Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario gggg lléléléléé sssss------C C ssststste llllalalalaa nnnn ooooo//////C C ssststste llllalalalaa nnnn ooooo------IIIn gggg lléléléléé sssss InIn Inn C C tete tee C C tete tee InIn Inn IIIn gn lg sé aaaaa sa le na on aaaaa sa le na on gn lg sé C C C C Bruño BruñoBilingüe El diccionario Bilingüe Bruño presenta presenta un amplio repertorio de El El diccionario diccionario Bilingüe Bilingüe presenta presentaun un unamplio amplio ampliorepertorio repertorio repertoriode de de Bruño Bruño El diccionario Bilingüe Bruño El El diccionario diccionario Bilingüe presenta un amplio repertorio de frases formales, idiomáticas de uso frecuente frases frases formales, formales, idiomáticas idiomáticas ycoloquiales coloquiales coloquiales de de uso uso frecuente frecuente frases formales, idiomáticas yyyyycoloquiales de uso frecuente yyyyyy frases frases formales, formales, idiomáticas idiomáticas coloquiales coloquiales de de uso uso frecuente frecuente una extensa variedad lexical. Incluye pronunciación basada en una una extensa extensa variedad variedad lexical. lexical. Incluye Incluye pronunciación pronunciación basada basada en en una extensa variedad lexical. Incluye pronunciación basada en una una extensa extensa variedad variedad lexical. lexical. Incluye Incluye pronunciación pronunciación basada basada en en elel Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (IPA), plurales irregulares, elel el Alfabeto Alfabeto Fonético Fonético Internacional Internacional (IPA), (IPA), plurales plurales irregulares, irregulares, el Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (IPA), plurales irregulares, Alfabeto Alfabeto Fonético Fonético Internacional Internacional (IPA), (IPA), plurales plurales irregulares, irregulares, abreviaturas comunes —formas de escribir— abreviaturas abreviaturas comunes comunes ygrafías grafías grafías —formas —formas de de escribir— escribir— abreviaturas comunes yyyyygrafías —formas de escribir— abreviaturas abreviaturas comunes comunes grafías grafías —formas —formas de de escribir— escribir— alternativas en inglés Se complementa con un útil alternativas alternativas en en inglés inglés ycastellano. castellano. castellano. Se Se complementa complementa con con un un útil útil alternativas en inglés yyyyycastellano. Se complementa con un útil alternativas alternativas en en inglés inglés castellano. castellano. Se Se complementa complementa con con un un útil útil anexo de términos de computación, organismos yvariado variado variado anexo anexo de de términos términos de de computación, computación, organismos organismos yyyyyvariado anexo de términos de computación, organismos variado variado anexo anexo de de términos términos de de computación, computación, organismos organismos internacionales, medidas métricas métricas, elementos internacionales, internacionales, medidas medidas métricas métricas yno no no métricas, métricas, elementos elementos internacionales, medidas métricas yyyyyno métricas, elementos internacionales, internacionales, medidas medidas métricas métricas no no métricas, métricas, elementos elementos químicos, países del mundo listado completo de verbos químicos, químicos, países países del del mundo mundo yun un un listado listado completo completo de de verbos verbos químicos, países del mundo yyyyyun listado completo de verbos químicos, químicos, países países del del mundo mundo un un listado listado completo completo de de verbos verbos irregulares con su pronunciación en presente, pasado irregulares irregulares con con su su pronunciación pronunciación en en presente, presente, pasado pasado ypasado pasado pasado irregulares con su pronunciación en presente, pasado yyyyypasado irregulares irregulares con con su su pronunciación pronunciación en en presente, presente, pasado pasado pasado pasado participio. participio. participio. participio. participio. participio. Contiene, asimismo, numerosas notas aclaratorias de tipo Contiene, Contiene, asimismo, asimismo, numerosas numerosas notas notas aclaratorias aclaratorias de de tipo tipo Contiene, asimismo, numerosas notas aclaratorias de tipo Contiene, Contiene, asimismo, asimismo, numerosas numerosas notas notas aclaratorias aclaratorias de de tipo tipo gramatical además de 16 páginas de ilustraciones gramatical gramatical ycultural; cultural, cultural, además además de de 16 16 páginas páginas de de ilustraciones ilustraciones gramatical yyyyycultural; además de 16 páginas de ilustraciones gramatical gramatical cultural, cultural, además además de de 16 16 páginas páginas de de ilustraciones ilustraciones variadas color. variadas variadas ymapas mapas mapas atodo todo todo color. color. variadas yyyyymapas aaaaatodo color. variadas variadas mapas mapas todo todo color. color. www.brunoeditorial.com.pe www.brunoeditorial.com.pe www.brunoeditorial.com.pe www.brunoeditorial.com.pe In ng glé és s - Ca as s tt e ella an