Welcome to August 14, 2016 SAINT JOAN OF ARC Catholic Church “We are the Catholic Community of St. Joan of Arc, united in our journey of faith and spiritual growth, by proclaiming and giving witness to Christ’s love for all persons.” Serving the Communities of West Asheville, Candler, Enka and Beyond! MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 10:00am (English) and 12:00pm (Spanish) Monday: 9:00am Mass Tuesday: 12:00pm Communion Service Wednesday: 12:00pm Mass Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 9:00am Mass Holy Days: To be announced Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:00pm—4:45pm, or by appointment. “Lord, come to my aid!” Psalm 40 Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis JCD Bishop of the Diocese of Charlotte Fr. Dean Cesa, Pastor 768 Asbury Road Candler, NC 28715 Phone: (828) 670-0051 Fax: (828) 670-0052 Email: stjoanofarc3640@bellsouth.net On the Web: stjoanofarccandler.org Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:30am-12:30pm / 1:30pm-4:30pm SACRAMENTS Baptism Preparation required; call parish office to make arrangements 2 months prior. Bautismo 2 meses de preparación. Deben ser miembros de la comunidad parroquial. Favor de hablar con el padre después de la misa. Matrimony Couples planning marriage must contact parish priest at least six (6) months in advance of the marriage. Matrimonio 6 meses de preparación. Deben ser miembros de la comunidad parroquial. Favor hablar con el padre después de la misa. CALENDAR OF EVENTS & MASS INTENTIONS PASTORAL TEAM Pastor, Fr. Dean Cesa................................................. 670-0051 In Case of Emergencies ............................................ 670-0053 Pastor’s Secretary, Carol Wald................................. 670-0051 Bookkeeper, Linda Frady .......................................... 670-0051 Parish Pastoral Council Doug Bailey (Chairperson).………………………...…697-7849 Rob Berls, Tonya Kelley, Joseph “Jody” Lawrence, Edward Lopez, Dennis Mehring, Jim Pacquet, Jeanne Schlesinger and Marge Turcot Finance Council, Paul LeSchack (Chairperson)…….665-9809 Katie Boyea, John Gales, Jeanne Duncan, & Linda Frady Buildings & Grounds Commission Mike Andreucci (Chairperson) ................................ 683-9978 Evangelization & Ecumenism Commission Rob Berls (Chairperson)……………………………545-2433 Caring Hearts Ministry, Paul LeSchack ...................... 665-9809 Bright Blessings Ministry, Paul LeSchack..………….665-9809 Faith Formation Commission Maria Eva Tabora (Commission Leader)………….329-4498 Tim Kelley (Faith Formation Coordinator)………..777-1514 Liturgy and Spiritual Life Commission, and Music Ministry Linda Gaines (Director)........................................... 273-4103 Altar Society, Nina Quinlan………………………..665-7229 Women’s Spirituality Group Elaine Lovelace .................................................. 545-3251 Praying Hearts Elaine Lovelace ................................................. 545-3251 Parish Life & Fellowship Commission Jo MacWilliam (Chairperson) ................................. 777-6096 Bereavement Ministry Barbara Buell …………………………………..712-0122 Nina Quinlan …………………………………..665-7229 Young at Hearts, Pauline Tennant ........................... 298-1227 Stewardship Committee Doug Bailey (Chairperson)…………….…………..697-7849 Kim Hayden, Eva DeSantiago & Lizzy Desantiago-Tabora Catholic Daughters, Diane Clarke-Hawkins ............ 667-0236 Knights of Columbus, John Gales…………………..667-0097 Ministerio Hispano, Antonio Garcia ........................ 670-0051 St. Vincent DePaul, Pager No. ................................. 775-1933 Catholic Charities ..................................................... 255-0146 50 Orange Street, Asheville, NC 28801 (ccdoc.org) QUINCEAÑERAS: Favor avisar con minimo 4 meses de anticipación. La preparación dura aproximadamente un mes. En la Iglesia hay unas formas que debe llenar, en ellas encontrara mayor información. COMMUNION CALLS AND HOSPITAL CALLS: Please call Parish Office to request the Sacraments of Communion or Anointing at home or in the hospital. SACRAMENTO DE LOS ENFERMOS: llamar a oficina a cualquier hora. REGISTRATION: New parishioners please register at the Parish Office. Notify the office of any changes to help keep our records up to date. Saturday, August 13 9:00am Mass Intention for Jerry & Marlene Hunter, by Fr. Dean Cesa 1:00pm Quinceañera 4:00pm-4:45pm Confession 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass