1 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 MODEL COURSE GUIDE Universidad Católica de Valencia Music therapy in Health Field Course 2016/17 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 2 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TEACHING GUIDE FOR THE SUBJECT AND/OR SUBJECT ECTS SUBJECT: Music therapy in Health Field 6 Module: Applications of Music therapy 18 Type of training: Obligatory COURSE: 2016/17 Semester: 2º Teaching staff: Department: Ph. D. Mr. Rolando Omar Benenzon Ph.D. Mrs. Mireia Serra Vila Mrs. Marina Romero García Mrs. Vanessa Vannay Allasia E-mail: musicoterapia@ucv.es MODULE ORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________________________________ Nº ECTS 18 MUSIC THERAPY IN HEALTH Materias and subjects Materia Applications of music therapy ECTS 18 SUBJECT ECTS Course/ semester Music therapy in the field social community 6 1/2 Music Therapy in educational field 6 1/2 Music Therapy in Health Field 6 1/2 TEACHING GUIDE FOR THE SUBJECT AND/OR SUBJECT: MUSIC THERAPY IN HEALTH Prerequisites: No precise Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 3 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 GENERAL OBJETIVES - Assess the importance of music therapy as a complementary therapy within the interdisciplinary team. - Learning integration and intra equipment multi - disciplinary. - Know a theory of non-verbal communication and a system of work and training in the use of corporal -voiced elements - no, verbally and to help improve the quality of life of another human being. - Know the adaptation of Benenzon model applied to the conditions in question: autism, coma, Alzheimer's, etc. - Practice refilling protocols dynamically and flexibly as evidence of non - verbal Benenzon within the model. - Understand the ethical conduct of a non frame - verbal. - Know the peculiarities of music therapy evaluation and intervention in people with neurodegenerative and chronic diseases. - Know the peculiarities of music therapy evaluation and intervention in oncology and palliative care. - Know the peculiarities of music therapy evaluation and intervention in hospital settings. - Experiencing dynamic perspective from the music therapy approach the student to the reality of the terminally ill person in the hospital setting. - Experiencing dynamic perspective from the music therapy approach the student to the reality of the person or chronic neurodegenerative disease. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 4 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Weighting of competition TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES Instrumental 1 2 3 4 X TC2. Capacity of individual initiative, teamwork and decision making X TC5. Attention span, observation and listening TC8. Ability to establish the therapeutic bond, according to the knowledge of the patient and himself X TC9. Ability to teamwork and effective collaboration with other professionals (with the ability to function in an interdisciplinary and international context) X SPECIFIC COMPETENCES 1 2 3 SC15. Being able to design and evaluate a process of inter-disciplinary intervention in the field of health (geriatrics, oncology, rehabilitation, pediatrics) SC19. Know how to apply music therapy at different stages of the therapeutic process in an individual or group, depending on the area or field of application SC20. Collect experience clinical sessions and contribute their first interventions as music therapists 4 X X X Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 5 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 LEARNING RESULTS R-1 Know the different fields of action and objectives of intervening through music therapy techniques and types of music selected for intervention in the hospital setting R-2 Knowing the types of sensory disabilities to set goals for music therapy intervention through the use of appropriate methods and techniques COMPETENCES TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 R-3 Know the main pathologies of the elderly that may be treatable with music therapy intervention to set objectives through appropriate techniques and methods, and the development of the sessions TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 R-4 Get the person communicate, express feelings and motives which led to mental illness and reinforce them self-esteem TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 R-5 Rehabilitate motor impairment resulting from a physical disability, using art as the beat of the music Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 6 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TRAINING ACTIVITIES PHYSICAL WORKING ACTIVITY Learning methodology Relation to learning outcomes of the subject ECTS PRESENCE CLASSES Presentation of contents by the teacher, competency analysis, explanation and demonstration of skills, abilities and knowledge in the classroom TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 1 PRACTICAL CLASSES Group work sessions supervised by the teacher. Cases studies, diagnostic tests, issues, field study, computer room visits, data search, libraries, networking, Internet, etc… Meaningful construction of knowledge through interaction and student activity. TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 0,5 Supervised monographic sessions with shared participation TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 0,2 Application of multidisciplinary knowledge TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 0,1 TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 0,3 TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 0,3 SEMINAR EXPOSITION GROUP WORK TUTORSHIP EVALUATION Personalized and small group attention. Period of instruction and/or guidance by a tutor to review and discuss the materials and topics presented in lectures, seminars, readings, papers, etc,... Set of oral and / or written tests used in initial, formative or additive assessment Total 2,4 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 7 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TRAINING ACTIVITIES OF AUTONOMOUS STUDENT WORK ACTIVITY GROUP WORK AUTONOMOUS WORK Learning methodology Individual preparation of readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc… To post or deliver the lectures, practical and /or small group tutoring. Work done on the platform or other virtual spaces. Student study: Individual preparation of readings, essays, problem solving, seminars, papers, reports, etc… To post or deliver the lectures, practical and/or small