no o // C Ca as ste e ll ll a an no o - In ng glé és s II n g ll é s -- C Cas t e ll ll a no / Ca s tt e llan o -- II n g ll é s bilingüe bilingüe bilingüe Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario bilingüe bilingüe bilingüe bilingüe ACTIVITY BOOK C C In Inng ngggglglléléléléésésssss------C C C te teelelllla lalalaan annnno nooooo//////C C C te teelelllla lalalaan annnno nooooo------IIIn In Inng ngggglglléléléléésésssss IIIn aaaaasasssststte aaaaasasssststte In C C te C C te In bilingüe I ngl é s - Ca s t ellan o / Ca s t ellan o - I ngl é s ACTIVITY BOOK Título de la obra Activity Book © 2016. Derechos de autor reservados Miguel Oré de los Santos © 2016. Derechos de artes gráficas reservados Miguel Oré de los Santos SEGUNDA EDICIÓN E-mail: moredelossantos@hotmail.com migueloredelosantos@gmail.com Blog: diccionarionilinguebruno.blogspot.com Facebook: Miguel Oré de los Santos Tefs.: 460-1285 / 992-535615 / 992-318511 Reservados todos los derechos. Los profesores usuarios del Diccionario Bilingüe Bruño están autorizados para reproducir las actividades aquí presentadas, para su uso en clase sin fines comerciales. 2 PRESENTACIÓN El uso del diccionario en las clases regulares de inglés suele limitarse, casi como una tradición, a la búsqueda de significados específicos o traducciones de determinadas palabras. Creemos que en esta práctica limitada subyace una de las razones por las cuales los alumnos suelen considerar el diccionario como una herramienta fácilmente prescindible o de importancia secundaria para el aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Con este nuevo Activity Book, complemento del Diccionario Bilingüe Bruño, deseamos contribuir a superar la referida práctica. Para ello le proveemos, a modo de sugerencias pedagógicas para emplear en clase, un conjunto variado de actividades orientadas a propiciar un uso creativo, motivador y autónomo del diccionario. La primera sección, Getting to know your Bilingual Dictionary, está destinada a que el alumno se familiarice con su diccionario, llevándolo a que explore sus contenidos de manera sistemática y se percate por sí mismo de las posibilidades de información que le presenta; las cuatro siguientes — Lexical Items, Syntactical Items, Semantic Items y Phonetics— presentan actividades agrupadas a partir de la prioridad que se da a uno u otro elemento lingüístico; y la última, Miscellaneous Activities, combina práctica variada y entretenimiento. Las actividades aquí propuestas pueden emplearse para reforzar puntos específicos del curso (plurales irregulares, uso de preposiciones después de adjetivos o verbos, falsos cognados, expresiones idiomáticas, etc.), en cualquier momento en que usted sienta la necesidad de variar el ritmo de la clase, o bien como homework que contribuya a que sus alumnos construyan su aprendizaje por sí mismos. Con el material que aquí le presentamos deseamos complementar las actividades que ya usted pueda haber desarrollado para que sus alumnos usen su diccionario adecuadamente. Si lo cree necesario, por ello, amplíe o varíe los contenidos de nuestra propuesta de acuerdo a la realidad y necesidades específicas de cada grupo de clase. Utilice la pizarra para presentar una determinada actividad como un ejercicio breve, de motivación inmediata, o prepare fotocopias de algunas secciones para que sus alumnos las desarrollen en clase —individualmente o en grupos—o en sus casas. Los aportes que le presentamos en este Activity Book, sumados a su propia experiencia, creatividad y entusiasmo, con seguridad contribuirán no sólo a facilitar el aprendizaje de sus alumnos sino también —en estricta concordancia con requerimientos pedagógicos modernos— a darles autonomía. 3 CONTENTS Class topic Activity suggested / Page Dictionary guided exploration Activities 1 & 2 / 7-8 Alternative spellings Activity 3 / 9 Abbreviations Activities 4 thru 7 / 9 Initials Activity 8 / 9-10 Acronyms Activity 8 / 10 Nationalities Activity 9 / 10-11 Names of fruits Activities 10 & 50 / 11 & 24 Names of games / School pastimes Activities 11 & 51 / 11 & 24 Family words Activity 12 / 11 Prefixes and suffixes Activity 13 / 11 Derivatives Activity 14 / 11 Plurals Activity 15 / 12 Regular verbs Activities 16 thru 18 / 12-13 Irregular verbs Activities 16 thru 18 / 12-13 Grammatical categories Activities 19 thru 23 / 13-15 Preposition followed by verb Activity 24 / 15 Adjective followed by preposition Activity 25 / 15 American vs. British English Activity 26 / 16 Idioms Activity 27 / 16-17 Confusing words (usage) Activitys 28 / 17 Verb + preposition Activity 29 / 18 False cognates (´false friends´) Activity 30 / 18-19 Compound expressions Activities 31 & 32 / 19 Sexist words Activities 33 / 19 Phonetics (phonetic symbols) Activities 34 thru 39 / 20-22 Parts of the human body Activities 40 thru 42 / 23 Netspeak abbreviations Activity 43 / 23 Using maps to expand vocabulary Activities 44 thru 48 / 23-24 Analogies Activity 49 / 24 Punctuation marks Activity 52 / 24 Crossword puzzles Activities 53 thru 55 / 25-27 5 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR BILINGUAL DICTIONARY CONOCIENDO TU DICCIONARIO BILINGÜE ACTIVITY 1. Hojea tu Diccionario Bilingüe Bruño (DBB) para familiarizarte con él. Luego trata de responder estas preguntas seleccionando (a), (b) o (c). 