Intention for Jeff Boyea, in celebration of his birthday which was on June 21, by Marilyn Marzheuser Knights of Columbus School Supplies Fundraiser (Narthex) HISPANIC MEN’S CURSILLO (ALL ROOMS) Sunday, August 14 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass (English) In Memory of Cecile Norton + Arlene & John Mills 12:00pm Mass (Spanish) For the People Knights of Columbus School Supplies Fundraiser (Narthex) HISPANIC MEN’S CURSILLO (ALL ROOMS) Monday, August 15 FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION—NOT A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION OFFICE CLOSED 9:00am Mass Intention for Virginia & Paul Finegan, by Fr. Dean Cesa Tuesday, August 16 11:00am Parish Pastoral Council / Finance Meeting (Fellowship Hall) 12:00pm Communion Service 6:00pm Faith Formation Commission (Conference Room) 6:30pm Choir (Church) Wednesday, August 17 12:00pm Mass Intention for Carla Cathey-Dal Cais, by Fr. Dean Cesa 7:00pm Comunidad Mass Thursday, August 18 9:00am Mass Intention for Francis “Dutch” Hallingse, by Fr. Dean Cesa 6:30pm Aztec Dancers Rehearsal (Fellowship Hall) 6:30pm Charlos por Bautismos (Meeting Room # 2) 7:00pm Parish Pastoral Council (Conference Room) 7:00pm Coro (Church) Friday, August 19 9:00am Mass Intention for Bill Kalarovich, by Fr. Dean Cesa 6:00pm Romero / Amaya Rehearsal (Church) 6:00pm-10:00pm Faith Formation Fundraiser (Outside & Kitchen) Saturday, August 20 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION (NARTHEX) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOOL SUPPLIES FUNDRAISER (NARTHEX) LOVING FOOD RESOURCES FOOD DRIVE (NARTHEX) 9:00am Mass Intention for John Sweeney, by Fr. Dean Cesa 11:00am Bautismos 1:00pm Romero / Amaya Wedding 4:00pm-4:45pm Confession 4:30pm Rosary 5:00pm Mass Intention for Jerry & Marlene Hunter, by Fr. Dean Cesa Sunday, August 21 FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION (NARTHEX) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SCHOOL SUPPLIES FUNDRAISER (NARTHEX) LOVING FOOD RESOURCES FOOD DRIVE (NARTHEX) 9:30am Rosary 10:00am Mass (English) In Memory of Catherine Tarantola + By Joseph Persinotto NO CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS MEETING THIS MONTH 12:00pm (Spanish) For the People / Nicole Sanchez Baptism during Mass 2:00pm Comité (Conference Room) PRAYER LIST Please pray for those who have died, those in nursing homes, hospitals, the homebound, and for the sick, especially: Pete Anest, Kevin Bailey, Guadalupe Barraras, Geri Brower, Karen & Edith Bruggemann, Barbara Buell, John Cain, Wayne Calhoun, Iris Campbell, David Carman, Carol, Carla Cathey-Dal Cais, George & Kathy Carpenter, Kaylee Castillo, Dorothy Collins, Ann Cook, Pat Corcoran, Marie Daley, Jack & Lil Davis, Kelly de Franco, Zerrany Delatorre, Trish Farrell, Virginia Finegan, Ortenzio “Art” Filotei, William Fleming, Amelia Gentry, Ann Gibbs, Barbara Granville, Joasia Halka, Frances “Dutch” Hallingse, Cathy Henderson, Joan Howard, Mary Hueber, Easton Hugg, Grace Hunter, Jerry Hunter, Bill Kalarovich, Julia Kearley, Wayne Kelver, Lori Joens, Janice Kelley, Sophie Ledzian, Jordy Lopez, Maria Lopez-May, Bole & Juli Mathis, Tommy Meadows, Mark McGuire, Megan McKiernan, Diane McKinney, Robert McPherson, Karen & Mike McNair, Ruby Melton, Carla Michelle, Joshua Midgley, Robin Minniti, Virginia Morales, Brian Notzon, Steve Novotny, Carl & Peggy Obuchowski, Mary Ollis, Isabelle Ortiz, Santos Pacheco, Shirley Pfeffer, Samuel Quain, William Reid, Margaret Reilly, Jane Roberts, Neil Roblero, Cesar Rodriguez, Dick Schwartz, Ricky Smith, Susie Smith, Leo Stone, Mary Jane Straub, John Sweeney, Mary Triana, Jerry & Ruth Ventricelli, Tibbi Vest, Vicki, Cathy Weber, Ana Zabel, Joey Zima Please pray for our armed forces and diplomatic personnel, and missionaries serving our Church, both here and abroad: Sgt. Jason Pallack (Army), Ft Leonard Wood, MO, son-in-law of Ellen Dame Capt. David Smestuen, (USMC), Camp LeJeune, nephew of Mina Sweeney Maj. Randall J. Sweeney, (Army), Philadelphia, PA, son of Mina Sweeney Specialist David Middleton (Army), home from Afghanistan and now stationed at Ft. Bragg, nephew of Kathy & Mark McGuire Warrant Officer Michael Warren (Army), stationed in Iraq, son of Patricia Crook (Warren) Christopher Matthews (USAF), following his tours in August 14, 2016 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — They took Jeremiah and threw him into the cistern (Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10). Psalm — Lord, come to my aid! (Psalm 40). Second Reading — Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12:1-4). Gospel — I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing (Luke 12:49-53). