmkuske@yahoo.com MOTHER’S PRAYER: Lisa O’Brien, 659-5307 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING: Aaron and Lee Ann Sanchez, 650-6734 PARISH PRAYER CHAIN: Juanita Trine, 644-5967, Gusatjed@hotmail.com PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Jan Parrone, 658-1904 ROSARY MAKERS: Aurora Gonzales, 654-0316 VOCATIONS: Father Leon, ext. 106 WELCOME COMMITTEE: Alton & Virginia Lewis 642-7966 IN THE COMMUNITY DEPT HEAD/LIAISON: DN CHARLES WESSLER, EXT. 126 ARCHDIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: Leslie McGiven 701-2877 BOY & CUB SCOUTS: Kathy Ellison, kathy.ellison.2@gmail.com CATHOLIC HOMESCHOOLING SUPPORT: Mary Kielas, 650-7870 CATHOLIC CHARITIES: 303 N. VENTURA AVE, 643-4694 FAITH FORMATION CHESS CLUB/CHILDRENS STRING ENSEMBLE: Peter Shuere, 642-9998 DEPT HEAD: DN DON HUNTLEY, EXT. 147 DEFENDERS OF LIFE: Anna Murphy, 218-3093 or Carol 765-4293 CONFIRMATION:YOUTH: Gabriel Rivera, ext. 121 or DETENTION MINISTRY: Margaret Oberon, 988-1966 grivera@ola-vta.org F AMILIES OF NAZARETH: Phyllis Crews, 643-5361 ADULT: Dn. Dan Bojorquez, ext. 146 HERMITS OF ST GILES: Mark Dextraze, 647-9089 or ADULT (COLLEGE) BIBLE STUDY: Gabriel Rivera, ext. 121 or hermitsofstgiles@outlook.com grivera@ola-vta.org NIGHTS OF C OLUMBUS : Ron Baldonado, 643-6756 K ELEMENTARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Mari Joerger, ext.125 L IFE C ENTERS OF V ENTURA CO.: Michele Loughman , 486-2721 MIDDLE (THE EDGE) & HIGH SCHOOL : Gabe Rivera, ext. 121 M ARRIAGE E NCOUNTER : Russ & Jeanine Walker, 648-4244 NURSERY: Mari Joerger, ext. 125 RETROUVAILLE REDISCOVERY: Paul & Marisa Montgomery, 642-4023 RCIA: Dn. Don Huntley ext. 123 or RCIA@ola-vta.org SECULAR FRANCISCAN: Pauline Riendeau, 339-9446 SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN: Dea Boehme OLAsafeguard@ola-vta.org ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: 642-4104 SUNDAY SCHOOL: Mari Joerger at ext.125 or TENDER LIFE MATERNITY HOME: Karen, 653-7474 SundaySchool@ola-vta.org VICTIMS ASSISTANCE MINISTRY: Suzanne Healy (213)637-7650 SACRAMENTAL COMPLIANCE YLI-CATHOLIC WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION: DEPT HEAD: DN ED MILLS, EXT. 152 Mary Ann Foushee, 382-7457 - 9 -- Our Parish In Pictures Our kitchen is open again!! Thanks to our wonderful cleaning crew!!