1. Si tengo una palabra en castellano y quiero conocer su traducción inglesa, debo buscarla en ... (a) la sección English-Spanish (b) la sección Spanish-English (c) cualquier sección del DBB 6. La lista de países del mundo incluida en el Apéndice detalla ..... de cada país. (a) la capital, el gentilicio, idiomas y moneda (b) sólo la capital y el gentilicio (c) la capital, el gentilicio y la moneda 2. Si quiero conocer el significado de una palabra inglesa, debo buscarlo en ... (a) la sección English-Spanish (b) la sección Spanish-English (c) cualquier sección del DBB 7. ¿Dónde encuentro la lista de los 10 países más grandes y más poblados del mundo? (a) En la tabla informativa que precede a la sección Spanish-English. (b) En el Apéndice. (c) En la lista de países de las págs. 527 a 534. 3. Al lado de cada entrada de la sección English-Spanish aparecen unos símbolos que indican su pronunciación. Para saber cómo leerlos debo estudiar con mi profesor la sección ‘La Pronunciación del Inglés’ de la pág. ... (a) 6 a 9 (b) 13 (c) 10 8. La lista de elementos químicos listados en las págs. 522 a 523 incluye ... (a) sólo símbolo y peso atómico (b) símbolos, número y peso atómico (c) sólo número y peso atómico 4. La lista de términos de computación incluida en el Apéndice tiene ... páginas. (a) 9 (b) 11 (c) 10 9. ¿Dónde encuentro la pronunciación de los elementos químicos listados en las págs. 522 a 523? (a) En la Lista de Elementos Químicos. (b) El diccionario no provee la pronunciación de los elementos químicos. (c) En la entrada respectiva (en el cuerpo del diccionario). 5. ¿En qué págs. del DBB aparece la lista de organismos internaciones? (a) En las págs. 520 y 523. (b) En las págs. 520 y 521. (c) En las págs. 524 y 525. 7 ACTIVITY 2. Hojea tu DBB para familiarizarte con él. Luego trata de responder estas peguntas. 1. ¿Qué palabra se lista primero, BOOK o BEARD? ¿En qué página se lista cada palabra? .................................................................................................................................................... 2. ¿Cuál es el singular de ‘mice’? ¿Dónde se da esta indicación? .................................................................................................................................................... 3. ¿De qué otra manera se escribe ‘gray’? ¿Dónde encuentras la respuesta? .................................................................................................................................................... 4. ¿Qué categorías gramaticales lista el diccionario para ‘can’? ¿Qué significa como sustantivo? ¿Qué significa como verbo? .................................................................................................................................................... 5. ¿El verbo ‘write’ es regular o irregular? ¿En qué página se lista? .................................................................................................................................................... 6. ¿Qué verbo(s) irregulares se listan en la página 214? .................................................................................................................................................... 7. ¿Cuál es el significado de la abreviatura CPU? ¿En qué sección la encuentras? .................................................................................................................................................... 8. ¿Qué significa ‘www’ en inglés? ¿Cómo se traduce al castellano? .................................................................................................................................................... 9. ¿En qué página(s) aparece la expresión ‘to have the hiccups’? ¿Qué significa? .................................................................................................................................................... 10. ¿Cómo se dice ‘psiquiatra’ de una manera coloquial? ¿En qué página encuentras la respuesta? .................................................................................................................................................... 8 LEXICAL ITEMS ELEMENTOS LEXICALES ACTIVITY 3. Some English words have alternative SPELLINGS, with no specific change-of-spelling rule, though their meaning remains the same. Look up the alternative spelling of these words: gray Argentinian ax carat endorse round-trip disc elite ketchup boogieman Gipsy omelet ACTIVITY 4. ABBREVIATIONS are very common in English (much more than in Spanish). Their use tends to be rather colloquial and it is mostly preferred in spoken English. Look up the abbreviation of these words/expressions: disc jockey videocassette recorder Christmas barbecue very important person personal computer compact disc video home system champion bicycle Unites States of America coup d’etat ACTIVITY 5. Write these English abbreviations in full form: - CPU: ........................................ - CD: compact disc - WASP: ................................ - AIDS: ...................................... - GMT: ................................... - M.B.A.: ................................... - GPA: .................................. - Ph.D.: ...................................... - DJ: ....................................... - Xmas: ...................................... ACTIVITY 6. Look up and complete the abbreviations of the months of the year. - January: Jan. - July: ................... - August: ............... - February: Feb. - March: ................ - September: Sept. - April: .................. - October: .............. - May: ................... - November: .......... - June: Jun. - December: Dec. ACTIVITY 7. Look up and write the abbreviations of the days of the week. ACTIVITY 8. INITIALS are mere abreviations of full words or expressions; they are to be read in a sequence of isolated letters. Example: 9 Initial CIA UK Full word/Expression Central Intelligence Agency United Kingdom To be read as C-I-A U-K ACRONYMS are abbreviations that are to be read as actual words. Acromym NATO ASEAN Full word/expression North Atlantic Treaty Organization Association of South East Nations To be read as NATO ASEAN Read out the following initials/acronyms (international organizations). Then look up their full spelling in English and write their Spanish translation. FIFA CONCACAF IMF OAS UNESCO UNICEF YMCA IIE FAO IRC ACTIVITY 9. In general, NATIONALITIES are made up by adding -n, -an or -ian to the corresponding country name. Examples: Country Australia Palau Ghana Nationality Australian Palauan Ghanaian Many of them, though, change their spelling in a rather irregular way. Examples: Country Nepal Turkey Nationality Nepalese Turkish Look up and write the nationalities that correspond to these countries: Country Antigua and Barbuda Oman Nationality Thailand Switzerland Fiji Vanuatu 10 Country Ivory Coast Swaziland Nationality ACTIVITY 10. Look up the names of 5 fruits you like and 5 you don’t like. ACTIVITY 11. Look up the names of 5 games/school pastimes. ACTIVITY 12. Put the words in the box in the correct column. Then add 2 of your own in each of them. English fencing cousin brother math science Sports father rowing tennis sister history soccer Family members School subjects ................................. ...................................... .................................... ................................. ...................................... .................................... ................................. ...................................... .................................... ................................. ...................................... .................................... ................................. ...................................... .................................... ................................. ...................................... .................................... ACTIVITY 13. PREFIXES (dis-, in-, inter-, mis-, over-, re-, un-, under-, etc.) and SUFFIXES ( -able, -er, -ian, -tion, -ment, -ness, -ful, -ly, etc.) are the most common means to make up derivative words. Examples: prefix root word suffix derivative -er misun- teach write conscious teacher miswrite unconsciously -ly Circle the prefix or affix used to make up the following derivative words: actually undo international reaction rewrite overpass windy unbelievable disappear beautiful ACTIVITY 14. Look up 2 derivatives for each of the following words: erase agree nation friend want elect pay kind social magic 11 SYNTACTICAL ITEMS ELEMENTOS SINTÁCTICOS ACTIVITY 15. In general, the PLURAL of nouns in English is made up by adding -s or -es to the corresponding singular form. Some nouns, though, have an irregular plural, that is, they make up their plural by changing their spelling in a rather irregular way. Examples: Singular book church mouse Plural books churches mice Look up and write the singular / plural form of the following nouns, as corresponds: Singular Plural lice Singular geese die bacterium sandwich thief woman sheep Plural wives children ACTIVITY 16. REGULAR VERBS make up their past tense and past participle by adding -d or -ed to their simple form. Examples: Simple form like listen Past tense liked listened Past participle liked listened IRREGULAR VERBS make up their past tense and past participle changing their spelling in quite an irregular way or do not change at all. Examples: Simple form go cut Past tense went cut Past participle gone cut Check your dictionary to identify the following verbs either as REGULAR (´v.