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2; Ps 132:6-7, 9-10, 13-14; 1 Cor 15:54b-57; Lk 11:27-28 Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Ps 45:10-12, 16; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10; Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35cd-36ab; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Ez 36:23-28; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ez 37:1-14; Ps 107:2-9; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 23:1-12 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1, 2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30 STEWARDSHIP CORNER England, Afghanistan and Africa, is now stationed stateside in Arizona, he is the grandson of Monica Matthews Pray for peace in the Mid-East, Africa, Korea, the Ukraine and South America. Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Pray that Christ will save those whose lives are shattered by natural disasters and famine. Never forget: God Provides. Are you His vessel this week or His recipient? Faith Formation Page Faith Formation Fundraiser The faith formation fundraiser has arrived! This Friday, August 19, from 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM, come join us for food, entertainment, and fun activities as we celebrate the end of summer as our youth get ready to head back to school next week and we gear up for a new Faith Formation year. Funds raised will help with our Faith Formation budget for the year. Admission is $5 per car with food sold separately. Please come hungry! P. Roberto Yenny Garcia “Testigos de la Misericordia” La recaudación de fondos formación en la fe ha llegado! Este viernes, 19 de agosto de 18:00-21:00, vienen a nosotros para la comida, entretenimiento y actividades divertidas al celebrar el final del verano, ya que nuestros jóvenes se preparan para regresar a la escuela la próxima semana y nos preparamos para un nuevo año de Formación de Fe. Los fondos recaudados ayudarán con nuestro presupuesto de Formación de Fe para el año. La entrada es de $ 5 por auto con alimentos que se venden por separado. Por favor, vienen con hambre! El padre Roberto Yenny es sacerdote de la Diócesis de Tampico (México). Obtuvo una Licenciatura en Teología Moral en Roma, una Maestría en Terapia Familiar y una Maestría en Consejería y relación de ayuda. Ha dictado diferentes conferencias, es articulista en periódicos de su localidad y escribió el libro: “Reconciliadores: Pequeño Manual para Confesores”. Ha sido párroco, responsable de la pastoral juvenil y la pastoral carcelaria, así como de la formación permanente del clero. Actualmente es Rector del Seminario Diocesano, Consejero Pastoral y maestro de Filosofía y Teología en el Seminario. 12:30 Sabado, 10 Septiembre Eucharistic Congress Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions of the Month Universal Intention: That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world. Evangelization: That Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor. 2016 GOAL FOR ST. JOAN OF ARC DONATIONS THUS FAR FROM 85 PEOPLE 2016 DIOCESAN SUPPORT APPEAL LITURGICAL MINISTER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, AUGUST 20 & SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 Saturday, August 20, 5:00pm Lectors: Shelley Glanton & Kathy Daley Altar Server: Tonya Kelley Hospitality: Susan Jones & Elise Henshaw Eucharistic Ministers: Doug Bailey Linda Bailey Connie Cathey Sunday, August 21, 10:00am Lectors: Bernie Mendiondo & Elaine Lovelace Altar Servers: Sophie Loeffler & Gaiva Holden Hospitality: Renee Charbonneau & Bob Lanza Eucharistic Ministers: Nina Quinlan Sonia LeSchack Greg Holden Children’s Liturgy: Audra Holden A MESSAGE FROM LOVING FOOD RESOURCES: Thank You! Loving Food Resources appreciates your ongoing support. From January through July you donated 1355 pounds of food to help Loving Food Resources continue to offer assistance to the 90+ people a week that are provided food for nutritious meals that they would not be able to have without this program. Please continue your generous and much needed support by bringing in non-perishable food items for our monthly collection and depositing them in the collection basket in