“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” John 10:28

“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” John 10:28
Fourth Sunday of Easter — April 21, 2013
As we gather to continue our Easter celebration on this Good
Shepherd Sunday, we know that God has given us the gift of
many good shepherds over the years. Some have even given
their lives for their faith. Listening to God’s word today and
sharing this Eucharist, let us give thanks for them and pray for
the ability to discern and encourage new shepherds who will
guide us with wisdom and grace.
St. Joseph Church is privileged to welcome the following
children into our parish community who celebrate their
First Holy Communion this weekend. It is our hope and
invitation that they continue to be fed at the table of our
Next Sunday, our parish will be taking up a collection for
the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. This Appeal supports
missions here in the United States. The Archdiocese of Anchorage has 11,500 registered Catholic families, 140,000
square miles, and only 30 active diocesan priests. Sadly,
such shortages occur often in United States mission dioceses. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal supports religious education and seminary training to bring increased
pastoral care to our home mission parishes. Please give
generously in next week’s Appeal. A portion of the collection will also support the effort by the Church for Black and
Native American Indians.
Al reunirnos para continuar nuestra celebración de la Pascua
en este domingo del Buen Pastor reconocemos que Dios nos
ha dado el don de muchos pastores buenos a lo largo de los
años. Algunos hasta han entregado su vida por la fe. Mientras escuchamos la palabra de Dios hoy y compartimos esta
Eucaristía demos gracias por esas personas, y oremos para
que podamos tener y animar a nuevos pastores a fin de que
nos guíen con sabiduría y gracia.
Report for Sunday, April 14, 2013:
Our Sunday Offering
Average Weekly Expenses:
7/1/12thru 4/14/13 Budgeted Income:
7/1/12 thru 4/14/13 Actual Income:
$ 15,322
$ 13,000
$ 508,350
$ 488,127
Thank you for your generous offering.
May your love and sacrifices be greatly
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Week of April 21, 2013
Theme: Jesus knows us and calls us.
Question for Adults: What is your experience
of being a follower of Christ, of being cared for and
guarded with him as shepherd?
Question for Children: Jesus promises to guard us like a
shepherd does the sheep. How do you experience his loving care in your life?
Patricia Aldrich
Joshua Allard
Alyssa Allard
Marianne Aromin
Emma Boyd
Taylor Brower
Michael Brown
Patrick Fabi
Alejandra Ibarra
Jamie Mallari
Lucienne Muri-Medina
Kenneth Oliver
Ashlee Pangilian
Caelan Pedersen
Delaney Ramsell
Elizabeth Scully
Ryan Sison
Nicole Sta. Ana
Jenna Stovall
Adrian Torres
Adelina Anaya
Kyle Binns
Justin Bulda
Arlton Cabanero
Ariana Garrison
Joshua Giracca
Ariann Gomez
William Kieffer
Walter Linares
Taylor Lopez
Nia Macay
Ronald McCord, Jr.
Trevor Morse
Jakob Pasuelo
Matias Perez-Muro
Marcos Sarabia
Monserrat Anzorena
Adalberto Castaneda
Osvaldo Castaneda
Michelle Cruz
Karina Cruz-Mecinas
Joseph Decker
Alina Gomez
Jermaine McDowell
Mark Ochoa
Gabriel Pasuelo
Ivan Pena
Angelina Rios
Romeo Rios
Sierra Russell
Kayla Sacluti
Monique Sanchez
Carlos Solis
Angela Turner
Early Faith Formation registration for the 2013-2014 year
will begin for continuing students now and continue until
June. Forms will be distributed during class or you can
come by the office M-F from 9 am - 4 pm.
Welcome to the 54 new families who have joined our parish community so far this year. We hope to continue to
grow as a Church family and to use our gifts to strengthen
our community.
Faith Formation registration for new students will begin
starting in June until September. If you have any questions call the office at 447-2354.
All Sacrament preparation classes are now two years,
with First Communion starting at 1st or 2nd grade and
Confirmation starting at 7th or 8th grade. Contact Josephine if you have any questions.
Ticket sales for the Spring Tea end on Monday, April 22, so
be sure to purchase your ticket and not miss out on a
lovely afternoon tea.
Youth group has a new minister, Ms. Jessica, and she is
more than excited to lead the youth into an active and
faith-filled summer. Youth Group will continue to meet on
Sundays from 1 pm - 3 pm throughout the summer. Join
us for fun, friendships and faith!
Thank you to all who have already participated in the 2013
Annual Catholic Appeal. As of April 8, 100 individuals and
families in our parish have participated with gifts and
pledges totaling $17,199. Compared to last year at this time,
participation has decreased. Financial commitments have
Bishop Soto asks that all parishioners participate in providing hope and help to those in need throughout the diocese
by making a gift at whatever level you can. Envelopes are
available here at the parish or you may donate online by
visiting The Catholic Foundation website at
This year, the 25% share that comes back to our parish will
be used to help the poor and the St. Vincent De Paul Society, as well as to contribute to tuition assistance.
The Disciples of Jesus Ministry will conduct a two-day retreat on May 4 (8 am - 10 pm) and May 5 (1 pm - 7 pm) at the
Holy Spirit Parish Center. The retreat called
“Upper Room Experience” (URE) is a more
interactive Life in the Spirit Seminar where
attendees are asked to participate in group
activities geared to deepen the knowledge of
our Catholic faith, our relationships with God
and one another. This year’s retreat will also focus on family
relationships. For more information, please contact: Carlos
& Malou Oriño (707) 426-1401, Susan Tanjuaquio (707) 6318183, or visit our website at www.discipleofjesus.com.
The monthly Food Drive for St. Mary’s Food Locker held
last weekend collected 1,487 food items! Thank you all for
your support!
El próximo domingo, nuestra parroquia hará una colecta
especial para las Misiones Católicas Domésticas. Esta campaña ayuda a las misiones aquí en los Estados Unidos. La Arquidiócesis de Anchorage tiene 11,500 familias católicas inscritas, cubre 140,000 millas cuadradas y sólo cuenta con
30 sacerdotes diocesanos activos. Lamentablemente, estas
escaseces ocurren frecuentemente en las diócesis misioneras en Estados Unidos. La Campaña para las Misiones Católicas financia la educación religiosa y preparación de seminaristas con el fin de brindar un cuidado pastoral más amplio
en nuestras parroquias misioneras. Por favor, dé generosamente en la colecta de la próxima semana. Una porción de
esta colecta también ayudará al esfuerzo de las misiones de
raza negra e indígena.
Dolly Braida will be here to speak on Friday, May 3 at 7 pm
in Parish Center Meeting Room #1. Dolly helps people heal
from abuse and other kinds of pain that may have affected
their lives in some way, by letting go of their anger, so that
they will one day be able to forgive those who have hurt
them. Dolly shares thoughts and feelings that come from
her own experience of abuse and other kinds of pain in her
past life, the steps she took to heal her pain and let go of her
anger so she could finally feel forgiveness in her heart. Hope
to see you there! For more information pick up a flyer on the
table in the narthex.
Join us for Notre Dame School’s BIGGEST fundraiser of the
Country Western Fantasy
Saturday, May 18, 2013 @ 6 pm
Evening includes: Silent and live auction, appetizers and
Single ticket: $75, Couples ticket: $150, Table sponsor: $700
Contact: Sandra Over @ (707) 696-8740