group tutoring. Relation to learning outcomes of the subject ECTS TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 1 TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 2,6 Total 3,6 Work done on the platform of the university (https://campusvirtual.ucv.es/) Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 8 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 EVALUATION SYSTEM TO ACQUIRE THE SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS SYSTEM Assessment instrument ASSESSMENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Given percentage Record attendance tracking R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5 40% Written test R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5 20% Directed work R1, R2, R3, R4 & R5 40% CRITERIA FOR THE AWARD OF HONORS Explicitly mentioned specific criteria for the course and faculty that the title is attached and according to the general rules stating that you can only give an honors degree for every 20 students not by fraction 20, with the exception of groups of fewer than 20 students in total, which can be given a license plate. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS Music therapy in the hospital setting, Music therapy in oncology and palliative care MT in chronic neurodegenerative pathologies Clinical Applications Model Benenzon, Autism , Alzheimer disease, chronic pain patients and coma. (Self -experience XI) Music therapy in mental health. COMPETENCIES TC2, TC5, TC8, TC9, SC15, SC19, SC20 Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 9 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 TEMPORAL ORGANIZATION OF LEARNING (Students of first registration) BLOCK CONTENT / TEACHING UNIT 1 2 3 4 NUMBER SESSION Music therapy in hospitals, Music therapy in oncology and palliative care. Music therapy in fibromyalgia and neuromuscular disease. Music therapy and clinical applications in the model Benenzon Therapy (MBMT). 1 1 1 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY Aguera, L.F. (1998). Demencia: una aproximación práctica. Barcelona: Masson. Aldridge, D. (2005). Music Therapy and Neurological Rehabilitation: Performing Health. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Baker, F. & Tamplin, J. (2006). Music Therapy Methods in Neurohabilitation. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Benenzon, R. O. (1971). Musicoterapia y Educación. Buenos Aires: Paidós. Benenzon, R. O. (1972).Musicoterapia en Psiquiatría. Buenos Aires: Ed. Barry. Benenzon, R. O. (1976). Musicoterapia en la psicosis infantil. Buenos Aires, Paidós. Benenzon, R. O. (1981). Manual de musicoterapia. Barcelona: Paidós. Benenzon, R. O. (1991). Teoría de la musicoterapia. Madrid: Mandala. Benenzon, R. O. (1999). Musicoterapia, una experiencia de supervisión. Roma: Phoenix. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 10 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Benenzon, R. O. (2000). Aplicaciones Clínicas de la Musicoterapia. Buenos Aires: Lumen. Benenzon, R. O. (2011). Musicoterapia. De la teoría a la práctica. Barcelona: Paidós Benenzon, R. O., Hemsy de Gainza, V. y Wagner, G. (1997). Sonido, comunicación, terapia. Salamanca: Amarú. Benenzon, R. O., Hemsy de Gainza, V. y Wagner G. (1998). La Nueva Musicoterapia. Buenos Aires: Lumen. Benenzon, R. y Yepes, A. (1972). Musicoterapia en Psiquiatría, metodología y técnica. Buenos Aires: Editorial Barry. Betés, M. (comp.) (2000). Fundamentos de musicoterapia. Madrid: Morata. Bright, R. (1991). La musicoterapia en el tratamiento geriátrico. Buenos Aires: Bonum. Bright, R. (1998). Music Therapy and the Dementias. Saint Louis: MMB Music Inc. Bruscia, K. (2007). Musicoterapia. Métodos y prácticas. México: Pax México. Clair, A.A. (1996). Therapeutic uses of music with older adults. Baltimore: Health Professions Press, Inc. Davis, W.; Gfeller, K.; Thaut, M. (2000). Introducción a la musicoterapia. Teoría y práctica. Barcelona: Boileau. Gfeller, K. & Hanson, N. (1995). Music Therapy Programming for Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and Relates Disorders. University of Iowa. Gibbsons, A. (1977). Music preferences of elderly people. National Association for Music Therapy, Inc. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 11 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Maratos, A.S.; Gold, C.; Wang, X.; Crawford, M.J. Musicoterapia para la depresión (Revisión Cochrane traducida). En: La Biblioteca Cochrane Plus, 2008 Número 4. Oxford: Update Software Ltd. Disponible en: http://www.update- software.com. (Traducida de The Cochrane Library, 2008 Issue 3. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.). Martí, P. (2001). Musicoterapia y Alzheimer: efectos de una intervención con musicoterapia en la socialización y expresión emocional de personas diagnosticadas con la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Música, Terapia y Comunicación. Bilbao: M.I. Centro de Investigación Musicoterapéutica. Mercadal, M. & Martí, P. (2008). Manual de musicoterapia en geriatría y demencias. Barcelona: Monsa-Prayma. Rodrigo, M. (2000). Musicoterapia: terapia de música y sonidos. Madrid: Musicalis SA. Sacks, O. (2009). Musicofília. Historias de la música y del cerebro. Barcelona: La Magrana. Sagastí, T.& Bernaola, B. (1998). La musicoterapia y la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Vitoria: Música, Arte y Proceso. Soler, P. & Gascón, J. (1999). RTM-II. Recomendaciones terapéuticas en los trastornos mentales. Barcelona: Masson. Thayer, E. (comp.) (1968). Tratado de musicoterapia. Bacelona: Ed. Paidós. Vizcarro, M. (2005). Musicoterapia en una unidad de salud mental de larga estancia. Parempuyre: Éditions du Non Verbal/A.M.Bx. Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” 12 Model course guide PCA-27-F-01 Ed.00 Interesting links: www.fundacionbenenzon.org/ http://www.centrobenenzonmusicoterapia.com/ RTVE.ES: Programa Documentos TV: “Las voces de la memoria”, emitido el 25.09.2011 http://www.rtve.es/television/20110920/documentos-tv-vocesmemoria/462792.shtml http://vocesdelamemoria.rtve.es/ “Mi cerebro musical” Parte 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8ipCvikHUo&feature=relmfu Parte 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTQmKew28cY&feature=relmfu Parte 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvjm_A4IM1c&feature=relmfu Parte 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqfBSUyhUdk&feature=relmfu Parte 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HThVnSPxsRE&feature=relmfu Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir”