To the parents of ___________________________ Room______Teacher________________ We are so excited you wish to be a volunteer! Please look over the following information, there are some things we need from you before you start UPDATED BACKGROUND CLEARANCE form for 2016-2017 school year Available in office or online FINGER PRINTTING (Please come into the office and let me know when you would attend one of these sessions) (Fingerprints have no expiration date so take chance of this opportunity!) SEPTEMBER 8 ------------------------Maple School 8:00am & Lincoln School 10:00am OCTOBER 13--------------------------Tulare District Office 4:30-6:30pm NOVEMEBR 10------------------------Maple School 8:00am & Wilson School 10:00am DECEMBER 8--------------------------Tulare District Office 4:30-6:30pm *Fingerprints (Cost is $65. Please stop by the office for more information) TB Test Results *if tested positive please submit proof of X Rays *if you are up for a new TB Test there is no need for another test. Parents will now need to fill out a questioner form (School Nurse will have these forms at hand) *TB Test (once taken the TB test is good for up to four years) If you have any questions, please stop by the office! Thank You! Etna Medina Community/ Parent Liaison Roosevelt School 1046 W. Sonora Tulare, Ca Nota para los padres de ________________________ Salon____________Maestro/a____________ Nos encantaria que fueran a paseos con nosotros! Para ir a nuestros paseos tendran que entregar las siguentes formas Prueba de tuberculosis (se toman una ves cada 4 años) Verificación de Antecedentes (está forma la pueden encontrar en la oficina) Huellas Digitales( Por favor de pasar por la oficina para reciber mas información) *Huellas no tienen expiración ! Nosotros necesitamos de usted: Pruebas de Tuberculosis * Si tienen resultados positivos por favor de entregar pruebas de radios X Verficacion de antecedentes para el año 2016-2017 *forma que tenemos en la oficina Huellas (Por favor de confirmer antes si va visitor unas de estas escuelas) SEPTEMBER 8 ------------------------Maple School 8:00am & Lincoln School 10:00am OCTOBER 13--------------------------Tulare District Office 4:30-6:30pm NOVEMEBR 10------------------------Maple School 8:00am & Wilson School 10:00am DECEMBER 8--------------------------Tulare District Office 4:30-6:30pm *Fingerprints (Cost is $65. Please stop by the office for more information) Si tienen preguntas, por favor pase por la oficina. Gracias! Etna Medina Community/ Parent Liason Roosevelt School 1046 W. Sonora Tulare, Ca