the Narthex next weekend, August 20 & 21. Do you have a few hours to spare once a month on a Saturday morning? If you do then Loving Food Resources can use your assistance for food distribution. For more information or to volunteer to assist this vital and unique community resource, please contact: Paul Le Schack at leschack@hotmail.com or 828 665-9809. It doesn't take a lot to make a big difference in the lives of those less fortunate than you. LITURGY & SPIRITUAL LIFE IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS . . . There is a need in the following areas: * Children’s Liturgy of the Word—Anyone interested in leading the children’s Liturgy of the Word, on a monthly basis. Books are available as a guide. * We need people to lead the Rosary— Before the 5:00 Mass and 10:00 Mass. This would be on a monthly schedule and to fill in when someone is away. Booklets are available. * There is a need for Liturgical Ministers (Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Hospitality Ministers, Choir Members and Altar Servers). Please give prayerful consideration of God’s calling for you to serve in any of these ministries. Linda Gaines, Liturgy & Spiritual Life Commission August 14, 2016 WEEKLY KNIGHT Faith Formation Fundraiser We will be assisting at this Friday’s Faith Formation fundraiser with parking and collecting the admission fees for the event. We are happy for the opportunity to serve the youth of our parish. Estaremos asistiendo al Fe recaudación de fondos Formación de este viernes con el aparcamiento y la recolección de las cuotas de admisión para el evento. Estamos contentos por la oportunidad de servir a los jóvenes de nuestra parroquia. Pancake Breakfast We’re into the dog days of August, but there’s still nothing like the delicious taste of pancakes and sausages cooked up by your Knights of Columbus kitchen crew. Please come by after Mass next Sunday, August 21, for food and fellowship and if you can afford to make a donation, we’d appreciate it. Estam Estamos en los días de agosto, pero todavía no hay nada como el delicioso sabor de tortitas y salchichas cocidas por los Caballeros de Colón equipo de cocina. Por favor venga después de la misa el próximo domingo, 21 de agosto para la alimentación y la comunión y si puede permitirse el lujo de hacer una donación, se lo agradecería. School Supply Drive We will be holding our annual school supply drive the weekends of August 13-14 and August 20-21. Please bring pens, pencils, notebooks, paper, crayons, etc. All of your donations will be distributed within the Enka school district. Thank you for your continued support of our local schools. Vamos a celebrar nuestro suministro anual de la escuela en coche los fines de semana del mes de agosto 13-14 y agosto. 20-21 Favor de traer bolígrafos, lápices, cuadernos, papel, lápices de colores, etc. Todas sus donaciones se distribuirán dentro del distrito escolar Enka. Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestras escuelas locales ti. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION FOR ALL PRACTICING CATHOLIC MEN OVER THE AGE OF 18 TO JOIN US AND BE A KNIGHT. NAME: ____________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________ CABALLEROS DE COLON ESTO ES UNA INVITACIÓN ABIERTA PARA TODOS LOS HOMBRES CATÓLICO PRACTICANTE MÁS DE 18 AÑOS PARA INSCRIBIRSE EN NOSOTROS Y SER UN CABALLERO. NOMBRE: __________________________ DIRECCIÓN: ____________________________________________ TELÉFONO: _______________________ CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAS COURT ST. JOAN OF ARC # 2471 IN UNITY AND CHARITY Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all. We donate to local and national charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” We undertake events to financially support the charities we support. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, the Catholic Daughters of the Americas are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See. For example: We collect Box tops for Education to support programs at Asheville Catholic School. Box tops are collected and sent to ACS twice a year, in April and December. Members of the parish are encouraged to participate. Box tops may be given to any Catholic Daughter. UPCOMING: September 25, we are having our annual CHOCOLATE PARTY. All things chocolate … All members of the parish are invited to attend this yummy event. Monday, August 15th, is the Feast of the Assumption. This is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Mass will be celebrated at 9:00am on that day. The Office will be closed that day. Weekly Offering Summary August 13 & 14 Discussion Questions 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time August 14, 2016 First Reading / Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10 1. Are you certain enough of God’s covenant with us that you can carry out a “leap of faith”? What gave the Israelites the courage to begin their journey into the unknown? How do you yourself make smaller leaps, maybe hops, of faith in your everyday life? 2. What is “the Passover”? Can you trace it to the Hebrew testament? Was it of “divine institution”? Second Reading / Hebrews 12:1-4 1. What is the “cloud of witnesses” Paul refers to? What does everyone in the “cloud” have in common with the others? Do you have favorites in this cloud? Why? Do you think many of them were “thrown in the mud” or treated like Jeremiah? Did everyone in the “cloud” keep his/her eyes on Jesus? 2. Pope Francis gave this “lesson” on contemplative prayer as he reflected on our Gospel Reading at Casa Santa Marta. We should all carry out this contemplative prayer. ‘But I have so much to do!’ At home, [take] 15 minutes, pick up the Gospel, a small passage, imagine what happened and talk with Jesus about it. So your gaze will be fixed on Jesus and not so much on a TV soap opera, for example. Your ears will be focused on the words of Jesus and not so much on your neighborhood gossip.” Pope Francis: A lesson in contemplative prayer, February 4, 2015 If your eyes are on Jesus, what are they not on? What is the outcome of developing a habit of contemplation? Gospel / Luke 12:49-53 1. According to this Gospel, what did Jesus come on earth to do? What does he wish? What is the “fire” he wants the earth consumed with? Does part of that fire consume you? 2. God seems to have a radical, unconditional love for us. Could the resistance to it that some people have cause the divisions Jesus mentions in this Gospel? Anne Osdieck Copyright © 2016 Anne M. Osdieck.All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce for personal or parish use. Amount Collected Weekly Budget Amount Offering $4,961.81 $4,690.00 - $271.81 Mortgage Reduction $441.50 $650.00 - $208.50 2016 Priests’ Retirement Collected YTD $2,585.83 Difference 2016 Priests’ Retirement Assessment $8,273.00 Balance to be Collected $5,688.17 THANK YOU—FROM BRIGHT BLESSINGS . . . Because of your generosity and support, Bright Blessings of Asheville was able to host another Bless-a-Baby shower party in a local homeless shelter last week. The mother to be was extremely moved and grateful for the expression of love and support from strangers during a difficult time in her life. We were able to supply her with many essentials to welcome her baby and offer it a healthy start in life. Thank you for your donations to our recent collection of items for our parties. Because of your participation we are closer to launching our Bless-a-Birthday shelter program where we host birthday parties for the resident children, many of whom have never had a birthday party. If you missed our collection, you may still bring in birthday items and deposit them in the collection basket in the Narthex. The following items are still needed: Matchbox Cars Craft Kits Journals Toddler Toys Small Board Games Baby Dolls / Barbie Dolls Watches Baby Toys Small Lego Sets Card Games Nerf Footballs Teen Jewelry Nail Polish Makeup Kits *All items MUST be new and in unopened packages Remember the joy of your childhood birthday parties? Please help the children living in our local homeless shelters experience recognition and the feeling of joy on their special day, for many for the first time. Paul LeSchack, Chairperson St Joan of Arc Rummage Sale Sat. Sept 17- 8am to 1pm We need donations of clean, gently used items No large furniture or major appliances Drop off donations Sat, Sept 10 - Fri, Sept 16 in Fellowship Hall All proceeds go to the church –call Diane with questions or to volunteer 667-0236 --------------------------------------------------- Santa Juana de Arco Venta de Objetos Usados El sábado 17 de septiembre de 8:00 a 1:00 Necesitamos donaciones de cosas limpias, y suavemente utilizadas No queremos muebles grandes ni aparatos grandes Traiga sus donaciones ce el Sab, 10 de septiembre -a el viernes, 16 de septiembre al Fellowship Hall Todos los ingresos van a la iglesia