Holy Spirit Catholic Church June 12, 2016 VBS Operation Charity Our RE Ministry Program would like to THANK the entire parish for your support and help in making our Vacation Bible School a success! Your generous gifts and donations, and participation make this year’s VBS the best ever, Thank You!! Do you want to get closer to Jesus but don’t know how to start? The Retreat in Daily Life is a seven-month experience of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It is a structured and guided prayer experience that helps strengthen and build your relationship with Jesus and Mary. The retreat extends from late September through April. It involves daily prayer, weekly group meetings, and individual spiritual direction. Call with questions or to register July 1st to August 31st: Nancy Vargas, 405-715-0283 or Danna Schweitzer, 405-263-4472. Spanish Marriage Encounter The next Spanish Marriage Encounter is June 17-19. This experience will be entirely in Spanish and held at the Catholic Pastoral Center, 7501 Northwest Expressway, OKC. Call Lisa at the Office of Family Life at (405) 7215651, Ext. 109. Please share. Encuentro Matrimonial Enriquece tu Matrimonio y tu vida, a través del Encuentro Matrimonial. El Encuentro Matrimonial es una experiencia de un Fin de Semana que dura 44 horas (desde el viernes por la noche hasta el domingo por la tarde). Esta experiencia brinda a las parejas la oportunidad de celebrar su vida conyugal...dándoles tiempo para compartir sus sentimientos, esperanzas, alegrías, frustraciones, tristezas y sueños en un ambiente completamente privada y fuera del alcance de las tensiones y distracciones de la vida diaria. El encuentro va ser todo en Espaňol. Los Fines de Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial se dan en el Centro Pastoral, en la Arquidiócesis de Oklahoma City. La dirección es 7501 Northwest Expressway. La fecha del próximo Encuentro es el 17-19 de Junio, 2016. Si están interesados a vivir esta expreriencia o si necesitan más información favor de llamar a Lisa en La Oficina de Vida Familiar, (405) 721-5651 x 109. Our VBS Operation Charity this year went to Birthchoice where we are collecting baby items, formula and wipes to help support our Birthchoice in Oklahoma so if you would like to still help you may bring you Birthchoice donations for VBS to our RE office.For additional information please call 405-376-9435. Register for Catholic summer camp Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Summer Camp is open to youth going into grade 4 through grade 12. Activities include crafts, hiking, swimming (in-ground pool), fishing, water sports, volleyball, canoeing, archery, scripture adventures, talent show, soccer, campfires and drama. Total cost per camper is $300, with deposit due at registration. Scholarship assistance available. Download forms or register online at www.archokc.org/youth-and-young-adultoffice/summer-camp. Call (405) 721-9220. Ya comenzaron las inscripciones para el Campamento de Verano El Campamento de Verano de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe está abierto para cualquier alumno que ha terminado el tercer grado hasta el 12. Las actividades incluyen artesanías, caminatas, natación (en piscina), pesca, deportes acuáticos, voleibol, tiro con arco, aventuras con las Escrituras, concurso de talentos, fútbol, fogatas y drama. El costo total es $300 por persona, con depósito al inscribirse. Ofrecen becas parciales. Puede bajar el formulario de inscripción o regístrese por internet www.archokc.org/ youth-and-young-adult-office/summer-camp. Llamar para más información: (405) 721-9220. RCYC- Regional Catholic Youth Conference The pilgrimage to the Regional Catholic Youth Conference, Nov. 18-20, will be in Beaumont, Texas. Cost is $325 per person. Fee includes bus, transportation, hotel, registration and T-shirt. To register, contact your parish youth minister or call (405) 721-5651,Ext. 115 or (405) 721-9220. Catholic young adults of OKC Open to all young adults (ages 18-39, married or single) in the archdiocese. Visit our Facebook page (Catholic Young Adults of OKC) for events and information or email info@catholicyoungadultsokc.com.