LESSON PLANS Teacher: Terri Wilson AP Spanish IV Subject: Objective and Procedures/Strategies MON. TUES. WED. Week of: October 3-7 (week 1 – 2nd six weeks) Objective: To begin study of global challenges in Hispanic/Latino countries. --first 5, el diario (AP Temas p. 349) --write goal #2 --discuss la tarea semanal --AP Temas pp. 305-356 “No queremos inmigrantes” la tarea (homework): la charla; 15 minutos de trabajo para la tarea semanal ***ONLY SPANISH WILL BE USED IN CLASS TODAY.*** Objective: To practice listening to podcast and taking notes. --first 5, las cosas del día (current events) --Vocab Quiz --podcast from Radio ONU (listen/take notes) --student choice of one other listening/reading activity to complete today la tarea (homework): la charla; 15 minutos de trabajo para la tarea semanal ***ONLY SPANISH WILL BE USED IN CLASS TODAY.*** Objective: To use Internet for AP Exam practice. --el salón de computadoras (Zambombazo) la tarea (homework): la charla; 15 minutos de trabajo para la tarea semanal ***ONLY SPANISH WILL BE USED IN CLASS TODAY.*** THURS. FRI. Objective: To review grammar points and practice using them correctly. --first 5, la pregunta para hoy --AP Gramática pp. 49-55 (adjectives) --StudySpanish.com/other practice la tarea (homework): la charla; 15 minutos de trabajo para la tarea semanal ***ONLY SPANISH WILL BE USED IN CLASS TODAY.*** Objective: To use target language orally with confidence and fluency in oral conversation. --la charla #1 (90 segundos sin apuntes; AP Temas p. 359 G or H) la tarea (homework): Triángulo: Cápsula cultural; 15 minutos de trabajo para la tarea semanal ***ONLY SPANISH WILL BE USED IN CLASS TODAY.***