´ in your dictionary) or IRREGULAR (´v. 12 irreg.´ in your dictionary). Tick the appropriate boxes, as in the example: Verb argue visit v. v. irreg. ✓ Verb book study v. v. irreg. fight refer hang do eat sing ACTIVITY 17. Write the past tense and past participle of the verbs listed in ACTIVITY 16. ACTIVITY 18. Complete the blank boxes with the missing VERB FORM, as in the example: Simple form take Past tense Past participle took taken fought come cut write invite started written copied can ACTIVITY 19. Three of the four words in every series below have the same GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY. One does not. Example: - take / study / for / answer Take, study and answer are VERBS. For is a PREPOSITION. What category do the following words have? Circle the word with the different grammatical category. Check your dictionary in case of doubt. 1. always / ever / usually / around 2. up / for / behind / there 3. me / him / it / they 4. mine / yours / your / theirs 5. who / that / why / where 13 6. easy / fast / actually / quick 7. hence / otherwise / until / therefore 8. consider / buy / try / remark ACTIVITY 20. Put the words below in the correct column according to their GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY. Some words may have more than one category. purely book table study this their upstairs down part mine s. adj. v. adv. pron. ACTIVITY 21. Make sentences with the words in ACTIVITY 20. ACTIVITY 22. Generally speaking, the four basic grammatical categories are noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Although they usually derive from one another (mostly departing from the noun), not all four categories are necessarily present in this derivation chain. Examples: s. v. beauty faith ease goodness beautify ease adj. beautiful faithful easy good adv. beautifully faithfully easily well Complete the blank boxes below with the missing word(s) that fit each grammatical category. s. v. adj. fraternity adv. fraternally lucky smile carefully comfort disorderly 14 ACTIVITY 23. Make 8 sentences with any of the words in ACTIVITY 22 (2 from each column). ACTIVITY 24. As a general rule, when a PREPOSITION is FOLLOWED BY A VERB, the verb has to be used in gerund form (with -ing). Examples: - I am interested in learning about computers. - She is tired of waiting. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb form. Check the corresponding entry in your dictionary in case of doubt. 1. (learn) I am interested in ................ about computers. 2. (invite) Thank for ................ me! 3. (listen) I am tired of ................ to the same story over and over. 4. (try) Keep on ................ and you’ll succeed. 5. (move) They dream of ................ to another country. 6. (smoke) The doctor has told him to give up ................ . 7. (disturb) Thank you for not ................ me while I was sleeping. 8. (quit) He thought of ................ his job for a while but then he changed his mind. ACTIVITY 25. As a general rule, an ADJECTIVE FOLLOWED BY A PREPOSITION requires the use of one and only one specific preposition after it, with no possible alternative. That is to say, the grammatical correctness of such a sequence depends on the use of the right preposition. Examples: - This dictionary is different from the others. - She seems to be mad at me. Complete the following sentences with the right preposition. Check the corresponding entry in your dictionary in case of doubt. 1. The little child was afraid .......... the dog. 2. My brother is very good .......... math. 3. I am not interested .......... rock any more. 4. My sister is fond .......... romantic music. 5. Are you sorry ................ your bad behavior in class? 6. I don´t understand why he got angry ................ me. 7. I am lucky ................ be your friend. 8. Yorur parents must be proud ................ your achievements. 15 SEMANTIC ITEMS ELEMENTOS SEMÁNTICOS ACTIVITY 26. The translation of some Spanish words into English may differ depending on whether we express them in American or British English. Examples: Spanish algodón (golosina) galleta (dulce) American English cotton candy cookie British English candyfloss biscuit Look up and write the translations of these words in American English and British English: Spanish basurero (tacho) solitario (juego de cartas) viajero (s.) papas fritas chupón (para bebes) ascensor American English British English librería fútbol despedida de soltera despedida de soltero ACTIVITY 27. IDIOMS are phrases that have no literal translation. Since their Spanish counterparts are therefore approximate equivalencies rather than mere translations, most of them need to be learned almost by heart. Examples: - The Quixote liked to fight windmills. (Al Quijote le gustaba luchar contra molinos de viento). Look up and write the Spanish equivalencies for the following English idioms: 1. My father and I are bosom friends. 