Fine art - Transartists

Fine art fellowship application
Künstlerhaus Lauenburg was founded in 1986 and is an international fellowship society of
the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein. It is a society for fine art, literature, and
composition and offers emerging talents from all over the world the possibility to create
new projects in an undisturbed environment and to present them to an interested public.
Artists, authors and composers without any restrictions of age, origin or residence can
The Künstlerhaus Lauenburg is characterized by its personalized care and the close
network between the fellows, as well as with the cultural scene of the metropolitan region
of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.
Every fellow receives a monthly grant for the duration of their stay. It is also possible to
raise further additional funds for material and project related publications with the
professional help of the Künstlerhaus, although there is no guarantee of success.
The Künstlerhaus is situated along the river Elbe within the historic center of Lauenburg.
Lauenburg is the southernmost town in Schleswig-Holstein, has a population of 12,000
and is located approx. 50 kilometers from Hamburg, Lübeck and Schwerin, and about 25
kilometres from Lüneburg. The town lies close to the convergence point of the Federal
States Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Niedersachsen and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
The building itself was built in the middle of the last century, received protected status as a
historic monument in 1982 and, after comprehensive restoration work, gained a new lease
of life as the “Künstlerhaus” (Artists' House). Since then, nearly 150 artists have lived and
worked here.
The Künstlerhaus Lauenburg receives financial support from the Federal State of
Schleswig-Holstein, the Duchy of Lauenburg district and the recently founded society
ʻKünstlerhaus Lauenburg/Elbe e.Vʼ.
Accommodation and Facilities
The Künstlerhaus Lauenburg offers generous accommodation (approx. 400 m2) on three
floors. On the ground floor you can find the gallery space, a children's studio, an artist bar,
the Künstlerhaus office and a large south-facing terrace overlooking the river Elbe. Monthly
cultural events take place in the artist bar and on the terrace, such as film screenings,
talks, lectures etc.
In the upper two floors there are generously-sized artists' studios and living areas. All
studios are fully equipped and include their own bath/shower room and kitchen as well as
a telephone and Wifi. The Künstlerhaus is also equipped with a printing press for etching
and letterpress, a proof press, a piano and a small library.
Apart from the Künstlerhaus, the town offers further interesting locations: small galleries, a
maritime museum and archive, a church and antique shops.
The Aims and Objectives of the Künstlerhaus
The Künstlerhaus has dedicated itself to support artists working in the fields of
contemporary fine art, new media, literature and composition, who are trusted to have the
potential for a career in the art scene.
It offers a creative work environment, in which contemporary artists can concentrate on
their work far from the art market and financial worries.
With the Artists in Residency scheme, and the regular programme of events, it is intended
that the Künstlerhaus will secure and expand its national and international reputation as a
meeting point for those who create art, for art professionals, and for people who are
interest in arts and culture.
Fellowships of the Künstlerhaus Lauenburg
The Künstlerhaus Lauenburg/Elbe announces for the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein
five fellowships in the following artistic categories:
three fellowships for fine arts whereby one fellowship is focused on new media and
one fellowship for literature
one fellowship for composition
The fellowship for fine art runs for 5,5 months (around 22 weeks). It starts on May 15 2017
and ends on October 31 2017.
Extent of Funding
The residency fellowship includes free use of an apartment and studio, including the costs
for electricity, internet and telephone connection to the landline.
Every fellow receives 700 EUR per month for the time of his/her stay at the Künstlerhaus.
Expectations for the Artists
From every fellow we expect at least one solo presentation (exhibition, lecture or concert)
during his/her residency at the Künstlerhaus. Furthermore we expect an artist talk, a joint
first presentation and a joint finissage.
Besides that, we expect a presentable artistic work for the collection of the Stadtgalerie
Lauenburg (gallery space associated to the Künstlerhaus) and a report (one A4 sheet) for
the Federal State Schleswig-Holstein about the period of residence at the Künstlerhaus.
All exhibition material is expected to be exclusively produced for the Künstlerhaus.
The Künstlerhaus appreciates participation of the fellows in projects which promote art and
culture as an educational mission, for example in cooperation with the children's studio,
local schools, youth centers etc.
Further exhibitions, events, public discussions and meetings – also in other venues in
Lauenburg and Schleswig-Holstein – will be supported if possible by the association
Künstlerhaus Lauenburg/Elbe e.V.
From the fellows we expect that by far the greater part of the fellowship period will be
spent in Lauenburg and that the fellows take responsibility for the administration of the
gallery on the weekends (open from 3 – 5 pm.).
The Application and Selection Procedures
Professional German and international visual artists may apply for a residency fellowship
at the Künstlerhaus Lauenburg.
German-speaking authors who publish in the German language may apply for a residency
fellowship in literature.
Artists who are still studying at the time the residency starts; or artists who simultaneously
receive another fellowship; or have already received a fellowship from the Federal State of
Schleswig-Holstein in the last three years are not eligible to apply.
We welcome applicants who enjoy making contact with other people, and who actively
seek the exchange of ideas in their particular areas of artistic competence.
Applications should be send via mail (PDF document) quoting the reference “Fellowship –
Fine Arts, Literature or Composition” to:
Deadline is October 31 2016. The date of receipt is valid.
The Jury for Visual Arts includes representatives from the following institutions:
the Stadtgalerie Kiel (city galley of Kiel)
the Overbeck Gesellschaft Lübeck
the Kunstverein Herzogtum Lauenburg
two free curators or art critics
the Halle für Kunst Lüneburg
The jury meets on January 19 in 2017.
Application Requirements
The following documents are required:
1. The completed and signed application form
2. If necessary catalogues in digital form (only from solo exhibitions)
3. A portfolio as PDF file with a maximum of 10 pages or a maximum of 10 min. of
video or music files (in common formats). If the portfolio includes both, please
reduced the extend of the files accordingly (e.g. 5 pages portfolio and 5 min. video
4. Transfer of the application charge in the amount of 10,00 EUR.
Applications which are incomplete or do not comply with the given specifications cannot be
taken into consideration. Applications without the payment of the application charge are
also excluded.
Bank details Künstlerhaus Lauenburg:
Account holder: Künstlerhaus Lauenburg/ Elbe e.V.
IBAN: DE12 2306 3129 0000 2818 67
Application form
Date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY)
Family name
Place of birth
Street/ street number
Telephone number
Email address
Short description of the project (max. 200 characters)
I got to know the fellowship programme of Künstlerhaus Lauenburg through :
List of attachments :
The completed and signed application form
Exhibition catalogues in digital form
A portfolio (PDF file)
Video or music files
I red and understood the fellowship description and hereby I agree to the
requirements of the fellowship presented in the application. I transferred the
application charge in the amount of 10,00 EUR.
Description of the artistic project (max.1 A4 sheet):
CV with artistic career (max.1 A4 sheet):
Awards and grants (max.1 A4 sheet):
List of attached work samples (with title, size, techniques, material, year of origin
max.1 A4 sheet):