2. Things will soon be better, God willing. 3. My friend likes to play hooky. 4. I would like to make a wish. 5. The baby is having a fit of anger. 16 6. That student is on time once in a blue moon. 7. Most children cannot tell right from wrong. 8. We went to see him off at the airport. 9. I wish I could hit the jackpot. 10. I just saw her in passing. ACTIVITY 28. The words in every pair below (in parenthesis) are sometimes confused. Use your dictionary to recheck their meaning and grammatical category. Then complete the blanks with one of the words in every pair. 1. (audience / auditorium) - The .................. was large enough for such a big ................ . 2. (café / coffee) - They went for a .................. at the ................ around the corner. 3. (continuous / continual) - Success is usually the result of ................ effort and perseverance. - The students´ ................ acts of indiscipline bothered the teacher. 4. (do / make) - It helps me to use the dictionary to ................ my homework. - Don´t ................ too much noise, please! 5. (economic / economical) - They say it is more ................ to buy at Metro than at Wong. - The ................ situation is rather stable now. 6. (good / well) - They speak English very ................ . - Their English is very ................ . 7. (hear / listen) - Please, speak louder. I can´t ................ you!. - I don´t ................ to the radio that often. 8. (history / story) - We are taking a course on world ................ . - That ................ is almost unbelievable. 9. (say / tell) - Can you ................ me the time? - As a first reaction, she didn´t know what to ................ . 10. (use / wear) - Do you like to ................ sunglasses at night? - When in doubt, ................ your dictionary. 17 ACTIVITY 29. As a general rule, the meaning of a VERB + PREPOSITION sequence varies with the specific preposition used with it. Examples: - (look for = buscar) I am looking for a new alternative. - (look at = mirar) Why are you looking at me? Complete the following sentences with the correct preposition. Check the corresponding entry in your dictionary in case of doubt. 1. The plane will arrive .......... Lima at 10 o´clock. 2. What does the project consist .........? 3. I still depend .......... my parents. 4. You never listen .......... me. 5. I believe you should ask ......... professional help. 6. Would you like to go out .......... lunch? 7. It´s hot in here. Why don´t you take .......... your sweater? 8. She grew .......... in a small town. 9. I´m trying to figure .......... the answer. 10. Open the dictionary and look .......... the word you need. ACTIVITY 30. FALSE COGNATES (the so called ´false friends´) are words that have a meaning different from the one they seem to have at first impression. Examples: Word apology equivocation false meaning apología equivocación actual meaning disculpa ambigüedad To develop your students´awareness regarding false cognates, check with them the translations given in your dictionary for some of the false cognates listed below and ask them to make sentences using these words. abstemious actual agonizing alteration argument bazaar bizarre cancel casual classify conference current cynical eligible felony obscurity plausible reparation suburb truculent Alternatively, depart from Spanish words/sentences to have your students render in English the corresponding version of those words/sentences. Some random words you could depart from: actual aviso clasificarse compromiso discutir election eventualmente genial ignorar informal 18 mermelada preservativo profesor reunion truculento To help your students surpass any initial confusion aroused by the `unexpected´ meaning or translation of these words, discuss with them the information given in parenthesis in the corresponding entry. Then have your students translate a few sentences from English to Spanish and viceversa, using any of the words above. Some random sentences that could be used: - The current economic situation is rather stable. - There were several guest speakers at the conference. - His good manners could not hide his truculence. - Todos vestían ropa informal. - Mi compromiso es ayudar a todos. - Ella es profesora (de colegio) y su esposo catedrático. Any remaining doubt will make your further clarification necessary. ACTIVITY 31. Look up 3 ways to say ‘al revés’ in English and write one sentence with each of them. ACTIVITY 32. Look up 3 compound expressions with ‘in’, 3 with ‘on’ and 3 with ‘up’ and make 1 sentence with each of them. ACTIVITY 33. The use of SEXIST WORDS tends to be avoided by some people because their use implies some degree of gender discrimination. The alternative use of nonsexist words is therefore recommended instead of sexist words. Examples: Sexist word policeman / policewoman fireman Nonsexist alternative police officer firefighter Rewrite the following sentences using an alternative nonsexist word instead of the sexist word in boldface. 1. She is a sucessful businesswoman. 2. The fire was extinguised by ten brave firemen. 3. The chairman led the discussion with ability. 4. The conquest of the man was a great success for man. 5. Five policemen were necessary to capture the criminal. 6. Call the waitress to pay the bill. 7. A teacher has to be friendly with his students. 8. Mulanovich is probably our most important sportswoman now. 19 PHONETICS FONÉTICA ACTIVITY 34. Look up the pronunciation of these words in your dictionary and try to pronounce them. sit so call saw beat seat zoo ache book bought day boat talk look bad desk apple ate cook mop Then write every word in the corresponding column, according to the phonetic symbol that represents their vowel sound (in boldface), as in the example. /a/ // // /i/ /ε/ /e/ /ɔ/ /o/ // /u / seat ACTIVITY 35. Circle the word that contains the consonant sound represented at the beginning of every word series. Check your dictionary if you have any doubt . Then read every word series through. 1. /ʃ/ chair / chalk / garage / show 2. /tʃ/ shame / chain / shout / page 3. /d/ chin / cash / teach / John 4. /θ/ thought / fought / sought / that 5. /ð/ three / those / think / dot ACTIVITY 36. Four or the five words in every series below have a common vowel or diphthong sound. One word contains a vowel sound which does not belong. Read through every series and identify the word with the odd sound. If you have any doubt about their pronunciation check it in your dictionary. Then read them out loud. 1. air / desk / age / friend / debt 2. boat / hello / not / note / no 3. France / map / apple / card / class 4. sixteen / seventeen / bit / thirteen / feet 5. country / about / county / power / powder 20 6. bye / bay / viper / high / pie 7. much / but / cup / sum / guy 8. on / car / cop / pope / pop ACTIVITY 37. Every word series below contains three words that have a very similar pronunciation, but one or two sounds makes one word different from the others. Read through every series to spot the different sound(s). Then read them again with the help of your dictionary in case of doubt. 1. pepper / paper / piper 2. three / tree / free 3. dead / debt / death 4. guy / guide / gay 5. eight / ate / eat 6. pie / pay / paid 7. shirt / short / chart 8. Robert / robber / rubber ACTIVITY 38. Some English words vary their pronunciation according to their grammatical category. This variation frequently implies changing the position of the primary stress and sometimes, with that, the use of an alternative vowel sound. Examples: Word Noun compact coordinate /kəmpkt/ /koɔrdnt/ Adjective /kəmpkt/ /koɔrdnt/ Verb /kəmpkt/ /koɔrd,net/ Look up and write the corresponding phonetic transcriptions (´pronunciation´) in the blanks below. Word Noun perfect duplicate frequent export precedent coordinate elaborate object transport rebel 21 Adjective Verb ACTIVITY 39. Try to figure out the conventional English spelling that corresponds to the phonetic transcriptions below and complete the crossword puzzle. Refer to the phonetics section in your dictionary (page 13) in case of doubt. 2 1 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 11 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ACROSS 1. /pɔnt/ 4. /so/ 6. /ɔl/ 8. /Ip/ 9. /dɔ/ 10. /me/ 12. /e/ 13. /kap/ 14. /res/ 16. /ynatd/ 18. /bot/ 19. /kIntr/ 20. /o/ 21. /sks/ 22. /tren/ 23 24 DOWN 1. /pep/ 2. /n/ 3. /tu/ 5. /tɔ/ 7. /mp/ 10. /mIn/ 11. /feməs/ 13. /kt/ 14. /i/ 15. /ti/ 17. /a/ 19. /si/ 20. /an/ 23. /e/ 24. /a/ When you finish cross every answer with the corresponding word and its pronunciation in your dictionary. 22 MISCELLANEOUS ACTIVITIES ACTIVIDADES VARIAS ACTIVITY 40. Draw a hand in your notebook specifying the names of the five fingers. ACTIVITY 41. Draw a human face in your notebook specifying its main parts. ACTIVITY 42 Draw a human body in your notebook specifying its main parts. ACTIVITY 43. NETSPEAK ABBREVIATIONS are shortened words and expressions used to exchange messages on the web (see p. 515 of your dictionary). Rewrite the following e-mail messages using netspeak abbreviations instead of the texts in boldface. 1. Talk to you later. 2. You are the most important person in my life. 3. Have a nice day! 4. You too! 5. I´d like to discuss this face to face. 6. I need to see you as soon as possible. 7. Thank you in advance for your attention. 8. Bye for now! ACTIVITY 44. Have your students display the world map included between pages 288 and 289 in your dictionary. Ask them to identify the location of any country you mention (´where is ...?`; ´where in ...?`; ´north/south/east/west of what country ?`), its currency (´what is the currency of ...?` ) or corresponding nationality (´what do we call a person from ...?` ). They should be able to answer any of these questions using the world map and the information provided in the List of Countries (pages 527534). ACTIVITY 45. Explore with your students the map of Europe included between pages 288 and 289 in your dictionary. Procede as suggested in ACTIVITY 44. ACTIVITY 46. Explore with your students the maps of the USA and UK included between pages 288 and 289 in your dictionary. 23 Ask them to identify the location of any state or city shown on the maps (´where is ...?`; ´what states/cities are in the north/ south/east/west?`; ´what state/city is north/south/east/west of ...?` ). ACTIVITY 47. Explore with your students a map of our country and procede as suggested in ACTIVITY 46. ACTIVITY 48. Have your students display the ´main world languages´ map included between pages 288 and 289 in your dictionary. Ask them to identify the country/countries where a certain language is spoken (´where is French spoken ...?`) or, conversely, the language spoken in a certain country (´what language do they speak in ...?`). They should be able to answer any of these questions using the map in question and the information provided in the List of Countries (pages 527534). ACTIVITY 49. Complete the following ANALOGIES. 1. American is to America what Europe is to .............................. . 2. Doctor is to medicine what nurse is to .............................. . 3. Congolese is to Congo what Beninese is to .............................. . 4. Obedient is to obedience what simple is to .............................. . 5. Man is to patriarchy what woman is to .............................. . 6. pretty is to women what goodlooking is to .............................. . ACTIVITY 50. Sum up the information in ACTIVITY 10 by telling the class the fruits you like and those you don´t like. ACTIVITY 51. Tell the class how often you practice the games/school pastimes you listed in ACTIVITY 11. ACTIVITY 52. Look up the translation of the following punctuation marks and tell the class when you use them. signo de exclamación signo de interrogación paréntesis punto y coma punto (y) aparte punto (final) dos puntos guion comillas 24 ACTIVITY 53. Crossword puzzle Find and circle the days, months and seasons of the year listed below, as in the example. N J Y A D S E N D E W U T T A U A G U S Y A D I R F U S Y A D N O M A N D A Y E W U W I R T U G N I R P S B E G N O U E B A R S V D W R S U O C T O B E R P A P L U D A V T A D T C I Y R L L A F P E O S N X F A N A X O R Y R M B I U H D J G D D F Y Z I B W E T S U M M E R N R A L E E N R M A R C E N U U J L R D U S R E B M E T P E S Y X H J U L Y G U L Y I R P A T D E C E M B E R H C R A M JANUARY JULY SUNDAY FEBRUARY MARCH AUGUST SEPTEMBER MONDAY TUESDAY SATURDAY SUMMER APRIL OCTOBER WEDNESDAY FALL MAY NOVEMBER THURSDAY WINTER JUNE DECEMBER FRIDAY SPRING 25 ✓ ACTIVITY 54. Crossword puzzle. Find and circle the verbs listed below, as in the example. W A N A M E T I R W O R K E A U K E T R A P K T U N D R I A C E T T A E P E R E A D T K A E P S P I T A K L E S S T N D A S I T E G O P G E N G C E V A E L V P C U N R R E T C R O O S I A S C I E C S P Q L O M K R E P U S J T I L O K O P S R C L O B O E J A D A N C E A N L N A Y A N Y K U L W A L C O P Y D C D N A T S T O P O L E L U H E A T N D U X Y M K L A T T T R A V E L G D E N G I S ANSWER DANCE LISTEN SING TEACH ARRIVE DO LOOK SPEAK TRAVEL CAN CLOSE GET GO OPEN PLAY STAND STOP USE WAIT COME LEARN READ STUDY WORK COPY LEAVE REPEAT TALK WRITE 26 ✓ ACTIVITY 55. Crossword puzzle. Peruvian sculptor Opposite of FALSE Complement pronoun The Holy See The highest peak Andean country Auxiliary verb Past tense of BE Opposite of SHORT The largest country Our language The most First man populous on the country moon Ten years Opposite of EXPORT Season of the year Past tense of SELL Personal pronoun Opposite of LESS Field of study Peru's capital city Simple form of PLAYED Our country Opposite of LOW Past tense of READ Television 27 Famous Brazilian player Diccionario Diccionario Diccionario gggg lléléléléé sssss------C C ssststste llllalalalaa nnnn ooooo//////C C ssststste llllalalalaa nnnn ooooo------IIIn gggg lléléléléé sssss InIn Inn C C tete tee C C tete tee InIn Inn IIIn gn lg sé aaaaa sa le na on aaaaa sa le na on gn lg sé C C C C Bruño BruñoBilingüe El diccionario Bilingüe Bruño presenta presenta un amplio repertorio de El El diccionario diccionario Bilingüe Bilingüe presenta presentaun un unamplio amplio ampliorepertorio repertorio repertoriode de de Bruño Bruño El diccionario Bilingüe Bruño El El diccionario diccionario Bilingüe presenta un amplio repertorio de frases formales, idiomáticas de uso frecuente frases frases formales, formales, idiomáticas idiomáticas ycoloquiales coloquiales coloquiales de de uso uso frecuente frecuente frases formales, idiomáticas yyyyycoloquiales de uso frecuente yyyyyy frases frases formales, formales, idiomáticas idiomáticas coloquiales coloquiales de de uso uso frecuente frecuente una extensa variedad lexical. 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